Secrets of perfect cleaning and order at home. Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning the house. Everyone should be careful

The concept of purity is multifaceted. Each person independently determines its conditions. And if for some the order is once a day washed dishes, then for others it is daily wet cleaning and arranging things by color.

How to clean the apartment without taking a lot of time?

How to keep the house clean without going to extremes and not devoting day and night to cleaning? Let's start learning to be neat and tidy right now.

Most often, the cause of disorder is a large number of things: in cabinets, chests of drawers, on shelves, in the table and on it. All these places can be called "problematic". The first thing to do when putting things in order is to conduct an audit and get rid of excess rubbish that has not been used for years and is kept for a rainy day. You should not wait for the last, it is better to live in bright and joyful moments, not expecting a sharp turn with a sad color.

No need to tire yourself with cleaning all problem areas at once, it is enough to clean one a day. After that, it remains only to maintain order in them, moving to the vacated niches, shelves and drawers, used things that previously did not have their place.

During the audit, you should not succumb to sentimentality. With a cold heart, you should get rid of everything that is definitely not used and will not be useful. According to Feng Shui, unnecessary things not only clutter up the space, but also spoil the energy of the home.

Get rid of unnecessary trash in the apartment

Getting rid of the trash, you can separate things as needed. After all, don't throw everything away. There is something that you have to use rarely or in emergency cases. For them, the most remote corners of the house are suitable. It can be a brazier, a skewers, a perforator, a tool box, Christmas decorations, artificial spruce, etc. It is for such things that the upper shelves of cabinets and pantries are created. The more often a thing is in use, the closer and more accessible it should be, as they say, “at hand”.

Each item should be located exactly where it is most needed and most often used. Also, any item taken should be returned to its place. Not in a day or two. Take it, use it, return it. Thus, nothing will be not only scattered, but also lost. This saves time cleaning and searching.

Until things are different? Tools are often under the bed in the bedroom, and bathroom accessories in the kitchen? Having put things in order once and maintaining it, you can forever forget about difficult everyday quests and races, especially when you are in a hurry.

Tidy up once and keep it up forever

Every thing has its place! This is one of the main rules of coziness, comfort and neatness of the room.

The most cluttered places are closets. As with things, and with utensils. The greatest disorder is observed in small boxes into which all sorts of junk is dumped.

Wardrobes need first in order. Here things are best divided according to seasonality. You can also select subcategories: pants (jeans, trousers, tabernacles, leggings, leggings), skirts, sweaters (sweaters, shirts, blouses, t-shirts), dresses, jackets, etc.

For better organization of space, you can use various organizers. They help to clean up and free up space. By the way, do not forget about the topmost shelves and drawers, which are rarely used due to inconvenience in operation.

Use laundry and clothes organizers

Underwear needs a separate drawer. Important! Socks should be steamed immediately after washing. By the way, it is advisable to buy the latter in 5-10 pairs of the same style and color, that is, completely identical. So the spoiled sock can be thrown away, and its other half can be left for replacement if another product fails. In addition, the presence of the same socks will allow you not to waste time looking for a pair, because no matter what two units you take, they will make up the perfect composition for your pants.

Knowing, you can achieve quick results in putting things in order. And the constant return and unfolding in places will save the results of the titanic work.

Each category of accessories must be allocated a separate place. Seasonal clothes waiting for the next season - top shelves, underwear and socks - drawers, ties and scarves - hooks on the inside of the closet door. To save space and avoid creases on the fabric, twisting things with a roller will help.

Comfortable! If you visually divide the largest compartment of the closet into two zones - on the one hand for trousers, jeans, shorts, the second - for T-shirts, blouses, sweaters, then you will not have to suffer with the selection of things. Finding the perfect combination will be much easier and faster.

- Mandatory daily activity. The kitchen is an island of home cleanliness. It stores a large number of dishes and other utensils that are regularly used for cooking and eating. She must be clean. As well as cabinets, drawers, shelves, in which it is waiting for its crowning exit.

After all, we are not only what we eat and drink. We are also what we do it all from. Even the most environmentally friendly and wholesome food will become poison if it is cooked in a poorly washed pan or served on a plate, the surface of which is teeming with germs and E. coli.

The first thing to do for cleanliness in the kitchen is to make cleaning more convenient. So, we need to get rid of clutter. Extra things should be thrown away or sent to the country. Wash the rest and put them in neat piles and towers according to the frequency of use. The more often the inventory is used, the closer it should lie. That is, to be at hand and in a conspicuous place.

There should be nothing superfluous in the kitchen, then cleaning will take less time

Organize the order in the kitchen cabinets will help all sorts of accessories. These can be hooks on the inside of doors, corners for corner cupboards for dishes, egg or ice holders for small items, etc.

The most important rule that allows you to get rid of time-consuming chores is the daily habit of putting things in order. Then the question "how to maintain order and cleanliness in the house" will disappear by itself. By accustoming yourself to regularly dust, mop floors, vacuum, fold and put things in their places, clean the bathroom, you can save a lot of time. Small things separately from each other do not take away strength and time. But accumulating, adding up and pouring into general cleaning, they require more thoroughness and at least one day dedicated to cleanliness.

What to do? For example:

  • after washing the dishes, wipe the sink and taps;
  • after watering the flowers, clean the window sill from dust;
  • changing clothes, lay out and hang things out or throw them in a laundry basket.

Water the flowers and do not forget to wipe the window sills

The habit of immediately cleaning up after yourself will minimize the number of cases and maintain cleanliness. This is called neatness. It should be instilled from childhood. Do not forget about the younger generation, which takes an example from their parents. And if there are children in the house, only for their sake mom and dad need to learn cleanliness.

The simplest and most effective advice in action is "done - put it back in place." I woke up - I made the bed, the coffee that had escaped to the stove - I immediately wiped it off, the bits from the eaten apples - I threw it into the trash can, the dirty things - I took it to the laundry basket, I put the read book on the shelf, I ate - I washed the dishes, cut off the bread - I put it in the bread box and so on down the list. Thus, it will not be necessary to restore or maintain cleanliness, it will always reign in the house. The owners will only have to do wet cleaning and vacuuming. And this is no longer as scary, difficult and tiring as a general or a sanitary day.

The next tip applies to hotspots - surfaces that quickly accumulate a large amount of debris and things without a specific place to store. Such places include tables, kitchen surfaces, cabinets, armchairs, etc. Most of all, clutter is observed in hallways, bedrooms, offices and kitchens. You should not talk about children's rooms out loud at all, only in a whisper and among yourself.

These places should allocate about 15-20 minutes of your time daily. Moreover, it is not necessary to clean all zones at once, you can divide them into parts. So the question “how to maintain cleanliness and order in the apartment” will arise less and less.

Do not scatter things anywhere. Everyone should have their place

Having determined each thing its place and not forgetting to clean it there immediately after use, it is quite easy. As a result, the pockets of disorder will dissolve, as if they never existed. Well, do not forget about 15 minutes of cleanliness. They can be isolated in the morning or in the evening. The evening is more convenient because the work done will last longer and the morning will meet with neat rooms filled with comfort.

To prolong the effect of cleanliness, small waste baskets can be placed on the desks. Also, the basket will help for migrating things. It is recommended to put a thing in it that there is no time to put away, but which will become a piece of disorder if it is thrown on a sofa, chair or table. The main thing is not to forget to regularly walk around the apartment with a basket, putting things in their places. Surprisingly, the basket approach makes a big difference in keeping things clean.

Also, daily wet cleaning helps to maintain the neatness of the premises. The most important places that require rags are the floor in the kitchen, front door and in the corridor. It is from these places that dirt migrates throughout the apartment or house. In the kitchen, the cause of dirt is cooking and eating, in the corridor - dirt from the street, especially on rainy or slushy days.

Express wiping floors takes much less time than cleaning carpets with stains of stubborn dirt and grease. The same goes for effort. Their costs will be minimal, and the result will delight you with freshness for the whole day.

What else can become a permanent habit and a sign of cleanliness? A well-made bed, a brushed toilet bowl, a clean bathroom sink, washed dishes and a sink in the kitchen, a wiped stove, removed “hot spots of disorder”, things laid out in their places, wiped floors and discarded garbage. These are the main daily duties not only of the hostess, but also of the rest of the family. sticking to simple rules it is possible to significantly facilitate and reduce the volume of the sanitary day, which, by the way, has not been canceled by anyone. And what day of the week it is, you should choose individually, taking into account your own work schedule and workload.

Women love comfort. Cleanliness is the key to the comfort of a residential apartment. Loving comfort and cleanliness are different concepts. Psychologists divide women into maids and cooks. Cooks love to cook. Maids love to clean. To learn how to always maintain order for ladies who do not like cleaning, the organization of their lifestyle will help.

Cleanliness is an attribute of apartments in which residents maintain order. Scattered things create a sense of chaos. Put the items back where you took them. For some, this approach is a strict life attitude. Someone has to learn correct behavior. Gradually, the rule will become a habit. The benefits are great: systematically laid out things reduce cleaning time, things are not lost.

How to keep order in the house?

Carefully review things, determining the degree of need. The right to stay get the right items. People often litter apartments, storing unusable shabby clothes, worn out shoes, old bags. Apartments are clogged with extra utensils, unnecessary textiles, items that occupy living space. Unnecessary things are stored for a long time - "suddenly needed." The collection of artifacts harms the cleanliness of the apartment. First clear your mind. Recognize: some items clutter up space. Sort out household items. Sort the selected items. Good outfits try to sell. Give clothes to be worn to those in need. Throw away the rest.

The apartment is littered with duplicates. Avoid buying similar things. Shop counters are set to attract the attention of buyers with an assortment of goods. Spending money on unnecessary things is denying yourself useful pleasures. Buying exclusively necessary household items helps save money on vacation, leisure, and health improvement. A rational approach will free the apartment from unnecessary things.

Nostalgia is the enemy of order. A collection of memorabilia is a bad interior decoration. Emotional sensations will be preserved by memory. The preservation of images is the concern of the photographer. Inspect cabinets every season. Old things, worn out, lost appearance send it to the trash.

Analyze the possibilities of the interior. Sliding wardrobe, mezzanine, wall - excellent options for placing wardrobe items, dishes, tools, household items. Items hidden on the shelves of the cabinet are not visible to strangers. They give the appearance of order. Smooth furniture, closed cabinets, lack of glazed shelves make it easier to clean. Light cabinets are less conducive to dust accumulation. Place things on the shelves of cabinets - cleanliness and order in the house are provided. Floor stands, florists, magazine racks, ottomans, benches complicate cleaning. It takes a lot of time to lift, lower, move interior design items. The contents of the shelves do not require additional care. Placing things in closed cabinets makes it easier to put things in order.

How to keep order in the house with small children?

Make your child a helper. Ordinary children's household - toys, boxes, crates. Toddlers love to scatter toys. clean up on your own small child impossible to force. A serious conversation will end in tears. Toys will remain untidy. Organize fun fun: invite the child to arrange houses for toys. After finishing the game, send the toys home to rest. A great way is competition. The child cleans up toys, mother -. The kid wins. Otherwise, the game will be disappointing. The child refuses to play. Mom's laurels - cleaned rooms. The game organizes the joint work of children and parents, fun entertainment. Gradually, the child will learn to put away toys.

Don't put off the important things that keep you clean. Wash dishes immediately after eating. Wash knives, forks, spoons at the same time as cooking. Put the washed dishes in the closet. Take advantage of the free minutes between meals. Keep clean pots, pans, kettles in the closet. Dishes get dirty less. You don't have to clean up again. Get in the habit of washing the stove after cooking. A freshly washed stove - minus half an hour of fighting burnt fat.

Shoes are easier to wash when you get home. Having entered the room, sitting comfortably in your favorite chair, it is difficult to get up. Timely washing of shoes contributes to the preservation nervous system. Dirty shoes add stress in the morning: in a hurry, shoes are dirty, there is no time to clean

The question of how, without too much straining, to maintain cleanliness and perfect order in the house remains open. Consider wardrobe. Clothes hung out, laid out around the apartment, creates a feeling of chaos. Wardrobe - wardrobe storage During the day, the wardrobe stores bathrobes, pajamas, home trousers. The night is coming. Hangers occupy dresses, blouses, skirts, suits. Use the wardrobe for its intended purpose. Interior items will help maintain comfort, keep things in excellent condition.

Make your bed, remove bedding when you get out of bed. Uncleaned bed linen devalues ​​the interior of the room, creates an untidy look, spoils the impression. The cleanliness of the work area is a form of order maintenance. Households need their own corners. The presence of personal work areas imposes certain obligations. When you're done, lay out your papers and put away your writing utensils. Use desk drawers, bookcase shelves for storage. Needlework select a shelf in the closet.

The cleanliness of the premises of the apartment is the care of the household

Adults, children, old people should know how to keep clean and tidy. Teach family members to clean things up. Wardrobe, table, mezzanine - storage of household goods. Periodically arrange, clean up: wipe the dust, vacuum the carpets, wash the floors. Entrusting hard work, cleaning the apartment, to a woman is an example of unworthy behavior of family members. Divide responsibilities. Find feasible activities for adults, children, the elderly. Children will get new entertainment. Old people will feel the attention. Cleaning becomes an interesting collective event that unites the family.

Clearly define cleaning hours

The event, carried out by common efforts, takes a couple of hours. Household chores are often devoted to Saturday. Some families use the end of the week in a different way: they organize country walks, cultivate the garden plot, visit elderly relatives. Choose a couple of hours in the middle of the week - enough to clean a typical apartment. Decide on an evening that allows the family to get together. By joint efforts really quickly bring cleanliness.

For housewives who are trying to learn how to always keep their house in perfect order, advice two: make cleaning a holiday. The advice applies to employees working remotely. Take short breaks. Ten minutes is enough to clean up a small room. The coming evening will be marked by complete order. Accompany your work with fun music. A fervent rhythmic melody is a wonderful companion for cleanliness. The musical composition will cheer up, inspire, give enthusiasm. The boring work will go faster.

How to learn to maintain perfect order in the house

  1. Stop occupying chairs, cabinet handles, sofas with things. Place clothes on shelves, drawers, mezzanines.
  2. Cancel excess items.
  3. Teach your kids to clean up.
  4. Regularly review old things.
  5. Shop smart.
  6. Choose a functional interior.
  7. Postponed worries contribute to the loosening of the nervous system.
  8. Cleaning the apartment is the joint work of the household.

Proven techniques will help women who ignore cleaning to fall in love with cleanliness. If you are going to clean up in the morning, dream up the night before. Imagine the smell of a washed apartment, the appearance of a room, kitchen, hallway. Feel the joy of inspired work. Wake up in the morning feeling the urge to get out. Cleaning will begin to deliver aesthetic pleasure.

Remember forever - cleaning helps to lose weight. Mopping floors is an energy-intensive activity. After washing the floors of a two-room apartment by hand, you will spend 400 kcal. Efficiency is equivalent to a one-time visit to the gym. The cost of one visit to the sports complex is 400-1000 rubles. Too lazy to clean up? Count calories burned and money saved. Calculate the earned rubles. Present the purchased goods. The decisive moment in the question of how to keep the house clean and tidy will be the benefit. Profit is a strong argument that stimulates a lazy hostess.

Did you have the feeling that you come to visit and see how everything is clean and tidy at the owners, and how about you? Some kind of lawlessness ... And after all, people have enough time for cleaning, cooking and work! In fact, everything is simple.

1 secret of cleanliness in the house:

Need to get out!!! It is to clean up, and not to pretend that you are doing it, as is often the case: you come up, wipe your computer, you want to turn on the music, you suddenly hang out in the social. networks, and here you want to watch a movie ... and so on ...

2 secrets of cleanliness in the house:

Circle cleaning. Cleaning clockwise or counterclockwise doesn't really matter, but as you walk around the circle and reach the end, you will suddenly find that the room has got rid of junk!!!

3 secrets of cleanliness in the house:

Do not shift everything from one place to another, but immediately put this thing where it belongs. Otherwise, it turns out that you seem to be cleaning, and after a couple of minutes you look back, but nothing has changed.

4 secrets of cleanliness in the house:

Distribute your work. After all, we are not living in the Stone Age. Now there are a lot of tools and equipment that make cleaning easier. For example: dishwashers, which can significantly save your time and effort when putting things in order in the kitchen. Or robotic vacuum cleaners that, without your help, will perfectly clean the floor even from animal hair.

5 secrets of cleanliness in the house:

Do not put things in bags, hoping that you will rake it up later !!!

6 secret of cleanliness:

Throw away a thing, and do not regret if you have not used it for more than 3 years and are not yet sure that you will ever use it.

7 secret of cleanliness:

Do not spend more than 1.5 hours cleaning. Otherwise, you will get tired of it, and you will resort to it quite rarely !!!

And of course, don't forget get the kids involved in cleaning. Each child, depending on his age, should have his own responsibility at home. Naturally, often the child will be lazy to do the work entrusted to him. If there are no serious grounds for releasing the baby from duty, there should be no concessions. Otherwise, the child will quickly figure out how to manipulate you. This is the only way you can grow a responsible, clean person.

No matter how hard you try to put your house in order on the weekend, by the middle of the week chaos reigns in the apartment again. A familiar picture? We again have to spend several hours on a legal day off so that the house shines with pleasant cleanliness, and things go to their places.

Remember: everyone has friends, to whom, whenever you look, their house is clean and comfortable.

Question: How do they achieve this? Here are 10 good habits to follow.

1. The two-minute rule

This is a productivity technique that can help with daily cleaning. If you can put things in their places in two minutes, then you should not put it off, put it away now. Make it a rule: eat, clean the dishes and wipe the table, spending two minutes cleaning. Make your bed every day, work for two minutes. But you will not be tormented by remorse at the entrance to your own bedroom in the evening.

2. Clean a little, but every day

Learn to clean your apartment every day, little by little. Twenty minutes spent on cleaning is enough, and Sunday is free from household chores.

3. Clean up as you go

You're cooking dinner, and instead of putting bowls and cutting boards in the sink for later, wash while your meal is cooking. Why wait until the sink is full of dishes and it takes a long time to wash? Do it now.

4. Distribute responsibilities around the house

You have a big family, give a daily task to everyone. Provide a reward for doing a task well. This works not only with children, but also with other household members.

5. Cleaning is fun

Cleaning the apartment is not always fun, figure out how to diversify this process. We turn on our favorite music and do cleaning to it, while you can sing and dance. And time will fly by faster, and cleaning will seem less boring and tiring.

6.Washing at a specific time

Washing daily is not necessary, even if you have a large family. Set aside one evening a week for laundry, preferably Saturday. And wash only at this time. A definite plus of this strategy: households will take their things to the laundry basket, and not hang them on chairs.

7. Take a few minutes before bed

Before going to bed, inspect the apartment for cleanliness. Put away your shoes, put things in the closet, straighten the pillows on the couch, wipe down the kitchen table, and don't leave dirty dishes in the morning. It will take 5-10 minutes, but in the morning you will wake up in a good mood.

8.Use your vacuum cleaner correctly

If there are pets in the house besides small children, then a lot of time is spent on cleaning and cleaning. If you use the vacuum cleaner correctly, then you will forget about wet rags that wipe the dust. Armed with a vacuum cleaner, we clean almost everything, from floors to walls and curtains, you just need to learn how to use the nozzles that come with the vacuum cleaner.

9. Once a week, make time for the fridge

We are not talking about the fact that the refrigerator should be “generalized” every week, but looking in there and throwing away unnecessary, no longer edible foods is useful. Be sure to wipe the stains before they get moldy. It does not take a lot of time.

10. General cleaning every two weeks

Set aside one day for this action, make the general cleaning process a mandatory ritual. Stick to this schedule at all times. Otherwise, you are not going to do it ever, postponing the event "until better times." As a result, in the remaining time between general flushes, it is enough to maintain the current order.


A clean apartment is a guarantee strong family. It is nice to invite friends to such an apartment. In addition, when all things are in their places, all thoughts are also sorted in the head. Returning to a clean apartment after a hard day's work is a real pleasure. Only when everything is in its place, you can find peace and comfort.

Cleaning an apartment is not a pleasant occupation., but no one wants to live in the mud. There are rules that can facilitate this procedure:

  1. Notice the dust. No one knows where it comes from, but its appearance is inevitable. To combat dust, a vacuum cleaner was invented, but without wet cleaning it is impossible to completely get rid of it. Only after the dust is removed, you can move things to continue cleaning. It is known that dust, particles of which contain a large number of bacteria, is harmful to human health. That is why it is recommended to air the apartment twice a day for at least 10 minutes. When cleaning, it is important not to forget to remove the dust that collects on any surface, even vertical ones, for example, on wallpaper. The corners of the ceiling should also be fanned periodically so that cobwebs do not appear.
  2. Putting the apartment in order before the appearance of guests, you should wash the floor. This is the first thing that catches your eye as soon as you cross the threshold of the apartment. That is why cleaning should start from the floor. If you have carpets, they should be thoroughly cleaned, then sweep the floor and start washing it with a damp cloth. The room where the greatest accumulation of dirt is located is the hallway and living room. However, do not forget that in places under the bed, closet, chest of drawers, you should also walk with a damp cloth.
  3. The smaller the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, the more often you take out the trash. The thing is that the bin in a small apartment is quite easy to catch the eye, besides, the smell that it emits negatively affects the functioning of the liver.
  4. Don't hoard unnecessary things. After you have put the living room and corridor in order, move on to the objects that surround you. After all, order includes the rational use of home space. When there is chaos and disorder in the house, you can find many things that we forgot about the existence, since we rarely use them. Perhaps you will not raise your hand to throw them away right away. To do this, put things in a separate box. This is a simple test to see if you really don't need this item: ask yourself how long have you been using it? If the thing was not in demand for a month or more, it can be safely placed in a box. Then seal it with tape and write the date. Remove the box to the balcony, garage, or mezzanine. If after a whole year you did not need any of the things, then the box can be safely thrown away.
  5. Keep things that you use often handy. Have you ever noticed that you get the items you need from the bowels of cabinets, upper shelves and other hard-to-reach places? At a time when completely unnecessary things are at hand. If this is true, you should change the set of objects around you. Since the items in demand should lie in a conspicuous place and be available on demand. As soon as you change the order of things, you will notice that the mess in the apartment appears much less often due to the absence of unnecessary items that clutter up the space.
  6. The apartment is cleaned, the rubbish is dismantled, we are approaching the ideal order. Now you should hide unnecessary items from the eyes of guests. Your apartment is visited from time to time by the most different people: neighbors, repairmen, colleagues or friends. Each person understands the order in his own way, but in order, according to the rules good manners, is hiding personal life from prying eyes. Based on this fact, distribute things so that the guests who unexpectedly drop in will not feel awkward. The rules are: personal belongings out of sight. It can be money, documents, bedding or even underwear. Put personal items in a chest of drawers, such as glasses, watches, bracelets and similar small things. When changing clothes, put dirty clothes in the basket, and put things in the closet.
  7. Cleanliness in the kitchen. A good hostess is noticeable immediately, looking at the state of the kitchen, which should be well-groomed and clean. It is here that guests gather for a cup of tea and the most intimate conversations are held. Here are a few rules that will help you quickly clean up the kitchen: do not keep dirty dishes in the sink, but wash immediately after eating. Keep your refrigerator clean, both inside and out. Thanks to large sizes, it is he who attracts the main attention of guests. Periodically check the expiration date of products, get rid of expired or unsuitable for food. Wipe the handles of cabinets and household appliances frequently. It is advisable to ventilate the room once a day so that the smell of freshness and cleanliness reigns in the kitchen.
  8. Don't forget the bathroom. Just like the whole apartment, the bathroom should shine with frequency. Mirror, tiles and plumbing items must be clean without smudges. The room should have a pleasant smell, the floor should be clean and the towels should be fresh.
  9. Bedroom. This is a sacred place for the owners of the apartment. To feel coziness, it is not enough to arrange all the items on the shelves or change the bed linen. Small garbage, a dump of magazines or books should not be collected on the dressing table. The room must be ventilated. The mirrors are clean and the shelves are free of cosmetics.
  10. Photo in perfect order. To make it easier for you to navigate during the general cleaning, take a photo of the order that satisfied you. This will remind you, if necessary, of some undone things.

In addition to cleanliness and freshness, it is very important to keep the technical condition of household appliances under control. . Computers, TVs, remotes, sockets- everything should work efficiently, sockets should fit snugly against the wall to avoid problems with electricity.

To speed up tidying up should adhere to the following guidelines:

Cinderella Secrets

These tips will help make the apartment more comfortable:

How to keep order in the house

Tips for the laziest:

  • Do not be afraid of daily cleaning. The illusion that it takes a long time is deceptive. Get out of the apartment "like". For example, while you are waiting for the kettle to boil, there is enough time to wipe the stove and rinse the mugs.
  • In the process telephone conversation put your clothes in place. And suddenly, unexpectedly for yourself, you will see that most of the housework has been completed, while only 15-20 minutes have been spent. Turn on an interesting educational program on the TV and put the little things lying on horizontal surfaces in their places. Get yourself into the good habit of cleaning up in passing, this will always help maintain order and will be your little secret.
  • Adhering to these simple rules, you will no longer have questions about how to keep the house clean and tidy, because having developed these good habits, you will have a clean and well-maintained apartment.

Tidying frequency

Working women resort to large-scale cleaning about a couple of times a month. It's all to blame for their constant workload, as well as fatigue, which tends to accumulate and turns into depression. What to do in such a case?

Organize your tasks. The reluctance to get out comes from a state of fatigue, when the body turns on defense mechanisms to avoid overload. Sorting in my head a lot of things for the weekend - often hands down from them huge amount. In order not to despair and complete the tasks without loss, start a notebook and make lists of important things in it, focusing on priorities. Do the most important things first, the less important the next day. By checking the box after completing a particular task, you will be able to assess your strength to determine the ability to complete the amount of work.

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