Day of interesting things in the camp. Organization and holding of a thematic day in a day camp for children

Thematic days at the camp day stay with description

Nugaeva Irina Sergeevna, primary school teacher.
Place of work: Staromostyakskaya secondary school - MOU, p. Stary Mostyak, Starokulatkinsky district, Ulyanovsk region
Work description: I propose holding a thematic summer recreational season in a day camp. The material can be useful to preschool teachers, counselors, class teachers.
Target: Organization of recreation and health improvement of students in summer period.
Tasks:- selection of relevant topics and effective forms for children's summer holidays;
- creation of conditions for organized recreation and disclosure of the creative potential of children;
- formation of interest in various types activities;
Preparatory work:
1. Conducting a survey among children.
2. Selection of relevant topics.
3. Drawing up a work plan.
Expected results: revealing the natural creative potential of each child; the formation in children of skills of independence, self-esteem, self-government; formation of new knowledge, cultural and moral values; improvement of psychological and social comfort in a single educational space of the camp.
Forms and methods: quizzes, competitions, competitions, relay races, theatrical performances, holidays, gatherings, games, reviews, tournaments, meetings, etc.
Description: Holidays are the dream of every child. A dream about favorite activities, adventures, discoveries, interesting meetings, new friends, impressions, about finding a “new self”, revealing oneself, and just playing, reading, walking, etc. Organize a child’s free time, spend entertaining, original, non-traditional, memorable, diverse activities - the task of teachers accompanying the summer recovery of the child. And every year in the summer, when the school is preparing for the start of the school day camp, the question arises: how to surprise, interest children this time? After analyzing the work of the last year's camp, based on the interests of the children, it was decided to draw up a work plan based on thematic days. After all, every new day in the camp, in our opinion, should carry its own interest, its own meaning, its own idea and its content for the child. Where to start? Of course, with planning. And since we need the work plan to be interesting, we need to know the interests and needs of the children. First, we propose to conduct a survey. (Children study at our school, and we already know who will attend the camp and conduct a survey in May). Of course, at first, children need to be reminded what a "Theme Day" is. Thematic day is a form of a general camp or detachment event dedicated to an event, date. It involves deep content, serious organizational preparation, the participation of children and teachers, the use of visual and musical design techniques.
1. Questioning.
a) Would you like it if every day in the camp was themed?
b) What theme days would you like to see in the camp? Mark.
Record Day.
Day of health and sports.
Animation day.
Chocolate Day.
Flower Day.
Day of leprosy and jokes.
Day of the Olympics.
Friendship Day.
Ice Cream Day.
Good Manners Day.
Russia Day.
Day of Remembrance and Sorrow.
Day native land.
Pushkin day.
Kindness Day.
c) Suggest your own name theme day.
See you at the opening of the camp shift. Don't forget to take with you good mood, new ideas. We will be waiting for you.

So, after the survey, we conduct an analysis, select relevant topics and draw up a plan.
2. Analysis of questionnaires.
3. Drawing up a work plan.
We offer a work plan for the summer camp "Friendship", with a day stay for children, which we have succeeded.
1 day. Opening camp shift
- Business game "Let's get to know each other and live together!"
- Competition for the best name of the detachment, motto, song.
- Concert and game program "Hello, summer!"
Day 2 Day fun games
- Old good games"Classics", "Jumping".
- Hour of games: attention, attention logical thinking, chess and drafts tournament, etc.
- Fun starts.
Day 3 Day of the ECOLOGIST
- Ecological landing.
- Master class on making crafts from waste material"Spoon = matryoshka".
- Ecological costume competition.
Day 4 Pushkin day
- The game "Chain" - reading poems by A.S. Pushkin.
- Journey to Buyan Island
- Drawing competition.
Day 5 talent day
- competition "Song shootout"
- Moment of glory
Day 6 friendship day
- Creative game "Share your smile."
- Making surprises - wishes "All the best to you, my faithful, dear friend."
Day 7 Health and Sports Day
- Cheerful exercises "Vizgkultura".
- Outdoor games "Fun Ball Championship"
- Competition of leaflets "We choose a healthy lifestyle"
Day 8 dance planet
- Master class on teaching dance movements.
- Orange disco.
Day 9 Russia Day
- Action "Know the symbols of your state"
- Educational and entertainment program "I love you, Russia!".
-Competition of poems about Russia.
Day 10 Courtesy Day
- Contest of polite words "We are polite guys."
-Competition program "Connoisseurs of etiquette"
Day 11 Masters Day
- Game - journey "In the world of beauty"
- Workshop "Very skillful hands".
Day 12 April Fool's Day
- Comic football
- Competition of jokes and funny stories "Laughter through tears".
- "Yeralash-carnival"
Day 13 Knights Day
- Quiz “Who is the knight? That is the question?"
- Competition of daring - well done "Bogatyr fun".
Day 14 Day of the native land
- Kaleidoscope of national outdoor games
- Drawing competition "My native side is my cradle"
-Quiz "Do you know your country?"
Day 15 Fairy Tale Day
-Quiz of connoisseurs of the Russian fairy tale "Lukomorye".
- Theater of literary improvisations "An old fairy tale in a new way"
Day 16 Day of Remembrance of Sorrow
- Action "In memory of the fallen in great battles."
- Competition of poems and songs on military subjects.
Dedicated to the memory of heroes...
Day 18 goodbye day
- Labor landing "We were not here."
- Creative concert "In memory of the summer!"
- Closing the shift.
I will describe in more detail a few thematic days that we spent.
Russia Day
This day began in the morning with the action "Know the symbols of your state." Children drew on their faces and hands the symbol of our state - the flag.

Then, at the morning line, an auction of proverbs about the Motherland was held.
And after breakfast, all the children and adults went to the main street of the village, where the educational and entertaining program “I love you, Russia!” was held, which began with the singing of the Anthem of the Russian Federation by the choir. Then, within the framework of the educational and entertainment program, there were held: a poetry competition about Russia, a flash mob "I, you, he, she - together Friendly family!».

Pushkin day.
This day began with the game "Chain". Everyone was on the morning line: educators, children read one line of A.S. Pushkin's poem "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...", which was started by the head of the camp. Everyone worried, helped if someone forgot the words. Everyone really enjoyed the unusual start of the holiday.

After breakfast, the Journey to Buyan Island took place. As part of this event, excerpts from the fairy tale "The Tale of Tsar Sultan ..." were staged, competitions of heroes and a drawing competition were held.

The main thing, remember, the summer should not only be warmed by the sun, but also by the attention and love of the counselors !!!

Thematic day at the camp

"Russia Day"


11 "a" class student

MBOYU YUSOSH No. 2, Yukhnov

Sysoeva Ekaterina.


Currently, among young people, the topic of patriotism is losing relevance. Holding such an event in the camp forms patriotism and interest in the Motherland among the participants.

This event is educational in nature: it helps to deepen children's knowledge about the country, its traditions, famous people; educational character: to instill in the participants a sense of patriotism, citizenship, pride in their country; developmental character: helps to develop Creative skills, thinking, imagination, ability to work in a team, a sense of responsibility for participating in a common cause.

Day plan:

8:00 - rise

8:15 - charging

9:00 - breakfast

10:00 - mood of the day

11:00 - courses

12:00 - work in the detachment

13:00 - lunch

14:00 - work of primary organizations (creation of social projects, actions, flash mobs)

15:00 - afternoon event

14:00 - afternoon tea

17:00 - rallying trainings

18:00 - preparation for the evening event

19:00 - dinner

20:00 - evening event

23:00 - lights out

Schedule for the afternoon event:

Venue: Camp "Zvezdny"

Purpose: Formation of patriotism among the participants, interest in the history of Russia.

Tasks: to deepen children's knowledge of the Motherland, team building, development of creative abilities, improving the ability to work in a team.

The course of the event: the units move around the stations, according to the route sheets. At the stations they are offered: to collect the coat of arms of the Russian Federation; remember songs about Rossi; write a poem about Russia; remember the people who glorified Russia to the whole world; recall folk holidays. At each station, the leader puts an assessment for the work of the detachment. At the end of the event, the jury calculates the result and identifies the teams that took 1-3 places.

Schedule for the evening event:

Venue: assembly hall of the camp "Star"

Purpose: Formation among the participants of patriotism, interest in the history of Russia, its future.

Tasks: development of creative abilities, development of the ability to work in a team.

Course of the Event: the participant needs to draw Russia in the future and imagine it. Limit 3 minutes. The squad also needs to show a piece of people's lives in the future (dance, song, scene, etc.). At the end of the event, the jury awards the winners in the nominations: best drawing, best scene of life - and separately the squad that scored in total for two tasks large quantity points.

Criteria for evaluation:


    Ability to work with microphones

The training consists of several stages that the team must complete:


Task: Team members need to sit down so that everyone is sitting on each other's laps.


Task: Team members, having reached this stage, line up in one line and turn their backs to the leaders of the stage. The judges attach pre-prepared numbers (for example, from 1 to 12) to the team members behind the collars in a chaotic manner, after which they ask them to turn to face themselves. The task of the team is to line up in order of numbers from 1 to 12 using only facial expressions and gestures as quickly as possible without words.


Task: The team lines up in a column (in the back of each other's head). The first member of the team turns to the leader of the stage and draws out one of the sports options offered to him, which are written on the cards. After that, he turns back, pats the 2nd member of the team on the shoulder. After he turned to him, the 1st player, without words, using only facial expressions and gestures, shows the selected sport in front of him (for example: biathlon, fencing, figure skating, etc.) If the 2nd player understood, he shows this with a nod of the head and turns forward and pats the next player on the shoulder, if not, then the 1st player repeats his show. The last player in the column does not show anything, he only names the sport that was shown to him. When conducting this phase, it is important to ensure that the players do not turn before they are asked to turn.


Task: A very winding, not wide path is drawn on the asphalt, along which circles are drawn, which the players will occupy during this stage. One of the players of the team that came to the stage is blindfolded, then it is untwisted and placed on the start line. The task of this player, and hence the whole team as a whole, is to go to the finish line, if possible, without stepping on the track line. The players who are located along the track in circles help the blindfolded player with the commands: “forward”, “backward”, “left”, “right”, “stop”, while remaining in their playing places.


Task: At the "Crossing" stage, the team must cross the rope stretched at a certain height above the ground. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to touch the rope, if nevertheless this happened, then the whole team returns to the starting line and starts the whole process again. The height of the rope is adjusted depending on the age of the participants: the older they are, the higher the rope. For the most senior units, the height should be such that it would be impossible for all the players of the team to simply jump over it and this would imply mutual assistance in overcoming this obstacle.

Test assignment for educational practice


student ___ course, ____ groups

distance learning departments


faculty leader

summer pedagogical practice FSRPiP

PhD, Associate Professor Kokovina

Lyubov Nikolaevna

Date of delivery "____" ______________ 20___

Grade ____________________

Assignment for educational practice

(performed by the group)

Methodological support for the organization of a thematic day in a summer children's camp

1. Choose a title thematic shift in a children's health camp (see Annexes 1, 2, 3, 5), justify its educational potential, i.e. formulate goals and objectives educational work during the shift, the expected result (consolidation, improvement of certain knowledge, skills; enrichment of socially significant experience, development of personal qualities, etc.)

2. Design one theme day plan corresponding to the selected thematic shift:

2.1. Role play. Think about the events that take place during the day (the opening of the plot, the climax and the denouement, for example, a journey; the search for a hero or value). Choose characters who can act throughout the day, actively participate in the plot, create the necessary atmosphere (elements of costume, speech patterns, behavior).

2.2. Select various activities and activities that can be organized during the day (see Appendix 4)

3. Pick up materials for the organization of the selected thematic day at the summer camp:

3.1.tasks for competitions (5-7 tasks);

3.2. games (5-7 games);

3.3. questions for the quiz (10-15 questions);

3.4. songs (5-7 lyrics).

4. Present your methodological development in front of the group, preparing performance lasting 10-15 minutes. The performance includes the presentation of the thematic shift and the thematic day, holding fragments of games, contests, quizzes, singing songs, etc. it is recommended to use design elements (costumes, props, posters and other visual material).

Attachment 1

A thematic shift in DOL is a shift dedicated to a specific topic, which is usually carried out in the form role-playing game within the framework of which thematic days are held. Examples of thematic shifts are "Amber Regatta", "Summer Estate of Father Frost", "Flying in a Dream and in Reality", "Lost Starship", etc.

The main shift period usually includes 5-7 thematic days. It could be like traditional days- "Day of Neptune", "Day of Russia", "Day of the Entrepreneur", "Day on the contrary", "Birthday Day", "Parental" and "Bath" days (they are also thematic), as well as new, non-standard: "Summer New Year”, “Green Heel Day”, “Fun and Fun Day”, and so on.

Algorithm- this is a system of rules, instructions for the optimal solution of problems, and here - the necessary sequence of actions of the camp staff in the implementation of the content of thematic days and the shift as a whole.

It is very important to think over to the smallest detail the content of the shift and thematic day, individual events, self-government systems, regime moments, symbols and paraphernalia of the camp, using the necessary terminology.


The change takes place in the form of a role-playing game. The idea of ​​change is this. Child members of the squads travel in a starship that went to see other systems besides the solar system, but got lost among the stars, planets and comets.

In order to find the right way to the planet Earth, it is necessary to go through several stages, tests that await the guys in space, to do good deeds. About the way home and about what needs to be done, the crew members of the "starship" are informed by "alien friends", "representatives of other civilizations".

During the shift, the following activities can be carried out:

Dating evening "In the wardroom";

All Star Starter:

- "Constellation Hercules" (Olympic Games and competitions);

Visiting the constellation "South Hydra" (holiday on the water);

Visiting the constellation "Scorpio", the star Antares (Creativity Day):

Family gatherings on the planet Venus - the planet of love;

Ecological quiz in the constellation Ursa Major:

Tourist relay:

A visit to the star Vega in the constellation Lyra contests and quizzes on knowledge of fashion, etiquette, showing models of the future, equipment for crew members of the "starship"

Annex 2

Goals and objectives of educational work solved in this thematic shift(development of creative abilities, aesthetic taste; health promotion, physical development and improvement; development of the spiritual sphere of children, the formation of their moral experience of relations with the outside world, the formation of an active civil-patriotic position; ecological culture and etc.);

Annex 3

Names of theme days

1. The opening day of the shift.

  1. Birthday day.
  2. Parents day.
  3. Bath day.
  4. Day of Neptune.
  5. Forest day.
  6. Earth Day.
  7. Space Day.
  8. Wildlife Day.
  9. Ecological day.
  10. Valentine's Day.
  11. Day of good deeds.
  12. Friends Day.
  13. Day of Mathematics (another academic subject).
  14. Day of scientific discoveries.
  15. Politday.
  16. Economic day.
  17. Day of the CIS countries.
  18. Peoples' Friendship Day.
  19. Day of Russia (any other state).
  20. Day of the history of Russia.
  21. A day dedicated to a calendar date.
  22. Homeland Day.
  23. Day of a cheerful pencil (painting).
  24. Dance day.
  25. Theater day.
  26. Film Festival.
  27. Day of Music and Songs.
  28. Folklore Day.
  29. Day of play and toys.
  30. Native Day.
  31. Day of fairy tales
  32. Day entertainment programs.
  33. The day is the opposite.
  34. funny fun.
  35. Day of Evil.
  36. Day of favorite cartoons (anime).
  37. Kingdom of Berendey.
  38. Informal Day.
  39. Alien day.
  40. Creativity Day.
  41. Day of the Heroes of Labor.

43. Day of the stars.

44. Guinness Day.

  1. Health Day.

46. ​​Olympic Games.

47. Day of football (basketball, etc.).

48. Day of tourism.

49. Hike and travel day

50. Closing day of the shift.

Appendix 4

Possible joint activities and activities during the theme day:

bonfires: friendship, revelation, song ("Favorite songs", etc.);

contests: drawings. "Nature and Fantasy". "Amazing nearby?". “Come on. boys!" “Come on, girls!”, speakers, radio commentators, the best mushroom picker, berry picker, fisherman, etc. tournaments: connoisseurs of art, nature, poetry, technology, "knights", savvy, etc.:

operations: Timurovskaya --- "Baby". "Amazing near." "The hand of friendship to nature." "Ant". "Blue Patrols". "Green Patrols". Green Pharmacy. "The camp is my home and I am the master in it":

creative labor affairs: "City of masters". "Craft Factory" "Protection
fantastic projects. "Defense of professions":

landings: labor, Timurovsky, propaganda, etc.:

hiking, excursions: to the local economy, to memorable places, to nature, etc.:

correspondence travel and expeditions: on home country, to the world of music, to the world of beauty, to the world of the profession, etc.:

evenings Keywords: legends, music, poetry, favorite songs, staged songs, fairy tales. fantastic stories, unsolved and unsolved mysteries, dances, meetings, rest. surprises:

holidays: birthday, forest day, Neptune day. fair, parents' day, professions;

creative press: newspaper "Lightning", wall newspaper. mini newspaper. live newspaper. radio newspaper, handwritten magazine, oral magazine» humorous, literary and poetic. operational press center, etc.:

competition: but volleyball, basketball, football, orienteering, Sniper, Merry Starts, tourist relay races, the prize of the best runner., jumper, catcher, thrower, chess player. drafts player, all-rounder, etc.:

games: mobile, outdoors, indoors, role-playing, story, on the ground, military-sports, business, etc.:

lessons aesthetics: behavior in various public places, the theater, at a party, in nature, the ability to write letters correctly, move to set the table, about appearance;

themed clock: font hour, music hour, dance hour, writing hour, poetry hour, etc.

Annex 5


3. Pedagogy: a textbook for universities / ed. L.P. Krivshenko. - M.: Prospekt, 2010. - 432 p.

4. Pedagogy: textbook. manual on the discipline "Pedagogy and psychology" for universities studying nonped. specialties / ed. P.I. piddly. - M.: Yurayt, 2011. - 502 p.

5. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy: textbook / I.P. Sneaky. - M.: Yurayt: Higher education, 2010. - 574 p.

6. Slastyonin V.A. Pedagogy: a textbook on the discipline "Pedagogy" for universities in pedagogical specialties / V. A. Slastyonin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; ed. V.A. Slastenin. - M.: Academy, 2008.-576 p.

7. Country summer camp: grades 1-11: planning camp shifts, event scenarios, games and competitions / [comp. S.I. Lobacheva, V.A. Velikorodnaya, K.V. Shchigol]. - M.: VAKO, 2008.-288 p.

8. Best Scenarios for the summer camp: handbook of the teacher-organizer / ed. IN AND. Rudenko. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2009.-218, p.

9. Games and sports entertainment at school and health camp for children adolescence/ [aut.-stat. N. L. Vorobieva]. - M.: ARKTI, 2008.-96 p.

10. Country summer camp: grades 1-11: planning camp shifts, event scenarios, games and competitions / [comp. S.I. Lobacheva, V.A. Velikorodnaya, K.V. Shchigol]. - M.: VAKO, 2008.-288 p.

11. Shaulskaya, Natalya Alexandrovna Summer camp: day after day. In search of adventures. Holidays, contests, theme days / N.A. Shaulskaya. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.-320 p.

12. Artamonova, Lyudmila Evgenievna Summer camp. Organization, work of a counselor, scenarios of events: 1-11 classes: camp shifts, recreational activities, sports competitions, intellectual shows, hiking / L.E. Artamonov. - M.: VAKO, 2006.-288 p.

13. School summer camp: grades 1-5: Normative materials. Sample documents. Work plans. Scenarios for matinees, holidays, quizzes, performances, competitions, etc. / Ed.-ed.: E. I. Goncharova, E. V. Savchenko, O. E. Zhirenko. - M.: VAKO, 2004.-192 p.

14. Ah, summer! Working with children in summer country and school camps/ aut.-stat. S. V. Savinova, V. A. Savinov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2004.-78 p.

15. Grigorenko, Yuri Nikolaevich. Cypress - 3: Planning and organization of work in a children's health camp / Yu. N. Grigorenko. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003.-160 p.

16. Grigorenko, Yuri Nikolaevich. Cypress - 4: Hello, our camp!: Educational and practical guide for educators and counselors cYu. N. Grigorenko, M. A. Pushina - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003.-192 p.

17. Titkova, Tatyana Valentinovna Handbook of a counselor in a children's health camp / Titkova T.V. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2003.-320 p.

18. Solstice-99 or Svarog circle: Handbook of the counselor / Avt.-comp.L.G. Neshcheret. - Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Humanitarian Center, 2000.-116 p.

Software and Internet Resources:

1. Summer camp: methods for counselors.

2. All about children's camps and children's holiday on school holidays.

3. "Zerkalenok": unofficial site of the "Zerkalny" camp.


5. Counselor's cheat sheet.

6. Encyclopedia of Collective Creative Affairs (KTD) I.P. Ivanova.

7. Center for TRIZ Technologies.

8. Siberian Teacher magazine.

9. "Don't be bored!": game library.

10. Journal "Education and additional education", special issue "Summer-2001".

11. Pedagogical center "Holidays".

12. Website of the children's intellectual club "KVINT", Vyborg.

13. Leader.RU.

14. International Society of Game Friends.

15. Association of children's camps "Children plus".

theme day - a pre-planned series of squad or squad events, united by name, goals and objectives, carried out within one or two days.

In fact, every day in the camp is thematic, with the exception of those when events are held that are not connected by a single name, goals and objectives.

Approximate timeline for the season: opening, Olympics, Zarnitsa, Parents' Day, Love Day, Neptune's Day, Day of Surprises, Self-Government Day, closing.

What else are: Detective Day, Theater Day, IO Day SPO, Peace Day, Sun Day, Rain Day, Tourist Day, etc.

Thematic days of the season are usually developed by counselor pairs IN ADVANCE.
Are divided into simple and composite.
Simple - one-day (Day of Love, Day of Neptune).
Compound - include several days (Zarnitsa, Olympics).
They are also divided into squad and detachment.
Most often, squad days coincide with squad thematic days. Such days are very interesting and eventful.


The theme of the day echoes the theme of the season
The presence of a legend.
At least two events (for composite events - at least 5-6)
common goals
Mandatory result (awarding and conclusions)

Event types:

Thematic lines
The scheme of the event is the same as for a regular lineup (formation, submission of reports, raising the flag), then the legend of the day is explained (a small theatrical performance can be held) and a task for the event, which begins immediately after the lineup.
Held on any theme day. You need to prepare in advance, about a day in advance. Each group presents a presentation on a given topic. The organizers are required to design the stage, links between performances, games with the audience, and a developed reward system. At concerts, most often all participants are awarded, according to nominations. (Cinema, Song stays with the man, TEFI)
Held on any theme day. No advance preparation is required. They take place either on stage or in open areas. Responsible persons must decorate the stage, select competitions on a certain topic, produce a system of elimination, awards. Competitions can run in parallel with a neutral event, such as a disco. (Love at first sight, Guinness World Records)
Held on any theme day, especially good on days dedicated to sports. It is advisable to intersperse with static events. Two consecutive days are not held. The most interesting view, since everyone takes part. Required: the number of stations must correspond to the number of units, well-compiled route lists, a well-thought-out rating system, awards. Another option: follow the notes or identification marks. (Day of horrors: mental aid station, paranormal agency, start a brownie, spell, etc.; Zarnitsa: minefield, disguise, encryption, etc.)
Exhibitions, museums
They can pass on a single territory, or in buildings. Responsible draw lots between teams, organize the work of the jury, develop a reward system. (Panic Room, Indian Village, Ikebana Exhibition, Zoo)
Most often used in sports themed days. Linear. Have clearly defined goals and objectives for children. (Green heel, Breakthrough, Intruders, Bomb, RVS, etc.)

Theme day planning:

- First you need to determine whether the day you are developing is simple or compound.
- Clearly formulate the goals and objectives of the day and each event separately.
- According to the view, select activities.
- Keep in mind that the weather does not depend on you and you cannot plan it.
- That's why the best option there will be a double plan - activities in sunny weather and their replacement with activities in the rain.
- Two events of the same type are not held on the same day!
- Remember that any element of the theme day requires decoration.
- Nothing should be "just like that." Summing up, rewarding and conclusions are required!!!


First of all, the planned thematic day is entered into the plan - the grid of the season and signed in stages in the program of the season.
If the registration requires any specific things that cannot be found or made in the camp, indicate their need in the program in the "props" section.
Design is usually done by the developers of the day. Exceptions are possible.

What and how to arrange:

1. Concerts.
Since they always take place on the stage, you must first decorate the stage. In addition, it will not be superfluous to prepare visual places.
Rewarding usually takes place in nominations, so it is necessary to prepare in advance (according to the number of detachments) certificates or awards made by counselors (Oscar, Ovation, Golden Cone, etc.). Diplomas can be provided by counselors of the detachments.
2. Contests
If they pass on stage, then the requirements are similar to paragraph 1. If they are held in parallel with any other event, they are issued as stations. Prizes are usually awarded to those who take 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. In this case, it is better to use letters printed in the printing house. Now they are sold in any bookstore. Gifts (most often edible) 2 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT are issued by the organizers in the warehouse.
3. Games
They rarely need decoration, more often props are needed. But such games as "Green Heel", "RVS", "Catching Ghosts" require registration. In the first case, it will be the board “They are wanted” with signs and portraits of “criminals”, in the second case, sheets for collecting information, in the third, cards with tasks. Awarding either by nominations, or the first three places, or one winner.
4. Stations
First of all, it is necessary to make route sheets (performed by the organizers), secondly, to issue each station (name, necessary props). The station operator is responsible for the design of the station)
5. Exhibitions, museums
If the event takes place on a single territory, it is designed as a stage. If in different buildings, it is necessary to make route sheets, which indicate the location of the objects.
Rewarding can take place on the same day directly at the event, on the thematic line or the next day.

1) Squad themed days
You are free to choose a theme. It is best if the events are tied to the theme of the season or to a thematic squad day.
Sun Festival.
On this day, you can hold such events: meeting and seeing off the sun, a competition of drawings of the sun on asphalt or on the windows of the building, a series of games in the name of which there is the word "Sun" - "Do not burn in the sun", "Family of the Sun", a quiz on the topic knowledge about the Sun, a musical duel - who will sing more songs about the sun, the creation of a collective application. -
Tourist Day
On this day, you can hold a small competitive KTD on the topic of tourism (exemplary competitions: packing a backpack, drawing up a map, kindling a fire, who will sing more tourist songs, etc.), directly the Evening of a bard song, and you can also go hiking or spend a light in forest by the fire.
Nature Day
Offer the squad to create a wildlife museum. The exhibits will be themselves, depicting animals, trees or plants. You can invent and draw tickets, attract a "guide" and let other units go on a tour for a special fee. If there are any animals on the territory of the camp, you can make feeders for them. Can be hovered perfect order in any corner of the camp, together with the competition "Pile of garbage", you can arrange a competition of crafts from cones and branches, a competition of fairy tales about nature.

2) squad themed days
Day of Love
Usually consists of 2-3 squad events and 1 mandatory detachment. The purpose of the thematic day: the development of communication skills, the development of creative abilities, the education in children of the basics of ethics and the psychology of intersexual relations. Events: search for a soul mate, competition of couples, registry office, disco, which is dominated by slow dances. The post office is open throughout the day. In the detachment, a thematic competitive KTD "Love at first sight" is necessarily held to determine the couple participating in the squad event.
Horror Day
The purpose of the thematic day: overcoming subconscious fears by children, developing imagination and artistic abilities, skills in applied arts, acquaintance with folklore different countries. 2-3 squad events, 1-2 squad events. Events: stations, concert, scary story contest, panic room.
Free Software Day Filibusters
The purpose of the thematic day: - acquaintance of children with the lifestyle of counselors, propaganda of the student pedagogical movement, confirmation of the authority of counselors. Held at the end of the season. Events: Gathering (concert on stage), Instructional seminar (stations), Bonfire.

In each shift, a lot of events are held on various topics.

Main topics / activities of shifts

How are the evening activities?

Evening activities in the camp alternate with movies on the big screen and everyone's favorite discos.

  • Evening performances are organized on stage from each squad, in which all interested children participate. In a five-minute production from each squad, counselors and children convey the idea to the viewer through dance, song, acting.
  • For all performances, outfits are taken in a rich dressing room, where you can find EVERYTHING:
    - folk sundresses,
    - ball dresses,
    - animal costumes
    - costumes of fairy-tale characters
    - much more.
  • If necessary, performances are accompanied by a pre-recorded soundtrack.
  • Concerts are illuminated by theatrical spotlights and filmed and photographed, and later posted in official groups In contact with and Instagram.

Day activities

During the day, in addition to constantly working circles, sports games are held - volleyball, football, mini football, table tennis, archery, arm wrestling, relay races and other competitions.

Quests or "errands" are organized for children - themed games with stages located throughout the camp:

Miss Camp

"Miss Camp" is one of the most favorite events of children and counselors in Orlyonok. This is a show that everyone will remember for a lifetime. Each contestant girl has a chance to get the title and crown of "Miss Camp" for the whole year. Preparation for the competition is an important component of the success of the event.

Counselors, circle leaders and a large number of friends help each contestant.

Dresses are sewn, an avant-garde costume is invented, a song, dance support is chosen, a speech is written, a worthy gentleman is chosen. Girls rehearse with a choreographer, consult with a costume designer, a vocal teacher. And when all the preparations in the children's camp are completed, the queens of the evening, to the loud applause of the fans, gracefully step onto a specially equipped podium with spotlights, a beautifully designed stage, smiling at the professional jury invited to the camp ... At this moment, everyone sees a charming young lady in a teenage girl, which is very important for young ladies.

Day of Russian Culture

Have you been woken up at least once to the accordion and children's laughter by cheerful guys and girls dressed in Russian folk costumes, dancing and playing all kinds of musical instruments such as rattles, spoons, whistles? Not? Then you don't know what it's like to wake up in a great mood at the Orlyonok children's camp! And if we add to all this: fun fair with a variety of competitions, pancakes with condensed milk and jam, a lot of goodies, jumping in an inflatable castle (trampoline), horseback riding, Russian folk games.

Plus a wonderful costumed Russian fairy tale, in which children and camp leaders take part. And at the end of the holiday disco! It's hard to believe, but it all happens in one day, on a Russian day that Kid `s camp Eaglet!


It's a shame, boring and unfair when your energy boils and you want to walk, jump and have fun all night long, but in the children's camp sounds "lights out". What a blessing that the Night exists!

The time of the romance of the night, the beauty of starfall, the freshness of the wind and the mystery of the pink dawn. The Eaglet camp falls asleep, and the detachment, dressed warmly and taking everything necessary, sets off into the night. Bonfire, potatoes baked on coals, bread fried on fire, songs with a guitar, horseback riding, scary stories and, finally, meeting the dawn...

Tourist relay race

In the midst of a normal sunny day at the Orlyonok children's camp, an alarm is suddenly heard. What's this? Fire? Disaster? War? Not! This is a tour! Everyone runs to the line, the squads are called, the number of children is counted and the relay race starts! And this means that the team from each detachment of the camp is put up for a serious battle of the most enduring, fast and dexterous.

Spectators are happy to support their own, and participants try not to lose face when overcoming an obstacle course: run along a log, climb over a rope ladder, crawl in a plastunka without hitting a low net, fly over a pit on a bungee, overcome a crossing, climb over a wall, jump on bumps. But that's not all, it is important for real heroes to complete important tasks: put up a tent for a while, kindle a fire, move the "wounded", assemble a machine gun.

On the day when a tourist relay race is held in the Orlyonok children's camp, dinner is prepared in the field army kitchen. After the competition, the children dine with appetite on food specially cooked on firewood. It creates a travel atmosphere. And at the end of this unusual day in the children's camp Orlyonok there is a disco where the winners are awarded!

You can see the last year's relay at.

Adventure Night

Mysterious events always attract people. Adventure Night at the Orlyonok children's camp is a test trail at night with scary stories and characters for older children and fairy tale characters for younger children. On the way you can meet big wild animals, souls of pioneers, monsters, skeletons, zombies, crosses, ghosts, a headless horseman….

Having passed the path, everyone can get rid of their fears by "throwing" them into the cherished fire at the end of the path, become bolder and more self-confident, pull out a prediction for the near future from the organ grinder. The Night of Adventures in the children's camp ends with a magical fireworks display in commemoration of good.

Merry Express

A fun relay race for the entire children's camp serves as a good start to each shift. The rules are simple, the children's group moves to the music, holding hands from station to station, completes tasks, answers questions. Already here the guys become more united, friendly and proactive. Upon passing each station, the detachment receives points, according to the results of the calculation of which the winning detachment is revealed.


By participating in competitions and creative tasks, children earn "rubles" of the children's camp Eaglet. Making money is fun, but how to spend it? Here you need a smart head and competent financial calculation, because you can order a song, ride a horse, buy sweets, souvenirs, toys.

Sympathy Day

Everyone, both boys and girls, both small and large, is waiting for this day in the Orlyonok children's camp. On this day, there are many options to confess your love, express your sympathy, send congratulations. You can receive and send a valentine through the "angels" postal service with confessions and congratulations. You can call the local phone on the radio broadcast of the children's camp and order a song, send greetings, congratulations.

It is very nice to hear your voice on the radio for the whole camp. In addition, you can send SMS from your mobile phone, which are displayed in real time on the screen of TVs in each building. During all this time, both children and adults can come to the video room and record their congratulations. In the evening before the movie, the entire children's camp Orlyonok gathers for a film screening, before which everyone is looking forward to the video greetings on the big screen of the club.

Festival of the Peoples of the World

Do you think it is impossible to visit 14 countries of the world in one day? Everything is possible in Orlyonka! The guys will learn about each country represented on the stage, about its geographical location, symbols, customs, get acquainted with traditional costumes this country, its dances and songs. And it may also be that very important people of these countries will appear on the stage, for example, presidents, great artists, athletes, for example, the football player Ronaldinho - very cheerfully parodied by the guys.

On this day, we do not forget about Russian traditions, the leaders always represent Russia, using ancient Russian customs in their speeches.

camp birthday

Unfortunately, a birthday is only once a year. This is exactly what the guys say about their birthday and about Eaglet's birthday. This holiday is so large-scale and colorful that at the end of the day it becomes sad that the day is over. From the very morning, a festive mood is created when dressed up counselors with songs and jokes pass through the buildings and wake up all the children, congratulating them on the holiday!

Important guests and delegations from other camps arrive, and the Orlyat guys meet them and show them mugs, conduct a tour of the camp. Of course, all the participants are waiting holiday concert, striking in its scope! After all, for a limited time on stage, you need to show everything that happens in our dear and beloved camp, show its history, its customs and achievements.

The guys from all the teams take part in this holiday very reverently and responsibly. On this day, the camp treats everyone with different yummy things - popcorn, cotton candy and festive breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Well, in the evening, of course, magical fireworks and loud cries of "Happy Birthday, Eaglet !!!"

golden microphone

Talented Russia

This event is for all the talents of our camp. If you read poetry in such a way that everyone falls silent, sing songs in such a way that you want to sing along, dance in such a way that it takes your breath away, play a musical instrument in such a way that others want to go to music school, or maybe you can do all this at the same time and much more - "Talented Russia" for you!

A huge number of guys go through several qualifying rounds and as a result, getting into the finals, the best of the best come on stage! But all the guys in the detachment help to make their performance bright! Therefore, if you decide to go to Orlyonok, be sure to determine the repertoire for yourself and immediately start rehearsals!

Here we are

The time has come for the first acquaintance between the detachments. After all, the camp does not yet know what names the detachments have chosen and under what mottos they will now live. It is at this event that a cheerful, creative, friendly mood is set for the whole shift. For some of the guys, this is the very first appearance on the stage of the camp, and for some, even the very first performance in their life, so there is always a festive excitement.

This event is held at the beginning of each shift and is the first joint performance of the entire squad, which undeniably unites the guys in a strong creative union!

Solemn line

The solemn line is held at the beginning and at the end of the shift. At the opening of the shift, the camp administration introduces the children to teachers, camp leaders, reports the action plan. The flag is solemnly raised to the anthem of Russia.

Closing of the shift is carried out on the day of departure. All children and employees gather on the line to take stock and reward the most active, creative and athletic children. The flag of Russia is lowered, but in a few days the guys of the next shift will raise it again.

Concert of counselors

The shift is coming to an end ... And everyone sums up unforgettable days rest in the children's camp Eaglet. They thank friends, the camp, their counselors. And the counselors sadly say goodbye to the children who have become family to them. All their skills and talents come in handy at the concert of counselors in order to express their emotions and feelings for the past shift in the children's camp. Counselors read poetry, show skits, dance, play musical instruments. There is a place for lyrics, humor, a splash of energy. And finally, a farewell song ... And here, wiping tears, we all understand that the change was not in vain ...

Stolen afternoon tea

Older children can show their directorial and creative abilities in the children's camp in the preparation of the Stolen Snack event for the smallest. Kids come to the camp canteen for an afternoon snack, and then a bunch of pirates steal their legitimate sweets in front of their eyes.

Good people appear to help children fairy-tale heroes, be it Puss in Boots, Malvina, Thumbelina, Fairy who lead them in the footsteps of pirates, stopping for clues from Grandma Ezhka, the Devil, Koshchei, Robin Hood, Humanoids, Space Aliens and other heroes. Scenarios are always different, characters and tasks, respectively, too. Emotions overwhelm, as a result, the entire children's camp always remains satisfied: the younger guys found their afternoon snack, and the older ones are glad that they were not torn apart by hungry kids.

Rope course

Very important for a good rest in the children's camp is a close-knit, friendly team that builds its relationship on the principles of respect, mutual assistance and support. It is on the development of these qualities that the "Rope Course" is aimed.

As a result of overcoming difficult stages, where each person is necessary, important and valuable, a responsible position towards each other and the team begins to form. The exercises are structured in such a way as to involve both active and insignificant members of the children's team, as a result of which each member of the group and the entire group as a whole participate in achieving the goals.

As a result, the detachment becomes cohesive, a friendly atmosphere is formed, mutual assistance skills are developed, communication barriers are overcome, and leaders are identified. Such an event the children's camp Orlyonok holds every shift for groups of middle and older ages.

Video clip competition

You can reveal the abilities of a clip maker - a profession that is very fashionable today, if you participate in the "Contest of video clips" event. It is here that the guys will have to direct a video for any musical hit and play it right on stage.

As a result, the whole camp will witness a new creation in the field of show business. Believe me, the clips created in our camp often turn out to be brighter, more fun and more ideological than those that are shown on television.

Day of Remembrance of the Fallen

Asphalt drawing competition

Who but children can make the world brighter, kinder and brighter? In our camp, even the gray asphalt paths become colorful when the asphalt drawing competition takes place.

Most often, the guys paint the asphalt on a given topic, for example, "Let there always be sunshine", "April Fool's Day" and others. The guys all team come up with an idea and embody it. Walking around the camp, you understand that talented, kind and friendly children rest in Orlyonok.

Christmas story

Each of us, whether he is a child or an adult, is waiting for the New Year fairy tale with a good ending. In our children's camp during the winter shift, a fairy tale becomes a reality. Children and adults become fairy tale characters. Bright costumes, interesting stories, humor and mysticism - immerses everyone in festive atmosphere and impressions just a few hours before the New Year.

In our fairy tale, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with a magic bag of gifts for children on the morning of January 1 cannot be dispensed with. A lot of trouble haunts the main characters, but ... good always triumphs over evil. Every year in the children's camp Orlyonok new fairy tale, new heroes, new scenery and new childhood experiences.