Scenario of the sports family competition "dad and I are patriots of Russia". Scenario of the competition-performance "we are patriots" Scenario we are patriots

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The moral and patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent tasks of our time. Huge changes have taken place in our country in recent years. This concerns moral values, attitudes towards the events of our history. Children have distorted ideas about patriotism, kindness, generosity. The attitude of people towards the motherland has also changed. If earlier we constantly heard and sang the anthems of our country ourselves, now we She is mostly spoken negatively. Today, material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones. However, difficulties transition period should not be the reason for the suspension of patriotic education. The revival of spiritual and moral education is a step towards the revival of Russia.

It is moral and patriotic education that is one of the most important elements of social consciousness, it is in this that the basis of the viability of any society and state, the continuity of generations. Understanding the relevance of this problem at the present stage, I believe that the formation of the personality of an older preschooler is impossible without cultivating respect for spiritual values ​​from childhood.

Raising patriotic feelings in children preschool age- one of the tasks of moral education, which includes the education of love for loved ones, for kindergarten, for the native village and for the native country. Patriotic feelings are laid in the process of life and being of a person. From the moment of birth, people instinctively, naturally and imperceptibly get used to their environment, nature and culture of their country, to the life of their people.

The purpose of the patriotic education of preschool children is to sow and nurture in the child's soul the seeds of love for the native nature, home and family, to the history and culture of the country, created by the labors of relatives and friends, those who are called compatriots.

It should be borne in mind that a preschooler perceives the reality around him emotionally, therefore, patriotic feelings for his native village, for his native country, manifest themselves in a sense of admiration for his village, his country. Such feelings cannot arise after a few sessions. This is the result of a long, systematic and targeted impact on the child. Education of children is carried out every second, in the classroom, events, holidays, in the game and in everyday life. The work is structured in such a way that it passes through the heart of every kindergarten student. The love of a small preschool child for the Motherland begins with a relationship with the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, with love for his home, the street on which he lives, kindergarten, village.

Purpose: to activate the desire of parents to take an active part in joint activities held in a kindergarten.

Preliminary work: learning poems, songs, ditties on the theme of the holiday. Examination of reproductions and illustrations on military subjects. Preparing crafts for guests.

The course of the holiday

The children enter music hall under the march and stand on the right and left on both sides of the hall facing the audience, depicting the prow of the ship. The teacher of the group invites the guests (dads) to go to the audience seats and sit on the other side of the hall opposite which his child is standing.

Host: Previously, February 23 was called the day of the defender of the fatherland. And I want to congratulate you, dear guests, on the holiday! We would like to see you always strong, courageous, healthy and strong in spirit! We wish you more endurance, self-control! May success and good luck be your eternal companions, our dear men!

The boys read poetry.

Child 1.

I can't cry anymore
There is an important reason.
Yesterday my dad told me
That I'm already a man.

Child 2.

Men are not afraid
Stay without mom.
Men are tempered
And they dress themselves.

Child 3.

The man is very proud
He is not rude to his neighbor.
He has two bowls of porridge
Eats at lunch.

Child 4.

He is not afraid of beeches,
What can suddenly come.
The man knows the letters
And count to ten.

Child 5.

I miss my mom...
My dad allows me
Shed a man's tear
But it wipes right off.
And so I can not cry -
There is an important reason.
Yesterday my dad told me
That he and I are men!

Host: We want you to remember our today's holiday for a long time, our dear guests!

The song “Cruiser Aurora” is performed

Leading: Puts on a captain's cap (becomes a captain).

Boatswain: Level up! Attention!

Captain: Hello sailors!

Children: Hello!

Boatswain: Comrade Captain! The crew of the cruiser "Aurora" is ready to sail!

Captain: Team! At ease! Our ship is going on a trip around the world! Sailors! Listen to my command! Raise the anchor! Get rid of the ropes! The ship is on its way! Boatswain!

Boatswain: There is a boatswain!

Captain: Report the situation on the ship!

Boatswain: There is a report on the situation on the ship! The entire composition of the ship, at your order, is divided into 2 teams and is waiting for further instructions!

Captain: An extraordinary battle called “Sea Battle” will begin here any minute, in which real heroes will take part. And let the boys and guests show us their strength and prowess!

Leading: At all times there were strong and powerful heroes in Russia. We have them too! Come out, good fellows, test your heroic strength, knead your bones, make honest people sweat!

Dance composition “Heroic Strength” (composer S. Namin)

Host: The boys showed us their strength and prowess. Such will not let you down on land, nor will they be disgraced at sea. And we continue our journey and start a sea battle! The game is a simple competition. All our players, including you, our guests, are divided into two teams: the right and left sides of our ship called Cruiser Aurora. At the end of the hall, opposite you, in the right and left corners, each team has easels on which enemy ships are located, and each successful shot is recorded on the map (by crossing out). The number of shots will determine this cube, which shows how many shots the shooter should take: 1 or 2. After knowing the number of shots, you execute them manually by directly hitting the target. (Dads with a small ball or skittles should knock down a paper ship at a distance of 5 - 7 meters). Each manually removed ship is then destroyed on the map by our guys.

The competition will be judged by the strictest judges. They will count the number of points and tell us the winner, as the winnings will be made up of shots in battle and competitions throughout the holiday.

And now the right to shoot is presented to the team that will be the first to spell out the name of our ship from the letters. We wish you not to miss!

Attraction “Lay out the word AURORA”

Children from each team take turns rolling the die to determine how many shots their dads should take: 1 or 2, after which they roll the die one more time. Thus, on each side (of the team), two children take turns throwing the dice, after which their dad shoots - as many as indicated on the dice.

Host: Our successfully started battle continues with a hat shootout. The children start a shootout, YOU take turns running one at a time in the middle of the hall, into this hoop and name one headdress. The rule is: do not name the same headdress. The one who names the hat last gets one point and wins the contest.

Attraction "Hat Shootout".

Host: The starboard team got the winning point, and our guests, that is, you, our dads, continue the shootout. You quickly answer each question, and the jury counts each correct answer. You can answer in chorus.

Questions to the team on the right. What kind of headwear did they wear?

1. A.S. Pushkin? (cylinder)

2. Ch. Chaplin? (bowler)

4. M. Gorky? (cap)

5. Yu. Luzhkov? (cap)

6. E. Ryazanov? (knitted hat)

7. M. Boyarsky? (black hat)

8. V.I. Chapaev? (papahu)

9. A. Macedonian? (helmet)

10. P. Korchagin? (budyonovka)

Questions to the team on the left. What did he wear on his head?

1. Napoleon? (cocked hat)

2. Sanyok from the film “Truckers”? (baseball cap)

3. Astronauts going into outer space? (helmet)

4. What did Nastenka put on Ivanushka's head in the fairy tale “Morozko”? (bucket)

5. What did Ostap Bender wear? (cap with visor)

6. What is put on the snowman's head? (bucket)

7. What is on Malvina's head? (bow)

8. At the postman Pechkin? (hat with ear flaps)

9. At Baba Yaga? (handkerchief)

10. What do sailors wear on their heads? (capless)

The song "White Capless" is performed

The floor is given to the jury

Leading: Girls are also sailing on our ship. They want to say their words of congratulations to you, dear boys!

Girl 1.

On a February day, a frosty day
Everyone celebrates the holiday.
Girls on this glorious day
The boys are congratulated.

Girl 2.

We will not give you flowers -
They are not given to boys.
girls a lot kind words
Will leave in your hearts

Girl 3.

We wish you forever
So that life is not shy.
May it be with you forever
Boyish courage!

Girl 4.

And all the obstacles on the way
You need to overcome.
But first, grow up
And you need to grow up!

Leading: Our boys have become quite mature and strong. And we can check your strength in a simple sea way - tug of war.

Attraction "Tug of war"

Host: Our naval battle continues. (Roll 2 dice on each side.) After the skirmish on the battlefield, there is a lull. And the laughter girls will sing ditties for you! (chastushki for dads)

Host: Our fight continues. (2 moves on each side). There are dancers aboard our ship. They give you a dance, dear guests!

Russian folk dance “Korobeiniki”

Host: The fight continues. (The dice is rolled 1 time). The boys are on board. They also want to congratulate you, dear guests!

Boy 1. Detachment, forward, march step by step! Stay where you are, one, two! Are you ready to congratulate the warriors - the defenders of our Motherland?

Boys. Always ready! (Perform ditties)

Boy 1.

To all guests, we of our meeting
Kiss the air helmet!
For such a holiday
We'll sing ditties!

Boy 2.

It's hard to be obedient
And don't be naughty when playing!
For us to be like you
You need to be goodies!

Boy 3.

We all smile
And let's not call names!
We'll join the army soon
We won't take girls!

boy 4.

We will do sports,
Let's push together
For us to be strong
To serve in the army!

boy 5.

We promise you not to fight
There is porridge, do not call names!
For such a holiday
Ready to be exemplary!

boy 6.

The boys are asking for:
“Have fun!
Sing songs, relax
Just don't be too naughty!"

Game "Earth, Moon and Rockets"

Host: Our naval battle continues! And in naval battles, as in war. And in the war and in the army, without drill training, nowhere: it’s not for nothing that the proverb says: “It’s hard in learning - it’s easy in battle!”

Dad drill competition

The captain commands the dads:

“Direct – in! One, two!
Nale - in! One, two!
Kru - gom! One, two!”

The competition is held with each team of dads separately and is evaluated by the jury.

Our dads can do everything:
Swim with a brass, argue with a bass,
Chopping firewood.
Dads can be anyone
You can't just be a mom!

Imagine, dear dads, that on a day off you were left alone with your child (children), and your mother went to visit your grandmother. What will you feed the children? You need to feed porridge from a liter of milk. How much cereal should be put in porridge? Will you add water? If yes, how much? How much sugar, salt, butter? Write down the answers to these questions on paper, and our valiant jury will evaluate your cooking skills.

Competition "Dads - cooks"

Host: The guys and I have been preparing for the arrival of such long-awaited guests for a very long time, because children love their dads and moms very much, they always talk about their family, caring parents and are very worried if mom or dad stays somewhere.

Song "That's How It Happens"

Duck Dancing

Host: Our battle continues. (The dice is rolled 1 time)

Leading: War is war, and lunch is on schedule, and for lunch we have an ear today. But to cook the ear, you need to lay the fish. At the command of the children “One, two, three, catch!” dads one by one should run up to their “reservoir” with their fishing rod, cast it and catch a fish, then pass the baton to the next dad from their team. Fishing continues until all dads have participated.

Game - relay race "Fishing"

For this competition, the teams receive as many points as the number of fish caught by the fishermen.

Host: And now your attention is invited to the sailors' favorite dance.

Sailor dance "Apple"

Presenter: Now your attention is invited to a sound mosaic, which our dads will be able to solve. You will hear several sound bites, each with a different number. You will need to specify the fragment number, and then the guessed sound. The sound mosaic contains the sounds of various vehicles and weapons. Dads are given a piece of paper and a pen. 7 - 8 sound fragments sound, and each team tries to guess them and write them down on a piece of paper. Dads can group up and the whole team decide how to name and write down this or that fragment.

Sound Mosaic

Leading: The last relay race is announced. This is a letter relay with the kids and I explain the rules of the game. To the march, the children march through the hall one after another, and at this time the teachers lay sheets of paper of two colors on the floor: red and blue. All sheets are numbered. At the end of the music, the starboard team collects the red sheets, and the port team collects the blue sheets, and begin to line up in order of their card numbers from left to right. Then the children turn the sheets with the colored side towards themselves and read the text from the team opposite. First one team reads, then another: “Congratulations on the holiday!”

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Host: So our battle ended, and we all became convinced that the strongest always win, that in the struggle for victory, you also need ingenuity, dexterity, and intelligence. And let there be losers in the game, because only after losing we learn about our mistakes and mistakes and look forward to new and new battles to achieve new victories. If you don't lose, you won't learn how to win. Our journey has come to an end, and how much joy our children have received! How many words have been said about love for you, our dear boys, our dear guests! Come visit us often to hear them! And we wish you to have such combat battles only in games! In honor of today's holiday, the guys have prepared gifts and souvenirs for you to remember. Peaceful sky to you! Thank you very much for responding to the invitation guys. Once again, happy holiday! d march, the children march through the hall one after another, and at this time the rules of the game. another fragimesha of the pope. commands. are waiting. mom, always going on. (2 moves on each side). shki will sing ditties for you! ost, that is, you, our dads. cleaning, and I want to congratulate you, dear guests, on the holiday! quality. heavenly places and sit on the other side of the hall, opposite the Kokoto garden

- Russia - like a word from a song,
birch young foliage
Around forests, fields and rivers
Expanse is the Russian soul.

- I love you, my Russia
For the clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the deeds of the saints,
For the voice is sonorous, like a stream.

- I love, I deeply understand
Steppe pensive sadness
I love everything that I call
In one broad word - Russia!

Russia is our Motherland.
And everyone who was born here
Patriots are loyal.
We are proud of the country!

Even those who are weak in childhood
Clumsy and clubfoot
Become slim, become dexterous,
Become strong as a bear!
You just need to really, really
want very much
And sweat a little!
-What do you need to charge?
It's not a mystery at all!
To develop strength
And don't get tired all day!
-If someone is off charging
Runs away without looking back
He won't become nothing
A real strong man
- And now, everything is in order
Let's charge up together!!!

Presenter Today at our holiday will sound only good words because they will sound from the lips of people who by their deeds give us sparks of warmth, kindness and the ability to enjoy every day lived with good intentions. The word is given by ____________________________
Presenter Today at our holiday there are people who, despite their busyness and serious business, came to our bright house and brought us a piece of their kindness, responsiveness, love and mercy.
The word is provided by _____________________________________________

——- Next come the life-size puppets——-
Hello guys, how are you doing, did you recognize us???
- And why are there so many of you, why did you all come here ??
- holiday….
– For each of us, the word Motherland is associated with our own ideas.
- For me, for example, this is my home, where I was born, my parents.
- For me, this is his city or a small village, but anyway, for each of us, the word homeland is associated with Russia.
Where did the word homeland come from?
– The word RODINA comes from the ancient word ROD, which denotes a group of people united by blood relationship. Each of us is a descendant of some ancient ancient family. And the word ROD itself denotes the most ancient god of the Slavs, Rod. The main city of the Ross tribe was called Roden (Kin). It was dedicated to the god Rod.
GENERATE - produce offspring.
PARENTS are the father and mother to whom children are born.
RELATIVE - a relative, a member of the genus.
RELATIVES - relatives.
PEDIGREE - a list of generations of the same genus. People are proud of their pedigree, study it.
MOTHERLAND is both the fatherland, the country, and the place of birth of a person.
PEOPLE - a nation, the inhabitants of a country.
Every country has three mandatory characters. By them you can always find out about which country in question. It:
- flag
- hymn
- coat of arms.

Our flag is rectangular and consists of three horizontal stripes. On our flag we see white, blue, red colors. These colors did not appear on the Russian flag by chance. White color means peace, purity, nobility. Blue is the color of the sky, fidelity, truth. Red color fire, courage, readiness to give their lives for the freedom of their homeland.
All three colors have long been used in Russian folk costumes. Sewn from white, blue, red cloth men's shirts, women wore sundresses of red and blue.
The flag is raised during sports competitions in case of victory of our athletes. It is hung on the streets and buildings during solemn holidays. We should be proud of our flag - it is over 300 years old! The Russian tricolor appeared at the end of the 17th century under Peter the Great. Then he became the flag of the Russian merchant fleet. The colors of the flag were loved in Russia, so in the 19th century it became the national flag of Russia. After a long break at the end of the 20th century, the tricolor became the banner of the new Russia.
Do you know what an anthem is?
An anthem is a solemn song or just a melody. It is performed on special, solemn occasions. What? The anthem is performed in case of victory of our athletes in international competitions. Why do they do it? This expresses respect for the country from which the athlete came. But we also hear the anthem on other occasions: on the days of solemn holidays, meetings, when parades take place. When the anthem is played, the people stand up, the men must take off their hats. Listen to the anthem silently or sing along. Such behavior during the performance of the anthem is considered worthy.
On January 1, 2001, Russian politicians finally approved the national anthem of Russia. Words by S. Mikhalkov, music by B. Alexandrov. Our anthem is majestic, in its words our Motherland - Russia is glorified:
“Russia is our sacred power,
Russia is our beloved country…” The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds.
Every state and almost every city has its own distinctive sign. We call such a sign a “coat of arms”. The coat of arms is depicted on flags, coins, seals, and government documents. Our Motherland, Russia, also has a coat of arms.
Description of the Russian coat of arms. In the field of the red shield is a golden double-headed eagle. In the claws of an eagle is a scepter and orb. . The scepter is a rod, a symbol of power. It is decorated with carvings and precious stones. The orb is a golden ball with a cross at the top. The crown, scepter and orb once served as signs of royal power. Now we have no king. Today they remind us of our country's past and symbolize Russia's independence from other countries.
On the chest of the eagle is a red shield with the image of St. George the Victorious, stabbing a snake. This image recalls one of his famous exploits. According to legend, a beautiful princess once lived in Palestine. But a terrible snake wound up in the surrounding lake, to which the townspeople had to give the princess to be eaten. However, a warrior named George, who was a believer, a true Christian, defeated the monster and saved the girl. He pierced the monster with a spear, and the horse trampled the snake. The king - the father of the girl and his subjects were convinced of the power of the Christian faith and were baptized. Later, George was recognized as a saint, revered not only in Russia, but also in other countries. In Russia, children were often named after him. It is known in two versions - Yegor and Yuri.
Thus, the Russian emblem depicts a Christian warrior, personifying goodness and justice. He kills with a spear a black snake - a symbol of evil.

To the sports ground
We invite everyone now
Holiday of sports and health
It starts with us!!!

To you, our teams,
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
So that your results
Everyone was good!!!

3 teams of 10 participants:
1. Relay Caterpillar.
The ball is passed between the legs...
2. Relay
Postpone balloon on a badminton racket.
3. Players run to the bench, crawl under it, run to the landmark, near which the backpack lies, separately things. Each participant takes 1 item, puts it in a backpack, runs back, passes the baton. The last player returns to the team with a backpack. The team with the best time wins.
4. Contest among dads - tug of war!!!

You must be tired
It's time for you all to rest
Well, so as not to be bored,
It's time for you to know the riddles.
And now we have in store for you riddles and tasks about Russia
(every guesser gets an asterisk):

Guess the word (according to these definitions, guess the word associated with the fate of Russia as soon as possible).

◘ Lower, Upper, Counting, Book, Licensing, Commercial and Industrial, Judicial, Armory, Faceted, Hospital…
◘ Machine, cargo, cattle, bird, peasant, inn, princely, sovereign, royal, Zemsky, Ambassadorial, Seating, Printed, Coin ...
◘ Heavy, sad, Cossack, Boyar, Zemskaya, City, State…
◘ Noble, Legislative, Federal, general, party, trade union, parent ...
◘ Kind, friendly, parental, good, bad, timely, family, pedagogical, scientist, military, settlement, rural, urban, State, Supreme ...
◘ Birch bark, Complaint, Credential, Security, Patent, Honorable, Commendable, Chinese, filkin ...
◘ Russia is the largest country in the world by area. What is its area?
(17.1 million sq. km.)
◘ Our country has the largest number of neighbors in the world. How many of them are there?
(16 countries)
◘ With which country does Russia have the longest land border in the world?
(With Kazakhstan - 7591 km.)

◘ Russia has the world's largest seas washing its shores. How many of them are there?
◘ Which Russian sea is the shallowest on Earth?
◘ Which Russian lake is the deepest in the world?
(Baikal, up to 1620 meters.)
(More than 1 million.)
◘ Which Russian river is the largest in the world among the rivers that do not flow into the World Ocean?

◘ In which Russian city is the world's largest clock tower located?
(In Moscow, on the main building of Moscow State University.)
◘ In which city in Russia is the tallest statue in the world located?
(In Volgograd, the statue "Motherland" is 82 meters high.)
◘ What miracle tree in Russia has the only white bark in the world?
◘ The Normans were called sea robbers in European countries, in Scandinavia itself - Vikings. And what were they called in Russia?
◘ World historiography says "Battle of Mozhaisk", but what do we say?
(“Borodino”. In 1812, the battle of Borodino took place near Mozhaisk. On the territory of the Mozhaisk region there is the military-historical museum-reserve “Borodino”.)
◘ Russian jungle is… What?
◘ In South America it is the pampas, in North America it is the prairie. And what is it called in Russia?
◘ A cowboy in America, but who in Russia?
◘ The Russian version of the abacus is… What?
◘ Baseball in Russian is… What?
◘ In France - Pierre, in Germany - Peter, in Brazil - Pedro, and in Russia - ...
◘ All over the world, this automotive device is called a “glove box”, but only in Russia it is. How?
(Glove box.)
◘ The Chinese say “taikunaut”, the Americans say “astronaut”. How do we speak?
◘ What is first in Russia, second in France, and third in Germany?
(Letter "P")
◘ What is the Russian male name of the African river?
◘ Which Russian city is affectionately known as Vladik?
◘ What is the name of the mini-photo album with a single photo that every adult citizen of Russia has.
(The passport.)

What holiday is celebrated in Russia on August 22?
(Flag Day. Peter I on this day in 1705 approved

And now sports competitions continue, and 3 teams of 10 people are recruited again!
1. 2 players from each team stand on the start line. Everyone gets 3 big balls. They must be carried to the final destination and returned back. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and it is also not easy to pick up a fallen ball without assistance. Therefore, porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too large). The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
2. 3 baskets are placed at a certain distance. The players of each team throw balls into the baskets. The team with the most balls in their basket wins.
3. Secret package - From the proposed ones, it is necessary to lay out the word, For example - Motherland, Russia ...
4. Competition of parents - tug of war!!!

Russia. Motherland. This is the region where you were born, where we live. This is our home, this is everything that surrounds us. Russia… What beautiful word! Listen - RUSSIA! Here is dew, and strength, and blue expanses. Russia is the biggest country in the world! It occupies a large and vast territory from Europe to Asia. Only in our country there is the polar belt, and the tundra, and the taiga, and the steppe, and the tropics. So let's take care of it, protect it and remember every day and every minute of serving the Fatherland: we have one Motherland, one people, we have one common future.

Flash mob to the youth anthem

Summing up, rewarding participants with diplomas.

Team Patriots

MOU secondary school No. 11, Pallasovka, Volgograd region

to the military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa-2010",

designed by a music and singing teacher.

A fragment of the song “We are the children of Russia” sounds (track No. 1)

Today on the march detachment after detachment,
And ringing songs sound
And the rainbow in the sky is getting brighter and more beautiful,
Smiles shine on the faces of the guys. (rebuilding)

Chorus: We are the children of Russia, we are the grandchildren of Russia,
We will live and create in the future,
We are the heart of Russia, we are the voice of Russia,
We ring the bell of happiness and ring.

1. Welcome

On a bright and clean day

Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun!

1. We are the younger generation.

Hope, the future of the country.

And for fathers there is a replenishment

Worthy sons are growing up.

(track #2)

2. Zarnitsa - proudly sounds!

Zarnitsa - everyone will repeat!

Brave hearts beat in my chest,

We are faithful to the game to the end.

A fragment of the song “We have young people” sounds

We have young people ahead of the year

And golden days are enough for work.

Our hands are not for boredom, for the love of the heart,

For the love of the heart that has no end (2x)

3. Welcome

All: Team "Patriots"

4. What unites us?

All: Love for the Motherland, Fatherland!

5. What helps us live?

All: Dream and Fantasy,

Game and song!

6. Our motto

All: Serve the Motherland, Goodness and Justice!

We invite you to join us!

Track No. 3 (the melody of the song "The Eaglets Learn to Fly" sounds)

Reading in the background of the song

1. We are proud of Stalingrad glory,

We keep a grateful memory

Pioneer game "Zarnitsa"

We raise young patriots!

2. To continue a great cause,

We swear by the firelight!

For the people to justice, boldly

We walk the path of our fathers!

3. We were born to make a fairy tale reality

And give everyone the world from prophetic dreams,

Do you believe that the world will rule

Hope, faith, friendship and love!

4. What does it mean to live?

It is happiness to create.

Don't do good

It means not to live.

5. We live for others,

And a little for myself

And then all around

They will live for you.

A fragment of the song “We were born to make a fairy tale come true” sounds (track No. 4)

We were born to make a fairy tale come true

Overcome space and space,

Today Zarnitsa gives us wings.

And instead of a heart, a fiery motor.

Chorus: Higher, higher and higher

The dream takes us flying.

Beloved Motherland, do you hear,

Your youth will not let you down!

1. Our native land, you are part of Russia

And infinitely dear to her!

We gain strength in life

Under the flag of their homeland.

2. In it is the purity of our hope

The flight of dreams and the blue of the seas,

And the blood of the fighters who once fell

In the name of their motherland.

A fragment of the song "Old Drummer" sounds (track #5)

With harp and lute quieter and more comfortable -

We have known this since childhood.

But, it's too early to live without a drum,

I won't leave him, no, no, no!

3. Fathers, generation heroes

The country was glorified forever.

And we? And we are their continuation

Stepping into the 21st century!

4. We live in the twenty-first century!

Let's cherish

We are everything that is sacred in life!

(track #6)

5. We value our dream,

In my own way, in my own land

And the most difficult burden and a good song!

A fragment of the song "Merry Wind" sounds (track No. 6)

Come on, sing a song to us, cheerful wind, (3 times)

Seas and mountains you searched everything in the world

And I heard all the songs in the world.

Sing to us, wind, about glory and courage,

About scientists, heroes, fighters.

For the heart to burn

For everyone to want

Catch up and overtake the fathers.

6. We are all as different as rainbow colors.

We are all so different, but we have one goal.

7. The children of all the earth are playing at war,
But do children dream of war?
Let only laughter break the silence
On a joyful cloudless planet.

8. So that everyone in the world could live without war,
Let the ice floes of anger and enmity melt!
Let's be friends, children of the whole earth!
May our friendship grow with us!

1. They will entrust us with a country when we grow up

Think guys - what are we living for?

Track #7 ("Sorry, Earth")

2. Let's live in the world every hour
Without malice, without cruelty and revenge.
Long live the law of goodness and honor,
Let it become the most important thing for us!

3. And in order to keep up with the times, we suggest you learn

with us the code of the man of the future!

All: Ready?

4. Every morning, straightening up to our full height, we say:

All: I am human!

1. I can always lend a helping hand!

2. I can easily help the small or weak!

3. I can put my shoulders under the burden of anxieties and worries!

4. I can step over fatigue and pain!

1. Rise after failure!

2. Carry friendship and love through life!

3. I can reach my dreams!

All: Do you remember?

4. And never forget that you are a citizen of your country and do not drop this high title so that our Russia becomes even more beautiful!

A fragment of the song “We are your children, Russia” sounds (track No. 8)

5. Walk youth, firmly, confidently

To the lesson and on a hike, to Zarnitsa, on a flight

Walk, youth firmly, confidently

Only forward! Only forward!

I admire you, brightly flooded with sun

Beyond the lakes are golden fields.

And in the first words forever remains

The land where I grew up, my Russia!

And space distance, and the expanse of the ocean

We are attracted by its mysterious power.

But Russia is waiting for us, loving and forgiving.

How mothers love their sons!

Chorus: Russia, we are your children!

6. We have already made our choice, have you?

The team leaves the stage

Conference "Raising Patriots of Russia".

Host: The conference “Raising Patriots of Russia”, dedicated to the memory of school graduates Suyunchaliev Yuri Gabdullaevich and Konsov Serik Amangeldievich, is declared open.

Anthem of the Russian Federation.

Reader: Keep the fire of the native hearth

And do not covet other people's fires -

Our ancestors lived by this law

And bequeathed to us through the centuries:

Keep the fire of the native hearth!

Cherish a patch of paternal land,

No matter how swampy, no matter how stony he is,

Do not reach for the clean black soil,

What others have found before you.

Cherish a patch of paternal land!

And if the enemy decides to take away

A field cultivated by your labor,

Not on the page that they taught at school,

You will know what to stand for.

You will know what to stand for!

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests. We are starting our conference “Raising Patriots of Russia”. The invited guests at the conference are:

  1. Ivanova Natalya Arkadievna - Head of the RONO
  2. Head of the Novinsky village administration Suyunchaliev

Talga Gabdullaevich.

  1. Chaplygin Dmitry Viktorovich - head of the 4th department

Military Commissariat of Krasnoyarsk and Volodarsk


  1. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War– Musaev Z.S.
  2. Serik Konsov's parents: father - Amangeldy Uteshevich,

Mother - Zhumaganym Blyashovna.

  1. Wife of Yuri Gabdullaevich Suyunchaliev - Umet


  1. Relatives of Yuri Suyunchaliev and Serik Konsov.

Moderator: The theme of our conference was not chosen by chance. After all, every person lives calmly and feels safe if he is protected. And every state exists and develops confidently, if there is someone to protect it. And the most important defenders in life are simple warriors who were always ready to stand up for their homeland. A warrior, a defender of his native land, at all times enjoyed honor and respect in Russia. The people sang the courage, courage, heroism of those who did not spare their lives, defending their lands. Our people have always accompanied their sons to war or military service, if without enthusiasm, then without tantrums, without panic, calmly and businesslike. Here is how the poet S. Yesenin testifies to this:

Reader: Peaceful plowmen gathered

Without sadness, without complaints, and tears

They put sugar donuts in their bags

And they shoved a heavy cart.

Through the village to the high outskirts

The people saw them off indiscriminately

That's where, Russia, your good fellows,

All support in a time of adversity.

Host: A person must remember from childhood, from school, on what land he was born, remember that he has duties to this great, most beautiful land in the world, which is called the Motherland. And she is the only person. And if she is in mortal danger, he must stand up for her and stand, if necessary, to death. And he will become immortal!

Reader: Without glory, life is not hopeless,

But if you're still friends

It's impossible to live without something

That is my homeland.

Everything in the world is heavenly

From ocean to stream

But if something in the world is eternal,

That is my homeland.

Moderator: What is homeland?

Where does the Motherland begin?

Zhanna Keshkinbayeva, a 9th grade student, will tell us about this in her speech.

In the course of the performance, the video clip “To the heart is a sweet land”

Song: "I love you, Russia!".

Presenter: During the Great Patriotic War, the poster "Motherland - Mother Calls" was popular. Or a poster with these words under the image of a woman - a mother:

Remember, son, the holy word:

Be brave, be ahead

In battle stubborn and severe

Break the enemy and win.

The spirit of patriotism, heroism, courage has always been inherent in the Russian people when the fatherland was in danger.

What is patriotism? Here's what students say about it.

Excerpts from student essays.

Reader: They don't choose their homelands.

Starting to see and breathe

They receive a homeland in the world

As sure as father and mother...

I love rolling thunderstorms

Crisp and knurled frost,

Sticky life-giving tears

morning shining birches,

Nameless rivers of the bend,

My homeland is one.

Host: Indeed, each person has a single, one homeland. “Motherland is a huge, dear, breathing creature,” wrote A. Blok. these words are both precise and ambiguous. Hugeness is not only a geographical expanse, but also the enormity of what the people experienced, their heroic strengths, labors, feats. And we, today's generation, are proud of our homeland, its past and present.

A 10th grade student will tell about the heroic past of our country

Suyunchaliev Radmir.

A participant of the Great War will share his memories of the war

Patriotic War Musaev Z.S.

Reader: Goy you, Russia, my dear,

Huts - in the robes of the image ...

No end in sight -

Only blue sucks eyes.

Like a wandering pilgrim,

I watch your fields.

And at the low outskirts

The poplars are languishing.

Smells like apple and honey

In the churches, your meek Savior.

And buzzing behind the garden

There is a cheerful dance in the meadows.

I'll run along the wrinkled stitch

To the free green Lech,

Meet me like earrings

A girlish laugh will ring out.

If the holy army shouts:

"Throw you Russia, live in paradise!"

I will say: “There is no need for paradise,

Give me my motherland!”

Leading: Today our high school students are sitting in this hall. The day is not far off when they, like their fathers and brothers, will fulfill their military duty.

Dear Dmitry Viktorovich,

we would like to hear your opinion on how the guys should prepare themselves for the service, what qualities they need to master, how to educate themselves. Can you tell us about some facts and examples of the courage of our countrymen.

If I'm not mistaken, then 12 fellow countrymen were awarded the Suvorov medal for military merits in the North Caucasus,

Zhukov medal - 14 people.

Who are these guys?

Are any of them our fellow villagers?

Host: Everything is possible motherland: give water to drink, feed bread, but can not protect himself. Protecting the Motherland is the duty of everyone who eats its bread, drinks water from its wells, admires its beauty.

How are our high school students preparing to defend their homeland, how is it carried out patriotic education at school, the head of the OVS, Mukhambetov Kh.S., will tell.

Video clip.

Host: And who is a real person? Shakiev Ramil, a 10th grade student, will tell how our current generation understands this.

Host: Sometimes we hear how older generation complains that young people today are free, free, they do not have certain moral qualities. But does she have such qualities as heroism, courage, loyalty to the military oath who is a patriot modern Russia 11th grade student Sitaliev Azat will tell.

Host: Here they are, patriots of modern Russia, 18-20 year old boys. So young and brave were our graduates Suyunchaliev Yuri Gabdullaevich and Konsov Serik Amangeldievich.

And our conference today is held in memory of them. After all, it was in October that an evil bullet took Yuri Suyunchaliev away from us. And Serik Konsov would have celebrated his 24th birthday.

The memory of the graduates who fell at the hands of terrorists and the memory of all those who died will be honored with a minute of silence.

A moment of silence.

Reader: Rumbles rumble over the earth.

There is a roll after a roll.

Soldiers lie underground.

And there are no nameless soldiers.

Everyone has a personal name

What is given from birth.

Leveling up invisibly with the living

The dead stand next to each other.

We have one oath in life,

And the Motherland is also one.

Courage of a soldier's heart.

And loyalty to love is given.

Song: "For That Guy"

Moderator: the floor for the speech is given to:

  1. Director of the school Sabirova R.S.
  2. Head of the Novinsky village administration, brother of Yu. Suyunchaliev Suyunchaliev Talge Gabdullaevich

Our conference has come to an end. Thank you all for your attention and participation.

We express our deep gratitude to all the guests who took part in today's conference.