Scary stories about a lost bride. How The Bride Was Created: Ancient Rites, Creepy Photos, and Uma Thurman. The Van Dort family

Readers really like it, primarily because of the main character and the magic doll, who helped her in everything. They are especially attracted by Vasilisa's journey to Baba Yaga and the description of her possessions.

Vasilisa is seen as a Russian beauty with a long blond braid, blue eyes, ruddy, friendly. She is wearing a green sundress, decorated with intricate embroidery, a cherished doll in her pocket, and some needlework in her hands. But the girl is good not only in her face: she is hardworking, patient, and respects her elders. In addition, she is also a needlewoman: she wove such a thin canvas that it can be threaded into a needle, and no one except her can sew shirts from this fabric ... So, she was so nicknamed not only for her beauty.
The stepmother and her daughters disliked Vasilisa. She is more beautiful than them, and suitors constantly woo her, and no one pays attention to her stepmother's daughters. Vasilisa easily copes with any work, and it only benefits her. She humbly accepts everything that is entrusted to her, does not contradict anything. This is what infuriates envious women.
According to the text: "... the stepmother and sisters envied her beauty, tormented her with all kinds of work, so that she would lose weight from labor, and turn black from the wind and sun - there was no life at all!"

Analysis of the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant's Son and Miracle Yudo"

Artist Mitya Ryzhikov
It is customary to begin the analysis of a fairy tale with a traditional conversation on the reader's perception: what did you like and remember, what is the fairy tale about?

Let us recall the main characters of the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant's Son and Miracle Yudo": Ivan, brothers, Miracle Yudo.

Why do you think, if there are three brothers, only one is mentioned in the title, only he has a name?

Only one of the brothers fought with Miracle Yud, which is why he is named in the title.

And the name he has one is not accidental. In ancient times, a name had to be earned by some act, and until a certain time, children had no names, only after reaching the age of 11-12 years, tests were arranged for them, in which everyone could prove themselves. That's when they got their names. In the tale, we probably find a reflection of this ancient custom. The older brothers did not show themselves in anything special, therefore they remain nameless ...

The hero of the tale, in addition to his name, also has a nickname - a peasant's son. And this nickname sounds almost like a patronymic. After all, they used to introduce themselves like this: Ivan, Petrov's son, or Andrei, Sergeev's son, etc. From here, by the way, the surnames appeared later. Ivan is called a peasant's son - which means it is important that he is from the peasants.

Traditions are oral history of the past. The events they describe are authentic or presented as authentic. Traditions, obviously, arose from the stories of witnesses or participants in the events. Their stories, many times passed from mouth to mouth, gradually turned into legends, freed from personal assessments, addictions, became more objective. But it is natural that in the course of their existence, legends often departed from authenticity and included a certain amount of fiction, which had neither a fantastic character, as in a fairy tale, nor a religious one, as in a legend. This genre in the Slavic languages ​​has the following names: in Russian and Bulgarian - legend, in Serbian - betrayal, in Polish -podania.

Traditions can be divided into two main thematic groups: historical and toponymic legends. The first tells about the events and persons who left a mark in the memory of the people, the second - about the founding of cities, the origin of the names of settlements, places, rivers.

Fairy tale "Moth"

The moth decided to marry. Naturally, he wanted to take a pretty flower for himself.

He looked around: the flowers sat quietly on their stems, as befits young ladies who have not yet been married. But it was terribly difficult to choose, so many of them grew here.

The moth was tired of thinking, and he fluttered to the field daisy. The French call her Margarita and assure that she knows how to tell fortunes, and she really knows how to tell fortunes. The lovers take it and tear off petal after petal, saying: "Does she love? Does she not love?" - or something like that. Everyone asks in their native language. So the moth also turned to the chamomile, but did not cut off the petals, but kissed them, believing that it is always better to take with affection.

Here, listen!

Outside the city, by the road, stood a dacha. Are you sure you saw her? In front of her is a small garden, surrounded by a painted wooden lattice.

Not far from the dacha, by the very ditch, chamomile grew in soft green grass. Sun rays warmed and caressed her along with the luxurious flowers that bloomed in the flower beds in front of the cottage, and our chamomile grew by leaps and bounds. One fine morning, it blossomed completely - yellow, round, like the sun, its heart was surrounded by the radiance of dazzling white small rays-petals. Chamomile did not care at all that she was such a poor, unpretentious flower that no one sees or notices in the thick grass; no, she was pleased with everything, greedily reached for the sun, admired it and listened to the lark singing somewhere high, high in the sky.

Chamomile was so cheerful and happy, as if today was Sunday, but in fact it was only Monday; while all the children sat quietly on the school benches and learned from their mentors, our daisy also sat quietly on its stalk and learned from the clear sun and from all the surrounding nature, learned to know the goodness of God.

En Tim Burton "s Corpse Bride, literally the corpse-bride of Tim Burton) - Tim Burton's cartoon of 2005. Nominated for an Oscar -2006 in the category "Best Animated Feature Film." /> Drama">

"Corpse Bride"(en Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, verbatim Tim Burton's Corpse Bride) is a 2005 Tim Burton cartoon. Nominated for an Oscar 2006 in the Best Animated Feature Film category. One of Burton's first films to be released on Blu-Ray and HD DVD. Russian premiere - January 26, 2006 by the distributor "Karo-Premier".


Victor finds himself in the world of the dead. Oddly enough, this world in the film is much more fun, colorful and cheerful than the world of the living. There, Victor learns the story of the Dead Bride, Emily. Once a visiting aristocrat seduced her and persuaded her to run away with him, but then killed her and took the family jewels. After her death, Emily swore that she would wait for true love - and then Victor appeared, uttering the words wedding vow and put a ring on her finger. Victor, realizing that he turned out to be the husband of the deceased, is horrified. However, having gathered his strength, he invites Emily to ascend to the world of the living under the pretext that he should introduce her to his parents. Elder Gutknecht helps the newlyweds in this intention.

Once at the top, Victor leaves Emily to wait for him in the woods, while he goes to Victoria. After a while, Emily, unable to bear it, follows him and finds the lovers together. Enraged, she drags Victor back to the world of the dead.

Victor tries to explain to Emily that their "wedding" was a mistake. Emily leaves in tears. In the meantime, Van Dort's coachman, Mayhew, unexpectedly dies, and, having got into the underworld, tells Victor the disappointing news from above: her parents pass off Victoria as Lord Barkis Bittern, who suddenly appeared, who managed to make a good impression on them. Victor suddenly understands how Emily must feel and takes a liking to her. Soon, he accidentally overhears Emily's conversation with an elder. It turns out that the wedding of Victor and Emily was invalid: after all, marriage vows are given only until death separates the spouses. In order to make the marriage real, Victor must repeat the words of the oath upstairs, in the world of the living, and drink poison. Emily is horrified: she could never ask Victor for this. But Viktor, who entered, agrees to this himself.

The whole world of the dead is enthusiastically busy preparing the wedding, an event all the more interesting because it will take place upstairs. The dead that appeared in the provincial town were terrifying in the hearts of the townspeople, but it soon turns out that they came in peace. Panic reigns in the house of the Everglots; Lord Barkis is about to take Victoria's dowry and run away, but finds out that the Everglots don't have a penny. Victoria leaves the enraged Barkis with nothing and follows the wedding procession.

Reading time: 2 min

Every year my friends and I travel far from the city in search of new fishing spots. And one of these places turned out to be very dangerous and mysterious. I must say that our company is diverse: Max is a lawyer, Antokha is a builder, Semyon is a programmer, I am a doctor. With such a composition, even to the ends of the world. But that summer it brought us to a small farm of 30 houses. In fact, we would not have noticed him if not for Anton’s cry in the middle of the road:
- Turn around!
Max slammed on the brakes in fright, Sema poked his forehead into front seat, winced:
- Are you crazy?
- Turn off, I say, there is such a beauty!
Max did not understand, snorted with displeasure, but listened.

The domina, which Anton noticed, was impressive: a solid log house with a high, sharp roof, a painted truth, a peeling porch and bizarre shutters.
- You look! This is a masterpiece of architecture! - already sat down with Antokh's delight, running around the house and photographing him on a smartphone.
We also admired, but not so violently.
- Carved shutters! Vintage! They are at least 200 years old! Handmade, jeweler straight! How did it survive... Eh, it's a pity we can't go inside.

The house was locked and looked uninhabited. I began to yawn, Sema, as always, buried himself in the phone, and Max climbed into the thick grass. It was he who discovered the river down the slope and an excellent place for a halt. We set up a tent, lit a fire and took out fishing rods. What a bite went! Just make sure you throw the bait.
Farm houses could be seen about a kilometer away, but we did not want to disturb the locals, and there was no need to. But they themselves did not go unnoticed. I undertook to boil the fish soup, seasoning it to my taste. He salted it, tasted it, and shuddered: an old man with a sparse gray beard, but a lively and inquisitive look, sat down next to him. Where did he grow up from?

He sniffed at the bowler hat and chuckled approvingly:
- Not everyone puts wild garlic in their ears. Not everyone will find it in the grass!
I took it as a compliment.
- Expanse is here for you!
The old man chuckled.
- Look! Urban, but you understand!
- I had a rural childhood.
Then the guys returned with a catch. We met.

Grandfather called himself Afanasy Savelich, said that before the farm was a big village, the villagers lived richly. And then everyone began to disperse, as dashing times have come ...
- Whose house is that? Anton asked curiously.
The old man chewed a blade of grass:
- So the landowner is. Only the landlord is long gone.
- With history mean? Max supported the conversation.

And then! It was built by Fyodor Mokry, self-taught from God, the house has been standing for two centuries, neither the revolution, nor the war, he does not care, and there is a library, and an orphanage, and a general store ..
- And now?
- It's empty now. Nobody stays there for long. But the house will outlast many of you.
- Craftsmanship is unique! Antokha sighed.
- Of course. The landowner built it for his daughter as a dowry, but it was not useful ..

I smelled an interesting story and invited the old man to have dinner with us - the fish soup was ready. Everyone reached for their plates. I won't brag, but I'm a master at cooking. Ate slowly savoring fresh sweet fish. It's already starting to get dark. Sema even forgot about his phone, but quickly remembered when his plate was empty and went to charge it in the car.
- And why was the dowry of the landowner's daughter not useful? I reminded.
So she died prematurely.
- Why did she die? If she was young, I insisted.
- So the young die, if death comes to them at someone else's call ...

At this point, Max turned on with his ability as a lawyer to understand allegory:
- Vasya, Afanasy Savelyich is trying to tell you that they killed her.
I frowned:
- Why not say it directly?
The old man smiled.
- That's why you are!
- He is a doctor with us, that's why he's kicking! Max chuckled.
- We respect dokhturov! the old man answered seriously. “But we don’t have them left on the farm, we treat ourselves with herbs.”

Why did they kill the girl? - Max directed the old man in the right direction of the conversation.
Afanasy Savelitch cleared his throat and sighed sadly:
- Martha was beautiful, stately, proud. Her father raised her alone, loved her, indulged in everything. She chose the groom herself, according to her heart. Father did not resist, although the guys and richer wooed. They began to prepare for the wedding. The landowner was in a hurry to complete the house in order to feast in it. But two days before the wedding, Marfa and her fiancé disappeared. The whole village was looking for...
Our narrator fell silent, pensively peering into the darkness.

Found? - I could not stand it.
The old man nodded in agreement.
- Found in the river. Upstream. It was a cruel death. Mutilated, mutilated, thrown into the water.
- Who? Groom? - again, included Max's inner lawyer.
- The guy was never found. But no one thought about it. He couldn’t do such a thing, he blew off dust particles from Marfa ...
- And where did it go?

The old man waved his hand dismissively.
- Look around, forests and fields, if you dig in, no one will find it, and you yourself will forget where you hid it, they used to say that they saw strangers passing by from the neighboring village, but this is nonsense ...
- Why?

The old man did not have time to answer. It seemed to me that someone was calling, and I interrupted:
- Do you hear?
Nobody heard anything.
- Where is Semyon? For some reason I got excited.
- Probably fell asleep in the car, - answered Anton, who had been dozing all this time.
But again I heard someone crying. I jumped up and ran to the car. Semy was not there. Started calling, no response. They grabbed the logs burning from the fire, split up and went to look for them. I went down to the river. Silence. The water rolls in black. I walked along the shore, again some strange sound - either a cry, or a call. I don’t believe in devilry, after all, a doctor, but then I got scared. And when the shadow flashed, the nerves passed. Is it a ghost?

Backed away. He stepped on a stick. She crunched loudly. I came to myself from a sharp sound. He bent down to the water to rinse his face and saw something white by the reeds... A shirt? Sema! Shouted at the top of his lungs:
- Here! Found.
And into the water. Pulled out. I'm pumping out. The guys are standing next to each other. The old man hobbled. But Sema shows no signs of life. I pump faster: two clicks per second, thirty per minute. God, how long has it been...
- Too late...
Don't think, do!

Finally he coughed! I breathed a sigh of relief. We all returned to the fire together. When Sema came to himself, he told that he had put the phone on charge in the car, and suddenly someone called him. Decided the wind is naughty. Suddenly there was another sound, like a cry. I went to him to the river and went out - what if the kid decided to swim? Nobody. I wanted to go back, but I got caught on something, my head was spinning. Fell. Semyon didn't remember anything after that. The old man grunted:
Did you hear the call and cry? This is Martha looking for her groom. A dead bride. A restless soul is waiting for a loved one, apparently, she did not find him in heaven, and she jokes among the living. A lot of people have sunk into the water here.

Semyon, not understanding, goggled his eyes. Max and Anton sat in silence, their heads bowed. Fatigue came over me, I wanted to sleep, and common sense resisted believing in old man's tales.
- You scared us with your stories, Afanasy Savelich.
- Oh, they are not mine, the local people. I'll go. You get better, boy, - the old man got up and patted Seeds on the shoulder. - Yes, eat more, the thin one hurts, so your head is spinning from our clean air and herbs of smells. Be there!
- Maybe you should be seen, otherwise how will you go through the darkness alone? I started.
- Do not get lost yourself, but I'm here and with eyes closed I'll get there.
In the morning we decided to interrupt our fishing trip and return home, out of harm's way.

I insisted that Semyon do a tomography of the head. It turned out that a couple of months ago in the gym he hit an iron bar, a hematoma formed, and against its background, overwork and excess oxygen led to fainting. Seems like a simple explanation. But the thought haunts me: I didn’t beat my head against anything, but I also heard that cry. And what would happen if I approached the river at night?

Vasily Gurihin, 42 years old

They have been dating for 4 years. They knew each other well, and, dying of crazy love for his chosen one, the gentleman made her an offer that she could not refuse.
-Walk carefully, I will hold your hand so that you do not trip and crash into something - The guy tied a blindfold on the girl in white lace dress. Her hair shimmered in rays from the light of the city lights. She carefully stepped on the roof of the building, holding tightly to his strong hand.
- I'm scared Kyle - He did not believe her, because, saying this, she smiled and was simply fascinated by what was happening.
- We have already come Lindy, you can remove the bandage - He stood in front of her and waited for her to finally see everything that he had prepared for her.
The girl squeezed her eyes shut, then opened them wide, getting used to the scenery. The stars were reflected in her shining, from tears, eyes. There were a lot of balloons on the roof, tied to racks, flowers and candles everywhere. Almost near the fence stood a chic table, with lots of fruit and champagne. Lindy was crying, Kyle had never done anything like this for her.
- Lindy, love, will you marry me? Will you be my one and only, for the rest of your life? - The guy got down on one knee, gallantly putting forward his palm with a velvet box. It contained a ring with a modest, but beautiful, scarlet stone.
-Kyle... - The girl cried even more and threw herself on the neck of her lover - Of course, I will become your wife.
- While you are only my beautiful bride - Kyle kissed the girl on the neck and seated her at the table. He poured champagne and began to make a toast. But...
- Kyle! What is it in the sky? - The girl slightly rose from her chair and looked at one point.
-What? - The guy just had time to turn his head, as a luminous ball swept past and stopped at his face. Lindy stared in fascination at the incomprehensible phenomenon. The ball hung in the air for a bit, and then with stunning sharpness flew right into the guy's mouth, the latter collapsed onto the hard surface of the concrete roof.
-Darling? The girl slowly left the table and went to see what had happened. He did not breathe, lay paralyzed, cold as a corpse. "Kyle..." She reached out her hand to touch. But his eyes snapped open, furious, filled with blood and fury. He stood up slowly, rocking from side to side. From somewhere a strong wind blew, it developed his hair, and it seemed that the tie would just fall off his neck. The veins on his face bulged, drool ran down his chin.
Coming to her senses, the girl slowly crawled away from the creature that was her fiancé. The guy just went to the girl, and, going up to her, took her by the neck and lifted her into the air.
-Kaaaaaail - Lindy let out a piercing scream, and hit him in the face, trying to free herself. But, she was high above the roof, his strength greatly exceeded hers. He carried her to the edge and threw her over the railing. She only had time to see how his eyes cleared and he extended his hand into the distance. But she was already flying down from the 67th floor, and her hair, burning with fire, was fluttering in the wind. In a split second, it started to rain. The last tear fell from the eyelashes, and the body, with deafening speed, collapsed onto the wet asphalt.
-Hey guy! Get up! - The policeman was standing near Kyle - It's time to go to the department to testify.
-What happened? - Kyle grabbed his head, which hurt terribly, wiped the saliva from his lips and got to his feet - Where is Lindy?
- Lindy? Is this your fiancee? She's there.” The policeman pointed over the roof railing. The guy jerked off and ran down the stairs, not noticing anything around, he ran, swallowing pain and tears.
Kyle ran over to his fiancée's body and pulled back the edge of the sheet. Glazed eyes seemed to look at him and ask: Why Kyle? The medics loaded the corpse onto a gurney, the bloody edge of her dress hanging from under the sheet. He cried.
Everyone in the department asked the same questions. His chapped, bitten lips trembled. Every now and then he grabbed his hair and, looking at the ceiling, shouted her name. The skin was cold and pale. Eyes red with tears. His suit was covered in blood. He hugged her, there, on the pavement. He held her lifeless body close to him. And begged to wake up, begged to return to him. Hands were trembling.
- Do you think he could have pushed her off the roof? The detective looked at his partner and drank hot coffee.
-Why does he need it? Look at him, he is like a swan who has lost his soul mate. Now all he has to do is kill himself.
Kyle, is that your name? - Asks the investigator, looking at the guy.
-Are you kidding me? Already the tenth person conducts a stupid survey. Better go and investigate! Who killed my fiancee? Why she? Why is Lindy lying on a cold table? Why not me??? Kyle began to cry again, and it was already turning into hysterics.
- All right, Mr. Walsen. Just tell me how it was and we'll let you go home. Just remember, everything to the last drop, to the last second. Otherwise we won't be able to help you.
- My name is Kyle Wolsen, I'm 24 years old. My fiancé Lindy Hilton, 22. We've been together for 4 years. And I loved her very much. Today, July 14, I decided to propose to her, to marry me. I cooked romantic evening, she was happy. I took her to the roof, blindfolded her, led her to the table. There were balls and candles. Have you seen the balls? I have prepared a present for her. She took off the bandage and saw that I was kneeling and holding out the ring to her, she agreed. Believe me. For me it was the happiest moment in my life. Why should I kill her? Then I sat her across from her and poured the champagne. And then...
-What happened then, Mr. Walsen? - the detective tensed and peered into the crazy eyes of the guy.
-Then a thing appeared in the sky that looked like a luminous ball. And she stopped in front of my face. Lindy was alarmed. And then I remember that she flew into my mouth, and I think I lost consciousness. Then the policeman woke me up. That's all sir - Kyle put his head in his hands - We didn't even drink! I was completely sober.
- He's talking about a glowing orb that may have taken over his mind, what do you think, Pete? The detective looked at his partner.
- And it seems to me that it's time to let him go home, let him take a shower and oversleep, he looks terrible. I hope he doesn't go crazy - The assistant took a decent sip of coffee and rubbed his eyes - It's time for us to go home too Sir.
Kyle got out of the shower without drying himself, slipped into his pajama bottoms, and turned on the TV. All the local channels were talking about only one thing. The head was already clear, and it was lousy.
-Pour grief with booze? Wouldn't you like this Lindy? I feel bad without drinking - He looked at her photo in a frame - What? To begin new life? Ha ha Lindy, are you out of your mind? I'm married to you without five minutes, my dear! And we're together for the rest of our lives, remember? I'm still alive, which means everything will be fine - He hugged the photo and wandered into bed.
A few days later there were funerals. There were many friends and relatives, and no one blamed Kyle for what happened. Yes, and he considered himself not involved in what happened to Lindy. The detectives were behind him, and he was glad of that.
- An accident took our daughter and beloved bride, friend, colleague from us, we all mourn the loss of our one and only Lindy Hilton. 22 years old, this is just the beginning of life, and we were glad that she at least had time to experience happiness before her death - Mother burst into tears, father began to solder her with sedatives.
Kyle walked over to the bride, her marbled pale skin glistening in the sunlight. There was little time left to say goodbye, and then he would never see her again. He held her hand and kissed her dead lips.
“Lindy, I will always love you.” A hysterical laugh broke from his lips, and then tears flowed. The friends decided it was time to put Kyle away. The coffin was lowered into the grave and the body was buried, and with it Kyle's happiness.

  • Allison Abbate[d]
  • Joe Ranft
  • written by Tim Burton, Carlons Grangel, John August, Caroline Thomson, Pamela Pettler Roles voiced Johnny Depp , Helena Bonham Carter , Emily Watson , Albert Finney , Joanna Lumley , Christopher Lee Composer Danny Elfman Animators Nelson Lowry Operator
    • Pete Kozachik[d]
    Studio Tim Burton Animation Co.
    Laika Entertainment
    Warner Brothers
    The country USA, United Kingdom Distributor Warner Brothers Language English Duration 75 min. Premiere 2005 Budget 40 000 000 $ Fees 117 195 061 $ IMDb ID 0121164 Rotten Tomatoes Official site Media at Wikimedia Commons

    "Corpse Bride"(eng. Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, literally "Corpse Bride" by Tim Burton) is a 2005 Tim Burton cartoon. Nominated for Oscar 2006 in the Best Animated Feature Film category. Takes 5th place in the list of the highest-grossing puppet cartoons. One of Burton's first films to be released on Blu-Ray and HD DVD. Premiere in the USA - September 16, 2005. Russian premiere - January 26, 2006 by the distributor "Karo-Premier".

    Encyclopedic YouTube

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      Terrible truth about the corpse of the bride! | Corpse Bride [Cinema Theory]

      ✪ CORPSE BRIDE|Overview

      ✪ m/f Corpse Bride - Wedding HD




    The action of the cartoon takes place in the European province of the Victorian era. Young Victor and Victoria, who have not even seen each other, are going to get married. Victor's family - wealthy fish merchants Van Dorta - want to join the aristocratic (but impoverished) family of Everglots, Victoria's parents.

    Having met each other, Victor and Victoria realize that they are made for each other. However, at the wedding rehearsal, Victor gets worried, confuses his words, and runs away from the fierce pastor into the nearby forest to calm down, and at the same time learn the marriage vow. There, he finally manages to pronounce a ceremonial phrase and even put a ring on a knot that fell under his arm. However, the knot turns out to be a finger dead bride, which awakens from the afterlife and drags the newly-born bridegroom into the kingdom of the dead ...


    Victor finds himself in the world of the dead. Oddly enough, this world in the film is much more fun, colorful and cheerful than the world of the living. There, Victor learns the story of the Corpse Bride, Emily, a local heroine who is told to him in a bar by skeletons from the local jazz band. A charming aristocrat who once visited her seduced her and persuaded her to run away with him, but then killed her and took her family jewels. Waking up, and realizing that she was dead, Emily swore that she would wait for true love - and then Victor appeared, uttering the words of the wedding vow and putting a ring on her finger. Victor, realizing that he turned out to be the husband of the deceased, is horrified. In desperation, he leaves and wanders the world of the dead for some time, until he again runs into Emily, who gives him a wedding present. This gift turns out to be Victor's deceased dog, Scrabs (Stub), which he had as a child. He decides to go for a trick and, in order to get out, he invites Emily to go up to the world of the living under the pretext that he should introduce her to his parents. Elder Gutknecht helps the “newlyweds” in this intention.

    Once upstairs, Victor leaves Emily waiting for him in the woods, but goes not to his parents, but to his fiancee, Victoria. To her questions where he disappeared, he tells her a story that happened to him in the forest. After a while, Emily, unable to bear it, follows him and finds the lovers together. Enraged, she drags Victor back to the world of the dead.

    Victor tries to explain to Emily that their "wedding" was a mistake. Emily leaves in tears. In the meantime, Van Dort's coachman, Mayhew, suddenly dies, and, having got into the underworld, tells Victor the unfavorable news from above: her parents pass off Victoria as Lord Barkis, who suddenly appeared, who managed to make a good impression on them. Victor suddenly understands how Emily must feel and takes a liking to her. He soon overhears Emily's conversation with the elder. It turns out that the wedding of Victor and Emily was invalid: after all, marriage vows are given only until death separates those entering into marriage. In order to make the marriage real, Victor must repeat the words of the oath upstairs, in the world of the living, and drink poison. Emily is horrified: she could never ask Victor for this. But Viktor, who entered, agrees to this. The entire world of the dead is busy preparing the wedding, an event more interesting in that it will take place upstairs. Meanwhile, Lord Barkis is about to take Victoria's dowry and run away, but finds out that the Everglots don't have a penny. Victoria leaves the enraged Barkis and goes to the church for the procession. All the townspeople, living and dead, gather in the church. Victor pronounces the words of the oath. But Emily, seeing Victoria entered the church, suddenly realizes that she is trying to make her happiness on someone else's grief. She prevents Victor from drinking the poison and joins his hand with Victoria's.

    At this time, Lord Barkis appears in the church. He reminds that Victoria is still his fiancée and tries to take her away by force. At this time, Emily recognizes him: after all, this is the same aristocrat who robbed and killed her: “You! - Emily? - You! - But we broke up ... - The killer! Victor comes to Victoria's defense; after a brief fight, Emily, who has taken possession of the weapon, orders Barkis to get out. All the dead are eager to tear the killer to pieces, but Elder Gutknecht does not allow them to do this, since "above" they must obey the rules of the living. Before leaving, Lord Barkis makes a mocking toast to Emily, "A toast to Emily is always a bride, never a wife!", and drinks a poison he mistook for wine. The dead surround Barkis, who has now become a dead man, and drag him to their world for judgment.

    Meanwhile, Emily explains that Victor freed her and she is now releasing him from his vow. Emily leaves the church and drops her bridal bouquet. Smiling goodbye, and with a sigh of relief, in the moonlight she turns into a flock of night butterflies. Victor and Victoria leave the church and, embracing, watch the butterflies fly away into the distance.


    The Van Dort family

    Victor Van Dort

    Victoria's fiancé, son of wealthy fishmongers. A timid, handsome young man who knows how to play the piano. During the rehearsal of the wedding ceremony, out of excitement, he forgot the words of the oath and made a big mess in the bride's house, including accidentally setting fire to the dress of the future mother-in-law. In the forest, after reciting the oath in full, Victor awakens to life Emily, the bride who died on this spot many years ago. But Victor Van Dort cannot act as a groom, because he loves Victoria.

    Nell Van Dort

    A woman of incredible size. Wife of William Van Dort and mother of Victor. Together with her husband, she dreams of marrying her son as soon as possible and more profitable. It was about people like her that the famous play "The Tradesman in the Nobility" was written.

    William Van Dort

    Husband of Nell Van Dort and father of Victor. Quickly rich owner of a large fish trading enterprise. He also tries to get into the nobility as soon as possible through the marriage of his son. Observant man, but henpecked, although smarter than his wife.

    Everglot family

    Victoria Everglot

    A pretty young girl, the betrothed of Victor Van Dort. Victoria does not play the piano, as her mother thinks music is "too passionate" for a young lady. Falls in love with Victor at first sight. When Victor was kidnapped in front of her eyes by the dead bride Emily, she tried to convince her parents of this and help him, but she only achieved that they considered her crazy and locked her in her own room (Pastor Goldswells also did not believe this when she asked help him). Due to the fact that Victor disappears just before the wedding, her parents force her to agree to a marriage with the fortunately turned up Lord Barkis Bittern. However, later she exposes his nefarious plans and runs away from him, getting to the wedding of Victor and Emily, where the latter notices her and understands that Victor and Victoria love each other and abandon him for their happiness. At the end, he reunites with Victor.

    Finis Everglot

    Husband of Madeleine and the main representative of the noble family of the Everglots. Unfortunately, his condition is rapidly approaching zero. And Finis Everglot is forced to marry his only daughter, in his opinion, with the face of a ferret (in the original - "otters in disgrace"), for a representative of the new bourgeoisie - Victor Van Dort.

    Madeleine Everglot

    Finis Everglot's wife, a stern lady who fully supports her barrel-shaped husband. She is also dissatisfied with the current choice - a debt hole or the daughter's marriage to a tradesman. Subsequently, Lord Barkis, having ingratiated himself with Lady Everglot, offers himself as Victoria's fiancé, to which Madeleine happily agrees.

    Hildegard Schmidt

    She lives in the Everglots' house as a nanny, companion and maid to Victoria, is very kind and painfully perceives Victoria's misfortune, tries to support her.

    Other main characters


    Bride from the world of the dead and main character works. Attractive and despite the fact that she was killed, a gentle, vulnerable, charming girl. She was deceived, robbed and killed by Lord Barkis, after which Emily swore to herself that she would not be free until she met true love. Subsequently, she awakens from Victor's oath, and, deciding that he is her husband, drags him with him to the world of the dead, but later finds out that her marriage to him is just a misunderstanding, but nevertheless Victor decides to marry her, thereby fulfilling his promise to her. However, she realizes that Victor loves another girl, and when Victor released her from her oath, she decides to release him too, and thereby allow him to reunite with Victoria, with whom he was in love. At the end of the film, Emily turns into a flock of butterflies.


    One-eyed skeleton with manners and charm bad guy. Jazz lover. Chansonnier of the tavern "Kneecap". It is he who tells the story of Emily to Victor who found himself in the World of the Dead. The Russian translation does not indicate the exact name of Kostotryas. Why are there various variations of his name, for example, Clattering Bones, etc.

    Barkis Bittern

    Visiting lord. Under the guise of a relative of the Everglots family, he gets to the rehearsal of the wedding of Victor and Victoria. And as a result, in the hope of getting the wealth of the Everglots, he becomes the husband of Victoria. However, later unpleasant moments of Bittern's biography emerge. It turns out that it was he who killed and robbed Emily. At the end of the film, he dies after accidentally drinking poisoned wine.


    • Pastor Gallswells- the city priest. Strict, demanding and ruthless. Performs the duties that a city priest is supposed to perform. Mistakes Victoria for a madwoman when she tells him that Victor married the bride's corpse, subsequently marrying her and Lord Barkis.
    • Elder Gutknecht- an old skeleton, holder of the library of magical books of the World of the Dead. Breeds ravens. Performs the same duties in the World of the Dead as Pastor Goldswells in the world of the living.
    • Mayhew- The coachman of the Van Dort family. Subsequently, he dies of an incessant cough (which Mrs. Van Dort so unnerves) and with breaking news from the world of the living to the world of the dead.
    • worm- a maggot ("corpse worm") that lives in Emily's head. From time to time plays the role of conscience and inner voice. Lisp.
    • Black Widow- spider, friend of the Bride and Worm. In Burton's sketches for the cartoon, there are scenes hinting at mutual feelings between the Worm and the Widow.
    • Paul - Head of Waiters- the chief waiter of the institution "Spherical Joint" ("Kneecap"). A Frenchman who had his head cut off on a guillotine - that's why only one head remained from Paul. Moves in space with the help of cockroaches, dragging it on their backs.
    • Emil- The butler of the Everglot family. Very elegant and refined in manners. It has a long, pointed "eagle" nose and a large mustache. At the end of the film, when a crowd of the dead breaks into the Everglot estate, they leave their master Phinis Everglot to their fate and run away.
    • Finis Everglot's grandfather- An ancestor of the bankrupt Lord Everglot. His portrait hangs in the main hall of Finis' estate. He appears at the end of the film in the guise of a walking dead man who asked his grandson where he kept the alcohol, thereby greatly frightening him and Madeleine. Judging by the portrait, during his lifetime, Everglot's grandfather outwardly did not differ in any way from Finis and was (as, indeed, all his ancestors) the same barrel-shaped fat man.

    Roles voiced

    Character English voice Spanish voice Italian voice German voice Japanese voice Russian dubbing
    Victor Van Dort Johnny Depp Rocher Pera Fabio Boccaner David Nathan Kiuchi Hidenobu Ilya Pale
    Emily the Dead Bride Helena Bonham Carter Mar Roca Claudia Razzi Heidrun Batolomois Kaori Yamagata Zhanna Nikonova
    Olga Golovanova (vocals)
    Victoria Everglot Emily Watson Graciela Molina Francesca Fiorentini Melanie Pukass Sayaka Kobayashi Larisa Nekipelova
    Finis Everglot Albert Finney Jordi Vila Norman Mozzato Jürgen Klückert Takaya Hashi Alexey Kolgan
    Madeleine Everglot Joanna Lumley Aurora Garcia Aurora Kanchan Kerstin Sanders-Dornseif Tomoko Miyadera Lika Rulla
    Nell Van Dort Tracey Ullman Concha Garcia Valero Lorenz Biella Dagmar Biner Ai Sato Lyudmila Gnilova
    William Van Dort Paul Whitehouse Javier Vinas Renato Cortesi Bodo Wolf Katsumi Suzuki