Unforgettable birthday gifts. Original birthday gifts. Gift ideas in the Red Cube online store

What to give a friend for her birthday

What to give a friend for her birthday to delight her, and the gift turned out to be useful and functional? What if your friend is pregnant? And what is the best way to give money? Original ideas and advice on choosing gifts for girlfriends of different ages.

What to give a girlfriend 10–15 and 16–20 years old for her birthday

What to give a girlfriend aged 10 to 20 years? At this age, it is not very easy to please the birthday girl. Practical Tips about how to choose a useful and nice gift for a young girl, fitting into any budget.

What to give a woman for her birthday

Useful tips for choosing a birthday present for a woman. Practical recommendations to help you choose the right and nice gift for women of any age. Lots of ideas and examples of specific gifts.

What to give a man for his birthday

What gift to choose a man to please him? What to give a loved one or just a friend? How to please a person who has everything and what is better to give a family friend? Helpful Ideas and practical advice.

What to give a friend for his birthday

Tips to help you choose a gift for a friend based on their age, hobbies and degree of friendship. As examples, specific things are given that can be presented to a birthday person aged 12 to 30 years.

What to give mom for her birthday

Practical recommendations on how to choose a worthy and useful gift for mom on her birthday. What to give if there is no money, how to make a gift with your own hands, what to buy if funds are limited, and what to please your mother when you don’t want to save.

What to get dad for his birthday

Choosing a gift for dad is difficult only at first glance. With these tips, a son or daughter will be able to pick up a useful, pleasant, practical and memorable gift for a father or stepfather of any age. Given a lot concrete examples gifts of various price ranges.

What to give a guy for his birthday

What to give a guy for his birthday without spending a lot of money? Useful tips and original solutions for gifts to classmates, classmates, loved ones and boyfriends of girlfriends. Examples of gifts that will please young people from 13 to 25 years old.

What to give your loved one for his birthday

Tips to help women who are looking for a birthday present for their beloved man, husband or married lover. Examples of what you can please your loved one and practical advice on choosing a gift.

What to give your loved one for her birthday

Tips to help you choose the right gift for your beloved woman, legal wife and married mistress. In the examples of gifts, the wishes of girls and the dreams of birthday girls are taken into account. Important warnings about what items you should not give your loved ones.

What to give a girl for her birthday

Choosing a gift for a girl is not easier than pleasing an adult lady. These tips will help both women and men find exactly the gift that will delight the little birthday girl. Gift ideas for girls aged 4 to 12.

What to give a boy for his birthday

Tips for those who are looking for a gift for a boy from 3 to 14 years old. Dozens of practical ideas and concrete examples that can be a useful and pleasant gift for a young birthday boy who is expecting a surprise on his birthday.

What to give your husband for his birthday

With these tips, any woman can easily choose an original and useful gift not only for her husband, but also for the husband of her sister, girlfriend and for her ex-spouse, and also learns how to give something that cannot be given according to folk signs.

What to give your wife for her birthday

Useful tips for men who are looking for gifts for their beloved women. What to give your wife for her birthday? What flowers to choose for congratulations? What to buy as a gift for the wife of a brother or friend? The answers to these questions are in this article.

What to give your sister for her birthday

Useful tips for those who are faced with the problem of choosing a good, useful and pleasant birthday present for their sister. Dozens of gift examples for girls, girls and women, as well as DIY gift ideas.

What to get your brother for his birthday

Best selection gifts for brother, practical advice, useful recommendations, gifts for men of different ages and social status. Interesting ideas helping to choose or make a gift for a close relative with their own hands.

What to give mother in law for her birthday

Choosing a gift for the mother-in-law is complicated by many factors. Helpful Tips and practical examples of gifts for the husband's mother, mother-in-law and a woman who will soon be called her second mother.

What to give your father-in-law for his birthday

Dozens useful gifts, which can be bought for the birthday of the father of the husband or the future father-in-law. Men with different habits and hobbies are considered. Practical advice and examples of gifts for every budget.

What to give mother-in-law and father-in-law for a birthday

Birthday gift ideas for mother-in-law and father-in-law. Joint gifts for two and for each separately are considered, taking into account the hobbies of a man and a woman, and options for gifts that can be made by hand are proposed.

What to give your aunt and uncle for his birthday

Tips for those who don't know. What to give your aunt and uncle for a birthday. Many examples practical gifts for every taste and budget. Unusual gift ideas that children and adults can make with their own hands.

What to give grandma for her birthday

Tips for caring grandchildren and granddaughters who want to give their grandmother a useful and pleasant birthday present that you can buy in a store or make yourself. Ideas for grandchildren of all ages.

What to get grandpa for his birthday

Important Tips for those who have difficulty choosing a gift for an elderly person. What to give grandfather to give him the joy of receiving and using a gift? Lots of practical examples and helpful tips.

What to give a colleague for his birthday

Tips to help those who are entrusted with the responsible task of choosing gifts for employees from the team, as well as recommendations to help find nice gifts for friends at work on their own.

What to give your boss for his birthday

Practical advice on choosing a birthday present for a big boss, helping to buy a solid and pleasant gift for a birthday person. Examples of gifts for bosses and bosses from the team and from an individual employee.

What to give son-in-law for his birthday

Parents who wish their daughter family happiness should maintain friendly relations with their son-in-law. The easiest way to take a step forward on your birthday is to please your beloved relative with a good and useful gift.

What to give for the birth of a child

The birth of a child is a miracle that makes at least two people happy - the mother and father of the baby! An article about how to congratulate young parents, and what to give to a newly-made citizen of this world.

What to give a child for a birthday for 1, 2 and 3 years

When going to a child's birthday, every adult is faced with the problem of choosing a gift. These helpful tips will help you choose pleasant surprises for the smallest birthdays and birthday girls 1, 2 and 3 years old.

What to give a child 4, 5 and 6 years old for his birthday

To bring joy to a child on his birthday is simple: you need to choose good gift! Tips for those who are looking for a surprise for a boy or girl 4-6 years old. Ideas to help find a gift that delights the baby.

What to give a child 7, 8 and 9 years old for his birthday

Children of the younger school age looking forward to their birthday. The reason for this is the numerous gifts with which guests come. How not to disappoint the birthday boy and how to please a boy or girl of 7-9 years old on their favorite holiday.


Carefully selected creative, unusual birthday gifts will not only create good mood, will remain in memory for a long time, but will also turn out to be necessary, useful. Having considered several original ideas offered below, you can easily pick up a present that is ideal for the birthday man.

Top 5 unusual and original birthday gifts

In order for the birthday person to like the present, it is important to take into account his gender, age, character traits, hobbies, interests, etc.

With all this information, you can easily come up with ideas for original birthday gifts. Please note that you do not have to buy them, you can do it yourself.

Gifts in the style of " hand made will cause the recipient a storm of emotions - delight, joy, surprise, happiness. If you do not know how to do something unusual with your own hands, choose one of the options below for unusual gifts.

smart gadgets

  1. Keychain tracker - a small device made of plastic with a hole and a button on the body. Manufactured in several bright beautiful flowers, so you can choose a device for every taste. The keychain can be presented as a birthday present for both a woman and a man. The accessory is needed to search for "lost" - keys, bags, phone, pets, etc. To do this, you need to put the device on the dog (cat) collar, key ring, put it in the pocket of the bag, small child, and if necessary, activate using a special application installed on another gadget. When you press the "Alert" button, the key fob starts ringing loudly and does not stop until you find it.
  2. Selfie remote - allows you to control the camera and arrange photo sessions while being at a distance from the phone. Very easy to use, original, unusual birthday present. Even cope with it Small child. Such a gift can be ordered in the online gift shop.
  3. Personalized external battery "Energy reserve" should be presented to those who are often on the road. The device will help charge your phone, tablet, camera, always stay in touch, go online. The battery is equipped with a metal case, on which an engraving is applied - the surname, name, patronymic of the birthday man.
  4. Smart scales should be presented to birthday people who monitor their weight. In addition to body weight, the gadget shows several more parameters - the volume of muscle, fat, bone tissue, etc.

Original gifts for home and life

  1. Wall florarium - a garden in glass container. This unusual present serves as an interior decoration. You can make it yourself, using vases, plants for every taste, creating unusual exotic compositions.
  2. Aero sofa - an inflatable lounger that can be used at home, in the country, on the street, on the road, in nature, etc. The product is "not afraid" of either low or high temperatures, inflates without a pump, using the technology of "scooping air". It is made of waterproof material, and when folded is placed in a small backpack.
  3. An air dryer for shoes, clothes is an indispensable device for the home. Works on the principle of a hair dryer or fan, providing uniform ventilation of products.
  4. A smart floor cleaner that frees the owner from the daily cleaning of the house. As soon as garbage gets on the floor, the device turns on and sucks it up without human intervention.


  1. An interactive T-shirt is a very unusual birthday present that will be delighted by both the birthday man and the woman who cannot imagine life without music. This is an ordinary battery-powered T-shirt, to which an interactive panel with a mini-processor is attached using Velcro. The T-shirt can be played like a real instrument, if necessary, all electronic parts are detached, and the thing is washed in the usual way.
  2. A 3D pen can be presented on the birthday of not only an adult, but also a child. An unusual device creates original three-dimensional drawings in the air. The pen, depending on the printing method, is of two types - cold and hot. For the first work, resins are used that harden under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The second is drawn with molten polymeric materials that solidify in a natural way.
  3. Toys that make sounds, play music or sing songs. It is better to give such a present to a child, it contributes to the development of hearing, touch, and vision in a baby.
  4. A certificate for SPA procedures will please the birthday woman. Practical present, which will give the recipient a mass positive emotions and pleasure.

Sets for hobbies and hobbies

  1. The aqua farm is an unusual gift, which is a closed ecosystem - an 11-liter aquarium with fish and plants that are grown in a special tray and can later be eaten. The set includes:
    • aquarium;
    • gravel;
    • air conditioner for water treatment;
    • pump;
    • fish food;
    • pallet, pots and planting material for plants.
  2. Minigolf is a small copy of the well-known game for an exciting pastime with friends. The rules of the game are the same as in the regular version, only the length of the playing fields is shorter.
  3. Sensors for plants - worth giving to women involved in the cultivation of indoor flowers. Devices determine the level of moisture, air temperature, ground, the amount useful substances in the soil. The collected information is sent to the smartphone through a special application.
  4. Kits for carving, soap making, embroidery with beads, etc. So original surprises women who are fond of needlework will be delighted.

Unusual souvenirs and trinkets

  1. A desktop biofireplace is an unusual portable heater that is easy to place in any corner of the room. The fire is formed using organic biofuels, so it does not create burning, soot, smoke. Biofireplaces are produced in different models, thanks to which it is possible to choose a product for any design solution, interior. You can buy a souvenir on the manufacturer's website by ordering delivery by mail, and give it as a gift already assembled.
  2. Glass in the form of an old smoking pipe. Such an original souvenir should be presented to connoisseurs of elite alcoholic beverages, gourmets who enjoy drinking them, enjoying the taste.
  3. Umbrella-reversible - folds in the opposite direction, so the hands, shoes, clothes of the owner and the floor of the room will always be dry.
  4. Electronic piggy bank. By giving such a souvenir for a birthday, you will free the birthday boy from the accumulated coins, since the device will do it instead of him.

What a creative gift to choose for family and friends

It is very important to choose original and inexpensive birthday gifts depending on the gender, age, status of the birthday person, etc. What to give to loved ones and good friends:

To whom is the gift given?

List of possible gifts


  • a set of elite varieties of coffee or tea, complemented by sweets;
  • unusual dishes;
  • night lamp with original design;
  • unusual pillows in the form of cakes;
  • photo on canvas

Beloved girl or wife

  • luminous soft pillow;
  • holders - car for a phone, for a handbag, jewelry;
  • a set of expensive beautiful bed linen;
  • romantic pastime, such as a rooftop dinner or a weekend in an expensive hotel;
  • battery-operated electronic candle;
  • thematic photo session

Unusual gifts for kids

  • headphones with original plugs;
  • lamp - a projector of the starry sky;
  • quadrocopter;
  • set for home experiments, creativity;
  • sneakers with LEDs;
  • quest participation certificate

Colleagues at work and boss

  • coffee machine for car
  • a set of whiskey glasses;
  • nominal purse;
  • ancient souvenirs, figurines;
  • smart pen
  • magic ball with predictions;
  • coloring with small details to relieve stress;
  • reflective umbrella;
  • alarm clock Target with laser sight;
  • camera with printer;
  • certificate for seasonal activities (paintball, water park, snowboard, etc.)

Beloved boyfriend or husband

  • fitness tracker;
  • virtual reality helmet;
  • sports watch;
  • automotive portable devices (parking sensors, navigator)


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What to give for a birthday original and unusual: gift ideas

No self-respecting person will go to a birthday without a gift. Some, presenting a present, try to observe generally accepted traditions, while others, choosing a gift, put their soul into it. But most importantly, a birthday present should please the birthday person himself!

Gift ideas in the Red Cube online store

The online gift shop Red Cube offers you interesting and creative, useful and exclusive souvenirs for reasonable price that will delight their owners. To choose cool gift, do not postpone this procedure to the very last moment.

Almost all people love sweets, so sweet tooth the best gift there will be a box of jam with a personalized inscription: “Happy jam day!”, Fortune cookies or a thermo glass for a fruit cocktail.

Everyone wants to capture the most interesting moments in life, so beautiful gift there will be photo frames. They can be placed in any room. The photo gallery will reflect unforgettable days relaxing on the warm sea, or reminding how the baby took his first steps, or reflect the beauty of the bride and groom on the wedding day.

A birthday present for a girl can be creative. The Red Cube online store offers folding umbrellas in various colors. And girls love flowers so much! A vase "Bouquet of Lavender", "Sea Patterns" or "Mosaic" will be a good addition to a beautiful bouquet, and for lovers of potted plants, a good and an inexpensive gift there will be a pot. No girl will go on a date without jewelry. To store it, you can give her an elegant box.

As a gift for kids, you can buy an album for coloring "Cats". Children love to take almost everything that is dear to them on the road. To accommodate all of these items, give your child a backpack with the name "Monkey" inscribed on it. If the baby is a couple of months old from birth, you can buy a bodysuit for him with a cute print or his name.

What to give a man? The Red Cube online store offers unusual and original souvenirs for the stronger sex. Thermo-stack "Lens" will appeal to the photographer, gift set"Breakfast. Dinner. Dinner" will suit the taster, but connoisseurs of antiquity can be presented with a table clock "Classic of Time".

Buying a birthday present with delivery in Russia is no longer a problem. Go to our catalog and choose a suitable gift, and in the near future you will receive a long-awaited souvenir, which will be a pleasure to visit.

Choosing a good gift for a girl on her main day of the year is a difficult task for many men. Lifehacker rushes to the rescue and offers 10 trouble-free ideas, and also talks about what you definitely shouldn’t give as a gift.

What can be donated

Vivid memories are much more valuable than any, even the most expensive thing. So think about what impression you could give.

The range of ideas starts with a ticket to a theater or a concert and ends with a trip together to a distant country. To purchase tickets for an interesting event, you can use the service or with the promotional code P1KBSP350, if this is your first order on the site.

Flight to hot-air balloon, hang-gliding or in a wind tunnel, skydiving, going to an amusement park or walking on the roofs - something from this will definitely please most birthday girls.

What to buy

  • Gift certificate for a parachute jump from P.S.BOX, 4,743 rubles →
  • Gift certificate for a plane ride from P.S.BOX, 9,821 rubles →
  • Gift certificate for a paragliding flight from P.S.BOX, 2,560 rubles →

Another type of gift that is nice to receive for almost anyone. But there are even more pitfalls than in the previous paragraph. What scents does a girl like? What is she wearing? Does it paint at all? Which skin care products are right for her? And, importantly, are these products already on the shelf in her bathroom?

If you are sure that you know the answers for sure, feel free to buy a gift. Not? Better get a certificate to a cosmetics store, spa, or choose something completely different.

Cosmetics and perfumes can be ordered, for example, at a 35% discount using the SITE35 promo code or at a lifehacker promo code for a 7% discount.

What to buy

Another immaterial, but very valuable present. Almost any modern girl will be glad to receive new knowledge in the field of interest to her.

A gift, depending on preferences, can be a paid photography course, online art lectures at a top university, or makeup courses. Even just good book on an important topic for the birthday girl, it will be much better to give than another teddy bear.

Use the promo code TWOMAIL to get a discount of 2,500 rubles on any educational course at. And you can order useful books in the online store with an additional discount by using the LIL code in the basket.

What to buy


A good gadget is a universal gift for any gender. The main thing is to decide what a particular person may need. New smartphone, tablet, e-book? Or a camera or a projector? Or maybe it's an external battery or headphones? If you do right choice, then for a long time you will hear gratitude addressed to you.

What to buy

  • Xiaomi Mi Airdots Pro wireless headphones from AliExpress, from 3,695 rubles →
  • External battery 10,000 mAh from Baseus with AliExpress, 1,084 rubles →

We are talking about those hobbies that the girl already has. For example, an artist will definitely be happy to receive a set of high-quality pencils or pastels, and a sports fan - thematic or inventory.

What is clearly not worth doing is giving things that, in your opinion, are associated with typical female hobbies.

A scrapbooking kit, knitting needles and threads, as well as adorable cupcake molds can fly into the wall if it turns out that the girl is fond of, for example, blacksmithing.

What to buy

  • Combined model with backlight "Carriage" from "Symbolic", 266 rubles →


Like a gift-impression, a thing made by one's own hand can please much more than bought in a store. The main thing is that it should be noticeable that you decided to make it not out of a desire to save money, but because you wanted to show attention and care.

Therefore, involve your talents in creating a gift. If you are fond of music - compose a song. You draw well - write a portrait. You shoot and edit well - make a film about a birthday girl. If you know how to work with your hands - create a joint album of photos or something more practical. A cool lamp or chair made to your unique design will outshine any cute IKEA purchase.

This is another way to show a girl how much you care about her. But in this case, you will have to connect not only your imagination, but also your organizational skills: you will need to agree with the birthday girl's friends so that the holiday is a success.

Ideas for him can be very different. For example, you can arrange a quest for a girl to visit memorable places in the city or take her to a water park or forest, where a secret party will be prepared.

In most cases, this is a 100% hit. It is rare to find a girl who does not like jewelry at all. But when choosing, you need to consider several factors:

  1. Actually, does the girl wear jewelry, and if so, what kind. It will be very embarrassing if you give earrings to someone who does not have pierced ears.
  2. What style of jewelry does the girl prefer. Some people love massive ethnic jewelry, while others are neat and minimalistic. Believe me, if you want to make a good gift, understanding this is very important. If you are not confident in your own abilities, ask your friends or relatives of the birthday girl to help.
  3. What materials is the decoration made of? It is possible that the girl may be allergic to some alloys. So it's better to give preference to surgical steel and natural materials like wood and stone. In addition, any inexpensive silver earrings will always look better than cheap plastic jewelry.

What to buy

  • Golden brooch in the form of a bird with stones from Sokolov, 12,490 rubles →

Of course, this is an option only for the girl with whom you are paired. And of course, you will also receive a certain profit from this gift. But before you buy, make sure you know your crush's underwear size and preferences. The latter also applies to toys. And get to know possible options possible in .

What to buy

  • Lace black bodysuit with a deep neckline from Asos Design, 1 790 rubles →
  • Gift set of a vibrator, vibrobullet, vibroring and handcuffs from Lovetoy, from 4,590 rubles →
  • Pink contactless clitoral stimulator from Womanizer, 9,560 rubles →

This, in principle, can include all of the above points. With only one amendment: you know for sure that the girl has been dreaming about this thing or this event for a long time.

Dreams can be very different. From "these flying slippers in the form of sheep" to the course of business journalism.

How to find out about a dream? Listen to the girl and remember her desires. Or ask her friends and family. In the end, she herself. Even if you give something without a surprise that the birthday girl has been dreaming about for a long time, she will still be happy.

What not to give

An exception is if a girl openly asks for this particular frying pan or slow cooker. Otherwise, you run the risk of being branded, which indicates the birthday girl to her "true" purpose. And in general, there are much more beautiful things in the world than cooking and cleaning. Here, choose one of them.


No matter how kind and bright your intentions are, but a gym membership or an epilator will most likely be taken as a hint. And not the most pleasant and tactful. The exception (again) is the explicit request of the birthday girl for just such a gift.

Mugs, key rings, figurines bought in the passage will rather show your indifference than become a nice surprise. If you have absolutely no time or ideas, give the girl beautiful bouquet. It's really better.


Quite frankly, money is a strange gift for anyone's birthday. So you not only demonstrate that the fantasy was only enough to go to the ATM, but also implicitly hint that the birthday boy is below the poverty line.

Don't know what to give? Just ask. Perhaps the answer will just be a couple of thousand rubles. Or maybe you will learn about something more interesting.

"How good it is to give gifts!" - not the first ten years the Osterovskaya Monkey exclaims. But he does not specify how difficult it is to choose them. Especially to men. Especially on a modest budget. They are mysterious creatures: either they love socks and shaving cream very much, or we don’t know them well.
If you are tormented by the question of what to give your husband for his birthday, this material is for you.

Accept it as a fact: you should not buy cute, but useless gizmos that the fair sex loves so much. Items that are useful, but of poor quality, are also not suitable - it’s better to choose a more modest present, but branded production.

So, what gift to present to your beloved husband?

  1. Of course, a romantic day (and night)! Take a walk together in the places of your acquaintance, visit an amusement park, take a boat ride on the river or arrange a horse ride. A sauna, a trip out of town or a hotel room, a maid outfit, a nurse, a flight attendant or a Tarzan girl - try to freshen up your relationship!

  2. An offsite birthday party in the company of close friends will relax and delight a person who is tired of work. Bowling, billiards, picnic, fishing, etc. Take over the organization or give a ticket to a country club.

  3. Evening with male friends. Buy a beer, make a pizza, and leave. The husband will appreciate this feat, and you can arrange a bachelorette party for yourself.

  4. cake in the form female breast or priests in lace, made to order, will surely cheer you up and set you in a playful mood! Don't forget the postcard touching words- you can right on the cake, in the form of a tattoo on the pope.

  5. Cool gifts from the intimate goods store: stacks with poses from the Kama Sutra (very pleased my colleagues on February 23!), men's briefs in the form of an elephant with a trunk or a lamb (you press on the nose - it marks; you can add Haruki Murakami's "Sheep Hunting" to the underpants), sets for intimate games and other amusements of this theme.

  6. Participate in an erotic photo session with a professional photographer and order a calendar with your pictures. Such an unusual and exciting gift will surely delight your loved one.

  7. A useful birthday present for a man is a high-quality briefcase, a bag, a backpack ... a wallet, a key holder. Choose a form that the person is used to. For example, he likes to carry a bag over his shoulder - then the short handle will seem uncomfortable.

  8. Mini-smoker, brewery, barbecue set, barbecue - if you have your own house, cottage or often visit nature.

  9. A bar in the form of a globe, a bottle of good whiskey or cognac - if a man likes to gourmand in terms of alcohol, but does not abuse it.

  10. If your husband is a business man, look for cool cufflinks with a shirt or an expensive tie. Appreciated at work.

  11. If the husband wears a beard, a clipper will come in handy to maintain a neat shape. An electric shaver is an option.

  12. A personal set of dishes engraved with a declaration of love: plates for the first, second and mug. You can order another souvenir products: T-shirt, watch, pillow, thermos, flash drive, umbrella with your general photo or some sentimental inscription.

  13. Annual supply of socks. On the one hand, socks have become the talk of the town when comparing gifts for men and women. On the other hand, something necessary! You can buy socks with different inscriptions: “King, just king”, “ The perfect man"," The real colonel "...

  14. A leather belt is a solid, practical, relatively inexpensive, suitable gift for everyone!

  15. Serve the masculine bathrobe as a present. Even if the husband does not go to the bath, in such a dressing gown he will feel comfortable on a winter evening, leaving the bathroom.

  16. If the spouse has everything - give a radio-controlled helicopter or something from Lego. Men enjoy such toys like children.

Presents for home

Practical men - and most of them - will appreciate the gift that is needed in the household, provides comfort.

  • A comfortable computer chair - if the husband is a programmer, designer, "tanker" or just spends a lot of time at the computer.
  • An upholstered rocking chair is a very cozy piece of furniture. In the absence of the owner, other family members will surely enjoy it. Option - a hammock for home or garden.
  • Electrical appliance for the kitchen. My man is a rare gourmet, loves to conjure over sushi, meat in prunes, etc. When I started experimenting with cocktails, I gave him a blender. Actively uses, unlike me.
  • Coffee grinder, expensive coffees or coffee machine. For a brother, a lover of this strong drink, his wife presented a coffee machine for a round date - he constantly experiments with different varieties and methods of preparation, drinks himself and treats guests.
  • Tool kit, tool box, universal screwdriver, hammer drill, screwdriver, etc.

For activities, hobbies

An original gift for an active, healthy man on his birthday - a parachute jump, paragliding, a trip to the mountains, extreme driving, quad biking, go-karting, snowmobiling or rafting. You can not participate yourself - give a certificate. An adrenaline rush and bright emotions are guaranteed for a long time!

Delight the motorist with a radar in the car, a navigator, a video recorder, seat covers, a compressor, an auto-refrigerator, a massager, a sink high pressure or a paid car wash.

You can give a sports husband a simulator, a punching bag, a karemat (mat), wristbands (if your man likes to pull the barbell - this is an indispensable thing), a waterproof watch for the pool, a special water bottle, a gym membership.

If your husband is fond of tourism, fishing, hunting, traveling, think about a tent, a sleeping bag, a camera, an external battery for a smartphone or tablet. A set will be useful plastic tableware, a lamp for a tent (a very handy thing!), a flashlight, thermal underwear. For road trips, a folding table and chairs, a headrest pillow, and a thermal bag will come in handy.

Chess, checkers, backgammon self made, poker set, darts, Game of Thrones - the list of games is endless! On January 1, we played the newly presented "Monopoly" with the company - both the small and the adult were carried away.

Readers will love the e-book. Many prefer paper editions - in this case, select a series of books, focusing on the literary taste of your spouse.

A certificate for training - in a shooting club, for example, or in a tennis section. A colleague gave a month of online foreign classes with a native speaker - the spouse had to quickly improve his English. Increasing competence and skill is an extremely important gift!

Don't give away something you don't understand at all. You run the risk of displeasing a fisherman with a fishing rod, you can give a motorist an accessory that does not suit his car, a music lover - the wrong recording of Bach's organ concerto.

For an anniversary

In the most significant dates- for example, the 35th anniversary or the 50th anniversary - I want to congratulate in a special way loved one. As a rule, relatives gather a family council, think over the organization of the event, and plan expenses. Here are some ideas:

  1. An engraved gold bar is sure to impress! Practical investment again.
  2. A picture or an object of art - if the spouse is not alien to the beautiful.
  3. A souvenir machete or other weapon options - a man is a warrior after all! And to neutralize bad omen let him give you a coin.
  4. Expensive watches are a status thing. They have always been given and, it seems, will be given, also despite the sign.
  5. Genealogical book with photographs and personal sheets for each member of the family, with archival documents, geographical maps, stories, legends, family recipes. This will allow the husband to feel involved in the family history and preserve the memory for future generations.
  6. A ticket to a sporting event or a music concert somewhere in Europe, along with travel tickets. Would you like it?!

Show a creative approach, and most importantly - let the hero of the occasion relax, rest his soul, be himself. For this he will be especially grateful.

Interesting, pleasant and memorable gifts to your missus!