Scenario matinee in kindergarten "New Year's fairy tale" New Year's script for dow "winter tale" Tale for a children's party new year

Scenario for the New Year kindergarten built on fairy-tale characters who play a magical new year story. When we selected the script for the new year for children, we chose the most interesting plot. The script for children should be clear, simple and at the same time very interesting and intriguing.

How is the scenario New Year's party in kindergarten

Scenario for the new year in kindergarten

The children entered the hall, stood near the Christmas tree.

Host: What kind of guest came to us?
And on it the lights of the garland
How beautiful is she!
Together with her comes to us
Winter holiday - New Year! (together).

1. Christmas tree dressed up for the holiday
It lit up with lights.
How they burn, sparkle
Everyone is invited to the feast.

2. At the green Christmas tree
beautiful needles
And from top to bottom
Beautiful toys.

3. Let's dance merrily,
Let's sing songs
For the tree to want
Come visit us again!

Leading: And the tree is happy for all of you
So much fun all around
Let's go guys
Let's sing about the Christmas tree.

Song about the Christmas tree (Here is such a Christmas tree).

Leading: Guys, let's play with our Christmas tree.
All: our Christmas tree is standing.
Everything is on fire!
And the heels are stomped
And the lights went out.

Leading: Oh, look, the Christmas tree was scared of us, and the lights on it went out. Let's help her. Say the magic words
Clap, clap - speak!
Our Christmas tree is on fire!

Herringbone lights up

Leading: We all admire the Christmas tree today
She gives us a delicate aroma
And the most the best holiday New Year,
Comes with her to kindergarten.

Round dance "The Christmas tree stood." Children sit on chairs

Host: And now we'll sit down,
And look at the tree
Near the Christmas tree
Miracles happen.
Right now in our hall,
The story begins.

Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden: Hello guys
You recognized me?
I'm a snow maiden!
I came to you
From a winter fairy tale.
I'm all snow, silver.
My friends are a blizzard and a blizzard
I love everyone, I'm good to everyone.
Guys, let's invite us to the holiday of Santa Claus.

Children: Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

Santa Claus enters with a song

Grandfather Frost: Oh, I'm coming, I'm coming!

Santa Claus: Hello guys!
Hello dear guests!
Beyond the mountains beyond the forests
Missed you all day long.
I remember you every day
Collected gifts for everyone!

A hare runs out to him and cries

Grandfather Frost: Look, as soon as I said about the gifts, the bunny came running right away.

Hare: Z-uuu (crying hare)

Santa Claus: Hello hare!

Hare: Hello Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Why are you crying hare?

Hare: A sly fox kicked me out of my house.

Fox: I am a fox, I am a cheat,
Gilded head.
It's good to live here alone
This house is mine now.

Grandfather Frost: Don't be sad, hare
We'll help you get out
A cunning fox from the house.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, let's invite his friends to our bunny - bunnies. There are a lot of them, the fox can get scared of them and run away from the house.

Grandfather Frost: Come on, Snow Maiden. Once the hare got into trouble,
I will call his friends.
Hey, rabbits, run out, help out a friend of a hare.

Bunnies run out (rabbit dance)

Grandfather Frost: Hey, hurry up the rabbits, drive the fox out of the house!

Hares go to the house. They knock.

Fox: How to jump out, how to jump out!
Scraps will go along the back streets.

Hares run away

Grandfather Frost (approaches the hare, he cries):
- Don't cry, hare, we'll drive the fox away!
I'll call the bear for help.
Misha, Mishenka, bear!
You leave your lair
Come to us for help!

Bear: If only I can
I will definitely help.
After all, according to a fairy tale, everyone knows
We will fight back the fox.

The bear comes to the house

Bear: Hey fox, open up!
Get out of the house soon!

Fox: As soon as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets.

Hare: No one can drive the Fox out of my house.

Snow Maiden: I know! Who will help you. It's a Rooster!
Petya, petya - Cockerel
golden scallop,
Do you get up early,
Sing songs loudly.
You sing louder in the forest
Scare Lisa there.
Rooster: My squad is here with me.
Fighting cockerels.
We stomp our feet
We flap our wings.
Let's scream out loud
And we will defeat the fox!

Dance of the cockerels

Rooster: I carry a scythe on my shoulders,
I want a fox in the field.

The Fox runs out, the Rooster follows her.

Fox: I'm guilty, I'm cunning
But please forgive me.

Bunny: Thank you very much!
The house is now mine again.

Santa Claus: And now I'm all, friends,
I invite you to the round dance.
To have fun and together
Celebrate the New Year!

Round dance "Snow, snow"

Leading: Santa Claus, sit under the Christmas tree, relax,
And the guys read poetry to you.

Santa Claus: Thank you, children. I liked your poems, but something made me feel hot with you! I would like cold air and a breeze now. Blow everything on me.

Snow Maiden: Snowflakes, girlfriends,
Fly fast
Let's spin together
At his tree.
You ... fly!
And chill Frost.

Snowflake dance

Santa Claus: Well, thank you, snowflakes
You have cooled me down.
I am a cheerful Santa Claus!
Brought gifts for everyone!
You will now have a surprise
Sweet prize for all the kids!
I have for the guys
One cute candy!

Takes on the Christmas tree, shows

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, just one?

Santa Claus: But not a simple candy, but a magical one.
I’ll put it under the tree and say this to the candy:
You grow, grow candy.
Here it is, here it is!
Become sweetie soon
Like this, like this.

Shows with his hands, takes out a large tree from under the tree

Santa Claus: Here, she has grown so big.
I'll just say one, two, three...
Feed all the kids!


They're rattling inside!

Santa Claus: (they are afraid, opens, and there are gifts).
Look guys
Here are my gifts.

Shows to children - distribution of gifts

Santa Claus: Sorry friends, we must say goodbye,
It's time for us to go home.
Just don't forget us.
All: Goodbye, kids.

Host: Our holiday has come to an end.
Happy new year to you!

Exit from the hall

1. Do not prick the Christmas tree.
Is it worth getting angry?
We gathered for the holiday
To have fun.
2. Lots of joy today
New Year brought us all
Dancing on New Year's holiday
Santa Claus is with us.
3. Golden lights
Christmas tree shines for us
We'll stomp our heels
That's how much fun we have.
4. The Christmas tree is brightly dressed
In a blue party outfit
Santa Claus brought gifts
To our beloved Kindergarten.
5. Christmas tree stars are good.
Kids are dancing near the Christmas tree.
The legs of small children do not stand,
Everyone wants to dance at the festival.
6. I said goodbye to the dark forest
beauty tree.
They hurried to us from the forest.
The holiday begins.
7. Why are we visiting
Trees in bright lights.
Because it's coming to us
Winter holiday New Year.
8. To our Christmas tree oh-oh-oh,
Grandfather Frost is coming alive.
Well, Santa Claus
What cheeks, what a nose.
Beard, beard
And on the cap is a star.
There are specks on the nose,
And daddy's eyes.
9. Santa Claus collected animals
Mishka, bunny wolf.
And led everyone out of the forest,
To the kindergarten on the Christmas tree.
10. A lot of joy today,
The New Year has brought us all.
Dancing on New Year's holiday
Sleep together Santa Claus.
11. Happy new year, happy new year.
Hello Dedushka Moroz.
He's out of the woods in passing
The Christmas tree has already been brought to us.
12. Let's all stand at the Christmas tree in a round dance.
To have a fun new year.
13. Hello dear tree
You are visiting us again
The lights are shining again
In your not dense branches.
14. Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Here she is
Slender, beautiful,
Bright, big.
15. Christmas tree, Christmas tree, what a marvel!
How beautifully decorated.
Lots of cones, lanterns.
Santa Claus sits under it.

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Scenario for senior group"Christmas story"

The clock strikes, a girl and a boy run into the hall.
Ksenia P. - Wider circle, wider circle, hello, our green friend
Coniferous clothes, resin leg
A wonderful day is coming - the New Year is coming!
A holiday of laughter and inventions, a holiday of happiness for children!
Danil P. - What surprises await us today?
Perhaps, from fairy tales, guests will come to us?
Do you think Santa Claus will come to us?
Ksenia P.- What a funny question you ask
Today we have a Christmas tree, New Year-
Of course, he will come to kindergarten to us!
Danil K.-No one knows what will happen to us,
But everything is interesting, oh how interesting
Ksenia P. - We will dance and sing, because the New Year is today!
Come in, guests, we will begin
Together: Our New Year's concert!
To the song "Children's New Year", children run into the hall.
Anya H. - Christmas tree holiday called everyone
In our elegant bright room!
This holiday is the best
For all adults and kids.
"Happy New Year! With new happiness! »-
Everyone talks to each other.
Roma A. - The tree is pulling twigs to us,
It seems to be smiling.
colorful balls
Everything spills over.
Masha E. - In a wonderful outfit
The Christmas tree is dressed.
She make the guys happy
I really wanted to.
Ruslan K. - Let the New Year be a fairy tale
Will quietly enter our garden,
And happiness, kindness and affection
He will bring us a gift with him!
Rita D. - Say old year goodbye to us
Scattering stars in the sky like flowers.
Make a guess soon cherished desire -
And, as in good fairy tale, dreams will come true.
Danil F. - Good Santa Claus will bring gifts,
And the Snow Maiden's outfit will sparkle brightly.
We will sing songs to them, we will show them dances,
Pro fun party we will tell all our friends.
Nastya S. - The New Year is knocking on us with a ringing song,
And there is no more wonderful holiday in the world.
When winter showers everything with silver
A fairy tale comes, and we sing songs.
The song "The Christmas tree has come to us" is performed

Presenter: And now we will sit, what will happen, we will see (sit down)
- Guys, you know, - more than anything in the world, I love miracles, and on New Year's Eve something unusual always happens.
- So the blizzard swirled snowflakes in a bizarre magical dance.
dance "Snowflakes descend from the sky"

Presenter - Recently, in an old, old book, I found a recipe:
"How New Year's Miracles Are Prepared."
Can you help me cook miracles with this recipe.? Then we start to conjure!
He rolls out a table, on it is a jug of water, a beautiful pot and a large wooden spoon. Sounds music "Mary Christmas"
And so, attention, we begin!
We put the story in a container.
Adding children's smiles -
Smile soon!
And the grimace is funnier -
The story will be sharper. ("tastes" the taste).
The taste - something is missing, (thinks)
You haven't laughed yet!
Well, laugh, kids! (persuaded,
I will add laughter from the heart. (Children laugh)
Stirring gently
We introduce a very complex ingredient.
We add it to the mix.
And we cover everything with a special lid.
And now - conspiracy words!
"Repeat after me, kids!
Miracle, miracle appear
Fairy tale, fairy tale come alive!"
The bell rings
Presenter - Oh, hear, the Christmas tree rang with toys,
Perhaps he wants to tell us something.
Hello, dear Christmas tree! On the threshold of new days
What are you whispering, shaking the dark green of the branches?
Christmas tree-voice: Hello, my friends!
It was I who gathered you all in this hall today,
Because today is a holiday, a noisy New Year's holiday.
May he come to us with a fairy tale today!
An invisible fairy tale goes along the snow-covered paths.
Exactly at midnight "Ding-ding-dong" you will hear a quiet ringing.
This fairy tale entered the house. Hush, hush, here she is!

The light goes out, then on
Kikimora sits in front of the Christmas tree, sings to the melody “Blossomed under the window”

Kikimora: 1. Over the swamp in the evening, the stars in the sky lit up.
And the moon was reflected in the marsh water.
All the frogs have settled down in the quagmire for the winter,
Only I sat behind a snag alone.
2. Young and beautiful, I am a girl that is necessary.
Come, dear Leshy, and amuse me.
Hurry, fool, I'll be glad to see you.
After all, it is impossible to find more beautiful Kikimora in the whole forest.

Goblin enters with the steering wheel from the car, makes two circles, honks, stops

Kikimora: Are you speeding?
Goblin: She herself asked: “Hurry up, fool,” so I hurried up. Well, tell me, what did you call?
Kikimora: I overheard the news from the magpie that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden were going to kindergarten for the holiday. It is necessary to make sure that they do not end up in kindergarten, but come here. Clear?
Goblin: It is clear that nothing is clear.
Kikimora: I explain for the dumb-headed. Santa Claus comes with gifts. And we will lure him here, and all the gifts will be ours. Correctly?
Goblin: That's right, that's why we are nasty, so that there is no joy!
Kikimora: Well, I'm listening.
Leshy: What are you listening to?
Kikimora: How can we lure Frost here. Let's go!
Goblin: So, uh ... Well, in short, like what we wanted, in short,
Kikimora: Yes, with your “shorter” it only gets longer! No sense from you! Listen. I gathered all sorts of grass roots here in the summer. Now let's make a potion. Let's splash on the snow - all the paths will get messed up, scatter. And there the blizzard-blizzard will finish its job. (interferes in the pan with a spoon)
Boil-boil, potion, boil, magical,
Mix up all the ways, so as not to pass, not to pass!
Well, everything is ready. Now let's spray on the paths. (sprinkles potion, saying)
Fu-you, chickpeas, the paths are bent! Pe-re-po-ta-ny!

The Snow Maiden appears
Snow Maiden: Grandpa, ay! Help. Grandpa, where are you? Where has this path taken me?
Goblin: She brought us, to us! Who's screaming, who's calling? Are you in need of help here? We can help such beautiful girl(pulls her hands to the Snow Maiden).
Snow Maiden: Oh, don't touch me, please!
Goblin: Oh-oh-oh, what we are brought up! Yes, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend!
Kikimora: Well, enough tenderness! Oh you blue icicle! She is beautiful! I am the most beautiful in the forest!
Snow Maiden: You? Beautiful?
Kikimora: I, otherwise who? (looks in the mirror). And what, I'm still nothing woman, in the prime of life. Wow, what a cutie! Look at yourself! Skin and bones!
Goblin: Snow Maiden, berry! What do you have? Give it to me! And then, go, get tired, powerful! (takes away the casket from the Snow Maiden).
Kikimora: Well, what is there?
Goblin: Some kind of bell! Throw away, right?
Kikimora: Shut up! I'll throw you out! Give it here, I'll hide it away. This thing is not simple, maybe it will still fit.
Goblin: And what are we going to do with the Snow Maiden? Can we let her go?
Kikimora: I'll let you go! Until I kill the Snow Maiden, I will not rest! I call, I call an evil blizzard! Come fly! Help me kill the Snow Maiden! So that I become one of the most beautiful in the forest!
sound effect winter blizzard
Snow Maiden: I don't see anything! The blizzard covered all the paths. Where can I
crying go?
Kikimora: Go there, I don't know where,
Because of the Christmas tree Fall, stumble, get lost in the forest!
Get lost in the forest, don't come back!
The Snow Maiden is crying (Snowmen appear)

1Snowman Matvey Sh. We are funny guys - we love jokes, we love laughter,
We brought panicles with us, we will remove the snow everywhere.
2 SnowmanDima T. Come on, come on, come on,
Let's clear all the tracks.
3 Snowman Sasha M. Hey, don't yawn, hey, keep up,
Let's try a little.

Use "Dance of the Snowmen"

Snow Maiden: Good Snowmen, thank you for helping me find the way (leaves)
The Snow Maiden leaves, Kikimora and Leshy come out and sing ditties
Goblin: New Year, New Year
It won't find a way to you.
Santa Claus - he too
Can't come to you!
Kikimora: I am the beauty of the Snow Maiden
I'll take it to the swamp
I'll hide in the mire,
And I'll eat gifts!
Goblin: Santa Claus got lost,
Didn't bring you anything
Calm down people
There will be no holiday!
Kikimora: I cooked today
Two whole buckets of poison,
She needs to be fed
All kids and guests.
While they are dancing, the bell falls out of Kikimora's pocket, the presenter picks it up
Presenter: Children, look, a bell from the Snow Maiden's chest. Let's try calling him. (asks one of the children)

Leshy: Chu! Do you hear?
Kikimora: Oh, my heart is getting cold!
Together: Oh, we're gone!

The Snow Maiden comes out, Kikimora and Leshy freeze in place
Host: What's wrong with them?
Snow Maiden: My bell is not at all simple. From this ringing the villains turn to stone!
Host: That's what they need. What are we going to do with them now?
Snow Maiden: We must call Santa Claus, he is wise, he knows everything, he will help.
Presenter And let's better talk about Santa Claus with the guys.
Guys, you listen carefully to the questions and answer "Yes" or "No".
Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? (Yes!)
He arrives promptly at seven. Right? (Not!)
Santa Claus is a good old man. Right? (Yes!)
Wears a hat and galoshes. Right? (Not!)
He brings the children a Christmas tree. Right? (Yes!)
He comes with a gray wolf. Right? (Not!)
Santa Claus is afraid of the cold. Right? (Not!)
He is friendly with the Snow Maiden. Right? (Yes!)
Well, the questions are answered
You know everything about Santa Claus.
And that means it's time
All kids are waiting for.
Let's call Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Good afternoon, my friends, I have come a long way.
I was in a hurry, got lost on the road, but I still got to you!
Snow Maiden: This is all the evil spirits of the forest! They wanted to ruin our holiday.
Santa Claus: It came in handy, so my bell is magic? And serve them right! it good lesson. Now they won't mess around.
Presenter: What should we do with these stone idols?
Santa Claus: Nothing...
Magic staff, one, two, three!
Come on, do a miracle!
Let the villains calm down
And now they're getting better!
He strikes the ground three times with his staff, evil spirits begin to come to life,
Kikimora: Oh, well, I had a dream! As if I was feisty-preslyayuschaya! Oh, what glorious kids gathered here. U-tu-tu-tu-tu!
Goblin: And how much I love the guys! I love to play with them!
Santa Claus: Well, since everything ended so well,
Happy New Year and I wish you all good health.
I love the one who is cheerful, I'm Grandfather Frost!
Take care of your arms and legs, cover your ears, nose!
Walks-wanders along the roads
Santa Claus, Santa Claus
Well, since you are not afraid of Santa Claus, get up behind me with a train.
Children turn behind Santa Claus "train".
They snake around the hall.
Santa Claus: I'm walking, walking, walking, I'm leading the guys behind me.
I go, I go, I go, I lead the guys behind me.
And as soon as I turn around, and as soon as I turn around,
And as soon as I turn around, wow, I'll get to you!
On the the last word the children run away, and Santa Claus turns and pretends to catch them. The children run away.

Santa Claus: Let me straighten my back, sit and rest.
Presenter - Relax, Santa Claus, and the guys will surprise you, have fun
Round dance "Once in a frosty winter"
Presenter Do you like to play snowballs? Love to lick snowballs?
I do not advise you, brothers, to overeat with snow porridge!
We'd better play!
Game "Get in the snow"

Kikimora: Oh, they played it, they even seem to be tired.
I would like to drink some water. Honey, bring some water.
Goblin And bring me dear ..
The presenter serves a glass, Kikimora drinks
Kikimora: What delicious water! Bolotnaya! (looks into the glass and tells the guests):
There's still a little left. Would you like to drink?
Well, you'll have to pour.
(splashes out "water", and in a glass of confetti)

Santa Claus: Well, Kikimora, you amused the guests.
Now let Leshy surprise and amuse the guys.
Goblin: And now for you guys,
Leshy has riddles.
(Takes out riddle sheets from his pocket and reads them out)
Goblin: To our house on New Year's Eve
Someone from the forest will come
All fluffy, in needles,
And that guest's name is ... Christmas tree.
There will be a Christmas tree in the corner
By the window on the floor.
And on the tree to the top
Multi-colored... Toys.
Grandfather will bring in gifts
Tangerines and sweets
Sasha, Masha and Marina
Very fond of ... Tangerines
He lives quite a bit
Now he's waiting at the door.
Who will join us at twelve?
Well, of course ... New Year!

Santa Claus: Well, well, we had a nice time.
It's time for me and the Snow Maiden to return to the forest.
Goodbye, children.
Presenter - How is it, Santa Claus, Have you forgotten anything?
Of course, my dear friends, for you
I am the main miracle in store.
Gifts that I prepared for you
Now, guys, I'll give it to you.
(looks for bag)
Where is my bag? Here's the secret...
Right no. And there is no left...
And not on the tree? And not under the tree?
Where did I forget it?
On a pine tree in the forest? (Scratching the back of his head) In a snowdrift?
Or in your wardrobe?
Goblin with kikimora help to search
Finally, here are the gifts!
He wants to untie the bag, but he does not succeed.
Father Frost. That's the knot ... Uh-huh!
I can't untie!
Well, let's all clap together!
Let's stomp our feet!
(pulls the bow) The knots are all untied
And we got presents
Hurry to places - I will distribute gifts to everyone

Santa Claus distributes gifts, all the heroes help him.

Santa Claus: See you next year.
You wait for me, I will come!
Goblin and Kikimora - May it be joyful for you all year
You are all very nice people!

New Year is a long-awaited holiday not only for children, but also for their parents. Of particular importance is the New Year tree.

Christmas tree is main character new year holiday. She makes all children believe in miracles and magic. Even among the hustle and bustle of everyday life, even adults lack a real children's fairy tale and magic. Perhaps since the day they were born, they have been waiting for this moment.

It is on such a holiday that we wait for new hopes and the fulfillment of all desires. Christmas tree for many, this is something new, wonderful. This holiday gathers all relatives and friends around the big table.

If you have a private house you can decorate the Christmas tree in the yard. Believe me, it will be very interesting for children to dance around her on fresh air. Of course, we are not talking when it is -20 outside.

On the eve of the New Year, children, together with adults, prepare a lot New Year's toys, garlands, fireworks. And most importantly - carnival costumes. With the approach of the New Year tree, all the streets of big cities are illuminated with New Year's colorful lights and garlands. In many ways, this is reminiscent of .

Already and not behind the horns of the New Year. For children it special holiday. Lots of gifts for christmas tree, sweets and pleasant surprises. And what is the New Year without Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, happy matinee in kindergarten?

Children enter the hall to lyrical music and sit on chairs.

Leading. Look here guys

Our tree is sparkling.

And so beautiful

She came to us for the holiday.

So you can start

Have fun and play!

Guys, are you ready to start the party?

Can you sing? What about dancing? How about telling poetry? Well done! You know how to do everything, because you were taught in kindergarten. Can you perform a miracle? For example, to have sweets, or a fairy tale, or a circus.

Do you want to have different miracles and magic at your holiday? Who do you think can do all this? Everything is correct. Of course it's a fairy. Do you want her to come to our party? I have a magic tangerine. Once, I already met a fairy, and she gave it to me. I will give each of you one slice of this tangerine, you will eat it, and then we will say the magic words.

Children repeat the words after the leader.

Fairy, fairy you come

Bring us magic!

The Fairy of Miracles enters to the magic music.

Fairy. Good afternoon to all of you guys!

I congratulate everyone:

I wish good and happiness to all.

I walked in the palace of miracles,

In a pouch magical wonders collected.

Suddenly I hear: someone is calling me.

The guys invited me to the party

I took a bag of miracles with me,

After all, I hurried to your matinee.

Leading. Thank you, Fairy, for coming to us. Our children are very fond of miracles, fairy tales, fun and everything unusual and magical that happens in our world.

Fairy. Guys love so many things that I don't even know where to start? Now I’ll look into my bag and take out a chest with cartoons.

Multi - spin the chest,

Scrooge Mac Duck and Ponochka appear!

Scrooge McDuck appears in the hall with a calculator, carefully considers something, without looking up from work, sits on a chair and continues to count. Ponochka runs out from behind the Christmas tree and a fragment of the dance dances to the melody of ducklings. Then he comes up to McDuck on tiptoes and closes his eyes.

Mac Duck. Ponochka, don't be shawty! You see, I'm very busy, a lot of work, the end of the year. Everything needs to be done, done.

Ponochka. Uncle Scrooge, what's up? The new year is coming! The holiday will begin soon, and we have no Christmas tree, no decorations. What do we do?

Ponochka pretends to be crying. Scrooge gets up, walks over to her and strokes her head.

Scrooge. Don't cry my little star, I'll think of something.

Leading. Children, are you sorry for Ponochka and Scrooge? Then let's invite them to our Christmas tree, it's more fun to celebrate the holiday together.

Ponochka. Uncle Scrooge, I felt so cheerful that I wanted to dance. Children, stand with me in a circle, we will dance the dance of funny ducklings.

Performed "Dance of the Little Ducklings".

Fairy. Children, did you like the cartoon?

I'll look into the bag: zyrk,

And the circus will come to us here!

Circus music sounds. Two clowns run into the hall - Iriska and Barbariska.

Toffee. Good afternoon guys! Have you called us?

Leading. Of course, they called through the Bureau of Miracles.

Barberry. Through the Bureau of Wonders, how interesting. Then, Iriska, it's time for us to start the show. Who will be the first?

Toffee. Well, of course you are!

Barberry. No you!

The clowns argue for a long time.

Leading. You, my dears, will quarrel until the morning. I suggest using a counter. Children, count and determine who will be the first to start the performance.

One of the children says a New Year's rhyme.

One, two, three, four, five -

Let's welcome the new year.

One, two, three, four, five -

Let's sing and dance!

Leading. Here you are, Barbariska, and begin.

Barberry. Musketeers perform in the arena of our circus!

Exit of the Musketeers (these may be children from the group).

Musketeer 1. New Year's circus congratulates everyone,

The Christmas tree lights up for us.

Beautiful, fun all around.

New Year's celebration- is the best friend.

Musketeer 2. You can sing and have fun

In the dance we all spin

You can visit a fairy tale

Play games together.

Toffee. There is a musical pause.

In a big circle we flock

Let's start the round dance.

New Year's round dance is performed.

Barberry. Attention! In our circus, a competition is announced for the best poem about the New Year's holiday. The winners will receive sweet prizes. These delicious toffees and barberries.

Leading. Guys. Let's tell poems and get sweets.

Children recite poems.

Toffee. And now a competition is announced for the best dance between boys and girls. Dear teacher, can your children dance?

Leading. Well, of course! The boys will dance the dance of the merry gnomes.

A dance is being performed.

Barberry. Bravo guys, you are great! They danced like real artists. What dance will the girls dance?

Leading. And the girls will dance the puppet dance.

Dance performance.

Toffee. Our show is over. Goodbye guys, it's time to hit the road.

Fairy. Well, how did you like the show?

Leading. Of course I liked it. And what will you give us next magic?

Fairy. Here is the magic crystal ball. Let's roll it around the Christmas tree, in an instant a winter fairy tale will come to us.

Music sounds. Winter comes out from behind the tree.

Winter. I am Winter, I am the Queen!

Did you guys call me?

Leading. What a beautiful winter fairy tale!

You can recognize yourself in them.

Children read poems about winter.

Leading. And now guys, let's sing a song about winter.

The song sounds.

The fairy distributes snowflakes. Children throw them up, making it snow. Music sounds. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden come in.

Santa Claus. Good afternoon to you guys. Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden. My grandfather and I flew on a carpet - an airplane, and saw a very beautiful Christmas tree. Immediately the plane was turned around, and they stopped by to visit you.

Father Frost. I see you have fun, I want to dance.

Leading. Children, join hands together quickly

Let's spin all our friends in a round dance!

Performed "Khorovod".

Father Frost. Beautiful guys know how to sing, dance,

You can also distribute gifts to everyone.

He goes to the bag, pretends to take out gifts.

Guys, I can't get gifts - from above new year games lie. If we play these games, then we can get presents. Are you willing to play?

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, let me help you and play the first game. Attention. The game "Who collects more snowflakes" is announced.

Santa Claus. The next game is "Who will put Christmas decorations on the Christmas tree faster."

Conducting the game.

Santa Claus. Now we will be able to distribute gifts to everyone with the Snow Maiden.

To the lyrical music, the Fairy, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus distribute gifts to children.

Festive matinee for the senior group

Children enter the hall to the sounds of a waltz and sit down in their seats.

Leading. Today unusual holiday we have,

And the carnival, New Year's hour.

Here are the chimes in the starry mist

New Year's Eve is on horseback.

And if we close our eyes

She will bring us a fairy tale.

The chimes are beating. New Year's Eve appears with stars. They perform a dance together.

New year's night. Congratulations to everyone who lives here

The cosmos sends greetings to you all.

I am the New Year's Night of the starry circle.

And these are my little stars - girlfriends.

We came from outer space.

And they brought the story with them.

If you touch magic wand stars, she will come to life and tell you a fairy tale.

Leading. We are very grateful to you, Nochka, for your magic stars. Well, guys, let's take them to ourselves?

One of the children touches the star, a fabulous melody and the voice of the star sound.

First star. Oh how long I've been sleeping.

I see you are here

So the holiday is already here?

For the fact that you woke me up, I will give you a magic mirror. When you look into it, a fairy tale will instantly appear.

The children look in the mirror as Snow White appears.

Snow White. Very soon New Year

We need to decorate the Christmas tree.

In a word, things are out of hand

Where are the gnomes?

Probably a blizzard blocked their way.

Blizzard appears.

Blizzard. I am a winter blizzard

Let the snow fall all around.

I cover all paths

So that the gnomes do not get to you.

Lights not to shine

And the children did not know the holiday.

Snow White. What should I do guys

How can we help the gnomes?

To find the way to us

And they came to the Christmas tree.

Leading. We'll help Snow White

Song blizzard we will win

Let's free all the gnomes.

Children sing a song. The gnomes appear.

Dwarf 1. Good afternoon Snow White and all the guys! We congratulate you on the New Year holiday.

Dwarf 2. Sorry we're a little late. The blizzard covered all the roads in the forest.

Dwarf 3. But we were not at all afraid of her, and we found the path to the Christmas tree.

Dwarf 4. And we came to the New Year's holiday,

They brought golden lights for the Christmas tree.

To make her shine bright

And gave me a good mood.

Dwarf 5. Well, brothers - gnomes,

Shall we light the fires?

Let our Christmas tree shine with lights

And Happy New Year to everyone!

Dwarf 6. Herringbone, Christmas tree,

Burn with fires!

The holiday is magical

Come visit us!

Gnomes hang lanterns on the Christmas tree and the lights are lit up on it.

Dwarf 7. So the Christmas tree sparkled with lights

Snow White, dance with us..

We'll go to a merry dance together,

Our holiday, finally, we will begin

They perform a dance.

Leading. Snow White and the dwarves danced very beautifully, our legs also wanted to start dancing, so let's join the New Year's round dance.

Children perform a round dance.

Leading. The fairy tale of the first star is over. Now it's the blue star's turn. Let's get to her.

One of the children touches the star. The voice of the second star is heard.

Asterisk 2. I am a funny laugh,

I love to smile.

I send laughter to everyone on earth.

If you also smile

A fairy tale will appear that hour.

The guys smile, parsley appears.

1st Petrushka. I want to give you a laugh,

And Happy New Year to everyone.

2nd Petrushka. Happy new year friends

We congratulate everyone.

We wish you happy smiles.

Let them shine on everyone's faces

Endless joy never leaves you!

Leading. Thank you, Petrushka, for beautiful smiles

And we will give you a song, cheerful, clear.

Leading. It's time to touch the golden star.

Star 3. I am an unusual star for this time of year. I only show up in the spring. But the New Year should also be celebrated, so let summer come for a minute as a gift to you and the Flower Fairy will appear here.

The Flower Fairy appears to the sounds of fabulous music.

Fairy of flowers. I am the Flower Fairy - beautiful, beautiful.

I love flowers like the bright sun.

But now winter is walking in the yard,

And my flowers are all resting in a dream.

Already New Year's Eve is walking,

And he invites everyone to dance.

Children dance with the Flower Fairy.

Leading. So we visited the kingdom of flowers and for a moment remembered a wonderful summer. It's time to touch the next star.

Star 4. I am a northern star, where ice and blizzards are eternal. The Snow Maiden and Father Frost live here. And let them begin the northern fairy tale.

The Snow Maiden comes out with a snowflake in her hands.

Snow Maiden. Hey, snowflakes - ballerinas, fly all to the Christmas tree.

Snowflakes run out, melt around the Snow Maiden and recite poems.

Snow Maiden. Magic snowflakes

They spin like springs.

In the dance you quickly take off

Protect our land.

The dance of the snowflakes is performed. Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost. Good afternoon Snow Maiden, Snowflakes. We worked beautifully near the Christmas tree, there was a lot of snow around. Now you can celebrate New Year's Eve.

And how many guys are here.

Probably not everyone can be counted.

Let's warm your feet

We'll dance a little.

Well, hurry up in a circle,

Start the round dance.

Children, together with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, perform a round dance.

Santa Claus. And now guys, let's play New Year's games.

  1. "Who will put on the girl's mitten faster"
  2. "Who will decorate the Christmas tree faster"
  3. "Snowballs".

Father Frost. Well boys and girls

Played with you loudly.

Leading. We have one more star left. Let's get to her.

Star 5. I'm an unusual star,

New Year's, poetic.

Ready to listen to New Year's poems,

After all, I really like something new.

Children recite poems to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Leading. It's time for us to say goodbye

The holiday has come to an end.

But the holiday just doesn't end

After all, a miracle always happens in the end.

Close your eyes

And repeat after me:

"Stars in the sky high

We kindly ask you -

May the New Year come to us

And bring gifts.

Eyes can be opened

Celebrate New Year already.

The new year is coming out, the stars are bringing in a basket with balloons. Space music sounds.

New Year. I am the New Year, cosmic.

I want to congratulate everyone.

Wish you health, happiness

Pave the starry path.

So that everyone in the new year

It was fun.

And also in memory of this holiday

I will give magic balls to children.

Music sounds. New Year and stars hand out balloons to children.

Father Frost. Happy New Year dear friends.

I want to wish you happiness.

And so that in every heart

The star shone forever!

Snow Maiden. We will sing a song together

And the New Year is about to begin!

Children sing a New Year's song.

Santa Claus. You all sang beautifully, danced, but the holiday, for some reason, ended. There is only one thing left - but the most important! What's this? That's right, gifts.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka distribute gifts to children.

Father Frost. Goodbye, guys. It's time for us to get ready to go, but we will definitely meet next year!

Snow Maiden. See you soon!

Leading. All who have gathered in this hall

Happy New Year.

I wish you magical and gentle smiles,

And thank you guys!

A fragment of a matinee for the younger group of kindergarten


Bunny. Fluffy snow flies

Covers all roads.

Brought us to the Christmas tree

This trail - that's it.

First mouse. A cheerful winter brought us a holiday

The green tree has arrived.

Christmas tree, what we have! Young and good!

And it is covered with white powder.

Second mouse. They put gifts under this beauty,

We dressed her up with beautiful toys.

Let it shine with bright lights,

And Happy New Year to everyone.

Magpie. The whole earth is covered with snow,

The blizzard is walking.

Draws windows to us frost

He pinches his nose.

Bear. Look, look, what a grace!

Magic butterflies fly from the sky.

Flowers are frozen everywhere in the yard

Frost draws patterns on the windows.

The picture will be a window in the wall,

Winter is just a little bit tricky.

Doggie. We left in the morning...

Strange city against the sun!

Gilded windows:

No, it's still winter

We didn't meet for sure!

Chicken Ryaba. Nature sleeps... And everything around

In beautiful winter charms.

It's Winter is the queen

Working for glory.

Winter. Glad to see everyone. Everyone is waiting for me. And although they are afraid of frost, they still greet them cheerfully. Have you heard the tale that I am cruel and evil? But this is not true! Snow, wind and blizzard sing in my soul. This is a lullaby for the earth. Rest for man. For you to believe me, I will give you a fairy tale.

Bunny. You are cold winter!

I am very, very cold!

Where will I warm my paws,

If the frozen ground!

First mouse. I jump from heel to toe.

Rub my back, my friend!

Second mouse. At least we have coats.

Do not sit down in the cold.

Bear. I want to warm up too

The frost is getting on.

And an old coat

No longer warm.

Doggie. Woof woof woof.

Everything around became white.

Snow - is he an enemy, or maybe a friend?

He falls asleep all the time.

Covers with a veil.

Covers all traces -

It won't be long before the trouble...

First mouse. We are around today

Even my paws hurt.

Forest this white-sided.

She flies everywhere

And the news is announced.

Magpie. There was a fairy tale in a white coat

And the trail turned white from the snow.

The trees are now in hoarfrost and the ice sparkled

There was a fairy tale in white.

Only a trace remained.

Bunny. What strange words

Have you understood yourself?

Magpie. Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!

To us the idea of ​​Hen Ryaba.

Crying a lot

Judges about fate.

Chicken Ryaba. Baba drove me out of the house.

She does not want a simple testicle,

And he asks me to take down the gold!

Bear. Do not be sad, dear.

This New Year's Eve

Miracles do happen, for sure!

Doggie. We will help you all.

And let's not grieve

We will call the sun.

The song "Winter Sun" sounds.

Sun. I am the winter sun.

I'm ready to help you.

I don't forget about you

I even keep warm in winter.

Bunny. Thank you Sunshine

For what has come to us.

Bear. Our sun has come

It brought warmth and joy.

Sun. Do not worry so friends, do not be afraid of Frost. Whoever touches my ray, Frost will retreat from that.

Magpie. My wings are warm, but there is no joy, because the hen Ryaba is crying, the woman wants a golden egg from her.

First mouse. If friends are sad, then the days become sad.

Sun. All of you are true friends

I am ready to help your trouble.

I will send generous rays,

And I will save Ryaba from trouble.

It's a miracle, that's what -

I will give you a golden egg.

It's magical, not simple.

Who touches him

Be kind to everything.

Chicken Ryaba. Thank you, bright sun

Your gift is wonderful.

I believe that a miracle will come now

And grandmother will be happier that hour.

Now you can have fun

Songs to sing, play, frolic.

The song is being played.

Fragment of the holiday

Music sounds, toys come to life.

Doll. Oh, Carlson, how tired I am of sitting in one place under the Christmas tree.

Carlson. What should I say about myself then? My motor is probably damaged. Anna, press the button (the engine starts, Carlson runs around the room). Hooray! Earned!

Doll. Hooray! Hooray! Carlson. If your motor works, then you are in a great mood?
Carlson. Well, of course! I'm in a great mood now. And what?

Doll. Like what? Today New year's night! Let's arrange a New Year's holiday near our Christmas tree! We invite all the toys, Santa Claus. Snow Maiden.

Carlson. Yes Yes. Great idea! It will be fun, and most importantly - Santa Claus will bring gifts: sweets, jam and cake.

Doll. Carlson, besides sweets and jam, can you think of anything else?

Carlson. Certainly can. About friends.

Doll. About whom?

Carlson. About friends. Because they also have sweets, and jam, and cake. And they always share them.

Scenario for a New Year's party in kindergarten.

Winter - Goryaeva Natalia Ganyaevna
Santa Claus - Sarangova Alevtina
Snow Maiden: Ochir-Goryaeva Victoria
Old Man Hottabych: Elena Mandzhieva
Fairy - Bembeshova Milana

Wizard - Batadzhiev Aldar

Cook - Ochir-Goryaeva Lyubov

Nurse - Mandzhieva Vera Ubushaevna

Start. The song "Russian Santa Claus" sounds. The children enter the hall holding hands. WINTER comes first.

Winter, winter-winter
I have come to visit you all.
Get skis, sleds,
I will celebrate with you!
And so as not to freeze us now
Let's dance together!
Let's get up in a friendly round dance
To welcome the New Year.

Children become in a round dance, sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest".

1 CHILD. Lera M.
Outside the window snowflakes are circling,
And we have a carnival here.
New Year's main holiday
Gathered us here today.

2 CHILD. Lera N.-S.
Our tree is high
Reaches the ceiling.
And toys hang on it,
And garlands and crackers.

3 CHILD. Sonya N.-S.
Children love the New Year
He brings gifts to everyone.
All the people rejoice
And dancing and singing!

And now, children, run, sit down in places.
And now they come to me
Two assistants.

We are here!

I'm a magician, I'm good.
Even if you go around half the world,
But nowhere, nowhere
How can I not find a magician.
And I'm a fairy even where
And a star burns in the forehead.
There is a magic wand.
I can fly like a butterfly.
Well, let's start the party.
And who will we call?
Beard and red nose.
Who is this - Santa Claus
The children are called Santa Claus. The cook enters with a ladle in her hand.

Good afternoon to you guys.
Both girls and boys.
Heard they call me
So I came to you, friends!
You must be tired here.
The poor are hungry
Nanny is already carrying borscht,
And the second and compote!
No, we didn't call you.
Santa Claus is invited!
Oh sorry, I'm leaving!
Let me take you.

Children call Santa Claus again. A nurse enters with a large thermometer. .

Good day to you guys
Both girls and boys
I know you called me
I'll put the thermometer on.
Come on race
Show languages.
My diagnosis is ready
Everything is fine, everyone is healthy!
No, we didn't call you.
Santa Claus is invited!
Oh sorry, I'm leaving!
Let me take you.

Children, where is Santa Claus?
Maybe he froze in the forest?
And let's now
Let's shout out loud again!

Children call Santa Claus again.

I flew, I learned
Santa Claus in the dense forest
Lost, fell into the snow.
Can't find your home.
You are a magpie - white-sided, you fly, and give an answer -
We will help as much as we can.
Say hello for us.
Yes, take a card.
But don't get lost along the way!
Round dance "New Year is coming to us"
Well, while we are flying forty, we will play the game "Sled".
We played to the fullest.
Quiet, children, silence.
Someone is coming to us.
I hear - a song sings.

The song "Song of Hottabych" sounds. Old man Hottabych enters the hall
Oh, my carpet, the plane
Didn't fly there
Oh dear, tell me
What do you have waiting for me here?
I see a palm tree - not a palm tree.
Yes, and summer is not the same here.
Poor old man Hottabych.
Nobody is waiting for me here!

Dear Old Man Hottabych,
Here they celebrate the New Year.
If you want, stay!
Santa Claus is coming soon!

Oh honey, thank you
But I didn't fly here.
Happy New Year.
It's just time for me!
Well, happy New Year to you! He conjures and leaves.

I hasten to you with good news -
Santa Claus has found your home.
And he's almost there
Let's call together!

The children are called Santa Claus.
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter.

Oh-ho-ho, hurry up guys
Your map helped us.
Finally got to you.
Oh, what a palace you have!
Yes, and the tree is just a miracle,
So elegant, so pretty!
All I see is that it doesn't light up.

Snow Maiden
I'll fix this look!
One two Three,
Come on, Christmas tree, burn!
Who screams so barely?
What did you eat little cereal?
Come on together, come on together
You all need to shout loudly!

One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!

The tree lights up.
Round dance "Oh, what a long beard"
Now that's another matter!
Everyone run to me boldly!
We don't sit still
We want to dance with you.

Children stand in a round dance, sing the song "There was a cheerful Santa Claus."

And now I ask you?
Are you not afraid of me?
Because freeze
I can you all, joking!

Freeze game.

Oh, Santa Claus!
Don't freeze the kids!
Our children you yourself
They're throwing snowballs!

Children are given snowballs from cotton wool, the game "Throw Santa Claus",

Phew, what a nice game
So even a little tired.
Snow Maiden.
Well, then sit on a chair
And smile guys.

Children read poetry.

Thanks for making grandpa happy!

Something is getting cold!
Children are eager to dance!

Dance "Boogie - Woogie".

I wanted to give you gifts
But I can't lift the bag!
But I know who will help.
I'm ready to take assistants.

After that, gifts are distributed along with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Well, now I'll tell you
See you again, my friends!
We'll be back in a year
And the Snow Maiden and me.

Goodbye, Grandfather Frost, Goodbye, Snow Maiden! We are waiting for you in a year!

(After songs, poems, the children sit down, Zimushka picks up a mirror and speaks.)


Light, my mirror, tell me

Yes, show me the truth...

Silence, no answer...

The mirror is silent in response.

But it can happen on a holiday,

That a fairy tale will come to visit us by itself ...

(Someone knocks on the door. Zimushka comes to the door.)


Three brothers lived in houses -

Friendly, small people.

and decided to get together

In kindergarten for the New Year.

1st pig(shows).

Prepared gifts

Put them in a bag

Here is such a beautiful, bright,

So that the Wolf does not drag away.

2nd piglet.

We know that all the guys love

Dance for the New Year.

What are we dancing, little pigs?

Maybe a waltz or a foxtrot?

3rd pig.

We need to train

Success awaits us on the Christmas tree!

Stay close brothers

Let's dance the polka better than anyone!

(Piglets dance "Polka", music by D. Watt, at this time the Wolf steals a bag of gifts and runs away.)

1st piglet.

Ouch! Where is our bag?

Here I put it... (looks around).

You did not take, Nif-Nif, my friend?

Are you Nuf-Nuf? And the trace caught a cold ... (crying).

2nd piglet.

All the tricks of the evil wolf!

(Angrily.) He took the sack!

What's the use of crying for us?

More fun, brothers, tail!

3rd pig.

We will go around the forests, glades,

We will find the Bad Wolf.

Let's pick up the bag and early

We will bring gifts to the garden.

(They walk around the hall with the song “We are not afraid of the gray Wolf.” Little Red Riding Hood runs out to meet them.)

Red Riding Hood.

How are you, piglets?

Something sad looking.

1st piglet.

We all gathered for the guys ...

Oh! My heart hurts again!

2nd piglet.

The wolf stole a bag of gifts

We carried them to the guys.

Red Riding Hood.

And, the bag is beautiful, bright?

I saw a wolf in the distance!

He ran that way. (Shows.)

Yes, wait! I will help -

Snowflakes to help you

I'll call a chiller.

(The snowflakes run out and dance. The piglets approach the Wolf's house.)

3rd pig.

Here is the shack of the evil wolf,

The light in his window is on.

I hear music again -

The wolf howls, then howls.

(Wolf comes out with a bag of gifts, sings a song.)


I stole the bag

Stupid pigs.

They are now, no matter how you look,

Don't poke your nose into the garden.

La-la, woo, don't stick your nose into the garden!


I'll fill my stomach with gifts,

I'll keep it in reserve.

(He turns to the bag.)

No one will find Wolf

And won't tear us apart.

La-la, woo, and will not separate us!

(Runs into the house.)

1st piglet.

Open the door, thief.

Give back the bag!


Did someone grunt?

No, I don’t believe it, I’ll lock the door!

(Bunnies sit by the Christmas tree and quietly sing their song (1st and 2nd verses).)

2nd piglet.

Bunnies, bunnies, help

Lure the wolf into the yard.

Sing louder and dance -

This thief will get caught!

(The bunnies get up and sing the 3rd and 4th verses loudly and dance. The Wolf comes out of the house, licking his lips.)

Wolf(sees the pigs).

Ah... Cheerful bunnies!

Oh! And pigs to choose from!

3rd pig.

Imagine, Wolf, you're too much.

Take the bag out into the yard.


How ... "Take it out" ... Do not wait!

I don't want to part with him.

(Turns to hares and pigs.)

You cry and tremble

I will swallow them all now!

(Santa Claus appears.)

Father Frost.

Who is going to swallow who?

Who is naughty in my forest?


Viciously who is wagging his tail?

Painfully dirty you look.

Pigs. Father Frost...

Father Frost.

I know everything, I know.

Hat came to visit

She spoke without hesitation.


Bad, Wolf, your deeds:

Children are waiting for a bag of gifts,

Waiting for me for the New Year.

Well, carry the bag, you're bright!

Wolf(timidly). And ... Take in a round dance?

Father Frost. You've improved, I see...

(To the animals.) Well... Shall we take him?

Animals. Let's take it!

Wolf. I won't touch you, I won't offend you

We will sing all about the Christmas tree.

(Horse girls run out with an arc and bells.)

Father Frost.

Here are the horses. Here is the sled

Let cheerful laughter ring,

Let the bells to us ourselves

Sing about white snow.

(The animals become pairs behind horses and run around the hall with Santa Claus, singing the song “Jingle Bells” (American folk song), stopping by the Christmas tree.)

Father Frost.

I wish you all good health

The song is ringing, ring,

Let the tree light up

Colorful lights!

(Round dances, games with Santa Claus, children's poems.)

Father Frost.

Come out, Petrushki,

Yes, please the children.

Yes, take the rattles

And dance more merrily!

(Petrushka dance, game with Santa Claus “We won’t let go.”)

Zimushka. Santa Claus, where are the gifts?

Father Frost.

Oh! Almost forgot about them.

Here is a beautiful, bright bag,

Congratulations to everyone who was here!

Goodbye, kids

I want to wish you:

Grow up, be friends with everyone with a book

And don't forget me!

Bad wolf song

Music and poetry by S. Podshibyakina

(For the introduction, the Wolf runs out of the house with a bag in his paws, puts it in the middle of the hall.)

I stole the bag

The stupid pigs!

They are now, no matter how you look,

Don't poke your nose into the garden!

La-la, woo, don't stick your nose into the garden!

La-la, woo, don't stick your nose into the garden!

I'll fill my stomach with gifts,

I'll keep it in reserve.

No one will find the wolf

And won't tear us apart. (Sack.)

La-la, woo, and will not separate us!

La-la, woo, and will not separate us!

(Walks around the bag and, to the beat of the music, waves his “terrible paws.” Stops facing the audience. Clasping his hands like an opera singer, he sings, stretching his neck now to the right, then to the left. Licking himself, stroking his stomach. Threatens with a finger. (He stretches out his paws to the bag. Movements, as in the first verse. Grabs the bag and runs into the house.)