Learn to write in block letters. Copybooks for children - letters, numbers, games

Nowadays, writing by hand is not often necessary - more and more we use the keyboard, and recently technologies such as voice input have already appeared. And it's no surprise that writing becomes a problem - every year there are more children who find it hard to learn how to write in capital letters, and more adults who have lost the skill beautiful handwriting. How to fix it? This manual "Learning to write letters by dots" will come to the aid of both adults and children.

Many believe that handwriting depends on natural talent. And if your handwriting is clumsy and incomprehensible, there is no way to fix it. But it has long been proven that if you really want something and try your best, then everything will definitely work out. We will give you some tips on how to develop your handwriting so that it becomes clear and beautiful.

The most effective way is to develop your handwriting one letter at a time. It is very painstaking, but not meaningless work. Write one letter many times until you like the result. It may take more than one sheet of paper, but your efforts will certainly bring results.

Using copy-books, it is easiest to learn to write letters in dots. Working with them, you will have a correct and even handwriting. The prescription is worth going through completely and, perhaps, more than once. It is not difficult to study according to prescriptions - everything is clear and clearly shown there, you just need to diligently repeat.

To write beautifully, you need to sit upright and not slouch. This is very important, because if you sit in the wrong position, it is unlikely that anything will come of it. Also, many people think that when you write, only the wrist is involved. But it's not. Shoulders also help us to write.

Try writing in the air by drawing lines. Experts say that after you transfer it to the sheet, your handwriting will become more accurate and even. Soon it will be absolutely perfect.

Search the web for fonts that you like. And you can carefully copy them.

These recipes are suitable for classes with preschoolers 5-6 years old, but you should not give them to children younger age. In 3-4 year olds, the hand is not yet sufficiently formed to display such small items like letters and numbers. Do not rush, otherwise you can overstrain the small muscles, which will lead to further problems with the development of handwriting in the child. For kids, we recommend using special ones.

You should also distinguish between prescriptions for left-handers and right-handers. This material is suitable for right-handed children. If you or your child writes with his left hand, download special .

Remember: you can achieve beautiful handwriting only with your own work and diligence, and the "Learning to write letters by dots" recipes will help you with this. Good luck!

Recipe- special albums and manuals for training the correct spelling of letters and preparing the hand of a preschooler for writing. If earlier we, parents, knew copybooks only at school (these were notebooks in which first-graders learned to write letters accurately), now you can find special prescriptions for kids and preschoolers. Recipes for children: shapes, numbers, letters teach kids to write beautifully and train their hand.

There are recipes that are designed for a certain age of the child. On the shelves of shops you can find recipes for children 3-4 or 5-6 years old.

In this article, I have prepared for you sets of prescriptions that you can download and print for free. You can save the pictures you want and give your child a new copybook every day.

Recipes for kids

Do you think that prescriptions are only for preparing for school? This is not entirely true. Young children may be able to outline or stifle simple pictures or capital letters. These are recipes for kids. There is almost no text in such copybooks, because the child cannot yet read. But they are very large, and the pictures are funny. Why not invite the kid to circle the cheerful cockerel by dots or color the duckling.

Children 4-5 years old can be offered to play with - these are also peculiar recipes. In such prescriptions you will not find numbers or letters, they are still difficult for the baby. But tasks for logic or accuracy of movements will be required. Stroking shapes, drawing curves, and straight lines the child masters a pen or pencil, learns to press and draw without leaving the paper.

Among the prescriptions for kids, a special group of prescriptions can be distinguished - this hatching. They are drawings that need to be filled in with straight or dotted lines, depending on the task.

Recipes for children 5-6 years old

For children 5-6 years old, prescriptions will be with more complex tasks. They include printed and written letters, as well as sticks, hooks and other parts from which written letters are built. But the dotted lines in these prescriptions are preserved. On them, the child circles the letters, learns to draw a line evenly and without interruption. It is better to trace the letters in the copybook with a good pen, because when working with a pencil, the child can press the pencil too hard, and this will tire the hand.

Using such prescriptions, the child will not only get acquainted with the letters of the Russian alphabet, but will also become better at remembering them, and will also learn how they are written in writing. Also in prescriptions for preschoolers, numbers are often found. A preschooler learns numbers and counting.

Prescriptions for children 5-6 years old can be divided into:

  • spelling ALPHABET,
  • spelling NUMBERS.

Recipes for schoolchildren

In order for a child to learn to write beautifully, and his handwriting to be preserved and not deteriorated, you need to do a lot. At school, teachers do not attach much importance to the correct position of the hand while writing and handwriting. But parents can try to work with the child themselves with the help of special recipes for schoolchildren.

Calligraphic writing is a good skill that every child can develop. Download and print copybooks and practice writing beautiful letters with a student. AT

Note that there are no pictures or shading in these recipes. Basically, these recipes are aimed at training good beautiful handwriting.

During classes, pay attention to how the student holds the pen, how he draws lines. Make sure that the child writes letters without tearing off the paper. Do not scold the child if he immediately fails to write beautiful letters. Make sure that the child begins to write the letter from the right point, and not the way he likes. For example, start writing capital letter R from bottom to top. Follow this. Now in many copybooks there are even arrows and dots - landmarks for children. Show them these arrows, explain what they are for.

I hope the copybook will help your child learn to write beautifully and correctly!

Preparing this layout took us a lot of time. We have tried to collect here all the recipes for a preschooler known to us that have ever been put on the market. Some of them are no longer used in educational institutions., but this does not make them ineffective in teaching children to write.
With the help of writing letters and numbers, your child will learn the basics of writing and literacy, will be able to independently display numbers on paper in a cell or ruler.

Mathematics (numbers)

Mathematical recipes are an indispensable assistant in the preparation for school. Practice shows that children with whom parents studied how to write numbers correctly more often become excellent students and good students in primary school.

Kolesnikova E.V. for 5-7 years old in mathematics by cells


Kolesnikova E.V. for 4-5 years old math steps

Download link

Shevelev K.V. for 6-7 years old mathematical recipes

Part 1
Part 2

Pererson L.G. and Suvorina E.A. - learn to write numbers 3-4 years and older

This book is in two parts from famous authors for free download. AT preparatory group kindergarten it is often used by teachers. It never hurts to train with a child.

Part 1
Part 2 The manual will teach the child to spell numbers, which is so necessary for studying mathematics in the 5th grade. It also contains tasks for the development of graphic skills, and for a mathematical bias - geometric shapes.

Nefedov and Uzorova 3000 exercises for a preschooler

This manual contains not only a sample and an example of how this kind of manual should look like, but also a complete cycle of teaching the spelling of numbers. Probably the best ones..
Download for free and without registration

Russian language and literacy (letters)

Russian workbook for 5-6 years old in a cage

This literacy guide is for children senior group kindergarten. Funny recipes for children, main character in which - a duckling, will help teach future first graders how to write the elements of letters. The entire alphabet in the form of a recipe is in front of us.

Printed and written letters Fedosova N.A. for 5-7 years old

These recipes will teach you to display both uppercase and lowercase letters of any child. They comply with the FGOS. Are intended for work in preschool educational institutions.

Lunkina - preparation for school 5-7 years literacy

In these recipes, the author Lunkin entertainingly teaches children to read and write. First sticks and hooks, and then the whole alphabet, then the combination of letters. And all this with workbook with assignments.

Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronin O.V. by letter

2 parts of a study guide from famous authors to prepare for school. With their help, you can learn how to print printed letters. We ourselves learn to write letters with their help.

Download and print part 1
Download and print part 2

Developing the letter of letters from Nyankovskaya N.N.

Helps to form a graphic representation of letters, their connection. An interesting and educational guide for preschoolers. Most of the book is devoted to hooks, dashes, shading, ticks, lines. Only then does learning move on to letters.

First and correct! with hatching

This manual contains the whole alphabet. 98 pages in order to learn how to write all the letters of the Russian alphabet. Everything is shown quite large. Great idea both for preparation for school and for younger preschoolers.

Denisova, Dorozhkin for the preparatory group

Literacy lessons for kids from the meters of the domestic publishing house of copybooks.

Zhirenko, Kolodyazhnykh - elements of letters, the basics of writing

An excellent tool for developing writing skills in preschool children.

Vowels and consonants. Author: Zhukova

We did not upload the recipes of the authors Ilyukhina, Kozlova, Vasilyeva, Belykh and Nishcheva, due to the fact that we have already heard stories about complaints from copyright holders about sites where files for download are posted. We hope for your understanding and are constantly working to improve the content of the site.
In oblique line

Recipe pictures (templates)

Letters of the Russian alphabet

The letter a