Edible Christmas crafts. We are preparing for the new year. edible crafts DIY edible Christmas crafts

Anticipation of the holiday is always pleasant, and before the New Year this feeling is enhanced by the general preparation. To fill evenings and weekends with children, it is recommended to start making all kinds of jewelry. Besides various crafts on the New Year 2017 can then be presented to relatives or friends. We will describe the ideas of such New Year's souvenirs and crafts in this article. You can easily make them yourself with a little modification and perhaps adding something of your own.

Edible crafts for the New Year 2017 do-it-yourself Pineapple from sweets and champagne. No one forbids you to simply put them in a bag and hand them to a colleague or girlfriend. It is much more interesting to create such a miracle from them. Moreover, it will take quite a bit of time and colored paper.

Candy for sweets new year gift you need to choose in gold packaging so that they look like pineapple.

Sticking is better glue gun- so faster and more reliable. Make leaves for a gift from double-sided colored paper.

Christmas tree made of candy truffles. The latter are supposed to be chosen in a shiny wrapper, because it will become the main decoration of the New Year's crafts. Moreover, the color of the wrapper does not have to be green. The Christmas tree is magical. So why can't her needles be gold or blue, or maybe she will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow?

Candy trees. With their help, you can grow a spruce forest on the New Year's table. It is enough to glue paper Christmas trees to skewers and stick them into a suitable candy. cool crafts ready for 2017. It remains to arrange on the festive New Year's table.

Sweet gift. It will certainly appeal to every kid or sweet tooth. It is only necessary to pour layers of candy without wrappers into a glass jar. For example, dragees, lollipops or mini marshmallows. An additional decoration of such a gift will be a funny muzzle and additional accessories that will complete the look. New Year's hero. It may turn out to be a deer, a snowman, Santa Claus, a Snow Maiden or a cockerel - a symbol of the coming year.

New Year's rooster 2017

It can be sewn, molded or glued. AT last case DIY crafts for the New Year 2017 will consist of colored cardboard and other types of paper. By the way, in their manufacture it is recommended to use children's imagination. They will be able to come up with the most fabulous coloring for this character. Yes, and the help of adults is required here quite a bit.

The basis of such New Year's crafts is a cardboard cone. All other details are attached to it. And it is with him that children can have problems. Then cut out the wings, scallop, paws and tail. Moreover, it is desirable to use for these parts different materials. Then the craft will look more natural.

For example, the rigid comb and wings can be made of cardboard. Will go on flexible legs colored paper. And the fluffy tail will turn out to be their corrugated paper.

DIY Christmas decorations 2017

Original candlesticks.

Simple salt will help to create a semblance of snow-covered and frozen vessels. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the places that should be “snow-covered” with PVA glue. Next, dip the candlestick in salt. For the best result, it is recommended to mix extra (fine) salt with coarse salt (you can take sea salt with blue or blue dyes). Then the snow will shimmer like real. Especially when candles are placed in such New Year's decorations and lit. To prevent the salt from falling off the top, sprinkle the craft with hairspray.

Angels. They can be hung on a Christmas tree or made as a gift for friends and family. Moreover, serious sewing skills are not required. After all, the body of a Christmas angel is two circles sewn together. And his wings are hearts. The main thing to pick up beautiful fabric for crafts, and to sew an angel for Christmas, you only need 1 evening.

Christmas Decorations 2017 Kids Can Make

Penguins. These crafts are based on classic pear-shaped light bulbs. They suggest many living beings. New Year's characters are asked to become penguins. After all, they live where it's cold.

And to make them is very simple: paint the glass bulb of a light bulb in several layers. It's better to use it acrylic paints. Then draw muzzles. Add them accessories. For example, hats or scarves. Such crafts from light bulbs for the New Year 2017 will delight the little participants in the holiday.

Christmas wreath. Such a craft can be used as a decoration on a window, door or wall. The simplest ones: with pasted leaves and cones - small households can do. And those that use a lot of elements folded in the form of spruce branches will need the help of adults. But it's worth it, the New Year's wreath turns out like a real one, but it will hang much longer.

Christmas tree garland. These Christmas decorations are a must-have in a home with young children. Moms and dads will need to cut the same Christmas trees from colored paper and make holes for the thread in them. And offer the child to put these Christmas trees on a blunt needle with a thick thread. He will gladly fulfill such an order, so that later he can decorate the New Year's beauty with an unusual garland, which is very easy to manufacture.

Take a tight white paper or cardboard - cut triangles out of it. Then a few multi-colored decorative tapes. They are narrow and there are stationery stores. Glue strips of decorative tape in turn onto the triangles. It will look like Christmas trees. Then make a hole in the top through which the thread is threaded. Fasten each triangle - a Christmas tree and simple craft- the garland is already ready for the New Year's painting of the house.

Some ideas for New Year's crafts Santa Claus from paper plate. Such a New Year's craft for children will help out if there is no toy Santa Claus in the house. Or the Christmas tree is creative and placed on the wall, then Santa Claus should be there too. The process of making such an ornament is simple and does not require large expenditures in materials and time.

You will need a red plastic plate, colored paper, blanks for crafts - eyes, cotton wool or cotton pads, scissors and glue.

Plate - will be the body of Santa Claus crafts. And cut out all the details from colored paper. as shown in the instructions. Glue on and you're done! This craft is good because it can be done with children in kindergarten.

Souvenirs in jars. They are suitable for decorating the interior and for gifts. They can be placed on a table or hung. Yes, and the internal content in them is varied. From Christmas trees to silhouettes reproducing Christmas stories.

Making these Christmas gifts is incredibly easy. You will need several small glass jars. A small figurine, which in size passes through the neck of a jar, salt or cotton wool, which will imitate snow. First, put the "snow" on the lid of the jar. We install a tightly decorative figure on it (you can even glue super glue). We close from above New Year's composition jar. We tie with a decorative ribbon and excellent Christmas decoration ready!

A decorated Christmas tree, the smell of tangerines, food for the festive table, waiting in the fridge - what else do you need for new year mood? If the family has small children or you yourself want to New Year's fairy tale, this is not enough. You also need to think about sweet gifts and surprises for guests and all your relatives and people dear to you. You can, of course, go to the store and buy ready-made gift sets with sweets, but it's so boring. It is much more interesting to prepare gifts and sweets on New Year's table with your own hands. And how happy everyone will be when instead of on-duty sweets they will receive edible New Year's crafts from you as a gift! "Culinary Eden" has collected for you several ideas and recipes with which even a novice confectioner can surprise his family and friends with cute New Year's sweets of his own making.

The easiest thing to prepare for the New Year's table is to bake cookies. Go to the kitchenware store and find cookie cutters in the form of stars, snowflakes, Christmas trees, snow maidens, deer, horses and other figures associated with winter and the New Year. If there are forms different sizes, take everything - it is convenient to make holes inside large ones with small molds. Do not forget to grab a cornet (pastry bag) with different nozzles. This is one of the most important tools for decorating sweets. Cooking and decorating cookies can be a few days before the holiday.

Christmas gingerbread cookies

400 g flour
200 g sugar
100 g butter,
75 ml milk
0.5 tsp soda or baking powder
1 tsp ground ginger,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
1 yolk.

Boil syrup from milk and sugar, cool. Beat the softened butter with a mixer, add the syrup, mix and gradually add the sifted flour with spices and soda. Form the dough into a ball, roll it out on a table dusted with flour to the desired thickness and cut out the figures with cutters. Put the cookies on a baking sheet, brush with egg yolk and water and bake at 200°C for 10-15 minutes. If you do not plan to decorate cookies with cream, sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Butter cream for decoration

125 g butter,
60 g powdered sugar,
50 g condensed milk,
1 tbsp cognac or rum.

Beat butter with powdered sugar until white, add condensed milk little by little, continuing to beat. Put the cream into a cornet with the narrowest nozzle and paint the cookies.

Protein glaze

1 protein
200 g of powdered sugar.

Beat the protein in a dense foam at the fastest speed of the mixer. Add half of the sifted powder, beat well, add the rest of the powder, beat again and put the icing in a bag or cornet.

It is easy to make Christmas trees from star-shaped cookies of different sizes - lay cookies smeared with cream in a pyramid and paint with protein glaze, sprinkle with colored sugar or decorate with bright sugar balls.

For those who fast on New Year's Eve, you can make rye cookies with honey and decorate them with simple sugar, lemon, berry or fruit glaze.

New Year's Lenten Cookies

1 cup rye flour
1 tbsp honey,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, spices - to taste.

Mix the sifted flour, salt and spices, pour in the oil and liquid honey. Pound, gradually adding warm water, until a dense, non-sticky dough is obtained. Roll out the dough into a layer, cut out cookies, place on a greased baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

berry glaze

50 g fresh or frozen berries
150 g of powdered sugar.

Scroll thawed or fresh berries in a food processor and rub through a sieve to separate the seeds. Mix the puree with the sifted powdered sugar and immediately apply to the cooled cookies. Depending on the berries, the glaze will turn out red, pale pink or lilac.

Instead of berries, you can take 4 tbsp. cocoa powder and 50-60 ml of water - you get chocolate icing. And for the white lemon glaze, mix the zest and juice of 1 lemon with the powdered sugar.

If biscuits are too easy for you, make these cute half-moon gingerbread cookies with nut filling. They require more time and skill, but the result is worth it.

200 g flour
100 g butter,
3 tbsp warm water
a pinch of salt.
For filling:
200 g almonds or hazelnuts,
100 g sugar
30 g melted butter
1 tbsp orange liqueur,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
powdered sugar for decoration.

For the dough, combine flour, salt, water and melted butter in a food processor. Mix well, gather into a ball and leave at room temperature. Grind nuts in a food processor along with sugar, add cinnamon, liqueur and melted butter and mix thoroughly. Wet hands make small sausages from the filling, scooping it up with a teaspoon. Divide the dough into the same number of pieces and roll out very thinly. Put the filling on each piece of dough, roll and shape into a crescent moon. Put the gingerbread on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes at 150°C. Ready gingerbread should remain light. Sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Perhaps the most winter dessert is meringue. It is easy to prepare and a pleasure to give. And if you use different nozzles and dyes, you can make a lot of pretty colored New Year's sweets.

5 proteins,
300 g sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
Dyes - optional.

Whisk the egg whites until stiff, gradually add the sugar and beat until stiff. Put it in a cornet and drop droplets of the same size. Bake at 120°C for about an hour. You can check the readiness of the meringue by tapping on them - the sound should be dry and rustling. You can color the meringue by adding beet or berry juice, syrup or artificial color to the proteins.

If you don't want to fire up the oven, make homemade sweets. They will be able to compete in taste with sweets from the store, and if you put them in a beautiful box and decorate with icing or cream, homemade sweets will bring more joy than banal store platters. There are many recipes for homemade sweets: based on potato cake, halava, ground dates, dried fruits and nuts. We offer to prepare delicious chocolate truffles for the New Year.

200 g dark chocolate (75% cocoa),
200 g heavy cream (35% fat),
25 g butter,
2 tbsp orange liqueur or rum
cocoa powder, ground nuts, powdered sugar for sprinkling.

Boil the cream, pour over the chocolate broken into small pieces, stir until the chocolate melts and a smooth mass is obtained. Add finely chopped butter, stir again until it dissolves, pour in alcohol, cool to room temperature and refrigerate for 8-10 hours. Scoop cold chocolate mass with a cold teaspoon, form balls and bread in cocoa powder, nuts or powdered sugar. It is convenient to do this with latex gloves. Even easier to make truffles in the form of cubes. To do this, pour the warm chocolate mass into a rectangular shape covered with parchment, refrigerate, then cut with a thin cold knife and roll in cocoa.

Truffles can be decorated with chocolate icing. To do this, put a finely broken bar of milk or white chocolate in a bowl, add 50 g of butter, melt in the microwave or in a water bath, stir and pour over the sweets.

If you care about the health of your family and guests, give them a double gift: delicious and very healthy sweets in the form of granola. Granola bars cook very quickly, you just need to replenish your stocks of nuts and dried fruits. For New Year's granola, try to find bright red dried fruits: dried cranberries, cherries or strawberries.

50 g butter,
3 tbsp dark sugar,
3 tbsp honey or maple syrup
2 cups instant oatmeal,
1 cup nuts
1 cup dried cranberries, cherries, strawberries, raisins,
1 tbsp pumpkin or sunflower seeds
3 tbsp sesame,
ground cinnamon, ginger, vanilla - to taste.

Roast the nuts and seeds in a dry frying pan. Make syrup from butter, sugar and honey. Mix nuts, seeds, dried fruits and spices, pour over syrup and mix thoroughly. Line a baking sheet with parchment, lay out the granola, smooth to a thickness of 1 cm and bake for 10 minutes at 170 ° C. Make dents on the layer, along which you will break the bars, and bake for another 15-20 minutes. Cool, break into strips.

Marmalade also belongs to the category of healthy sweets that can surprise guests. Everyone would be pleased to receive as a gift a fragrant and tasty marmalade, made with their own hands from natural ingredients. For New Year's souvenirs, we recommend stocking up on homemade orange marmalades in advance.

1.5 kg of oranges,
1 kg of sugar
1 glass of water.

Remove the zest from several fruits. Peel the oranges, remove the films from the slices, process the oranges with a blender, add sugar and zest, add water if necessary and cook until thick. Divide the mixture into molds and set aside. Roll the finished marmalade in sugar or coconut flakes.

Little cute goodies cooked with love are what will make the holiday in your family special. It is very pleasant to give and receive them, and especially successful things are so pitiful to eat that you want to save until the next New Year. If you prepare in advance, edible New Year's crafts will not take you much time and will not interfere with the preparation of the main treat.

1. Herringbone from coffee beans.

3. Chocolate tree

4. Herringbone from seeds

5. Christmas tree for marmalade dessert

6. Vermicelli Christmas tree

7. And for a snack, a cheese tree

And now let's go MK:

You will need:

  • 1 pack of crab sticks,
  • 4-5 boiled eggs
  • 1 can of canned corn
  • fresh cucumber, boiled rice and mayonnaise - to taste.

For decoration: 1 carrot.

Cooking method: Chop 3 eggs, cucumber and crab sticks, mix with corn and rice, season with mayonnaise. The remaining eggs grate or finely chop, sprinkle them over the dish. Cut out Roman numerals from raw carrots and decorate the salad.

Salad "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" http://moi-detki.blogspot.com/2010/12/blog-post_4250.html

Ingredients :
. shrimp - 200 g

Cream cheese - 100 g

1 boiled or smoked chicken breast,

1 red onion

1 green apple

150 g cheese.

For refueling:

Mayonnaise + sour cream + mustard (ratio to taste).

For decoration:

grated squirrels,

sweet green pepper,

parsley sprigs,

Grains of pomegranate.


Lay out in layers:

Chicken breast finely chopped

Onion finely chopped

Eggs, finely chopped (leave some of the whites for decoration)

Apple grated on a coarse grater or finely chopped

Grated cheese

Decorate on top with grated protein, figuratively chopped sweet green pepper, parsley sprigs, pomegranate seeds.

Source SuperCook.ru

And I downloaded these New Year's dishes from http://shkolazhizni.ru/blog/231051/ . Author Zhanna Maginya

"Delicious Santa Claus"

To prepare the Christmas tree you will need:

Bun for a hamburger (basis for a Christmas tree);

Fresh cucumber (Christmas tree needles);

Red caviar ( Christmas decorations- balloons);

Cheese slices in individually wrapped bags (cut out Christmas decorations


To prepare Santa Claus you will need:

Bun for a hamburger (the basis for the figure);

Red bell pepper (hat and fur coat);

Butter or whipped cream - squeezed out of a confectionery syringe (for a pompom, eyebrows, beard, mustache and hair of Santa Claus);

Red caviar (nose of Santa Claus);

Peppercorns, poppy seeds or dark-colored sauce (eyes).

Cheese slices in individually packed bags (cut out decorations on Santa Claus's fur coat in the form of stars).

Salad New Year's Eve

- 200 gr herring fillet

1 bulb

2-3 beets

3 pickles

4 carrots

2 apples (preferably sweet and sour)

150 gr hard cheese

4 potatoes

3 tbsp vinegar

- ½ tsp Sahara

- ¼ cup cranberries for garnish


  • Cut the herring fillet into strips about 1 cm wide.
  • Chop the onion into rings and marinate for 5 minutes in vinegar mixed with sugar.
  • Boil beets, potatoes and carrots, cool, peel and grate on a coarse grater separately from each other.
  • Leave two boiled carrots to decorate the salad with a New Year's dial.
  • Wash the apples, peel, remove the core and grate.
  • Boil eggs, grate 3 eggs on a coarse grater.
  • Lay out the products in layers:

1 layer - pieces of herring

2 layer - pickled onions

3 layer - greens

4 layer - beets

5 layer - mayonnaise

6 layer - chopped cucumbers

7 layer - grated carrots

8 layer - apples

9 layer - cheese

10 layer - potatoes

11 layer - mayonnaise

12 layer - eggs (this is a layer of snow)

From the halves of hard-boiled eggs lay out the dial, and from boiled carrots - arrows and numbers. Decorate the dish with cranberries and finely chopped greens.

"Herring under a Fur Coat"

"Christmas sandwiches"

"Cheese tree"


  • 3 packs of 230 g softened cream cheese
  • 450 g grated cheddar cheese
  • 2 tbsp pesto
  • 1 tbsp grated onion
  • 1 tsp yellow mustard

Hot red pepper sauce

  • 1/4 cup chopped parsley
  • 1/4 cup pine nuts
  • 2 tbsp chopped red bell pepper
  • Slice of lemon zest
  • crackers


  • Whisk the cream cheese and cheddar cheese together, dividing the mixture in half. Stir the pesto into one half of the mass, add the onion, mustard, and a few drops of hot pepper sauce to the other half. Cover both masses with lids and refrigerate for 4 hours.
  • Now form cones from the masses, resembling Christmas trees. At this stage, you can wrap the cheese blanks in cling film and put in the freezer. Thus, the mass can be stored for up to a month. Then you will need to thaw the mass (it will take about 12 hours to do this) and decorate like a Christmas tree.
  • Immediately before serving, decorate the Christmas trees with parsley, pressing the greens into the mass. Press in the pine nuts like they are garlands, garnish with red pepper slices, make a star out of the lemon zest to decorate the top. Serve with crackers.

"Herringbone lettuce-dill"

Another salad dressing idea. You can use any of your favorite salads as a base. The main thing is that it should be with cheese or rice, so that it keeps its shape. For example, Olivier. Salad is laid out with a slide up and decorated with dill sprigs and pomegranate, a star is cut out of paprika.

The description is very comprehensive. For those who are interested, follow the link.

"Christmas tree of apples"

"Santa Claus" from vegetables

You will need: red bell pepper (larger), Chinese cabbage (head lettuce), cucumber slice, toothpicks.

  1. Remove the leg from the pepper and give it a stable position with the hole down.
  2. Secure the cucumber slice on top with a toothpick.
  3. Choose small lettuce leaves, preferably internal ones. Try on their size on the figure of Santa Claus: one sheet is more authentic - for the beard, three sheets are shorter - for the hair. Cut off the excess parts of the cutting. Choose a cup-shaped sheet for the top layer of hair.
  4. During the fitting, mark with a toothpick those places on a large sheet where the eyes, nose and mouth should be.
  5. Make the details of the face out of pieces of olives and peppers by inserting them into the small slits. Strengthen your mustache.
  6. Attach with toothpicks (you can use their halves), first a long sheet with a face and a beard, then three short ones around the entire head. Put a sheet on top.
  7. Make a hat out of the top of a pepper or a small tomato. Take a large leaf of head lettuce (outer) and cut a long strip 1.5-2 cm wide from the top of the petiole with a knife. Try to cut along the direction of the fibers. This will be the edge of the hat. Fasten the hat on your head and wrap it with a cut-out strip.
    Source - Country of Masters

"Cheese Snowman"

Ingredients: For 6-8 servings:

  • 400 g cream cheese (a type of international Philadelphia cheese), softened
  • 1.5 cups grated Monterey Jack or Cheddar cheese (see note below)
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • salt and black ground pepper
  • celery, cloves, a piece of black bread (pampernickel), black olives, carrots

A snowman sprinkled with cheese is a great edible craft for winter gatherings. With his top hat and green scarf, this snowman will win the hearts of little ones. His eyes and buttons are made from olives, and his nose (what else?) is of course the tip of a carrot.

  • In a food processor, chop cream cheese (reserve hat spoon), 1/2 cup shredded cheese, garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. Freeze until firm, 30 minutes.
  • Form the mixture into 3 balls, roll them in the remaining grated cheese. Freeze for approximately 1 hour.
  • Before serving: Place balls on top of each other, secure with toothpicks. Use a potato peeler to remove shavings from the celery for a scarf, attach it with a clove. Cut a piece of bread into circles for a hat; fasten them with cream cheese, then secure with a toothpick. Attach buttons from olives, then cut off the tip of the carrot; attach in place. Serve with crackers.

Monterey Jack is a Cheddar-like cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk.

Salad "Calendar"


Sweet bell pepper (red and yellow);

boiled shrimp;

hard cheese;

boiled eggs;


Greenery for decoration.

Puff salad. We lay out the form of a "calendar" on a plate:

The first layer is diced sweet pepper. Mayonnaise mesh.

A layer of boiled shrimp, they can also be chopped. Again mayonnaise mesh
A layer of grated cheese. Mayonnaise

Grated egg yolk. mayonnaise mesh

Grated protein.

Our salad, to give a clearer shape, lightly pressed on all sides with a large wide knife. Coated the top and sides of the "calendar" with mayonnaise.
Then decorate the salad. The number is red pepper, the word is boiled carrots, yolk, greens, pomegranate seeds, a few peeled seeds, snowflakes are grains of grated protein - in general, we decorated from what came to hand.
Here's our salad!

Salad "Santa Claus - Red Nose"

By layers:

1 - boiled rice, mayonnaise

2 - crab sticks, mayonnaise

3 - tomato and red pepper in equal proportions (take a hard tomato, you can layer a tomato and a layer of pepper, it will not be worse), mayonnaise

4th layer - sliced ​​salted red fish (I had salmon). Lay the fish with an overlap, as we still play the role of Santa Claus's fur coat.

I decorated it this way, or rather what I made it from: the top of a red pepper cap - by the way, I started with it, and at that moment my husband got into the kitchen and, looking at my work, asked, "What kind of red girl will we have?" This is how to show the work in progress grandfather's face from a plate of cheddar cheese, like the Snow Maiden's, and eyes from peppercorns, cheeks - pieces of red fish, nose - boiled carrots, dyed with beets
hair and mustache from egg white edging on a fur coat of cheddar cheese grated on a fine grater (I didn’t have enough cheese, I had to add a solid Russian one, which affected the color) Santa Claus belt made of red pepper.
Well, that's all. I also wanted to stick a bag to my grandfather, but there was nothing from it, so I used the fabric "for appearance"

Salad "Carnival tree"

1 layer - lay out the potatoes in the shape of a Christmas tree (I have 3 potatoes). Then I made this sauce - 4 tablespoons of sour cream, 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 4 tablespoons of Chili ketchup (this amount was enough for the whole salad). I smeared the potatoes with the sauce

2 layer - boiled pork in pieces (photo did not work out)

3rd layer - pickled onion (I took the onion blue, but not sweet, pickled like this - 1 tablespoon of sugar, 3 tablespoons of grape vinegar 6% per half of a large onion, but this amount of onion turned out to be a bit too much - I had onions) Then sauce again. After that, I added a teaspoon of vinegar from the onion to the sauce.

4 layer - suluguni cheese, grated. Sauce again.

5th layer - grated beets and mixed with walnuts (I left half of the large beets and 5 pieces of large walnuts). I mixed the beets and nuts with the remaining sauce and laid out on top of the cheese.

6 layer - very finely chopped green onions and dill (mixed and applied on top)

We decorate at will. I made a star from red pepper, and beads from pomegranate and corn seeds

Salad "Fairytale Snow Maiden"


  • 1 herring
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • 1 large apple
  • 1 medium onion (blue)
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 g cheddar cheese

And also some smoked suluguni cheese and mayonnaise. For coloring proteins, a little red cabbage.

And in layers:

1 layer - lay out the potatoes in the form of a Snow Maiden (for whom it is difficult to draw a template in advance according to the size of the plate intended for laying out the salad) Lubricate with mayonnaise

2 layer - lay out the herring and also lubricate

3 layer - pickled onions (I wrote how to pickle in the "Carnival Tree")

4 layer - grated apple and lightly mayonnaise

5 layer - smoked cheese, a little mayonnaise

6 layer - yolks

Now we grease well with mayonnaise and proceed to jewelry work. From the dyed squirrel, I made a crown, a fur coat and mittens. Edge of cheddar cheese grated on a fine-fine grater. Snegurka's hair is made from Suluguni cheese, and I also wove a braid from it (this option seemed to me the most optimal). Eyes - black peppercorns, a nose and eyebrows made of rosemary, lips made of tomato paste (ketchup comes out watery) - applied with a toothpick. This is how I got the Snow Maiden

Salad "New Year's branch"

We will need:

  • 2 small boiled hearts
  • 7-8 small boiled beetroots (2-3 large ones)
  • 3 boiled carrots
  • a jar of canned champignons (sliced),
  • 2 sweet apples.

For sauce:

  • pickled cucumbers 3-4 pcs. (I have 7-8 small ones)
  • garlic 4-5 cloves,
  • mayonnaise ~300 gr.
  • salt.

For decoration:

  • 1-2 boiled eggs
  • piece of red cabbage
  • smoked cheese,
  • dill,
  • rosemary,
  • pomegranate,
  • 2-3 olives.


  • clean the heart and cut into small cubes, three beets on a grater
  • three carrots
  • for the sauce, grind cucumbers, garlic and mayonnaise in a processor, salt a little
  • take a large dish and start spreading the salad
  • beets first (leave a little for decoration)
  • grease with sauce
  • then the heart
  • sauce again
  • now carrots (leave a little)
  • sauce and mushrooms
  • sauce again
  • the last layer of apples on a grater
  • grease with sauce

start decorating:


  • 1st boiled carrot,
  • 2nd yolk on a grater,
  • 3rd squirrels tinted with red cabbage on a fine grater,
  • 4th boiled beet,
  • 5th pickled cucumbers on a grater (squeeze the juice)

decorate with squirrel stars.


  • put dill all over the sprig, then rosemary branches
  • sprinkle pomegranate seeds on top and powder with yolk.
  • ball strings:
  • put an olive puck on top of each ball and stick a strip of smoked cheese into it
  • divide a couple of stripes into fibers and make bows.

That's all! Salad ready!!! Leave it to soak in the refrigerator for a few hours.

Christmas decorations are designed to create a fabulous atmosphere in the house during the celebrations. This will be felt even more if you decorate the room with homemade toys and decorations. Start creating New Year's crafts for the New Year with your own hands: you can use a wide variety of materials in your work to get something unusual and original.

Crafts from cones

Since the main association with the New Year is the Christmas tree, make some decorations for the New Year's beauty from real cones. Such do-it-yourself crafts are done very quickly, since the bump itself serves as the basis for a future toy. Choose what craft to do: it can be fairy tale characters or inhabitants of the forest. For example, in the photo you can see how funny gnomes came out of the cones. For the head, you can use any material in the form of a ball. It remains to complement the toys with fabric accessories to complete the look.

And here's another interesting photo New Year's crafts. By attaching carved parts to the body from the bump, the author got cute owls that can be placed under the Christmas tree or on the windowsill.

On the Internet you will find a lot of detailed master classes on New Year's crafts. For example, additional details for cones can be made from plasticine. Blind ears, tail, paws from this material, and you will get any animal.

And here is one of the examples of how to make a craft with your own hands in the form of Santa Claus. A little imagination + bright colors - and you will get a cute decoration that can be hung on a Christmas tree.

If you break the cone into several pieces, they can be assembled into more unusual shapes. The squirrel in the photo is made from several parts of a cone with the addition of soft details, artificial twigs and berries.

Not only toys can be made from cones. Collect a large number of cones, decorate in bright colors, connect with each other with glue, giving the composition round shape. So you get a bright wreath that can be placed on the door.

Cotton Pad Craft Ideas

You can get original crafts, use cotton pads as the main material. For example, children will enjoy creating winter compositions in the form of applications from cotton balls and paper.

In the next photo of crafts from cotton pads, you can see voluminous decorations. It is enough to roll the circle into a cone and sew the sides to make the base for the angel. Sew the second cotton pad in the form of a small ball: it will be used to create the head. Make the wings airy by cutting along the edges.

Now complete these unusual crafts beads or other details. They can be placed on window sills, shelves or hung by strings.

Another example of what crafts can be made from cotton balls. You will need a large number of blanks made from discs folded in half and sewn around the edges. Each piece is glued onto a cone-shaped base made of cardboard. When all the parts are glued, it remains to decorate the craft - now you are ready christmas tree which can be placed anywhere in the room.

By the way, not only cotton pads will be useful when creating compositions and toys for winter holidays. They will go and cotton buds: Christmas trees, houses and any other details for decorations can also be made from them.

Christmas tree toys

Majority original crafts for the New Year are made in the form of Christmas trees. They can be built from various improvised materials. New Year's toy in the form of a Christmas tree can be made from green rain and cinnamon sticks. Use beads or multi-colored buttons as decorations.

Interesting crafts are made from wine caps. It is enough to glue them together to get a decoration of any shape. repaint wine corks in the color you want - and combine with each other in the shape of a Christmas tree to get a cool Christmas-themed craft.

Small Christmas crafts for children in the shape of a Christmas tree can be made using ordinary cones. Use paint, glitter, beads, ribbons, and any other embellishments.

Also, together with the children, you can make crafts from paper or cardboard. First, form a cone from dense sheet, he will play the role of the base of the Christmas tree. Cut from colored paper many strips of the same length and width. Consistently stick them row by row, starting from the foot of the Christmas tree. Leave the edges of the strips without glue, they must be wrapped outwards. Here you will get such a bright Christmas tree in just a few minutes.

Styrofoam crafts

Now look at a few options on how to make a New Year's craft from foam. it great idea crafts for the school, since the foam is easy to change and can take on any shape.

Roll the foam into a ball, connect two balls with each other, close the transitions with a piece of fabric in the form of a scarf, decorate the top with a hat, attach eyes and a mouth - and you have a cute snowman ready.

If you use stencils, you can get large New Year's crafts from polystyrene foam. Christmas trees, snowflakes and stars of various shapes are created by cutting out the desired shapes with a utility knife. Such decorations can be hung from the ceiling or placed on flat surface.

Often made from foam christmas balls. This is very convenient, since you can attach ribbons, beads, beads, any stickers to the material using glue or a needle. The foam base can be used next year by changing the design of the Christmas tree craft.

Another of the ideas of unusual New Year's crafts is a realistic winter composition that you can. Cut out Christmas trees, sleighs, houses, fairytale heroes, and add lighting to this craft to create a fabulous atmosphere in the room.

We mold from the dough

Excellent material for Christmas crafts - salty dough. Any can be made by baking it in the oven, then the decorations will take on a solid shape.

New Year's school crafts from dough can be made flat. Just roll it out on a flat surface - and with the help of ready-made molds, cut out the same figures.

More complex toys are obtained from voluminous figurines. For example, you can get such snowmen by making a ball for the body and head from dough, as well as separate parts for handles, a hat, and a scarf. After the composition has solidified, it remains to add bright colors.

Using the same technique, you can make characters symbolizing new year holidays. Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden will decorate your Christmas tree and even serve as a nice present for guests.

By modeling, you can create elegant little Christmas trees. Make a long snake out of the dough - and wrap it around to get the shape of a cone. Fasten circles on top imitating Christmas balls, as well as an asterisk on top.

Another idea on how to make New Year's crafts from dough is to imitate gingerbread with icing. For more realism, decorate the blanks in the form of sweets in brown and white colors.

paper decorations

It is convenient to make New Year's crafts for the home from cardboard or paper. For example, light and beautiful angels will turn out if you fold sheets of paper with an accordion and fasten them in the center. Add beads to the decor of toys or bright ribbons, you can pre-cut patterns in paper sheets to create a lace effect.

You can make a New Year's craft in the form. Fancy and original jewelry obtained from multi-colored paper lanterns. How to make Christmas crafts in the form of lanterns, look at the photo.

The following photo of do-it-yourself New Year's crafts shows an example of creating a paper-based wreath. Such interesting idea children will like it: help them trace their palm on the sheet and cut around the perimeter correctly. Gather such palms together, grouped in a circle, add berries and hang a wreath on the wall.

Volumetric decoration that can be hung from the ceiling is fashionable to obtain by gluing paper tubes. Make round blanks - and cut along the radius, as shown in the example. Glue each part into a tube, and then stick several of these shapes on top of each other. It will turn out interesting, which will suit New Year's decoration rooms.

In addition to snowflakes, stars will also be relevant, so see how you can make voluminous stars from colored sheets of paper. To do this, you don’t even need to glue several blanks with each other, just draw the correct diagram on the inside, and then assemble it, as shown in the example.

DIY snow globe

If your child is faced with the task of making a New Year's craft for school for a competition, an imitation of a snow globe will do. To make such a composition for the New Year, you will need:

  • any jar with a tight-fitting lid, preferably a metal one;
  • distilled water;
  • glycerol;
  • any figurines of small sizes or home-made figurines of winter characters that do not get wet in the water;
  • artificial snow, silver sparkles, white confetti and any other material that looks like a small snowball;
  • glue gun;
  • sandpaper.

Despite the fact that such crafts will be done by the hands of children, your help will also be needed. Start by thoroughly washing the jar, there should be no streaks left on it. Let it dry well from the inside.

Useful: New master classes! See what you can do for the holiday and give them to family and friends as a souvenir.

In the next steps, start gluing the figures on the inside of the lid. For a better grip on the glue, go over the surface of the lid with sandpaper. Immediately fix a small Christmas tree on the lid, it can be made from artificial branches.

Pour distilled water into the jar, leaving some space, as some of the space will be occupied by the figures after screwing the lid. Add some glycerin to the water to thicken the liquid slightly: this will allow the snow-simulating materials to swirl more smoothly inside the jar. After adding glycerin, do not forget about artificial snow and sparkles.

Now it remains to tightly tighten the lid, and then turn the jar over. If you shake it a little, you will get a real snowfall inside your New Year's composition!

Now you know what crafts you can do, and they are not limited to Christmas tree decorations, garlands and toys. Show your imagination: perhaps you will come up with your own unusual compositions that will decorate the New Year's room.

Watch the most beautiful New Year's crafts on video master classes:

Edible Christmas crafts

A decorated Christmas tree, the smell of tangerines, food for the festive table, waiting in the fridge - what else do you need for a New Year's mood? If the family has small children or you yourself want a New Year's fairy tale, this is not enough. You also need to think about sweet gifts and surprises for guests and all your relatives and people dear to you. You can, of course, go to the store and buy ready-made gift sets with sweets, but it's so boring. It is much more interesting to prepare gifts and sweets for the New Year's table with your own hands. And how happy everyone will be when instead of on-duty sweets they will receive edible New Year's crafts from you as a gift!

The easiest thing to prepare for the New Year's table is to bake cookies. Go to the kitchenware store and find cookie cutters in the form of stars, snowflakes, Christmas trees, snow maidens, deer, horses and other figures associated with winter and the New Year. If there are molds of different sizes, take everything - it is convenient to make holes inside large ones with small molds. Do not forget to grab a cornet (pastry bag) with different nozzles. This is one of the most important tools for decorating sweets. Cooking and decorating cookies can be a few days before the holiday.

Christmas gingerbread cookies

400 g flour
200 g sugar
100 g butter,
75 ml milk
0.5 tsp soda or baking powder
1 tsp ground ginger,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
1 yolk.

Boil syrup from milk and sugar, cool. Beat the softened butter with a mixer, add the syrup, mix and gradually add the sifted flour with spices and soda. Form the dough into a ball, roll it out on a table dusted with flour to the desired thickness and cut out the figures with cutters. Put the cookies on a baking sheet, brush with egg yolk and water and bake at 200°C for 10-15 minutes. If you do not plan to decorate cookies with cream, sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Butter cream for decoration

125 g butter,
60 g powdered sugar,
50 g condensed milk,
1 tbsp cognac or rum.

Beat butter with powdered sugar until white, add condensed milk little by little, continuing to beat. Put the cream into a cornet with the narrowest nozzle and paint the cookies.

Protein glaze

1 protein
200 g of powdered sugar.

Beat the protein in a dense foam at the fastest speed of the mixer. Add half of the sifted powder, beat well, add the rest of the powder, beat again and put the icing in a bag or cornet.

It is easy to make Christmas trees from star-shaped cookies of different sizes - lay cookies smeared with cream in a pyramid and paint with protein glaze, sprinkle with colored sugar or decorate with bright sugar balls.

For those who fast on New Year's Eve, you can make rye cookies with honey and decorate them with simple sugar, lemon, berry or fruit glaze.

New Year's Lenten Cookies

1 cup rye flour
1 tbsp honey,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, spices - to taste.

Mix the sifted flour, salt and spices, pour in the oil and liquid honey. Pound, gradually adding warm water, until a dense, non-sticky dough is obtained. Roll out the dough into a layer, cut out cookies, place on a greased baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

berry glaze

50 g fresh or frozen berries
150 g of powdered sugar.

Scroll thawed or fresh berries in a food processor and rub through a sieve to separate the seeds. Mix the puree with the sifted powdered sugar and immediately apply to the cooled cookies. Depending on the berries, the glaze will turn out red, pale pink or lilac.

Instead of berries, you can take 4 tbsp. cocoa powder and 50-60 ml of water - you get chocolate icing. And for the white lemon glaze, mix the zest and juice of 1 lemon with the powdered sugar.

If biscuits are too easy for you, make these cute half-moon gingerbread cookies with nut filling. They require more time and skill, but the result is worth it.

200 g flour
100 g butter,
3 tbsp warm water
a pinch of salt.
For filling:
200 g almonds or hazelnuts,
100 g sugar
30 g melted butter
1 tbsp orange liqueur,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
powdered sugar for decoration.

For the dough, combine flour, salt, water and melted butter in a food processor. Mix well, gather into a ball and leave at room temperature. Grind nuts in a food processor along with sugar, add cinnamon, liqueur and melted butter and mix thoroughly. With wet hands, mold small sausages from the filling, scooping it up with a teaspoon. Divide the dough into the same number of pieces and roll out very thinly. Put the filling on each piece of dough, roll and shape into a crescent moon. Put the gingerbread on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes at 150°C. Ready gingerbread should remain light. Sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Perhaps the most winter dessert is meringue. It is easy to prepare and a pleasure to give. And if you use different nozzles and dyes, you can make a lot of pretty colored New Year's sweets.

5 proteins,
300 g sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
Dyes - optional.

Whisk the egg whites until stiff, gradually add the sugar and beat until stiff. Put it in a cornet and drop droplets of the same size. Bake at 120°C for about an hour. You can check the readiness of the meringue by tapping on them - the sound should be dry and rustling. You can color the meringue by adding beet or berry juice, syrup or artificial color to the proteins.

If you don't want to fire up the oven, make homemade sweets. They will be able to compete in taste with sweets from the store, and if you put them in a beautiful box and decorate with icing or cream, homemade sweets will bring more joy than banal store platters. There are many recipes for homemade sweets: based on potato cake, halava, ground dates, dried fruits and nuts. We offer to prepare delicious chocolate truffles for the New Year.

200 g dark chocolate (75% cocoa),
200 g heavy cream (35% fat),
25 g butter,
2 tbsp orange liqueur or rum
cocoa powder, ground nuts, powdered sugar for sprinkling.

Boil the cream, pour over the chocolate broken into small pieces, stir until the chocolate melts and a smooth mass is obtained. Add finely chopped butter, stir again until it dissolves, pour in alcohol, cool to room temperature and refrigerate for 8-10 hours. Scoop cold chocolate mass with a cold teaspoon, form balls and bread in cocoa powder, nuts or powdered sugar. It is convenient to do this with latex gloves. Even easier to make truffles in the form of cubes. To do this, pour the warm chocolate mass into a rectangular shape covered with parchment, refrigerate, then cut with a thin cold knife and roll in cocoa.

Truffles can be decorated with chocolate icing. To do this, put a finely broken bar of milk or white chocolate in a bowl, add 50 g of butter, melt in the microwave or in a water bath, stir and pour over the sweets.

If you care about the health of your family and guests, give them a double gift: delicious and very healthy sweets in the form of granola. Granola bars cook very quickly, you just need to replenish your stocks of nuts and dried fruits. For New Year's granola, try to find bright red dried fruits: dried cranberries, cherries or strawberries.

50 g butter,
3 tbsp dark sugar,
3 tbsp honey or maple syrup
2 cups instant oatmeal,
1 cup nuts
1 cup dried cranberries, cherries, strawberries, raisins,
1 tbsp pumpkin or sunflower seeds
3 tbsp sesame,
ground cinnamon, ginger, vanilla - to taste.

Roast the nuts and seeds in a dry frying pan. Make syrup from butter, sugar and honey. Mix nuts, seeds, dried fruits and spices, pour over syrup and mix thoroughly. Line a baking sheet with parchment, lay out the granola, smooth to a thickness of 1 cm and bake for 10 minutes at 170 ° C. Make dents on the layer, along which you will break the bars, and bake for another 15-20 minutes. Cool, break into strips.

Marmalade also belongs to the category of healthy sweets that can surprise guests. Everyone would be pleased to receive as a gift a fragrant and tasty marmalade, prepared with their own hands from natural ingredients. For New Year's souvenirs, we recommend stocking up on homemade orange marmalades in advance.

1.5 kg of oranges,
1 kg of sugar
1 glass of water.

Remove the zest from several fruits. Peel the oranges, remove the films from the slices, process the oranges with a blender, add sugar and zest, add water if necessary and cook until thick. Divide the mixture into molds and set aside. Roll the finished marmalade in sugar or coconut flakes.

Little cute goodies cooked with love are what will make the holiday in your family special. It is very pleasant to give and receive them, and especially successful things are so pitiful to eat that you want to save until the next New Year. If you prepare in advance, edible New Year's crafts will not take you much time and will not interfere with the preparation of the main treat.