For the tenderness of a gentle hand. Congratulations to men: A toast to men. joke in the form of a toast

Odes and laudatory songs are rarely dedicated to the strong half of humanity, most often they are dedicated to some particular holiday or date. Even during friendly gatherings or meetings, it is imperative to make a toast in honor of men. This gesture will demonstrate that for their significant other they will always be in the first place, that they are loved and appreciated, and also that they are needed. It must be emphasized that next to such beautiful men it is easy to feel like real women and remain the keepers of the hearth. In a toast, you can also smoothly move on to the wishes of wisdom, strength and endurance, which, of course, will be useful to any man. And, of course, the words of love must also be voiced. Such a gesture will give men joy and give strength for daily worries.

Let me raise my glass
For the most tender on earth!
For those constellations without which
I can't imagine life!
For the beauty of evil eyes!
For the tenderness of a gentle hand!
For us, in short, men!
Man is the steel of the spring
The engine singing in the sky
A single formidable step of the squad,
Eagle scream in the mountains.
A man is a clot of pepper
A masterly firm hand
And loving women heart.
So let's drink to the bottom!

I will sip wine today for men -
For those that allow me to be weak;
For those whose gaze is sometimes implacable.
For those with whom it is so pleasant to be with me.
For you my beloved friends
I'll take a sip of wine. And I think not only me.

Let them beat us, scold us not weak,
Even if there is no reason
What kind of men do we drink women?
My secret toast - for men!
That sometimes beauties blink,
Drunken rabble are invited to the huts ...
They make, they help with money,
And without them, how can we continue the race?
Let them live and go to work,
They sing songs about their love.
Let's protect. Let's take care of them
We will give comfort to souls and hearts!

For men I want to raise
This filled glass.
For great understanding
For the beginning of the beginning!
We would be in trouble without you
we can't live without you!
So let's praise the miracle
Once gathered here, friends!
Being a man is very easy
But it's also very hard...
So let's toast
Their masculinity!
Their majesty and glory
Their merit and honor!
Raise all your glasses
Only chur, so that the ladies - go ahead!

I so want you to have...
Glass filled with wine
And to always give you...
Awards, orders, medals
And so that you now rise
And at the right moment did not fall
Your good friend for no reason...
So let's drink to you, men!

Not thick pants and purse,
We measure the truth of a man!
It is important for us to have a faithful hand,
And nobility from sliders to gray hair!
So let's drink, for true husbands,
For those to whom you can easily turn your back!
For giants, not for mice,
We drink to the bottom, not half!

Let's drink, brother and godfather,
Neighbor, colleague, best friend,
For a trouble-free bright mind! -
What if it goes out suddenly?
There will be a cloud in the eyes,
In the soul - the most ridiculous delight ...
And waiting for a psychiatric hospital or a prison -
Trouble! Or maybe - just a morgue ?!
I won't stop repeating
Like, chop on the nose:
We can lose consciousness
Just seeing the beauty of women!

Nature herself will show us goals,
Which are subject only to them,
After all, women have not been able to
Neither protect nor teach men.
And it is their duty and right
To teach, care for and protect us all.
We, women, will raise our glasses
For those who saved our lives more than once.
May the strength in your veins be renewed,
Let the blood boil, and let life be in full swing.
We trust you now completely,
Go ahead, men! We drink only for you!

I pronounce my toast for men,
May faith and love be near
And let the warmth surround you
And let life give you courage!
I drink for strength, for generosity, kindness,
Carry in your heart you always dream!

For those whose face caresses the eye,
For a gentle, sweet conversation,
For their eyes, lips, shoulders,
For their smile on a quiet evening,
For the night that so excites the blood,
For their hope and love
For the tenderness of a gentle hand ...
For you, in short, men!

You are delicate, quiet, sweet
You are heard among your friends.
You don't know what power
There is in your delicacy!
You do not like disputes and debates,
Conflicts or clashes
You explain everything in the world
Reconcile a dog with a cat
Or with Israel Lebanon ...
That's why we drink a glass!

Let me raise my glass
For the most tender on Earth,
For those creatures without which
I can't imagine life.
I drink for kind eyes
For the tenderness of a gentle hand,
Because you are in the world...
For us, in short, men!

One magazine announced a competitive situation: "Imagine that you are sitting in a restaurant with a woman whom you have just met and whom you like. You need to go to the toilet. How will you explain your absence to her, and that it will be true and sound decent?"
The first place was taken by this explanation: "Madam, I must go out to help my friend, whom I will introduce you a little later."
So let's drink to a wonderful acquaintance!

The most bottomless pool
in which men drown
Sinking inevitably,
These are the eyes of a loved one.
So let no one grumble
I drink for the happiness of the drowned!

A real man is one who remembers a woman's birthday exactly and never knows how old she is. And a man who never remembers a woman's birthday, but knows exactly how old she is, is her husband.
So let's drink to real men.

You know, Susie, I'm so lonely, Gaby complains to her friend.
- That is, how lonely? Susie is surprised. - Everyone knows that you have not only loving husband but also a handsome lover ...
- That's just the point: they constantly rely on each other.
So let's drink to real men who do not shift their responsibilities onto the shoulders of another!

Women's toast:
Let's drink to the men! But not for singles - they will never marry us. And not for the divorced - they were bad husbands. And let's drink to the married - they love their wives and do not forget us!

Three men are sitting in a bathhouse: a journalist, a director of a brewery and a digger - and all of them are up to their knees ... A journalist has a tongue; the director has a belly; the digger has hands.
Let's drink to those men who have something more interesting!

As strong as a birch ridge, the little forest man, pumped up with health and natural desires, while walking around, found a little mermaid on the sand by the river. Compared her with Baba Yaga, the only inhabitant of the local forest. The conclusion was not in favor of an old friend. The body of the little mermaid, illuminated by the moon, beckoned with the whiteness of water lilies. The woodsman thumped next to the little mermaid and immediately got down to business. The little mermaid did not resist his courtship, she did not say a word across his desires, however, she did not show the ardor characteristic of her age in such an exciting business.
- You smell like a forest! - said the woodsman displeasedly.
“You yourself smelled of the forest, and I smell of the coolness of the river,” she proudly declared.
- When a woman lies like a log, she smells like a forest, - the woodsman said with knowledge of the matter and walked into the thicket.
The little mermaid rolled over on her stomach and, throwing up her head, called after him:
- And you do not own the primitive method of producing fire!
So let's drink to men who can make fire from any tree!

Who is a real man?
- This is a man who gets out of bed to rest.
Let's drink to real men!

A feral man lives long in the desert. Passionate instinct forces him to sneak up on the antelope this way and that. Day, week, month, exhausted by desire, he hunts for her in the desert, but every time at the last moment the antelope manages to jump back. One day, he comes across a helicopter that has fallen on a sand dune, pulls out a lovely blonde from there, and gives her water to drink. She opens her eyes and says:
- Oh, you saved my life! I am ready to fulfill your every desire!
“Woman,” the man asks exhaustedly, “be a man, help catch the antelope.”
So let's drink to the male fidelity to the goal!

Congratulations to the men.

At a holiday or just in the company of friends, sometimes you want to show off your intellect or demonstrate your sense of humor. The easiest way to do this is to make a toast. But they don't always come to mind. the right words. In this article, we present a selection of toasts for men.

For fathers

"May your sons and daughters have rich parents!"

Such a toast to men is suitable both for a newly-made father, and for those representatives of the strong half of humanity who have long had children. You can use this saying as part of a greeting, for example, happy birthday. In general, comic toasts at the holidays are always more relevant than complex metaphors or long abstruse stories. People gather to relax and unwind, so it's better not to overload your friends with advice and instructions, but to get by with an outstanding joke.

Toast with humor

"I raise my glass to the most tender on earth.

For those creatures without which I can not imagine life.

I drink for wonderful eyes, for the tenderness of my dear hand,

For the fact that you are in the world. For you, in short, MEN!".

For this toast to be funny, it must be made by a woman. Congratulation sounds fresh and original. In general, funny ones are popular in all companies. This is not surprising. The Russian people love to laugh. And the battle of the sexes, when women tease their husbands, and they, in turn, their faithful, is already a national pastime. Toasts for men from women do not have to be serious. After all, the stronger sex loves his girls not only for their intelligence and beauty, but also for their sense of humor. It brings people closer, and a good joke will help lighten the mood and make the evening more intimate.

For the unmarried

"A real man is the one who remembers a woman's birthday and never knows how old she is. And the man who knows exactly how old a woman is, but doesn't remember her birthday, is her husband. Let's drink to real men."

Such a toast would be appropriate for young man who is in a relationship with a girl, but has not yet married her. And also with such a phrase you can laugh at a married friend, but only in a male company. In the company of wives, this toast is inappropriate to pronounce.

In general, life jokes are popular. Especially often they become toasts to men. They may be based on an anecdote or just a funny life situation. Men especially like toasts in which the wife, mother-in-law and mistress appear. And it is desirable that all these characters are ridiculed, and main character came out of any situation a winner.

For the mind

"Men should not be judged by intentions, but by daily deeds. As they say, the mind is good, but action is more necessary. For men whose mind extends beyond once!".

The fourth toast to a man is one of those rules or popular beliefs which some people still follow. Usually his women speak. But some ladies don't know how to make a toast well. If this is your case, remember our option. It is a win-win, as it glorifies the male mind, which the strong half of humanity considers one of its main virtues. But one should not only praise a man in a toast, one should teach him a veiled lesson. In our case, a woman will say that she considers a guy worthy and smart who uses his brain on a daily basis, and does not come up with one good idea a year. By slightly changing the text, you can praise male strength, dexterity or charm. You choose. The main thing in the company of men is not to address one specific person, but to say a general toast. It must be suitable for every male present.

A toast to the sociable

"A real man will find time to talk not only with his wife, but also with his mother-in-law. So let's drink to sociable men!"

This toast is suitable for married men. With such a statement, you can both laugh at a friend and exalt his ability to communicate with women. The universality of the toast lies in the fact that both sexes can pronounce it. Such a statement can be voiced at a New Year's corporate party or in the company of unfamiliar people. There is nothing vulgar or immoral in such a toast, which means that colleagues will not condemn you, but will only be surprised at your resourcefulness and wit.

Toast men to men

"Let's drink to courage, which makes any blows of fate insignificant!".

The fourth toast to a peasant may well sound exactly like that. It will be appropriate when it is voiced by a representative of the stronger sex. Moreover, the toast is so universal that if girls are present at the table, they will be able to take the statement personally. But still, when it comes to courage, it should be about men. After all, it is they who can calmly and without fear look into the future, despite any troubles in life.

joke in the form of a toast

"Two girlfriends are chatting:

Have you ever met a guy whose touch would make you shiver?

No, I only dream about it.

And I've already met this one.

And who is he?


Let's drink to the men! And they don't have to be dentists! For men, from the mere touch of which women shudder."

This is one of funny toasts for the men. It will be appropriate to sound at a bachelor party or at gatherings in the bathhouse. Men will appreciate a joke that is skillfully disguised as a toast. After all, all the representatives of the stronger sex want women to adore them, so everyone will project the statement onto themselves. If you know of other jokes that can be arranged for a toast, then you can tell them. After all, the main thing here is the presentation. If you practice a little, then in 1-2 months you will be able to make a toast from any joke, and learn how to select them very appropriately for any company.

For men and women

"Let's drink to those men who have a full glass of champagne, and to the women who let men drink this glass!"

Such a toast would be appropriate both at a wedding and at a family feast. Women often control the amount of alcohol their men drink. The same toast subtly hints at this situation, as if ridiculing the weaker sex. However, after such a statement, not a single lady will have the courage to forbid her missus to drink a glass of champagne. Of course, men cannot use this toast all the time, but it is possible to resort to this trick from time to time. If you do not want to use a template version, then the toast should be reworked for yourself or improvised, based on the current situation.

For debt

"When people do something they are ashamed of, they justify themselves by doing their duty. Let's drink to the fact that we never have to be ashamed of what we do in the line of duty!"

There is an opinion that the fourth toast must be drunk for a man. Some people even came up with a lot of funny rhymes about this, for example, "In all years, in all ages, the fourth toast is to a peasant." This phrase can be used to dilute the serious or philosophical statement above. But this should only be done if you see that there is no response from your audience. For example, you have already said half of the toast, but instead of thoughtfulness, incomprehension sparkles in the eyes of your comrades. Then you should turn everything into a joke and say a funny phrase at the end. But still, you should not get into such situations. Where is it appropriate to say philosophical toasts? Where it is expected. For example, at a wedding, anniversary or anniversaries. No need for tediousness at corporate parties or birthdays of friends. People come there to have fun, not to listen to instructions.

For those responsible

"I want to say a toast to men who are true to their word, to those who will never lose their honor, who do not stand still, but go forward all the time! To you, friends!"

This is a pretty enlightening toast. It should be pronounced in men's holidays, such as February 23, or at a banquet to celebrate the success of the firm. You should not break the tradition and say such phrases as the fourth toast to the peasant. You can use the words above, or you can write something similar, or say something from pure heart. But if you do not have much experience in public speaking, then it is better not to improvise. At a crucial moment, due to excitement, words can simply fly out of my head. But a successful businessman whose job is rhetoric may well not prepare toasts in advance. It will not be a problem for him to compose something on the go.

Toast about the fearless

"Doctors say that vodka is our enemy. But have we, gentlemen officers, ever been afraid of our enemies? Forward!"

Such a toast is quite appropriate not only among the military. It can be replayed in relation to any profession. But it will sound great from the mouth of an officer. Of course, such toasts should not be taken seriously.