Salt dough bowls. Salt Dough Basket - mk Salt Dough Basket


  1. knead salty dough. Place 1 cup flour and 1/2 cup salt in a bowl. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Start adding water. You should have a thick dough that doesn't stick to your hands. Knead the dough well, give it a rounded shape, put it in a bowl, which must be covered with cling film and leave to rise for half an hour.
  2. Similarly, you need to knead the dough in two separate containers. Prepare it as described above, but add gouache paint to the water before kneading. In our example, this will be brown, green and red paint. Thus, you will get three servings of dough: white (without paint), green and brown.
  3. Now you need a plastic blank. cut off plastic bottle from the bottom at a height of 10-12 cm. Cut off another strip of plastic along the edge to make a handle. Attach the handle to the base on both sides with a stapler. Follow this photo tutorial on how to make a dough basket.
  4. Before starting sculpting from salt dough, hands, especially palms, should be lubricated with a regular cream. Start working with brown dough. Break it up with your hands. After it lies down, it is easier to knead it. The dough becomes more elastic. From brown dough, make sticks up to 12 cm long of medium thickness.
  5. Moisten the plastic base of the basket with a wide brush with water. After that, you can attach brown dough sticks to the plastic base. Leave a distance between them of about a centimeter.
  6. You will get a base with vertical sticks. After that, you need to attach horizontal stripes. Pre-moisten the joints of the dough with water with a brush and fasten the horizontal stripes. Since the dough is elastic, it easily takes the desired shape. You just have to press it lightly at the junctions.
  7. You will have four horizontal stripes of brown dough. They are longer than vertical ones. Using a measuring tape, measure the width of the plastic base in advance and then cut off the desired number of centimeters of dough.
  8. To make a handle, measure the length of a plastic handle in advance and make two flagella from brown dough. Twist them together. Moisten the plastic base of the handle with water again and attach the handle to the basket. Leave the basket to dry.
  9. You can decorate the basket with red roses. Blind a small flagellum from the red dough, slightly flatten it and start twisting it, giving it the shape of a bud. Press the edges of the dough lightly, you will get petals. Make several of these roses and decorate the surface of the brown basket.
  10. Make leaflets from green dough. To do this, take small pieces of dough, knead it. give it oval shape leaf and make a small indentation in the center with a knife. Make the required number of leaves in this way and, moistening at the joints with water, attach to the basket.
  11. You can make several large white flowers to decorate the basket. To do this, attach white elastic bands for fruits that have been turned inside out around the toothpicks. Large fruits, for example, pears, are usually wrapped in such. Stick small balls of white (uncolored dough) in the center.

Handicraft master class making panels from salt dough.

Author: Marina Sergeevna Matveeva teacher of the first qualification category. ANODO "Planet of Childhood" Lada " Kindergarten"Squirrel" No. 176.

Description: The master class is intended for children from 5 years old, for teachers, educators, educators additional education, creative parents.
Purpose: The panel can serve as an interior decoration, it can be presented for any holiday.
Target: creation of a panel from salt dough.
Tasks: To acquaint with the features of working with salt dough, to teach the basic modeling techniques.
Arouse interest and desire to create beautiful compositions.
Develop fine motor skills hands, accuracy, perseverance, patience and independence.
Develop artistic taste, creativity.
Cultivate love, desire to do nice gifts relatives and friends.
Work materials: Flour, salt, cream or oil, water, brush, mini rolling pin, stacks, a set of stamps of leaves and flowers, for decorating confectionery, and paints, pva glue.

Salt Dough Recipe:: 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 0.5 cup water, a little more or a little less, depending on the quality of the flour, a tablespoon of hand cream or vegetable oil, for dough elasticity. Knead the resulting dough properly, put it in a plastic bag so that it does not dry out. And we start sculpting.

Step by step workflow

We make sausages from the dough and lay them out in the form of a basket horizontally on cardboard foxes.

Then we begin to weave vertically.

And we designate the outline of the basket.

We roll out the cake under the base of the bouquet.

And we start making flowers. We roll out the dough with a thickness of 0.5 cm and cut out flowers and leaves of different sizes with stamps.

Please note that we coat all joints and joints with water so that the composition does not fall apart.

We collect the whole bouquet.

And send to dry. I dried on the battery for a day, then proceed to coloring.
We choose a background for our picture, glue it on the base and insert it into the frame and glue our flower basket.

Here is our finished painting. We run after nails, a hammer and hang a picture on the wall.
But what horseshoes we made with the guys.

This basket will always find its place on the dining room wall. You can hang it above the kitchen door. Cart out from salt dough, without any dyes.

1. Start by shaping the basket. Form the base of the basket from a piece of dough 2-3 cm thick. Attach a handle made from two intertwined sausages. Press its ends to the base.

2. It is very easy to depict a wicker motif on salt dough. First, draw with the blunt edge of the knife. but not with a blade, grooves on the base of the basket. Apply even pressure on the knife, moving it from top to bottom.

3. An ordinary fork can do amazing things. Press down on the dough with two forks, placing their teeth against the teeth so that marks are left. But first, practice on a piece of dough.

4. Guide the forks over the basket, applying even pressure. Then add grooved leaves cut with pastry cutters, apples and a bunch of grapes. Don't forget to thoroughly wet the surfaces.


Bake this voluminous product for one and a half hours at a temperature of 100`C. Then take out the aluminum foil and put it back in the oven for 3 hours at 125`C.


Paint the fruit with metallic gold acrylic paint, then add a few strokes of a richer gold paint. Next, apply 2 coats of polish with golden sparkles in the form of balls.


Everyone loves flowers! The topic is actually very rich. Making flowers from salt dough flower arrangements or just decorate their work with them like a lot of people. And, as experience shows, many would like to have something similar in their collection. Let's create a whole basket of flowers and make sure there's nothing complicated about it.

First, let's prepare the dough. We will make a basket from a simple dough (then we will shade it with a coffee solution), and the flowers in it ... from a colored one :-).

We roll out the cake with a thickness of a little less than one centimeter. Cut out a trapezoid with a ruler. With the same ruler we create parallel grooves on the trapezoid with rounded edges. Let's add a vertical braid to the future basket (see Fig.). We twist the braid-pigtail and, cutting off required length, create the handle and the bottom of the basket. And to make it look more complete, add thinner pigtails on the sides.

By the way, don't forget! Here you can find many more interesting materials on salt dough: Salt Dough Crafts

Now let's move on to the color test. From green "droplets" we make leaves. You can add a pattern in a stack, and small cloves along the edges. The leaves will look more natural. For the same purpose, add a little white to the dough so that the leaves are a little different in shade.

Many people are interested in how to fashion a rose from dough? There is nothing easier! Prepare several balls of different sizes. Flatten them into cakes, and the smallest into a small ribbon. We turn the ribbon into a kind of funnel. Then we take the smallest cake and, keeping the "funnel shape", we attach it from the outside. We repeat this operation the required number of times, gradually increasing the size of the petals. The words are a little confusing. Look at the photo, try it yourself, you will see - nothing complicated!

And here is another way. We put the same “petals” on top of each other and cut the resulting “caterpillar” with a ruler along. And in the same way, starting with a smaller petal, we turn off the funnel.

To be honest, the technology for creating flowers is limited only by your imagination. For a change, I can recommend using a garlic press to make grass out of the dough. We will put it in the basket first, so that it plays the role of a background. On top of it we will place leaves and flowers.

To create the second basket, I used a plastic jar. First, I cut out an even circle, then I “bite off” a small piece of it. Got a half moon. With the same jar, I squeezed out strips on the basket. The rest is all according to the old scheme.

It remains, AFTER COMPLETE DRYING, to cover the work with varnish. I usually use acrylic. For greater contrast, we will cover the basket with a matte finish, and the flowers with a glossy one.

In conclusion, I can add that flowers can also be made from undyed dough. And then paint them by hand. But the best effect is obtained, as it seems to me, all the same from a colored test. It turns out especially beautiful when there are a lot of color shades.

Gorgeous salt dough baskets can serve as an original vase for holiday table. Salt is added to the dough and plays the role of a preservative;

You will need:


2 cups white flour

1 cup salt

1 cup water


Small glass bowl for stand
(it must be fireproof)
- bowl oil
- rolling pin for dough

1. Mix flour and salt, gradually adding water. The dough must be kneaded until it looks like a dense pastry dough. Then turn the bowl upside down and lightly oil the bottom of the bowl. Put the container itself on some object so that its edges rise above the table. Roll the dough into a small ball, make a cake out of it (the base of the basket) and place it on the bottom of an inverted bowl.

2. Make long flagella with a diameter of 5 mm from the dough. Moisten the outer edge of the dough cake - this will act as glue. Fasten one end of the flagellum on the edge of the cake, arrange the flagellum itself in the form of a loop and then fasten the second end to the cake. Lightly press both ends for better attachment to the base.

3. Moisten the outer surface of the loop and attach another flagellum to it. Make a second double loop. The ends of each loop should be located in the middle of adjacent loops.

4. After attaching the loops, moisten the base with water and make cuts on it with a knife, so that the ends of the loops will better stick to the base of the basket, and its bottom will be flatter.

5. Roll the dough into another ball and make a cake out of it. Place it over the first base of the basket with the ends of the loops attached to it. Lightly press down on the tortilla so that it adheres more firmly to the first base.

6. Preheat the oven to 120°C. Bake the basket in the oven (the basket is placed there with the bowl) until the salty dough becomes stiff and turns white. Remove the basket from the oven, let it cool, and then carefully remove it from the bowl.