Crafts from disposable paper. Simple crafts for the new year from plastic and paper utensils. Decoration from disposable plates

After direct use or by buying a new disposable tableware, you can give it a second life - make it with your own hands various crafts. Moreover, such an activity is suitable for both small children and adults, it all depends on the complexity of the idea.

Ladybug made of plastic spoons

Everyone from childhood remembers and loves beautiful red bugs with black dots. Any child, no doubt, will enjoy making such crafts from disposable tableware.

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Three disposable spoons;
  • Flat button without through holes;
  • White, red and black acrylic paints;
  • Paint brush;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire;
  • Glue gun.

At the very beginning, it is necessary to cover the prepared spoons with paint, apply red on two spoons, and black on one. After the paint has completely dried on red spoons, you should draw dots in black. The button also needs to be painted black, and draw eyes with white paint on the sides.

Now you need to cut off the handles from the spoons with scissors, trimming the edges for beauty.

The next step is gluing the red winged spoons by stacking them one on top of the other. Here you will need a glue gun.

Then the finished wings are glued to the black spoon-body of the ladybug.

A button-head is glued to the base of the spoon-wings. If you want, you can make a mustache out of wire and glue them to an impromptu head.

So that the ladybug can be seated on a pot of flowers, a thicker wire is glued to the black spoon. Thus our ladybug from spoons is ready, now you can send it to the flowers.

You can watch the video on how to make snowdrops from plastic spoons.

Fan of disposable forks

You can create any crafts from disposable tableware, even from forks. For example, you can make a beautiful and practical fan for girls.

For this we need:

  • 22 disposable forks;
  • Red and white lace;
  • Red satin ribbons;
  • beads;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard or disposable paper plate;
  • CD-ROM;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors.

On a cardboard or paper plate, we trace a CD with a pencil, cut a circle along the contour and cut it exactly into two halves. Lay out on the outside of the semicircle main attribute so that the heads of the forks are pressed tightly against each other. In this position, the forks are glued to the cardboard semicircle with handles, about two centimeters from the edge. And a second semicircle of cardboard is glued on top.

Now you can start decorating the fan. Flowers are cut out of white lace and glued to each fork. You can also thread red lace between the handles of the forks at the base of the fan, and glue lace flowers with beads on the cardboard and fasten a bow from satin ribbon. This craft, despite the apparent fragility, can last a long time if high-quality materials are used when creating.

Children's crafts from disposable plates

The smallest craftsmen and craftswomen can easily make crafts from disposable plates. Having on hand white paper plates, paints, brushes, colored paper and glue, you can make interesting faces of animals or fairy-tale characters from ordinary plates, as well as fruit platter.

To do this, a plate is taken, painted in the desired color and decorated with pre-cut paper elements, although you can do it with the help of paints alone. Thus, a set of ordinary disposable plates turns into a whole zoo or a fairy tale.

Crafts from plastic cups

Anything can be made from disposable cups - from a child's toy to an interior detail, it all depends on the master's imagination. For example, having a glass, a marker and tubes, you can make a funny deer, which is shown in the photo.

And with the help of colored plastic cups, scissors and rhinestones, excellent flowers are made that decorate the walls for the holiday.

With a little more effort, you can collect a whole bunch of beautiful flowers from multi-colored cups.

You can watch a master class on making a snowman from plastic cups on the presented video.

As can be seen from the above, various crafts are made from disposable tableware with their own hands, be it forks, spoons, cups or a set of plates.

Making crafts is easy and fast. Paper plates are a very convenient craft material from which you can make interesting and unusual children's crafts.

Paper plates have a certain volume, and accordingly, you can make a variety of voluminous children's crafts from them.

The plates have a sufficient density of the material so that the resulting craft retains its shape. At the same time, paper plates are a material that is easy to cut.

Gouache is most suitable for coloring disposable paper plates. Since plate paper quickly absorbs paint, in order to get a brighter craft, gouache should not be diluted with water too much. And when using watercolor, it may make sense to cover with paint twice.

Paper plates are made of dense material, and therefore it is not easy to glue the parts cut out of them. Therefore, it is easier to use a stapler to fasten individual parts together. This will add strength to the finished craft. And you can safely play with it. Moreover, due to the nature of the material from which the plates are made, the staples used to fasten the parts will not weigh down and deform the craft. After staining the crafts, the staples are almost invisible.

Volumetric crafts from paper plates "Goldfish"

You will need 3 disposable plates. We put two plates together. From the third plate, you need to cut out the tail, fins, mouth.

We insert a mouth cut out of parts of the relief rim of the plate between our plates and fasten it with a stapler.

Color the fish yellow. Fins, tail, mouth in orange. Draw the eyes of the fish.

Craft from paper plates "Tank"

You will need three disposable paper plates, a stapler, paints in dark green, gray and black. Cut out a tank from two plates as shown in the photo. Cut out a cannon from the third plate, namely, along the line of the middle of the plate, cut a strip, which then folded in half.

Fold the parts of the tank together and fasten along the bottom in several places. Insert the tank cannon between the two sides of the tank turret and fasten it with a stapler.

Paint the tank on both sides. The tank caterpillar is in gray and black, the rest is in dark green. Cut out a star from red paper and glue it on the tank turret.

Craft "Sunflower"

It will take, corrugated paper yellow color, watermelon seeds, PVA glue. From corrugated paper, folded in several layers, cut out the petals for the sunflower.

Apply PVA glue in a circle (bottom) of the plate and attach the petals.

Lubricate the bottom of the plate with glue and pour watermelon seeds on top. Carefully spread the seeds, filling the bottom evenly with them. Dry the plate. You can attach a thick thread to the plate and hang it on the wall.

Craft from disposable paper plates for children "Cockerel"

Attach the cockerel's head to the body. This can be done in the following way. Cut a rectangular strip 3-4 cm long and insert it 1-2 cm between the two parts of the head of the cockerel and secure with a stapler. Put the rest of this rectangular strip between two plates (cockerel's body) from the side of the head attachment point and fasten it with a stapler.

Color the cockerel with gouache of different colors.

Children's craft from paper plates "Lion cub"

Put the plate with the lion cub on the second plate with a dark brown rim and staple it in several places. Cut around the lion's mane. The top layer can be made shorter by cutting about 0.7-1 cm.

Undo the mane of the lion cub.

Panel on a disposable plate for children

Panel "Chocolate cat"

Drawings on paper plates

Panel "Grey cat with a striped tail"

Drawing on a paper plate "Grey cat with a striped tail"

Craft "Cat in a basket"

We insert the cat into the basket.

Cup crafts are a great pastime. Their advantages are the simplicity and availability of the source material. It's also a good way to decorate a meeting room. solemn event. In addition, according to pediatricians, such homemade products made by a child develop fine motor skills hands and develop perseverance.

The benefits of making crafts from cups

Making easy crafts from cups for children has big amount benefits. Kids, doing this type of creativity, become more:

  • attentive;
  • independent;
  • assiduous;
  • neat;
  • patient.

Collecting such trinkets, they acquire skills in working with glue and scissors, which will undoubtedly come in handy for them in kindergarten or school. The completed crafts will remain a pleasant reminder of childhood.

Do not forget that children who are engaged in man-made creativity, the brain develops much better than their peers who are not engaged in such work.

As a result, if your toddler has difficulty communicating with peers or is poorly developed logical thinking, then without a doubt you need to deal with it by creating original crafts from glasses.

Here are other benefits of such homemade products:

  • low cost;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • no need for special knowledge and complex tools.

Variations of the use of crafts from cups in practice

As you can see in the photos of cup crafts, such gizmos are usually created for different purposes. They can, for example, decorate the dining table if any celebration is planned. And this applies to both dishes and dishes served. The scope for imagination here is huge.

Having studied different ideas and instructions for making crafts, which are full on the Internet, you can make various types of flowers, garlands and balls. Also, cups are the main material for the manufacture of many funny figures. In addition, the uniqueness of the cups lies in the possibility of creating lighting elements from them, whether it be flashlights, miniature lamps or luminous garlands.

Such accessories can be used to decorate the same table to add romance to the setting. They will look especially impressive in the evening.

What else can you do with plastic cups? Together with your child, you can make the most different figures ranging from animals and birds to fairy tale characters and then gift them to your loved ones. Such a gift will definitely be remembered for a long time.

Another area for the use of homemade plastic cups is the design of the premises. For a baby, you can create a thematic composition, for example, an island where pirates live or a house for a fairy-tale man. You can arrange such beauty not only in the nursery, but also in other rooms where there is a little one.

Types of handmade plastic products

All crafts from cups are divided into the following groups depending on the method of execution:

  • Products cut with scissors. This group includes balls, coasters for dishes, flowers, garlands, etc.
  • Figurines. Most often, a wire frame or glue is used here. You can make heroes of fairy tales, representatives of flora and fauna, toy houses.
  • Application. This method consists in gluing different parts onto the cup. Even five year olds can do it.
  • Combined trinkets. For example, plastic glasses can be combined with bottles made of the same material. The result is a tree. Some of these crafts boast moving parts, which makes them even more attractive for children.

Materials and tools

After watching several master classes on crafts from cups, you can easily make sure that nothing particularly complicated is required for such creativity. You only need:

  • cups (plastic or paper - to your taste);
  • stationery scissors;
  • stapler;
  • glue.

You may also need plasticine, textiles, colored paper, paints, felt-tip pens, varnish, decorative details (beads, feathers, beads, rhinestones, etc.). All listed materials and tools are available to everyone.

As a conclusion

Crafts from glasses can be very different. From such an affordable material, you can make decor for a festive event, and spectacular souvenirs for friends. In general, experiment, bring your creativity to life, involve a child in such activities and get great pleasure from all this.

Photo of crafts from cups



The undoubted advantages of disposable plates are their volume, clarity of form, the presence of sections; the fact that these plates are easy to cut or paint. All this makes them an indispensable material for children's creativity. The simplest thing is to take a plate and paint it; add some elements of colored paper, cardboard, plasticine to the craft. Disposable plates are an ideal basis for panels, decoupage. Since the plate is easily cut with scissors; bends in the right places, you can create crafts from several of these plastic or paper circles drawn together.

See what interesting solutions your colleagues offered to pupils. The pages of this section contain a lot of step-by-step master classes for creating original crafts from plates. Teach children to think outside the box, to notice something original even in ordinary things.

We make outlandish animals, birds, fish and something else from paper plates...

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Paper-based tableware is one of the most comfortable materials to create crafts. Cardboard plates can be painted, pasted over with paper, plasticine, masks can be cut out of them, various animals and fairy-tale characters can be created.


Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • two paper disposable plates;
  • paints;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • colored paper.

The process of creating crafts in the form of an owl includes the following stages of work:

  1. Paint the surface of the plates with brown paints, place them on a sheet of unnecessary newspaper or paper and leave to dry completely.
  2. Make blanks for the eyes. To do this, cut out two circles from yellow paper, and make circles slightly smaller from a white sheet. Make the pupils in the form of small black circles, glue the finished eyes in layers: yellow, white, and black on top.
  3. For the beak, make a small orange triangle out of colored paper. Glue all the details in the center of one of the plates on the convex side.
  4. From above, cut the edges of the plate so that you get the outline of small ears. It is desirable that they come out symmetrical, so first mark the borders with a pencil.
  5. Cut the second plate in half with scissors and glue both halves on the back on the sides of the owl's head - they will serve as wings.

Such a craft can be used as a toy for a child or decorate a nursery, hallway or living room with it.

Frame for photos and clock

To make an original round frame, choose a plate with a large diameter and a wide rim around the bottom.

The process of creating a frame is the following algorithm:

  1. Glue the base with colored paper if the thing will be attached to it from above, or cut a round hole inside through which a photo or picture will be visible.
  2. Cover the free edge of the plate with colored paper, paint with gouache or decorate with carved pictures, beads, shells and other decorative elements.
  3. The contour can be beautifully cut with scissors, for example, in the form of chamomile petals laid out in a circle.

Cover the finished craft clear varnish to give the frame a finished neat look. It can be used to decorate photos, wall clock, paintings and drawings, as well as other round interior items.

Plate snake

This is one of the simplest and unusual crafts from disposable tableware. It will take only one round plate, and the larger it is, the longer the snake's tail will be.

draw with a simple pencil spiral, starting from the edge and gradually approaching the center. The tip should be thinner, and the central part should be in the form of a circle, wider - it will be the head of the snake. Using scissors, carefully cut the plate along the marked line so that you get one large piece without unnecessary cut pieces. Paint the snake with bright paint or glue it with colored paper.

Make eyes from round details of black and white flowers, forming a protein and a pupil, and stick on the head. Cut out a long tongue from a red or pink sheet of paper with a bifurcation into tips and stick it on the edge of the front of the head.

flower basket

Prepare two disposable plates, cut one of them in half. Glue together this half and the second whole plate along the contour so that the protruding part remains outside.

Decorate the craft with additional elements, paint or glue its surface with colored paper. Make from multi-colored sheets of cardboard or paper beautiful flowers, cut and glue them to the top half of the craft so that they look like they are peeking out of the basket, or make paper flowers and paste them inside. The finished basket can be hung or glued to the wall as a decorative flower pot.

Carnival masks from plates

Prepare a plate of a suitable size, colored cardboard for additional details and paper in matching colors. Of the tools you will need glue, scissors, a pencil, felt-tip pens or paints.

The sequence of work includes the following steps:

  1. Choose colored paper suitable color and glue it on the rounded part of the plate. Carefully trim the rest of the material with scissors in a circle.
  2. To create a mask of some animal, for example, a tiger, a lion, a kitten or a dog, cut out the ears of the appropriate shape from multi-colored cardboard. Glue them on top of the muzzle of the workpiece.
  3. Draw the contours of the eyes with a pencil, they should be positioned so that the mask can be applied to the face and look through it. Carefully cut out the marked slits so that the edges are smooth and even to the touch.
  4. Draw the nose and mouth with a felt-tip pen or multi-colored paints. Antennae and fur can be made from threads of yarn, fabric, cardboard, paper, or drawn on the edges of the mask.

You can hold the finished mask in your hands or thread a special elastic band with a needle, which will be put on your head above the ears, allowing you to fix the product on your face.

With the help of the considered manufacturing technologies, from unnecessary disposable plates left after the end of the picnic season, you can get beautiful crafts made by hand and decorated for every taste. This activity will appeal to all the kids, and with the resulting products you can play like with real toys.