Postcard for the new year to school. New Year's cards with your own hands. We make cards for the new year with the children. New Year's voluminous cards

1. DIY Christmas cards ("Herringbone")

The Christmas tree is an indispensable attribute of the holiday. Therefore, postcards with her image will be especially appropriate. In addition, such postcards can be very easy to make.

Christmas tree applique can be made from plain or multi-colored strips of paper. Making this New Year's craft with your own hands is even possible little child.

Strips of paper can be replaced with colored tape or tape. It also turns out very beautiful New Year's cards.

A more complicated option - a New Year's card "Christmas Tree" from paper tubes.

It is very easy to make a Christmas tree application using purchased stickers. Even a two-year-old can do this craft for the New Year with their own hands.

Simple and effective - homemade New Year's cards "Herringbone" from ordinary buttons.

You can also embroider a Christmas tree with threads. Only in this case, the New Year's card should be made of high-density paper or cardboard. Pre-holes must be carefully done with an awl. The easiest option Christmas tree see the photo below.

More difficult option postcards for the New Year with a Christmas tree made of threads. To make this New Year's craft with your own hands, you will also need sequins.

By the way, you can embroider with threads not only a Christmas tree, but also something else, New Year's. For example, here is such a cute deer.

An original DIY New Year's card can be made from a fern leaf or any other plant similar to it. For example, branches of cypress. Just take the top part of the leaflet and glue it on the postcard. This will be a Christmas tree. You just have to decorate it with sequins or confetti made with a colored paper hole punch. Instead of confetti, you can stick multi-colored pieces of plasticine on the Christmas tree. This part of the work on making a homemade New Year's card will be possible even for a baby.

I don't know what this herb is called. Grows along roadsides like a carpet. Very common in central Russia. Snow is depicted with semolina and some sparkles are added.

The Christmas tree is made of fern, 2-3 branches are glued on top of each other.

There is also a fern. But I cut off the sharp tips for him and collected a twig from individual leaves.

2. Do-it-yourself voluminous New Year's cards "Herringbone"

We offer you several ways to make voluminous New Year's cards "Herringbone" with your own hands.

Option 1.
You can find instructions for making such cute voluminous Christmas trees.

In order to make such a voluminous postcard for the New Year, you need to print it on a printer and cut out Christmas tree blanks

The technique for making volumetric Christmas trees is similar to the method for making Christmas balls. Only you do not need to glue them completely, instead stick the Christmas trees on the card.

Option 2.

A very beautiful DIY Christmas craft, accessible in terms of complexity to a preschooler, is a voluminous New Year's card "Herringbone". The Christmas tree is made of strips of rectangular paper folded like an accordion.

Here are two more voluminous postcards with a Christmas tree made from a sheet of paper. triangular shape folded like an accordion. Simple and tasteful!

Option 3.

Another voluminous New Year's card. Again, this New Year's craft for children is attractive not only in appearance, but also in ease of manufacture.

To make such a New Year's card with your own hands, print templates on two sheets of cardboard or thick paper and use the detailed instructions from the photos below. It is better if the sheets of cardboard are of different colors.

At the end, decorate the Christmas tree to your liking. Volumetric New Year's card is ready!

Option 4.

Christmas tree origami. We suggest you make a voluminous New Year's card decorated with a paper Christmas tree made using the origami technique. To make the card look more elegant and festive, choose prettier paper for your Christmas tree. Well suited for this New Year's crafts with your own hands, special paper for scrapbooking. By the way, making such an origami Christmas tree is much easier than it seems at first glance.

Option 5.

There is an easier way to make an origami Christmas tree. Detailed instructions in the photo below.

Option 6.

A voluminous New Year's card can be made with your own hands from corrugated paper.

Option 7.

The elements of the New Year's card in the photo below are made using the quilling technique.

3. Postcards for the New Year with your own hands (" Christmas balls")

Do-it-yourself Christmas cards with the image of Christmas balls look good. New Year's application Christmas balls"can be made from bright paper and decorated with ribbons.

Beautiful Christmas balls are obtained from colored strips of paper. Cut an unnecessary glossy magazine (flyer) into thin strips, stick them on a white sheet of paper. After that, cut out circles from the resulting striped paper. different sizes. Decorate your Christmas card with them.

Christmas balls can be made not only from paper, but also from buttons.

Original volumetric New Year's cards depicting Christmas balls

To make such a New Year's card with your own hands, print out the following template.

On each square, use a compass or a suitable sized round-bottomed object to draw a circle. Cut out all the circles, then use the following instructions for making Christmas balls. Only you do not need to finally glue the balloon, instead stick it on the card.

Another New Year's decoration - a garland of flags, will look spectacular on a New Year's card. Flags can be made from paper or fabric, and then glued or sewn onto a postcard.

Even very young children can make a New Year's card with their own hands with the image of a multi-colored garland of fingerprints.

And from a handprint you can make a New Year's card with Santa Claus.

1. On any surface that does not absorb paint (for example, a regular baking sheet), make a rectangular frame (the size of your postcard) from adhesive tape or electrical tape.

2. Apply the paint evenly to the surface. draw cotton swab any drawing on new year theme.

3. Attach a sheet of paper. Do-it-yourself postcard for the New Year is ready!

4. Do-it-yourself volumetric postcard for the New Year "Snowman"

Separately, I would like to talk about this original, voluminous postcard for the New Year. Making such a snowman out of paper is very simple. Even a preschooler will cope with the task. Must be cut out of thick paper white color three circles of different sizes. It is desirable to shade the circles along the edge so that they stand out better from each other. This can be done using a crushed lead from a pencil or shadows. Also cut out a scarf, pens, a carrot nose, eyes and buttons from colored paper. Glue successively all the parts of the snowman onto the blank of your New Year's card.

Here is the original postcard made by the scrapbooking master.

And here are the variants of this voluminous New Year's card made by children.

5. Do-it-yourself voluminous New Year's cards

On the page tml site CREATIVE PARK from CANON, you can download ready-made paper models voluminous New Year's cards. All you have to do is print them out, cut them out and glue them according to the instructions.

On this site you can also find a large number of templates for making ordinary New Year's cards with your own hands.

Another way to make voluminous New Year's cards

Craft "New Year's card 2008"

We invite you to make an original and at the same time very easy-to-make New Year's card with your child. She can serve the best gift beloved grandmother for the holiday.

You will need:

Thick colored paper or colored cardboard
- glue
- scissors
- simple pencil, ruler
- optional: colored markers, glitter for decoration


1. Take two sheets of thick colored paper or cardboard in different colors, such as red and green. One sheet will be the outside of the postcard, the other the inside. The inner sheet should be slightly smaller than the outer one.

2. Fold both sheets in half.

3. On the inner sheet, make 8 shallow cuts parallel to each other as shown in the figure.

4. Bend inside the sheet part of the resulting valves (see figure).

5. Glue a second sheet of paper on the outside.

6. Cut out the numbers 2, 0, 0, 8 from colored paper. Before gluing them onto the inner flaps, make sure they are inside the card when it is closed. The craft is ready! You can decorate it with glitter and paint with colored markers as you wish.

6. New Year's crafts for children. New Year's application

Postcards decorated with New Year's appliqué made of rice grains are very tender.

7. Postcards for the New Year with your own hands. Christmas cards with snowflakes

Another idea for a DIY New Year's card is a card decorated with a snowflake cut out of paper.

If you have paper lace napkins at home, then you can cut snowflakes out of them.

8. New Year paper crafts. New Year cards made in the technique of iris folding

Original New Year's cards using the iris folding technique are offered by the Land of Masters website. The name of this technique - iris folding - can be translated as "rainbow folding". The drawing is filled with thin paper strips, which, superimposed on each other at a certain angle, create an interesting effect of a twisting spiral.

The name of this technique - iris folding - can be translated as "rainbow folding". The drawing is filled with thin paper strips, which, overlapping each other at a certain angle, create an interesting effect of a twisting spiral. - a template based on a triangle, which you can build yourself or print ready-made. For gluing, use a glue stick.

First, get acquainted with the technique of building an iris pattern. For this work, the template is built on the basis of a triangle with a base of 14 cm and a height of 16 cm. The step is 1 cm. These dimensions can be changed at your discretion.

  1. Cut strips of paper in three colors. The width of the strip should be twice the pitch, plus an allowance of 2-4 mm. For our step, the width of the strip is 22-24 mm. The very first stripes should be a little wider, as they cover the outer contours of the Christmas tree. It is difficult to calculate how many bands you need right away. It is better to cut them in the process of doing the job.
  2. Fold each strip in half lengthwise.
  3. Cut five strips for the trunk different shades size 35x20 mm. Fold them in half.
  4. Draw a Christmas tree silhouette on the cardboard. Carefully cut it out using a utility knife or scissors. Draw or print the iris pattern.
  5. Lay the cardboard on the template with the wrong side. The cut-out silhouette can be a bit more template. Secure the template, for example, with paper clips. All work will be done from the inside out.
  6. Do the stem first. Lightly grease the area of ​​cardboard around the slot on the right side with glue. Glue the first strip. The fold line on the strip should line up with the line on the template. To glue the second strip, you can glue the cardboard on top, bottom and the previous strip with glue. To prevent the strips from opening, they can be slightly glued in some places. Sometimes this technique does not use glue, but small pieces of adhesive tape, which fix the strips along the edges.
  7. Fill the entire trunk with stripes.
  8. Take the longest and widest strip. Just put it to work first. The fold line should be along the first line of the iris template. If the strip is too long, cut it. Glue the strip, smearing a little glue on the cardboard along the edges of the slot.
  9. Glue a strip of a different color so that it matches the rightmost line of the template.
  10. Glue the third strip from the bottom along the bottom border of the template.
  11. Prepare the next strip of the first color. First, attach, measure the desired length, cut, then glue. Glue smear not a strip, but the places of gluing! Use a little glue, just to make the strip “grab”.
  12. Glue the second strip of the second color, aligning it with the next pattern line.
  13. Glue the second strip of the third color along the next line. Continue gluing in the same order. Strictly clockwise, strictly alternating the selected colors. Each time the stripes will become shorter and shorter. At the end, small scraps cut off at the very beginning will go into action. When a small empty triangle remains at the end, cover it with a piece of paper in one of the three colors.

Now you can flip the work and admire the result. You can glue garlands and decorate the Christmas tree as you wish. We completed these and other Christmas trees at the master class on 12/13/2007 in about one hour. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Children are very fond of making something with their own hands before the New Year, in no case should you deprive them of this joy. In this master class, I will show 10 options for how to make DIY New Year cards with step by step photos. These unique New Year's cards will be a wonderful gift for grandma, grandpa, mom, dad and friends.

Today on the Internet you can find all sorts of congratulatory miniatures, emoticons and incredible masterpieces that can be sent to anyone by e-mail. Even words do not need to be invented, any phrase can simply be copied. But can it be compared with a handmade postcard, will the image on the flickering cold screen of the monitor have such positive energy?

How to make postcards for the New Year with your own hands

New Year card with yellow pig for New Year 2019

By the New Year 2019, we suggest you make a non-standard postcard with your own hands. It is unusual in that it depicts a cute muzzle of a pig, and this animal is yellow color. You should not be surprised at this turn, because a new era is coming, albeit a short one - the year of the yellow pig.

Very soon, good friend a man, a devoted and cheerful dog will be replaced by a wise and generous pig. At all times, this animal was known as an indicator of prosperity; it is not for nothing that even piggy banks are depicted in the form of a pig. We will not depict the entire figure on cardboard, but we will make only her head. The round piece will become the center piece.

What you need to prepare for the craft:

  • thick cardboard of any color;
  • yellow plasticine;
  • additionally other colors to complete all parts of the muzzle of the animal, for christmas decoration, for inscription.

Prepare green (or another color) cardboard for the base, you can cut off the edges roundly. And also knead the yellow plasticine in your hands. Of course, the pig can be made more traditional - pink, but yellow is more suitable for a real symbol.

Press the yellow ball to the center of the cardboard and press firmly with the palm of your hand. Next, press down with your fingers over the entire surface and smooth. Thus, a round cake will appear in front of you, which will subsequently become the head of a pig. You will not only deform the ball to the desired round shape, but also press the main part to the base.

Start turning the cake into the head of the planned animal. For now, use the same yellow plasticine. Attach a small circle to later get a piglet. Make pointed ears and attach from above to the head

Take a thin red strip and stick it under the snout as a smiling mouth. Use pink dots to add cheeks and nostrils.

Add eyes. Pigs are usually depicted as blue-eyed. We can also do this. Use small white and blue dots. Glue our eyebrows above the eyes.

Now you need to decorate your craft so that it really looks like a New Year's one. It is not yet clear why such a copy is shown in front of us. Make many small plasticine beads of different colors to create garlands.

Bright tinsel sparkles under the ceiling in decorated halls and rooms. We also need to create a similar festive atmosphere.

Collect small balls into thin threads, attach them to the cardboard at the top. Make some colorful stripes.

And one more touch is the inscription "Happy New Year!". It can be written with a marker, but it is better to glue it after completing all the letters from plasticine so as not to disturb the overall ensemble. Paste the words on the top, bottom, or sides, anywhere you like.

Glue also small balls, pressing each with your finger against the cardboard to simulate scattering of confetti. Now we have a real New Year's card, from the canvas of which a smiling and positive muzzle of a symbolic pig looks.

Craft for the New Year with a Christmas tree made of ribbons

This lesson shows how to make a New Year's greeting card with your own hands with the children. It will be based on cardboard, and the Christmas tree will be depicted in the picture, more precisely, its imitation - a green triangle, decorated with green and white satin ribbon, bright adhesive-backed rhinestones. If you like this version of a New Year's gift, consider what you need to make it, how to make it.

To complete the festive New Year's crafts proposed in this lesson, the following were used:

  • white and green cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • multi-colored stripes of corrugated paper;
  • glue;
  • satin ribbon 0.5 cm wide white and green;
  • red round rhinestones;
  • rhinestones in the form of a flower - 1 piece for the top;
  • foil;
  • white lace;
  • plastic bow with rhinestones;
  • black pen;
  • orange colored paper.

As you can see, the list of materials includes a lot of items, but there are no exclusive or expensive ones. In addition, some of them can be completely replaced. For example, green and white cardboard will be needed to create a background and a triangular copy of the Christmas tree, but colors may vary.

Corrugated paper strips are needed in order to make a striped bright cover, fabric or ribbons are suitable instead, you can also come up with another Christmas tree decoration together with rhinestones and so on. So, first of all, cut out 2 rectangles from green and white paper, and the size of the second blank should be slightly smaller than the first.

Cut the crepe paper into strips of arbitrary length and width. Cut out some foil stars (or candy wrappers).

Stick the strips on the top layer - white cardboard. Make a fun, vibrant cover by applying stripes along the length. Glue the ends of the strips at the back. Glue the entire structure onto green paper. The background for the postcard is ready.

Add a strip of white lace at the bottom, bringing the ends under the top layer of paper. Cut out a triangle for the Christmas tree from green cardboard.

Wrap a white ribbon randomly around the triangle (glue the ends at the back).

Then add the green ribbon in the same way.

Glue the resulting Christmas tree in the center. Decorate with rhinestones and a bright top. Glue foil stars around the Christmas tree.

On a bright orange paper cutout, write “Happy New Year” with a pen and glue at the bottom - under the lace, add a bow.

A bright handmade congratulation is ready.

AT modern world 3D format is very popular. You can apply it to a paper postcard. To do this, you just need to take a few decorative elements and stick them on a white base.

The main decoration will be a paper figurine, for example, an angel. A similar image, suitable for the New Year theme, can be found in any magazine. Cut it out with scissors, and the central part of the craft is ready.


  • A5 paper - 1 sheet;
  • sequins;
  • silicone glue;
  • paper figurine of an angel;
  • double sided tape.

Crafting Instructions

Fold a piece of white paper in half. It can be a regular landscape sheet or cardboard for creativity.

Cut off small pieces of double sided tape. We stick them on a paper base in the place of the alleged location of the angel.

Remove the top protective layer from the pieces of adhesive tape.

Glue the paper figure of an angel on double-sided tape.

Another piece of tape will be needed to attach the snowflake. We glue it on a free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet.

From ordinary white paper cut out a small snowflake. It should have an empty center. We apply it to the workpiece so that a piece of adhesive tape is in the central hole. Glue a sequin in the form of a snowflake on top. Thus, both snowflakes will be fixed on paper.

With silicone glue, draw abstract stripes on paper.

We lay out sequins of different colors along the strips of glue.

On the remaining empty areas of paper, glue single sequins. We arrange them without a specific system or put them into patterns.

All decorative elements protrude above the surface of the paper. They are convex and have different thicknesses. Thanks to this, the craft as a whole turns out to be voluminous and unusual.

A plasticine flat image of a Christmas ball glued to cardboard will look like a three-dimensional 3D postcard of the New Year theme. Even using plasticine, the ball can be neatly decorated, make an interesting drawing on it, get a unique gift or holiday decor item.

Before buying ready-made postcards in the store, try to make something with your own hands. The plasticine version can be made with the children. You will have a wonderful hand-painted souvenir in your hands.

To create a beautiful New Year's craft with a plasticine pattern, prepare:

  • bright red cardboard;
  • several pieces of plasticine of different sizes and colors to complete the body of the ball itself and the tail, decor, bow, as well as the green Christmas tree branch on which this ball is attached;
  • thin needle or stick.

It is the bright base in the form of thick cardboard that will set the character of the entire product. A beautiful ball on an expressive background will be favorably emphasized, will not get lost, but will sparkle with new colors, so take the most bright color from the set. For creating new year image in the form of a ball, knead a few pieces of plasticine in your hands.

Knead the selected color in the largest amount in your hands, make a round flat cake. Glue as the body of the Christmas ball on the cardboard. At the top, glue a small loop with which the ball is attached to a spruce branch (it can be made from plasticine of a different color).

Pull a piece of blue plasticine into a thin thread, make small peas from the white mass. All these details will be used to further decorate the ball. An interesting ornament is to be created.

Glue a path of two blue plasticine threads in the center across the body of the ball. Between them, place white balls in a row.

Pierce each small white dot with the tip of a needle or stick to make an interesting visual effect.

Prepare an additional yellow sausage by pressing the segments with your fingers at equal distances from each other, make a zigzag. Glue 2 zigzag strips at the top and bottom. Between the corners, also glue the white balls that are left over from the previous operation.

A beautiful bright yellow bow will also fit perfectly into the overall ensemble. Make a decoration with loops and ponytails, glue the ball itself to the loop.

It is advisable to arrange a large central pattern so that there is still room for a spruce branch at the top. The ball should be suspended from it. Make an oblong green flatbread.

Glue at the top of the picture, adjacent to the top loop. Make needles on the Christmas tree using the same thin stick. Now the product looks really like a living, voluminous application.

After the lesson, you will see that making New Year's gifts with your own hands is much more interesting than just going around the shops in search of ready-made products. And the kids will definitely love this.

New Year's card in scrapbooking technique

You will get an elegant and unusual craft if you buy designer paper and use it for needlework. Today on sale you can find all kinds of materials for creativity: foil, paper in the form of a leather texture, sheets with colored ornaments and much more. And you also need to be prepared for the fact that when creating it, you can use not only paper, but also other materials, for example, ribbons, rhinestones, bright floss threads, chains, and so on.

A simple version of a scrapbooking postcard is presented in this tutorial. What is needed to complete it? This is a limited list, but you can easily expand it.

To create a New Year's card, the following materials are suitable:

  • designer cardboard, the texture of which resembles green leather;
  • design paper of three types with different patterns;
  • cardboard with a shiny foil coating;
  • rhinestones of different sizes, but the same color and shape;
  • thin green satin ribbon;
  • Velcro sticker with New Year's inscription;
  • small pebble for a bow.

Paper Tools:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Plain colored paper or cardboard will also work, but foil and leather-like sheets look very interesting. From the prepared sheets, you need to cut 2 layers of a rectangular shape, and then put them together. Glue the rectangles on top of each other.

Make the foil the bottom layer, the green skin the top. Using a ruler and pencil, draw sketches of rectangles on the sheets, then cut them out along the contour. It is necessary to make sure that the silvery part peeks out from under the green textured one. The size of the rectangle of the bottom layer needs to be made a little larger (with runs on the sides of about 0.5 cm).

Glue the flags on the top green paper. These decor items are often used to decorate halls, houses, shops, apartments for the New Year holidays. Cut out 3 flags different lengths from colored design paper with a pattern. Stick the parts hardly, their length will gradually decrease.

Cut a strip from a thin green ribbon of satin texture, the length of which, with small starts, is equal to the width of the upper green rectangle. In the upper part (where the flags are located), glue a smooth satin line. Bring the ends back, after dripping with glue.

In order not to write the inscription "Happy New Year!" on your own, buy a sheet of themed stickers. Take a suitable Velcro sticker and add to the free space. Glue a bow with a pebble to the ribbon.

And the last sparkling touch - rhinestones. If they gradually decrease in size, then in general the craft will look stylish.

If creative inspiration strikes you, then you can easily make beautiful gift anyone close to the New Year. The main thing is to choose materials that will look elegant on their own.

Christmas tree option

How to make such a craft with a beautiful elegant Christmas tree, see a step-by-step master class.

With a plasticine snowflake

An interesting handmade postcard will become unusual craft filled with positive energy. Unique products are a gift for any occasion. But still I want to stick to the given topic. For example, if we are talking about the New Year, then it is better to depict some kind of winter ornament or figures suitable for the holiday.

In this master class, a variation of the New Year's card from plasticine with the image of a snowflake is shown. And this snowflake does not have to be white, as we are used to. If we make it green, then it will look very much like a Christmas tree - the central object of a fabulous winter holiday.

Are you interested in this craft? Do you want to repeat this New Year's craft with a plasticine snowflake with your children? This tutorial is here to help everyone. The central object of the application - a snowflake - can be made separately if you wish.

Materials needed for winter creativity:

  • canvas-cardboard;
  • mass for drawing a picture - plasticine;
  • decoration - rhinestones;
  • a tool for drawing relief lines - a stack or a toothpick.

Since we planned to create a green snowflake - the central element of the card, we need to choose some kind of bright background that blends beautifully with this color. For example, red cardboard is suitable. It just needs to be cut off from a large sheet.

You can also use scrapbooking paper with a monotonous, unobtrusive pattern, a white base, or your own hand-painted paper. A green snowflake must be supplemented with some other color, for example, white, in order to create a pattern on the figure.

Soften the green plasticine in your hands, press down on top. You can immediately press the mass with your palm to the surface in the central part. Now the resulting cake needs to be turned into a snowflake.

First, carefully cut out the star with 6 rays. Draw a sketch with the tip of a toothpick to get a smooth and beautiful result. Then cut off all unnecessary along the indicated line, pressing harder.

Using the same tool or stack, make the rays of the snowflake sharper, more carved. Press the plasticine in the right places in the same way.

Make a thin white pattern on the surface of the green blank. Glue a white thin thread along each ray, place the petals in the form of a flower in the center.

Glue a sparkling crystal in the middle, press it tightly into the plasticine. Press down on each petal with a toothpick.

Decorate the rays with small grains, pushing each with a point.

Now write a congratulatory phrase "Happy New Year!". Since the image on the cardboard is plasticine, it is better to make the inscription from thin threads of bright color.

Add a glowing effect by distributing small green segments between the rays.

Postcard "Happy New Year!" ready, it turned out bright and thematic.

In winter, when there is frost and a snowstorm outside the window, you want warmth and comfort. Everything should be warm and cozy at this time of the year, including New Year's crafts. Don't believe? Then we offer you the idea of ​​​​creating a beautiful New Year's card with a decor in the form of a mitten, which will undoubtedly cheer up those who receive it during the holidays.

To make this “cozy” masterpiece, you need: colored cardboard and colored paper, multi-colored cardboard (you can also use bright paper for gift wrapping instead), bright threads, glue, scissors and a hole punch.

The first step is the foundation. For her, we will use a sheet of white thick cardboard, folded in half. The interior decoration (the so-called "wishes box") is two rectangles of colored paper, slightly smaller than the postcard itself.

We carefully glue them inside the product. On the outer front side, glue a rectangle of cardboard of the same size and shade.

On the reverse side of multi-colored cardboard (or gift wrapping paper) we draw a mitten of the appropriate shape.

We seal its upper edge from the “wrong side” with a strip of cardboard and make a series of holes in it with a hole punch.

To decorate the mittens, we will use threads. First you need to connect the threads from different coils into one and cut into strips of 12-15 cm.

To attach the threads to the mitten, fold the strip in half, thread it through the hole and make a loop. So we decorate all the holes of the mittens.

Lubricate the reverse side of the mitten with glue (we pay special attention to the part where the threads are threaded) and glue it to the front part.

A beautiful postcard with a decor in the form of a mitten is ready. Warmth and comfort in winter days!

New Year's cards have already gone digital for many. They are sent via email or smartphones. But the paper version still retains its unique charm. If you want to surprise the recipient doubly, then it is preferable to make a paper card, like a New Year's gift, with your own hands.

Video lessons



Hello dear readers of my blog! So that today new Year mood reigned in your house, we will make New Year's greetings ourselves. And how to make a New Year's card with our own hands, we will now figure it out. Handmade postcards are of particular value to the recipient.

Stylish DIY New Year cards

Do-it-yourself postcards can be made by adults for adults

And here is a video that shows how to make a beautiful cardboard with a napkin and a pretty envelope

How to make a Christmas tree out of paper - take note

The main thing on New Year's greetings is a fluffy Christmas tree. When creating postcards for 2017, I suggest moving from a simple option to a complex one.

Making a simple craft:

  • Take paper from different colors at both sides,
  • Fold in half
  • Cut out a semicircle
  • We make a fan out of paper,
  • Glue on colored cardboard
  • We decorate the top with a bead.

Or here is such a variant of a voluminous Christmas tree made of paper

Corrugated paper

Let's try to make voluminous postcards.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • A dense colored sheet of A4 format or cardboard;
  • corrugated paper Green colour;
  • Scissors, pencil, glue or double-sided tape;
  • For decoration (rhinestones, sequins, beads).

Step 1. Take the cardboard, bend it in half. Inside write in advance nice words congratulations. On the outside, draw the outline of the Christmas tree with thin lines.
Step 2 Cut the bottom strip from the corrugation, 1.5 centimeters high. Then cut them into different heights and lengths to match the silhouette of the Christmas tree.
Step 3. Glue the strips into place, starting from the bottom, slightly gathering them.
Step 4 Decorate the beauty with whatever you find. Make a garland out of beads, and lights out of rhinestones. Do this craft with your children, it will bring them great joy!

Button Beauty

original crafts can be made from multi-colored buttons. Look how many options!

It is better to cook such simple congratulations with children, small buttons develop well fine motor skills, which means memory, creative thinking of children.

original version

Forest guest in scrapbooking style. What is scrapbooking? This is a type of needlework for creating postcards, photo albums, photo frames and other products, which are then decorated with various decorations. The craze began in England in the late 16th century.

For making postcards for 2017 you need to take paper for scrapbooking:

  • Cut it into small rectangles of various widths.
  • Using a pencil, roll them into a cylinder, smearing with glue inside.
  • After winding the tubes, glue them to each other.
  • Then assemble the structure in the form of a Christmas tree.
  • Fold the cardboard in half, write your wishes inside. And glue the dried Christmas tree from the tubes on the outside of the craft.
  • Then decorate it with beads, rhinestones, tinsel.

Especially valuable will be children's products, as a gift to your loved ones.

Where is Santa Claus?

Postcards to Santa Claus should be created together with the children, because they will write their wishes to him.

Try to cut out glasses, a beard, a mustache, then glue them onto colored cardboard. Only half an hour and cheerful Santa Claus flies with New Year's greetings!

Idea for children's crafts. Even a child can make such Santa Claus.

  • We take cardboard burgundy
  • Fold in half, cut corners
  • From the corrugated sheet, which is put into boxes of chocolates, we cut out the edge of the cap
  • Glue a cotton pad on the side
  • We glue the tinted sheet where the eyebrows and eyes will be located
  • From the album sheet we cut out mustaches, eyebrows
  • We cut out a beard from a semicircle, making cuts in the form of a fringe
  • Cut out the mouth and nose from red paper.
  • We glue the eyes (sold specifically for crafts) or cut them out ourselves from blue paper.
  • Cut out the Christmas tree, glue it inside the card.

And here is another example of a postcard with Santa Claus made from ice cream sticks.

How to make a postcard with a dog so that his ears rise

Here's another funny example homemade postcard congratulations on the Year of the Dog. moving and LIVE postcard with a DOG for the New Year 2018 from paper! A postcard is made of colored cardboard, and if you pull the tongue, the dog's ears rise and its eyes open. I think you will like this card and give it to your loved ones this year!

Like this interesting postcard with a puppy. Pull the tongue - the puppy will raise his ears from his eyes and say hello.

For manufacturing, we will need: colored sheets of paper, glue, ruler, scissors, knife.

  1. We take white paper. Fold in half (size about 14 x 22 cm). This is the postcard itself. Now let's start decorating it.
  2. You will need a postcard template. You can download it here. It needs to be printed.
  3. Cut out ears and tongue. We glue as in the photo.
  4. Glue a yellow semicircle to the blue substrate. We insert the glued tongue and ears into the cut.
  5. Glue the cut out yellow part to the blue one. There is a fold at the top.
  6. Cut out eyes from black and white paper and glue them on.
  7. On the reverse side, glue the body of the postcard.
  8. We write congratulations inside.

Balls - an indispensable attribute of the New Year

In the Year of the Rooster, the balloons on the cards should be as colorful as the plumage of the owner of the year.

1. Cut sheets of a glossy magazine into thin strips, stick on a sheet, cut out circles of different sizes, decorate a congratulation.

2. Christmas balls from buttons.

Instead of buttons, you can take multi-colored rhinestones.

Crafts with the palm of your hand

Your children will love to come up with such fantasy cards, because getting their hands dirty with paint is their favorite pastime! And then, add the missing details, and you get a cute Santa Claus or Snowman.

What is New Year without a snowman?

The scrapbooking master offers such an option for congratulations.

  1. From thick white paper, you need to cut 3 circles of different sizes.
  2. They need to be slightly shaded along the edges so that they do not merge. You can shade with gray shadows.
  3. Then, from colored sheets, you need to cut out pens, a scarf, a nose, eyes and buttons.
  4. It remains to glue all the parts of the Snowman on the basis of congratulations.

Crafts from improvised materials

Another idea for New Year's greetings. A very cute card will turn out, decorated with appliqué, framed with grains of rice. In the Year of the Rooster, this is especially true:

  • Stick on thick cardboard sheet of blue color
  • Glue the Christmas tree cut out according to the template
  • Glue rice grains along the contour
  • Glue rice snowflakes in the corners. Original, beautiful, simple!

Another snowman idea

This postcard can be made from buttons and felt. You just need to cut out the clouds, the snowdrift, then glue them on the base, then cut out the details that are shown in the photo.

Do-it-yourself magical 4D New Year card

Dear friends! There is no limit to human imagination, as you could see for yourself! Get your kids involved and start making beautiful, unique crafts!

Good afternoon. Today we will make New Year's cards with our own hands. I will show you the most interesting ways and techniques. You will not only see photos, but also receive detailed instructions and schemes for creating each such postcard. I will give you the necessary workshops to illustrate complex techniques (quilling, origami) step by step.

I decided to divide the entire article into 5 parts - on the topics of New Year's cards.

  1. First, we will look at a variety of Christmas trees on postcards.
  2. Then I will show which Santas can decorate your postcard.
  3. Then we will make Snowmen in different techniques.
  4. Then we move on to Christmas wreaths.
  5. And of course, consider the applications of snowflakes on postcards.

So let's get started...

Part one

FIR-tree on New Year's cards.

Method number 1 - paper triangles.

If you still have old signed New Year's cards, you can no longer re-gift them in the second round. But you can use them to create NEW postcards. From a New Year's card, you can cut a triangle, put it on a leg and get a Christmas tree. New Year's motive on the postcard it turned out by itself - like the colors of the Christmas tree.

Or you can cut a Christmas tree from a regular one. cardboard box- rough corrugated packaging cardboard will be in harmony with delicate lace or pearl beads. And you will receive an elegant New Year's card made by yourself.

You can cut out a triangular Christmas tree silhouette with wavy edges and glue it with sequins that imitate Christmas decorations on the tree.

You can give the triangular silhouette of the herringbone a scalloped edge (as in the postcard photo below). And also you can cut out several silhouettes at once and arrange them on one New Year's card.

On the blue New Year's card from the photo below, we see how a three-dimensional lobed Christmas tree is glued together from three triangles.

Or one Christmas tree silhouette can be larger in size and with a different shade of color - we put it as a duplicate background under the top silhouette (as on the right New Year's card from the photo below).

Method number 2 - paper ribbons on a New Year's card.

From paper or textile ribbons, you can quickly and easily form a herringbone appliqué.

You can use regular strips of colored paper. Or buy a braid with embroidery in the sewing department of the store. Or, in the gift department of the store, buy a sheet of elegant wrapping paper and cut patterned stripes from it for a Christmas tree appliqué on a New Year's card.

Here in the photo below we see several options for creating such New Year's applications-trees.

Paper strips do not have to be glued in a strict order and symmetry. You can cut strips of four lengths - 10 cm, 8 cm, 5 cm, 3 cm. And arrange them in a chaotic oblique order starting from the bottom of 10 cm, in the middle we lay strips of 3 cm and 5 cm, and at the top 3 cm. We crown it all paper star and get a New Year's card with your own hands as in the left photo below.

You can also take a triangle cut out of thick cardboard and glue it with strips of paper or fabric, bending the edges of the strips to the inside of the cardboard triangle. And we will get a ready-made elegant Christmas tree, which you can safely stick on your postcard (right photo below).

But with paper strips, you can do not only planar applications. You can make Christmas trees volumetric technique. Here I give a detailed description of how to make a looped Christmas tree with your own hands on a red New Year's card from the left photo below.

Step 1 - cut strips narrow and long - their lengths will also be different: 2 strips of 15 cm, 2 strips of 12 cm, 2 strips of 9 cm, and one strip of 7 cm.

Step 2 - in front side we make cuts in the card with a blade - 2 slots on both sides along an imaginary line(the width of each slot is such that our strip can easily fit into it).

Step 3 - push each strip at one end through 2 slots- turn the loop and again return to the same slots. The ends of the strip met at the side glue in the same loop as on the opposite side.

We repeat the same procedure with the rest of the strips. Naturally, it is necessary to arrange the strips from the bottom up in decreasing order (long at the bottom, short at the top).

Or you can cut 6 paper strips the same length in 12 cm. Bend each strip in half and interlace the folds of the halves with each other cross to cross - in a checkerboard weave. It just looks difficult. But really simple. Here you can tear out a sheet from a notebook and cut 6 strips of any length and practice on such rough material - to see how simple and easy everything really is.

And here is another New Year's card, where Christmas tree is also made of strips of paper. Only here crepe paper is used (with a wrinkled effect) - it is sold in stationery stores in rolls (like wallpaper).

Step 1 - We cut wide strips of different lengths - 12 cm, 10 cm, 8 cm, 6 cm, 4 cm.

Step 2 - On the postcard, we outline tier lines (rounded), to these lines we will glue each tier of our Christmas tree made of paper. We attach a strip of double-sided tape to these drawn lines.

Step 3 - We take the longest strip (12 cm) and fold its entire upper edge into small folds - tucks - and put these tucks on the bottom line of the adhesive tape. We take the next strip in size (10 cm) and do the same. And so we move to the top tier of the Christmas tree. Then we decorate the Christmas tree on the New Year's card for any design at our discretion.

Method number 3 - paper circles.

And here is a way to make a Christmas tree on a New Year's card using circles cut out of paper. You can cut out circles of the same size (as in the blue postcard from the photo below). Or you can cut the circles into 4 different sizes - 2 circles for each size. And then the Christmas tree will turn out to be triangular in shape (tapering up) as in the red New Year's card from the photo below.

Method number 4 - quilling technique for postcards for the New Year.

And here is another technique by which very beautiful DIY New Year cards are obtained. You can make beautiful twists from paper strips.

This is how the process of creating a Christmas tree using the quilling technique looks like. Cutting paper into even strips(It is convenient to do this under the ruler with a paper knife - on a wooden board so as not to cut the table. Or you can buy ready-made quilling strips. Or get a machine for cutting quilling strips.

We lay each twist in the circle of the template(so that the twists are the same size). We allow the tight twist to open up a little, unwind - but within the framework of a round stencil. And then glue the tail-tip of the twist to the barrel of the twist itself. That is, we fix its size. So it will be possible to remove it from the stencil frame and not be afraid that it will unwind and increase its size.

If you don't have a stencil, you can use round caps for creams or drinks. Lay the twist on the bottom of the glass or lid and let it unwind to the diameter of the lid. Then carefully remove with tweezers and fix the twist tail with glue.

We pinch round twists on one side with a finger to give it the shape of a drop.

We add drops of different sizes in pairs - and we get a quick and simple Christmas tree.

Quilling technique allows you to create the most different models Christmas trees from paper twists.

Method number 5 - paper rolls.

Or you can cut the paper into wide strips of different lengths - and roll each strip into a roll. It's easy to do if wrap it around a pencil- glue, wait until the glue grabs - and only then remove it from the pencil. From such rolls of different lengths, a beautiful Christmas tree on a postcard is obtained. Quick and easy to do by hand. paper can be used simple color. Or buy sheets gift wrapping paper(sold in the gift section).

Method number 6 - a mosaic Christmas tree on a postcard.

You can use any small details as a material for creating a Christmas tree. Sliced ​​snowflakes or butterflies. Buttons or origami stars or bolts and nuts (if you are preparing a card for your husband and want to make it brutal).

Method number 7 - a lace Christmas tree on a New Year's card.

You can make beautiful lace on a New Year's card. you can use ready-made lace paper napkins(sold in a hardware store, in the same place where cupcake molds are). Such napkins are often placed under cakes and other culinary products).

Or you can create your own paper lace- folding paper as for cutting out a snowflake. And along the folded edge, start up an interesting pattern with holes.

Can you fold the cut-out snowflake itself in the shape of a Christmas tree and stick it on a Christmas card.

Method number 8 - origami technique.

But New Year's cards, which are decorated with a Christmas tree folded from a napkin. Such folding origami in the form of a Christmas tree is made quite quickly and from a simple square (nothing needs to be cut out). The main thing is that each upper square should be slightly smaller in size than the lower one. And then the tiers of our Christmas tree will go to the narrower to the top.

Below I have drawn a diagram that illustrates the process of creating paper blanks for a Christmas tree for a postcard.

But you yourself can come up with YOUR interpretations of a modular paper Christmas tree. Come up with your own triangular bends and create your own individual New Year's card with a Christmas tree.

Method number 9 - a folding Christmas tree on a postcard.

And here is another folding Christmas tree. Everything here is quite simple and is made from a single piece of cardboard. And if you wish, you can additionally decorate the Christmas tree with colored paper and decorations.

And also you can quickly fold an origami paper Christmas tree in such a semicircular pattern. You can copy the shape of the Christmas tree and the fold lines directly from the monitor screen. To zoom in or out on the screen, scroll the mouse wheel forward or backward while holding down the Ctrl key.

Or you can make such a Christmas tree yourself without a drawing. And just bending the semicircle back and forth several times, as shown in the figure below.

If such a semicircular pattern for a folding Christmas tree is made not with a smooth edge, but the circumference of the pattern is serrated into soft ruffles or teeth, then the edges of our tiers near the Christmas tree will turn out to be curly, as in the photo of New Year's cards below.

Method number 10 - paper carving.

Also for Christmas cards, the carving technique with lapels is suitable. This technique is very easy to do. Part of the picture is cut with a razor blade and folded back. We see the most primitive sample in the right photo below - half of the contours of the Christmas tree and the snowflake are cut off there and simply bent.

You can make a double contour - and then the bend will turn out in the form of a narrow silhouette strip, as is done on the left postcard from the photo below.

And you can cut and bend down each tier silhouette of a Christmas tree on a postcard. And we will get a Christmas card with the photo below.

You can first practice on any draft piece of paper - to make sure how easy it is to actually implement such a postcard carving technique, and make your own unique New Year's craft.

We examined New Year's cards with a Christmas theme, and now let's look at all the other New Year's stories that you can decorate our postcards with your own hands.

Part two

Santa Claus on postcards.

Large applications in the form of Santa Claus will decorate any Christmas card. No need to make a silhouette of Santa Claus in full height somewhere in the corner of a postcard in the form of a small booger. It is better to take the largest size of the hat, beard and take the entire part of the card with these main elements of Santa Claus - a red nose, mustache, beard, hat.

You can fold Santa Claus using the origami technique for a postcard - as shown in the photo below.

Part three

SNOWMAN on New Year's cards.

And now you can move on to a new character of the Christmas holidays - a snowman. Usually we are used to seeing him on crafts in the form of three white rounds and a bucket on his head. But you can get creative with the task of depicting a snowman on a postcard. For example, make it peeking out from behind the Christmas tree - as in the left photo below.

Or take a ready-made postcard with a snowman - cut it into strips of different lengths - and fold a Christmas tree pyramid out of these strips. Fold in such a way that on some strips a sly snowman's face can be seen (as on the left New Year's card from the photo below).

Also, you don't have to appliqué a snowman on a classic white paper card. You can get a musical staff from the Internet new year's song- put it on print, and cut out round disks from such paper for the application of a snowman.

Or take a printed text talking about new year traditions and from such a text cut rounds for a snowman.

You can make a snowman on a postcard from a paper fan. When the fan is bent in half - and its blades unfold in a circle.

You can make a snowman on a postcard using the quilling technique. Twist from white paper strips the twist modules, and fold the quilling snowman.

You can depict a snowman in an interesting unusual angle or setting. It can be a snowman from the TOP VIEW (as in the left photo below) ... or a snowman inside a snow globe (as in the right photo).

You can make an applique of a snowman who pierces a snowflake with his nose. Or a snowman-lord in a top hat and with a red bow around his neck.

It is not necessary to put a bucket on a snowman. The snowman looks good in a neat black hat with a brim, decorated with a sprig of holly.

A snowman on a postcard can be depicted quite schematically. Semicircle, scarf stripe, two beady eyes and an orange triangle nose.

You can make a simplified silhouette of a snowman the side of a two-layer postcard as in the photo below.

And maybe the whole White background postcards to use as the snowman's body. On New Year's cards with a photo below just this principle is shown.

The most difficult thing is to make a three-dimensional 3D postcard with a silhouette of a snowman.

Part four

DEER on Christmas cards.

Another new year character, which looks festive on New Year's cards is a deer.

It can also be portrayed outside the box, but in an interesting situation. For example, it can be a deer singing Christmas carols with inspiration, playing a drum, or skating - it's all up to your imagination.

You can choose the simplest silhouette application ONLY DEER HEADS on postcards.

And you can decorate a New Year's card with the silhouette of a whole deer - from horns to hooves.

Part four

SNOWFLAKES on New Year's cards.

You can cut out 2 ordinary stars from paper and put them on top of each other with an offset of one ray - and we will get an elegant snowflake on a Christmas card with our own hands.

You can make a beautiful snowflake using a voluminous convex technique.

Or embroider a snowflake out of thread. That is, apply a symmetrical pattern of punctures. And then, in a certain order, lace these puncture holes with threads to make an openwork snowflake.

You do not have to come up with very complex weaves of threads. Even small thread and needle patterns will decorate your New Year cards.

In this thread technique, you can make not only snowflakes, but also any other New Year's motifs.

And of course a quilling snowflake.

Here in the photo below we see the stages of creating a complex snowflake from ordinary quilling modules - you need to start each snowflake from the center - and increase the petals to the middle - circle by circle.

Your Christmas card with snowflakes can look like a layered cake with all sorts of details mixed in, layering and bumping into each other in an ornate chaos of beauty.

The snowflake on your postcard can be made from origami paper modules.

Part five

WREATHS on New Year's cards.

And here is the theme of festive Christmas wreaths. On a postcard, they can be depicted in any technique. It can be a planar application from any geometric shapes, decorated with ribbons, buttons and other tinsel.

You can make a New Year's card in the form of a door on which such a Christmas wreath hangs.

Quilling technique is also ideal for creating modules for a Christmas wreath.

New Year's cards can decorate birds. They can sing winter songs while sitting on birch musical branches.

Also, New Year's cards can depict a winter window through which you can see either a snowy landscape or a festive room with a Christmas tree.

And here are some more ideas how to give money in a New Year's card . We are accustomed to investing money inside postcards. But you can put money outside, making it part of the general New Year's application. I will now explain how to place the money on the front side of the postcard and not ruin it with glue.

Here on the first postcard we see a bill that was folded into a triangular cone - a ribbon was glued to the card (not money, we don’t spoil it with glue) and glued the ribbon so that it sticks to the glue in the middle, and its tails hang freely. We put a Christmas tree-money cone on the ribbon - and tie it, tie it with the free ends of the ribbon.

In the second case we glue the snowman - but we don’t just glue it - but on plump pieces of styrofoam. That is, the snowman turns out towering on the postcard. Thus, the neck of the snowman turns out to be moved away from the canvas of the postcard - and under his neck you can safely slip a banknote folded into a strip.

And in the third case - we roll candles out of paper. We glue them with ribs to the postcard. And in each tube we put a banknote folded into a narrow roll.

Like these ones original ideas for New Year's cards, I found for you these holidays.

Good luck to you New Year's crafts and happy new year.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

The most pleasant and magical thing we can do with children on winter evenings is a postcard! Yes, now there are so many cool cards, but only handmade New Year cards work wonders and bring people together. That's why website prepared some simple and impressive ideas for what a DIY New Year's card for children can be.

Children's New Year's cards for 2 - 3 years old can be in the form of a Christmas tree made with prints of children's fingers. She will look very cute.

To create it, you need thick paper A4 format and children's finger paints. Just dip your finger into the paint and print.

In this way, you can make not only a Christmas tree, but also a snowman, a snowflake, a Christmas ball ...

The simplest children's New Year's cards for children 3-4 years old are gluing various decorative stickers, stamps, beads, sequins, buttons, decoration with shiny glue onto the base for the card. All this they will do with great pleasure. Parents will need to prepare in advance - cut out circles and triangles from colored paper, make snowflakes, and then instruct the child to stick it all on paper. Inspired by the ideas of what kind of New Year's cards children can do with their own hands, you can here:

Do-it-yourself voluminous postcards for the New Year with a Christmas tree inside.

New Year's cards are very interesting if there is something inside when you open them. It looks like a children's book with characters that come to life on every page. Children just love these cards. Make it easy. To do this, you will need a card base, green paper, scissors and a template.

It is better to print and cut out the Christmas tree template, then transfer it to green paper.