Winter in openwork paper quilling patterns. Quilling - Christmas crafts Quilling on the theme of winter

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Crafts for the New Year always bring joy. And it does not matter whether you make a large panel with a beautiful landscape or present a miniature postcard with an embroidered picture - all the same, the addressee will be incredibly happy that you paid attention to him.

Everyone understands that a homemade present is much better than a store bought one. In any case, it is several times more pleasant. Today we want to introduce you to one interesting way which allows you to do amazing new Year gifts in just a few minutes.

Crafts using quilling technique on New Year 2017 will allow you to experience an indescribable calming effect, and will also be able to please all the guests who have gathered at the celebration.



What is quilling?

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For those who do not know what the quilling technique is, I would like to take a short digression. This type of needlework is considered very simple, but at the same time, very beautiful. Quilling does not require expensive tools and materials. All you need to work - good mood, interesting idea and time.

During the creation of compositions, paper strips with a width of 3, 4, 6 and 10 mm are used. There may be several twisting devices.

There are professional twisting machines, which are sold in specialized stores, as well as improvised tools, such as a tapestry needle with a large eye and a round wooden stick 10 cm long.


It is also advisable to stock up on tweezers with flat tips. It is needed in order to hold the paper blank, apply glue to it and stick it to the surface.

As for other devices that are necessary for working in the quilling technique, they can be found in any home. These are scissors (preferably with sharp ends), a ruler, toothpicks, PVA glue.

If you decide to seriously engage in this type of needlework, then whole sets are sold in stores, which include all the necessary tools and you do not have to collect them separately.



Quilling craft ideas for the New Year


When deciding to make such a New Year's surprise for someone close to you, you must understand what or whom you will glue from strips of paper. Thematic crafts on the Internet great amount And sometimes it's hard to know which one you like best.

Among such an abundance, you can choose the main "figures" that you might like - these are Christmas trees, snowflakes and cockerels. The last craft will be not only wonderful, but also appropriate gift because 2017 is the year Fire Rooster. So your Petya, made using the quilling technique, will be a nice symbolic gift under the Christmas tree.

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Bright cockerel

It would seem impossible to create such wonderful pictures and figures from ordinary strips of paper. But as practice shows, the main thing is perseverance and a little imagination, and the rest is up to the small. If you decide to make a cockerel for the New Year 2017, then choose the perfect example for yourself (photos are presented below), stock up on all necessary materials and get down to business.

Examples of how to make a New Year's rooster can be found in any format and size. It can be both free-standing figures and the silhouette of a bird.


There are quite a few basic quilling shapes that help you create real paper masterpieces. The picture clearly shows how this or that curl should look.


Dare! You will succeed, and after a while you will be able to present a cute panel or a wonderful picture with a cockerel in the title role.



original snowflake


The most common decoration at the New Year's holiday are snowflakes. We hang them on the Christmas tree, draw or sculpt them on the windows, make garlands out of them. Why not go beyond the usual limits and create wonderful winter compositions, based on the quilling technique ?! Put in a little effort, and you will have beautiful openwork snowflakes at home, which, moreover, you can give to friends as a keepsake.

For creating new year snowflake You will need:

  • special paper for quilling;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • stationery knife;
  • toothpick.

Step 1. Cut strips of quilling paper 25-27 mm long, 3-5 mm wide.


Step 2 Take a toothpick - it will be your main tool in this work. Cut off the sharp tip on one side and make a small incision with a clerical knife - about 1 cm.

Step 3 Insert the first paper strip into the notch and slowly twist it into a spiral. Make sure that the paper is curled, and not just a toothpick. In this case, there is no need to rush, because then the craft may not work out.

Step 4 The finished spiral must be removed from the toothpick and placed on flat surface to loosen it up a bit.

Step 5 Apply a little glue to the end of the strip and glue the spiral.

Step 6 To make one snowflake, you must follow the same principle to make several similar curls of different shapes and sizes.

Step 7 Fold the resulting spirals into a snowflake, carefully gluing each part.



Volumetric Christmas tree

This bright Christmas composition can be an excellent table decoration, as well as a wonderful gift for loved one, colleague or relative.

To create a voluminous Christmas tree you will need:

  • scissors;
  • quilling paper;
  • ruler-pattern with circles of different diameters;
  • PVA glue;
  • toothpick;
  • tweezers.

If you don't have a quilling tool, an ordinary toothpick with a cut end can easily replace it.

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Step 1. To work, take a special green paper and cut it into several dozen strips 3 mm wide, and also cut the paper Brown color into strips 7 mm wide.

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Step 2 Brown stripes need to be wound into loose curls, for example, on a regular marker. Lubricate their ends with glue and glue. Brown "barrels" are ready!

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Step 3 Now you need to make green blanks. Wind the paper around the awl (toothpick) and insert it into the ruler of size 16. Let me loosen up. To remove the curl from the ruler, you need to insert a toothpick into the center, slightly move to the center and remove.

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Step 4 Glue the end of the spiral with PVA glue. Squeeze the curl lightly so that it takes the form of a droplet. Prepare 10 such drops. Wrap each curl with a white strip of the same width and glue it. This is the first row of the Christmas tree.

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Step 5 We make the second row according to the same principle, only insert it into the circle at number 15. Twist 10 such curls. Glue the first two rows, as shown in the photo.

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Step 6 Now make spirals for the third row by inserting them into the hole at number 14. Glue.

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Step 7 For the fourth row you will need a circle, size 13. The same size must be taken for rows 5 and 6. Glue all the details carefully to each other, as you can see in the photo. Glue another "drop" to the top. Decorate the Christmas tree with beads, and it's ready!

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Today, quilling is not only fashionable, but also useful. This technique allows you to calm the nerves, tune in to the mechanical, but at the same time creative work which develops thinking, fine motor skills and creative imagination. With the help of quilling, you can create large paintings, panels or small postcards. In any case, handmade works will bring satisfaction to the master and joy to the one to whom the gift is intended. Quilling New Year's crafts will make the holiday not only fun, but also sincere.

Quilling style postcards are distinguished by openwork and ease of execution. Quilling technique involves twisting strips of paper different size. Then the finished rolls are given a different shape and an image is already made up of them.

Can be made flat voluminous crafts- such forms are especially relevant for creating New Year's decorations.

To create crafts, you will need a standard set of quilling materials. You can cut the winding strips yourself. But to keep them neat, it is better to buy them in a professional needlework store.

Crafts for the New Year:

  • "Snowflake". The strips are wound on a toothpick. For one snowflake, you need a dozen blanks. From blanks make "petals", "eyes" or "squares". Before gluing the parts, it is necessary to draw up a preliminary composition.
  • "Christmas tree". Fringes are cut on strips of paper. After that, buds are formed from them. The Christmas tree is formed on cardboard. Before sticking the buds, the cardboard can be decorated with a backing and beads around the edges.
  • "Volumetric tree". A voluminous Christmas tree can be assembled from parts in the form of a “drop”. The Christmas tree can be decorated with decorative elements: glitter or beads.
  • "Christmas wreath". It can be made up of "eyes", "arrows", "hearts" and simple rolls.
  • "Cock". New Year's rooster make it very easy. To do this, you need to print a stencil and paste it over with multi-colored rolls, which can be shaped into “eyes” or “drops”.

The execution of work must be accurate and scrupulous. It is very important that no excess glue gets on the paper. Crafts are easy and simple to do, but for beginners it is better to use diagrams that will help to assemble the image into a single composition.

How to make quilling crafts for the New Year

On New Year's and Christmas holidays it is customary to give gifts. They don't have to be expensive. Sometimes it is important to do something with your hands, because products self made are always valued more. Christmas crafts can be done without any special material costs.

All you need for crafts is strips of colored paper, PVA glue with a brush, a toothpick or a long stick, scissors and tongs.

Quilling crafts are made using the technique of winding strips of colored paper. After that, a roll of the required shape is made from paper. It is easy to give it to the roll with a light touch of the hand.

How to make a snowman craft:

  • Prepare white strips of paper.
  • Wind the strips, glue the edge of the strip so that the roll does not unwind.
  • Rolls must be different sizes.
  • After all three rolls are connected, the snowman can make a hat from a strip of a different color.
  • From small stripes, you can twist the eyes and nose for a snowman.

This craft can be glued on cardboard. If you decorate the cardboard with a beautiful substrate and an inscription, and stick a snowman on top, you get a beautiful New Year's card. You can hang the craft on a thread and decorate the Christmas tree with a snowman.

Thematic crafts for the New Year: quilling

To make a pleasant surprise for your family and friends, it is not necessary to buy gifts. You can make a gift with your own hands, which will certainly be appreciated much higher than any purchased gift. Interestingly, quilling can be done by both children and adults.

If children are doing crafts, they should definitely be told about safety precautions and the rules for working with sharp objects and glue.

Making crafts from strips of colored paper, children will develop fine motor skills, thinking and imagination. Usually, children do not need diagrams, as their imagination can do just fine without them. But for novice adults, if they want to do the craft neatly, but do not differ in artistic abilities, at first the schemes will help a lot.

How to make a craft "Snow Maiden":

  • Prepare a blue and white strip of paper.
  • Twist the white stripe - this will be the face of the Snow Maiden.
  • Twist a smaller strip - this will be the neck.
  • Wind the blue stripes, and make “drops” from the rolls.
  • Make a snow maiden dress from ready-made elements.

The whole composition can be collected on cardboard. And you can glue the elements and decorate the Christmas tree with crafts. Some decorate the granddaughter of Santa Claus with beautiful wings, representing her as a fairy fairy.

Christmas and New Year crafts from quilling

The drop shape is one of the most common elements in quilling. With its help, you can create original New Year and Christmas compositions. New Year's crafts can be done with the family - such an activity will unite relatives and give moments spent together.

Professionals advise using special machines for twisting and forming rolls for making paper crafts. This will prevent hand fatigue.

The most common forms are "drop", "eye", "rhombus", "triangle", "heart", "arrow", "crescent", "horns", "curl", "twig". All these shapes can be made by pressing, taking into account the force of pressing and the angle. How large quantity the master will own the forms, the more interesting and unique his compositions will be.

How to make an angel step by step:

  • Prepare white stripes.
  • Spin the rolls. Their number is determined by how big they want to make an angel.
  • The rolls need to be slightly dissolved, sealed so that they do not fall apart.
  • From each roll you need to make a "drop".
  • Form the body of an angel from the drops.
  • The head is made from a tightly rolled roll.
  • Rolls for wings are formed from golden strips of paper. They are also made from "drops".
  • The composition is connected with PVA glue.

You can hang an angel on a Christmas tree or decorate a chandelier with it. He will protect the house and the family that lives in it. Ready-made Christmas crafts are decorated with sparkles, beads and rain. Quilling can be done by people of all ages. This is a very useful type of needlework, especially since it does not involve high costs for the purchase of raw materials. On the Internet you can find many diagrams and examples of work for inspiration. Professional craftsmen produce amazing masterpieces. You can become a professional through experience and the acquisition of relevant skills.

New Year's crafts from paper and quilling (video)

New Year and Christmas 2018 have already been celebrated. But this does not mean that the gifts are over. Crafts using quilling technique will be a wonderful handmade gift. Quilling involves the use of multi-colored paper strips, twisting them into rolls of different sizes and shapes, and composing images from these elements. Christmas themes suggest compositions depicting New Year's heroes, Christmas trees, snowflakes, etc. You can make crafts yourself by looking at the instructions and recommendations of professional craftsmen on specialized sites.

Olga Kirilenko

Good evening, dear colleagues!

Each time, opening the pages of our site, I see the talented work of my colleagues - teachers. Some are made so professionally that they can rightly be considered works of art!

And it's so nice to admire these crafts, pictures, panels, be surprised at the skills of your friends, diversity technician and subject that involuntarily you are charged with positive and the desire to try your hand at creativity!

I do not claim exclusivity for my work, but in new year holidays I wanted to do something beautiful! And now an unusual mood inspired winter motif.

Conceived - done! At hand were an A3 frame, colored xerox paper, a ruler, a pencil, simple and curly scissors, glue, a stick for quilling and various decorations for paintings: beads, semi-beads, sequins of various shapes and colors, rhinestones.

To implement the creative idea, I printed stylized images from the Internet winter trees and congratulations "Happy New Year!".

In order to save strips for quilling cut from multi-colored xerox paper (shades of blue and blue flowers) . Any stripe can be made length: glue two, three - into one.

To roll the strip of paper, I used a wooden skewer with a split end. Convenient, I recommend!

Having twisted the strip, I either weaken the twist a little, or simply glue the end, depending on whether I need a flower petal or its middle.

I form petals of different shapes, colors and sizes, pinching once, twice (or multiple times) from the edges.

I collect petals in inflorescences. If desired, I decorate the flowers with beads and sequins.

It remains only to arrange the flowers beautifully on the surface of the sheet, connecting the flowers, winter tree, sequins and congratulations!

And so, « winter waltz» ready!

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Hello dear moms! Congratulations to all on the coming summer days. June 1, Children's Day, the guys and I decided to do.

AT holidays I always want something unusual and original. Something that no one else has. Various decorations for the New Year, which are produced on an industrial scale, do not always satisfy the requirements of buyers. That is why New Year's quilling can be not only a pleasant pastime, but also an ideal option for the most demanding originals.

What it is

First of all, it is worth understanding what this technique is. New Year's quilling, like any other, is paper rolling. Or rather, a whole art that first appeared in Europe at the end of the fourteenth century. This technique is based on the ability to twist plain paper so that unusual figures or ornaments are obtained, which are further compiled into whole compositions. New Year's quilling is postcards, toys, crafts on a New Year's theme, made using simple tools.

What will be required

For such art, not too many materials are required: paper and transparent PVA glue. Of the tools: scissors, an awl (sharp, long, thin), tweezers without notches at the end. The hardest part is choosing the right one. First, the edges of the tweezers should converge one to one, without gaps. Secondly, it should cling well, that is, spring. Otherwise, you will get very poor quality quilling. New Year's crafts will be sloppy and clumsy.

How to twist

It would seem that it could be easier - to twist the paper. But not everything is so clear. New Year's quilling, like any other, is a special technique, although not too complicated. First you need to cut the paper into strips, the width of which does not exceed 3-4 mm. You can do it manually, you can buy finished material in a specialized store, or you can pass the sheet through a shredder, which neatly and evenly spreads it into strips. Then the paper is wound on the tip of the awl very tightly. After 10 skeins, you can continue to twist the strips by hand, constantly supporting them with your other hand so that the skein does not unravel. The already finished twist is glued with glue, creating a composition using the quilling technique. New Year cards, by the way, are in special demand. Especially if you connect fantasy when creating them.

snowman card

This is one of the easiest compositions that beginners master in the first place. A very dense skein is twisted from white paper. PVA glue is applied to the prepared postcard (it can be both purchased and homemade). But not the entire area, but only the one where the lower "ball" of the snowman will be located. The skein of paper is gradually loosened in the hands so that it unwinds a little. Then it is placed on the adhesive base and pressed a little, fixing the position. The next skein should be slightly shorter in length so that the second “ball” is smaller in volume, like a real snowman. It is glued in the same way. The last third "ball" is performed in the same way as the previous ones, but its volume should be even less than that of the second. A bucket or a hat for a snowman can be drawn by hand or twisted from dark paper. The arms and legs are also made using the quilling technique. New Year's cards with snowmen turn out to be especially interesting if you add not only painting, but also sparkles, additional decorative elements. For example, buttons or sequins.

Christmas tree toy

New Year's quilling (do-it-yourself and lovingly made crafts) is not only a way to "kill" time, but also a great option for a gift souvenir for the holiday. Therefore, beginners should definitely try to make a Christmas tree using this technique. It is not difficult, but the result will surprise even the most demanding originals. First you need a sheet of green cardboard, which is twisted into a cone, and the edges are fastened with a stapler so that the figure does not spread. Droplets will be made from light green or emerald quilling paper (that is, ready-made strips). The technique is not at all complicated. First, ordinary hanks are twisted from strips of greater length than all subsequent ones. When they are ready, they are slightly relaxed in the hands so that the paper unwinds, then one side is squeezed in the hands of the thumb and forefinger. This will give the shape a droplet shape. PVA glue is applied to the bottom of the cone, a ready-made large drop made in quilling technology is pressed against it. New Year's crafts, by the way, may not be exactly green, like real Christmas trees, but also of any other color. The entire bottom of the cone should be pasted over with such large droplets. The next row will be smaller, so the strips are slightly shortened. Medium drops are overlapped with large ones, like tiles. And so on until the whole tree is ready. The top can be decorated with a finished star or twisted out of paper using the quilling technique. You should not rush when gluing, each row should dry well.

Craft "Snowflake"

Unfortunately, christmas toys(quilling technique is meant) are not too durable. Unlike crafts, which are easy to store, because they do not take up much space. Even a child can make a snowflake craft. Small dense hanks are twisted from white or blue paper, which are then compressed into droplets. Dimensions should be as equal as possible so that the craft does not look skewed or sloppy. PVA glue is applied to colored cardboard, then droplets are glued in turn. It is noteworthy that they should dock with rounded sides, and not sharp ones. This is the most simple snowflake without any complex elements. Over time, when there will be more experience, you can improve the compositions, making them original and openwork.

At the initial stage, when quilling is just being mastered, you should not take complex work as an example. It is enough to learn how to make simple but versatile blanks, which in the future can be mixed and combined into large compositions. So, for example, a New Year's quilling snowflake can be made from such shapes as a droplet, a circle, an oval, a heart, a curl. Do not be afraid to experiment, but do not set yourself too difficult tasks in the first lessons, so as not to be disappointed in such art.