Homemade cards with wedding anniversary 17 years. Pictures - congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Tin wedding congratulations

17 years from the date of the wedding is a considerable period lived by the spouses hand in hand. Over the past years, the couple probably managed to “eat” several pounds of salt, create a home and have children.

Do not treat the upcoming anniversary as another calendar day. This is a wonderful occasion to once again look back and rejoice at what has been achieved, confess your love and inflame passion again.

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The number "17" has a positive meaning in numerology. It is associated with new achievements and prospects. This fact also emphasizes what kind of wedding falls on 17 years from the date of going to the registry office: despite the years lived, the couple still sets goals and fulfills dreams. The basis for accomplishments is mutual love, devotion and respect.

To the question of what kind of wedding falls on 17 years life together, traditionally answer - pink. The allegory with a delicate flower is not accidental. The ideal bud is assembled from many petals, so similar to the past years. All of them add up to a harmonious pattern, turning into the embodiment of beauty and romance.

17th wedding anniversary - a big and bright holiday for a couple

However, there is another feature that determined which wedding is celebrated 17 years after the marriage and what it is called. The well-known rose thorns symbolize that a careless attitude towards family and feelings can seriously hurt.

Even after so many years of living together, it is important to protect happiness by avoiding rude words and deeds.

Funny congratulations on the pink anniversary of marriage

A significant date must be distinguished from a series of weekdays. Cool ones allow you to set the mood and make it clear which wedding falls 17 years from the date of the wedding. They can be in verse or prose, ready-made or personally composed. Among interesting options we can offer such cool congratulations for a pink wedding

Tea rose buds give their fragrance,
Its 17 thin petals.
The flower is so beautiful
As if descended from the most wonderful dreams.
17 years, like a few moments,
You are close, happy and in love.
Happy pink wedding!
Be adored and faithful!

What an anniversary - 17 years since the wedding!
On this day, we give you a magical bouquet of roses.
Let there be fine days, let happiness flow like a river.
Love right up to the shiver, forward one path!

Anniversary greetings option

Congratulations on a pink wedding in prose: “Your relationship is entering the time of youth, in the era of the prime of life and feelings. May every day be like the day of 17-year-olds: filled with kisses, tenderness and boundless devotion.

Congratulations on a pink wedding can be sent by message or written on a postcard attached to a bouquet of fragrant flowers. It is symbolic if the number of buds coincides with the years lived.

Congratulations on a pink wedding for 17 years of marriage will look interesting on balloons the corresponding shade.

What do you give to friends on this day?

The theme of the anniversary gives a wide scope for imagination. A gift for a pink wedding can be decorated with an image of flowers or have a delicate color of the petals. When choosing a gift for a couple, it is advisable to focus on items that 2 people can use at once. Here's what you can give friends for a pink wedding:

  • delicate picture with flowers;
  • bed linen, tablecloth or towels with roses;
  • a set of 17 items (dishes, scented candles);
  • an aromatic lamp and a couple of bottles of Bulgarian rose oil;
  • indoor rose or a stabilized flower in a flask.

Another option on the topic of what to give for a pink wedding is a set of cutlery in a chest with a lining in a romantic color. On the handles of forks, knives and spoons, you can place the initials of the spouses in the form of an engraving.

You can present an original cake

What to give a husband or wife

A gift for the second half must certainly be romantic. No need to purchase pots or household appliances. Among what is given for a pink wedding, it is worth noting perfumes and cosmetics with pink notes. Evening will be decorated with a bottle of good rose wine. What to give your husband for a pink wedding:

  • a cake or a set of cupcakes with pink cream;
  • a cup with a family portrait;
  • fragrance in the car with the scent of petals;
  • themed medal.

However, it is not at all necessary to get hung up on flowers in search of what you can give your spouse for a pink wedding. Any "masculine" gift, wrapped in paper of a suitable shade, will also match the theme of the anniversary. Knowing which wedding falls 17 years from the date of marriage largely determines what is given to the wife.

The wife will surely be delighted with a silk lingerie set, a stylish service with buds, a forged interior rose or a needlework set with flowers.

Pictures and cards suitable for the event

Finding an image for an anniversary is easy enough. Any picture with buds can become a postcard for a pink wedding. Wide selection printed products are available at post offices and stationery stores. Congratulations on the pink wedding in pictures can be found on this page. Another option is to create an image yourself in the editor. It is not necessary to emphasize which wedding falls on 17 years old, other pictures will do:

  • wedding rings and glasses;

Rings and flowers - a win-win option

  • photos from the wedding day;

Elements of the corresponding decor, captured in the photo

  • swans and other romantic subjects;

Pictures with the traditional “Love” will work too

  • images with kittens and cute animals.

For example, such a plot

Pictures for a pink wedding can be combined into a collage, creating a real memorial plaque from images with roses and family photos.

How to celebrate your marriage anniversary

A pink wedding, of course, should be based on how many years of marriage the couple has behind them. It is important to remember the moments experienced, to rejoice at the achievements and successes. You can celebrate 17 years from the date of marriage, or a pink wedding, by:

  1. For a romantic dinner. A table decorated with a bouquet of flowers, champagne or wine, delicious food and heartfelt conversation are the ingredients of a perfect family evening at home or in a restaurant.
  2. Noisy party. Dress code in pink color, records with favorite songs and the excellent mood of the guests will give the holiday a special flavor.
  3. Family get-togethers. How many years have passed before the onset of a pink wedding and what they cost for a couple - loved ones especially appreciate. This is a great occasion to bring parents and children together at the same table.


  1. Knowing which wedding falls on 17 years from the date of marriage and what they give to lovers, you can plan an unforgettable holiday.
  2. What it will be depends only on the heroes of the occasion. A quiet evening, going out into nature, a banquet in a restaurant…
  3. One thing is certain: love will make the anniversary unforgettable.

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Congratulations on your pink wedding, happy 17th birthday family life. You have overcome all obstacles on the way to happiness and understanding, you have worthily fought for your love and family well-being and now you rightfully deserve a period of pink hopes, joyful events and wonderful moments in your life. I wish you a new flowering of your feelings, as well as health, harmony, prosperity and warmth.

Congratulations on the young date of your family, on the 17th anniversary of your life together. On a pink wedding, I want to wish you unquenchable tenderness of feelings, a pleasant aroma of happiness and an unceasing melody of love. May there always be a place for romance in your relationship, may harmony and understanding reign in your family.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the youth of your family life, on the 17th anniversary of great love and happiness, on your pink wedding. I wish bright smiles on your faces and joyful news, sincerity in feelings and wonderful ideas, good health and friendly family, great luck and good well-being.

Congratulations on your pink wedding, on the young 17th anniversary of your marriage. And even if you are already adults and took off your “rose-colored” glasses a long time ago, I still wish that the world pleased you pink shades romance and tenderness. Love each other deeply, fill the family bowl with joy and prosperity.

Congratulations on your pink wedding, on your 17th conscience anniversary. May, despite all-round problems and obstacles, you manage to live in pink dreams and bright hopes. Be loved tightly by each other, happy, successful. May there be prosperity, understanding, and family idyll in your family.

Happy holiday to you, memorable date! Seventeen years of marriage is called the Pink Wedding, which means love as tender as roses, but protected by thorns from those who try to destroy it. Let your feelings bloom more and more magnificently.

Congratulations on your pink wedding. May these 17 years be a wonderful age for your family - sometimes dreams, inspiration and tenderness. I wish that the rose of your love does not fade, but always blooms magnificently, so that life together is full of surprises and joy, good blessings and holidays.

For a pink wedding, let me wish you happiness, joy and health. May all the pink dreams that were made at the beginning of your life together come true, and your house will always be a full bowl. And may next year we have an occasion to get together and congratulate your family on coming of age.

Over these many years, you have already found the key to each other more than once and you know firsthand at what price love is preserved! Congratulations on your seventeenth wedding anniversary and we wish you simple happiness, quiet earthly joy and that everyday bad weather bypass!

Congratulations on your young age to your family, on a pink wedding. How beautiful we all were at the age of 17, so I wish you to feel young and in love again. And let everything be like in Serov's song: love to tears and crazy, life in fragrant rose petals and cherished desires your hearts.

17 years ago you got married
You promised to be together
You have already achieved a lot in life
And together you were sad and dreaming.

Today I heartily congratulate you.
May your love grow stronger every year.
I wish you understanding in your family.
Reach your heights!

Seventeen years! So much and so little...
You seem to have been together for a century.
But you didn't get bored
After all, next to you in the same way - a loved one.

You will be together just as long, even more!
We wish happiness to you and your lovely children.
After all, they made you like that too -
The most beautiful family in the whole world!

Congratulations on the young date of your family, on the 17th anniversary of your life together. On a pink wedding, I want to wish you unquenchable tenderness of feelings, a pleasant aroma of happiness and an unceasing melody of love. May there always be a place for romance in your relationship, may harmony and understanding reign in your family.

You are a mother, he is a father,
Only you again - seventeen,
Well, not for you, so for your wedding -
Time to fall in love again.

You lived together for 17 wonderful years,
Today you have approached the pink wedding anniversary,
From love, let your heart beat faster,
Until these years, you carried your marriage with dignity.

May the world always be kind to you
Let there be only joy and cheerful laughter in the family,
May marriage be adamant to discord,
And waiting for you new sensations of passionate surge.

Your seventeenth anniversary
In common people they call it pink.
We congratulate this woman, man,
That together they still live in love.

What do you wish, dear anniversaries?
So you can’t think of it right away, you can’t understand it.
Your family experience, compliant morals,
Worthy of respect. What to say?

On the wedding day, pink heart
I congratulate you. Let always
Everything around will be joyful, carefree,
Let sadness never disturb.

Let your children grow up
And they give you their warmth.
Let smiles surround you everywhere
And let it all succeed.

Happy holiday to you, with a memorable date! Seventeen years of marriage is called the Pink Wedding, which means love as tender as roses, but protected by thorns from those who try to destroy it. Let your feelings bloom more and more magnificently.

Seventeen is a great age -
About the future to dream.
When you are young at heart
When you want to fly.

And for the family, this segment,
Pretty significant point:
Children grow up, time flies
And you're already quite an adult.

May this day, in the hearth of the family,
With a bouquet of scarlet roses in their hands,
They will come to congratulate you - relatives,
With a sweet smile on your lips.

Happy seventeen years of your marriage
Warmly accept the bouquet of congratulations,
Be healthy, live richly,
Let there be no scandals and troubles in the house.

Let your love only grow stronger over the years,
And happiness always lives next door
And an angel from heaven is watching you
And life will become sweet, like honey!

Congratulations on your anniversary
We always want to be together.
Love grows stronger every day
It lifts your spirits.

In the life of wisdom, warmth,
Never quarrel.
Surprise will give a new day -
To please each other is not too lazy.

Realize beautiful dreams
And admire each other.
Color your life pink
And you live without troubles.

Tin wedding congratulations

For a pink wedding
You don't give roses.
For a pink wedding
Give me a locomotive!

Silly poem!
Blockhead, not a poet!
But more topical
Today it just doesn't.

Seventeen years you are a couple,
I want to congratulate you.
So let's give a couple
And choo-choo-choo-choo-choo!!!

Your wedding anniversary - 17 years!
Exciting congratulations on this!
I wish you long-awaited victories,
Long life together, without cheating!
Love, still stronger for a year
May it be an eternal companion of desires,
To never know adversity,
Separation so as not to know the distance!

Revealed in a fairy garden near a tea rose
Seventeen delicate, bright petals.
And each petal is extraordinarily beautiful,
And each of the confessions, dreams and dreams.

Seventeen years, like a few moments.
You are together, you are still in love.
We congratulate you! And we have no doubt
What are you from this fabulous country!

congratulations on your 17th wedding anniversary

Please accept our congratulations
On the wedding day in pink colors
Let no moments be lost
Everything is remembered, but the memory ... Ah!
But there are eyes, eyes opposite
They have so much light and fire!
They keep memories...
May the family be forever!

Pink wedding, she's seventeen
She is in the prime of life, love and happiness.
Happy wedding anniversary dear
The sea of ​​happiness is in your power!
Seventeen years in the family is a wonderful age,
Please accept our congratulations.
May your union grow stronger from year to year,
And your hearts beat in unison!

congratulations on your wedding anniversary 17 years

Who will give you a bouquet of roses today,
He is hardly mistaken -
Young wedding of seventeen years
Pink people called;
May your life path be joint
Will be strewn with roses!
Well, and for you on this day, something
We will definitely drink!

17 years! With this date
Friends hurry to congratulate you.
We are all happy for you
And we wish you now:
Good days, goodness and light.
And on this holiday you two
We give bouquets of bright roses
As a sign of admiration and love!

The smell of roses will wake up his wife,
Their husband brought them early in the morning.
It doesn't matter if it's a weekday
We are not too lazy to celebrate with you.
We wish only thorns in roses,
Attention to each other and words,
Those from whom friends
There is a happy family.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the wedding in verse, funny, in prose
Choose an anniversary.

Year seventeen already
You are together for life!
There is no you more beautiful and tender,
Everything is like a bride and groom.

So be you
Happy always.
Let to the shores of hope
A bright star guides!

Seventeen is a great age -

Seventeen is a great age -
About the future to dream.
When you are young at heart
When you want to fly.

And for the family, this segment,
Pretty significant point:
Children grow up, time flies
And you're already quite an adult.

May this day, in the hearth of the family,
With a bouquet of scarlet roses in their hands,
They will come to congratulate you - relatives,
With a sweet smile on your lips.

There is a beautiful flower in this world

There is a beautiful flower in this world
Different colors, and he is called a rose.
Oh, how many did you have? Do not count!
Now your wedding is called pink!

How strong and beautiful is your union,
His love tied with a strong thread.
I respectfully bow at your feet
And as a gift you accept my poems!

We celebrate the date with the most tender name

We celebrate the date with the most tender name,
After all, everyone calls her the Pink Wedding!
From red petals today we conceive
A turn in fate, which everyone is waiting for.

Seventeen years will begin, as in a new way,
Fresh and bright, like for the first time.
Let love be the basis for the family,
Plays with brilliance, like a big diamond!

Today we celebrate your wedding

Today we celebrate your wedding
seventeenth anniversary we
And we call her pink
And we give you these flowers.

Seventeen years you bloomed together,
As if these roses are a bouquet.
So we wish from the heart
Bloom for many years to come!

The morning dawned in a pink haze.

The morning dawned in a pink haze.
The heyday of life shone with mother-of-pearl.
Pink glow on joyful faces.
You should be proud of a pink wedding!

The ship "FAMILY" moved away from the pier.
Seventeen years of wandering. And that's a lot!
It has already passed the test of strength.
And best wishes for him.

Let devices and cables not fail.
The path is getting stronger and your sailors are multiplying.
The purpose of new discoveries shines in the eyes,
And the winds of love are always in your sails!

For a pink wedding, let me wish you happiness

For a pink wedding, let me wish you happiness, joy and health. May all the pink dreams that were made at the beginning of your life together come true, and your house will always be a full bowl. And may next year we have an occasion to get together and congratulate your family on coming of age.

Seventeen years! So much and so little...

Seventeen years! So much and so little...
You seem to have been together for a century.
But you didn't get bored
After all, next to you in the same way - a loved one.

You will be together just as long, even more!
We wish happiness to you and your lovely children.
After all, they made you like that too -
The most beautiful family in the whole world!