How to clean silver at home foil. How to clean silver with baking soda at home Other cleaning methods

Photo: AndreyPopov/

Silver jewelry is beautiful and stylish, but not when they have darkened. This happens often, but, fortunately, you can clean silver yourself.

General rules

In order for cleaning to get rid of all the stains and not scratch the product, follow a few rules:

  1. Wash silver items every 2-3 weeks.
  2. Do not use abrasive products for cleaning.
  3. Use only soft toothbrushes with natural bristles.
  4. Wipe the silver soft cloth.
  5. Rinse your silver thoroughly after cleaning products.
  6. Dry your silver items on paper or cloth napkin with a hair dryer.
  7. Polish items with suede or wool.
  8. Do not wear jewelry for 3-4 days after plaque removal.
  9. To avoid corrosion, carefully observe the concentration of the solution and the time of its exposure.

House cleaning methods

Not only professional cleaning in jewelry stores can eliminate dirt on silver products. You can whiten silver using our recipes.

With foil

This method will take you no more than five minutes. Wrap the inside of the bowl in foil. Place decorations and cutlery in the bottom of the bowl. Sprinkle generously with baking soda. Pour boiling water over jewelry. Wait until the chemical reaction is over and the soda stops fizzing. Remove jewelry, rinse them under running water. They shine again.

Another method using foil involves the use of vinegar. You will need half a glass of water and half a glass of table vinegar. Mix them and pour the decorations, after putting them on the foil and falling asleep with salt and soda. After a few minutes, take out the already clean products.

The third method using foil will take you a little longer, but will even rid the silver of old stains. Sprinkle it with wet baking soda and wrap it in a foil envelope. Boil the envelope for 10-15 minutes. Sue it, remove the jewelry, rinse and dry.

With chalk

Grind the chalk. Make a silver cleaning paste by mixing chalk with ammonia. Can be used instead of ammonia ammonia or soapy water. Scrub the silver with the resulting paste using a natural bristle toothbrush. Rinse it with water. If you don't want to mix ground chalk with the liquid, rub the silver with chalk powder and let sit for 7-10 minutes. Be careful: you can scratch the metal.

ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

For this recipe, you will need a liter of water, two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and the same amount of ammonia. Mix all the ingredients and dip the metal into the liquid. After 15-20 minutes, remove it, wipe it with a dry cloth. Dishwashing liquid will replace the peroxide.


The cleaning solution is prepared simply: dilute ammonia in water 1:10. Dip metal objects into the solution and leave them for several hours. Remove items and dry them.

soap solution

The easiest way to remove dirt is to hold the metal in a soapy solution for several hours. Use hand soap, dish detergent, or laundry soap. Soap solution and a toothbrush remove only fresh dirt.

Citric acid and copper wire

This method is only suitable for removing plaque from rings and chains. Pour half a liter of water into a small saucepan. Dissolve 100 grams of citric acid in it. Place the saucepan on water bath. Put the ring on the wire, wrap the chains around it. Boil the solution until the contaminants disappear.


Pour enough vinegar into the pan so that it covers all the products. Heat the table vinegar a little, without bringing it to a boil. Cool the vinegar, remove the metal from it. Rinse items thoroughly under running water.

Toothpaste or powder

Paste or powder is an abrasive, so it is better to clean coasters, glasses and other objects with a large thickness of silver with them. Gently rub the toothpaste with a brush over the surface of the silver. This will save him from flying. Rinse off the paste and dry the products.


You can clean silver with both potato broth and raw potatoes. In the first case, lower the precious metal objects into the decoction for several hours. Remove them, rinse well, polish with a rag. The second way is more laborious. Grate one medium-sized potato on a fine grater, pour the resulting slurry with water. Strain the mixture after 10-15 minutes. Dip the product in the liquid for 20-30 minutes, remove it and polish it.

Olive oil

If you are afraid of damaging the metal, use olive oil. It is safe for silver, but will only cope with a slight coating. Pour some olive oil onto a soft cloth and wipe the jewelry. Wash them under running water and dry them with a hair dryer.


Dip the metal in the beer for 30-40 minutes. After removing, clean the silver with chamois. The raid will go away without difficulty.

Egg yolk

The yolk rids the surface of oxides that cause darkening. After processing with yolk, you will forget about plaque for a long time. Rub the products with yolk and let it dry. Wash off the dried yolk. The product will shine.

Coca Cola

Coca-Cola will remove green spots, tarnishes and other impurities from silver in a few minutes. Pour half a liter of carbonated drink into the pan, lower the decorations and cutlery into it. Boil them in sparkling water for 5-7 minutes. Do not remove the products immediately, let the contents of the pan cool down. Rinse the silver after removing.


For this method, you will need water, salt and some foil. Dilute 5 teaspoons of salt in a liter of water. Put the salted water to boil. At the moment of boiling, dip a few small pieces of foil and objects that you need to clean into the water. Remove them after 15-20 minutes.


Dilute 2 tablespoons of baking soda in 500 ml of water. Put the water on the fire, after boiling, throw a little food foil. Dip the products in water for 15-20 seconds. They will shine like new.

curdled milk

Lactic acid will rid silver of blackness. Dip it in curdled milk for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Polish dry products with a cloth.


Dilute a little dishwashing detergent in water. Mix well, the product should be completely dissolved. Immerse jewelry and interior items in the solution for 5-7 minutes. Clean them with a toothbrush or soft sponge. Remember to thoroughly rinse the silver under running water.

Detergent for glasses and mirrors will clean silver from blackness. Spray it on a cloth and wipe thoroughly. Rinse well.

cigarette ash

Boil a precious metal in water with the addition of cigarette ash. For the best effect, add citric acid to the water.

Cosmetic powder

Powder will help only in case of fresh pollution. Apply it to a cotton pad or sponge and wipe the products. Rinse them well with cool water.

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The eraser will perfectly cope with the plaque. Choose soft rubber bands so that there is no strong abrasive effect. Wipe off plaque, wash off its remnants with water.

With the help of special cosmetics

A special silver cleaner can be in the form of a liquid, spray, cream or wipes soaked in a solution. Some cosmetics contain harsh chemicals. They are harmful to human health during prolonged contact with them and can corrode silver if they are overexposed or not washed off completely. Read the ingredients carefully when choosing a product. Liquid is good for small items, and cream is best used for large ones. Apply the product to a special soft cloth and clean the items. Rinse them well under running water.

High-quality ultrasonic cleaning

An ultrasonic bath will help remove contaminants of any origin. Pour the cleaning liquid into the bath up to the level of the indicator. Do not use flammable liquids or bleaches as they may damage the tub. Immerse the silver in the bath, turn it on. After 5-7 minutes, remove it and rinse well with water.

How to clean darkened silver in a jewelry workshop

In the jewelry workshop, the metal is cleaned in an ultrasonic bath. The service costs from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the size of the products. Emerald jewelry should not be ultrasonically cleaned, as this stone is fragile and can break. Poorly fixed stones can fly out, so you can notice them in advance and insert them immediately in the workshop. Professional cleaning will restore the brightness of any product.

How to choose a cleaning method

The choice of cleaning method depends on several factors:

  • product sample;
  • other metals, if it is an alloy;
  • the size;
  • degree of pollution;
  • the presence of precious stones / gilding / enamel.

For products with stones

Try to avoid strong contamination on products with stones and wash them in soapy water once a month. If you do not have the opportunity to do professional cleaning or use by special means, prepare the solution. Dilute a few drops of ammonia with water and laundry soap, soak a cotton swab with the solution and wipe the jewelry. Try not to touch the stone. Light dirt can be removed with alcohol or cologne. If the product is with pearls, rinse it in a saline solution.

For gilded silver

Do not use brushes or coarse fabrics to remove dirt from gilded silver. Soak the products in a soapy solution, a solution of ammonia (two tablespoons per half liter of water) or vinegar (in the same proportions). After soaking for half an hour, rinse the gilded silver and rub with suede.

For enamel products

You can clean such jewelry either with a mild soap solution or with a mixture of toothpaste and ammonia. Do not rub the jewelry too hard to avoid cracking.

For blackened silver

Silver with blackening does not need to be brushed or polished with a rag, along with plaque, you risk removing the decorative coating. Dissolve a few grams of soap, one teaspoon of baking soda and two glasses of water. Soak the silver in the solution for 30-40 minutes. Dry it naturally. Another blackened silver solution can be made from water and raw potatoes. Grate 1-2 raw potatoes on a fine grater and pour them with a liter of water. Leave the rings, chains or earrings in the solution for 3-4 hours. Dry your jewelry.

For matte silver

For matte silver, a soap solution is suitable. Soak silver in it, rinse and wipe with a soft cloth (suede is best).

Cleaning silverware and cutlery

For silverware any will do folk way. The most economical of these will be boiling cutlery and dishes in a soda solution. Dissolve 4 tablespoons in a liter of water, bring the solution to a boil. Throw a few pieces of foil and cutlery into the pot and boil them for 20-30 minutes. Remove the utensils, rinse under running water and dry them.

How to restore shine to dull jewelry after cleaning

Best of all, the chemical composition for polishing will cope with this task. In addition to them, Goya paste or aluminum will help restore shine. Rub the silver with Goy paste and polish with a woolen or suede cloth. For the second method, you will need pieces of aluminum (or a spoon), baking soda and boiling water. Place decorations, aluminum and a couple of teaspoons of baking soda in a container. Pour boiling water over everything and leave for half an hour. Jewelry will shine like the day you bought it.

Why does silver darken

Rhodium silver is less susceptible to external influences, so it practically does not darken. As for ordinary silver, there are several factors responsible for the formation of blackness:

  • high humidity;
  • interaction with sweaty or damp skin;
  • contact with cosmetics, household chemicals, rubber;
  • low quality silver;
  • non-compliance with storage rules.

What to do so that silver does not darken

There are several rules by which silver will not darken:

  1. Remove all jewelry or wear rubber gloves before cleaning or applying cream.
  2. Do not allow jewelry to come into contact with water.
  3. Do not spray perfume on places where silver is worn.
  4. Store jewelry in foil in a dry, dark place.

How not to ruin silver jewelry

Follow the rules for cleaning and storing silver so as not to spoil it. Always remove jewelry before physical work and at night.

How to properly store silver

Store silver separately from other metals and jewelry in a dry, dark, cool place. The box should be made of soft materials. It is best to store silver by wrapping it in foil.

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Each owner of silver jewelry, silverware and other products sooner or later faces the darkening of the metal. Also, an unpleasant green or blue coating may appear on the surface - in this case, only memories remain from the brilliance of beautiful things.

To restore silver to its former attractiveness, there is no need to use concentrated detergents. They can harm the metal, make the surface rough. It is better to use simple grandmother's ways. For example, experienced housewives recommend cleaning silver with foil.

Cleaning silver with foil is the most popular way.

Silver tarnishes and darkens over time. A common cause of discoloration is high performance humidity in the room where the product is stored. Jewelry changes its appearance when it comes into contact with human skin.

When cleaning silver jewelry and interior items, check if there are additional stones and details made from coral, amber and pearls. If yes, it is better to contact the master for cleaning. The items listed are chemically sensitive and can be severely damaged. It is highly undesirable to clean them at home with improvised means.

Processing silver products without stones with aluminum foil returns the well-groomed appearance to the metal and renews the surface. Follow step by step instructions cleaning silver from plaque, with a loss of luster, and the desired result will not be long in coming:

  1. Take a pan large enough to fit a silver item or jewelry.
  2. Pour a solution of baking soda into the container, diluting 200 grams of soda into 4 liters of water.
  3. The mixture will start bubbling, after half a minute the bubbling will stop.
  4. The prepared solution should completely cover the precious metal.
  5. A few minutes and the silver will shine with its former brilliance.
  6. It remains to get a silver product, rinse under running water and leave to dry naturally.

Thanks to easy way cleaning the precious metal with foil you will give the decoration new life without taking it out of the house.

How to clean silver with foil quickly, show in the video:

Alternative gentle silver cleaning options

Also, housewives share other, no less effective methods cleaning silver at home. For example, it is good to use ammonia. It does not react aggressively with the silver surface and can be purchased from a pharmacy without a prescription. In its pure form, ammonia is not used to clean surfaces, only diluted.

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of ammonia;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • it does not hurt to cut off a small piece of soap and also place it in water;
  • Hydrogen peroxide is a good soap substitute.

Thoroughly mix these components and dip the tarnished product into the container. After 15 minutes, the plaque will disappear, and you can admire the shiny little thing. If the silver is heavily oxidized, you will need to wait at least 1 hour. During this time, ammonia will saturate the surface well. The only negative is that if the precious metal is placed in ammonia for a long time, it can lose weight, the oxidized part will simply dissolve in the solution.

At home, it is realistic to use yogurt, raw potatoes, and even ashes to clean the precious metal. Curdled milk components contain lactic acid. It reacts and removes a dark film on the surface of a dull product.

The curdled milk is first heated, and then the decoration is immersed in it. Just a few minutes and it shines like new again. Ashes are used as an additional component to acids. Freshly squeezed, undiluted lemon juice is most often mixed with ashes.

Silver is cleaned with raw potatoes, after cutting the peel from the vegetable crop. Then the pulp is cut into slices and spread in a container with water. As the starch is released, the water will become cloudy. Just at this moment it is necessary to lower silver-plated things into the solution.

Cleaning with aggressive substances

Also for cleansing different types surfaces use citric acid. Ingredients to mix:

  • 200 grams of citric acid;
  • 1 liter of water.

The mixture is placed in a water bath, and the product is laid out on the bottom of the container. The saucepan in a water bath heats up gradually and evenly, this is an important advantage compared to conventional heating of the container. It is better if the silver is in a container with a piece copper wire. Wait for the water to boil, and then leave it on low heat for 15-30 minutes.

While the water is boiling, turn on the hood. Vapors may be harmful. The cleaned accessory is removed from the pan after the solution has cooled. Then it is thoroughly washed and wiped dry.

Greetings. The unique brilliance of products made of silver (Ag) is due to its white color and the ability to reflect 95% of the visible spectrum.

Pure metal is quite soft and easily changes shape, but is practically not subject to oxidation. To give strength to objects made of Ag, other components are added to the alloy, for example, copper. Because of this, the precious metal becomes susceptible to oxidation in order to maintain its radiance.

One way is to clean silver with baking soda and foil. I will tell you in what situations this processing method is appropriate, how not to harm the jewelry.

The following factors can lead to oxidation:

  • storage in a room with high humidity;
  • direct contact with household chemicals;
  • contact with metal cosmetics;
  • frequent contact with water (for example, if you take a bath without removing jewelry);
  • dirt deposited on a fatty base (sweat).

Copper, which is part of the alloy, reacts with sulfur contained in human sweat and air. It is because of the reaction to it that silver is covered with a dark thin layer of Ag25 (silver sulfide). The more impurities in the decoration, the more actively it darkens. Especially cutlery.

Is it possible to clean silver with baking soda and foil

Baking soda is an excellent absorbent correct use able to restore the lost radiance to silver. And together with the foil, it causes a combined chemical reaction that reverses the oxidative process.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

Unlike mechanical removal of dirt with polishes, which remove part of the precious metal along with plaque, cleaning with soda and foil has practically no drawbacks. The aluminum contained in the foil attracts the sulfur atoms, converting the Ag25 back into silver.

This cleaning method is suitable for openwork jewelry and twisted chains, because it allows you to remove plaque even in hard-to-reach places.

There is only one drawback - the subject may become cloudy.

Which samples will withstand such processing

Expert opinion

Vsevolod Kozlovsky

6 years in jewelry business. Knows everything about samples and can identify a fake in 12 seconds

The lower the sample of silver, the more it is prone to blackening. Pure silver is not prone to oxidation, which means that it does not need cleaning with soda and foil at all. Therefore, the method will be effective for 800, 830, 875 hallmarks. Rarely required for 925 and 960.

You should never clean gilded or blackened silver with this method, since along with unwanted contaminants, you can remove the decorative coating and the oxide layer..

How not to clean silver

Silver should not be treated with aggressive detergents, as instead of restoring shine, the opposite effect will occur.

Oxidized products and jewelry with pearls.

The use of hard brushes and sponges will scratch the coating, because silver is very sensitive to mechanical stress.

How to clean silver with baking soda and foil at home

This method of cleaning silver is the most gentle and affordable, since almost every home has a package of soda and foil for baking. And even if not, they can be purchased at the nearest mass market.

The full process, including boiling water, preparing and waiting for the result, will take no more than 10 minutes.

Precautionary measures

Some advise cleaning jewelry in boiling water along with baking soda and foil, but this is not necessary because pieces of material can peel off and damage the jewelry.

If objects with stones or pearls require purification, then this method should be abandoned so as not to spoil their appearance.

Cleaning Solution Recipes

For 1 liter of hot water you need 50 gr. soda. You can dissolve the powder in an already heated liquid, stirring thoroughly, or add it before boiling. No more additional components are required.

Solution preparation

The reaction is faster when the solution is warm, and even better - boiling water.

You need to act according to the following scheme:

  • add sodium bicarbonate to water and mix thoroughly;
  • lay foil in the prepared container at the bottom;
  • lay out the decoration;
  • pour the resulting mixture;
  • wait 3-5 minutes;
  • take out the product and rinse under water;
  • polish.

You can also use another method:

  • cover the bottom with foil;
  • put decoration;
  • fill with the required amount of soda;
  • to fill with water.

If not all blackening has been removed, the procedure can be repeated until the desired result is obtained.

Preparing jewelry for cleaning

Before processing, it is necessary to wipe the product from dust and rinse under warm water.

cleaning process

The reaction between Ag25 and aluminum occurs only when they come into contact. Therefore, covering the surface of the bowl with foil, you need to lay out a blackened object on it. Only then soda is added and everything is poured with boiling water (or a ready-made soda solution).

The compound transfers the sulfur from the silver to the aluminum so the Ag25 can attach to the foil or be converted into small flakes. Since a weak force is formed between the connected components electric charge, during the reaction, hissing begins and foam rises. That's why the best place there will be a sink for the procedure.

If the product is cloudy, you should use a soft fleece cloth and remove the sediment.

How to return shine to silver in 3 minutes, see the video:

Other cleaning methods

Soda solution can be used not only with foil.

For 0.5 liters of hot water and 2 tbsp. l. soda can be added:

  • 100 ml 6% vinegar and 2 tsp. salt (leave for 10 minutes, rinse and wipe);
  • 1 tsp salt (leave for 3-5 minutes, then rinse and wipe);
  • 2 tbsp. l. ammonia (dip in the composition for 15 minutes, wash, wipe);
  • ammonia and tooth powder in a ratio of 5:2:2 (apply with a soft brush, remove blackening, rinse and wipe).

If there was neither soda nor foil at home, but there is lemon acid, then you can use it to clean silver:

  • dissolve in 0.5 ml of water 100 gr. substances;
  • put on fire and bring to a boil;
  • soak the decoration in a water bath for 15-30 minutes;
  • rinse and dry thoroughly.

For silver without impurities, the following recipe is suitable:

  • mix ammonia and 3% hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions;
  • add 1 tsp. soda;
  • mix;
  • lower jewelry for 15-20 minutes;
  • cutlery - for 60 minutes.

In addition to improvised means, you can purchase special chemicals designed to clean silver.

How to clean stone jewelry

They absolutely do not tolerate cleaning with soda and foil products containing:

  • pearl;
  • amber;
  • ivory;
  • corals.

It is best to entrust such jewelry to the masters, since these elements are sensitive to any impact.

An additional way to clean silver from contamination with precious and semi-precious stones is soaking in soapy water for an hour, followed by brushing with a toothbrush. Be sure to polish with a soft cloth at the end.

Rules for the care and storage of silver products

It is necessary as blackening or at least once a year.

At the same time, jewelry must be stored in a dry place, away from medicines, cosmetics, perfumery and household chemicals. It is good if these are special cases or jewelry boxes. And storage in foil can protect silver from moisture, mechanical damage, and oxidation.

Before cleaning, washing dishes, taking a bath and using face and body creams, jewelry must be removed.

Silver items that are rarely used, so they need to be cleaned every two months.


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Silver becomes a great alternative to gold when it comes to jewelry, photo frames and tourist souvenirs such as spoons.

Silver is a shiny, elegant, inexpensive material that is as valuable as gold. But silver, like gold, requires regular cleaning to keep its attractiveness, and now we will tell you how to clean silver with foil.

Cleaning silver with aluminum foil is a tried and tested way to protect your investment. In our guide you will learn how to clean silver with foil.

Why silver tarnishes

All silver coins tarnish, whether they are sterling silver or silver plated. Tarnishing occurs because silver reacts chemically with sulfur in the air to form silver sulfide.

The combination of aluminum, soda, salt and hot water changes the properties of the chemical reaction, which allows you to remove silver sulfide from its surface. Cleaning silver with foil can be a fun process to brighten up the weekend with your kids. Not only will you be able to teach a science lesson on your own, you will also pure silver as a result.

Silver Cleaning Tools

To clean silver with aluminum foil, you will need the following materials:

  • Silver to be cleaned
  • A saucepan or plate deep enough to fill with hot water and cover the silverware.
  • 2 cups baking soda
  • About a quarter cup of salt
  • Toothbrush with soft bristles
  • Soft, lint-free cloth

Cleaning process

Line the pot or plate with aluminum foil, making sure it covers the bottom of the container completely. Also, make sure that the sides of the pot/plate are also lined with aluminum foil if the silverware comes into contact with them.

Pour enough hot (but not boiling) water into a saucepan to cover the dirty silverware. Add soda and salt, stir evenly throughout the container. If you want, you can rotate the pan around its axis to mix the baking soda and salt, but this decision is not really necessary.

The chemical reaction will occur regardless of the quality of dissolution of the ingredients in water. Leave the silver in the water for 5-10 minutes. Once the soak is complete, remove the silver item from the pot/dish and gently scrub it with a soft bristled toothbrush to remove any sulfate residue and dirt that has not been washed off before. Rinse cold water and wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.

Consistency adjustment

Please note that the amount of baking soda and salt you add to your water container will depend on the size and quantity (volume) silver item to be cleared.

For example, if you're going to clean one tiny, silver spoon you bought on a weekend wine tour in Napa, you can use 1/4 cup baking soda and a tablespoon of salt.

Start with a little baking soda and salt to clean your silver with baking soda and foil. You can always add more if soaking doesn't work.

At all times, women loved to wear jewelry made of expensive metal. The most affordable of these metals is silver. In ancient times, people gave it a symbolic meaning. They believed that this metal had magical abilities, protected from evil forces. Therefore, it is especially popular. Unfortunately, with the constant wearing of your favorite rings or earrings, they fade. Having lost their shine, they no longer look as attractive as new ones. Cutlery, which is the pride of housewives, has the same fate.

A discoloration or loss of gloss occurs especially quickly when a product comes into contact with sulfur compounds contained in some cosmetics and detergents.

How to prolong the radiance of such things? You can qualitatively clean expensive metal with improvised means without special financial costs. Regular baking soda and foil will help with this. Sodium bicarbonate has alkaline properties, thanks to which it will easily remove fatty components, traces of corrosion and dirt deposits, in addition, it has antibacterial properties. Soda can always be found in the kitchen or in the nearest store.

Causes of the problem

Over time, silver things fade, black spots appear on them. There are several reasons for the loss of initial attractiveness:

  • increased humidity of the environment;
  • cosmetics with sulfur content;
  • excretion of sweat by a person.

Although silver is resistant to acids, it is highly responsive to the effects of hydrogen sulfide found in the air. If sulfur-containing cosmetics get on the surface, black spots appear. Human sweat secretions have the same effect on this metal, and an excess of nitrogen in the body causes it to darken. This information has been proven by scientists during experiments.

Preparatory stage

Before cleaning silver, a number of preparatory procedures are required. It must be rid of the top layer of contamination, degrease the surface. For this, ordinary detergent is perfect. For best results, use brushes or hard sponges.

When any additions are used in the jewelry, in addition to metal, for example, coral, amber inserts or pearls, it is not recommended to clean it yourself.

A well-washed metal surface reacts better with a soda solution. Since silver is a very soft metal, cleaning too vigorously can damage its surface, leaving scratches. Do not forget that when cleaning the surface with spraying, you need to be extremely careful. If overdone, the coating can be completely removed.

Silver will be completely restored due to the ability of aluminum foil to react with silver sulfide

It is strictly forbidden to clean things with sharp objects, even in hard-to-reach places. This method can ruin your favorite thing.

Get rid of stains and dirt

Refresh silver jewelry specialized tools will help. You can buy such substances in jewelry stores, household departments of supermarkets. But worthy of their replacement folk ways.

One of the effective folk recipes- cleaning silver with soda and foil. The method is quite fast, simple and does not require special financial costs, because all the components can be found at home.

To prepare the product, you need to dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda in half a liter of water. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Add a small piece of foil to boiling water. Then place in the product solution. Keep them for a few minutes, gently stirring with a wooden stick. On the final stage remove the decorations with a fork, rinse well under running water. If desired, you can polish them with a soft cloth. After such a procedure, the cleaned products will be like new - clean and sparkling.

The second method differs slightly. In an aluminum bowl of water, add equal parts baking soda and salt, as well as a small amount of detergent with liquid texture soap. In this mixture, it is necessary to boil the products for half an hour.

When silver cutlery turns black, with the help of improvised means they can be saved. Take a deep bowl, spread foil on its bottom, spread the forks and spoons evenly. Sprinkle 3 tablespoons baking soda on top and cover with foil. Then pour so much into the bowl boiled water so that it covers the entire structure. After twenty minutes, the devices must be removed, rinsed with cold water. This procedure will clean their surfaces from plaque and stubborn dirt.

Remember to thoroughly dry and wipe the silver after the cleaning procedure.

There is another method for cleaning silver, it is considered one of the most effective. It will require sodium bicarbonate and tooth powder. To prepare a solution, mix these components, add ammonia. It is recommended to clean jewelry with this mixture using a soft brush, you can use an old toothbrush. After the procedure, rinse everything under running water.

Do not forget that not every piece of jewelry can be succumbed to the silver cleaning procedure. Black and filigree things will deteriorate in the process. Since blackness gives the product a special sophistication, it would not be the best solution to get rid of it.

Solution for products with stone

To update appearance products with inserts, more gentle methods must be used. On sale there are special solutions that do not harm the decoration. In addition, such substances create a protective shell. But their price will not greatly please thrifty housewives. Especially since it's in the archive. folk methods there are analogues to such products that clean silver with soda.

  • grated laundry soap;
  • a glass of plain water;
  • a few drops of ammonia.

Mix all the ingredients together, bring to a boil. After the mixture has cooled, brush the rings or earrings with it using a soft brush. Black deposits around the stone can be easily removed with cotton swab dipped in this solution. At the end of the process, rinse the products with water.

Prevention and protection

In order not to often have to resort to harsh methods of saving jewelry, they must be properly stored. To do this, you can use caskets or plastic bags with a sealed clasp. To protect products from moisture, it is recommended to use special bags, such as those used for shoe boxes.

Those jewelry that are worn only on special occasions are recommended to be stored in a dry place, after wrapping each of them in a piece of foil. Such a simple method will protect the thing from oxidation, extend its service life.