Lunar manicure horoscope for August

Let August last month summer, but one of the most pleasant, warm, blooming. For some, this is an opportunity to take a vacation, for others a chance to be outdoors more often, because autumn is ahead. And for some, the opportunity to observe the moon, its changes, its influence on nature and humans. Therefore, let's find out what the lunar calendar will be for August 2016. This month it has the following phases:

August 1 – the moon wanes;
August 2 – new moon;
August 3 – 9 – time of the waxing moon;
August 10 – first quarter;
August 11 – 17 – the moon is growing;
August 18 – full moon;
August 19 – 24 – the moon wanes;
August 25 – third quarter;
August 26 – 31 – the moon wanes.

Based on these phases, you can determine the level of danger (luck) of a particular period of time.

To learn more about the influence of zodiac signs and the time of moonrise or moonset, you can use the table below.

Lunar calendar for August 2016 - main characteristics

It is worth noting that literally from the first day the lunar calendar begins with a new moon, which in principle is not bad. Despite the fact that the new moon is a critical point requiring calm and peace of mind, it is also a new beginning.

The first days of the lunar calendar in August are favorable both for summing up the work of the past month and for planning the next period. Here it is important to ensure that all unfinished matters are completed, and the problems left behind are resolved. In addition, it would be a good idea to comprehend the results of the work done, draw a general outline and draw some conclusions. With rethinking will come new ideas and thoughts to solve the important challenges ahead.

After the new moon, further planning of fresh projects will be beneficial and will be a wonderful help in your main activities. For a change, you can do visualization - make a wish, which in the future, perhaps, will bring good luck and come true.

A few days after the new moon, the opportunity arises to develop your own strategy for solving your goals and objectives. The waxing moon is a time for detailed study of plans, projects, ideas, and painstaking, labor-intensive work. It is too early to talk about the beginning of any serious decisions or rash, rapid actions, since there is not enough strength, both physical and moral, for clear and rapid activity. Inner strength has also not yet increased to its peak, so it is worth waiting a little until the lunar calendar shows more favorable phase and not do anything important. It is worth preserving the accumulated energy for as long as possible, because it will still be needed to solve upcoming problems and overcome obstacles that cannot be avoided.

The second quarter of the lunar cycle (after August 11) is characterized by a rise in vital energy, internal uplift, finding balance and inner harmony. It's time to act, turn your plans into reality, put your intentions into action, achieve your goals and objectives. Now the lunar calendar for August 2016 shows that the climax is coming, all the energy and vitality are at the peak of concentration and maximum rise. Now you can make important, difficult decisions that can later become fateful. From now on, only from decisions made and the direction of action depends on future life.

Do not forget about obstacles or obstacles along the way, which can also play a decisive role. Having overcome all difficulties, you can achieve unprecedented success in your work, personal life or family.

After hard work and active actions, the energy level decreases, the body begins to overcome fatigue. As a result of using up one’s strength, the time comes to restore it, strengthen the body, and achieve internal harmony. During this period of the lunar calendar, it is important to get rid of stress and get into a healthy mood.

The critical point will be the full moon, which entails various consequences (injuries, misfortunes, losses, breakdowns, etc.). It makes no sense to take any active actions, but it is better to seek help from wellness procedures, peace of mind and home comfort.

At the end of the month, it is better to pay attention to family and household chores, analyze the work done, and draw the necessary conclusions. This will help in further work, lead to success and meet your hopes and goals.

Lunar calendar for August 2016 by day

To understand the calendar for each day separately, you can view its characteristics below.

August 1– A day for health promotion and health promotion measures. There is no need to do any labor-intensive work. Ideal for doing housework or gardening. This is not the time to create a new look.

August 2– Today the lunar calendar shows an unfavorable day for planning, solving various kinds of problems or vigorous activity. In general, the day should pass in a calm, peaceful atmosphere. Favorable shades are all combinations of white and black.

August 3rd– On this day, the lunar calendar indicates the time for fulfilling promises and obligations. It will be productive to work on your bad habits or mistakes. There is no need to start quarrels or start conflicts today. A trip to the hairdresser should be postponed, as this is fraught with health complications.

August 4– Again, the lunar calendar suggests an unfavorable day, this time for major purchases and trips to the beauty salon. The day is suitable for mental work, martial arts, going to a fitness club, or doing exercises. fresh air. Light and red tones of clothing will add self-confidence.

5th of August– A suitable time for entrepreneurial activity and communication with nature. It is highly undesirable to change your image, as this may result in a feeling of dissatisfaction or dissatisfaction.

August 6– According to the lunar calendar for August 2016, now is a great time to spend time at home with your family. It is also favorable to go on trips, travel or change your image. A radical change in appearance will help advance your career and attract good luck. Pastel shades will become the best companions of the day.

August 7– A day for making appointments, making responsible and important decisions in life. Don't hesitate, it's time to do it now. You can also take part in some social events. To enhance success, it is recommended to seek help from classic style clothes.

8 August– The main thing today is to concentrate on the main things. For the day to bring success, you need to intensify your activities to the maximum. You can do labor-intensive work or put your skills into practice.

August 9Moon calendar Today will please you, because this is a day of surprises and surprises. Everything that was planned earlier may now go completely differently than we would like. It is important to be prepared for any circumstances. Coral shades are appropriate in the wardrobe today.

10th of August– The right moment to start a new journey. Going to beauty salons should be postponed, as it can harm your internal state. Peace and tranquility are the main aspects of today. And since August is the time to travel, you can listen to the lunar calendar and take an interesting walk.

11th August– Time to forgive grievances, resolve conflicts and disputes. A day for a peaceful environment, as well as for communication with loved ones, visiting relatives and friends. Starting your own business or project can be favorable.

12th of August– The lunar calendar shows the right day for moving to a new place, traveling or changing jobs. A visit to a hairdresser or makeup artist will help improve your appearance and establish yourself in a new place. Vivid image and a stylish wardrobe is now extremely important for future activities.

August 13– Today the lunar calendar indicates a time for charity, visiting friends and relatives. However, it is important to remember that any rash act can turn into evil. We must not forget about the possible consequences.

August 14– A great day for a picnic or a country trip to nature. Also, the culinary experiments of this day may pleasantly surprise you. Today's favorable colors are all shades of green or blue.

August 15– An ideal time to solve accumulated problems and questions that require immediate answers. You must try to avoid sadness and depression.

August 16– Today the lunar calendar warns of possible various obstacles on the way, but you should not despair or indulge in laziness or pessimism. Restore strength and resort to wellness procedures - perfect solution. Yellow today will have the best effect on your mood.

August 17– A day for reports, summing up and assessing the current situation. It is necessary to complete all important matters and solve existing problems, because the full moon stage is approaching. A noble combination of white and green colors in clothes will help you get in the right mood.

August 18– This is a day for creativity, as well as calm, measured work. Drastic decisions should be abandoned due to possible failure or failure. The lunar calendar shows that the day should be measured and even, without emotional outbursts.

August 19– On this day, it is important to listen to common opinion and show understanding to the people around you. Strengthening your immune system will help prevent the development of a new disease. Today it is recommended to wear more clothes with warm shades white or lilac.

August 20– The lunar calendar showed that the day has come for household chores and walks in the fresh air. Strength testing is possible. It is important not to give up your own positions and defend your opinion. Red colors in your wardrobe will be very appropriate for today's adventures.

August 21– It is necessary to take measures to improve your health. You should put off routine affairs for another time, and today prove yourself in sports or some kind of competition. It is useful to diversify the menu, or switch to proper nutrition.

August 22– The lunar calendar shows that this day is suitable for making fateful decisions (marriage, changing jobs). Today it is important to maintain peace and friendliness with the people around you.

August 23– It’s a favorable time to go to the hairdresser, so for those who have long wanted to change their image, the lunar calendar gives this chance. In addition, this is a very suitable time to improve your level of education, study, gain experience and acquire new skills. The color scheme of this day is closer to sea color, as well as to the color of golden ocher.

24 August– It is highly undesirable to attend public events, hold business meetings, or family gatherings. Time to find inner balance, change appearance, creating a new image or style.

25-th of August– The lunar calendar opens up a wonderful day for communication; it is successful in terms of new acquaintances. And also today not bad time for home cleaning and getting rid of unnecessary things. You can diversify the day with a visit to the bathhouse or sauna, perhaps, classes in the pool.

August, 26th– The accumulation of resources will become very useful activity. Today, the lunar calendar suggests that it is important to lay the foundation for the coming period. This could be collecting information, gaining experience, strengthening the home and creating an atmosphere of stability in life.

August 27– Day of harmony, inner balance and peace. Communication with nature and animals is beneficial. By resorting to memories from the past, you can learn a very useful life lesson. For this day of the lunar calendar, all shades of blue and green, as well as wood tones, are suitable. You should avoid visiting hairdressers and beauty salons.

August 28– Today the lunar calendar says that a clear understanding of what is happening is important. You should avoid confusion and vagueness in relationships and affairs. You should also avoid overexertion and heavy loads. Yellow color is what will help you make a choice in a difficult situation.

August 29– Haircuts of any length are favorable, which means that those who did not have time to take care of changing their image, do not miss this chance. The day of the lunar calendar is intended for rest and healing of the body. This could be a trip to the sea or treatment in a sanatorium, which will help improve your health and improve your overall condition.

August 30– The lunar calendar strongly recommends controlling your emotions so as not to worsen the situation. The day promotes a profitable purchase. You can use all the heavenly shades in your wardrobe, which will attract good luck.

August 31– A suitable time for normal daily activities. The motto of today is the road to optimism! This will invigorate you and help you implement your future plans.

And yet, in order to achieve your goals, you should not blindly rely on the lunar calendar for August 2016, you need to make your contribution to the development of events happening in life. Remember that the lunar calendar simply helps you adjust a particular day to your tasks and goals. This is just one of the few means to achieve your goals. Good luck to you in this wonderful summer month.

See forecasts for lunar calendars for other months:

Lunar calendar for 2016

Visit to the hairdresser

4-8, 9 (before 7:55), 14 (after 7:15), 15-17, 18 (before 19:35), 23-24, 29 (after 11:15), August 30.

Hair cut between August 4 and August 17 will grow back faster. On 1, 19-31 it is worth making an appointment with a hairdresser for those for whom it is more important that their hair grows slower and that their hair retains its shape longer.

A hairstyle done on August 4 (before 10:35) or August 30, during the passage of the Moon through the sign of Leo, will give the visual effect of greater hair thickness.

If the hairstyle requires clear lines, haircuts with ladders and thinning are suggested; for going to the hairdresser, it is better to choose August 4 (after 10:35), 5, 6 (before 20:00), when the Moon will move through the sign of Virgo.

14 (after 7:15), 15, 16 (before 14:55) are suitable for a haircut or hairstyle in a classic style.

At 16 (after 14:55), 17 and 18 (before 19:35, the Moon is in Aquarius at this time), 25-26 (moon transit through the sign of Gemini) are worth paying attention to if you want to experiment with your appearance appearance

August 2-3 (New Moon period), 18 (after 19:35), 19 and 20 (Moon in Pisces), 27-28 and (before 11:15) 29 (Moon in Cancer), 31 (day before the New Moon) .

Impact on hair using strong chemicals(coloring, extensions, long-term styling and curling) should not be done on August 9-11, 18 (after 19:35), August 19, 20.

From any experiments in terms of a radical change in image, going to new salon or to a new master we abstain during periods of the Moon without a course: 4 (7:15-10:35), 6 (6:20-20:00), 8 (after 20:40), 9 (before 7:55), 16 (5:45-14:55), August 18 (12:25-19:35).

Visit to a cosmetologist

Procedures aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the skin should be carried out between August 3-17.

Cleansing procedures and manipulations to eliminate obvious skin defects will be most effective on August 1-2 and 19-31.

August 1 and 2 will be successful for cosmetic surgeries. In the second half of the month (starting from the 16th) you should refrain from any surgical interventions.

August 21 and 22 are unlucky for any procedures in the facial area, and August 23 and 24 are unlucky for any procedures in the neck and décolleté area.

Undesirable: 3-18.

Extreme caution should be exercised when working with any sharp, cutting objects on August 21-22.

Caution in the use of chemicals will be required on August 9-11, 18 (after 19:35), 19, 20 August.

Treatment and preventive procedures at a periodontist will most effectively take place on August 1-2, 25-31.

You should refrain from any dental treatment on August 14, 15 and (until 14:55) August 16, except for cases requiring urgent intervention from a specialist.


A massage for the purpose of relaxation, relieving cramps, and removing harmful substances is best timed to coincide with August 1-2 and 19-31.

At the same time, anti-cellulite massage will bring greater effect.

Removal nervous tension easily achievable if the massage course falls on the 16th (after 14:55), 17, 18 (before 19:35), 25, 26 of the month.

For treatment by a chiropractor, 4 (after 10:35), 5, 6 (before 20:00), 14 (after 7:15), 15, 16 (before 14:55), 23, 24, 31 ( after 18:25) August.

Fighting excess weight

1-2, and also after August 18, you will be able to lose weight without any particular strain on the body, observing moderation at every meal and giving yourself basic physical activity.

On August 2-3, as well as on August 31, it would be useful to arrange fasting days, and in the absence of contraindications, it is worth fasting. Try to drink more fluids at this time (plain clean water, tea without sugar, herbal infusions, freshly squeezed juices).

During the period August 3-17, if possible, we try to have the last meal no later than 4 hours before going to bed; in addition, at this time you should not limit yourself to drinking, plain clean water, green tea, herbal decoctions ( in the presence of medical contraindications).

On August 17-19, fruit and vegetable, juice or any other mono-diet suitable for you is indicated.

The time indicated everywhere is Moscow (GMT+4).

Moon phases in August 2016

September 1, at 12:04 – New Moon conjugate with an annular Solar eclipse, at 10 degrees Virgo.

The forecast contains only general recommendations, which are based on the lunar phases, as well as the transits of the Moon according to the signs of the Zodiac. Indicators of an individual horoscope can make significant adjustments to this forecast. Therefore, in cases where there is a need to choose the time for a particular action, taking into account all transit influences, as well as indicators of the natal chart, it would be useful to seek individual advice.

Your hair color will stay gorgeous and vibrant for a long time if you choose the right day to color it. From our article you will learn when, according to astrologers, it is best to visit the hairdresser.

August 1: the influence of the Cancer Sign makes the first day of August unfavorable for hair coloring. The fact is that the result will not be at all what you expected. Moreover, chemical exposure to hair can ultimately ruin its structure and cause harm. But you can decide on a hair color that suits your Zodiac Sign.

August 2 and 3: The coloring will be very successful. Leo, which has entered into force, will allow you to maintain a beautiful, rich color for a long time and cause as little damage as possible to your hair. It is especially favorable during this period to paint yourself in golden shades.

August 4, 5 and 6: The moon will move into the constellation Virgo. Toning, coloring and covering your gray hair during this period will help you feel more comfortable and confident in the workplace. However, you will achieve such success only by using natural dyes.

August 7th and 8th: During the period of influence of the Sign of Libra, it is advisable to dye your hair in a color that is not very different from your natural shade. Otherwise, multiple discord may arise in the family and in relationships with loved ones.

August 9, 10 and 11: Coloring during the influence of Scorpio can greatly harm your hair. Therefore, astrologers recommend postponing it. On the other hand, using natural dyes, you will even give yourself beauty and charisma. Light hair coloring is not prohibited.

August 12 and 13: It is recommended to be careful with coloring. The Sagittarius sign does not have a very clear effect on hair structure. Painting with vegetable dyes can help your bosses like you. However, the color is unlikely to last long.

August 14, 15 and 16: The Moon will move into the sphere of influence of Capricorn. This Sign is suitable for tinting and covering gray hair, choose any colors you want. Astrologers say that color natural dyes will attract wealth to your home. If you choose a bright hairstyle, you will attract good luck in love.

August 17 and 18: time to conduct the most extravagant experiments on hair. The influence of the Aquarius sign will allow flowers and the most daring hairstyles to last for a long time. And if you choose dark colors or paint yourself black, you will save yourself from a lot of worries and problems. You can also use signs that will help attract good luck with the help of hair.

August 19 and 20: The Sign of Pisces will come into force. Hair can be damaged very easily, so it is better to avoid dyeing these days. Carry out strengthening and healing procedures. You will notice the result almost immediately.

August 21 and 22: The coloring will be successful, so don’t deny yourself a visit to the salon. The Moon will move into the Sign of Aries, so you can attract good luck in work matters. To do this, choose either natural dyes or a bright shade of red.

August 23 and 24: great days for any type of coloring. The paint will adhere well to White hair. Taurus has a very positive effect on hair, so you don’t have to be afraid of damaging it. If you choose a light tone, important people will soon appear in your life.

August 25 and 26: Astrologers advise painting your house with the help of someone close to you. The Gemini sign will help you attract a positive attitude in this way for a long time.

August 27 and 28: From an energetic point of view, it is better not to dye your hair on this day, as you may encounter unexpected problems and conflicts. Moreover, due to the influence of the Cancer constellation, the hair can be severely damaged.

August 29, 30 and 31: you can change your hair color to the opposite: the Leo sign in this case will fill you with luck, which will also help attract monetary wealth. Any actions with hair these days will be successful.

Since these favorable days for hair coloring are not always suitable for cutting hair, be sure to check the most favorable days for visiting the hairdresser. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.07.2016 04:29

A manicure calendar will help you look great in 2019. Everyone will find in it useful recommendations, which...

Lunar calendar of haircuts, hair coloring, manicure and pedicure, hair removal and depilation for August 2016

Very soon the holiday season will end and many will be forced to return to their jobs. It is the awareness of this fact that already in August many begin to feel blues about the passing summer. And in vain, because in August the sun is not so aggressive, and on the shelves you can find an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain many vitamins and beneficial microelements. You need to make the most of this, but, again, with caution, and select procedures depending on your individual characteristics. But don’t forget to look at the Lunar calendar of haircuts, hair coloring, manicure and pedicure, hair removal and depilation for August 2016, where you will find many necessary recommendations for caring for your body and health.

Favorable days for haircuts in August 2016 - 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 24, 28, 29, 30 August.
Unfavorable days for haircuts in August 2016 are August 2, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27.
Favorable days for painting in August 2016 are August 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30.
Unfavorable days for painting in August 2016 are August 2, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 31.
Favorable days for manicure and pedicure in August 2016 are August 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31.
Unfavorable days for manicure and pedicure in August 2016 - August 1, 2, 4, 9, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29.
Favorable days for facial care in August 2016 are August 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 28, 29, 30.
Unfavorable days for facial care in August 2016 are August 2, 4, 8, 14, 18, 22, 23, 25, 26.
Favorable days for hair removal and depilation in August 2016 are August 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 30, 31.
Unfavorable days for hair removal and depilation in August 2016 - August 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28.

Lunar calendar for haircuts, hair coloring, hair removal and depilation, facial care for August 2016
August 1, 2016 Monday
28th lunar day Waning Moon
Moon in Cancer

Haircut - a haircut today will not only significantly speed up hair growth, but also improve its condition and quality.
Hair coloring - you can lighten and tint your hair.
Mani Pedi - bad omen Today, breaking a nail is considered different from cutting it off. Be careful.
Facial care - nourishing face masks will give a good effect.

Haircut - on this day it is better not to cut your hair or do any hair treatments, even if it is an ordinary mask that you always do. Because the hair can become damaged and begin to split.
Manicure, pedicure - by cutting your nails today, you are shortening your life.
Facial care - do not forget about light moisturizing creams.

Haircut is a very good day for a haircut. Especially if you want your hair to become thicker and grow faster.
Hair coloring - only in a beauty salon.
Manicure, pedicure - bright shades of varnish will bring you joy and good mood for all day.
Facial care - today it is favorable to care for the skin around the eyes.

Haircut - after today's visit to the hairdresser, not only will your hair grow faster, its splitting will stop, but you will also soon have a pleasant acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex. The main thing is to have time to grab luck by the tail.
Hair coloring - today you can afford bright and non-standard coloring.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today is prohibited, as it leads to failure.
Facial care - complex cosmetic hardware procedures are not recommended; the desired effect may not be achieved.

Haircut - after today's visit to the hairdresser, your hair will, of course, grow faster, but it will be difficult to style it in the usual way for a very long time.
Hair coloring - you can dye your hair only in dark color and only natural dyes.
Manicure, pedicure - a manicure done today will attract failures and evil, calculating people into your life. There is a possibility of making an enemy.
Facial care - we make nourishing face masks using proven creams.

A haircut will have a good effect on your well-being.
Hair coloring - today, the color you choose will suit you perfectly.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today will bring harmony to your life. family relationships.
Facial care - rejuvenating masks with honey, chamomile extract.

Haircut - any experiments with hair promise good luck.
Hair coloring - you can color your hair, it is better to choose natural colors.
Manicure, pedicure - if you get a manicure or pedicure today before 10 am, doubts and worries will go away from your head, and after that it’s better not to do any procedures, as there is a risk of damage nail plates.
Facial care - a consultation with a cosmetologist today will be informative and fruitful.

Haircut - cutting and coloring are undesirable today, but you can simply trim your hair.
Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today if you want to get rid of loneliness and find love.
Facial care - do not carry out complex procedures.

August 9, 2016 Tuesday
8th lunar day Waxing Moon
Moon in Scorpio Unfavorable day

Hair coloring - refrain from any procedures.
Manicure and pedicure are a wonderful day for experimenting with nails.
Facial care - do not overload your facial skin with cosmetics.

A haircut is the day when small changes are simply necessary.
Hair coloring - only proven hair shades.
Manicure, pedicure - today you can paint your nails with bright shades.
Facial care - it’s good to make berry and fruit masks.

Haircut - get a haircut - and you will become the most charming and attractive.
Hair coloring - it is better to have coloring done by a trusted hairdresser.
Manicure, pedicure is a neutral day, so you can get a manicure, pedicure, extensions - this will not affect your destiny in any way and will not harm you.
Facial treatment - pore cleansing and removal age spots.
Epilation, depilation - reschedule the hair removal procedure for another day - a very dangerous time, as there is a risk of irritation and discomfort for the whole day.

Haircut - if you don't want problems, wait a while with the haircut.
Hair coloring - no need to color your hair, otherwise there is a risk of getting sick.
Manicure, pedicure - take baths for healthy nails.
Facial care - you can try new creams and masks.
Epilation, depilation - a good day for hair removal - everything will go very quickly and painlessly, and the effect will be long-lasting.

Haircut - a haircut today will significantly slow down the process of hair growth, but it can attract more people into your life. interesting people, as well as fill your days with bright events that you will not regret.
Hair coloring - dark shades will bring peace and harmony into your life.
Manicure, pedicure - doing a manicure or pedicure today means a cold and fatigue.
Facial care is a favorable day for removing warts and moles.
Epilation, depilation - a bad day for hair removal and depilation - the specialist will not be very good and not only will the hair grow back quickly, but there is also a risk of running into rudeness. Therefore, it is worth considering whether you need it at all.

Haircut - a new hairstyle will help create the image of a strong, independent, proactive woman.
Hair coloring - you can do light highlighting and coloring.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today makes you vulnerable to enemies.
Facial care - today try not to overload your facial skin with cosmetics.
Epilation, depilation - refuse this procedure, since any mistake, either on your part or on the part of the master, will bring bad consequences that will take a very long time to correct.

Haircut - a haircut on such days makes the hair beautiful, fluffy and silky.
Hair coloring is a good day to dye your hair bronze shades.
Manicure, pedicure - a manicure on this day will bring success in the business you have started.
Facial care - the need for the use of tonic alcohol-containing products, creams and masks is increasing.
Epilation, depilation - you can even do hair removal at home yourself, and you don’t have to worry about experimenting with hair removal and depilation products - today they are safe.

Haircut - it is better to give preference to voluminous styling, and refuse a haircut.
Hair coloring - coloring at this time may interfere with your plans.
Manicure, pedicure - it is better to refrain from manicure, but today you need to take more care of the skin of your hands.
Facial care is a good day to undergo various investigations and diagnostics, skin type studies, and preparation for cosmetic procedures or surgeries.
Epilation, depilation is one of the most suitable days for hair removal and depilation - hair will grow back for a long time, but if you are doing this procedure with a new master, then do not doubt his professionalism - everything will be done to the highest standard.

Haircut - people who decide to get a haircut today may soon acquire property, and will also experience favorable changes in their career.
Hair coloring - you can dye your hair, but only in natural colors. You have a chance today to create the image of a very attractive, gentle woman that every man dreams of.
Manicure, pedicure - if you want to enhance your charm, femininity and beauty, then trim your nails today after sunset.
Facial care - you can successfully purchase decorative cosmetics, learn new makeup options, and make rejuvenating face masks.
Epilation, depilation - today is a safe day for hair removal and depilation, moreover, this procedure will bring confidence in yourself and your beauty, and what else is needed for a successful day for women.

A haircut can lead not only to material waste, but also to deterioration of health.
Hair coloring is a day when even small changes can have a negative impact on you.
Manicure, pedicure - today it’s better not to experiment.
Facial care - it is better to refuse face masks today.
Epilation, depilation - on this day there is a danger of allergies to new hair removal and depilation products.

Haircut - for your own well-being, go to a hairdresser.
Hair coloring - it's good to color your hair, bright colors are welcome.
Manicure, pedicure - by doing a manicure you gain confidence in yourself and your abilities, and increase your status in the eyes of the people around you.
Facial care - masks made from natural products will have a beneficial effect.
Epilation, depilation - today is a favorable day for hair removal, as it will not only be effective, but also your skin will remain soft and smooth.

Haircut - don’t get your hair cut today and maintain normal relationships with your loved ones.
Manicure, pedicure - today is a day suitable for anyone creative works. Your nails are no exception. Come up with a new design, today is a better day for this than ever.
Facial care - skin cleansing procedures using soft peels and scrubs, skin moisturizers are useful.
Epilation, depilation is a bad day for hair removal - unfortunately, you will not get the result you would like, and your mood will deteriorate for a long time.

Haircut today threatens peace of mind.
Hair coloring - the color will turn out unsuccessful, and you also risk harming your hair.
Manicure, pedicure - today it is better to refuse manicure and pedicure, there is a possibility of damaging your finger, and it will take a very long and painful time to heal.
Facial care - anti-chapping creams, as well as non-greasy creams with a light texture, have the best effect these days.
Epilation, depilation - on this day there is a danger of allergies to new hair removal and depilation products.

Haircut - a visit to the hairdresser will result in big trouble.
Hair coloring - it is better to give preference to natural shades and refrain from experiments.
Manicure, pedicure - if you want to understand yourself and your thoughts, get a manicure today.
Epilation, depilation - reschedule the hair removal procedure for another day - a very dangerous time, as there is a risk of irritation and discomfort for the whole day.

Haircut is not a very good day for a haircut. You may not like the result.
Hair coloring is a favorable day and will have a positive effect on your well-being.
Manicure, pedicure - by having a manicure today, you will shorten your life.
Facial care - try not to dry out your facial skin today and moisturize it well.
Epilation, depilation - today is a safe day for hair removal and depilation, moreover, this procedure will bring confidence in yourself and your beauty, and what else is needed for a successful day for women.

Haircut - today it’s better to just trim your hair.
Hair coloring - coloring will weaken not only your hair, but also your entire body. Moreover, you may fall under the influence of hypocritical people who will take advantage of your kindness and your money.
Manicure, pedicure - a nail salon today is fraught with the risk of injury.
Facial care - treat acne.
Epilation, depilation - refuse this procedure, since any mistake, either on your part or on the part of the master, will bring bad consequences that will take a very long time to correct.

Haircut - refrain from radical interventions in your appearance. Hold off on cutting your hair.
Hair coloring - only from a trusted specialist.
Manicure, pedicure - the manicure will turn out well if you adhere to the classic canons.
Facial care - be careful with cleansing your face, you risk harming your skin.
Epilation, depilation - a good day for hair removal - everything will go very quickly and painlessly, and the effect will be long-lasting.

Haircut - cutting your hair today will lower your immunity and make you feel worse.
Hair coloring - give up this idea.
Manicure, pedicure - it’s good to do manicures, pedicures, massages and masks for the skin of the hands.
Facial care - any procedures or manipulations with your face will not bring anything good. It's better to refuse right away.
Epilation, depilation - a bad day for hair removal and depilation - the specialist will not be very good and not only will the hair grow back quickly, but there is also a risk of running into rudeness. Therefore, it is worth considering whether you need it at all.

Haircut - you should refrain from cutting your hair while the Moon is in the constellation Cancer.
Hair coloring - dyeing can be done, but the dye, especially soft ones, can quickly wash off.
Manicure, pedicure - unfavorable day.
Facial care - refuse any procedures, as they will not give any effect today.
Epilation, depilation is a bad day for hair removal - unfortunately, you will not get the result you would like, and your mood will deteriorate for a long time.

Haircut - when getting a haircut during this period, the hair grows well, becomes stronger and becomes resistant to external influences, and splits less.
Hair coloring - coloring in proven tones today will bring you stability in your work.
Manicure, pedicure - trim your nails today after sunset and you will be more attractive to men.
Facial care - creams with herbal extracts are effective.
Epilation, depilation - on this day there is a danger of allergies to new hair removal and depilation products.

Haircut - cut your hair today if you want to change your life for the better.
Hair coloring - refresh your hair dark paint.
Manicure, pedicure - painting your nails today is undesirable, but cutting and shaping them would not hurt.
Facial care - nourishing masks will give good results.
Epilation, depilation is one of the most suitable days for hair removal and depilation - hair will grow back for a long time, but if you are doing this procedure with a new master, then do not doubt his professionalism - everything will be done to the highest standard.

Haircut is a great day to cut your hair. The result of the hairdresser’s work will exceed your wildest expectations, and those around you will appreciate your new look.
Hair coloring - you need to be careful when using chemicals, it is better to do everything using natural products.
Manicure, pedicure - experiments with manicure and pedicure will be successful today.
Facial care - effectively use anti-wrinkle creams and masks.
Epilation, depilation - today is a favorable day for hair removal, as it will not only be effective, but also your skin will remain soft and smooth.

Haircut is a neutral day.
Hair coloring - Hair coloring can cause allergies.
Manicure, pedicure - get a manicure or pedicure today. It will help you establish yourself in society, give you confidence that you will not go unnoticed by management, career growth is possible, and you will receive cash in the near future.
Facial care - beware of allergies when using cosmetics.
Epilation, depilation - you can even do hair removal at home yourself, and you don’t have to worry about experimenting with hair removal and depilation products - today they are safe.

Useful tips

In the last month of summer it is still relevant to use summer cosmetics to protect yourself from sun rays. It is also still relevant to hide your hair under hats and hide your eyes with sunglasses.

This month it is best to go to the south coast for beautiful tan from 18 to 31 August 2016, since it is on the days of the waning moon that the tan will lie evenly and last longer. Also, it is on the days of the waning moon that it is better to go to plastic surgeon, make permanent makeup or tattoos, remove tumors on the skin, and also visit the dentist.

However, remember that August 2016, like any month, hasa number of unfavorable dayswhen it is better to postpone any complex procedures and operations. Unfavorable days of the month for these procedures:2, 4, 10-12, 18, 19, 24, 25, 31 August 2016.

Sports calendar:

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for August 2016 section:


AUGUST 1, Monday. 28th lunar day.CANCER

Today it’s good to make masks based on fermented milk products, as well as any cleansing masks for face and hair. You can visit a dentist, you are allowed to get tattoos, and remove tumors in the facial area. If possible, do not undergo plastic surgery, as the result may be quite unexpected.

Fitness : Today you should not give yourself heavy loads, since the month is coming to an end and there is very little strength. You can jump rope a little or go for a short run. Light cardio exercises, as well as gymnastics for joints will be beneficial.

AUGUST 2, Tuesday. 29th lunar day, 1st lunar day from 23:45.A LION

NEW MOON at 23:45

The day before the new moon is considered unfavorable, so today we advise you not to nothing important: you cannot perform operations or begin complex procedures to rejuvenate or get rid of any cosmetic problems. Today it is better not to sunbathe or use hot styling tools. After 23:45 you can make a wish, imagine how you would like to see yourself in the future.

Fitness : rest.


AUGUST 3, Wednesday, 2nd lunar day from 05:25.A LION

A good day to visit hairdressers: your hair will look good especially beautiful. You can have hair extensions, eyelashes, or dye your hair, especially in lighter or brighter colors. Sunbathing or visiting a solarium is not recommended today. If you are currently on vacation, take special care on this day protect your skin from the sun using modern means of protection.

Fitness : Put off cardio, especially if you have any problems with heart and blood vessels. It's better to train your lower legs today. They lose the vulnerability of the lower leg, so there is less chance of injury.

Moon without course until 10:34

When there is a Moon without a course, it is better not to sign up for a hairdresser: you will either be late or have a long time wait your turn or you won’t get to the master at all. It is better to plan all procedures after 10:30, especially complex ones. It is too early to do operations. Also today it is not recommended to remove unwanted hair: it will grow back quickly. A good haircut for those who grow long hair.

Fitness : today they will be useful again aerobic exercise: jumping, running, etc. It is better to avoid working with heavy weights.

Nice day to visit nail salon . Most allowed different types manicure and pedicure, including at home. You can start today treatment of ingrown nails, and you can also treat fungi on your feet. Also, this day is still perfect for haircuts, dyeing, curling, and hair straightening. Plastic surgery is contraindicated, but you can go for a consultation with a surgeon, cosmetologist or trichologist.

Fitness : legs, gymnastics for feet, it is better to avoid exercise for press. You can do yoga and other practices.

Moon without course until 19:56

The Moon will be “idling” all day, so we don’t recommend start new things. You can continue everything that was started in the past. If necessary, you can get a haircut, but it is better if it is a trip to a trusted hairstylist for your usual haircut. Anti-aging masks based on natural ingredients. Watch your diet especially carefully today.

Fitness : Cardio exercises will be especially effective today, it is better not to train today press, or put minimal stress on the abdominal muscles.

Today you can go to a beauty salon for new ones. rejuvenating procedures. Complex operations with deep penetration into tissue it is better to postpone until the days of the waning moon ( after August 18). Today is a good day to visit the sauna and bathhouse. You can sign up for a restorative massage.

Fitness : Today is a good time to do some water sports: aqua aerobics or swimming will give good results without particularly strong tension. Facial gymnastics to form a beautiful oval face will also be beneficial.

Today will also be effective saunas and baths. You can get a massage to prevent stretch marks. For maximum effectiveness of massage, you should use oils that help tone connective tissues, thus the benefits will be many times more. Among these oils are oils Neroli, Lavender, Wheatgrass, Frankincense, Rosewood, Mandarin and others.

Fitness : cardio exercises. Today it is better not to put stress on the areas thighs and buttocks, which are quite vulnerable.

It's a good time to dedicate it appearance care. Since this is the time of the waxing moon, masks to nourish and rejuvenate the skin will be beneficial. Creams and ointments on a hormonal basis better not to use, since the body is now quite sensitive. It is good to conduct aromatherapy sessions. Especially now, fragrances will be very harmoniously combined with the energy of the day. mint, nutmeg, cinnamon.

Fitness : You can still give yourself a good physical activity. Work with weights and any full-body workouts are allowed. Exercises to get rid of a double chin will be especially effective on this day.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

Second phase of the moon from 21:22

It's a busy day, try not to be nervous today and don't overload yourself with work. Take it in the evening baths with sea ​​salt and your favorite aromas, try to relax and have a good rest. It is extremely unfavorable to do operations today: there is a risk side effects and long recovery.

Fitness : rest.

Moon without course from 08:22 to 20:24

During the Moon period without a course, do not plan anything important, it is especially not recommended to start important procedures on rejuvenation: the result will disappoint you. It’s also better not to have surgery today. The day is suitable for taking care of your appearance at home. It is better not to buy new items for your wardrobe, perfumes and cosmetics.

Fitness : In the coming week, reduce the load compared to the previous week so that your body has the opportunity to recover well. Today you can go for a run, to the pool, it is better to avoid working with heavy weights.

It's good to start any health and rejuvenation programs, especially in the afternoon. Today you can learn a lot about modern means rejuvenation, about new cosmetic products. You can start using new cosmetics. It is too early to perform operations: it is better to wait for the periods of the waning moon. It's good after sunset do your nails: You can do manicures and pedicures, strengthen your nails using various means.

Fitness : Today it is better to go to training in the afternoon. It’s good to work on building arm muscles.

It's good to treat your hair, rinse it infusions of medicinal herbs. You can also freeze such infusions in the form of cubes, and wipe your face with them in the morning to tone and make your face look fresher. It will be beneficial restorative massage.

Fitness : yoga, Pilates and other practices will bring maximum benefits today. It’s better not to walk long distances; it’s better not to go on long hikes. Don't put stress on your hips and buttocks.

Nice day to visit salons and hairdressers. Various anti-aging procedures, masks to smooth out wrinkles and tone the skin will be beneficial. Exposing your skin to too much may be detrimental due to extreme sensitivity, but treatment can be done problem skin .

Fitness : exercises for the chest muscles will be especially relevant today. Try not to run or jump rope for too long in the next couple of days, as knees Now they are very vulnerable and easy to get injured.

You can start special weight loss programs: It will be easier for you to limit yourself to harmful foods, and you will also have the opportunity to move more. It’s also a good time to strengthen your nails, get a pedicure, a manicure in a salon or at home. It is still possible to treat problematic skin.

Fitness : Today you can do yoga or do stretching exercises for the muscles you worked the previous day.

Moon without course until 14:52

During the Moon without a course, you cannot begin an operation or a new procedure, since this is not the right time for this. Good to do in the first half of the day usual nourishing masks for face and body. You can continue treating problem skin. In the afternoon, it’s good to sign up for a massage and visit the sauna or bathhouse.

Fitness : in the afternoon it is good to do aerobic exercises: aerobics, running, jumping, etc.

Today you will most likely want something surprise others, you can choose an unusual outfit or do unusual makeup. Today you can use hardware cosmetology products and select hairstyles using a computer.

Fitness : A good day for water sports. You shouldn’t run long distances today: take care shins who are very vulnerable!

Lunar beauty calendar 2016

FULL MOON at 12:28

Moon without course from 12:29 to 19:34

A stressful and unfavorable day. Any complex operations will be especially dangerous today: there is a great risk that the result will surprise you. Therefore, do not schedule important procedures for this day; it is not recommended to radically change your appearance, get a haircut, or get tattoos.

Fitness : rest.


With the waning Moon comes the time for various cleansings and getting rid of unnecessary things. Today you can do fungus removal on the toes. It is good to massage and self-massage the feet. Today it is unfavorable to visit a hairdresser, but it is good to remove unwanted hair, especially in the arms, armpits and bikini area. Plastic surgery today is dangerous: there is a risk of side effects.

Fitness : in the coming week you can again choose quite complex loads, since in the previous week your body had time to gain strength, because the training was mostly of an average level. Today you can perform a workout for all muscle groups. With the waning Moon, it will be easier to lose extra pounds if you play sports with the goal of losing weight.

Moon without course from 15:21

Today is good to do cleansing face masks and light scrubs for the body, however, it is better to refrain from deep facial cleansing and deep peelings, since the skin is now quite vulnerable. Today is also a bad day for cutting, coloring and other hair treatments. Can be arranged wardrobe analysis and a big wash. You can pluck and shape your eyebrows.

Fitness : running, jumping, other aerobic exercise. Before training, warm up your body properly, especially Feet, which are very vulnerable, so you can easily get injured.

AUGUST 21, Sunday, 19th lunar day.ARIES

Today it is dangerous to perform operations in the facial area, since this area very vulnerable. It is good to do cleansing masks and light peelings of the face and body. Cleansing face masks, as well as any face whitening procedures, will be beneficial. Put off permanent makeup and facial tattoos for now.

Fitness : You can build a workout focusing on the middle part of the body: abs, buttocks, lower back. These areas are losing vulnerability and their development will be most effective.

AUGUST 22, Monday, 20th lunar day.ARIES

Moon without course from 14:48

good time for facial skin whitening natural means, or special whitening creams. You can do simple superficial procedures, smooth out wrinkles with the help of cosmetics, and light peeling of the facial skin. Cleansing your skin at home today will be very effective. You can use special brushes, sponges or silicone devices to more thoroughly remove dust and makeup from the face.

Fitness : Cardio training will come in handy; today you can’t spend the day passively. Move more; if you can’t exercise, walk.

AUGUST 23, Tuesday, 21st lunar day.CALF

Still good time For cleansing the skin of the face and body, various scrubs. You can extension hair and eyelashes, shape eyebrows. Tattooing of eyes and eyebrows is allowed. Today, feminine hairstyles and styling will work well, but hair will grow slowly after cutting. Don't miss this day for home beauty care.

Fitness : exercises for the area thighs and buttocks today will bring maximum benefit.

AUGUST 24, Wednesday, 22nd lunar day.CALF

Unfavorable day: the change of the lunar phase is approaching. Try not to plan anything serious today. Allowed home care for skin and hair.

Fitness : rest.

Beauty: calendar of lunar days

AUGUST 25, Thursday, 23rd lunar day.TWINS

The fourth phase of the moon from 06:42

Today is a great day for massage, especially relaxing and relieving cramps. You can go to sauna or steam bath, this is a particularly good time for water procedures. You can sign up for lymphatic drainage massage. This procedure is now especially good for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

Fitness : today and in the next week, eliminate any complex loads. Workouts should be relaxing, exercise more yoga, stretching. You should not strain your muscles too much, avoid long-term aerobic exercise, and we also do not recommend lifting weights.

AUGUST 26, Friday, 24th lunar day.TWINS

It is better not to do manicures and pedicures today, since Gemini days are a bad time for these procedures. Can be done hand baths, as well as light peeling of the skin of the hands to give it softness and smoothness. It’s also good to do your face: any cleansing procedures, masks, scrubs, etc. will be beneficial.

Fitness : today is a good day for training hips and getting rid of fat on the hips (“ears”). You can go jogging or walk long distances, especially outside the city.

AUGUST 27, Saturday, 25th lunar day.CANCER

Effective face and body masks based on fermented milk products. You can make a facial scrub. Not a bad day for plastic surgery(except for chest surgery), tattooing, removal and application of tattoos, piercing in the head area. It is not advisable to have your hair cut on this day, as cutting your hair can cause damage to your hair.

Fitness : aerobic exercise: running, jumping rope and others will be very effective today. No need to train today chest muscles.

AUGUST 28, Sunday, 26th lunar day.CANCER

Good day to delete unwanted hair . You can sign up for an hair removal course and schedule your first procedure for that day. It will be good to remove any unwanted hair at home. The hair will grow back weaker and thinner. That is why today it is better not to visit hairdressers, not to cut or dye your hair.

Fitness : yoga, stretching.

AUGUST 29, Monday, 27th lunar day.CANCER , A LIONfrom 11:13

Moon without course from 09:23 to 11:12

During the Moon period, without a course you cannot start new business and do not start operations. Procedures and operations can begin until 9:20. Use only soft ones today cosmetical tools for face and body care. Cleansing masks are still useful. In the afternoon you can make an appointment for a haircut.

Fitness : simple exercises for joints and spine.

AUGUST 30, Tuesday, 28th lunar day.A LION

A good day to visit the hairdresser if you do not want your hair to grow quickly and your hairstyle quickly lost shape. Today you'll want a little more bright makeup and more bright colors in clothes. There is no need to radically change your image yet, but you can change your style, especially if you want to attract the attention of the opposite sex. You can have hair and eyelash extensions.

Fitness : You can do a workout on the lower part of the legs, the shins lose their vulnerability. It is better not to put heavy loads on heart.

AUGUST 31, Wednesday, 29th lunar day.A LION , VIRGO from 18:23

Moon without course until 18:22

Unfavorable day: it is better not to assign anything important to it. It is especially contraindicated to perform operations or start new procedures. The haircut may not be successful, the procedures may be disappointing. The best thing to do today is to take care of your face, body and hair at home.

Fitness : rest.

Lunar calendar of cosmetology for August 2016

Nourishing and soothing face masks: 3-17
Cleansing masks: 1, 19-30
Facial scrub: 19-24
Anti-aging procedures: 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 23, 24
Skin treatment: 14, 15
Removing age spots and freckles, evening out complexion: 21, 22
Dental care, dentist: 1, 27-29
Manicure: 5, 12, 14-16
Hand care: 25-26
Pedicure: 5, 12, 14-16
Tanning, solarium: 25, 26
Facial piercing: 23, 27, 28, 29 (until 9:20)
Facial plastic surgery: 27, 28, 29 (until 9:20)
Tummy tuck: 23, 27, 28, 29 (until 9:20)
Breast surgery: 23
Massage: 7, 8, 12, 13, 16-20, 25, 26
Stone therapy: 16-18
Lymphatic drainage massage: 25, 26
Aromatherapy: 1, 9-11, 19, 20, 27-29
Cryotherapy: 12, 13
Depilation, hair removal: 1, 19, 20, 27, 28
Removing unwanted hair from the face: 1, 19, 20, 27, 28
Weight loss programs (start): 14, 15
Anti-cellulite programs (start): 25
Healing procedures (beginning): 7, 8
Sauna, bath, baths, swimming pool: 7, 8, 16-18, 25, 26
Eyelash and hair extensions: 3-5, 23, 29, 30
Tinting eyelashes and eyebrows: 3-8
Eyebrow plucking and shaping: 1, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27-29
Permanent makeup and tattoos: 1, 23, 27, 28
Visit to the hairdresser: 3-5, 14, 23, 30
Visiting a cosmetologist, trichologist: 3-5
Visit to a makeup artist: 7, 8
Fungus treatment: 4-6, 19, 20
Purchases: 23, 25, 26
Unfavorable days for complex procedures: 1, 2, 10, 18-20, 24, 26-28, 31
The best days for cosmetic procedures: 23, 27, 28, 29