water procedures. How to temper a frequently ill child. Dr. Komarovsky about hardening children Why to start hardening a child 3 years old

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 12 minutes


The health of the baby depends on many factors: heredity, living conditions, nutrition, and so on. But for the most part, of course, it depends on the lifestyle for which the mother is responsible. Hardening has always gone hand in hand with the concept of a healthy lifestyle, and this issue does not lose its relevance to this day, despite the fact that many children are raised practically in "greenhouse" conditions.

So, how to temper your child, and should it be done?

What is hardening, and how is it useful for a child?

The term "hardening" is commonly understood as a system of specific training in the body of thermoregulatory processes, consisting of procedures that increase immunity and overall endurance of the body.

Of course, hardening has both opponents (where without them) and supporters. But in general, subject to the rules, hardening is extremely beneficial , and the arguments of the opponents, as a rule, are based on the results of illiterate procedures.

Video: How to temper a child?

Hardening: what is the use?

  • Strengthening immunity. A hardened organism has a lower sensitivity to any temperature changes, which means a higher resistance to seasonal diseases.
  • Prevention varicose veins veins.
  • Beneficial effect on the skin (skin cells begin to work even more actively).
  • Normalization of the nervous system. That is, calming properties, elimination of stress, overwork and a general increase in the body's resistance to psychological problems.
  • Stimulation of the endocrine system - which, in turn, has a positive effect on other processes in the body.
  • General improvement in well-being, a surge of strength. Hardening promotes increased blood circulation and subsequent active saturation of cells with oxygen.

In addition, it is worth noting that hardening is a very effective alternative to medications called for.

The result of the procedures is faster and longer than with immunostimulants, and besides, it is safe.

Video: The pros of hardening a child and the basic rules

At what age to start hardening children at home - is early hardening harmful?

When to start?

This question worries every mother, for whom a healthy lifestyle for her child comes first.

Exactly, not immediately after the hospital!

It is clear that it is better to start tempering a baby from an early age, but the baby's body is still too weak to bring down new tests on it.

Some experts argue that crumbs can be introduced to hardening already on the 10th day after birth, but most pediatricians still agree that it is better to wait a month or two. Especially, .

Naturally, procedures should be started only after consulting a pediatrician , examining the baby and taking into account his state of health.

It is important to remember that the body of a newborn is still weak, and in the presence of any hidden diseases, such procedures can dramatically worsen the health of the baby.

In addition, hypothermia of the crumbs, the thermoregulation of which has not yet been established (note - cooling occurs much faster and stronger than in adults!), Can cause the development of various diseases.

Therefore, it is better to give the crumbs time to get stronger and “build up” their own immunity.

Everything you need to know and do before hardening a child - a memo to parents

In order for hardening to bring exclusively benefit to the child, the mother must remember the following rules for carrying out these procedures (regardless of their form and type):

  • First of all - consult a pediatrician! He will decide whether the crumbs have contraindications to the procedures, whether they will aggravate his state of health if there are any problems, he will tell you what is absolutely impossible to do, and will help you choose the best way to harden.
  • If the doctor does not mind, and there are no health problems, and the baby’s mood is conducive to procedures, choose a hardening method .
  • The time of the procedure. It is important to understand that the hardening effect directly depends on whether you perform the procedures on an ongoing basis. 1-2 hardenings in 2 weeks and in different time only undermine the health of the baby. The procedure should take place at the same time and on a regular basis - that is, constantly. Only then will it make sense.
  • Load intensity. First of all, it should increase gradually. It is clear that you cannot pour ice water on a baby and dream that now he will be healthy, like a hero. The intensity of the load should not be too strong, but not too weak (airing the heels at room temperature for 2 minutes, of course, will not do anything), and it should be increased gradually - from procedure to procedure.
  • The mood and condition of the baby. It is not recommended to carry out such procedures if the baby is in bad mood. Hardening should bring only positive emotions otherwise it doesn't work. That is why it is recommended to carry out procedures in a playful way with the absolute involvement of all family members in them. And procedures are strictly prohibited if the baby is sick.
  • Do not start the process of hardening the child with pouring cold water. This is stressful even for an adult organism, and even more so for a baby. Start with air baths, frequent airing, sleeping in a room with an open window, and so on.
  • Hardening should take place in combination with other activities: proper nutrition, physical activity and walks,.
  • Many mothers think that cold water and the “breathtaking” effect are important in hardening. In fact, the impact contrast that matters in hardening is achieved not only with a bucket of ice water: it is important to train the properties of blood vessels to change their gaps according to outside temperature.
  • The feet are the most sensitive to changes in temperature. (face and palms, which are constantly open, do not need hardening too much), due to a large number receptors on them.

What not to do:

  1. Immediately start with extreme procedures.
  2. Carry out procedures in a room where a draft walks.
  3. Get involved in the procedure. The maximum period for her is 10-20 minutes.
  4. Temper the baby when he is sick. You can return to the procedures no earlier than 10-14 days after acute respiratory infections and 4-5 weeks after pneumonia.
  5. To force the child to temper, to carry out procedures by force.
  6. Allow hypothermia.


  • Any infectious, viral or other disease in the acute stage.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. When cooled, the vessels shrink, and the consequences for the “problem” heart can be very serious.
  • Diseases of the nervous system. In this case, low temperature is an irritant.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system.

Methods for hardening children at home - hardening procedures, video

When choosing a hardening method, it is important to understand that the age of the child is of great importance.

If a teenager can be cheerfully poured with cool water in the summer in the country and not worry about the consequences, then for a baby such a “procedure” can result in pneumonia.

Therefore, for newborns, we choose the most gentle hardening methods, and increase the intensity of hardening GRADUALLY!

How to temper a baby - the main ways:

  • Frequent ventilation of the room. In the summer, the window can not be closed at all, and in the cold season - open 4-5 times a day for 10-15 minutes. An important rule is to avoid drafts. You can also use modern technology, which will not only regulate the temperature, but also humidify / purify the air.
  • Sleep with an open window or on the balcony in a stroller. Naturally, leaving the crumbs alone on the balcony is prohibited. You can start with 15 minutes and then increase the time of sleeping outdoors to 40-60 minutes. Of course, you don’t need to do this in the cold (minus 5 for a baby is a reason to stay at home). But in the summer, you can sleep (walk) on the street as much as you like (if the baby is full, dry and hidden from mosquitoes and the sun).
  • Air baths. This procedure can be started right in the hospital. After changing the diaper, the baby should be left naked for a while. Air baths should be started at a temperature of 21-22 degrees from 1-3 minutes, and then gradually reduce it and increase the bathing time to 30 minutes by 1 year.
  • Gradual decrease in water temperature when bathing a baby. With each bath, it is lowered by 1 degree. Or they pour water over the baby after bathing, the temperature of which is lower than that in the bath by 1-2 degrees.
  • Wash with cool water for 1-2 minutes. With warm temperature gradually reduce to cold (from 28 to 21 degrees).
  • Wiping with a wet towel. A mitten or towel is moistened in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 32-36 degrees, after which the arms and legs are gently wiped from the limbs to the body for 2-3 minutes. Within 5 days, the temperature is reduced to 27-28 degrees.

How to temper an older baby?

  1. Wiping and washing with cool water remains valid for any age.
  2. Contrasting foot baths. We put 2 basins with water - with warm and cool. We hold the legs in warm water for 2 minutes, then we rearrange them in a bowl of cool water for 30 seconds. We alternate 6-8 times, after which we rub the legs and put on cotton socks. Gradually, you can lower the temperature of the water of the "cold" basin.
  3. We run barefoot! In the absence of drafts, it is perfectly acceptable to run barefoot on the floor. Of course, unless you have concrete floors or icy slippery tiles. Experts also recommend a “rug” made of sea pebbles, on which you can walk right in the room.
  4. Cold and hot shower. In this case, the mother changes the temperature of the water from warm to cool and back. The temperature, again, as in all cases, is lowered gradually!
  5. Pouring. If your little one is accustomed to dousing from a jug from an early age, then you can move on to cooler douches. The main thing is that the water does not become a shock, both for the crumbs and for his body. It is important to rub the body with a towel after dousing until slight redness. No less effective fixing of the effect will be massage. They start pouring from 35-37 degrees, and gradually bring the temperature to a value of 27-28 degrees and below. After 2-3 years, the temperature can be lowered to 24 degrees.
  6. Sauna and swimming pool. Option for older kids. The air temperature in the sauna should not exceed 90 degrees, and the procedure time should be 10 minutes (starting from 2-3 minutes). After the sauna - a warm shower, and then you can go to the pool. The water in it should not be too cold, and the child should already be prepared for such temperature changes. That is, hardened.
  7. Before going to bed, you can wash your legs in cool water. This good habit will be a real help in working on improving immunity.
  8. Throat hardening. So that the child does not get sick after each ice cream or a glass of lemonade in the heat, temper the larynx. You can start with daily gargling with a gradual decrease in water temperature from 25 to 8 degrees. Then you can start sweet workouts according to the “three times a day” scheme: we hold a piece of ice cream in our mouth, count to 10, and only then swallow. Then you can switch to small ice cubes from juices or decoctions of herbs.

And a few more important hardening rules:

  • We do not wrap the child over the norm! A newborn is dressed “like himself plus 1 light clothing”, and older kids are simply “like themselves”. No need to wrap up children too much on a walk, and even more so at home. Especially if the baby is active.
  • Temperature standards for walking children in winter : at -10 - only after 3 months, at -15 - after six months.
  • "Dipping" a child in sunbathing, remember about the harmful effects of UV rays. Infants under 1 year old are extremely sensitive to them, and they are allowed to take baths only in diffused sunlight. You can start sunbathing in the sun only after 3 years, and then it is dosed (for the south of the country - from 8 to 10 am, and for the middle lane - 9-12 am).
  • Parents carry out extreme methods of hardening at their own peril and risk. These include swimming in an ice hole, diving into the snow after a bath, and so on. Naturally, for kids it is better to choose softer procedures. And even for them the child should be prepared gradually.
  • Usually hardening is combined with physical activity. But after sunbathing, it is better to refrain from it for an hour and a half.

And do not forget about the mood of the child! We postpone the procedure if the baby is naughty. And we do not impose them if the child protests.

Look for a way to instill a good habit through the game - and be a good example for your child.

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Hello! When our kids once again begin to sneeze and have a temperature, we take out the first aid kit and sigh sadly. Well, here it is again! And hands just drop, because there is no end to colds!

Medicines are no longer effective, because the body is simply used to them. And I have a suggestion for this. Or maybe we will teach the little one not to medicines, but to healthy lifestyle life? What does that require? Learn how to properly temper a child at home. Or rather, the rules and techniques of this wonderful procedure.

First, answer yourself the question: “Are you ready to change your lifestyle for the sake of the health of the little one?”. After all, hardening is a regular event that should become a ritual. In addition to sometimes having to sacrifice your interests, you will sometimes need to take part in the process! You must be an example! Only in this way the child will understand that the event is quite natural and necessary.

So, are you ready? Well then, here's a list of rules for you. Please study before proceeding!

  1. Doctor's recommendations. Do not be lazy, take the baby to the pediatrician. What if the procedures that you prescribe yourself do not suit the baby? Get medical support.
  2. The sooner the better. After birth, babies get used to the effects of cold more easily. So do not wrap up your treasure more than necessary. Take care of your health without delay.
  3. Regularity. Once you start, you don't need to stop. After all, a break in a week will become critical. Children's immunity will return to its previous positions.
  4. Subsequence. Children in the snow and barefoot, this is just the result of a lot of hard work that we see. On the way to this are long months of training. It is always good to start with comfortable temperatures. And lower them just a degree every 5-7 days.
  5. Individuality. The approach is different for everyone. Consider the desire and state of health of each baby.
  6. Mood. In no case do not force! If the baby is naughty, postpone the event for another time or day. The process should be fun! After all, we are going to make it a regular and everyday ritual, right? Why cause negativity in the crumbs?
  7. We begin to harden only a completely healthy toddler. No colds or chronic exacerbations.

Every point is important. But more often parents have a question about the latter. Yes, it is not recommended to start, if the child is sick. But what if the hardening is in full swing, and then the baby caught a cold?

If the child is sick?

In this case, rule number 1 applies. A doctor's consultation is required. Depending on the state of health will depend on what to do. Usually, at any elevated body temperature, procedures are completely canceled.

And when to resume? Not earlier than a week after complete recovery. The body must recover completely. Otherwise, instead of benefit, we will get a new cold.

If the disease goes away with minor symptoms, the doctor may allow the hardening to continue. But! Throw in a few degrees. For example, you doused a child with +25° water. For the period of illness, do it with water + 28 °. Those. the mode still has to be gentle!

But, I hope that during the hardening of your crumbs, no cataclysms will happen. Then, having studied the rules, let me talk about the methods.

Methods and methods

There are several hardening methods. In fact, with a certain habit, you can combine them all with each other! And you can choose a few and systematically do it. Develop a habit, such as brushing your teeth. So choose!

  • Air.
  • Water.
  • The sun.
  • Non-standard events.

Well, first about the most popular. And then I will try to surprise you with a non-standard technique!


This is the most gentle and gentle way. But even here you can use a lot of interesting tricks! The simplest is air baths. Recommended for the smallest, i.e. ! First, leave the baby naked for 15 seconds, then increase the interval of stay by 5-10 seconds. So bring up to 30-40 minutes!

Such baths are taken at + 22 ° in the room. When the child gets used to these manipulations, you can complicate the task. By airing, lower the temperature every 5 days by a degree. But this is already after six months, and best of the year. Bring the reading to +17°.

Oh yes! I want to ask you, how often do you ventilate the room? You need at least 5 times a day for 15 minutes. And don't forget about walking! By the way, how much do you wrap the baby? Did you know that children most often catch colds from overheating? Dress them for the weather. Don't be too zealous.

Are you afraid of freezing? So let them move more actively. Ahhh, don't want to? Then option one: move together! Organize games for fresh air! Trust my experience, kids love group games. Especially with parents!


I don’t know about you, but I am delighted with those mothers who take their children to the pools even before they are a year old. More precisely, swimming begins as soon as the umbilical wound heals. During this period, he had not yet forgotten how to swim. And it is good to develop in the pool.

Is there no such possibility? Is there a bath at home? Then get more water, buy a special circle and go! Do you know how to tumble? Don't pull out your ears! Other than that, here are some other great options:

  • Rubbing.
  • Pouring.
  • Washing feet in cold water.

Such manipulations can be carried out both on the whole body and locally. Yes, it's better to start locally. Let the legs get used to one value first, then the arms, bye, back, tummy ... Not clear yet? I'll try to explain!


If the little one is regularly sick, first rub it until it is slightly reddened with a terry or flannel mitten. Then soak this glove in water. Wipe hands and feet from toes upwards. Back and breast from the middle to the sides. And the stomach is strictly clockwise. You need to start from + 35 °. And bring to +20° ... +22°.

More interesting recommendation found out. After wiping, after all, it is necessary to wipe the body dry with a towel, until a slight redness. So, when you get used to it, wipe, leaving the body a little damp. Let it dry naturally. This will give additional hardening to the body.

Yes, one more piece of advice: such manipulations should be carried out not earlier than six months of age. Especially at .

In addition, do not forget about washing in cool water. Lower your thermometer by one degree every 5 days. Honestly, right after birth, I washed my daughter with water at room temperature. More precisely wiped. The main thing is not to lose this good habit as you grow up!


Up to a year, many are already pouring over children. At first, some water is about + 35 °, and as a result, it is brought to + 20 °. And sometimes even less! Look at the child's reaction here.

First you need to get used to the limbs, and then the whole body. As a rule, the head is not doused. And, in general, in most cases, it is recommended to start such events no earlier than 1-2 years. Depends on the health of the baby. And now advice for those parents whose children are especially often sick.

Washing feet in cold water

Remarkably strengthens immune system. Especially when the child is often sick. So, every evening we pour water on the legs + 36 °. We gradually lower the boundaries: if the baby is not older than a year old, then up to + 28 °. And when older, then up to + 20 °.

At the end, do not forget to rub to the red heels. It is better to do it before going to bed so that you can immediately lie down in a warm bed. By the way, if the feet are cold, this does not always mean that the baby is cold. It turns out that our heels are able to adapt to conditions environment.

So do not be afraid to let the baby barefoot on the floor. Of course, within reason. And not for long.

The sun

In general, it's great to have water procedures on the street in the summer! But first you need to develop a habit of the sun's rays. Take the child out only in the morning, before 10:00 and walk only under the crowns of trees.

Then, you can go out into the sun, but after 10:00 urgently into the house! The scorching sun has never done anyone any good. And don't forget the hats.

As for clothes: initially, these are light shirts and shorts. Then you can leave only in shorts, even barefoot! Provided that there is nothing dangerous and piercing on the surface of the earth.

And now, as promised, a few words about unusual methods that help strengthen immunity!

Non-standard methods in hardening children

Tell me, do you allow children to drink drinks from the refrigerator? And believe that the child will not get sick after this? If it is organized correctly, he really will not get sick. Moreover, drinking cold drinks will also become a hardening method! So how do you do it? Very simple. Dear readers, the main thing is to follow the rule of sequence.

In fact, there are several methods and techniques, namely. I chose the most effective and interesting:

  • Cold cubes from the freezer. You can freeze the juice and give the baby to suck. First, 15 seconds. So, bring the resorption up to 2 minutes. Don't give big cubes and control the time.
  • Ice cream. Let's start with a teaspoon. And explain that the child does not swallow, but also dissolves.
  • Gargling with cold water. See if you can add salt to the water. Or make a decoction of chamomile. Rinsing should be started from comfortable temperatures with warm solutions. Lower by a degree, bringing to + 17 °. In adolescents and adults, the lower limit is + 8 ° ... + 10 °.
  • Drinking drinks from the refrigerator. We take a drink, and give literally a sip - two. And so, every 3 days we increase the number of sips.

Well, how do you like these ways to temper? Really, great? But it can only be applied to older children, at least 3-4 years old.

Well, the technique, I think is clear. You have probably already chosen something suitable for yourself. What if not a secret? Tell in the comments! But choosing is not enough. You need to figure it out, but where do you start?

Getting Started the Right Way

Above, in the methods, I described the temperatures at which hardening can begin. If your child is quite hardened or just healthy, then you should not be afraid. That is, if he is already drinking the juice of their refrigerator, there is no need to train him in sips. Continue in the same rhythm, just adding new methods of hardening.

And the rest need to be handled more gently. Add more complex methods only when the baby is completely used to the previous, simpler one.

Air baths are recommended first. Then water rubdowns are added, dousing the house. When the child gets used to it, in the summer it is possible to do this on the street, in hot weather. Make it harder as you get used to it and grow up. In principle, up to 4 years, you can use all the above methods. BUT preschool age, 5-6 years old, completely let out and barefoot on the snow! Well, subject to a trained body and a doctor's consultation.

Now tell us what you are doing to make your child stop getting sick often? What methods did you like? What are you planning to try from what I suggested? Leave comments and become blog subscribers. Till. See you soon!

There is a trend among children that more mom and grandmothers lovingly try to protect the child from the influence of external factors, wrapping up, not allowing to swim in the river, walk barefoot on grass, sand or on the floor at home, the more often the child gets sick. In this case, one should abandon the chosen principles and begin to harden the child.

Hardening is a complex of procedures based on the influence of factors such as water, air, sun, often consisting in a difference in the influencing temperatures or atmospheric pressure. As a result, the child's body becomes more resistant to natural stimuli and is better able to resist infections.

Hardening naturally develops immunity, and this method is much more effective than stimulating immunity from the outside, using pills.

If we compare the number of cases of acute respiratory viral infections in a non-tempered child and one who underwent hardening procedures during the year, then hardening reduces the risk of colds by about 3 times.

You can begin to harden the body of a child without prior preparation and from any age, the sooner the better. At small child the adaptation mechanism is much more actively developed, therefore, early hardening gives a more pronounced result.

Hardening principles

Tempering a child (where to start will be described in detail below) should be based on the following principles:

  1. Individual approach. Hardening methods are chosen taking into account the state of health of the child and the lifestyle of the family. It is important that the child himself likes the procedures.
  2. Periodicity and gradualism. Hardening procedures should be carried out systematically, starting with small things: a slight change in temperature, a short duration. This process cannot be forced.
  3. Complexity. Only hardening procedures will not allow raising the child's immunity to the maximum level. It is also necessary to observe the principles of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Tempering a child at home: where to start

Then they move on to rubdowns, shower, partial douche, contrast shower, full douche. They start with a slight decrease in water temperature - + 35-36 degrees, gradually, degree by degree, lowering it.

Indications for hardening

With the following indications, hardening is not only desirable, it is necessary:

hardening rules

Tempering a child (where to start is with a visit to a pediatrician and an immunologist to identify the need for planned activities and find out if there are any contraindications for health) carried out according to the following rules:

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the child needs hardening procedures from birth. But in order not to harm the child, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician before starting the procedures. Before hardening procedures are allowed, tests and examinations may be prescribed.

Yevgeny Komarovsky advises hardening every day, without gaps, if the child's health allows it. He also notes that procedures such as cold and hot shower, dousing with cool water, sun and air baths, but procedures associated with exposure to ice water, such as winter swimming, are not suitable for children.


The main contraindications to hardening procedures include:

If the disease is temporary, after recovery, it is recommended to resume hardening with the most gentle procedures.


According to the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky, hardening in infancy should include air and water procedures. Moreover, the impact should be moderate. The doctor does not recommend using extreme temperatures for hardening.

washing. It is recommended to start with him, and on the very first day after discharge from the hospital. The water temperature should be 28 degrees. Hardening in this way is carried out daily, but the water temperature is lowered very gradually, the process of lowering the temperature by 2-3 degrees should take 2-3 months.

Pouring. They begin to practice in partial pouring - from the child's feet. Then they move to the whole body. The initial temperature is 32-35 degrees. It is optimal to carry out hardening procedures after daily bathing. Starting with the legs, move on to dousing the whole body. In the end, all parts of the body are gradually poured from the bottom up: legs, arms, stomach, back of the head.

Bathing. The duration of the baths themselves should also be increased: the water will cool naturally and have a hardening effect. Contrast baths for babies are optional.

Rubdown. Performed with a flannel mitt. Like pouring, they start first with the legs and are limited to them. Then expand the wiping area in the following sequence: arms, back, chest and abdomen. Recommended to start at 2 months.

walks. Komarovsky considers walking an obligatory component of a child's daily routine. He says that you should not avoid walking in adverse weather conditions: snow, rain. All that is needed in this case is to dress the child according to the weather.

The duration of the walks should also increase. In summer, the minimum duration of walks is 20-30 minutes, in winter - 5-7 minutes. But every day you can increase the time by 5-10 minutes. AT winter time at especially low temperatures, it is not worth walking with children 1-3 months old, walking with older children is possible, but you need to dress a child one layer more than an adult.

Air baths. Komarovsky does not recommend wrapping a child. In particular, he advises leaving the child naked for several minutes at each change of diapers or diapers, when changing clothes for a walk. This technique will support the natural adaptation mechanism.

Sunbathing. Recommended for infants, in particular because they are the prevention of rickets. But care must be taken - to limit the direct sunlight on the skin of the child, so as not to cause burns.

Children aged 3 and over

If hardening is not started in infancy, this does not mean at all that time has been lost. Procedures with a child can be started later, at 3 years and later. General principles will be the same.

From 2-3 years old, you can introduce a contrast shower technique, allow the child to walk outdoors in summer and indoors in winter in the same underwear. Classes in the pool will have a positive effect on immunity. From 4-5 years old, it is already possible to practice pouring on the street, first with cool, then cold water. But in this you need to keep the measure.

Water procedures

Rubbing from 2 months should be done with a soft towel, as the baby's skin is delicate. The procedure is carried out after the morning rise for 1-2 minutes. It can be dry and wet. The initial temperature of the water during wet rubdown is 35 degrees. Gradually lower it.

The shower is recommended from 1.5 years. It should be taken after morning exercises. Initial temperature +36. Then, within a few days, it is lowered by one degree, thus reducing it to 26 degrees. The process of transition to the minimum temperature should take not days, but months.

Douche is administered last, already when the child's body has fully adapted to rubdowns and the soul, regardless of the age at which the procedures were started. Douches train blood vessels, develop the mechanism of thermoregulation.

But, as in other methods, you can’t force events: they start with partial pouring and from the most high temperatures(+35 degrees). Switching too early to dousing with cold water will provoke a cold. In particular, it is recommended to reduce the temperature from +35 to +30 degrees in two months.

Pour order: first the lower body to the knees, then the arms to the shoulders, later the whole body. Expand the dousing area gradually. Contrasting pouring is possible: first with warm, then cool water.

The temperature of the water for dousing - depending on the time of year and age

The duration of dousing is gradually increased from 15 seconds to 30. Contrast foot baths are carried out using two containers (buckets or basins). In one of them, the water temperature should be equal to 40 degrees, in the other - 32 degrees. Keep your feet in hot water for 1 minute, then in cold water for 20 seconds.

Alternate 5 times, ending with immersion of the legs in cold water. Gradually, the temperature of the water is lowered in both basins. It is useful during the procedure to do exercises for the feet.

The place of stay (bath-dressing room) needs to be alternated, it is thanks to this that hardening will be carried out. It is necessary to ensure that the child breathes through the nose in the bath and sauna.


Swimming has several positive effects on the child's body at once: firstly, it is a temperature effect that provides a hardening effect, secondly, massage - water waves massage the body, thirdly, it provides physical development, since swimming develops all muscle groups.

Swimming has a positive effect on emotional state child, as many people like this process.

Swimming in open water is allowed from one year old, always under the supervision of an adult. The baby can swim in the bath from 6-8 weeks. Moreover, there are teaching methods not only for swimming in such early age but also head diving. If diving is not planned, then a special circle fixed on the neck will help the child stay on the water.

AT infancy You can also practice swimming in the pool. Before this, it is recommended to adapt the child to the temperature of the water in the pool. It is at the level of 32-34 degrees, so you need to gradually lower the temperature of the water when bathing in the bath to these indicators.

Air baths

First of all, young parents need to learn the rule: you need to dress the child according to the weather, you can’t even wrap up newborns. But at the same time, the temperature is also taken into account during air baths - the child should not freeze.

In the summer, the procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a day for 2-15 minutes. The child is undressed and left to lie down in the open air or indoors if it is cold outside. The hardening procedure is preferably carried out either in the morning or after a daytime sleep.


The sun's rays contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body, so sunbathing is not just desirable, but a necessary form of hardening. Infants it is recommended to stay in the sun for no more than 2 minutes, children older than a year - no more than 20. At the same time, it is necessary to be in the sun at a favorable time: from dawn to 10 a.m., and after 4 p.m. to sunset.

Sunbathing when hardening a child is as important as dousing and wiping

At this time, the sun's rays do not provide harmful effects. But even at this time, it is necessary to protect the baby's head from direct sunlight with a cap or panama hat.

If up to 3 years of sunbathing is recommended at a temperature of +26 degrees, then older children can take sunbaths and at a temperature of +22 degrees. The duration of sunbathing is increased gradually.

Physical education and gymnastics

Gymnastics helps the baby's body develop in the right direction, stabilizes all body functions. But you should not force a child to do gymnastics. In infancy, gymnastics can be carried out by the mother, having previously received advice from a specialist.

When the baby is able to perform the exercises on his own, you need to turn the process into a game so that the child does not suspect how necessary this procedure is. Be sure to set an example for your child. For older children, it is recommended to equip a sports corner in the nursery, where he can practice on his own.

Physical exercise should be carried out in the morning or afternoon before meals, or two hours after meals.

Hardening of a child's throat

It is possible to combine general hardening procedures with hardening of the throat, which is especially important if the child often has a sore throat.

walking barefoot

Practice from the moment when the child learns to walk. At first, he can walk on the floor in socks, and then with bare feet; in the summer, the child is allowed to run on the grass and sand.
This practice contributes not only to strengthening the immune system, but also to the correct formation of the arch of the foot.

Hardening after illness

If the child has only recently been ill, water hardening procedures should be abandoned. They begin hardening with short air baths, do not forget about the periodic ventilation of the room and the fact that you do not need to put too many clothes on the baby.

Overheating threatens with increased sweating, as a result of which the child may slip through. It is especially useful after a cold to gargle with a saline or soda solution.

If hardening procedures are carried out, this does not mean that the child will not get sick at all. The frequency of diseases will decrease, but the possibility itself is not excluded. He can face the disease in any case, another thing is that the disease will proceed in a milder form and recovery will come faster.

And the sooner you start hardening, the sooner the problem of the body's low resistance to infection will be solved.

Video about hardening a child

Tempering a child:

Is it necessary to harden the child:

Our expert is Nadezhda Berezina, Ph.D., senior researcher at the Laboratory of Educational and Educational Hygiene of the Research Institute for Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the National Center for Health and Social Development of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

From morning to evening

Where to begin? From everyday hardening. This means: the morning should begin for the child with a charge. After it - proper washing. At first, wash the child with warm water, when you get used to it - cold (room temperature and below, be guided by the reaction of the child). A child older than 3 years in a month and a half is recommended extended washing with cool water: face, arms to the elbows, neck, upper chest.

From the age of 3, teach your child to rinse his mouth, and from 4–5 - his throat: you need to start with warm water (not lower than 26 ° C), duration - 1 minute; gradually increase the duration of the procedure up to 2-3 minutes and reduce the temperature of the water (to room temperature and below). The same is repeated in the evening.

The child should walk as much as possible, while actively moving. And do not forget that hardening should continue during sleep (the temperature in the nursery at night should be 2-3 degrees lower than usual during the day).

Important! An effective way of hardening is contrasting pouring over the feet and legs. The child's legs are alternately doused with warm and cool water several times in a row. Repeat 3-4 times. If the child does not have chronic diseases, a series of douches ends with cool water. If the baby's body is weakened, then the procedure should be completed with warm water.

To the cottage or to the sea?

The best option for rest for a frequently ill child is in the middle lane: firstly, there are fewer contacts, and secondly, there is no need for adaptive restructuring, on which the body spends a lot of effort.

The more time your child spends outside, the better. Children under 3 years old definitely need a playground with a sandbox under an awning.

After three, use active games and walks: in the morning, while it is not hot, you can go with your baby to the surrounding meadows, but after 11 am, forest walks are preferable.

Don't forget about proper clothes: at an air temperature of 22-24 °C: panties, cotton t-shirt with short sleeves, shorts, socks, sandals. If the baby is thin and not at all hardened, put on a T-shirt with long sleeves and cotton long trousers. At an air temperature of 25 ° C and above, you can limit yourself to only panties and shorts (or a light sundress for girls), do without socks.

Light-air baths should be taken only from 9 to 12 noon. You can start swimming when the water temperature is not lower than 24–25 °C, and the air temperature is not lower than 24–26 °C.

And another great country procedure - walking barefoot. On the lawn, paths. And the most useful - by dew.

Start with 15-30 minutes, gradually increase the duration of the "training". It is useful to combine walking barefoot with foot baths: if it is hot outside and your feet are warm, use water at room temperature; and after running around in the puddles, the legs should be warmed up, and then doused with cool water.

To be continued

But what if the child is still sick? Watching what. For example, with a mild form of acute respiratory infections, in the absence of temperature, you can continue daily water procedures: extended washing, rinsing, washing your feet (leaving the water temperature at the same level). As for special hardening methods (contrast showers, dousing ...), whether they can be continued in case of illness, you need to decide with your doctor.

If the child's temperature lasted no more than three days, you can return to hardening after 7-10 days, if longer - 2 weeks after recovery. But after bronchitis or pneumonia (and other serious illnesses) - the terms of the "return" must be agreed with the pediatrician. If the break in hardening was 10 days or more, you need to start all over again. It is necessary to reduce the water temperature again gradually, but faster than the first time - daily by one or two degrees.

If the break in the procedures is less than 5 days, then the hardening scheme continues as if it had not been interrupted. And with a break of 5 to 10 days, the water temperature should be 2-3 ° C higher than the temperature of the last procedure.

The air regime in the room during illness should not be changed. Ventilate the nursery more often, just make sure that there is no draft.

Important! In chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, water procedures with a decrease in temperature (foot baths, douches ...) are prohibited. Very carefully it is necessary to select the temperature regime of water procedures for nervous diseases.

Children with decompensated heart defects, endocrinological diseases limit sun exposure. For any chronic disease, specific recommendations for hardening should be obtained only from the attending physician.

  • sleeping badly
  • daytime sleep
  • Tantrums
  • The best way to protect the child from diseases - to carry out timely and competent prevention. Hardening is rightfully considered one of the best preventive methods. However, you should not rush headlong into extreme procedures, parents need to take into account various factors, such as the state of health of the baby, the characteristics of his immunity, his age. About how to properly approach the issues of hardening peanuts, preschool and school age, the well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky often tells parents.

    What it is

    Hardening of children is a set of measures to influence the children's body of various natural factors, such as sunlight, water, air, and so on. Often it is based on contrast (lowering and raising the ambient temperature in relation to the temperature of the child’s body, increasing and increasing atmospheric pressure. The goal is to bring the body into “combat readiness”, adapt it to possible external stresses, thereby increasing its ability to withstand negative impact.

    Doctors have long proven that systematic hardening improves cell composition., all organs and systems begin to act more harmoniously and better. Sleep and appetite improve, blood circulation normalizes, metabolic processes improve, adaptation mechanisms improve faster, nervous system strengthened. This method of prevention was known even to the healers of ancient Greece and Rome.

    Medicine knows many ways of hardening. The simplest and most affordable at home are rubbing and dousing, contrast showers, sunbathing, sports and outdoor walks. A relatively long stay in ice water (the so-called winter swimming) is not recommended for children, they better fit contrasting alternation of warm and cool water.

    You can harden the child as a whole, and practice local procedures- hardening of the throat, for example (there is a well-known and tasty way for this - ice cream). It is important that the therapy is constant, because after a long break, the effect of hardening is minimized, and then completely lost.

    The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

    Evgeny Komarovsky, like many of his colleagues, believes that all children are born with great immune capabilities and abilities. And the first years of a new person's life are connected, alas, with the fact that the people who love them most - their parents - do everything possible and impossible to destroy these innate abilities to adapt to the world around them. To do this, they do nothing supernatural, it is enough to create greenhouse conditions for the baby, dress warmer, monitor the sterility of the food that the baby eats, close the windows and doors tightly, and give the child various medicines more often.

    And here is the actual issue of Dr. Komarovsky's program dedicated to children's hardening.

    The result will be a child who will often and severely get sick with all conceivable and unthinkable diseases, the first place among them will definitely be occupied by colds and viral infections.

    Evgeny Olegovich is sure that children need to be tempered from birth. The main thing is to do this every day, without missing a single procedure, and approach hardening for reasons of reasonableness. If mom and dad thought about it and decided that they want to harden their child, they should start with a consultation with a pediatrician. The specialist will examine the baby, if necessary, prescribe laboratory tests, and make his verdict whether this particular child can be hardened, and which of the known methods is better to choose.

    When hardening is undesirable


    For a baby who has just been born, the usual rituals are quite suitable as hardening - morning exercises, dressing for a walk, evening swimming. If the pediatrician allows, you can gradually start dousing the baby's legs, first with cool water, and then with cold water. The duration of the procedures should gradually increase. It is not necessary to practice contrast baths, but walks should become an obligatory attribute of every baby’s life, Yevgeny Komarovsky recommends walking with him, regardless of weather conditions and seasons.

    Washing is the very first hardening. It is desirable to introduce the baby to water on the first day after discharge from the hospital, the main thing is that the water temperature is not lower than 28 degrees. It can be lowered by 2-3 degrees every three months, not more often.

    You can pour over a child from birth, observing the temperature regime, which we have already described above. This should be done once a day, after bathing. First, the heels are gently poured over, then the legs, arms, stomach and smoothly move to the back of the head of the crumbs.

    From six months of age, the baby can be wiped with water using a special flannel mitten. At first - only arms and legs, then you can wipe the back, and lastly - chest and tummy.

    Sunbathing is very useful for babies, because under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is produced, which the body needs to prevent rickets. The main thing is to dose the crumbs in the sun, avoid prolonged exposure to direct rays on the baby's skin.

    Children aged 3 and over

    It's never too late to temper, Yevgeny Komarovsky is convinced. Therefore, such procedures can be started by a child at any age, if this was not practiced by parents in infancy. The approach is still the same, however, starting from the age of three, you can use a contrast shower, and from the age of 4, a child can be poured with cold water on the street, however, without fanaticism. From the age of three, a child can be allowed to be in the fresh air in the same shorts for a long time on a warm day in the summer. Useful regular visits to the pool.

    • Changing conditions (water temperature, for example) should be done only gradually. A sharp jump can negatively affect the well-being of the child.
    • It is desirable to carry out the procedures in a playful way so that the baby perceives what is happening as fun activity and wanted to be tempered.
    • If the child begins to inadequately perceive the next increase or decrease in the temperature of water and air, he cries and is naughty, the procedure should be stopped, and the next day return to the previous temperature level.
    • When dousing and rubbing, the boys' genitals should be covered to prevent temperature fluctuations in the genital area, as this can subsequently adversely affect reproductive function.
    • Under no circumstances should you overfeed your baby. He should eat when he wants to, and not when "the time has come", according to mom and dad. A healthy baby is always a little hungry, moderately thin and very mobile, says Komarovsky. These three words should become guidelines for caring parents.
    • One of the most important factors in his hardening system, Yevgeny Komarovsky considers the creation of normal conditions in the house where the child lives. Regular ventilation is needed at any time of the year, especially if the baby is sick. The air temperature in the room should not exceed 18-20 degrees, humidity - 40-60%.
    • You can not wrap a child, he should always be dressed according to the weather. The way you dress yourself. The thermoregulation of a small body can be disturbed already by the fact that excessive loving mother or the grandmother dressed up the little one for a walk in 2-3 blouses and a pair of jackets on top. Sweating is a sure way to a cold.
    • Parents should be guided by the child's reaction to hardening. The temperature of water, air - these are purely individual factors, for some they will be higher, for others lower, it all depends on how comfortable the baby will feel during the procedures.