Headlight paint grey. Hair cosmetics from Farah brand. ultra-resistant, radiant, vibrant color

Almost every woman resorts to hair coloring. The cosmetic industry is so vast that it is difficult to choose a single manufacturer whose products would meet all the criteria. It is even more difficult to find a high-quality, but more budgetary option for hair coloring. Today we decided to talk about a wonderful paint, which is preferred by women in many countries - this is "Farah" (hair dye). Palette, composition, instructions for use and consumer reviews in the further content of the article.

Product description

What is this paint? "Fara", the hair color palette of which is described in this article, is produced by the Russian company "Krasnaya Liniya", which has been on the market for more than ten years, and has proven itself from the best side. However, all the main stages of product production are carried out in Bulgaria.

High-quality equipment and raw materials make it possible to produce really high-quality products that are valued by women at an affordable price.

The paint contains a specially developed by French scientists component Transcutol GC, the action of which is aimed at gentle coloring.

Paint composition

"Farah", a palette of hair colors which was developed so that when stained to a minimum cause harm, and to the maximum benefit, is an excellent choice. It contains many natural components:

  1. Jojoba oil has a moisturizing effect, takes care of the scalp: relieves irritation and itching, gives strength and health to weak hair, and prevents dandruff.
  2. Wheat protein fills curls with vitality and shine.
  3. Aloe vera has long been famous for its healing properties. This plant is able to relieve inflammation from the scalp, fight split ends, give hair elasticity, enhance their growth.
  4. Wine extract has long been used in folk health recipes. It has antioxidant properties and is rich in vitamins. Helps strengthen and restore hair.

Thanks to these components, damaged hair will become healthy, radiant and well-groomed again!

What is in the package?

"Fara", whose palette of hair colors is rich, fell in love with many women even because of such a pleasant little thing as the contents of the package. The manufacturer made sure that the coloring was more pleasant and lovely ladies did not worry about the lack of necessary items. Each package "Lights" contains:

  • protective gloves;
  • bottle with dispenser;
  • tuba;
  • fragrant hair balm after dyeing;
  • container with a foaming agent;
  • detailed instructions.

How to prepare the mixture and dye your hair?

Most women are in a hurry when coloring their hair and often do not pay attention to such trifles that will help make the procedure more comfortable, avoid allergic reactions and unwanted shades. And in most cases, inattention becomes the biggest mistake when staining.

The first step is to pour the contents of the tube with the dye into a bottle with an oxidizing agent. The product must be mixed well, shaken to obtain a homogeneous mass.

For comfortable coloring, it is necessary to cut off the plastic tip from the lid of the bottle with the resulting mixture and apply the paint directly from it, first to the hair roots, and then distribute it with a brush along the entire length. It is recommended to wear protective gloves before the procedure.

The product must be kept on the hair for 30 to 45 minutes, then rinse your head well, apply a balm, which must be washed off after five minutes.

The manufacturer advises to take a test to determine allergic reactions before staining. To do this, a little paint needs to be applied to the inside of the elbow or wrist. If after fifteen minutes there is no redness and itching, then you can dye your hair.

Hair dye "Headlight": a palette of colors

The manufacturer has created hair coloring products in three series, and we will consider each of them in more detail.

"Farah Classic"

This series is designed for rich color curls. Resistant paint does not destroy the structure of the hair, is able to paint over gray hair, consists of 24 shades, the main of which are:

  • light mahogany;
  • the Red tree;
  • golden chestnut;
  • natural;
  • caramel;
  • natural chocolate;
  • milk chocolate;
  • hazelnut;
  • blonde platinum.

"Headlight Natural Colors"

This series contains a special complex of substances that allows you to make the natural color more saturated, and the coloring result will last 30% longer in time. In addition to its unique effect, this series is endowed with many natural ingredients that will take care of the hair during dyeing. What colors does Farah offer? Natural Colors hair color palette:

  • black;
  • chocolate;
  • natural;
  • chestnut;
  • hazelnut;
  • golden;
  • blondor;
  • champagne;
  • millet;
  • platinum;
  • White sun;
  • White gold.

"Fara Lounge Mousse"

This series is designed to give curls an ultra-resistant shade. Coloring with these paints is comfortable, since the product has a mousse consistency and due to this it is easily distributed over the entire length of the hair. The main tones of this series:

  • chocolate mocha;
  • blueberry dessert;
  • marshmallow strawberry;
  • ice cappuccino;
  • Creme brulee;
  • honey shake;
  • nut sherbet;
  • creamy caramel;
  • almond nougat.

"Headlight", hair dye: palette, reviews

This tool really has a very rich palette of colors. Women point out exactly this in their comments. They write that "Farah" has a wide variety of shades in its assortment, and every woman can choose her own.

They note the durability of the paint, they say that the color remains saturated and shiny until the next staining, when it is necessary to "camouflage" the regrown roots.

Fara Classic hair dye has a huge amount of customer reviews, as it is the "oldest" of all the series. Women write that after dyeing with this product, the hair is obedient, soft, the shade is intense.

However, there are also negative comments. Some note that the tone does not always turn out exactly the way the manufacturer represents it.

There are reviews that the paint is quickly washed off the hair for unknown reasons.

Still, I would like to say that "Farah" (a palette of hair colors is described in our article) is a fairly high-quality tool that can be purchased at an affordable price. It is convenient to use at home, and the package contains everything you need for professional hair coloring.

Review: Persistent cream paint Fara classic - What happens if you dye your hair dyed with henna? Photo report of possible results.

Cost, beautiful shade, no red tint, only copper, ease of dyeing, hair does not fall out.

Acrid smell.

Good day, dear and respected readers!

Today my story will be about whether it is possible to paint over henna-dyed hair. My review is about Fara long-lasting cream hair dye shade 511 copper red.

I'll start my story by saying that for almost a year now, maybe even a little more, I've been dyeing my hair with Indian henna (my favorites are Natural Indian Henna Lady Henna - Red-red, red color! My love. and Henna Indian natural BiS - Brightness, color and shine! BEFORE, AFTER photos and my hair coloring recipe.).
The shade is bright, red, with shine. But over time, like paint, henna tends to wash out, only it is washed out (unless, of course, you use it for more than six months) only a couple of months after staining, and paint - in the worst case - after 2 weeks.

And so, having dyed with henna for the last time last month, I had no idea that I would be dyed with ordinary hair dye, and not even professional, but from the mass. But everything is in order.

To begin with, I found out that my henna Bis is not sold in any store in our city (out of stock and when it will be unknown). And then an idea came to my mind: "Why don't I take paint? If suddenly something - I know how to restore hair, I have experience."

I started my choice, of course, with professional paint. But to my great regret, I did not find the product I needed in our stores in stock. And I had to choose paint from the mass.

Having carefully examined the assortment of two stores, I saw that I had practically no choice: there was no shade I needed, everyone went either to red or were light red, orange.
I was faced with a choice between a tinted shampoo and paint, which I once acquired a long time ago and dyed with it (then it was dark brown). So I took the paint.

Before us is a persistent cream paint Fara shade 511 copper red. Its cost is only 65 rubles.

When I showed it to my friend for the first time, she began to dissuade me and swear at me very much so that I didn’t put on makeup for her. But the choice was already made (after reading this story, she will see the consequences of my actions and get angry again), and I decided with confidence to paint with this particular paint.

The design is very bright and catchy. On the front side of the package / paint box, a girl with copper-red hair is drawn, the shade is more like a fire flame. Very bright and eye catching.

This shade is new from the manufacturer Fara: it contains 100% natural organ oil and natural extract of royal jelly - this is what we learn about the information on the front side of the paint box.
The manufacturer also promises after using this persistent Fara cream-paint shade 511 copper-red painting of gray hair, a lasting and bright shade.

On the back of the paint box, we see some information that the manufacturer left us.
And the result of staining will exceed your expectations: the color will be persistent, bright and radiant. The hair is soft and elastic.

On one side of the package with Fara permanent cream paint shade 511 copper red, there is a composition of the cream paint itself and a clarifier.

The manufacturer advises that before you start staining, make sure that this paint will not cause you an allergic reaction. 48 hours before you are going to dye your hair, you need to test the tolerance of the components.

I don't usually do this.

Manufacturer: LLC "Russian Cosmetics", Russia, Odintsovo city, MO.

And also the paint manufacturer indicated all the precautions that must be observed.

On the other hand, on the box with Fara permanent cream color shade 511 copper red, there is a presumable staining result. Everyone's hair is different, but ideally, exactly the color that is indicated on the box should come out.

What is in the box?
- one tube with cream-paint in 50 ml,
- a bottle with an oxidizing agent (as I understand it, 6%) in 50 ml,
- hair balm "Color fixing" in 15 ml,
- a pair of gloves,
- instructions for use.

Pretty good content. There are more expensive paints, but they don’t have gloves, but balm.

Let's take a look inside and see if everything is really available.
Before us is a cream paint (red tube), an oxidizing agent (white tube), instructions for use, a pair of gloves and a hair balm.

Some information is also indicated on the tube of cream paint.
This resistant cream paint contains wheat proteins in its composition.

On the reverse side of the Color Fixing hair balm, it is indicated exactly how to use it.

As well as instructions that must be carefully read before you start dyeing your hair.
From the instructions, I learned that for those who dye their hair for the first time and completely, Fara persistent cream hair dye shade 511 copper red must be kept for 30 minutes.
And for those who paint only regrown roots - only 20.
I dyed my hair completely.

So, it's time for the most interesting part - how I dyed my hair with Fara persistent cream-hair dye shade 511 copper-red.

I present to you a photo of my hair BEFORE using paint. Without any correction.

And also the general picture of how my hair looked BEFORE.
Depending on the light, the shade seemed completely different. But, I assure you, this was BEFORE dyeing the hair with paint.

Let's move on to the actual painting.

First, I squeezed the entire tube of cream paint into the oxidizer.

For coloring, I decided to use my proven nozzle, which stains hair well. Didn't use a brush.

After mixing well and shaking the contents in the bottle, I changed the standard cap to my nozzle.

I dyed my hair, starting from the middle of the head. I dyed the bangs in the second place, then the hair came from behind.
By the end of the coloring, I realized that 50 ml of paint and 50 ml of an oxidizer, in total 100 ml of paint, is not enough for my hair length. The ends of the hair I have already smeared with the paint that was already applied to the hair.
I, of course, did not take this into account.
The smell of the paint is pungent. This is understandable given its cost.
But as soon as the paint is applied to the hair, this smell is no longer felt. And not because you get used to it.

Photo of hair just dyed with Fara permanent cream-hair dye shade 511 copper red.

Taking into account the time of coloring (I painted for 10 minutes), I sat with the paint for another 15 minutes, in total it turned out that I held the Fara persistent cream hair dye shade 511 copper red for only 25 minutes, out of 30 needed.
But I was very afraid that my bright, albeit slightly washed out red color, would turn red.

Photo of hair after 25 minutes of holding the dye.

The paint washes off very easily. Hair does not tangle.
When I washed off the paint, not a single hair fell out, and when the persistent cream hair dye Fara shade 511 copper-red was still on my hair, my scalp did not burn.

But after I washed off the dye, my hair felt coarser than usual to the touch. And this is understandable.
But my favorite balm (applied after shampoo and balm "Color Fixing") Organic Shop Hair Balm "Golden Orchid" - A good balm for easy hair combing! Photos before and after. softened my hair quickly.

After drying my hair, I expected to see a red tint, but...
Photo of hair AFTER painting.
There was a shine, a bright red tint.

Hair became bright, soft, pleasant to the touch (I think my balm played a role).
Persistent cream-hair dye Fara shade 511 copper-red did not dry out the hair, and this was the most important thing for me

A photo of the overall picture of what the paint looks like on the hair.

And a comparison of the hair itself BEFORE and AFTER dyeing.
BEFORE - henna, AFTER - persistent cream hair color Fara shade 511 copper-red.
As you can see with the flash, there is no red tint.

And then looking closer, I saw that nothing really had changed.
I took a photo of my hair without a flash. Before staining, I could see red strands in some places (thanks to Tonika for this), which were completely not painted over with anything. Now they have become a little more noticeable and brighter.

Both on the length and on the bang itself, a slight red tint is visible.

But in the photo with a flash, this shade is as if it had not happened.
Persistent cream-hair dye Fara shade 511 copper-red did an excellent job with coloring and dyed the hair roots with a bang.

And the final comparison photo BEFORE and AFTER staining.
Persistent cream-hair dye Fara shade 511 copper-red added a bright red tint to my hair (it made the red that was already present a little brighter), but it didn’t really lay down on henna.

My impressions after using Fara long-lasting cream-hair dye shade 511 copper red.

My opinion is this: the paint did not really lie on the henna. Although I was expecting a copper color with a deep red tint present, none of that came true.
Persistent cream paint perfectly dyed the hair roots in a bright red color, without a hint of a red tint, but the length became a little brighter and richer.

Despite its low cost, I recommend the Fara permanent cream hair dye shade 511 copper red.
There will be no red tint on the hair, a nice coppery bright shade will appear.
I still can not fully understand whether the paint lay on the henna. Looking at my hair, I don't see much of a difference.

Or, perhaps, the paint still dyed the hair with henna?) You be the judge.
Usage time: 1 staining Price: 65 rub.
General impression: What happens if you dye henna-dyed hair? Photo report of possible results.

Now only this paint, and not even for reasons of economy

I dye my hair in chestnut or dark chestnut. Recently, about a year ago, I switched to this paint, and now I will only buy it, perhaps. Its color is blond, quickly fading, a little with a reddish tint, and many colors on me soon lose their brightness, begin to fade into red. And here, I can’t even describe my delight - nothing like this happened with this paint! The color stays rich and even until the hair starts to grow back. The color is deep, beautiful, real chestnut. Fortunately, from the moment I started using it, I have not yet had to ask myself another choice due to the lack of paint on sale, it is easy to find and it is inexpensive.

So, the price of the package is 70 rubles. I need 2 packs, so multiply by 2.

The box contains everything you need for self-coloring: paint (cream), oxidizing agent, gloves, and fixing balm.

We mix the paint with a liquid oxidizing agent directly in the application bottle.

It is not difficult to apply, because. nice paint texture. It also spreads through the hair quite well. The only thing is that there is a slightly specific smell, but that's what it's paint for. In principle, the smell is tolerable, it can be harder.

In general, the composition is not bad, there are many useful components, such as wheat proteins, argan oil, royal jelly extract ... I don’t know what exactly helps, but the hair in general feels good after the procedure, and some time later.

How long the paint will last without losing color, I really can’t say, because. every 3-4 weeks I tint because of the growing roots.

My summary: the paint is good, resistant, and, in my opinion, not too dangerous for the hair. In any case, in my experience there are cases with paint that made my hair very dry, dull, red instead of dark brown ... With Farah's paint, everything is predictable, the result is expected, and I like it.

I advise you to try, those who paint themselves.

Paint Farah (Fara) 505b CARAMEL. Does the shade match what is advertised? Does it cover gray hair? Pros and cons of paint and shade in particular.


I never thought I would end up coloring my hair. Fara paint.

Although my mother has been painting with her for a long time (about 15 years), and she really likes this paint, because she paints over her gray hair well, I have always been wary of Fara paint, as it is cheaper than other paints from the mass market.

I have dyed my hair for 10 years GARNIER Color Naturals shade 3.0. All this time, she completely suited me with both color and a gentle effect on the hair.

From paints GARNIER I have a wonderful hair stopped falling out after staining. It was strange, as it usually happens the other way around. The color stayed on the hair for a long time, the paint was very resistant. BUT apparently this is only from this shade 3.0 such an impact. Because, having finally decided to change my hair color to a lighter one, I was completely disappointed in the GARNIER paint.

And that's why.

First, from lighter shades my hair started to fall out so much. Second, paint washed out after 2 weeks, if not less. Third, absolutely did not cover gray hair. The only thing that pleased me was that after the dye the hair was smooth and silky.

Now I can’t say for sure whether it depends on a specific shade or the quality of the paint has become worse than before, but I finally decided to refuse.

And, after much thought, after weighing all the pros and cons, I decided to try to dye my hair with Fara paint, as I heard a lot of reviews that she paints over gray hair well, and this is the number one goal in hair coloring for me.

I chose the shade of the paint according to the photo on the package and according to the table of staining results, since, apparently, there is no other way to choose the shade. Chose shade 505b caramel, since on the package it looks like a light brown golden. The shade numbers of Fara paint are very strange, not standard, like other paints, so It's hard to find the right shade!(Maybe there is some secret here? I still don’t understand, unfortunately.) The first minus of this paint.

And that's what manufacturer promises us after using this paint.

Coloring result:

  • Ultra-resistant, radiant, vibrant color;
  • Reliable painting of gray hair;
  • Soft and elastic hair.

The promises of the manufacturer are captivating. This is what you need after every hair coloring. Let's see if these promises are actually fulfilled...

AT compound I didn't really get into it, but maybe it will be useful for someone.

That's what happened to the hair before staining. Hair literally before dyeing, not washed.

Hair, to put it mildly, is multi-colored (on previously dyed hair, the paint has peeled off, they are lighter; regrown their dark roots; a lot of gray hair, which is difficult to stain).

Paramount the goal was even out the color of the hair, paint over the gray hair, do not spoil the hair much.

I prepared the paint according to the instructions.

It is convenient that the Fara paint kit includes applicator bottle with oxidant in which to mix the paint. The paint with its help is easily applied to the hair along the partings.

I applied paint to the roots and part of the length, I did not apply it to the ends. Paints 100 ml was enough for me because the hair is not thick. waited 30 minutes and washed away. Not much hair fell out after dyeing compared to light shades of GARNIER Color Naturals. I didn’t really like the balm after dyeing, it’s too thick and hard to distribute through the hair, GARNIER Color Naturals has a better balm.

That's what in the end it worked out.

Hair after dyeing with Fara paint is not as smooth and silky as after GARNIER Color Naturals.

The camera did not render the color correctly, possibly due to artificial lighting. The color of the hair in the photo is lighter and yellow than in reality.

Closer to reality the resulting color is conveyed by these photos taken the next day after staining in daylight.

Hair color more or less evened out, but Not perfect to a uniform color, gray hair is still noticeable, gleams. Apparently, only paint with a very dark shade can defeat my gray hair. (((Yes, and of course, it is better to paint gray hair in natural shades with the number 0 after the dot. As for the shade of paint Farah 505b caramel, immediately after staining doesn't match at all with the color on the packaging and in the results table. The shade turned out to be much darker and not at all golden, but more like mahogany.

Let's see, what happened to the color after 10 days. I wash my hair in about a day or two.

The color became a little lighter, not as golden as in the results chart on the package, but reddish, which I did not like at all. The paint is washed off gradually and evenly, headlight paint indeed persistent.

What I liked about Fara paint is that it slightly thickens hair they shine from it, even the tips shimmer and sparkle beautifully in the sun, although I didn’t apply paint on them, apparently it was enough when washing off.

Let me summarize.


The promises of the manufacturer are half fulfilled. Fara paint is really resistant, the color is bright, but it painted over my gray hair badly, it stands out from the general background of the hair. Didn't mess up my hair.

pros paints Fara 505b Caramel:

  1. Low price (bought for 75 rubles);
  2. Resistant, washed off gradually and evenly;
  3. Does not burn the scalp strongly when stained;
  4. It is this shade that does not poison with the smell of ammonia during dyeing, which I would not say about the shade with which mom is painted;
  5. Does not spoil hair very much compared to Palette paint;
  6. Gives brightness and shine to hair;
  7. Convenient applicator bottle for mixing paint and application.

Minuses paints Fara 505b Caramel:

  1. It is difficult to choose a shade by number;
  2. Inconsistency of the resulting shade declared on the package;
  3. Completely does not paint over gray hair;
  4. The manufacturer misleads that the paint heals and restores hair.

Thus, there are both pluses and significant minuses. I don't want to try the whole palette of paint to find my shade, it would be more convenient if the numbers of the Farah paint shades corresponded to the generally accepted ones.

I will give 3 stars, since I have not tried other shades of Fara paint, otherwise, most likely, I would put 2.

This paint did not cover my gray hair very well. Therefore, I will not use Fara paint anymore. And I won't recommend it to others. I'm switching to professional hair dyes.

Thank you for your attention!))

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Ollin Color professional cream paint that burned my hair.

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"Fara Classic" natural chocolate. Expectation and reality


I used to use paint Farah , but now all impressions have been erased from memory. After reviewing the reviews, I realized that until I try it myself, there will be no sense. And since now my hair is of an indefinite color, and it’s all thanks to this tonic, I decided to “cover over” all this with inexpensive paint, since it was not clear how all this would fall on my burgundy-good.

Price - 100 rubles

Although the paint is very budgetary, it has everything you need for comfortable hair coloring. I especially liked the bottle with the developer, you squeeze the paint into it, shake it and apply it to your hair with a thin nose. And you do not need any plates and brushes for applying and stirring the paint.

The package shows an example of the original color and the result obtained -

Compound -

The shade seemed to me suitable, not quite dark, but not quite red. The golden mean, according to this table.

She applied paint to her hair, with and without a flash

Manufacturer promises -

- ultra-resistant, radiant, bright color

I completely agree with this conclusion, the shade turned out to be bright and radiant

- Reliable gray hair coloring

And then hit, gray hair dyed 100%

- soft and elastic hair

Yes, the hair is quite soft and elastic. Of course, there is the merit of my balm, but the hair is not overdried.

My conclusion-

The paint is quite affordable and of high quality. If you use it on a regular basis, it can harm your hair. But my hair is cut every 2 months, and there are no "crackers" on the tips.

But I am not satisfied with the shade of the hair, in the picture it is with redness, I got a darker color.

Cons of paint -

  • - strong smell
  • - color mismatch
  • - washed off

Advantages of paint -

  • + budget price
  • + large selection of colors
  • + paints over gray hair by 100%
  • + does not dry hair (for example, 1 time)

I'll show you again - was - became -

I will try other brands, but I will return to this one again and again. It didn't ruin my hair, didn't dry it out. I didn't notice much of a difference with more expensive paints.

Thank you for your attention. Resistant paint without ammonia and smell Fito Color for only 80 rubles. Pallette Intensive (click to read)

Please us with quality products? Definitely yes! Doubt? Then the article is for you.

Not everyone knows that Farah hair dyes, the color range of which we are considering today, is a daughter product of the popular Russian brand Krasnaya Liniya.

The series of this product has changed more than once over the past 10 years, and we hope that the product that is on the shelves today called "Farah" does not lag behind its own in an affordable price segment.

Types and features

The advantages of Fara paint is that its formula, derived in accordance with the latest technological advances, will enable the pigment composition to penetrate much deeper into the hair without destroying its structure.

Paint features:

  • The FARA Classic formula currently includes beneficial - shea butter and wheat stalk proteins, as well as wheat stalk proteins, thanks to which the hair becomes shiny and silky.
  • The FARA Classic and FaraNaturalColor set of colors is provided with bright shades, in which there is relatively little natural. Among these shades are ruby, emerald, walnut, pomegranate, cherry and the like.

Do not neglect reading the instructions for use, before staining, carry out a compatibility test. This procedure takes no more than 15 minutes, but eliminates all sorts of troubles.

To date, the paint provides two products for painting - FARA Classic and Fara Natural Color. Both products are designed for, respectively, each of them contains a small proportion of ammonia.

Today, on the counter of coloring agents, you can see more modern and technologically resistant paints, where they have been replaced with safer components, but not everyone can afford such products. Paints gently act on the hair, provide a full and rich color, as well as a mirror-smooth surface.

Farah hair color palette

You can choose the desired shade of hair, do not get lost in the variety of color schemes, using the original palette of colors. Unlike the tone that is indicated on the back of the pack (it does not always correspond to reality), the palette will give you the opportunity to see the color that you will definitely find after using the paint.

The synthetic hair samples provided in it can be viewed in the light of the room, as well as to find out how the shade will look in daylight.

That is, to fully appreciate all the advantages of the chosen color.

When choosing your shade, do not forget about the color type of your appearance so that you don’t have to redo it, thereby causing them additional damage.

Color catalog:

  • golden brown;
  • natural blond;
  • light blond;
  • gray-blond;
  • red ruby;
  • fiery red;
  • ash blond;
  • scandinavian blonde;
  • platinum blonde;
  • dark chestnut;
  • luxurious red chestnut;
  • chestnut;
  • golden chestnut;
  • light chestnut.:
  • red rosehip;
  • the Red tree;
  • light mahogany;
  • copper red;
  • the Red tree;
  • milk chocolate;
  • natural chocolate;
  • hazelnut;
  • golden copper tone.

Such an abundance certainly will not cause dissatisfaction among customers. Farah Shades nothing worse than the well-known

After coloring, always use on hair so that the strands are manageable and smooth when styling.

Mode of application

  1. Mix the paint with the oxidizing agent in the proportion indicated in the instructions.
  2. Apply to hair with a brush.
  3. endure 30 minutes.
  4. Wash off with water and shampoo.

Despite all the skepticism and stereotypes about Russian cosmetics, this company has shown that even for a low price you can get an acceptable product quality.

(No ratings yet)

Before buying this or that product, it is important for every woman to know as much as possible about it. This is especially true for food and cosmetics. Usually girls are guided by the price, believing that an expensive product cannot be of poor quality. Many mistakenly assume that analog products that cost less are bound to be worse. Is it really? Today we decided to write about one very popular product in the cosmetic industry, this is the Fara paint. Reviews about the product, positive and negative, read the further content of the article.

General information about the paint "Headlight"

Before publishing reviews, it is worth talking about the product that came to the court of the fair sex. It is worth noting that among all the colors this one stands out for its huge assortment of shades, an acceptable price tag. Many women have trusted this brand for several years, and are in no hurry to try another, cheaper or more expensive one.

Paint "Fara", the reviews, the photo of which is published in this article, is produced in Russia, but the company's main facilities are in Bulgaria. Thanks to Russian production, this product has such an attractive cost, and the quality does not suffer from this. The composition of the paints "Farah" is dominated by natural ingredients that care for the hair, and dyeing does not give such a detrimental effect. The paints of this brand are released in three series, each of which has the entire range of the most popular shades.

"Fara Classic" is aimed at soft coloring, the dye penetrates deeply into the hair structure, and the color is saturated, it lasts for a long time. The components included in the composition care for curls, give them strength, healthy shine.

"Farah Lounge Mousse" is very easy to use, it evenly stains each strand. This series is chosen by women who color at home.

"Fara Natural Color" incorporates a new component, the formula of which was developed and patented in France. Thanks to this component, the dye penetrates into the hair shafts, and the color fastness is maintained up to 30% more.

Paint "Headlight", reviews of which are diverse, remains one of the leaders in sales. We offer you to read reviews of the most popular shades.

Paint "Fara", ash-blond: positive reviews

The girls who chose this shade were satisfied with the price of the product. They write that the result of staining does not differ from the use of more expensive products.

There are reviews that this paint stays on the hair for a long time, it is not washed off. The color is natural, beautiful, the hair shines, looks healthy.

They write that this shade of paint "Headlight" perfectly paints over gray hair, unlike other tones. Women who have found in their hair recommend using this particular remedy.

Do not forget to mention in the positive comments another important advantage of the paint of the described brand, these are the protective gloves included in the set, the balm for fixing the color. They write that these necessary little things are often forgotten when shopping. And here the manufacturer has provided this important point.

I like this shade and girls who naturally have blond hair. They write that the paint perfectly emphasizes the natural color of the curls, gives them shine.

Ash-blond: negative reviews

There is no consensus on any product. Often in the comments about the "Farah" paint there is an opinion that they have never tried the product, and they are not going to take it, since the price is low, and nothing good can be expected from a cheap dye.

There are reviews that they tried the paint, based on numerous recommendations and positive comments about the result, but an allergy appeared on it. They say that more expensive products rarely cause burning and itching, redness of the skin. However, I would like to note that in each instruction enclosed in a box of paint, the manufacturer warns of the possible manifestation of such unpleasant moments. He also advises to conduct a sensitivity test, and describes in detail how to do this.

Light brown shade: positive reviews

Many women try to dye their hair in natural shades, and the Fara (light brown) paint has received numerous reviews because of its wide range. They write that you can choose a natural color with golden, ruby, red, platinum and many other shades.

Women note that few manufacturers of this price category of paints can boast of such an assortment of shades of the same color.

They write about the light brown shades of "Headlights" that they last quite a long time, the colors turn out exactly the same as indicated on the package, there are no discrepancies.

There are comments where it is written that the products are easy to apply, do not spread, have a pleasant aroma that interrupts the smell of peroxide.

Light brown shade: negative reviews

Many people complain about fiery red. They write that a beautiful color is expected, but in the end there is not a trace of a light brown shade, the hair becomes really bright red. The result is far from what is stated on the package.

They say that this product is quickly washed off, and begins to disappear from the roots, you have to repaint your hair with a different paint, then burning your hair with peroxide.

Many, just like in the previous case, had a reaction to the dye. But there is an opinion that the composition contains many natural components, and one of them may be allergic, which the woman did not even suspect. That is why you should not be guided when staining by the fact that there were no reactions to other paints, and do not pass the test. It’s just that in another remedy, for example, argan oil could be absent, and the girl is allergic to it.

Positive reviews about the ash shade

This shade never goes out of style. It can be used by women with any skin type, face shape and eye color. Ash color will only decorate each girl, make it more noticeable, highlighting it from the general mass of people.

Paint "Headlight" (ashy) has a huge amount of reviews. They write that it ideally paints over gray hair, fits well, does not drain and does not have an unpleasant odor.

Many, as always, were pleased with the price. They say that a fashionable ashy shade is rarely seen in the most affordable means. There are comments where the girls write that the result exceeded all expectations. The color turned out when painting the house with an inexpensive tool, as if using expensive salon services.

It is noted that the result of staining remains for quite a long time, it is not washed off, so there is no need to constantly refresh the color. Next time you will need to paint only as the roots grow.

Ashy: negative comments

Initially, I would like to say that there are many negative reviews about the ashy shade of all brands. The thing is that some girls who dye their hair at home do not know one very important thing. Ash-colored paint should never be applied to bleached curls. After such staining, you will get far from a fashionable tone, but a purple color.

As for the ashy shade of the Fara brand, there are comments that the paint does not do its job at all. The result is not the best. Hair becomes not ashen, but a real gray shade, it is dyed unevenly. Some strands are darker, others are lighter. This result greatly exacerbates the effect of "early old age".

Again, they say that the paint "Headlight", reviews of which are both positive and negative, is quickly washed off. But many immediately correct themselves that the price is not so high that one could expect a different result and be offended by the brand.

Girls are advised to dye their hair at the hairdresser. They say that the masters will be able to qualitatively paint over the curls even with inexpensive paint brought by the client.

"Headlight" black tint: positive reviews

For lovers of this color, this brand provides many black shades. There are other colors here as well. It is worth remembering that for a certain type of face, skin color, eye shape and other external data, it is worth choosing the right black shade.

So, women write that the paint "Headlight" in black is ideal. It evenly stains hair, even the most capricious, which cannot be dyed. They also write that even after using basma or henna, the paint fits perfectly, dyes the hair, the color keeps flawlessly.

There are girls who advise using the Farah Lounge Mousse paint for dyeing black, as it is evenly distributed over all hair, and there is less opportunity not to dye some hairs. They also recommend "Natural Color", which is firmly absorbed into the hair, and is easily peeled off the skin, which is important when choosing a black hair color.

Negative reviews about the black tint

Paint "Headlight" black has negative reviews. The girls write that the result is ideal only until the first shampoo. There are comments that the water turns black when rinsing the hair, which means that the pigment does not hold well in the structure.

There are women who did not like this paint because of the pungent smell. They write that it is simply impossible to sit out the due time with such aromatherapy.

Positive comments about the blonde

Paint "Farah" (blondor) reviews has almost all positive. Women found only one drawback - the hair after it is "rubber", but quickly bounces back after using the balm enclosed in the package.

They write that this blonde, although cheap, is much better than expensive ones. After it, the hair does not take on a red or yellow tint.

Farah is a paint produced in Bulgaria, but the creator is located in the city of the Russian Federation. It is made only on the basis of natural products of the highest quality, gives shine to curls and protection from any impact for a long time. Fara hair product is a budget and at the same time high-quality product, which is preferred by women in different parts of the world!


Fara coloring agent was created by the Russian cosmetic company Krasnaya Liniya, which has been on the market for over 10 years.

It is located in the city of Odintsovo, but the main stages of manufacturing take place in Bulgaria.

The high-tech equipment used for its production makes this product truly of high quality and value.

It is produced from high-quality raw materials using natural components of various medicinal herbs such as: aloe vera, wheat protein (protein fraction), jojoba oil, as well as wine extract and others.

It also contains a special component - "Transcutol CG", which was developed by scientists in France.


The developers of the composition of the Farah coloring agent carefully made sure that the product was much safer, therefore, natural raw materials were used, such as: wheat protein, due to which the hair becomes shiny, silky, and this ingredient also helps to restore damaged hair, jojoba oil(liquid wax), the same ingredient is included in the composition.
It is obtained from the fruits of the Simmondsia walnut tree. As you know, a nut is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, which has a beneficial effect on the body.

The oil obtained from this plant has a moisturizing effect on the scalp, relieves irritation, prevents the formation of dandruff and gives strength to weak hair.

Aloe vera- a healing plant that is used in various fields. This natural component stimulates blood circulation, which is important for hair growth, has an antibacterial effect, gives elasticity and helps get rid of split ends.

wine extract- a folk remedy that is rich in vitamins and has antioxidant properties. An excellent assistant in the fight to strengthen and improve hair.
The composition of the Fara coloring agent is striking in its properties, which really does not raise any doubts about its quality and safety in use.


In order to properly and without harm to your health to dye your hair, as well as to avoid various allergic reactions and an unnecessary tint effect, you must follow the instructions. Often women are in a hurry and do not pay attention to such an important detail, thereby making a big mistake.


  • dispenser bottle;
  • tuba;
  • a pair of gloves;
  • instructions for use;
  • gentle and fragrant balm;
  • small container with foaming agent.

To begin with, pour the dye into a vial with an oxidizing agent, the contents are stirred to mass. Then put on gloves. Evenly distribute the paint on the roots and apply the remaining paint along the entire length of the curls.
Wait 30 minutes and wash off with warm water. Apply balm and then wait 5 minutes, rinse. The product has a persistent staining and the smell will have to endure.

Watch the video review

You must carefully read the rules, only then you can proceed to the main process.

How to wash off the paint

If it comes to incorrectly applied cosmetics in the face area, then everything is much simpler, but if, after dyeing the hair, the color did not satisfy, then it will take much more time to get rid of the disliked shade.
There are many ways to get rid of paint from curls, which include:

  • Chemicals used in specialized beauty salons (picking).
  • A fermented milk product is kefir. It is applied in large volume to the hair, for about two hours, then washed off with shampoo.
  • Lemon juice. This citrus is known for its lightening properties, so if you rinse your hair with water with citric acid, it will become much lighter. For this, you need to take 1l. water, mix with lemon juice, use after the main hair wash.
  • Laundry soap. The method is effective, but not suitable for dry and damaged hair. After this method, it is advisable to use a balm. And you can find out with reviews of Nexxt hair dye.

In order not to resort to various methods for washing hair dye, you must carefully study the details that are in the instructions, as well as on the surface of the box.

Types and palettes of shades

The richness of the choice of colors makes this hair coloring tool truly limitless, so there is no problem finding the desired palette.

The collection includes three main types:

  • Fara Classic is the number one series, which reveals the richness of the color scheme;
  • Fara Natural Colors - created to give vibrant, natural shades to hair;
  • Fara Lounge Mousse - mousse paint.

So, let's take a closer look at each series.

Fara Classic- resistant paint that does not destroy the strand structure. A special dye reaches the depth of the hair, so it fixes the effect for a long time. The hair gains strength and a chic appearance, as is the case with.

Fara Natural Colors- a coloring complex containing a unique formula of the latest generation "Transcutol CG", developed in France. Thanks to its components, color stability is increased by more than 30%.

Perfectly copes with the task of coloring gray hair. If, during the staining process, the excess gets on the skin, everything is washed off simply, so nothing is eaten. Due to the light structure, the paint is easily distributed through the hair.

Fara Lounge Mousse– will give a rich tone and ultra-resistant shade that will last for a long time. The new formula will help the dye to be distributed evenly through the hair, so that the dyeing process will be of high quality. This balm is the perfect completion of the hair coloring process!

Fara Classic

This collection can be proud of its variety of colors! This includes 24 trendy tones:

  • 510 - mahogany;
  • 510A - light mahogany;
  • 505 - natural;
  • 505A - golden chestnut;
  • 505B - ​​caramel;
  • 506A - milk chocolate;
  • 507A - natural chocolate;
  • 508 - hazelnut
  • 531 - platinum blonde.

Price - up to 100 rubles

Fara Natural Colors and its natural shades

This series is a whole “fortified ensemble”, aimed at high-quality painting and healing of curls, therefore it is one of the most gentle coloring agents. Due to the content of a large number of natural components, the risk is eliminated.

Palette of 19 shades, which belongs to this series:

  • 301 - black;
  • 302 - natural;
  • 304 - chocolate;
  • 305 - chestnut;
  • 306 - golden;
  • 307 - hazelnut;
  • 300 - blond;
  • 350 - millet;
  • 352 - champagne;
  • 353 - white gold;
  • 354 - platinum;
  • 355 - white sun.

All of these exclusive shades of colors are rich and durable, and thanks to natural ingredients they are good for hair and skin.

Fara Lounge Mousse

The F L M series is the youngest, therefore it includes much fewer tint elements - only twelve. But those who try it will fall in love forever! It's easy to use, the stand is incredible, and the color comes out exactly as shown on the box.

  • 200 - blueberry dessert (black);
  • 543 - chocolate mocha (light chestnut);
  • 900 - ice cappuccino (light);
  • 905 - strawberry marshmallow (pale pink);
  • 930 - creme brulee (golden);
  • 700 - walnut sherbet (under natural);
  • 763 - honey shake (amber);
  • 800 - almond nougat (light);
  • 838 - creamy caramel (golden).

Saturated, bright, non-standard shades will be loved by those who like to experiment with their appearance! And about tinted shampoos for gray hair for men, you can find out at.

Pros and cons of using Farah hair dye

The advantages include:

  • Price availability.
  • Persistence.
  • Large selection of shades.
  • Works well with gray hair.
  • Colors hair evenly.
  • Convenient and clear instructions.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • There is a color mismatch.

On the video about the pros and cons of Headlight paint

Each product has its pros and cons, but also a lot depends on the characteristics of the person. The cost of Farah paint varies between 70-150 rubles. And you can find out about the shades of L'Oreal lip gloss.

Almost every woman resorts to hair coloring. The cosmetic industry is so vast that it is difficult to choose a single manufacturer whose products would meet all the criteria. It is even more difficult to find a high-quality, but more budgetary option for hair coloring. Today we decided to talk about a wonderful paint, which is preferred by women in many countries - this is "Farah" (hair dye). Palette, composition, instructions for use and consumer reviews in the further content of the article.

Product description

What is this paint? "Fara", the hair color palette of which is described in this article, is produced by the Russian company "Krasnaya Liniya", which has been on the market for more than ten years, and has proven itself from the best side. However, all the main stages of product production are carried out in Bulgaria.

High-quality equipment and raw materials make it possible to produce really high-quality products that are valued by women at an affordable price.

The paint contains a specially developed by French scientists component Transcutol GC, the action of which is aimed at gentle coloring.

Paint composition

"Farah", a palette of hair colors which was developed so that when stained to a minimum cause harm, and to the maximum benefit, is an excellent choice. It contains many natural components:

  1. Jojoba oil has a moisturizing effect, takes care of the scalp: relieves irritation and itching, gives strength and health to weak hair, and prevents dandruff.
  2. Wheat protein fills curls with vitality and shine.
  3. Aloe vera has long been famous for its healing properties. This plant is able to relieve inflammation from the scalp, fight split ends, give hair elasticity, enhance their growth.
  4. Wine extract has long been used in folk health recipes. It has antioxidant properties and is rich in vitamins. Helps strengthen and restore hair.

Thanks to these components, damaged hair will become healthy, radiant and well-groomed again!

What is in the package?

"Fara", whose palette of hair colors is rich, fell in love with many women even because of such a pleasant little thing as the contents of the package. The manufacturer made sure that the coloring was more pleasant and lovely ladies did not worry about the lack of necessary items. Each package "Lights" contains:

  • protective gloves;
  • bottle with dispenser;
  • tuba;
  • fragrant hair balm after dyeing;
  • container with a foaming agent;
  • detailed instructions.

How to prepare the mixture and dye your hair?

Most women are in a hurry when coloring their hair and often do not pay attention to such trifles that will help make the procedure more comfortable, avoid allergic reactions and unwanted shades. And in most cases, inattention becomes the biggest mistake when staining.

The first step is to pour the contents of the tube with the dye into a bottle with an oxidizing agent. The product must be mixed well, shaken to obtain a homogeneous mass.

For comfortable coloring, it is necessary to cut off the plastic tip from the lid of the bottle with the resulting mixture and apply the paint directly from it, first to the hair roots, and then distribute it with a brush along the entire length. It is recommended to wear protective gloves before the procedure.

The product must be kept on the hair for 30 to 45 minutes, then rinse your head well, apply a balm, which must be washed off after five minutes.

The manufacturer advises to take a test to determine allergic reactions before staining. To do this, a little paint needs to be applied to the inside of the elbow or wrist. If after fifteen minutes there is no redness and itching, then you can dye your hair.

Hair dye "Headlight": a palette of colors

The manufacturer has created hair coloring products in three series, and we will consider each of them in more detail.

"Farah Classic"

This series is designed for rich color curls. Resistant paint does not destroy the structure of the hair, is able to paint over gray hair, consists of 24 shades, the main of which are:

  • light mahogany;
  • the Red tree;
  • golden chestnut;
  • natural;
  • caramel;
  • natural chocolate;
  • milk chocolate;
  • hazelnut;
  • blonde platinum.

"Headlight Natural Colors"

This series contains a special complex of substances that allows you to make the natural color more saturated, and the coloring result will last 30% longer in time. In addition to its unique effect, this series is endowed with many natural ingredients that will take care of the hair during dyeing. What colors does Farah offer? Natural Colors hair color palette:

  • black;
  • chocolate;
  • natural;
  • chestnut;
  • hazelnut;
  • golden;
  • blondor;
  • champagne;
  • millet;
  • platinum;
  • White sun;
  • White gold.

"Fara Lounge Mousse"

This series is designed to give curls an ultra-resistant shade. Coloring with these paints is comfortable, since the product has a mousse consistency and due to this it is easily distributed over the entire length of the hair. The main tones of this series:

  • chocolate mocha;
  • blueberry dessert;
  • marshmallow strawberry;
  • ice cappuccino;
  • Creme brulee;
  • honey shake;
  • nut sherbet;
  • creamy caramel;
  • almond nougat.

"Headlight", hair dye: palette, reviews

This tool really has a very rich palette of colors. Women point out exactly this in their comments. They write that "Farah" has a wide variety of shades in its assortment, and every woman can choose her own.

They note the durability of the paint, they say that the color remains saturated and shiny until the next staining, when it is necessary to "camouflage" the regrown roots.

Fara Classic hair dye has a huge amount of customer reviews, as it is the "oldest" of all the series. Women write that after dyeing with this product, the hair is obedient, soft, the shade is intense.

However, there are also negative comments. Some note that the tone does not always turn out exactly the way the manufacturer represents it.

There are reviews that the paint is quickly washed off the hair for unknown reasons.

Still, I would like to say that "Farah" (a palette of hair colors is described in our article) is a fairly high-quality tool that can be purchased at an affordable price. It is convenient to use at home, and the package contains everything you need for professional hair coloring.