When to do a manicure according to the lunar calendar? Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure Lunar calendar for manicure

Nothing lasts forever under the moon, but it can be durable - for example, a manicure done on a "good" day. What is good and what is bad, the moon decides in this case. Listen to her advice, your nails will be long, your health will be strong, and the money will not be transferred.

The ancestors believed in the power of the stars and the moon.

Contemporaries also listen to the advice of "stargazers" - everyone who wants to protect themselves from the kicks of fate. Anyone can be convinced of the viability of this "esotericism".

It is enough to cut hair or nails to the waning night light - they will grow back long and slowly. Take note when planning your waxing. And we'll talk about manicure - a favorable time for restoring beauty on the nails.

Even children know the phases of the moon - new moon, growth, full moon and waning. And the fact that the Moon is a ball, and it “decreases” or “grows” depending on the position around the Earth and relative to the Sun, is also known to everyone. The rest everyone learns to the extent of their curiosity.

It is a fact that the lunar phases affect a person's life and underlie many signs, rituals and superstitions.

Admit it, show the young month money? Not? In vain. The next time you see a thin sickle, rustle with money, saying: “You, a month, are young, but money cannot be transferred in my wallet.”

To prevent health from being transferred, cut and paint your nails on the “right” days. The “correct” days for a manicure are the phases of the waning and rising of the moon. Yes, you can cut your nails in descending order - they will grow back slowly, but they will become strong. On the new moon and full moon, scissors and gel polishes aside - weaken the energy protection.

In general, manicure with an eye to the moon was first discussed in the 16th century. Recall that the 16th century in history falls on the Renaissance - the time when concrete benefits began to be extracted from everything mystical. And today nobody is interested in bare philosophy.

It is interesting what helps to live. Moon calendar helps to live. What benefit can be derived from it - read.

From house to house: zodiac calendar for manicure and pedicure

Trimming and painting nails on any day, except for the new moon and full moon, will not work. In addition to the lunar phases, nail procedures are favored or prohibited by zodiac signs, days of the week and days of the month.

To the question when to do a manicure according to the lunar calendar, a professional astrologer will answer by checking the position of the moon relative to the signs of the zodiac.

For each sign, the night luminary stays for 2-3 days, changing its character and influence in the zodiac house. In this connection, the forecasts for manicure in the next few days can differ dramatically.

  • If the Moon is in Aries, Taurus or Pisces, manicures can be done or postponed. In any case, the manipulations carried out on well-being and life in general will not affect in any way. Days are neutral.
  • The moon is visiting Gemini and Cancer - the time when you should not disturb the night luminary. In these signs, the Moon can connect a channel with negative energy to the end of cut nails.
  • The moon in the house of Virgo or Libra favors extensions, gel polish and other cosmetic procedures - it develops inner harmony, balance and femininity. Enjoy.
  • In the days of Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius, do your nails from the heart, transforming both externally and internally. Time favors growth and development.
  • If you want to realize your creative potential, plan a manicure on a day when the Moon is in Leo. And the more eccentric the nail art is, the wider the chakra of creativity will open. Time to break the dress code!

Monday is a beautiful day: lunar manicure calendar by day

In the old days, they had no idea about the zodiac, and they cut their nails on Thursdays. Fortunately, there are more “good” days in the week.

  • Monday is ruled by the moon, and favors the luminary for all manicure manipulations. On the most difficult day of the week, you can indulge yourself with a durable manicure, extensions, or simply file the ends or remove the cuticle - “cut off” and “cut off” all the negative.
  • Tuesday is ruled by Mars. The planet is militant. If you want to enlist the support of an aggressive element (or just grow strong nails), do a manicure on Tuesday. Use a “life hack” if a situation arises in life that requires aggressive and assertive actions.
  • Wednesday is ruled by Mercury- a planet that affects the nervous and immune system. By cutting your nails on Wednesday, strengthen your general and psychological immunity and be able to resist any outside aggressors.
  • With low self-esteem, turn to Jupiter through nail trim on thursday. You will gain self-confidence, feel a surge of new strength, end with indecision and be able to take action.
  • Friday is ruled by Venus- the goddess of love, beauty and charm. It would seem that the perfect time for a manicure. But no. By cutting your nails on Friday, you will “cut off” the charm and leave yourself without energy protection.
  • Devoting manicure Saturday, solve a whole bunch of personal problems, including loneliness, debt and illness. You will tie up with the first, give the second, you will remove the ailments as if by hand - Saturn will help.
  • On Sunday, do not disturb the peace of heavenly bodies. The owner of Sunday is the Sun, and it strongly recommends that you relax and recharge your batteries, and not waste energy on beauty treatments. Postpone until Monday.

All in all, auspicious days for manicure- the question is ambiguous. You need to act with an eye on the moon and other astrological circumstances. Let's combine knowledge into a universal calendar and learn how to plan nail procedures for many, many years to come.

Beauty cheat sheet: manicure according to the lunar calendar 2017

Algorithm for planning procedures with nails

Everyone can make a lunar manicure calendar on their own. You don't need to be an astrologer for this.

It is enough to follow a simple algorithm of work:

  • designate the corresponding color of the full moon / new moon and the time of the Moon's stay in Gemini and Cancer - an unsuccessful period for manicure and pedicure manipulations;
  • in a different color, mark one day after and before the new moons / full moons and the periods when the Moon is in Aries, Taurus and Pisces - a neutral time for manicure procedures;
  • highlight the rest - days favorable for nail art, gel polishes, extensions and any other procedures with hands, feet and nails.

If the diet is balanced, the care is correct, and the nails exfoliate, break and grow slowly, turn to the moon for help. Doesn't ask for money. She is ready to give generously. Just give her a little attention - she will thank you a hundredfold.

Surely you have noticed that once at a time is not necessary. Sometimes manicure and pedicure work out well and nails remain neat and well-groomed for a long time. It happens that the master or you yourself, while doing a manicure, manage to cut yourself several times, the varnish cracks and peels off the same evening. After nail extensions, sometimes your real nails get sore and don't look their best. And sometimes the legs after a pedicure again quickly become covered with corns ... Of course, the result depends on many factors: the qualifications of the master, the quality of the materials, and so on. But besides that, the moon influences him! Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure is a handy tool that will help you plan your hand and foot care routine in order to get the best result.

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure - auspicious days

What influence does the Moon have on the quality of care for our hands and feet? Firstly , powerful lunar energy affects ... the human mood and state of mind. Therefore, on lunar days with complex energy, it is better to put aside sharp objects and wait. Secondly , all life on Earth exists, obeying the laws of the lunar cycle. As you know, the Waxing Moon promotes growth, development and multiplication, and the Waning Moon, as it were, takes with it all that is superfluous and unnecessary, slows down growth, and weakens addictions. Thirdly , absolutely every day of the lunar cycle has its own character, style and preferences - and by adjusting to them, you can enlist the support of the moon and get the best result.

Considering all the above factors, astrologers have identified better days for hand and foot treatments. Favorable lunar days for manicure, pedicure, and in general for going to a beauty salon - 11, 20, 21 and 25 lunar days. In addition to them, favorable lunar days for manicure - 6 and 19, and for a pedicure - 4 and 9 lunar days. It is worth highlighting separately favorable days for nail extension according to the lunar calendar - 16 and 28 lunar days.

Do not forget that the strength and beauty of your nails also depends on the quality of your diet. Use the secret knowledge of the lunar diet to be 100% beautiful 👇

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Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure - unfavorable days

Avoid manicure and pedicure procedures on 18, 22 and 29 lunar days. Interestingly, 22 lunar days are associated with the skin and are unfavorable for any effect on the skin - epilation, acne removal, piercing, surgical operations, and so on. By eliminating unfavorable lunar days, you will protect yourself not only from poor quality manicures or pedicures, but also from such more serious things as cuts and infections.

In January 2019, Saturday is considered the best day for a manicure, as according to the lunar calendar, this is the day of deliverance. The nails will become strong, the result of the work will bring joy to the owner, a bright and elegant design. The phases of the moon affect the growth of the nail plate. If you do a manicure with the growing moon, then you will soon have to update, due to the rapid growth of the nail and the exposed cuticle. Consider on which days it is allowed to do a manicure according to the lunar calendar, and on which it is strictly prohibited.

Visit to a nail salon

Favorable and unfavorable days for manicure in January 2019

On the new moon and full moon, it is forbidden to take care of the nails. Astrologers recommend avoiding the procedure 3 days before and after the expected date.

  • 1st of January. It is undesirable to carry out manipulations with the nail plate. Cutting, building, varnishing - will turn into trouble;
  • Day 2 - full moon. It is strictly forbidden to do a manicure, otherwise luck will turn away for a long time, and the aura will also be disturbed;
  • January 3rd Growth slows down. A visit to a nail salon is possible, as it does not bode any trouble. Today is a good time to create a bright, neat image;
  • The 4th is a neutral period for salon nail care. On this day, it is allowed to perform all procedures - cutting, filing, removing excess cuticles, covering with fortified compounds;

wellness care
  • 5 January. All life processes slow down. It does not belong to the unfavorable, but it is not recommended to take care of the nails. If possible, refrain from going to a beauty salon;
  • The 6th is a neutral day for removing cuticles and softening rough skin on the hands. Wellness procedures will benefit, without harm;
  • January 7. Good time for nail work. A coating made with light shades of varnish will help to attract good luck;
  • January 8. The moon is in the sign of Libra, favorable for all types of work. Strengthen, prevent delamination will help home and natural masks. Shortening the length will allow you to get rid of negative emotions, depressive and apathetic states. Growth will slow down for a while;

Light shades - good luck
  • 9 number. Favorable time for cosmetic procedures any type: edged manicure, simple or color coating;
  • 10th day in the month. Neutral period for working with nails. Astrologers claim that by cutting the length of the plate, excess weight will begin to decrease. Coloring - postpone until auspicious days;
  • January 11th. Today it is recommended not to do manicure. It is worth paying special attention to the condition of the nails. It is recommended to make a nourishing mask by saturating them useful substances, vitamins;
  • January 12th. Unfavorable time for manicure and haircut. Otherwise, the risk of losing the health and disposition of loved ones is great;
  • 13 number. Permission to visit nail salon, but for the purpose of health procedures. A coating done today won't last long;
  • Day 14 is favorable for staining. The varnish will lie flat and will delight the hostess for a long time, it is allowed to make drawings. The black outline will bring attention and love to life. Edged manicure- do not do it, there is a high risk of getting severe cuts, the recovery of which will take a long time;
  • January 15. neutral period. Nail trimming will bring happiness and laughter. Other procedures should be refrained from;

To prevent delamination
  • 16 number. Positive thoughts tuned for success will make the manicure beautiful and durable. Cutting the nail plate means getting rid of accumulated problems;
  • 17th. Favorable time for innovation. It is allowed to build up, make original drawings, volumetric compositions. Fantasize, success is expected soon;
  • January 18th. A visit to the salon will be calm without emotional upheaval, unrest. Great day for hardware manicure and pedicure. By cutting, you attract financial well-being;
  • 19 number. Neutral, calm day. Deciding to go to beauty salon, try to change the familiar image by playing with color palette and additional decor;
  • January 20th. The right time for feminine, gentle representatives of the fair sex. Light shades of varnish will bring a new person to life, which will help brighten up loneliness on a dull winter evening. It is forbidden to cut nails;
  • The 21st is a neutral period. Astrologers advise to refrain from manicure;

Vitamins, minerals for strengthening
  • Day 22 is undesirable for shortening nails. It is recommended to do wellness procedures, for example, apply a firming agent or moisturize the rough skin around the plate;
  • January 23 - it is forbidden to cut nails, otherwise an unfavorable outcome is likely (health will worsen);
  • Day 24 - negative, full of emotional upheaval. Manicure is highly undesirable today;
  • January 25 is a good time to remove the decorative coating. Today, nails need complete rest and rest;
  • Number 26 - it is enough to use a vitamin, strengthening agent. In general, the day is neutral, but it is recommended to refrain from hardware and salon manicure, postponing the procedures for another time;
  • January 27 is an unfavorable period for work. Otherwise, ingrown nails may appear;
  • 28th day of the month - it is forbidden to cut, but you can adjust the shape using a simple nail file. All other care options are strictly prohibited;

Volumetric manicure
  • The 29th is a good day for manicures and pedicures. It is allowed to perform firming, restoring baths, varnishing. Bright and expressive shades will help to charge a positive mood for a long time;
  • January 30 - neutral time. You can avoid a decline in mood by refusing a manicure. It is better to carry out wellness procedures;
  • 31 days - allowed to work with the nail plate. soothe nervous system Covering cold tones will help. You are allowed to cut your nails.

Knowing the favorable and unfavorable periods in January, you can prevent many troubles in your life. Follow the advice, then troubles and hardships will bypass.

We are glad to welcome you again on our pages! Have you ever thought that the moon affects the quality of your manicure!

Not? Can you believe that a manicure made on certain days will help nails to be stronger and healthier?

Today we will discuss when to do a manicure according to the lunar calendar and on what days it is not advisable to take up beauty on the hands.

Do you really think that the cult of hand care is fashion trend modern life? You will be absolutely wrong!

Even in ancient times, our ancestors knew how and when to take care of nails. Looking at the well-groomed hands, it was possible to determine which class a person belongs to.

Even in those days, people knew that hand care is not only beautiful, but also very healthy. Do you know why?

If yes, then you really care about your health. If not, it is worth taking action, since there are points around the nail plate that are responsible for the internal organs.

Tricks of well-groomed hands

Of course, it is up to you to decide whether to follow our recommendations or not, but why not combine them? If we consider that on average a nail grows by three millimeters per month, then it is enough to put them in order once every two weeks to maintain a beautiful manicure.

There are several types of lunar calendars. Which one you follow - you choose:

  • By days of the week.
  • By the passage of the moon through the signs of the zodiac.

Weekly calendar:

  1. The first day of the week is hard, but if you have a bad mood or depression, take care of your hands. Monday is the day of the moon, not only contributes excellent manicure but also as a prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Trimming your nails on this day will stabilize your financial situation, as well as get additional protective forces and the location of the cosmos. Tuesday is the day of Mars.
  3. Putting beauty in your hands on Wednesday helps to eliminate clutter and anxiety in personal affairs. It will also increase immunity, and improve success in the professional field.
  4. Whether you're getting promoted or heading to a new job, Thursday is the perfect day for hand care. On the day of Jupiter (Thursday), authority in the team rises, and also has the most beneficial day for the body as a whole.
  5. Friday is ruled by Venus. At the end of the working week, all processes in the body slow down, so astrologers do not recommend beauty on this day.
  6. Have you accumulated debts? Get in the habit of cutting your nails on Saturdays. This day is facilitated by the planet Saturn, which will help get rid of not only material problems, but also moral debts. Also this day for beauty promotes lonely hearts and the elimination of chronic diseases.
  7. On Sunday, you need to give yourself a full rest, not only from work, but also to restore beauty. Otherwise, you can invite evil spirits into your home.

Zodiac calendar:

  1. There are neutral days when the manipulations done will not cause either benefit or harm to the body as a whole. These include the Moon in Aries and Taurus.
  2. Are you a fan of artificial nails? Then astrologers do not recommend visiting the master when the Night Sun is in Gemini.
  3. Significantly slows down the growth of nails when the Moon is in Cancer.
  4. If you have a creative approach to manicure or you decide to try a new design, then the day when the Month is in Leo will be the most productive.
  5. One of the most favorable days for any kind of manicure and pedicure is the Moon in Virgo. On this day, the body will receive the maximum benefit from medical procedures.
  6. Foot massage and the use of aromatic oils are best done when the Night Sun is in Libra. A woman during this period is very sensitive to color scheme. It is worth choosing a color that will cheer you up.
  7. Astrologers do not recommend doing foot baths with the Moon Sickle in Scorpio. On this day, you can do a massage with essential oils.
  8. Therapeutic procedures for nails using propolis and olive oil best done when the crescent is in Sagittarius.
  9. The night luminary in Capricorn is the most favorable day for caring for hands and feet.
  10. Do you have cracks and inflammation on your feet? We recommend doing them when the Moon is in Aquarius. Also, this day is favorable for any manicure procedures.
  11. On the day when the Moon passes through the sign of Pisces, our body is most sensitive. Therefore, operations to remove an ingrown nail or experimenting with new cosmetics are not recommended (especially for allergy sufferers).
  • It is better to get rid of everything superfluous on your body during the waning moon (freckles, facial cleansing, cellulite, stretch marks, liposuction, etc.).
  • It is necessary to saturate the body with vitamins, nourishing masks, creams with a growing sickle. During this period, the body will take the maximum from the procedures.
  • A manicure made with the Moon in Capricorn will be successful.
  • It is best not to get manicures and pedicures during the Crescent Moon in Pisces.
  • There are special lunar calendars in which you will find all the necessary information.

Your right to believe or not to believe in the influence of the moon on our well-being, but it's easier to check than guess! Subscribe to our news and learn something new for yourself.

With the help of the recommendations of the lunar manicure calendar, each girl will be able to create a unique image that will attract the attention of people around her. Use the lunar energy for your own benefit, so that every day brings only happiness.

Health and youth can be maintained with the help of lunar energy. Use the phases of the moon to strengthen female energy and correlate trips to the stylist with them so that your image is always a reason to follow.

Favorable and unfavorable days for manicure

September 1-2: A new nail design at the beginning of autumn will allow you to gain self-confidence. Astrologers recommend opting for neutral matte shades that will help you focus on the essentials. The positive energy of the growing Moon in Capricorn will help you realize your plans.

September 3-4: The growth of the moon continues, and these days it moves into the constellation of Aquarius. These days will be successful for caring for the nail plate and cuticles with natural oils. Cutting nails can lead to a deterioration in mood, so the dailyhoro team. ru recommends to refrain from these manipulations.

September 5-7: on Tuesday, any manipulation of the nails will be favorable. The rising of the Moon in Pisces will help create a new design that will emphasize your elegance. On the Full Moon on September 6, astrologers recommend giving rest to the nails, and the 7th number will be unfavorable for a haircut, which can damage the nail plate. On this day, it is worth doing the strengthening of the nails to prevent their fragility.

September 8-9: the waning moon moves into the constellation of Aries, and these days will be successful for bold experiments. Ladies who need to show are recommended to visit the master to create bright image. These days, bright shades of varnish will help you get rid of the obsessive opinions of others.

September 10-11: The Moon in Taurus, although in a waning phase, has a favorable energy. During this period, luck will bring manipulations associated with the choice of a new nail design. The short, rounded shape will help keep your composure, and matte shades varnish will help you focus on business.

September 12-13: The waning Moon in Gemini has a neutral energy. Any manipulations with the nails on this day are possible, however bright colors can cause aggressive behavior. Ladies should pay attention to the classic French manicure, which will emphasize the grace of hands and set in a romantic mood.

September 14-15: manicure under the influence of the constellation Cancer is able to protect against negative thoughts and machinations of ill-wishers. acute form nails and bright colors will help to cope with bad mood and successfully complete the planned tasks.

September 16-17: the fiery lion these days is perfect for action. Ladies for confidence and creation unique image you should use the services of a stylist and complement the image with a bright nail design. All shades of red, gold and orange will attract good luck these days.

September 18-20: The soft energy of the waning moon phase in Virgo will enhance your attractiveness and charm. From September 18 to 19, allow yourself a new manicure that will enhance your femininity and reveal Creative skills. You can start developing your own design and implement the idea with the help of a proven master. The new moon on September 20 is a rest period. Treat yourself to a relaxing hand massage.

September 21-22: The growth of the Moon in Libra adds energy, so it will be easier for ladies to do business these days. To prevent luck from turning away, use classic manicure. Insecure individuals can consider the option of building nails and decorating the nail plate.

September 23-24: the energy of the growing Moon in Scorpio will help you tune in to positive and get rid of the autumn blues on this day. A manicure made these days will delight you with its bright colors for a long time, and a protective coating will protect you from negative impact aggressive external environment.

September 25-27: cutting nails during the stay of the Moon in Sagittarius will help you solve difficult problems and tasks. Dailyhoro website team. ru advises to use the services of a manicure master to create a new nail design. This will allow you to feel a surge of energy and actively engage in solving complex problems.

September 28-29: The growth of the Moon in Capricorn is not the best time for drastic changes. A neat manicure of a blue or blue tint will help you get rid of the negative. On September 29, astrologers recommend taking a break and giving nail plate take a break. Use restorative varnishes in order to provide reliable protection to your nails.

September 30th: The Moon in Aquarius on the last day of September is a time of outdoor activities for both you and your hands. Today, manipulations related to the restoration and cleansing of the whole organism will be successful. Use moisturizing creams for hands and nails, as well as baths with vitamins. They will help restore fragile and brittle nails.

In order to attract love into life, use proven love whispers and do not forget about maintaining your own image. In order to always stay on top, choose auspicious days for cutting your hairto please yourself and those around you in a perfect way. We wish you health and good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and