11 12 weeks of pregnancy from conception. General advice and recommendations on nutrition and other preparation for childbirth

By the end of the third obstetric month, the formation of the fetus was almost completed. Ahead - building muscle mass, improving the functioning of organs and systems, the development of a full-fledged nervous system. In these processes, the embryo is in dire need of vitamins and minerals. Feeding through the placenta, he must receive everything he needs from the mother's body. Therefore, her diet should include:

  • Tocopherol - vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant. Strengthens the immune system, promotes muscle strength, which is especially important during the period of increasing their mass. Tocopherol prevents the development of anemia, protects against negative impact environmental factors. In combination with vitamin C, it is involved in the prevention of atherosclerosis. For a pregnant woman, tocopherol is especially important, since it reduces the likelihood of developing leg cramps and is involved in tissue respiration. Found in spinach, vegetable oils, nuts, shrimp, asparagus, sunflower seeds.
  • Folic acid, responsible for the usefulness of DNA, affecting cell growth. It is very important for the formation of the placenta. Due to the lack of folic acid, the neural tube of the embryo suffers. A pregnant woman may have a miscarriage. Folic acid deficiency will adversely affect the work of the heart and vascular tone. It is especially important at the stage of formation of the nervous system in the embryo. In addition, it starts the function of hematopoiesis. Contained in hard cheese, cottage cheese, egg yolk, tomatoes, beans. The daily requirement is 400 mcg.
  • B vitamins, especially B6 and B12. Pyridoxine - B6 - is necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells and proteins. It supports the metabolism of amino acids and guarantees healthy sleep. Influences the course of metabolic processes. Affects the growth of brain and nervous tissues. In a woman, B6 deficiency provokes toxicosis, vomiting, bad dream and appetite. Found in the liver, whole grain bread, legumes, cereals. B12 is involved in the production of amino acids. Necessary for the well-being of the nervous and immune systems. Contained in dairy products, brewer's yeast, eggs, soy. Together, these vitamins provide positive influence on the development of the fetus, the metabolic processes occurring in it. Necessary for the formation of the endocrine, immune, cardiovascular systems of the embryo.
  • Cholecalciferol - vitamin D3 - is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. There is a second name for the vitamin - hormonal conductor. You can get it by eating beef liver, brewer's yeast, dairy products, eggs, butter.

Reviews about maternity hospitals
in the town:

Moscow St. Petersburg Krasnodar Yekaterinburg Novosibirsk Rostov-on-Don Chelyabinsk Almaty Kazan Nizhny Novgorod Kyiv Samara Ufa Omsk Voronezh Krasnoyarsk Volgograd Perm Saratov Minsk Tyumen Barnaul Astana Sochi Orenburg Tolyatti Kharkiv Ulyanovsk Irkutsk Astrakhan Penza Kaliningrad Odessa Lipetsk Khabarovsk Belgorod Stavropol Yaroslavl Makhachkala Vladivostok Ryazan Tula Karaganda Dnepropetrovsk Tver Kemerovo Izhevsk Bryansk Naberezhnye Chelny Tomsk

  • Vitamin A - retinol - is necessary for the nutrition of the unborn child, which is especially important for the beginning of the second trimester. From a lack of retinol, children are born with an underweight. It is an active participant in the formation of epithelial tissue, which lines the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, genital organs, and skin. A balanced intake of vitamin A is important for the growth and development of the embryo. It regulates the genetic regeneration of cells and tissues, ensures the effectiveness of the barrier function of the liver, increases the efficiency of the activity of leukocytes and lymphocytes. It can exist in two forms: ready-made vitamin A and a carotenoid - provitamin A. Once inside the body, provitamin A turns into a full-fledged vitamin A. Sources of carotenoids are vegetables, especially carrots, spices, fruits. Vitamin A is found in beef liver, egg yolks, and butter. They are rich in peaches, melons, pumpkin, broccoli, sage, basil, fish oil, cod liver, butter. The daily dose is 600-800 mcg.
  • Vitamin C. With its deficiency, collagen synthesis occurs with violations. The growth of the embryo at the 12th week is directly related to these processes. Vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron from plant foods. Powerful immunostimulator. Protects children's and maternal organisms from infections, helps develop a response to allergic reactions: it is a histamine inhibitor. Important for its ability to neutralize free radicals. Vitamin C - ascorbic acid - is a participant in the formation of neurotransmitters, especially if it comes in combination with vitamin E. A lack of vitamin C can lead to cardiovascular diseases, as well as the growth of tumor cells. In addition, if there is little of it in the body of a pregnant woman, the woman is irritable, apathetic, her appetite is reduced, she is susceptible to infections. Vitamin C is rich in black currants, bell peppers, herbs, citrus fruits, rose hips. The required daily intake is 85 mg.
  • Nicotinamide - vitamin PP - a necessary component for the growth of the fetus. Contained in enzymes that provide cells with oxygen and nutrients. It has a beneficial effect on the formation and functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular systems, stabilizes cholesterol, and prevents the development of thrombosis. Takes part in the synthesis of important hormones: thyroxine, insulin, cortisol, progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. Taking nicotinamide, a woman is prophylactic of hypoxia in her unborn child. You can get vitamin PP from food if you eat beef liver, eggs, pork, fish, tomatoes, carrots, dates, broccoli, corn, buckwheat, wheat.
  • Vitamin B7 - biotin - the manager of metabolic processes. Ensures the full growth of the fetus, helps to concentrate the necessary nutrients in it. For the expectant mother, its importance lies in strengthening hair, nails and protecting the skin. Vitamin B7, playing a certain role in the formation of the embryo, normalizes energy metabolism, positively affects the functioning of the nervous system. The source of biotin is the yolk, soybeans, nuts, yeast, liver and kidneys of beef, cereals. Less it is found in meat, vegetables, fruits.
  • Vitamin B5 - pantothenic acid - a substance that helps absorption nutrients and other vitamins. It stimulates the development of the adrenal glands, affecting the increase in cortisol levels. Participates in the construction of nerve cells and nerve chains. Necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol, fatty acids and steroids. Increases the body's resistance to disease and stress. If a pregnant woman is forced to take antibiotics, then pantothenic acid will reduce their toxic effect. The daily requirement is 6 mg. You can get it from 100 g of beef liver, 770 g of stewed salmon or 230 g of peanuts.
  • Phylloquinone - vitamin K - an important participant in the synthesis of proteins that control blood clotting. It is necessary in the body of a pregnant woman at the 12th week to normalize the work of the kidneys, helps the liver to have a detoxifying effect. Affects bone density, prevents osteoporosis. Reduces the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, maintains the level of normal blood pressure at the 12th week. They are rich in: broccoli, lettuce, dill, cilantro, parsley, spinach, green tomatoes, dairy products, liver, eggs, salmon and flounder fish, soybeans. The daily dose for pregnant women in the second trimester is 100 mcg.
  • Vitamin B1 - thiamine. The functional analogue of the name is "coenzyme". Activates proteins that are involved in the biochemical reactions of the body. In practice, its action is manifested in increasing the efficiency of energy production from food products, the synthesis of nucleic acids. Thanks to thiamine, the conduction of nerve impulses improves in the developing embryonic organism, and cardiac function normalizes. At the stage of formation of the nervous system, thiamine plays an important role. The best source is dried brewer's yeast, pork and beef, fish such as eel, tuna, nuts, whole grains, legumes, potatoes, beans.
  • Vitamin B2 - riboflavin - the basis of most cells in the human body. When there is enough of it, the conversion of food carbohydrates into energy successfully occurs, and “free radicals” that are harmful to DNA cells are neutralized. The main functions of B2, especially important for pregnant women, include the normalization of energy metabolism and iron metabolism in the body. A woman taking the required daily dose of riboflavin notes the good condition of the skin and mucous membranes, healthy emotions and good mood. She gets tired less, rests more effectively in her sleep. Contained in milk and dairy products, lean meat, eggs, green vegetables, cereals, cereal grains.

At the beginning of the fourth obstetric month, a pregnant woman and her fetus need not only vitamins, but also minerals. Without their presence in the diet, the child may begin to develop negative irreversible processes. Essential minerals are divided into macro- and microelements.

  • Iodine. Important for the development of mental and physical data. Iodine deficiency leads to failures in the formation of the nervous system, can provoke an abortion. The embryo does not gain weight well and may die. Contained in sea fish, seafood, apples, greens, a little less - in meat. The daily norm is 200 mcg.
  • Zinc. Powerful immunomodulator. Without it, malformations of organs and systems are formed, which is especially dangerous for the neural tube of the fetus. A lack of zinc can have a devastating effect on the fetus. With zinc deficiency, the birth of immature babies, with low weight, is frequent. Found in oranges, figs, apples, cherries, tomatoes, eggs, cheese, nuts, sunflowers and pumpkin seeds, peas, beans, buckwheat.
  • Iron. It is necessary for the prevention of anemia in the pregnant woman and her fetus. As a result of its lack, the embryo suffers from hypoxia, and the mother may begin uterine bleeding. Iron deficiency weakens the immune system, the body becomes susceptible to pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Iron deficiency anemia occurs in 9 out of 10 pregnant women. High iron content in meat, offal, fish, poultry.
  • Calcium. Known for its important role in the formation of the musculoskeletal system. It is necessary for the nervous system, heart muscle, health of future teeth, hair. Without it, the development of internal tissues, including the eyes and ears, is not complete. Contained in dairy and sour-milk products, cod liver, rye bread, berries, peas, lentils, sesame seeds.
  • lutein. Affects the usefulness of the development of the organs of vision and the brain as a whole. The intake of lutein from the outside is especially important for pregnant women after 30 years. They are rich in raw kale, spinach, dandelion greens, paprika, turnip tops.
  • Vitamin P - Rutoside - known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. It is especially useful for the unborn child, as it is involved in the development of the cerebral cortex. At the 12th week of pregnancy, it protects capillaries from destruction, exhibits an intracellular antiviral effect. For a woman, this is the prevention of varicose veins.
  • Magnesium is a trace element especially needed in the second trimester of pregnancy. In combination with vitamins B6, it affects the ability of muscles to relax, which is a reliable prevention of varicose veins in a pregnant woman. In addition, magnesium is able to control the processes of excitation in the nervous system, soothes, and promotes healthy sleep.

By the end of the third obstetric month, the formation of the fetus was almost completed. Ahead - building muscle mass, improving the functioning of organs and systems, the development of a full-fledged nervous system. In these processes, the embryo is in dire need of vitamins and minerals. Feeding through the placenta, he must receive everything he needs from the mother's body. Therefore, her diet should include:

  • Tocopherol - vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant. Strengthens the immune system, promotes muscle strength, which is especially important during the period of increasing their mass. Tocopherol prevents the development of anemia, protects against the negative effects of environmental factors. In combination with vitamin C, it is involved in the prevention of atherosclerosis. For a pregnant woman, tocopherol is especially important, since it reduces the likelihood of developing leg cramps and is involved in tissue respiration. Found in spinach, vegetable oils, nuts, shrimp, asparagus, sunflower seeds.
  • Folic acid, responsible for the usefulness of DNA, affecting cell growth. It is very important for the formation of the placenta. Due to the lack of folic acid, the neural tube of the embryo suffers. A pregnant woman may have a miscarriage. Folic acid deficiency will adversely affect the work of the heart and vascular tone. It is especially important at the stage of formation of the nervous system in the embryo. In addition, it starts the function of hematopoiesis. Contained in hard cheese, cottage cheese, egg yolk, tomatoes, beans. The daily requirement is 400 mcg.
  • B vitamins, especially B6 and B12. Pyridoxine - B6 - is necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells and proteins. It supports the metabolism of amino acids and guarantees healthy sleep. Influences the course of metabolic processes. Affects the growth of brain and nervous tissues. In a woman, B6 deficiency provokes toxicosis, vomiting, poor sleep and appetite. Found in the liver, whole grain bread, legumes, cereals. B12 is involved in the production of amino acids. Necessary for the well-being of the nervous and immune systems. Contained in dairy products, brewer's yeast, eggs, soy. In combination, these vitamins have a positive effect on the development of the fetus, the metabolic processes occurring in it. Necessary for the formation of the endocrine, immune, cardiovascular systems of the embryo.
  • Cholecalciferol - vitamin D3 - is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. There is a second name for the vitamin - hormonal conductor. You can get it by eating beef liver, brewer's yeast, dairy products, eggs, butter.

Reviews about maternity hospitals
in the town:

Moscow St. Petersburg Krasnodar Yekaterinburg Novosibirsk Rostov-on-Don Chelyabinsk Almaty Kazan Nizhny Novgorod Kyiv Samara Ufa Omsk Voronezh Krasnoyarsk Volgograd Perm Saratov Minsk Tyumen Barnaul Astana Sochi Orenburg Tolyatti Kharkiv Ulyanovsk Irkutsk Astrakhan Penza Kaliningrad Odessa Lipetsk Khabarovsk Belgorod Stavropol Yaroslavl Makhachkala Vladivostok Ryazan Tula Karaganda Dnepropetrovsk Tver Kemerovo Izhevsk Bryansk Naberezhnye Chelny Tomsk

  • Vitamin A - retinol - is necessary for the nutrition of the unborn child, which is especially important for the beginning of the second trimester. From a lack of retinol, children are born with an underweight. It is an active participant in the formation of epithelial tissue, which lines the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, genital organs, and skin. A balanced intake of vitamin A is important for the growth and development of the embryo. It regulates the genetic regeneration of cells and tissues, ensures the effectiveness of the barrier function of the liver, increases the efficiency of the activity of leukocytes and lymphocytes. It can exist in two forms: ready-made vitamin A and a carotenoid - provitamin A. Once inside the body, provitamin A turns into a full-fledged vitamin A. Sources of carotenoids are vegetables, especially carrots, spices, fruits. Vitamin A is found in beef liver, egg yolks, and butter. They are rich in peaches, melons, pumpkin, broccoli, sage, basil, fish oil, cod liver, butter. The daily dose is 600-800 mcg.
  • Vitamin C. With its deficiency, collagen synthesis occurs with violations. The growth of the embryo at the 12th week is directly related to these processes. Vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron from plant foods. Powerful immunostimulator. Protects children's and maternal organisms from infections, helps develop a response to allergic reactions: it is a histamine inhibitor. Important for its ability to neutralize free radicals. Vitamin C - ascorbic acid - is a participant in the formation of neurotransmitters, especially if it comes in combination with vitamin E. A lack of vitamin C can lead to cardiovascular diseases, as well as the growth of tumor cells. In addition, if there is little of it in the body of a pregnant woman, the woman is irritable, apathetic, her appetite is reduced, she is susceptible to infections. Vitamin C is rich in black currants, bell peppers, herbs, citrus fruits, rose hips. The required daily intake is 85 mg.
  • Nicotinamide - vitamin PP - a necessary component for the growth of the fetus. Contained in enzymes that provide cells with oxygen and nutrients. It has a beneficial effect on the formation and functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular systems, stabilizes cholesterol, and prevents the development of thrombosis. Takes part in the synthesis of important hormones: thyroxine, insulin, cortisol, progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. Taking nicotinamide, a woman is prophylactic of hypoxia in her unborn child. You can get vitamin PP from food if you eat beef liver, eggs, pork, fish, tomatoes, carrots, dates, broccoli, corn, buckwheat, wheat.
  • Vitamin B7 - biotin - the manager of metabolic processes. Ensures the full growth of the fetus, helps to concentrate the necessary nutrients in it. For the expectant mother, its importance lies in strengthening hair, nails and protecting the skin. Vitamin B7, playing a certain role in the formation of the embryo, normalizes energy metabolism, positively affects the functioning of the nervous system. The source of biotin is the yolk, soybeans, nuts, yeast, liver and kidneys of beef, cereals. Less it is found in meat, vegetables, fruits.
  • Vitamin B5 - pantothenic acid - a substance that helps the absorption of nutrients and other vitamins. It stimulates the development of the adrenal glands, affecting the increase in cortisol levels. Participates in the construction of nerve cells and nerve chains. Necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol, fatty acids and steroids. Increases the body's resistance to disease and stress. If a pregnant woman is forced to take antibiotics, then pantothenic acid will reduce their toxic effect. The daily requirement is 6 mg. You can get it from 100 g of beef liver, 770 g of stewed salmon or 230 g of peanuts.
  • Phylloquinone - vitamin K - an important participant in the synthesis of proteins that control blood clotting. It is necessary in the body of a pregnant woman at the 12th week to normalize the work of the kidneys, helps the liver to have a detoxifying effect. Affects bone density, prevents osteoporosis. Reduces the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, maintains the level of normal blood pressure at the 12th week. They are rich in: broccoli, lettuce, dill, cilantro, parsley, spinach, green tomatoes, dairy products, liver, eggs, salmon and flounder fish, soybeans. The daily dose for pregnant women in the second trimester is 100 mcg.
  • Vitamin B1 - thiamine. The functional analogue of the name is "coenzyme". Activates proteins that are involved in the biochemical reactions of the body. In practice, its action is manifested in increasing the efficiency of energy production from food products, the synthesis of nucleic acids. Thanks to thiamine, the conduction of nerve impulses improves in the developing embryonic organism, and cardiac function normalizes. At the stage of formation of the nervous system, thiamine plays an important role. The best source is dried brewer's yeast, pork and beef, fish such as eel, tuna, nuts, whole grains, legumes, potatoes, beans.
  • Vitamin B2 - riboflavin - the basis of most cells in the human body. When there is enough of it, the conversion of food carbohydrates into energy successfully occurs, and “free radicals” that are harmful to DNA cells are neutralized. The main functions of B2, especially important for pregnant women, include the normalization of energy metabolism and iron metabolism in the body. A woman taking the required daily dose of riboflavin notes the good condition of the skin and mucous membranes, healthy emotions and good mood. She gets tired less, rests more effectively in her sleep. Contained in milk and dairy products, lean meat, eggs, green vegetables, cereals, cereal grains.

At the beginning of the fourth obstetric month, a pregnant woman and her fetus need not only vitamins, but also minerals. Without their presence in the diet, the child may begin to develop negative irreversible processes. Essential minerals are divided into macro- and microelements.

  • Iodine. Important for the development of mental and physical data. Iodine deficiency leads to failures in the formation of the nervous system, can provoke an abortion. The embryo does not gain weight well and may die. Contained in sea fish, seafood, apples, greens, a little less - in meat. The daily norm is 200 mcg.
  • Zinc. Powerful immunomodulator. Without it, malformations of organs and systems are formed, which is especially dangerous for the neural tube of the fetus. A lack of zinc can have a devastating effect on the fetus. With zinc deficiency, the birth of immature babies, with low weight, is frequent. Contained in oranges, figs, apples, cherries, tomatoes, eggs, cheese, nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, peas, beans, buckwheat.
  • Iron. It is necessary for the prevention of anemia in the pregnant woman and her fetus. As a result of its lack, the embryo suffers from hypoxia, and the mother may begin uterine bleeding. Iron deficiency weakens the immune system, the body becomes susceptible to pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Iron deficiency anemia occurs in 9 out of 10 pregnant women. High iron content in meat, offal, fish, poultry.
  • Calcium. Known for its important role in the formation of the musculoskeletal system. It is necessary for the nervous system, heart muscle, health of future teeth, hair. Without it, the development of internal tissues, including the eyes and ears, is not complete. Contained in dairy and sour-milk products, cod liver, rye bread, berries, peas, lentils, sesame seeds.
  • lutein. Affects the usefulness of the development of the organs of vision and the brain as a whole. The intake of lutein from the outside is especially important for pregnant women after 30 years. They are rich in raw kale, spinach, dandelion greens, paprika, turnip tops.
  • Vitamin P - Rutoside - known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. It is especially useful for the unborn child, as it is involved in the development of the cerebral cortex. At the 12th week of pregnancy, it protects capillaries from destruction, exhibits an intracellular antiviral effect. For a woman, this is the prevention of varicose veins.
  • Magnesium is a trace element especially needed in the second trimester of pregnancy. In combination with vitamins B6, it affects the ability of muscles to relax, which is a reliable prevention of varicose veins in a pregnant woman. In addition, magnesium is able to control the processes of excitation in the nervous system, soothes, and promotes healthy sleep.


completes, and now she is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy, it is she who begins to produce progesterone. Previously, this function was performed by the corpus luteum, which is now gradually fading. The risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced, and the woman's well-being, as a rule, improves.

Vitamins are the main catalyst metabolism, which is very important in the 12th week of pregnancy, so do not forget to include in your menu more vegetables and fruits. Pay special attention to products containing vitamins C and E - these substances make the placenta more durable and elastic.

Products with a high concentration vitamin C: rosehip, blackcurrant, sweet red pepper, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, strawberries. enters our body with nuts and vegetable oil, dairy products and cereals. Therefore, do not forget to eat cereals daily, drink yogurts, treat yourself to nuts and dried fruits. The latter, by the way, will perfectly replace heavy and fatty confectionery products, which are best limited during pregnancy.

For the normal functioning of a pregnant woman iodine is needed, the largest number which is found in seafood: fish, seaweed, oysters, squid, etc. Also, iodine is contained in eggs, beef, spinach, eggplant, sorrel, beets, tomatoes, radishes, asparagus, potatoes, bananas, oranges.

The expectant mother can be congratulated on the end of the most difficult period of pregnancy - her first trimester! After all, the first 12 weeks are the most difficult and responsible, because during this period all the organs and systems of the baby are laid, and any failures in this process can lead to catastrophic consequences. That is why you can breathe easy at the beginning of the second trimester - all the most difficult is behind you.

How many months have passed? Your third month of pregnancy is coming to an end! At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is no larger than a lemon - about 6-9 cm from the crown of the head to the coccyx, not more than 15 g in weight. Despite such a small size, the baby already has the whole set of organs. Now they just keep growing and developing.

What's happening?

The fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy does not yet have the proportions we are used to - the head is disproportionately large, and the limbs are short. But he is becoming more and more like a baby doll - facial features are formed, fingers are separated. He is already able to move, although his mother is not yet able to feel these movements.

The expectant mother also feels changes in her well-being - toxicosis is gradually receding, appetite is getting better. Now the placenta takes over the job of managing pregnancy, and the corpus luteum gradually resolves - this is the reason for the improvement in the condition.

The abdomen at 12 weeks of gestation is still completely invisible (although repeated pregnancies given term can lead to a small tummy). The most important fears are in the past, it's time to enjoy your position.

fetus at 12 weeks pregnant

On the face of the crumbs, you can already see the eyes. The auricles will blend from the neck towards the sides of the head. The inner ear is formed. The baby is able to distinguish not so much sounds as vibration.

The features of the face become more distinct, although while the cerebral skull still predominates over the facial, the forehead is very high. The child's skeleton consists of cartilage, but the process of ossification is already beginning in them. The fingers separate, nails begin to grow on them. The baby can move his limbs and fingers, but is not yet able to bend his fingers.

Special sensitivity receptors appear on the skin - now the baby feels touches on the palms, feet, face. continues to develop and nervous system- the cerebral hemispheres are separated, connections are formed between the brain and spinal cord. Soon the brain will take control of the body, but for now, the baby’s movements are chaotic and aimless, although he is able to move his eyes, open and close his mouth, and push off from the walls of the uterus.

The pituitary gland begins to produce hormones that regulate the functioning of the internal organs of the crumbs. The thyroid gland is also actively included in the work.

Folds appear on the intestinal mucosa, and the first waves of peristalsis can be seen. The intestines already fill the entire abdominal cavity. It is able to absorb glucose.

The baby's heart beats at a frequency of 110-160 beats per minute. At the 12th week of pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat can be heard using a special study - a Doppler scan. Not only erythrocytes circulate in the blood - the first leukocytes appear. The thymus begins to function.

The kidneys are also actively working, filling the bladder with urine. The baby is able to urinate, but do not worry about this - the amniotic fluid is updated hourly.

At 12 weeks pregnant, the sex of the baby can already be determined by ultrasound, although errors are quite common due to its tiny size. With sex determination, it is better to wait until the moment when the baby grows up a little.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Mom's Feelings

By this time, the state of health usually improves significantly. Due to changes in the hormonal background, a woman gets less tired, emotional outbursts and attacks of aggressiveness decrease. Appetite is improving, the range of foods and dishes that can be eaten without the risk of nausea is expanding.

Heartburn at the 12th week of pregnancy mainly torments those who experienced this unpleasant phenomenon even before pregnancy. Everyone else will have to get to know heartburn later, when the uterus increases significantly in size and begins to put pressure on the stomach.

Due to the fact that the body performs double work to ensure the life of both mother and baby, the heart rate may increase, blood pressure rises slightly. From now on, at each visit to the antenatal clinic, these parameters will be measured to ensure the normal functioning of the body.

In general, the mood of the pregnant woman improves significantly, fears and anxieties for the life of the baby are no longer tormented so much.

Due to the fact that the uterus grows and gradually rises from the pelvic cavity, it puts less pressure on the bladder, most likely, now you will wake up less at night to go to the toilet. If urination remains frequent, painful, accompanied by fever - this indicates the development of cystitis. You need to go to the hospital for the timely start of treatment.

On the early dates During pregnancy, it is very important for a woman to be attentive to her health, to avoid colds. Of course, infections in earlier pregnancy are much more dangerous for the baby than now. However, SARS at the 12th week of pregnancy, and even with an increase in temperature, can lead to very unpleasant consequences, even to termination of pregnancy. The situation is further complicated by the fact that during the active formation and growth of the fetus, practically no drugs can be used. Therefore, during epidemics, try not to contact with large quantity people, do not attend crowded places and events, try to spend more time at home.

It is very important to pay attention to alcohol consumption in early pregnancy. Scientists have proven that the use of even minimal doses of alcohol during the formation of the fetal brain can lead not only to the development of malformations in the fetus, but also to the birth of a mentally retarded child. So no excuses, not even a sip of champagne in New Year- think about the future of your baby, which you can destroy with such a seemingly trifle.

Baby movements in the 12th week of pregnancy

Your baby is already moving quite actively, but because of his tiny size, you are not yet able to feel his activity. The size of the uterus during this period is not more than 10 cm, and the number of surrounding the child amniotic fluid- only 50 ml. Agree that it is almost impossible to feel the gentle touches of a tiny creature in such conditions.

However, the baby can roll over and swim in the surrounding amniotic fluid, pushing off the surrounding walls of the uterus. His movements are still unfocused and chaotic, but soon the baby will learn to control his body.

Possible highlights

Allocations at the 12th week of pregnancy are not abundant, transparent, with a slightly sour smell. In the first trimester of pregnancy, many mothers complain of the periodic appearance of scanty spotting. This may be a sign of cervical erosion.

Also, such discharge can appear when the vaginal mucosa, which is loose during this period, is traumatized. Blood actively rushes to the internal genital organs, so the mucous membrane becomes very vulnerable. That is why after a visit to the gynecologist or after sex, you can observe such discharge.

If spotting bothers you for quite a long time, they become profuse, accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen and back - this may be a sign of a miscarriage, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Also, the appearance of green, yellow or curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor should cause concern - various infections can also threaten your baby, they need to be treated in time.

Pain at 12 weeks pregnant

Pain in this period is not common, so you need to pay attention to them. Normally, there may be mild pain in the pelvic bones, back due to stretching of the ligaments of the uterus and spine. However, these pains should not bother you much.

If there are severe pulling pains in the abdomen that last for several hours, especially if they are accompanied by bloody discharge, it is urgent to go to the hospital.

twin pregnancy

Pregnancy with twins can be the reason that mommy's toxicosis will drag on and will bother her for a few more weeks. Otherwise, babies develop normally, in accordance with generally accepted terms.

Is it possible to have sex?

Sex at the 12th week of pregnancy is contraindicated only if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, with a low location of the placenta, with multiple pregnancy. In all other cases, you should not deny yourself, you just need to choose comfortable positions in which the stomach is not squeezed.

Proper nutrition

This period is extremely important for the formation of all organs and systems of your child, so you need to pay special attention to nutrition. If you are suffering from preeclampsia (or early toxicosis of pregnant women) - this may be a sign that something is wrong with your diet.

Try to change your eating habits, introduce new foods and dishes into your diet. During pregnancy, tastes often change, and you may well like dishes that you did not like before.

The main thing in the first trimester of pregnancy is a varied diet, the inclusion in your diet of a sufficient amount of all nutrients and trace elements. If the crumbs do not have enough of any elements, this may affect its further development.

If you cannot eat normally due to toxicosis, try to include in your diet at least those foods to which you react normally and are able to consume. Soon your condition will improve, and you will be able to catch up.

Necessary examinations

The period of 11-13 weeks of pregnancy is very important in terms of examining a pregnant woman. If you are not yet registered with antenatal clinic- Now is the time to do it.

The first ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy is prescribed for all women (ultrasound at an earlier date is performed according to indications). On this ultrasound, the doctor will assess the structure of the uterus and placenta, assess the amount of amniotic fluid. Much attention is paid to the study of fetal development - the doctor will carefully examine the baby, paying special attention to the collar zone. When examining this zone, it is possible to determine the presence of any malformations of the fetus. If defects are suspected, the doctor will refer you to a geneticist and prescribe additional studies. This ultrasound is very important and should not be skipped.

Double screening at 12 weeks of gestation is also aimed at looking for fetal malformations. At the same time, the level of β-hCG and PAPP-A is examined. The presence of changes in these analyzes is not a definitive diagnosis, a geneticist will prescribe a series of tests to help you establish the correct diagnosis.

When registering, you will have to pass a number of tests that will allow the doctor to get a general idea of ​​​​the health of the expectant mother:

  • General analyzes ( and )
  • Blood type and Rh affiliation
  • Tests for HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis
  • Biochemical screening
  • Vaginal swab

According to the indications, you may be assigned an analysis for TORCH infections, hormones and other studies.

Useful video

Questions - answers

How can SARS at 12 weeks of gestation affect the baby?

SARS and other infections, especially with fever, can be dangerous to the fetus, especially in early pregnancy. Therefore, try to avoid excessive communication during periods of epidemics, and when the first signs of the disease appear, consult a doctor, he will prescribe a treatment that is safe for the fetus.

Is it possible to fly at 12 weeks pregnant? My husband and I ordered vouchers even before pregnancy, now we don’t know whether to refuse or fly.

The most favorable time for flights is the period of 14-28 weeks of pregnancy. If possible, reschedule the flight for more late deadline. In addition, the doctor may prohibit flights with placenta previa, threatened miscarriage, multiple pregnancies and a number of other problems and diseases. Carefully weigh the pros and cons, consult a doctor, and if he allows it, carefully prepare for it, collect a first-aid kit at home.

I did an ultrasound during pregnancy at 12 weeks, the collar zone of the fetus raised questions from the ultrasound doctor. What can it say?

Changes in the collar zone in the period of 11-13 weeks indicate an increased risk of malformations in the fetus. It is recommended to undergo a series of additional examinations and a consultation with a geneticist in order to make sure that everything is in order with the child.

So the seven-day period has come, completing the first trimester. This time was not easy, because during this crucial period all the internal systems of the future man are being formed, and any failure can provoke very serious consequences, up to spontaneous interruption. Let's figure out what happens at 12 weeks of gestation.

It's 12 weeks pregnant. Now your future baby is no longer an embryo, it should be called a fetus, which means that you are on the verge of the next stage - the second trimester.

And it will definitely be much easier and more enjoyable than the first weeks. The most difficult days are behind us, mom's health is improving, and the risk of spontaneous interruption is decreasing. In addition, the time for screening has come, because the 12th obstetric week of pregnancy is the most suitable time for research.

How is the baby?

Expectant mothers, as a rule, are most concerned about the question of what happens to the baby. If you brought it before the 12th obstetric week of pregnancy, then you can be sure that your baby's body is already almost formed.

Of course, the fetus at week 12 does not look too much like a newborn, however, its body is already beginning to function actively. But of course internal organs far from perfect, they will continue to develop. So what does the fetus look like during this period? Over the past week, it has grown significantly, at the 12th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus should be as follows:

  • its weight is 12-15 grams;
  • the length from the coccyx to the crown is 6-9 cm.

The arms and legs of the fetus are still disproportionately short, but they already have fingers. It is at the gestational age of 12 weeks that nails and a unique papillary pattern on the pads begin to form. A fluff begins to grow on the face, from which eyebrows and cilia will subsequently form.

What are the features of fetal development at 12 weeks of gestation? As already noted, his body is already “equipped” with all organs, they act and at the same time continue their development. The growth and maturation of bones and muscles continues, the nervous system works, and the endocrine glands produce hormones. White blood cells appear in the circulatory system of the unborn child, that is, the immune system begins to work more actively.

Continues and physical development child, the baby is actively learning to control his body. He moves a lot and chaotically, “floats”, grabs the umbilical cord with his hands. The child already knows how to grimace, tear off his mouth, “make faces”.

Advice! Despite the activity of the fetus, the mother does not yet feel the movements of her baby.

What does a woman feel?

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the health of most expectant mothers improves significantly. This is due to the fact that the life support functions of the baby will now be provided by a special organ - the placenta. In some cases, toxicosis at the 12th week of pregnancy still persists, but this symptom is typical for multiple pregnancies.

Most pregnant women from the 12th week of pregnancy begin to gradually gain weight, the rate of weekly gain is 0.5 kg.

The body during this period works with an increased load. The blood volume increases and the heart has to beat faster. The load on the kidneys is also growing, because they begin to work for two.

Most women notice that the stomach at the 12th week of pregnancy begins to gradually protrude. Some expectant mothers are already forced to wear more loose clothes, and them " pregnant tummy» may be noticed by others. But the size of the abdomen at this time does not increase for everyone. Much depends on the physique of the woman herself and the number of previous pregnancies.

Advice! If a woman already has children, the tummy begins to protrude earlier. And for those expecting their first child at 12 weeks of pregnancy, the tummy can be completely flat.


At a period of 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo the first diagnostic test. Most often, screening is carried out at 12 weeks. This study is recommended for all women.

Advice! Of course, doctors will not force the expectant mother to be examined against her will, but refusing to take diagnostic tests and undergo ultrasound during pregnancy is extremely unreasonable on the part of the woman herself.

This time it is necessary to undergo two types of examinations - ultrasound and biochemical screening.

Ultrasound procedure

Let's figure out how an ultrasound scan takes place at the 12th week of pregnancy, and how the results are deciphered. Conditions that must be met:

  • the minimum period for which ultrasound screening can be performed is 11 weeks; this study, conducted earlier than this period, will not allow obtaining the necessary results;
  • the maximum period for which ultrasound is done to identify genetic pathologies is thirteen weeks and six days;
  • the position in which the fetus is located should allow all necessary measurements to be made. If the position is uncomfortable, the doctor will suggest that the woman walk around or cough a little so that the fetus moves.

At twelve weeks pregnant, an ultrasound is performed to obtain the following measurements:

  • KTR, that is, the length of the body from the coccyx to the crown;
  • the volume of the cranium;
  • longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the skull;
  • assessment of the size of the cerebral hemispheres and their symmetry;
  • collar space thickness;
  • the length of the bones of the limbs;
  • location of organs;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid and a number of other parameters.

Conducting a study allows you to identify the most gross developmental anomalies, while the gestational age is still small. One of the purposes of an ultrasound at 12 weeks of gestation is to determine the risk of developing Down syndrome. The main symptom of the presence of this pathology in the fetus is an increase in the thickness of the collar space.

Advice! The thickness of the collar space is usually called the distance separating soft tissues neck and skin. It makes sense to change the thickness of the collar space precisely at the time indicated above. It makes no sense to do it sooner or later.

After performing pregnancy measurements for a period of 12-13 weeks, the doctor compares the norms of ultrasound and the obtained indicators. If deviations are detected, then the expectant mother should not panic, they do not make a diagnosis on ultrasound. To make sure that everything is fine with the baby or to identify the presence of deviations, a number of other examinations will be required.

When conducting an ultrasound, future parents can see their baby, the fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy already looks so that even a non-specialist will figure out where his head is and where his limbs are. But it is far from always possible to determine the sex of the child in this study, since the fetus is still too small. You can accurately determine the sex of the baby during the second screening or at least after 12 weeks of pregnancy from conception.

Biochemical research

After the ultrasound, you will need to donate blood. The sequence of studies is mandatory, since the ultrasound will accurately determine the gestational age, and knowing the exact dates, you can correctly decipher the results of the analysis. At the first screening (at the 12th week of pregnancy), the following tests should be done:

  • the content of hCG;
  • concentration of PAPP-A.

Evaluation of these two indicators allows you to identify the degree of risk of development of developmental anomalies in the fetus.

Possible Complications

Let's figure out what complications can develop at this time. Ideally, a pregnant woman should not have any pain. However, slight pulling sensations in the abdomen may be present. They are caused by stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus.

Pregnant women often complain that their lower back hurts. If the pain is minor, then you should not worry, they are due to a shift in the center of gravity due to the growing abdomen.

When is medical attention needed?

Sharp, cutting pains in the back can be a sign of an infectious disease of the urinary system - cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc. Or a symptom of a spinal hernia. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor and carry out treatment.

A pregnant woman should be wary if her stomach hurts, moreover, the pain is cramping, or pulling, but lasting for several hours in a row. If, against the background of such pain, spotting appeared at the 12th week of pregnancy, then medical assistance is required immediately.

You should not wait until bleeding begins, as if such symptoms are present, a miscarriage may occur. If a woman turns to ambulance immediately, as soon as the malaise appears, then, in most cases, the pregnancy can be saved.

However brown discharge at 12 weeks pregnant is not always a sign of spontaneous abortion. If spotting appears after examination in the gynecologist's chair, then perhaps this is a sign of cervical erosion.


A cold at the 12th week of pregnancy can cause a lot of trouble, although at this time the mother’s diseases for the baby are no longer as dangerous as in the first weeks. But, nevertheless, do not try to endure a cold on your feet, be sure to consult a doctor.

So, the twelfth week is the last in the initial trimester. By this time, the body has already been formed, although the organs are still in their infancy, but they are already functioning. Herself future mom begins to feel much better, as toxicosis recedes. But, nevertheless, a pregnant woman should carefully monitor her well-being in order to apply for medical care, if required.