How to dye your hair blue. Blue hair tips: features and rules of coloring. Dark blue hair dye. Black and blue hair: shades and subtleties of coloring

Changing the image for a girl often begins with experiments with a hairstyle. Trying a new length, a radically different haircut or recoloring the curls in an unexpected color - every woman thought about this at least once in her life. Modern fashion democratic enough, and to be in trend, it is not necessary to comply with strict patterns. Today you can choose both timeless classics and extravagance. In the new season girls adolescence and slightly older girls often prefer bright strands. How to dye your hair Blue colour without damaging the curls - we will discuss below.

Unusual tones

The tradition of hair coloring, oddly enough, is rooted in antiquity. People who lived several centuries BC used to give their hair a different shade natural materials: insects, plants, minerals (iron oxide extracted from the soil).

In the Middle Ages in Europe, girls of the upper classes actively dyed their hair, sometimes very toxic substances were used for this, the contact of which with the skin could cause tissue necrosis. But no matter what they went for the sake of the beauty of women at all times! It is noteworthy that until the eighteenth century in European countries, blond was considered a shade of girls of easy virtue, and only in the 1700s did representatives of high society begin to paint in this color.

Bright colors came into vogue in the seventies of the twentieth century. This was due to the development of rock and punk culture. Youth idols, famous pop singers took to the stage with pink, purple, green and blue hair. Informals from among teenagers also began to dye their hair in bright colors, trying to stand out from the gray mass and express their protest against the foundations of society.

Who suits blue hair

During the period transitional age or at the peak of fashion for blue curls, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity may want to dye their hair in this color. But it should be remembered that such changes in appearance are not suitable for everyone. Who can still afford such a luxury?

  • Young girls, under the age of twenty-five.
  • Representatives of color types of appearance winter and summer.
  • Informal in the outlook and image of the girl.
  • Those whose kind labor activity does not provide strict pattern matching.
  • Blondes. Firstly, in the case of dyeing individual strands, the white-blue hair color looks much more impressive than this tone against the background of dark curls. Secondly, only light strands can be pre-discolored to such an extent that the blue lies beautifully.

Who Shouldn't Experiment Like This?

  • Women after 25-28 years. Blue hair color at this age already looks out of place, funny and ridiculous, and gives the opposite effect to what girls want to get.
  • Ladies color types spring and autumn.
  • Brunettes. It will not work to lighten dark hair to an ash blonde, and it will not fall on yellowish blue at all as we would like.
  • Girls before graduation. Desire to stand out at the main event school life natural and understandable. And yet, such cardinal changes may not please the girl herself and those around her, and then the holiday that schoolchildren remember for a lifetime will be ruined.
  • Immediately before important event. Whether it's a wedding, mom's anniversary, or just a party that has been preparing for two months - you should not dye your curls the day before the event. The dye does not always fit adequately, and instead of the expected, the girl may get blue purple hair, gray, greenish or one that is even hard to give a name.

How to paint: step by step instructions

Of course, if you want to paint yourself in unusual bright colors, it is better for a woman to turn to a professional. Especially when it comes to complex combinations, such as gray-blue hair color. The master will select paint and additional materials and carry out manipulations in such a way that the curls are maximally protected from the effects of adverse substances.
And yet, if you wish, you can make blue hair color at home. Here are the basic steps.

  1. Bleach to a platinum blonde. To do this, it is better to use special formulations that are sold in cosmetics stores and professional tools for hair. You must strictly follow the instructions.
  2. The blue dye is very corrosive. Getting on the skin, clothes, objects, it remains there for a long time (and on some things - forever). Therefore, it is necessary to wear old t-shirt from the category of things “which is not a pity”, gloves; smear the skin of the forehead, ears with a greasy cream so that the paint does not soak into it.
  3. Before painting, wash your hair thoroughly, otherwise the pigment will not lie evenly and may not “take” well. Masks, conditioners and other care products must not be applied!
  4. Prepare the dye mixture according to the instructions.
  5. It is necessary to paint over in small strands, slowly, carefully and carefully. Otherwise, there will be a spotting effect, which is very difficult to fix later. It is necessary to apply the paint from the roots to the tips, this can be done with a brush or fingers.
  6. When the entire head is evenly dyed, it should be put on a shower cap or a plastic bag and kept for the time indicated in the instructions.
  7. After the time specified in the instructions, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse your head.

An alternative for those who are contraindicated in staining

If you really want changes and it is with blue, but for some reason there is no way to do this, there is no reason to be upset. An alternative in this situation would be:

  • Kanekalon. To weave high-quality artificial fiber of any shades means to change the image without harming your own curls. Blue pink color hair, combination with purple, green, amber technique - you can choose many variations of kanekalon.
  • Color a single strand or several. This will allow you to see if such an image change is in the face.

Dyeing your hair blue or not is a personal choice. However, if a girl decides to take such a bold step, it is better to carefully prepare in advance so that the result will please, and not upset her and those around her.

Sometimes fashion dictates unusual rules, blue hair color is especially popular. A variety of tonics allow you to radically change the appearance. Especially bright colors attract young people.

However, extravagant options are not only suitable for teenagers. Many girls who want to stand out from the crowd prefer blue shades. Thanks to unusual modulations, you can create a stunning image and be the center of attention. If the views of others do not scare you, you can safely proceed to experiments.

Variety of colors

If you want to give your hair an unusual tone, you first need to figure out which shade to give preference to. The choice is large enough. Based on the color of the eyes, skin, face shape, it is worth making one or another choice.

Blue-eyed beauties can choose a blue-black color. This shade will look the most harmonious. Also, blue goes well with fair skin, gray and blue eyes.

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Benefits of black and blue:

  • suits almost everyone, makes facial features more expressive;
  • getting the right shade is very simple. It is not necessary to visit beauty salons. The desired tone can be obtained at home;
  • the natural way of coloring will help to achieve an amazing result. It is enough to use basma, so it will be possible not only to color the hair, but also to strengthen it. What will give the curls strength, shine.

Blondes have their own palette of shades. It is worth paying attention to lilac, blue tides.

Girls who do not want to completely paint can highlight a few strands. Black hair with blue tints looks amazing.

Blue on men's hair

The colors of the rainbow are often found on the heads of the stronger sex. Men decided to compete with women, choose different shades. Blue hair color in men is at the peak of popularity. Extravagant appearance attracts special attention, helps to emphasize individuality.

Staining technique

Many girls decide to experiment with their appearance. Bright colors become a real decoration. To dye your hair, you should prepare in advance. To work, you will need the following:

  • comb;
  • dye;
  • gloves;
  • cap;
  • capacity;
  • bleaching agent;
  • ribbon;

How to dye your hair blue at home is of interest to many girls. The process is quite long, you need to allocate time for it. Having studied the basic recommendations of experts, it will be possible to carry out the work even on your own.

The staining process involves the following procedures:

  1. The first step is to lighten the strands to a light brown color. To make the tone dark, you can lighten the strands to dark blond. Girls with blonde hair this step can be skipped.
  2. To bleach the strands, you will need a special cream. Apply it on curls, wash off after a while. After that, the hair can not be processed with anything. This will allow you to carry out the staining process with maximum convenience.
  3. Dry your hair with a hair dryer. This is done so that the paint can be fixed.
  4. Curls should not be discolored for a long time, otherwise they will become burnt out.
  5. Before proceeding with the staining procedure, it is worth reading the instructions.
  6. It is not recommended to apply petroleum jelly on the skin, the hair will become greasy, and the color from staining can turn out to be unpredictable. Instead of Vaseline, a special tape is used.
  7. Collect hair, put on a hat. This will keep the paint from flowing.
  8. To make the shade rich blue, you need to withstand the composition for 3 hours.
  9. You can fix the color with vinegar. They need to rinse their curls. Work with vinegar should be careful not to harm the skin.
  10. Rinse hair, remove tape.
  11. After staining, it is not recommended to use shampoo, or reduce its use. Hair does not get oily so quickly, you can wash your hair once a week.

Features of staining at home

In order for the curls to acquire a rich blue color, the following rules should be observed:

  • carefully select the shade;
  • think over the image to the smallest detail;
  • the bleaching procedure must be carried out in accordance with all the rules;
  • if previously the curls were painted in other tones, washing is necessary several times. Discoloration should be taken carefully, otherwise an unexpected shade may result.

Care for dyed strands

Dying your hair blue is not enough, you need to provide appropriate care for your hair. This will take care of the health of the curls and keep the rich color as long as possible. Experts recommend using special means for the care of colored strands, they will be able to take care of the attractiveness of the hair.

  1. Tonic. After each shampooing, the paint is washed off. Tonics will help preserve the color, giving the curls a brighter shade. The stores offer a huge selection of funds, from all the variety you will be able to find the right option.
  2. Masks. Any hair coloring is stressful for them. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to restoring masks.
  3. Air conditioner. After washing your hair, you should definitely use balms. They will take care of the health of the curls, make them softer and silky.

If it was decided to dye your hair blue, you should think over the image in advance. Familiarize yourself with the choice of cosmetics that are suitable for a given color of strands. warm shades not in harmony with blue. In this case, staining should be abandoned.

The blue color on the curls looks defiant. Only courageous girls who want to demonstrate to everyone around them the strength of character pay attention to him. Also, blue will appeal to bright, creative individuals who want to show their individuality.

In pursuit of fashion, one should not forget about the health of curls. No hairstyle will look beautiful on lifeless strands. Therefore, it is worth considering in advance whether such experiments are needed, or whether natural beauty is still a priority.

If you decide to radically change your image, or are just thinking about it, then this article will be interesting.

So, main question, which worries those who decide on blue hair, this is how to dye your hair blue, without visiting a salon, at home?

Before talking about any methods of dyeing, it is worth mentioning that, to date, there is no tool capable of dyeing hair in persistent blue shades. All of them quickly lose their brightness, wash off and turn green, and therefore require constant adjustment.

Read also:

Option one

Colored crayons for hair. It is unlikely that it will be possible to color the entire volume of hair, but a few strands can easily be made blue. The main disadvantage of this method of dyeing is that you cannot paint over all the hair, you will not be able to get a deep color, it is quickly washed off. But the main advantage is that this is the most gentle way to get an unusual shade of hair. The color is predictable, there will definitely be no unpleasant surprises in the form of a dirty shade, greenery and spots. This method allows you to dye a strand of hair blue quickly, inexpensively, and is suitable for any original hair color.

There are also a variety of colored gels and sprays that color hair in unstable shades. You can find these funds only in specialized stores, or order on the Internet. When deciding to take the bold step of dyeing your dark hair blue, try unstable options that last until the first wash.

Advantages: easy to use, hypoallergenic, suitable for children (colored crayons), predictable color, easy to rinse without leaving marks, does not damage the hair structure.

Disadvantages: unstable coloring, before the first shampooing, hair does not shine, color has no depth, makes hair heavier.

How to dye your hair blue with crayons

1. Wash hair normally, dry;

2. Comb and divide into strands with hairpins;

3. Each strand must be painted over separately, placing a piece of paper. It is necessary to carry out with chalk from above, down to the tips;

4. The color will hold better if you sprinkle each ordinary varnish for hair;

5. Make styling with a curling iron or hair dryer;

6. Comb and spray with varnish again.

Spray to make temporary blue hair dye even easier:

1. Shake the contents of the can

2. From a distance outstretched hand apply to hair.

Option two

Tinted balm or shampoo. You can buy it at any cosmetics store or just in a supermarket. Perhaps this method is the most common. If you ask the question - "how can you dye your hair blue?" on any of the thematic forums, you will immediately receive a lot of answers with recommendations to try out exactly the tint balm Russian production Tonic color "Wild plum".

You can also use professional color correctors of the corresponding shade. They can be purchased in the cosmetic departments for beauty salons, and the cost of such funds will be an order of magnitude higher.

Consider the pros and cons of this method.

Advantages: affordable price, ease of use, does not destroy the structure of the hair, can often be used to maintain color.

Disadvantages - soft and unstable color, on a dark hair color, the shade is almost invisible.

How to dye your hair blue with tonic

1. Best of all, the color will fall on blond or bleached hair. Therefore, for starters, it is better to lighten dark hair.

2. Tonic is usually just a shampoo containing coloring pigments. Therefore, the application is the same as for shampoo - apply to wet hair, massage along the entire length.

3. Hold depending on the desired color intensity. Usually from 10 but not more than 40 minutes.

4. Then rinse with warm water.

Option three

Use professional paints for hair. To date, the most popular paint for obtaining bright colors is Manic Panic, made in the USA. With this paint, you can dye your hair without any preparation at all and get a rich blue color, even on dark hair. The composition includes natural ingredients of natural origin, which prevent damage to the hair. The paint is completely ethical, it has not been tested on animals and does not contain components of animal origin. On the manufacturer's website you will find a whole palette of the most different shades. The price is about 1200 rubles for a jar of 118 ml.

You can also find alternative brands on the Internet that offer blue hair dye products: Crazy Color, Direction, Anthocyanin. The cost is in the same range.

There are also cheaper options on how to dye your hair blue at home, for example, ALCINA (Mixton Blue) paint Germany - the price is for a 60ml tube. 700-800 rub.


Relatively stable coloring (up to 2 weeks), predictable result, in the case when you need to get a shade, hair preparation is not required, does not contain ammonia, a lot of positive reviews.


High price, not available everywhere.

How to dye black hair blue

1. Hair preparation - wash, dry with a towel, comb thoroughly;

2. Prepare the composition (if required) mix the oxidizer and developer;

3. Apply evenly starting from the back of the head, separately on each strand. Then carefully comb with a comb with rare teeth;

4. Exposure to the hair, for the time indicated on the packaging of the coloring composition;

5. Wash off with warm water, without the use of shampoos and conditioners.

Crazy option (taken from online reviews)

I want to immediately warn you, I describe these methods only for informational and entertainment purposes, and no more. I do not recommend using them. So, a very budgetary way is to use ordinary stationery ink, they recommend it on one of the thematic forums. They will hold better on bleached hair. From the reviews it becomes clear that hair dyed in this way stains clothes, skin, and quickly loses color. Staining occurs unevenly, in spots.

There is also such an unpopular way how to dye dark hair blue using basma. Basma itself, a product of plant origin. It is used as natural dye for blues and greens. It will be difficult to get a blue color on your hair with basma, sometimes up to 2-3 dyes are required. Moreover, the time that you need to keep the product on your hair is from 40 minutes to 2.5 hours, depending on the original color and condition of the hair.

Before you get down to business, you need to know how to dye your hair blue as efficiently and safely as possible. Here are a few simple tips on this topic:

- IMPORTANT before staining (any of the methods described in the article), it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. Why apply the product to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, in the elbow bend. In the event that redness, itching or other skin reactions occur, it is necessary to stop using the products.

- to get a bright and saturated blue color, you must first lighten your hair;

- before coloring, wash your hair with your usual shampoo, but do not use conditioner or balm, otherwise the color may not lie evenly;

- the paint should be applied to slightly damp, well-combed hair. To apply the coloring composition, it is best to use a special brush;

- in the process of staining, it is important to use gloves so as not to walk later with blue fingers;

- do not wear clothes that you are afraid to get dirty, the paint does not wash off;

Protect clothing by covering your shoulders. To do this, use a special oilcloth or an old towel;

- it is best to stain blue in the bathroom, after removing the rug from the floor;

- it is necessary to check how the blue color will lie on a small curl of hair;

- follow the instructions in the instructions on the package, do not keep the paint on your hair for longer than the maximum specified time;

- after dyeing, it is necessary to pay special attention to the hair, use moisturizing and strengthening balms, conditioners, rinses. It also allows you to keep longer bright color on the hair.

- To get a more even shade when touching up the roots, the tint balm can be combined with hair conditioner. It is only necessary to mix the mixture thoroughly before application. UN

P.S. Dear readers, if you have tried to dye your hair blue, please tell us about your experience in the comments. Your experience will be interesting and useful for us and other readers).

Blue hair color is something fantastic that goes beyond the boundaries of objective reality. It is usually chosen by creative people, freaks or people who follow the motto "your appearance is a reflection of the soul. In order to dye your hair blue, you need remarkable courage and will, because not everyone will enthusiastically look at your hairstyle: it can even come to insults, then you need to steadfastly repel blows and defend your choice. If such controversial points do not touch your soul, you can be congratulated, because you have the opportunity to become one of the “indigo people”.

How to decide on paint?
In order to decide on the type of paint you intend to use, ask yourself a few questions:
  1. How long do you want to become the owner of blue hair? For one night or the blue color should accompany you for at least several months?
  2. What shade are you interested in? Deep blue, azure, or maybe pastel blue?
  3. Are you ready to put your hair at risk? Not a single bright color is complete without bleaching, so it is better to resist the idea with brittle thin hair.
  4. Have you painted before? With dyed hair, you will have to wash it several times.
  5. Do you have a thoughtful look? Since blue is an unnatural hair color, the image must be thought out to the smallest detail. It won't fit here regular clothes and carelessness. Get ready to be looked at a lot and carefully.
  6. Will a work or school dress code make your dream come true?
If you have ready-made answers to all questions, you can start coloring.

How to dye your hair blue for one evening?
To color your hair for one evening, you can use special color sprays, such as Color Xtreme Hair Art or Kyolan Color Spray. The use of sprays is similar to the use of hair sprays: they are sprayed either on the entire surface of the head or on individual strands. They are washed off very quickly, maximum after the second shampooing, so during use you should try to avoid high humidity - your beautiful colour can simply “leak”, dyeing clothes and everything that touches the hair along the way.

In addition to sprays for short-term hair coloring, you can use ... ordinary pastel crayons. It should be noted that only soft pastels are suitable for this purpose, in no case oil pastels. How to use art pastels to dye your hair blue?

  1. Dark hair should be moistened with water before dyeing to keep the pigment stronger. For blond hair, this procedure is not necessary - the paint will last for about a day.
  2. Cover your shoulders and the floor with something, as pastels can color anything.
  3. Twist a strand of hair with a flagellum and rub it with chalk.
  4. Straighten the strand - and now you have the hair of the desired shade!
If during these manipulations you get your clothes dirty, it's not scary: the pastel can be easily washed with ordinary powder. But it is better to wash off the pastel from the hair using a natural bristle brush. Lather your head with shampoo, and comb out the pigment from the hair.

How do brunettes dye their hair blue?
In order to dark hair, no matter if painted or not, it turned out to be a bright blue color, first you have to lighten it or, accordingly, make a wash of the old paint. For a very bright color, lightening will have to be done to snow-white hair, and for dark blue, you can mix a bright mixton (for example, from Igora) and dark chestnut hair dye. What a wash, what clarification is best done in a professional salon - so the risk of ruining the hair will be minimized. Plus, bleached hair should not have a red tint - so instead of blue, you get a dirty green, which will take about two months to remove.

In addition to paint, you can use tint balms, for example, "Tonic" (tint "Wild Plum"), which have less effect on the hair and withstand 5-6 shampoos. However, each hair has a unique structure, and if a tonic gives a bright color to one type of hair, it can be almost invisible on another.

How to dye your blonde hair blue?
Fair-haired girls are easier than brunettes - by nature they have such a color and hair structure that the paint lays down without discoloration. It should be noted that the shade from such hair will be washed off longer and more difficult. But, in general, the means for coloring remain the same: professional paints from Schwarzkopf, Igora Royal and various tint tonics. Note that not a single paint will give a 100% result at home - even if the possible colors are indicated on the package, something completely unexpected can turn out in the end, so it's better to contact a hairdresser.

There are a lot of positive reviews for Manic Panic, but not everything is as rosy as it might seem. The color from it turns out bright and truly fantastic, but this paint is washed off literally within a week. Even naturally blonde hair she will not take - discoloration is required. However, there are undeniable advantages: since this paint is made from natural ingredients, in addition to coloring, it acts as good mask for hair. Of the minuses, it can be noted that during rinsing, the color can transform beyond recognition, for example, become dull swamp green, which no longer wants to leave your hair.

What else do you need to know about bright colors when staining?
Any bright paint requires constant care, whether it be touching up the roots and updating the color 2-3 times a month, using gentle shampoos, washing your hair with vinegar, or avoiding hot water. But if you seriously decide to become a bright spot in the gray surrounding reality, approach the issue with all responsibility. Think over every step of hair care, stock up on color renewal paint and restorative hair masks in advance. And, perhaps, a bright color will fit so organically into your image that you simply do not want to part with it anymore.

Surely everyone has heard of the indigo people - gifted with superpowers, the radiance of a blue aura and the talent to communicate using telepathy. For those who want to look unusual, it will be enough to find blue hair color.

Who loves blue

It's no secret that creative people with creative thinking try to stand out from the crowd with the help of unusual styling. This should not be regarded as a statement about one's own characteristics, as immodest and beyond the scope of generally accepted behavior. It’s just that such people think and feel a little differently, therefore, for spiritual comfort, they need other ways of expressing their “I”.

They are satisfied with their extraordinary appearance in the same way that an ordinary accountant is satisfied with a successful permanent. And it may turn out that in their eyes it is the blue color that is the most organic, as it merges with the aura of those gifted from above! Thus, one should not throw stones either at a teenager who is looking for himself, or at grown woman, who suddenly realized she was different and decided that one of the signs of her “awakening” would be blue hair.

To each his own - besides, the blue color is amazingly beautiful and goes very well with bright eyes and white matte leather. Who said that unnaturally white hair is good and blue is not? Is it really impossible to dye your hair blue just because such hair does not exist in nature? But the blue color is present in flowers, the sky, the plumage of birds - and how can you be sure that in a few years ecology will not lead us to it?

Blue hair is beautiful, fantastically stylish, and if you have already decided on such an experiment, then hold your head proudly, innovators should not hide their eyes! Of course, there will be dissatisfied and protesters all around - but personally, I am more disgusted by aunts with hair cut by "sovdepovskaya" chemistry than charismatic blue-haired elves of megacities.

At one time, while studying to be a director, I dyed my hair indigo, using an inexpensive plant-based dye, which was called “indigo”. It was powdered and made on the basis of henna and basma, with the addition of vegetable blue pigment. The effect was simply amazing, even though everyone on the course was far from “good guys” and did all sorts of things with their hair! But going outside the walls of the university, I had to endure the sidelong glances of passers-by, gloomy grins and frankly negative remarks - but everything was immediately forgotten when I caught the admiring glances of my peers! At that time, not everyone could decide on this - our parents still had a strong spirit of conformism, and even an additional earring in their ear was considered by them as an attempt to rebel!

So today I look with great pleasure at the multi-colored youth, whom no one bothers to express their inner world bright colors! Another thing is those who work in the office - everything is more complicated here, although as they say, “you can’t cover your wings with a jacket”, and even there you can manage to get the desired blue color. How to dye your hair blue if there is a strict dress code? You can try to "get out" by explaining to the boss that this is the result of the hairdresser's inept manipulations, you can say that by mistake instead of shampoo she poured a bottle of blue solution on her head. Or to tell the truth - in the end, you need to be able to defend your principles!

If we talk about the purely technical side of things, even today you can buy the vegetable paint that I once used, but it has one side effect- while sleeping, she paints the pillow great! But at least she doesn't ruin her hair. Schwarzkopf is said to have resistant paint blue color, which fits perfectly on the hair of any shade. There are also tint shampoos, such as Fruktis, and the Tonic tint balm can give a beautiful blue color on bleached hair. Choose the shade "Wild Plum" - it looks very unusual.

Secrets of successful coloring

If you are going to drastically change the color of your hair to blue, remember the rules, if not followed, your appearance may suffer:

  • Be sure to lighten the curls before applying blue paint. This rule is necessary for owners of hair with dark shades. If you skip this stage, it is possible to get an unexpected and hardly desired result: the hair may turn green.
  • Protect forehead and cheeks. To do this, use a fat cream or stick a medical tape. Otherwise, you may come to work (study) with blue spots on your face. Agree, the image is far from ideal.
  • Review the contents of your cosmetic bag. If you like warm colors in cosmetics (peach lipstick, beige shadows and brown mascara), then for the time being you "wear" blue, they will have to be abandoned. For a Malvina girl, a cold palette (blue, metallic, silver, white, gray) is suitable.
  • A few more rules apply to the combination of a blue tint and your color type. A fair-skinned blonde with blue or gray eyes will go for gentle variations: blue or light lilac.
    If your skin is olive or dark, you tan easily and quickly, and your eyes are black or dark brown, choose rich blue shades.
  • Bright brunettes can dye their hair blue without lightening. True, then the black color of the hair will not change significantly, but under certain lighting, the curls will look blue-black. Beautiful and mysterious!

Caring for dyed hair

In most cases, unless she is a burning brunette or a natural blonde, she has to pre-lighten her hair. This dries them out, makes them brittle and brittle, and contributes to the split ends. Therefore, try not to "overdo it" with washing your blue hair. Washing every 4-5 days is usually sufficient. Do not forget to use caring masks, for example, using the recipes from this article.

How to flush

If you are tired of the blue color, and wait until the hair grows back for a long time, try to get rid of it in a simple way: paint in a dark shade. Another way is flushing. But it is made only in salons, because you can spoil the curls for a long time.

Sometimes it is advised to use at home:

  • medical alcohol;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • laundry soap;
  • vegetable oil.

These products help to "wash" the blue dye out of the hair. True, it is unlikely that you will see instant results.

The blue color can look different, it can be provocative and gentle, defiant and bewitching. It all depends on what you want to tell this world: that you are the romantic Malvina, stuck in childhood for a long time, or the daring Violet (remember how she was played by Mila Jovovich?), Who goes to her goal, despite any obstacles.