Types of educational institutions for orphans. The system of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. With modifications and additions from


In Russia there are various forms arrangements for orphans and children left without parental care. Particular attention is paid to the category of orphans and children left without parental care, which is among the children with disabilities. The presented article is devoted to the actual problem of the device for this category of children. This article discusses the main forms of specialized correctional (treatment) institutions. They include four categories of placement of children, including correctional institutions (special correctional Orphanage, a special correctional boarding school); orphanages; special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant (deviant or socially dangerous) behavior, including those who have committed offenses; sanatorium orphanages. Each type of institutions considered in the article has its own peculiarities, specifics and solves certain goals and objectives aimed not only at rehabilitation, but also at the socialization and resilience of children with disabilities.


correctional institutions


boarding school

form of placement of orphans

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11. Shipilov R.M. and other Boarding forms of placement of orphans and children left without parental care in Russia / R.M. Shipilov, O.V. Shipilova, I.Yu. Sharabanova, Yu.A. Vedyaskin // In the world of scientific discoveries. - 2015. - No. 11.5 (71). - S. 1763-1771.

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Orphanhood as a social phenomenon is inherent in any society. In each era of a particular state, there has always been a certain category of children who, due to objective or subjective reasons, remained outside family care and required special treatment from the society. The problem of orphanhood is especially acute in Russia. The cause of orphanhood is the emergence of socially maladapted families, where disrespect for a person, lack of culture, drunkenness reign, which leads to a complete lack of satisfaction of the child in vital needs, which causes a significant number of children to fall into the category of "difficult" or "risk".

Children who, from the first years of their lives, have observed an example of antisocial behavior next to them, often begin to repeat it themselves, turning out to be not ready and unable to carry out life activities that are safe for themselves and those around them in society. This leads to an increase in social risks and, as a result, an increase in social tension in society.

Today in our country there are about 482 thousand children left without parental care. Of these, 83% of children are brought up in families. The number of children left without parental care, registered in the state data bank, under supervision in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, is 71,000, of which 21,000 are children with disabilities. These groups of children first of all need social adaptation and rehabilitation in modern society, it is necessary to carry out additional work with them to form their culture of life safety in society, to create conditions for their socialization.

The state is responsible for the life of the child, its duties include creating favorable conditions for his life, assisting in adaptation and socialization. To solve this problem, guardianship and guardianship authorities have been created and are successfully operating, the number of foster and foster families is increasing, and family orphanages have been opened. Serious work is being done to improve the conditions of education and upbringing, social adaptation, medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with disabilities. Developed and implemented in all regions Russian Federation programs aimed at the prevention of delinquency among minors, including those belonging to the category of orphans and children left without parental care. The policy of the state is aimed at solving the problems of social adaptation and rehabilitation of the most vulnerable category of children who are orphans and children left without parental care. Particular attention is directed to the category of children, which is included in the number of children with disabilities. To solve this problem, specialized (correctional) educational institutions were created, the purpose of which is not only to provide optimal conditions for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, but also their social adaptation in modern society. In our study, we will try to reveal the forms of special (correctional) educational institutions as a device for orphans and children left without parental care.


The conducted research is based on the complex use of the following research methods: analysis of literary sources, analysis of legal documents, generalization method. A deep analysis of literary sources, normative documents, abstract publications made it possible to reveal the main forms of special (correctional) educational institutions common in Russia. The generalization method as a research method is an analysis of our own long-term experience of working with orphans and children left without parental care. With the help of the generalization method, we obtained the actual material that we used in this work.


According to the data of special literature, legal documents and as a result of summarizing our own long-term experience of working with orphans, the forms of placement of orphans existing in Russia are quite diverse. From our point of view, they can be divided into five categories: boarding schools; special (correctional) educational institutions; family-type institutions; military educational institutions; cadet institutions. The listed categories of institutions are to some extent connected with the upbringing and education of orphans and children left without parental care. Boarding-type educational institutions include: orphanages, orphanages, orphanages-schools, boarding schools, apartment-type orphanages, social rehabilitation centers, social shelters, boarding schools at the church. Forms of placement of family-type orphans are represented by: adoption, guardianship and guardianship, family-type orphanages, foster families, temporary foster families. At present, in Russia there are such forms of placement of children as foster families, children's villages-SOS, youth houses-SOS, boarding houses family education, parish orphanages. Categories of military educational institutions and cadet institutions include: military schools, military units, cadet boarding schools, cadet corps and musical cadet corps. In our study, we will pay attention to institutions that have the specifics of correctional educational institutions. These include: educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care; special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities; health-improving educational institutions of sanatorium type; special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant behavior.

  1. The category "Educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care" includes two types of educational institutions: special (correctional) orphanages for orphans and children left without parental care with developmental disabilities and special (correctional) boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care, with developmental disabilities.

These educational institutions bring up children whose parents are deprived of parental rights, sentenced for a certain period, are on long-term treatment, etc. In the institutions presented, special conditions are created that are as close as possible to home, specialists organize a special environment that promotes medical and psychological rehabilitation and adaptation of children to the society around them. Children raised in these institutions are subject to the norms of material support provided for by federal legislation.

The peculiarity of these institutions is characterized not only by the permanent residence of children with subsequent correctional and treatment-and-prophylactic work, but also by their training for the purpose of general education and labor training.

  1. Special (correctional) educational institutions where orphans and children left without parental care are brought up include: special (correctional) orphanages for orphans and children left without parental care, types I-VIII; special (correctional) boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care, I-VII types. According to their specialization, children with disabilities live and are brought up in correctional institutions.

Special (correctional) educational institutions of the 1st type for the education and upbringing of deaf children and special (correctional) institutions of the 2nd type for the education and upbringing of hearing-impaired children (having partial hearing loss and varying degrees of speech underdevelopment) and late deaf children (those who became deaf at preschool or school age, but retained independent speech). These institutions build their program on the basis of teaching children from grades 1 to 12. The total number of students in the class should not exceed 12 people. Children with complete hearing loss are trained in the volume of an incomplete secondary general education school for 12 years. Children with minor deafness and severe speech disorders are trained from grades 1 to 12, and children with speech disorders leading to dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyslalia are trained for 10 years. If possible, the training period may be extended. Children with these diseases learn active speech activity, the development of auditory and visual perception, lip reading.

Special (correctional) educational institutions of the III and IV types for training, education, correction of primary and secondary deviations in the development of pupils with visual impairments. Educational institutions of type III are aimed at educating blind children, and institutions of type IV are aimed at educating visually impaired children. Education in these institutions is carried out according to the programs of a secondary general education school (12 years of education) and an incomplete secondary general education school (10 years of education). Class sizes should not exceed 12 people. The main task in the rehabilitation of children is the preservation and development of vision. In educational institutions, blind children use tactile-kinesthetic systems and auditory analyzers while learning, partially seeing children actively use visual analyzers. A special role is given to the interaction of blind children with seeing children, which increases their social activity.

In special (correctional) educational institutions of the V type, children with hearing, but a pronounced pathology of speech, study. Children study under the program of an incomplete secondary general education school. The main task is to correct defects in oral and written speech. If the pathology is corrected, the child is transferred to other educational institutions.

Special (correctional) educational institutions of the VI type are health-improving educational institutions designed to correct dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system of children. As aids using a variety of trainers and equipment. Education in these institutions is carried out according to the programs of a secondary general education school (11 years of education) and an incomplete secondary general education school (9 years of education). No more than 16 people can study in one class.

In special (correctional) educational institutions of the VII type, children with a delay are educated and brought up mental development. In such institutions, education is carried out according to the programs of an incomplete secondary general education school. Work in such institutions is built on the basis of overcoming the shortcomings of psychophysical development. The program includes both individual and group lessons. Group size - no more than 20 people. In case of restoration of the mental development of the child, he is transferred to other educational institutions.

Special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type are intended for the education and upbringing of children with mental retardation. These institutions belong to both the education system and the health care system. Children are educated in preschool institutions(orphanages), where these children are being prepared for education in specialized correctional boarding schools in order to obtain an affordable specialty.

Currently, type I-V orphanages and boarding schools are defined as state educational rehabilitation institutions, type VI - state rehabilitation institutions, and types VII and VIII - state medical and social rehabilitation institutions. Both are intended for the permanent residence of children in need of care, household and medical care, as well as social and labor adaptation, while teaching them according to the programs of general education schools.

  1. Health-improving educational institutions of the sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment are represented by sanatorium orphanages for orphans and children left without parental care. These institutions are designed to provide a comprehensive system of measures to provide psychological, medical, pedagogical and socio-legal assistance to pupils, to prepare them for an independent life, social and pedagogical integration into society. On the basis of sanatorium orphanages, special conditions are created that contribute to the mental, emotional and physical development student's personality. Children from various orphanages and boarding schools are sent to these educational institutions for treatment. Rehabilitation and health-improving activities are carried out with the pupils. In the case of long-term treatment, children continue their education in general educational programs at the same institutions.
  2. Special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant (deviant or socially dangerous) behavior. This category includes the following types of institutions (special (correctional) general education schools and special (correctional) vocational schools for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities). In such institutions, children aged 8 to 18 with mental retardation and mental retardation study according to adapted educational programs. Corrective measures, medical and preventive work are carried out with the pupils with the aim of their subsequent integration into society. AT educational process psychological and pedagogical support, labor education, which contribute to social rehabilitation, are used.


Thus, we can say that the state creates conditions for the realization of the right of orphans and children left without parental care to education, receiving qualified psychological assistance, treatment and rehabilitation, as well as social adaptation in modern world. In 2015 alone, the number of children left without parental care who enrolled in educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher education amounted to 15 thousand people. These include children with various health problems. The data presented show that these children have the opportunity, along with their peers, to be socially active and successful members of society, ready for successful socialization. However, the statistics of newly identified children left without parental care in 2015 (58 thousand people) remains alarming. The need for these institutions is still high. To date, the typology of special (correctional) institutions is quite extensive. Each type of institution has its own specifics and solves certain tasks aimed at socialization and development of resilience in children with disabilities.

Bibliographic link

Shipilov R.M., Shipilova O.V., Sharabanova I.Yu., Ishuhina E.V., Vedyaskin Yu.A. SPECIAL (CORRECTIONAL) EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AS A FORM OF ORPHANAGE AND CHILDREN LEFT WITHOUT PARENTAL CARE IN RUSSIA // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2016. - No. 6.;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=25682 (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2014 N 481
"On the activities of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, and on the placement of children left without parental care in them"

In accordance with article 155.1 family code of the Russian Federation The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the attached Regulations on the activities of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, and on the placement of children left without parental care in them.

2. Recognize as invalid the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 7, 2011 N 558 "On approval of the requirements for the conditions for the stay of children in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 29, article 4483).

on the activities of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, and on the placement of children left without parental care in them
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2014 N 481)

With changes and additions from:

1. This Regulation establishes a list of activities carried out and services provided by organizations for orphans and children left without parental care (hereinafter, respectively - organizations for orphans, children), the procedure for carrying out activities by organizations for orphans, the procedure for placing children ( including the procedure and conditions for interaction between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their authorized executive bodies when deciding on the placement of a child left without parental care), the grounds for making decisions on the placement of children, depending on the types of activities carried out and services provided by organizations for orphans, as well as requirements for the conditions of stay in organizations for orphans.

2. The activities of organizations for orphans are based on the principles of the best interests of children, humanism, accessibility, priority of universal values, citizenship, free development of the individual, protection of the rights and interests of children and the secular nature of education.

Organizations for orphans include educational organizations, medical organizations and organizations providing social services in which children are placed under supervision.

4. Children are placed under supervision in an organization for orphans temporarily, for the period prior to their placement in a family, if it is impossible to immediately appoint a guardian or custodian in accordance with the procedure established by Article 12 of the Federal Law "On Guardianship and Guardianship".

5. Children are placed under supervision in organizations for orphans, which have created the necessary conditions for their maintenance, upbringing and education, corresponding to their state of health and needs.

6. Children are placed under supervision in an organization for orphans on the basis of an act of the guardianship and guardianship authority on placing a child under supervision in an organization for orphans, accepted by the guardianship and guardianship authority within one month from the day the children were identified on the basis of the following documents:

a) a personal file of the child, formed by the body of guardianship and guardianship in accordance with the Regulations

b) the direction of a body or organization exercising the functions and powers of the founder of an organization for orphans, or an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising powers in the field of guardianship and guardianship, issued in accordance with the procedure established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

7. The stay of children from the day the children are identified until the adoption of the act specified in paragraph 6 of this Regulation is provided in organizations for orphans on the basis of an act of the guardianship and guardianship authority on the temporary stay of the child in an organization for orphans.

8. An organization for orphans ensures, within one month from the date of issuance of the act specified in paragraph 6 of these Regulations, that a child placed under supervision in an organization for orphans is sent for a medical examination carried out in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Based on the results of a medical examination of a child by a medical organization providing primary health care, a conclusion is issued on the state of health of the child with the results of the medical examination attached, which is submitted by the organization for orphans to the guardianship and guardianship authority.

9. If a child with disabilities is placed in an organization for orphans, the organization for orphans ensures that he/she is sent for a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination conducted in the manner established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, according to the results of which the conclusion of the territorial psychological-medical-pedagogical commission is issued.

10. The documents provided for in paragraphs 6 and these Regulations are submitted by the guardianship and guardianship authorities to the organization for orphans no later than one month from the day the child was placed in the organization for orphans.

11. In order to ensure and protect the rights and legitimate interests of children, including the right to live and be brought up in a family, an organization for orphans draws up individual plan development and life arrangement of the child, which is approved by the relevant act of the guardianship and guardianship authority and is reviewed at least once every six months.

12. Children whose parents, adoptive parents or guardians (custodians) (hereinafter referred to as legal representatives) in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 155.1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation cannot fulfill their obligations in relation to children, may be temporarily placed in an organization for orphans upon application of legal representatives, as well as taking into account the opinion of children who have reached the age of 10.

13. For temporary placement in an organization for orphans of the children specified in paragraph 12 of this Regulation, the legal representative applies to the guardianship and guardianship authority at the place of residence or stay of the child in order to conclude an agreement between the legal representative, the organization for orphans and the guardianship authority and guardianship for the temporary stay of a child in an organization for orphans, the approximate form of which is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The agreement provides for measures to provide the family with advisory, psychological, pedagogical, legal, social and other assistance provided in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on social services, the obligations of the legal representative of the child in terms of his upbringing, visits and participation in ensuring the maintenance of the child in the organization for orphans, the length of stay of the child in the organization for orphans, the rights and obligations of the organization for orphans, as well as the liability of the parties for violation of the terms of the agreement.

14. In the event of an extension of the period of stay of a child in an organization for orphans, specified in the agreement specified in paragraph 13 of this Regulation, the head of the organization for orphans informs the guardianship and guardianship authority about this.

15. When temporarily placing children with legal representatives in an organization for orphans, in order to ensure the stay of the child during the period when the legal representatives for valid reasons cannot perform their duties in relation to the child, the body of guardianship and guardianship in the organization for children - orphans are represented:

a) a personal statement of the legal representative on the temporary placement of the child in an organization for orphans, indicating the reasons and term for such placement;

b) a copy of the child's birth certificate or passport;

c) copies of documents proving the identity and powers of legal representatives;

d) information about the close relatives of the child (if any);

e) the conclusion of the medical organization providing primary health care at the place of residence or stay of the child, on the state of health of the child, with the results of the medical examination of the child temporarily placed in an organization for orphans;

f) the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (if any) - for children with disabilities;

g) an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child (if any);

h) the direction of the body or organization exercising the functions and powers of the founder of an organization for orphans, or the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising powers in the field of guardianship and guardianship, issued in accordance with the procedure established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

i) an act of examination of the child's living conditions.

16. Children, including children specified in paragraph 12 of this Regulation, who are members of the same family or are related, are sent to one organization for orphans and placed in the same group, except when this is contrary to the interests of children.

17. In order to preserve the familiar social environment, family and friendly ties of the child, continue to receive education in an educational organization that the child attended, children are placed under supervision in an organization for orphans located territorially closest to their place of residence or stay, with the exception of cases where the usual social environment negatively influences the behavior of children, contributes to the antisocial behavior of children and (or) their unauthorized departure from the organization for orphans.

18. If on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation where the child is identified, there is no organization for orphans, in which he can be arranged in order to provide the necessary conditions for his maintenance, upbringing and education based on his needs and state of health, such a child is transferred guardianship and guardianship authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on whose territory there are organizations for orphans, to ensure that the child is placed in an organization for orphans.

19. The executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising powers in the field of guardianship and guardianship, within 10 days from the date of submission of documents by the guardianship and guardianship authority in accordance with clauses 6 and this Regulation, may apply to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising powers in in the field of guardianship and guardianship, on the territory of which an organization for orphans is located, in which a child can be placed in order to ensure the necessary conditions for maintenance, upbringing and education based on the needs and state of health of the child, in order to determine the conditions for compensating the costs of full state support, as well as other costs associated with the stay and the end of the stay of the child in an organization for orphans, including the provision of housing.

20. Children from birth to the age of 3 are placed under supervision in organizations providing social services or educational organizations that create conditions designed for the upbringing and living of children of this age group.

21. Children from birth to the age of 3 are placed under supervision in medical organizations if the child's health condition requires the provision of primary specialized medical care(medical rehabilitation) in the conditions of this organization. The period of stay of a child can be extended until the child reaches the age of 4 years inclusive only by decision of the head of the medical organization with the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authority.

22. Children from the age of 3 until they reach the age of majority or children are recognized as fully capable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation are placed under supervision in organizations providing social services. Children under supervision in organizations providing social services receive preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education in nearby preschool educational organizations and general education organizations.

23. Children from the age of 3 years and until reaching the age of majority or recognizing children in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation as fully capable are placed under supervision in educational organizations, provided that it is impossible to arrange for children to receive preschool education, primary general, basic general, secondary general education in nearby preschool educational organizations and general educational organizations.

24. Children with disabilities, in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, are taught according to adapted general education programs.

25. Organizations for orphans provide conditions for the stay of children in them that meet the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

26. Material support for children in state and municipal organizations for orphans is carried out on the basis of full state support, which includes the provision of free food, free sets of clothes, shoes and soft equipment during their stay in an organization for orphans, free hostel, free medical care and education.

27. An organization for orphans is obliged to ensure that children have access to information in a form acceptable to them about the rights of the child, about the charter and internal regulations of the organization for orphans, about state authorities, local self-government bodies and their officials carrying out activities. on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors, on guardianship and guardianship bodies, internal affairs bodies, on the prosecutor's office, courts, on the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation and (or) the commissioners for human rights in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, commissioners for the rights of the child in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the commission for minors and the protection of their rights, including information on telephone numbers, including round-the-clock dedicated telephones for special (emergency) assistance (psychological, legal, and others), and on addresses (postal and electronic) specified op authorities and organizations, as well as the possibility of unhindered access of children to these authorities and the children to receive free qualified legal assistance in accordance with the Federal Law "On Free Legal Aid in the Russian Federation".

28. An organization for orphans, with the consent of the children, may conduct vocational training for children in vocational training programs for the professions of workers and positions of employees, if there is an appropriate license for the specified type of activity.

29. In organizations for orphans, it is not allowed to force children to join public, socio-political organizations (associations), movements and parties, religious organizations (associations), as well as to force them to participate in the activities of these organizations, associations and participation in campaigning campaigns and political actions.

30. The organization for orphans provides education for children in additional general developmental programs, including visits by children to clubs, sections, circles, studios and interest associations operating in other organizations, as well as participation in competitions, olympiads, exhibitions, reviews and mass events for children, taking into account their age and state of health, physical and mental development, including by ensuring the participation in such events of employees of the organization for orphans and volunteers (volunteers).

31. An organization for orphans may allow temporarily free accommodation and meals in an organization for orphans to persons from among children who have completed their stay in an organization for orphans, but not older than 23 years.

32. Organizations for orphans create favorable living conditions that are close to family ones and that contribute to the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, moral and physical development of children.

33. The accommodation of children is organized according to the principles of family education in educational groups located in residential premises created according to the apartment type.

34. Educational groups are formed mainly on the principle of cohabitation and stay in a group of children different ages and the state of health, especially of full and half brothers and sisters, children - members of the same family or children who are related, who were previously brought up together in the same family. Children of different sexes over 4 years old can live together and stay in a group during the day.

35. The number of children in an educational group should not exceed 8 people, and under the age of 4 years - 6 people.

36. The transfer of children from one educational group to another is not allowed, except in cases where this is contrary to the interests of the child.

37. Premises in which educational groups are placed in organizations for orphans include suitably equipped living rooms, bathrooms, rooms for rest, games, classes, reception and (or) cooking, as well as household premises.

38. In an organization for orphans, the educational group is assigned a limited number of teaching staff of organizations for orphans who are constantly with the educational group of children, who also perform the functions of educators, individual curators (mentors) of children, including at the stage of preparation for graduation from organizations for orphans and just before graduation. The replacement of teaching staff by workers from other educational groups is not allowed, except in cases of dismissal of workers, their illness or vacation.

39. The organization for orphans ensures, in accordance with the age and developmental characteristics of children, the availability of developing, educational, gaming and sports equipment and inventory, publishing products, furniture, technical and audiovisual means of education and training that meet the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations, product safety requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as special medical equipment for the organization of medical rehabilitation of children in medical organizations.

40. In an organization for orphans, children are provided with the opportunity to have an individual space for classes and recreation, personal belongings in free, unhindered access, including clothes, toys, books and other things that can be stored in the children's room or other premises reserved for group accommodation, as well as their safety. The acquisition of personal belongings for children is carried out with the participation of children, if possible.

41. The organization of the upbringing of children is built taking into account their individual characteristics. Daily routine, providing a rational combination of educational and educational activities, as well as socially useful work and recreation, is compiled taking into account the round-the-clock stay of children in an organization for orphans and takes into account the participation of children in mass leisure activities, including personal time, providing the opportunity to independently choose the form of leisure activities, taking into account the age and interests of children.

42. Organization of nutrition for children is carried out in accordance with physiological norms, age and health of children.

43. The organization for orphans ensures compliance with the established state sanitary and epidemiological rules and hygiene standards ( sanitary regulations) sanitary and epidemiological requirements for ensuring the safety and (or) harmlessness for children of environmental factors, the conditions for the activities of organizations for orphans, the territories used by them, buildings, structures, structures, premises, equipment and vehicles.

44. Recreation and rehabilitation of children during the vacation period are carried out in accordance with the plan approved by the head of the organization for orphans, including cognitive, cultural, entertainment and sports and recreational activities aimed at the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, moral and physical development of children.

45. Organization for orphans provides comfortable conditions for visiting a child by persons wishing to adopt (adopt) or take custody (guardianship) of a child who have received, in the prescribed manner, a referral to visit a child, in order to get to know and establish contact between the child and these persons.

46. ​​An organization for orphans ensures that persons wishing to adopt (adopt) or take custody (guardianship) of a child who have received a referral to visit the child in the prescribed manner, with the personal file of the child, as well as consulting with medical worker, a teacher-psychologist and other employees of the organization for orphans.

47. The schedule for the reception of persons wishing to adopt (adopt) or take under guardianship (guardianship) is determined by the head of the organization for orphans, taking into account the daily routine of children. At the same time, it should be possible for the said persons to visit the organization for orphans at least 3 times a week, including weekends and holidays. On weekdays, the possibility of visiting in the evening should be arranged.

48. Organizations for orphans, in order to create safe, favorable conditions of stay, close to family ones, provide social, medical services, as well as services in the field of education in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

49. The organization for orphans, through telephone conversations, correspondence and personal meetings, provides conditions for children to communicate with legal representatives and relatives, including for the purpose of normalizing relations in the family and facilitating the return of the child to the family (except when such communication is prohibited guardianship authorities to legal representatives and relatives of children due to the fact that it is contrary to the interests of children, in cases and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation), as well as with other significant persons for children (friends, neighbors, etc.) with the provision compliance with the internal regulations of the organization for orphans and the safety of children both on the territory of the organization for orphans and beyond.

50. In order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of children, an organization for orphans interacts with guardianship and guardianship authorities, educational authorities, healthcare authorities, social protection population and other bodies, organizations and services.

51. The types of activities of organizations for orphans include the following activities:

a) round-the-clock reception and maintenance of children, as well as children temporarily placed in an organization for orphans at the request of their legal representatives, including the creation of conditions for children to stay in an organization for orphans, close to family and ensuring the safety of children;

b) childcare, organization of the physical development of children, taking into account age and individual characteristics, organization of education for children, as well as the upbringing of children, including physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic and aesthetic, including spiritual and moral, patriotic , labor, with the involvement of children in self-service work, measures to improve the territory of the organization for orphans, in educational workshops and subsidiary farms;

c) exercising the powers of a guardian (custodian) in relation to children, including the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children;

d) activities to prevent violations of personal non-property and property rights of children;

e) advisory, psychological, pedagogical, legal, social and other assistance to parents of children in order to prevent parents from refusing to raise their children, restricting their parental rights, depriving them of parental rights, as well as to ensure the possibility of restoring parents in parental rights or canceling restrictions on parental rights;

f) organizing assistance in the placement of children for upbringing in a family, including advising persons wishing to adopt (adopt) or take custody (guardianship) of a child, on issues of family placement and protection of children's rights, including participation in the training of citizens wishing to take children into education in their families, organized by the guardianship and guardianship authorities or organizations empowered with such training;

g) organizing information campaigns to attract persons wishing to adopt (adopt) or take custody (guardianship) of a child, as well as to hold joint cultural events with such persons, charitable organizations, volunteers and other persons;

h) preparation of children for adoption (adoption) and placement under guardianship (guardianship);

i) selection and training of citizens who have expressed a desire to become guardians or trustees of minor citizens or to accept children into a family for upbringing in other forms established by the family legislation of the Russian Federation, in the manner established by the Rules by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2009 N 423 "On certain issues of the implementation of guardianship and guardianship in relation to minor citizens";

j) restoration of violated rights of children and representation of children's interests in relations with any individuals and legal entities, including in courts;

k) psychological, medical and pedagogical rehabilitation of children, including the implementation of measures to provide children who are in an organization for orphans, psychological (psychological and pedagogical) assistance, including the organization of psycho-prophylactic and psycho-corrective work, psychological assistance to children returned to the organization for orphans after being placed in a family;

l) creation of conditions for the accessibility of children with disabilities and children with disabilities to receive services provided by organizations for orphans;

m) implementation of measures to ensure the optimal physical and neuropsychic development of children;

o) provision of medical care to children, carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

o) organization and conduct of preventive and other medical examinations, as well as clinical examination of children in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

p) providing children with qualified assistance in learning and correcting existing developmental problems;

c) organization, provision and optimization of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regimes, daily regimen, rational nutrition and motor regimen of children;

r) implementation of individual rehabilitation programs for disabled children;

s) organization of recreation and health improvement for children;

t) identification of minor citizens who need to establish guardianship or guardianship over them, including an examination of the living conditions of such minor citizens and their families, in the manner prescribed by the Rules for the exercise of certain powers of guardianship and guardianship authorities in relation to minor citizens by educational organizations, medical organizations, organizations, providing social services, or other organizations, including organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 N 423 "On Certain Issues of Guardianship and Guardianship in Respect of Minor Citizens" ;

x) submission of reports of the guardian or custodian on the storage, use of the property of a minor ward and on the management of such property in the manner established by the Rules for maintaining the personal files of minor wards, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 N 423 "On Certain Issues of Guardianship and guardianship of minors";

v) maintenance of personal files of children in accordance with the established procedure;

w) provision of advisory, psychological, pedagogical, legal, social and other assistance to persons who have adopted (adopted) or taken under guardianship (guardianship) of a child;

x) provision of advisory, psychological, pedagogical, legal, social and other assistance to persons from among children who have completed their stay in an organization for orphans, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

w) other activities aimed at ensuring the protection of children's rights.

52. To the types of activities of medical organizations along with the types of activities specified in paragraph 51

a) organization and implementation of measures to protect the health of children, including a comprehensive assessment of the state of health of children, as well as the implementation of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and recreational activities aimed at preventing the occurrence and recurrence of childhood diseases and disability;

b) organizing and conducting preventive examinations of children with the involvement of specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education;

c) dispensary observation of children suffering from chronic diseases;

d) carrying out rehabilitation treatment, complex medical-psychological and socio-pedagogical rehabilitation (psychological-pedagogical correction) of children and their social adaptation.

53. The types of activities of organizations providing social services, along with the types of activities specified in paragraph 51 of this Regulation, include the following types of activities:

a) the implementation of measures for the social and labor rehabilitation of children in order to restore or compensate for lost or impaired abilities for household, social and professional activity and their integration into society;

b) the organization of physical education of disabled children, taking into account the age and state of health, allowing them to develop their abilities to the maximum extent possible.

54. To types of activity educational organizations along with the types of activities specified in paragraph 51 of this Regulation, the following types of activities include:

a) implementation of basic and additional general education programs;

b) implementation of adapted basic general education programs and additional general education programs.

55. Organization for orphans for the purpose of training employees of the organization for orphans modern technologies work on comprehensive rehabilitation and protection of children's rights, prevention abuse educational activities are provided with children using the resources of additional professional education organizations, educational organizations of higher education and the best experience of organizations for orphans that implement innovative programs for the upbringing, rehabilitation and social adaptation of children, as well as the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for employees of the organization for orphans and their counseling on issues of upbringing, education, health protection, rehabilitation, social services and protection of children's rights.

56. In order to create conditions for the return of children to their families, and in case of impossibility of family reunification, conditions for the placement of each child in an organization for orphans, for upbringing in a family, individual work is carried out jointly with the guardianship and guardianship authorities, aimed at a possible reduction in the length of stay of a child in an organization for orphans.

57. Assistance in the social adaptation of children under the age of 18 and persons aged 18 years and older, preparing children for independent living, including in the implementation of measures to protect their rights and legitimate interests, can be provided by organizations for orphans through providing advisory, psychological, pedagogical, legal, social and other assistance, assistance in obtaining education and employment, protecting the rights and legitimate interests, representing children in state bodies and local governments, organizations, as well as by providing, if necessary, the possibility of temporary residence in accordance with the determined by the laws or regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

58. Interaction of an organization for orphans with non-governmental non-profit organizations, including public and religious ones, charitable foundations, as well as individual citizens - volunteers (volunteers) is carried out in order to implement measures aimed at prevention social orphanhood and improving the organization of activities for the upbringing, education, provision of accompaniment of children in the event of medical assistance to children, development and social adaptation of children, preparation for independent living and provision of legal assistance to children in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

59. In order to assist in the functioning of the organization for orphans, improve the quality of work, increase the efficiency of spending budget funds allocated to the organization for orphans, raise public awareness about the work of the organization for orphans, as well as to promote the provision and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children, an organization for orphans can create collegial management bodies in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and a board of trustees that operates on a voluntary basis.

60. The body or organization exercising the functions and powers of the founder of an organization for orphans, as well as the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising powers in the field of guardianship and guardianship, post information about the activities of an organization for orphans, about the conditions of maintenance, education and education of children in them on their sites in the information and telecommunication network "Internet".

61. The organization for orphans on its website in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" posts an annual report agreed with the body or organization exercising the functions and powers of the founder of the organization for orphans, which, among other things, includes:

a) information about the organization for orphans, about the tasks of its activities, about the conditions of maintenance, upbringing and education of children in the organization for orphans;

b) information on the number of pupils and their age groups;

c) information on the number, structure and composition of employees of the organization for orphans;

d) information on areas of work with children and interaction with organizations and citizens;

e) information on the number of pupils who were returned during the year to their legal representatives or transferred for upbringing to the families of citizens.

62. An organization for orphans may place information about its activities, specified in paragraph 61 of this Regulation, in the media.

63. In case of liquidation or reorganization of an organization for orphans, explanatory work is carried out with children and employees of the organization for orphans, including psychological preparation children to be transferred to another organization for orphans. The transfer of children to other organizations for orphans is carried out taking into account the opinion of children, ensuring the rights and interests of children, the possibility of joint stay of brothers and sisters, communication of children with relatives and parents who are allowed contacts with children, other significant persons for children, as well as with taking into account the existing relations between children, the continuation of education and the prospects for further life arrangements for children.

Russia has traditionally accumulated significant experience in placing orphans and children left without parental care in specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation. Such institutions are created by various ministries of the Russian Federation: the Ministry of Health and Social Development (social institutions, health educational institutions), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (special educational institutions), the Ministry of Internal Affairs (children's correctional institutions) on the initiative and with the support of the executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation .

to the state social institutions for minors are:

  • social rehabilitation centers for minors;
  • social shelters for children and teenagers;
  • centers for helping children left without parental care;
  • institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, created in the education system.

The activities of these institutions are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2000 No. 896 "On Approval of Model Regulations on Specialized Institutions for Minors in Need of Social Rehabilitation" (together with the Model Regulations on a Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors, the Model Regulations on a Social Shelter for Children, Approximate regulations on the center for helping children left without parental care).

As V. Dahl wrote, a shelter is a haven for a child, which is designed to accept him, look after him, give shelter.

AT modern conditions social shelter - this is a place of temporary residence of a child who finds himself in a difficult life situation, designed to give shelter, identify a place of residence and determine the possibilities of its expedient arrangement. Currently, children are placed in an orphanage for up to a year (previously, they were focused on keeping a child up to 3-6 months, but life demanded to increase the time to one year).

In many regions of Russia, shelters for orphans and children left without parental care are being created at monasteries. This manifested the centuries-old experience in the placement of children who found themselves in a difficult life situation under the auspices of the clergy. The monasteries organize the care, upbringing and education of children. They are actively involved in socially useful work, form the skills of self-service and life in a team. Much attention is paid to the formation of a spiritual culture based on the traditions of the Orthodox Church.

The activities of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, created in the education system, are regulated by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation:

  • - dated 07/01/1995 No. 676 "On approval of the Model Regulation on an educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care";
  • - dated August 28, 1997 No. 1117 "On Approval of the Model Regulations on a Sanatorium-Type Health-Improving Educational Institution for Children in Need of Long-Term Treatment and Amendments to the Model Regulations on a General Education Boarding School and the Model Regulations on an Educational Institution for Orphans and Children, left without parental care.

The following main types of educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care can be distinguished.

1. Orphanage- This is a special institution for the maintenance, care, upbringing and education of children left without parental care.

The following types of orphanages are distinguished:

  • - for children of early (from 1.5 to 3 years) age;
  • - for kids preschool age;
  • – for children of school age;
  • - mixed;
  • – a school for orphans and children left without parental care;
  • - special (correctional) for orphans and children left without parental care.

In order to improve the conditions for the upbringing and education of orphans and children left without parental care, the organizational structure of orphanages is brought as close as possible to the family. For this purpose, new forms are created orphanage.

These forms include:

  • family orphanage- This is a family that has taken care of one or more orphans, or children left without parental care. Such families are created for several years and operate on the basis of an agreement. There are several types of family orphanage: a family with one or more children; several children living with a caregiver; a family in which both their own and adopted children live;
  • family-type orphanage- This is a specially created orphanage according to the type of family. Its advantage lies in the fact that the child ends up in a specially formed family, which, in comparison with a boarding school, creates the most favorable conditions for his upbringing and social formation as a person. Its disadvantages are that the environment of the formed family may not be sufficiently adaptive for the child, and the educators who have taken on the functions of adoptive parents may not be sufficiently prepared to perform parental functions.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 195 "On a family-type orphanage" approved the Rules for organizing a family-type orphanage.

The main objectives of such an orphanage are to create favorable conditions for the upbringing, education, health improvement and preparation for an independent life of orphans and children left without parental care in a family environment. It is organized on the basis of a family, if both spouses wish to take up at least 5 and no more than 10 children, and taking into account the opinions of all family members living together, including native and adopted (adopted) children. From the age of 10, a child can be transferred to such an orphanage only with his consent. The total number of children in it, including natural and adopted (adopted) children of spouses who are in a registered marriage, should not exceed 12 people.

A house is created, reorganized and liquidated by decision of the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local government. The body of guardianship and guardianship at the location of the family-type orphanage exercises control over the living conditions and upbringing of children, the protection of their rights and legitimate interests, and also provides training for persons wishing to take children for upbringing.

2. Boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care - educational institution (school) in which students live, study, being at a partial or full state support; hostel for students at an educational institution; home where they are cared for.

Boarding institutions in Russia for orphans and children left without parental care operate on the basis of the following principles: democracy, humanism, general accessibility, priority of universal human values, citizenship, free development of the individual, protection of the rights and interests of pupils, autonomy and the secular nature of education.

Organizationally, among boarding schools there are:

  • - boarding school of the usual type;
  • - boarding school by family type. In it, children live in groups of different ages (but no more than 8 children) or the same age (up to 4 years old, no more than 5 children, and from 4 years old and older, no more than 10 children) groups called families. However, they retain much of the boarding school: meals in the canteen, self-service, new clothes etc.
  • - a family-type residential institution in which children live in separate families, with different entrances and their own organization and way of life. In such an institution, the life of children is as close as possible to family life.
  • 3. Special (correctional) educational institutions for teaching pupils with developmental disabilities. Their activities are regulated by the Regulation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1997 No. 288 "On approval of the Model Regulation on a special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities."

Special (correctional) institutions include:

  • - correctional (compensating) institution of preschool education;
  • - correctional educational institution;
  • - correctional institution of primary vocational education.

For children with disabilities, special (correctional) educational institutions are being created, in which the educational programs of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education are implemented in agreement with the Ministry of Health. Such institutions are divided into types depending on the pathology of children. Among them are institutions designed for training and education:

  • - deaf children
  • – hard of hearing and late deaf children;
  • – blind children;
  • – visually impaired and late blind children;
  • – children with severe speech disorders;
  • - children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • - children with mental retardation;
  • - Mentally retarded children.
  • 4. Health educational institutions for children in need of long-term treatment. They are intended to assist the family in raising and educating, ensuring the implementation of rehabilitation and health-improving measures, adaptation to society, social protection and the all-round development of children in need of long-term treatment. The activities of such institutions are regulated by the Model Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 1997 No. 1117 "On approval of the Model Regulations on a health-improving educational institution of a sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment, and amending the Model Regulations on a general education boarding school and the Model Regulations on an educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care.

Health educational institutions include:

  • – sanatorium boarding school;
  • – sanatorium-forest school;
  • - a sanatorium orphanage for orphans and children left without parental care.
  • 5. K other educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, relate:
    • - cadet school;
    • - Cadet boarding school. The model regulation on a cadet school (cadet boarding school) was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1997 No. 1427;
    • - a boarding school with initial flight training. Orphans and children left without parental care, from the age of 15, who have expressed a desire to study there and have appropriate health, have a preferential right to enroll in it. The model regulation on a general education boarding school with initial flight training was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09/05/1998 No. 1046;
    • - Pupils of military units are orphans and children left without parental care, males aged 14 to 16 years, citizens of the Russian Federation, sent by district (city) military commissariats with the consent of the children themselves and guardianship and guardianship authorities as pupils to military units. The regulation on the enrollment of underage citizens as pupils in military units and providing them with the necessary types of allowance was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2000 No. 124, and the Regulation on the status of pupils of military units was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 21, 2000 No. 745.

In foreign practice, there are examples of the creation of social services special foster families designed to provide solutions to problems related to the provision of care for the child and the protection of his rights, depending on emerging social problems.

These families include:

  • foster families in crisis are created for special cases when it becomes necessary to immediately remove the child from native family for a certain period. The reasons for requiring the relocation of the child may be an acute conflict situation in the family between parents, parents and the child; tragedy; sudden illness of parents;
  • foster family for a short time, the need for which arises when planning business trips, a planned medical examination, short-term treatment, when there is no one to look after the child. Similar families are used to provide short-term assistance to a family with a child with special care needs;
  • foster family for a long time works on a contractual basis for the arrangement of the child in connection with the need of the parents;
  • family to receive a child during weekends and holidays. This form of placing children in a family allows parents to periodically organize their holidays on weekends (weekends);
  • family for day stay child(a kind of home kindergarten), when he spends the evening and night with his family.

In socio-pedagogical terms, the upbringing of children left without parental care has a complex of problems.

In foster families, they are determined, on the one hand, by the willingness and ability of the adoptive parents to provide necessary care and upbringing of children, on the other hand, the need to overcome the problems that arise in connection with the upbringing of a foster child (manifestation of any pathology, conflict situations between parents and children arising from the judgment "not my parents").

There is a need for special socio-pedagogical training of parents of foster families for educational work with children. At the initial stage of creation foster family it provides pedagogical preparation for parent-child relationship building, childcare and learning educational work with him. Subsequently, it provides socio-pedagogical patronage for the purpose of control, timely counseling, assistance and support for the family in cases of inadequate situations, prevention and overcoming of conflict manifestations.

Centers for social services for families and children in Russia use foreign experience and seek to expand the scope of their activities in providing services. In this regard, the experience of foreign countries is of great interest.

Educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care include:

Orphanage (for early children (from 1.5 to 3 years old), preschool, school age, mixed);

· Children's home-school, boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care;

· a special (correctional) orphanage for orphans and children left without parental care, with developmental disabilities;

· a special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care with developmental disabilities.

The main tasks of the institutions are:

creation of favorable conditions close to home, conducive to the mental, emotional and physical development of the individual;

ensuring social protection, medical, psycho-pedagogical rehabilitation and social adaptation of pupils;

development of educational programs, training and education in the interests of the individual, society and the state;

ensuring the protection and strengthening of the health of pupils;

protection of the rights and interests of pupils.

The activities of such institutions are based on the principles of democracy, humanism, accessibility, priority of universal human values, citizenship, free development of the individual, protection of the rights and interests of pupils, autonomy and the secular nature of education.

The institution is created by the founder. They may be federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. Joint founding of an institution is allowed. Relations between the founder and the institution are determined by an agreement concluded between them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

According to the Orphanage Ordinance,2 newly established orphanages should, as a rule, have at least 30 and no more than 100 beds. In the orphanage, the age composition of children in groups and the number of groups is established depending on the capacity of the institution and the age composition of the children in it. Each group of children in the orphanage is attended by a special nurse and nanny. The orphanage has an isolation room serving sick children. The number of places in the isolation ward is at least 10% of the bed capacity. The premises of the orphanage, medical and household equipment, as well as soft inventory and its maintenance must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, the age characteristics of children and relevant standards.

The organization of training and education in an educational institution is built taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils in accordance with the curriculum, and is regulated by the class schedule.

The daily regimen, which provides a scientifically based combination of education, work and rest, is compiled taking into account the round-the-clock stay of pupils in the institution.

Educational groups can be organized in the institution, subject to the availability of appropriate conditions: groups of different ages (no more than 8 people); same-age (up to 4 years - no more than 5 people, from 4 years and older - no more than 10 people). In an institution where children not only live, but also study, the occupancy of classes should not exceed 20 people.

The institution may open special (correctional) groups (classes) for children with developmental disabilities. Determination of children in these groups is carried out only on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological-pedagogical and medical-pedagogical commissions.

The institution, with the consent of the pupils, can conduct vocational training of pupils as additional educational services, if there is an appropriate license.

The institutions accept: orphans; children taken from their parents by a court decision; children whose parents are deprived of parental rights, convicted, recognized as incapacitated, are on long-term treatment, and the whereabouts of whose parents have not been established.

The institution can temporarily accept children of single mothers (fathers), as well as children of the unemployed, refugees, internally displaced persons, as well as from families affected by natural disasters and without a permanent place of residence, for a period not exceeding one year.

Children who are members of the same family or who are related are sent to the same institution, unless, for medical reasons or other reasons, the upbringing and education of these children must be carried out separately.

The rights and obligations of pupils are determined by the charter of the institution and other local acts provided for by the charter. Pupils have the right to: free maintenance and general education in accordance with state educational standards; protection of their rights and interests; respect for human dignity, freedom of conscience and information; meeting the need for emotional and personal communication; protection from all forms of physical and mental violence, personal insults; development of their creativity and interests; obtaining qualified assistance in training and correction of existing problems in development; recreation, organized leisure activities on weekends, holidays and vacation days.

Medical care for pupils is provided by regular medical personnel or medical personnel specially assigned to the institution by the health authority (see Appendix No. 2).

Psychological support of the educational process in the institution, advisory and preventive work with pedagogical workers is carried out by psychologists.

Social teachers communicate with social services and the employment service, assist the administration of the institution in matters of protecting the rights of pupils and graduates, their social adaptation. Persons with the necessary professional and pedagogical qualifications are accepted for pedagogical work.

Management of institutions is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"1, model regulations and charter. The director of the institution is an appointed person and is responsible for his activities in accordance with his functional duties.

Property objects assigned to an institution are in the operational management of this institution. Land plots are assigned to the institution for perpetual use.

The activity of the institution is financed by its founder in accordance with the agreement between them. Financing is carried out on the basis of state and local standards, determined by the type of institution and per pupil (see Annexes No. 3 - 6). The attraction of additional funds by an institution does not entail a reduction in the standards and (or) the absolute amount of funding for the institution at the expense of its founder.

Recently, there has been a popular opposition family forms education - adoption and patronage - the education of orphans in boarding schools. But let's not confuse different concepts: the number of orphans and the number of orphanages. The growing number of orphans in the country is an indicator of social instability and immorality, but a large number of orphanages, orphanages and boarding schools is a sign of state concern for these unfortunate children

One of the sore problems of modern Russian society is the problem of the growing number of orphans. In this regard, various forms of their device are proposed. Recently, the opposition of family forms of education - adoption and patronage - to the education of orphans in boarding schools has been popular. Orphanage institutions in this context are often seen as a focus of cruelty, rigidity and formalism, subject to immediate disbandment.
Meanwhile, if we turn to Russian history, we will see that adoption and education in state institutions have peacefully coexisted in Russia since the 11th century. At the same time, the institutions created for orphans immediately had an educational and educational character.
The first such institution was a school for orphans, established in 1072 by Yaroslav the Wise. 300 young men lived and studied in this school.

In the pre-Christian period, orphans were also not left without attention. In skudelnitsa, homeless old men and women fed and raised abandoned children. Funds for the maintenance of the school were collected by the whole community. Or orphans were taken by families that were large at that time, and the appearance of an extra mouth did not affect the well-being of the family. Moreover, having many children in those ancient times was a sign of the well-being of the family.

Under Ivan the Terrible, orphanages began to open, which were in charge of the church patriarchal order.

During the reign of Fyodor Alekseevich in 1682, a Decree was issued on the opening of special houses for orphans without roots, where they were taught to read and write and crafts.

In 1706 Metropolitan Job of Novgorod built at his own expense at the Kholmovo-Uspensky Monastery an orphanage for "illegitimate and all sorts of false babies." By 1706, Metropolitan Job had already opened 10 shelters and orphanages, in which up to 3,000 orphans and children were born, “whom wives and girls give birth lawlessly and for the sake of shame are swept aside in different places, from which these babies die uselessly.”

Inspired by his example, on November 4, 1715, Peter the Great issued a Decree ordering in Moscow and other cities to set up “hospitals for shameful babies who were not born of legitimate wives, so that they would not commit a great sin, that is, murder, following the example of the Novgorod Bishop.” In the “hospitals”, a secret delivery of babies was practiced, when a woman could put her child in a special cradle without showing herself.

That is, initially in Russia, orphanages were opened not only for the upbringing and education of children, but also for the “salvation of every Christian soul”, to keep women from the sin of infanticide.

In 1721, Archbishop Feofan (Prokopovich) established the Karpov School for orphans and poor children in his own home. This school was supported by his personal funds. It taught languages, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music. For 15 years, 160 people have studied at the school.

The case of orphan children was continued by Catherine II. According to the project developed by Professor of Moscow University A.A. Barsov and the famous figure of education I.I. Betsky was discovered on April 21, 1764. In March 1770 - the St. Petersburg educational house. A network of similar institutions was created throughout the country: Orphanages were opened in Novgorod, Voronezh, Yaroslavl, Smolensk and other cities. Just like under Peter I, secret delivery of babies was practiced, and maternity wards were opened, where women were allowed to give birth in a mask without revealing themselves. At the Orphanages there were structures involved in preparing pupils for life outside the institution. These were paramedical, agricultural and other schools. The level of education in these schools was professionally high and allowed students to enter Moscow University. I would like to note that on the basis of the workshops of the Moscow Orphanage in 1868, the Imperial Moscow Technical School arose with a nine-year course of study with three departments: mechanical construction, mechanical engineering and engineering and technology. Now it is known to us as MVTU. N. Bauman.

In 1837, on the basis of the classrooms of the St. Petersburg Orphanage, the Orphan Women's Institute was established (since 1885 - the Nikolaev Orphan Institute). His pupils received the profession of a home teacher, a music teacher, a gymnastics and dance teacher, and a teacher of French.
The experience of the educational activities of the Nikolaev Orphan's Institute was later used in the organization of the first higher pedagogical institution in Russia - the Imperial Women's Pedagogical Institute (1903).

On May 2 (14), 1797, Emperor Paul I issued a decree transferring the Educational Society of Noble Maidens under the patronage of Empress Maria Feodorovna, and later appointed her to “lead” all educational houses. During the life of Maria Feodorovna, with her assistance, 500 charitable institutions were opened: free maternity hospitals, orphanages, nurseries, etc. After her death, this network was called “Institutions of Empress Maria Feodorovna”. By 1904, this network included 140 educational institutions, the Imperial Orphanage, 376 orphanages and nurseries. Maria Fedorovna contributed to the opening of pedagogical, Pepinier (prepared governesses), Latin, German, French classes in the Educational Homes. In the Latin classes, young men were prepared for admission to the Medico-Surgical Academy, in the German classes, future midwives and nannies were trained; graduates of the French classes could work as educators in private homes.

Both under Peter I, and under Catherine II and under Maria Feodorovna, the forms of placement of orphans were not limited only to placing the latter in state institutions.
Under Peter I and under Catherine II, weakened and sick children were given to people in villages, monasteries, landlords, rural communities, where orphans were kept for up to 7 years. Then they were sent to school to learn skills according to gender, that is, girls - into service, boys - into workshops. See the Decree of Catherine of November 7, 1775 “Institutions for the management of the provinces”, which attributed to the Order of poor orphans (Article 385) to give the last to “virtuous people” for maintenance and education with the obligation to provide them (orphans) at any time to the Order” for further education and training "in public schools for orphans ... in order to learn science or trade, or craft, and a way was delivered to him to study as a good citizen." Under Catherine, the families to which orphans were given received money for maintenance, clothing and payment depending on the age of the child. Moreover, in addition to paying, the Orphanage sent a doctor and a supervisor to the families to provide the necessary assistance.

Maria Fedorovna was especially sensitive to children placed in peasant families, independently choosing inspectors who traveled around the villages, encouraging peasant educators with gifts and monetary rewards.

Since 1864, the state charity of orphans was carried out in two directions: by the Office of Empress Maria, which was in charge of the metropolitan and provincial educational houses, as well as local zemstvos. The activities of zemstvo institutions for the care of orphans largely depended on local conditions. In some departments, the child was cared for in a shelter, in other places shelters were not established and the orphan child was immediately sent to patronage in the village, in others, foundlings were cared for at the maternity ward of the provincial hospital, and then given up for free or for a fee. Where industry was developed, shelters were created at obstetric institutions for foundlings and orphans of factory workers. By 1913, there were 921 institutions for orphans in the Russian outback (not counting educational homes and shelters in large cities).

Shelter for homeless children of the Charitable Society at the Arkhangelsk City Hospital. 1915

A large number of orphanages were created with private funds. It is known that only the "Moscow Society for the Care of Poor and Sick Children" in 1899 opened 86 institutions for 848 orphans aged from 3 to 10 years. There is a well-known network of orphanages, created at the expense of P.G. Oldenburgsky (St. Petersburg 1846), a shelter in Sokolniki, created and existed at the expense of the Bakhrushins, a shelter for Baron Stieglitz, which he maintained with his own money for 70 years, a shelter created by the mining owner A. Demidov and others.

pupils of the orphanage of Prince P. G. Oldenburgsky during a performance at the festival. Photo by K. Bulla. 1913

It is important to note that the names of well-known statesmen and teachers are associated with the charity of orphans in Russia. So in 1830, Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky (1803 - 1869) campaigned for the organization of orphanages. In 1837, he headed the “Committee of the Chief Guardianship of Orphanages” and developed the “Regulations on Orphanages”. Noteworthy is his book "Instruction to persons directly in charge of orphanages." Organization, principles, content of the activities of educational homes are devoted to the works of the famous Russian teacher V.Ya. Stoyunin (1826 - 1888), who had experience in the Nikolaev Orphan's Institute in Moscow. The work of the Gatchina Orphan Institute is closely connected with the name of the Russian teacher E.O. Gugel (1804 - 1841).

Pupils of the orphanage of Prince P. G. Oldenburg in the workshop for the manufacture of musical instruments. Photo by K. Bulla 1909

Boarding schools occupy a special place in the upbringing and educational system. Petrovsky schools of mathematical and navigational sciences, artillery and engineering, medical, multilingual; Noble boarding house at Moscow State University for children of nobles, closed women's educational institution at the Smolny Monastery, the land gentry corps, cadet corps, boarding schools for girls, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum and, finally, modern private schools in Great Britain and France are representatives of precisely this “boarding system”. It was this system of upbringing and education that gave us Griboedov, Zhukovsky, Lermontov, Raevsky (graduates of the Noble Boarding School at Moscow State University), Pushkin and his talented friends; valiant Russian officers and morally pure women brought up in line with traditional family values.

At the orphanage. Moscow, 1925

Russian pre-revolutionary orphanages served as a prototype for Soviet orphanages and boarding schools. Of course, during the years of Soviet power and in the post-Soviet period, they underwent a number of qualitative changes, often not for the better. But they retained the structure and goals of their predecessors. Children still find shelter in them and the opportunity to receive secondary and often primary vocational education, since many orphanages and boarding schools operate various workshops (carpentry, plumbing, sewing, shoe, computer, etc.) and the most various clubs and studios. In the 60s, many village houses abandoned the barracks mode of operation. In the 1980s, work in orphanages began to be organized on a family basis.

Thanks to the well-established, historically formed over the centuries, state system of institutions for charity and the education of orphans, the lives of millions of our little fellow citizens were saved in difficult times for the country: in the 20s of the last century, during the Second World War, the post-perestroika period. These institutions continue to save the lives and souls of Russian children even now, when new wave homelessness, due to moral impoverishment, has swept our country. Therefore, it is very sad and scary to hear calls for disbanding existing orphanages.

V.V. Rozanov wrote in his book Praying and Merciful Russia: “If by a miraculous act of legislation or economic progress or medical knowledge all the poor and miserable would suddenly disappear in Ancient Russia; who knows - maybe the old Russian merciful would feel some moral awkwardness ... "

Let us be wise, like our generous ancestors, by creating and preserving, and not destroying, Russian orphanages, boarding schools, orphanages. Let's not confuse different concepts: the number of orphans and the number of orphanages. The growing number of orphans in the country is an indicator of social instability and immorality, but a large number of orphanages, orphanages and boarding schools is a sign of state concern for these unfortunate children. Applying foreign experience of working with orphans in our country, we will do it prudently, taking into account Russian traditions and mentality.

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The article was published in abbreviated form. The topic raised by Elena Olegovna is the expediency and desirable direction of the reforms of the existing system social security orphans, is extremely important and extensive. In the near future, read an interview with her on the website, which, we hope, will be the beginning of a fruitful discussion.