Number of children attending kindergartens. Sanitary rules governing the staffing of groups in kindergartens. Clarifications from Rospotrebnadzor

Due to the fact that in the 90s there was a decline in the birth rate in the country, most preschool educational institutions were closed. From the beginning of the year, the birth rate of children began to rise and led to the problem of lack of places.

Parents leaving for maternity leave, can't accurately plan their going to work, and kids grow up without the proper level of education, which leads to learning problems at the primary level in school.

The most frequently asked question in our country is: “At what age do children start kindergarten?”. Worth sorting out.

Key Aspects

Regulation on institutions dated September 12, 2008 No. 666 answers the question: “At what age do they take kindergarten?” as follows: subject to availability nursery groups you can give the child when he reaches one year. In some institutions, children are accepted from the age of two months. But such pupils of the preschool educational institution are a rarity.

I would like to note that if parents have the opportunity not to send their kids to kindergarten in such early age, then it must be used, because not strengthened the immune system The child will be subjected to severe trials.

Registration of a child in a nursery group does not allow parents to consistently attend work, since diseases of a different nature will begin during the adaptation period. Moreover, plus everything, it will be necessary to carry out a number of preventive vaccinations, which sometimes require the imposition of quarantine for up to 5 calendar days.

The new law on institutions of 2015 to the question: “At what age should they take to kindergarten?” - gives a different answer. Children whose age is between three and seven years old must be provided with places in kindergartens. And parents have the right to send their child to preschool at any time if the baby meets the listed criteria.

Kindergartens in Moscow

Many parents living in Russian Federation, one gets the impression that only they cannot identify their child in And very often you can hear the question of the following nature: “At what age do they take to kindergarten in Moscow?”.

It seems that there are no problems in the capital. Of course, this is far from true. In Moscow, there are also queues, especially since it is a metropolis, and the population there is many times larger. To date, such facts are known that children in Moscow are beginning to be accepted at the age of 2.5 years, although according to the law, all children from the age of 3 must be provided with places.

Therefore, the Moscow authorities are developing a bill according to which preschool institutions will have to accept all children whose age has reached 2 years. It is hoped that in the near future there will be significant changes in the law on preschool educational institutions. And to the question: “At what age do they take to kindergarten?” - it will be possible to answer safely - from 2 years.

Why three years?

So, according to the law of the Russian Federation, children must be provided with places in preschool educational institutions, having reached the age of 3.

At what age are children actually taken to kindergarten? Most preschools prefer not to deviate from legislative norms. Why don't they take babies for upbringing earlier? There are several reasons for this:

  • not strengthening the child;
  • lack of preventive vaccinations;
  • unstable psycho-emotional state baby;
  • the impossibility of creating groups with a large number of children (since the kids do not have basic self-care skills);
  • the possibility of one of the parents being on maternity leave for up to 3 years (this fact is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • only from the age of 3 the child begins to need communication in order to acquire new knowledge and skills.

What do you need to know?

Before you figure out at what age they take to kindergarten, you should get answers to the following questions:

  1. At what age should a child write an application for admission to a preschool educational institution?
  2. Is there a queue for kindergartens and how big is it?
  3. What documents are required to get on the waiting list?
  4. Do parents have priority status?

Psychologists about age criteria for kindergarten

Specialists, answering the question: “At what age should a child be taken to kindergarten?” - share a common opinion. Still, if there are no good reasons, children should be surrounded and cared for by their mother until the age of 3. Toddlers do not yet need to communicate with their peers, as they are just beginning to acquire verbal communication skills. BUT long parting with a loved one very often, especially at first, deal a strong blow to the psyche of the baby.

In situations where the mother has firmly decided to send the child to kindergarten, increased attention is required on her part during the period of free time from work. In addition, the child needs to talk more. It is worth explaining that parting is temporary. You can not break the promise to pick up the baby immediately after dinner in the garden. This can provoke resentment, distrust or isolation.

What should a child be able to do when entering a preschool educational institution?

All issues related to preschool education are answered by the law. At what age do they start kindergarten? From 3 years old! The thing is that, according to the regulations of preschool educational institutions, a child, entering a kindergarten, must possess a number of skills that are mastered in the age range from 2 to 3 years. These include:

  • the ability to independently consume food with a spoon;
  • the ability to wash, wipe your face and hands with a towel;
  • the ability to ask for a potty;
  • the ability to independently play with toys for 15 minutes.

Of course, sending a child to a kindergarten at an earlier age, parents should understand that he does not have all these skills. This leads to additional dislike of children for kindergarten, as educators begin to demand the implementation of these actions.

Private kindergarten

AT modern world for parents whose children did not end up in a state preschool educational institution, there was an alternative to send their child to a private kindergarten. However, only kids, moms and dads who earn enough money will be able to get into such an institution.

At what age do they take to a private kindergarten? We can safely say that children are taken to such institutions upon reaching the age of 1 year.

Gardens are usually small - they are 2 or 3 groups. They are an alternative option and in no way affect the queue for registering a child in a public kindergarten. In this case, the Department of Education does not give vouchers to attend a private kindergarten: this is a voluntary decision of the parents.

How is a private preschool different?

First of all, parents should understand that they will have to pay a monthly fee for the baby's stay in the kindergarten. Not every middle-income family can afford such pleasure. The most expensive are kindergartens in Moscow. For a month of stay in some of them, you have to pay 30 thousand rubles.

They have private institutions and their advantages. Children are treated according to a special program. Each child has an individual approach. The groups are small. This means that the pupil can be given enough attention. A separate issue is nutrition. The menu is compiled together with the parents. This is a plus for those children who, for a number of reasons, are shown dietary nutrition.


You should not ask the question: “At what age do they take to kindergarten?” Until the baby is 1 year old. We need to pay more attention to the health of the child, his comprehensive development.

It is worth devoting all your free time to your baby, because maternity leave is given for this. It is from the moment of birth and up to 3 years that the child needs constant monitoring and care of the mother.

What if there are financial problems in the family? At any difficult situation you can find the right solution. It makes sense for spouses to look for work with a 2 * 2 schedule. Thus, the child will be with both mom and dad.

At what age do they start kindergarten? If this is a private institution, the baby can be accepted as early as 12 months. However, do not forget that close contact with parents at an early age will affect the rest of the child's life. Don't be in a hurry.

On September 22, the Russian Agency for International Information RIA Novosti hosts a press conference on the topic: "Moscow education: from infancy to school." The event is held on the eve of the UNESCO World Conference on the upbringing and education of children younger age, which will be held in Moscow on September 27-29 for the first time.

System preschool education As of September 1, 2010, there are 2040 kindergartens in Moscow, in which more than 343 thousand children are brought up and educated preschool age. AT last years the metropolitan system of preschool education is developing at an active pace. From 2006 to 2009, 311 kindergartens were built in Moscow and 85 kindergarten buildings, which are in city, federal or private ownership, were transferred to the city education system.

Kindergartens divided into four large groups : municipal, departmental, private (commercial) and home (family). Depending on the type of kindergarten, both the curriculum and the number of children in the group vary.

In the state (municipal) kindergarten there is a "general educational program", walks, physical education, modeling, drawing and music. All public kindergartens are divided into 12-hour, 14-hour and round-the-clock. There is a ten- or five-hour stay regime.

In public kindergartens, the size of groups usually ranges from 15 people (early age groups from 1.5 to 3 years old) to 20 people (preschool groups from 3 to 7 years old). But the actual number of children is higher than planned, which is why advance registration is being made. The main drawback of the state kindergarten is that enrollment in such kindergartens is made long before the child is 1.5 years old.

Practical parents enroll their child in a public kindergarten as soon as he is born.

Departmental kindergartens are not directly controlled by the Department of Education, their programs and procedures are determined by the enterprises and organizations in whose department the kindergarten is located. Such kindergartens are more expensive, but the children of the company's employees are given discounts. There are few departmental gardens now, and their number is declining.

Private kindergartens are usually open until 20.00 or 21.00, or around the clock. They have a very intensive and rich development program. Private kindergartens, as a rule, are well provided with games and toys, visual aids; children can be taken for a walk to the nearest forest park area. Control over the work of non-state preschool educational institutions (DOE) is carried out through licensing, accreditation, certification of programs and certification of teachers.

Meals are prepared individually for each child. This is important in the case when the child has an allergy to some products or dysbacteriosis.

Specialists constantly work with children: speech therapists, pediatricians, psychologists.

The educational load is quite strong - much attention is paid to preparing the child for school.

A variety of activities - Chinese wrestling, wushu, karate, etiquette, ballroom dancing, chess, etc.

One type of private kindergarten is a home kindergarten (family kindergarten). Usually it is kept by a married couple in their apartment, or the founders rent a room in which they equip a bedroom and a playroom. They invite a teacher, a nanny and a cook, for older children - teachers of a foreign language, music, drawing.

Preschool institutions operating in the city of Moscow, depending on their specifics and functions classified into the following types and types:

Kindergarten of a combined type (here they recruit different groups depending on the needs of children: in one they can do art, in the other they can improve their health);
- a compensatory type kindergarten (here the child will be carefully supported by qualified specialists in the correction of physical and mental abnormalities);
- a kindergarten of a general developmental type (with an intellectual, artistic or physical bias);
- Kindergarten care and rehabilitation, equipped with everything necessary for regular recreational activities and procedures,
- a kindergarten with an ethno-cultural (national) component of education;
- preschool groups of state educational institutions " Primary School- kindergarten"; preschool groups of state educational institutions "comprehensive school";
- a child development center - a kindergarten with a rich arsenal of programs and methods (various groups and areas, specially trained specialists, ample opportunities for ongoing diagnostics - psychological, physical, medical);
- pre-school groups of state educational institutions "pro-gymnasium";
- preschool groups of state educational institutions "education center".

In order to meet the educational needs of Moscow families and ensure the availability of preschool education, there have been created and are intensively developing new forms of preschool education- child play support centers, which will help out the family if there is no need to constantly attend kindergarten. Mom can leave the child in such a center for several hours and go on business.

In 2010-2011 academic year 24.6 thousand children will receive preschool education through new forms (in 2009 - 21.6 thousand children), including:

273 centers for child play support, which will be visited by 7.2 thousand children (in 2009 - 226 for 5.5 thousand children);

86 early intervention services - 1050 children (in 2009 - 73 per 888 children);

127 lekoteks for 1540 children (in 2009 - 109 lekoteks for 1303 children) (lekoteka is a new form of preschool education. It includes weekly free individual lessons for children with a speech therapist, speech pathologist, psychologist);

375 family kindergartens, which will bring up 1220 children (in 2009 at the beginning of the school year there were 240 family kindergartens for 779 pupils).

A form of pre-school education that has proven itself and is in demand among Muscovites is short-stay groups. But their number will not increase due to the fact that full-day groups are opened in the premises of short-stay groups due to a shortage of places.

In the new academic year there will be 1021 short stay groups for 13 562 children (in 2009 1023-13171 children.).

A serious problem is the queue in preschool educational institutions(the queue for kindergartens is 25.5 thousand people).

Through the implementation of a program to increase places in preschool educational institutions (new construction, re-profiling of group premises, opening of new forms of preschool education, transfer of departmental institutions to the city system, etc.) in 2010-2011. the number of children will increase by more than 23 thousand compared to the last academic year.

In accordance with the order of the Government of Moscow dated August 16, 2010 No. 1697-RP "On extraordinary measures to eliminate the queue in state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow in 2010-2011" it is planned:

construction in 2011-2012 213 kindergartens;

commissioning in 2010 of 46 kindergartens for 7225 places;

construction as part of investment contracts 13 preschool educational institutions;

creation of 8,938 additional places in institutions of the Department of Education system (due to additional reprofiling of group premises in preschool educational institutions, elementary schools-kindergartens, progymnasiums, education centers, BNK, small schools);

for 25 federal preschool educational institutions, there is consent to transfer to city ownership.

From October 1, 2010, new sanitary standards come into force in Russian kindergartens. According to the amendments, preschool institutions will be divided into educational and those in which only child care is provided. Home gardens acquire official status. Among other things, according to the new standards, kindergartens will be able to accept babies from two months to a year in nursery groups and from two to seven years old in regular groups. At the same time, the number of children in groups should not exceed 10 people in a nursery and 20 in a regular one.

The new rules apply mainly to kindergartens that are just about to open. However, the administration of existing preschool institutions urged to do everything possible to meet the above requirements as much as possible.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

The society has always respected the people who are involved in the education and upbringing of the younger generation. One of these professions is the profession of a kindergarten teacher. But is this hard work worthy of pay? Let's find out how much kindergarten workers in various cities of Russia earn in 2015.

But the salary of an assistant teacher, or as they say, nannies leave much to be desired. In 2015, its average level in the country is only 12,333 rubles. It should be noted that earlier the incomes of this category of workers and specialists with higher education did not differ much, but after 2012 it was decided to correct this shortcoming in the payroll system.

How much does a kindergarten cost in Moscow in 2020

Many parents, after they found out how much a kindergarten costs, began to think about transferring their child to a private boarding school. Of course, everyone has the right to choose exactly the children's institution in Moscow that is most suitable for the child and his parents. But do not be naive to think that the payment for a private institution will not increase, because in such an institution you also need to fully eat. In addition, private institutions provide for a cost an order of magnitude higher than public ones, since the services of each teacher must be paid higher. Often, the list of services includes those that are paid separately.

The rise in price is really expected and, maybe, not even one. It should be noted that at the beginning of last year, payment for kindergarten in Moscow and other regions of Russia was already raised. Since that moment, it has been difficult for many parents to pay for the child, and if the family has not one minor member, but two or even three, then this becomes an insoluble problem at all.

kind and operating mode up to twenty percent up to ten percent

Article 9 Law on Education in St. Petersburg states that the amount of the monthly fee for childcare and care in state preschool institutions that carry out activities for the implementation of educational programs in these institutions is set as a percentage of the monthly cost of care and childcare in state preschool institutions.

Chickenpox in kindergarten: what to do and how to avoid infection

If in kindergarten a child is found with characteristic rashes and other signs of chickenpox, a pediatrician is called to him, who establishes a diagnosis and reports the fact of the disease to the local clinic. Quarantine for kindergarten is imposed on the basis of the relevant order received from the clinic. Most often, the parents of other children are informed about the quarantine through an announcement on the doors of the institution.

Chickenpox, commonly referred to as chicken pox, is an extremely common infectious disease. viral disease that affects people of all ages. However, chickenpox most often occurs at an early age: preschool children are especially susceptible to this disease, since their immunity has not yet been fully developed, and they have no or insufficient antibodies to the varicella virus.

Kindergarten teachers, how many hours do you work

Teachers work half the day. One in the morning, the second comes to replace at lunch (at 12-13)
But for real, from 7 to 14 00 and from 14 00 to 19 00 + if there is no nanny all the work for her and for the shift (if she is on sick leave or studying) + for the janitor + for the actor of the "burnt theater" and for a penny, with sometimes inadequate parents. A lot of writing and a lot of children per teacher, which makes the learning process not giving much success in teaching children! Take home plans. I love working with children, but the conditions are getting worse and worse every year, and there are more and more responsibilities!

Because of such suckers who agree to work 10.5 and 12 hours, a garden with a normal schedule (in shifts) is now hard to find. Do you understand that this is a violation? labor code? And you have to complain to the labor inspectorate. Work week should not exceed 40 hours, in accordance with Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Read. That means you can work 8 hours a day. Anything over that is overtime. They should not exceed 120 hours per year! You are clearly over the top. What do you mean you don't make hours? Well, not to work 12 hours a day. You are bred, and you agree. In my opinion, employees are stupidly saved in gardens. Why hire a shift worker if you can find a loser who, out of fear of being left without a job, will plow in two shifts. People in the office work 8 hours, and you work 10 and 12. Who told you that you should? It all started when the illiterate labor law employees began to agree to such conditions. Usually visitors agree to work in such a way that they will be hired. They lower wages and make working conditions worse.

How much does a "star" kindergarten cost

Children are immersed in an English-speaking environment, thanks to tutors and teachers from the UK, USA and Ireland. From the age of three, children are also taught Chinese and French and also native speakers. The training program is based on the state educational program of Great Britain and Russia.

Ilya Averbukh recommends a private kindergarten of the classic boarding house of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov to colleagues and acquaintances. His son Martin really liked it here. Kindergarten is considered a preschool department of the classic MSU boarding school. Children from 2 to 6.5 years old are taken here. There are up to 12 children in a group. Teachers work with children according to the author's model of the organization of the educational process. The goal is to identify the child's abilities and develop them. A speech therapist works with each pupil, and much attention is paid to etiquette lessons. Among the subjects that children learn before school are English and French, Chinese is taught at will, and teachers also teach dancing, music, chess, swimming, and gymnastics. The choice of disciplines and sections is huge. Of course, there are no grades here, but children receive serious knowledge. From this kindergarten, many graduates go to study at the boarding school of Moscow State University.

Kindergarten fee in St. Petersburg

The amount of the monthly fee primarily depends on kind and operating mode groups in state preschool institutions. For families with one or two children, the fee will be up to twenty percent the average parental fee per child. For families with three or more children, the fee will be up to ten percent the average parental fee per child.

It can be seen from the tables that for a 12-hour stay of one child in a general developmental group parental fee will be 713 rubles per month. This is the case if the family has 1-2 children. For those with 3 or more children, the fee for kindergarten in the same group with a 12-hour stay will be 356 rubles per month for each baby.

12 Aug 2018 286

Over the past 6 years, 193 new kindergartens have been built in Moscow, which, in total, can accommodate more than 31,000 children. This was reported mayor Sergei Sobyanin during the inspection of the new building of preschool education GBOU school number 887 in the Kuntsevsky district.

“A beautiful kindergarten turned out, built according to an individual project. Here, in principle, everything is there: both the media library and music hall and a sports hall. It doesn’t happen so often that a kindergarten was commissioned almost simultaneously with the houses, practically ahead of schedule, it is still half empty, now the residents are moving in and the kindergarten will be filled. So there will be no problems,” Sobyanin said.

How many kindergartens were opened in 2016?

Since the beginning of 2016, 12 kindergartens have been built in Moscow: nine buildings for 2,110 places at the expense of the city budget and three buildings for 775 places - with the money of investors.

How have bedrooms and playrooms changed in the new kindergartens in Moscow?

One of the latest technical innovations in the construction of kindergartens is sliding transforming walls. The accordion partition will slide out during sleep to protect children from excessive noise and light, and then fold up to expand the play area for the children. In addition, to optimize space, kindergartens will use roll-out three-tier beds that fold up against the wall, forming a kind of shelving.

The lack of places in kindergartens today is one of the most acute problems in Russia. However, the Russian government has already taken some steps to cover the deficit. It's about about changes in SanPiN (sanitary norms and rules for preschool institutions), according to which groups in kindergartens can be quite officially "compacted".

The shortage of places in kindergartens today is one of the most acute problems in Russia. To date, more than 2 million children are on the official waiting list (according to unofficial data, the number of children who are waiting for their turn in a kindergarten is about 3.5 million), and in order to at least partially cover this deficit, it is necessary to create at least 1.2 million seats.

Naturally, one can not even hope that in the near future there will be enough money in the country's budget to create such a number of places in kindergartens (that is, in fact, the construction of new kindergartens). However, the Russian government has already taken some steps to cover the deficit. We are talking about changes in SanPiN (sanitary norms and rules for preschool institutions), according to which groups in kindergartens can be quite officially "condensed".

The number of children in the kindergarten group according to regulatory documents

Until October 1, 2010, the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions (preschool educational institutions) and SanPiN for Preschool Educational Institutions established rather stringent conditions for the operation of kindergartens. The maximum allowable number of children in groups was strictly regulated, and the leadership of the kindergarten did not have the right to independently establish the regimes for the stay of children in groups. However, on July 22, 2010, the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia signed Decree No. 91, according to which, from October 1, 2010, new sanitary rules SanPiN came into effect, and the old sanitary rules adopted in 2003 (SanPiN ) are no longer valid.

Recall that according to the sanitary rules SanPiN, the number of children in groups was determined based on their maximum occupancy. Namely:

  • up to 1 year - no more than 10 children;
  • up to 3 years - no more than 15 children;
  • 3-7 years - no more than 20 children (optimally 15 children).

According to the new sanitary rules, the norm number of children in a group not just reduced, but began to be calculated based on the total playing area (including the area occupied by furniture) of the premises:

  • for nursery groups - not less than 2.5 sq.m. for one child;
  • for preschool groups - at least 2 sq.m. for one child.

In other words, with a playing area of ​​​​a room of 50 sq.m., of which 20 sq.m. will be filled with beds, the group can be filled with 25 preschool children, instead of the optimal 15. Moreover, the new sanitary standards allow making a bedroom out of the playroom (for example, installing folding beds), while the number of educators remains unchanged.

Of course, many parents did not like this innovation. Not only did some children have to sleep in uncomfortable folding beds, but also the caregivers (so, for the most part, not overloading themselves individual approach to pupils) can pay even less attention to each individual child. The Public Chamber of Russia and caring parents sounded the alarm, but they did not achieve anything other than an explanatory letter from Rospotrebnadzor.

Clarifications of Rospotrebnadzor on the application of certain norms of SanPiN

On January 10, 2013, Rospotrebnadzor, in its letter No. 01 / 25-13-32, gave some clarifications regarding the application of certain norms of sanitary rules SanPiN

In particular, paragraph 4 of this letter says that when applying paragraph 1.10 of the sanitary rules, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that with an increase in staffing DOW groups You can take into account not the "listed" but the actual number of children.

In other words, with a playing area of ​​50 sq.m. Kindergarten management can staff a group of 25 preschoolers, and this is a "glut" of the group. However, if actually the group is attended by 20 children, then everything is fine, and there are no violations. Only now, who determines the actual number of children, and how such a determination occurs, no one knows. For example, if out of a group of 25 people 5 children fell ill and do not appear in the kindergarten for a month, then in fact the group is attended by 20 people. But in a month they will still come to the group, and then what?

Instead of a conclusion

After analyzing the new sanitary rules SanPiN regarding staffing groups in kindergarten, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: no "seals" and other changes in sanitary standards are able to radically change the situation with a catastrophic shortage of places in preschool educational institutions. This problem can be solved only through an integrated approach, which must necessarily include the construction of new municipal kindergartens, and, possibly, simplification of state registration (obtaining a license) when organizing private kindergartens.