How to file sharp nails. Secrets of manicure: how to file nails correctly. Care for healthy nails

It is impossible to create a stylish well-groomed image if a woman does not have a manicure and there are exfoliating and different lengths nails. How to cut them correctly without going to the salon for this? Today there are all the necessary tools in order to put your hands in order. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a square nail, oval or almond-shaped - the main thing is not the shape, but the neat and healthy look of the nails.

Which saw is the best

Before asking yourself the question of how to properly file your fingernails, you need to choose the right nail file. Forget about metal nail files if you care about keeping your nails healthy. Metal files, being too hard, damage the structure of the nail, causing it to exfoliate. Manufacturers in this industry are now producing a lot of nail files that fit nails perfectly. Among the materials for their manufacture are cardboard, plastic, glass.

Experts consider the glass file to be the most successful. It does not injure the nail plate, is easily washed and disinfected, and lasts a long time. It is necessary to pay attention when choosing the rigidity of the abrasive layer. This indicator is measured in grits.

The smaller the value, the harder the file will be. A saw blade of 240 grit has a medium hardness. It will allow you to properly file the nail, remove the length and give shape. When choosing, be guided by the condition of your nails. The thinner and more fragile they are, the higher the grit value should be, and vice versa.

Choose your manicure

If we consider the manicure process from the point of view of processing, we can distinguish two methods: classic edged and hardware. The first is produced with scissors and wire cutters, as its name implies. The cuticle is first pushed back with a pusher, or orange stick, and then cut off. Hands before this are immersed in a bath with sea ​​salt and liquid soap.

The second option is more advanced, and it is more often done in the cabin. For it, a device with nozzles is used that allows you to remove the cuticle, remove the old coating and level the surface of the nail. This procedure is done dry.

If you need to shorten the length, a cutter is also used, with which nails are cut. How to cut correctly in this case, you can learn in courses on hardware manicure. There is also a combined manicure, when part of the work is done with cutters, for example, processing side rollers, and part with scissors or nippers that cut the cuticle.

Nails: how to file

When the old varnish coating is removed from the nails and the overgrown cuticle is cut off, it is necessary to remove the excess length and give the nails a shape.

  • If a manicure with soaking was performed, it is necessary to dry the nails. Never saw them when wet as this will cause delamination. nail plate.
  • How to cut fingernails correctly? Masters recommend starting to file from the little finger, it will be more convenient. It is better to file with a file first the side parts, then the middle.
  • You should never make movements back and forth, you need to cut your nails in one direction, otherwise it will harm them.
  • During the process, you need to observe that the length and shape of all nails are the same. It is also necessary to compare the nails on the right and on the left hand.
  • After filing the nails, you need to walk along them with a nail file on a tangent to remove possible bumps and notches, as well as smooth the edge of the nail.
  • After giving the nails the desired length and shape, treat them with a polisher (buff) to buff the surface of the nail and give it shine.

Choosing the shape of nails

When choosing a form, you need to build on not only fashion trends, but also on the shape of your nail plate. How to properly file nails at home so that the manicure looks aesthetically pleasing and suits its owner? Consider the main options.

  1. There are two variations of this shape: square and square oval. In the first case, the end of the nail plate is made even, and in the second, the corners are gently rounded, and the central part is left straight. Ideally, this form is suitable for those who have a narrow elongated nail plate. If the nails are short and wide, it is worth leaving them longer so that square shape looked at them harmoniously.
  2. Oval nail. How to cut the shape of the nails in this case? This is not difficult. The upper part of the nail must be rounded off with a file so that the line of the free edge repeats the shape near the cuticle. With such a manicure, the fingers seem longer, with him the girl looks restrained and elegant.
  3. Almond nail. The shape of the almond nut is suitable for owners of narrow brushes with elongated nails. On such hands, this form looks elegant, but such nails are afraid of homework. The narrow tip is easy to break.

How often should you file your nails

If you apply varnish or gel polish on your nails, you need to file them only after removing the old layer. It will be most convenient to do this during the manicure procedure. Experts advise doing this regularly, given that the growth of the cuticle and nails occurs in different people at different speeds.

Therefore, everything is individual. If the regrown cuticle has become noticeable and the free edge of the nail plate has gone beyond the desired limits, then it's time to put your nails in order. How to cut them correctly, you now know. On average, this procedure is recommended to be carried out once every two weeks.

Care for healthy nails

The health of the person as a whole, as well as his nutrition, affects the condition of the nails. It is necessary to eat a varied and balanced diet, not forgetting fruits, fatty fish. Nails need vitamins. You can take pharmacy vitamin complexes. Drink more water.

To make your nails strong, you can do regular baths with sea salt, adding a few drops of iodine there. To restore color, the nails are bleached with a slice of lemon, rubbing the nail plates with it.

It is advisable to do all housework with gloves so as not to expose your nails to prolonged exposure to water and household chemicals: this will dry them out. Make sure that a fungal infection does not appear on them, if this happens - start treatment on time.

Owners of a beautiful manicure should know how to properly file their fingernails. This will help to keep the manicure in good condition for a long time.

Is it possible to file nails with gel polish

Coverage is a rather expensive procedure, which is usually performed by a specialist (in a beauty salon or at home). Therefore, many women believe that such a coating is highly resistant to external influences. In fact, this is not so: gel polish, like any other varnish, can:

  • flake off;
  • deform;
  • change color over time
  • change your texture;
  • collapse.

In this regard, it is not necessary to file and clean nails covered with gel polish. These procedures should be carried out strictly before applying the base and varnish. Moreover, within three days after applying the gel polish, you can not wash your hands in hot water, go to the steam room or sauna. Under the influence high temperature gel coat loses luster and quickly becomes dull.

If necessary, use household chemicals(for example, for cleaning the stove or washing dishes), this should only be done with protective rubber gloves. Otherwise, the gel will react with chemicals, and the coating will begin to deteriorate rapidly.

Which nail file is better to choose

Before choosing a file, you need to decide what exactly it is needed for. All nail files can be divided into four groups, depending on the main function:

  • tools that give the desired shape to nails made of artificial materials (for example, acrylic);
  • nail files designed for the care of natural nails;
  • files with which the edge of the marigold is sealed;
  • grinding tools.

Also, nail files differ in hardness. The most rigid are used to work with artificial nail plates. Experts say that the most durable and easy-to-use files are glass. They are inexpensive and are often used at home. However, they are fragile and often break.

Professionals most often use nail files with ceramic coating. With their help, you can not only shape, but also solder the edge of the nail. With this tool, you can gently remove the cuticle. The only disadvantage of ceramic nail files is their high price. When working with artificial materials(for example, with acrylic) professionals most often use diamond-coated files.

How to use a nail file

In order for the manicure to always look perfect, you should follow the basic rules for using a nail file:

  1. The procedure can be carried out only if the nail plate is absolutely dry. If you ignore this rule, you can easily break your nails, as water makes them brittle, brittle, vulnerable.
  2. Move the tool in only one direction (for example, right to left or left to right).
  3. If the nails are fragile and break easily, the direction of the file can be changed.
  4. When choosing a form, you should not blindly chase after fashion. It is necessary to focus on the condition of the nail plate, as well as the shape and length of the fingers.

For those who lead an active lifestyle and often do housework, the classic oval shape. The main advantage of this form is that it is very easy to restore the shape of a broken nail at home. The square shape is not for everyone.

It can be recommended only to owners of long and thin fingers. It should be borne in mind: if the square nail breaks, you will have to contact a specialist to correct the shape. In addition to a variety of files, you can use a special four-sided polishing tool.

How to hold a saw correctly

In no case should you clamp the tool into a fist, otherwise your fingers and wrist will quickly get tired. Professionals with extensive experience working in beauty salons hold a nail file like a spoon or like a fountain pen. In this case, the first finger presses on the surface with the required force. This grip can be used at home.

Attention! If you hold the file incorrectly, you can easily break the nail. Therefore, if you do not have the skills to work with this tool, it is better to contact a professional by visiting a beauty salon.

Manicurists who take part in professional competitions know another way to hold a nail file. From the outside, this method looks especially impressive. The tool is clamped at both ends. At one end, the file is clamped with the thumb and forefinger, at the other end, the ring and middle fingers. This capture method allows a short time treat a large area of ​​​​the nail plate.

You can not hold the file so that four fingers are at the top and the thumb is at the bottom. With this method of gripping, the muscles of the hands are quickly overstrained, which negatively affects the quality of work.

While filing the nail sinuses, the working tool should be held at an angle of 45 - 50 degrees so as not to touch the skin of the finger, otherwise you can get injured.

In order not to injure the delicate and sensitive cuticle, you need to hold the tool in such a way as to make movements from top to bottom.

Preparation of the nail plate for filing

Before starting the procedure, the nail plate must be prepared. First of all, you need to gently push back the cuticle and remove the burrs, if any.


  1. Completely remove the remnants of the old varnish.
  2. Degrease the nail plates. If they are dry and brittle, this step is skipped.
  3. with nippers to make it easier to cut.
  4. Select a tool of suitable hardness. For natural nail plates, you should choose soft nail files, for artificial ones - the hardest ones.

After that, you can start the procedure. Sawing starts with the fifth finger, and ends with the first. This sequence is strictly observed on both hands.

How to cut nail shapes correctly

Before you give the nail plate the desired shape, you should decide on the length. After that, the shape is outlined in general terms, and the nail is polished. To give a classic oval shape, the ends must be carefully rounded. To give a square shape, the ends are carefully cut in a straight line.

The selected shape is corrected with a file, which should move from the center of the nail plate to its edge. Irregularities are gradually removed, and the plate takes on the desired shape. After that, be sure to wash your hands and wipe with a towel, then a coating is applied to the dried nails.

How to file your fingernails correctly: a step-by-step guide

Before filing nails at home, it is important to understand and understand the sequence of actions:

  • clean and degrease nails, dry them thoroughly;
  • give required length with scissors or nippers;
  • shape with a nail file;
  • polish the edges.

Now you can choose a varnish.

How to file your nails without a file

If there is no nail file at hand, you can give the desired shape to the nail plate without it. It won't take much time and effort.

In such cases, instead of a file, you can use the ribbed surface of a copper coin. As an alternative to a professional tool, a metal file or sandpaper, as well as any metal object with a ribbed surface, is suitable.

Care after filing

After filing, you should regularly apply nutrients to the nail surface or use cuticle oil. The skin near the nail hole should also be lubricated with a moisturizer, especially in cold and windy weather, when the skin dries out quickly. Gardening and any other domestic work that leads to nail contamination should be avoided whenever possible. To prevent brittleness and fragility, it is recommended to take vitamins and calcium supplements.


Having made a beautiful manicure in the salon, you should consult a specialist in advance on how to properly cut your fingernails. If you follow these rules, your nails will always look beautiful and healthy.

When you start caring for your nails, you must definitely learn how to file them correctly. Thus, you will not only get rid of the faults, but will also have nice shape nails. Those who do not seek help from a specialist must first choose the right tools with which they will do their own manicure.

How to choose a nail file?

Professional nail files can be divided into several types: for grinding, for processing natural and extended nails, as well as for sealing the nail plate. When choosing a nail file, first of all they pay attention to how rough it is, and this will completely depend on what material this tool was made from.

1. Paper based nail files. They are usually used only once. At their core, the manufacturer uses special paper, and graphite or another material is applied to it, due to which the surface becomes rough. After that, they are disinfected. Such nail files are used in beauty salons and are immediately thrown away after use.

2. A nail file with a plastic base. Such nail files are very well suited for real nails, because they do not injure their structure. They are good for filing soft nails or very thin ones. They also do not require special care. It is enough to rinse them with warm water or a disinfectant and wipe them off.

3. Nail files based on metal. This type of nail file is considered the most durable, but they can only be used when you have healthy and very strong nails. In other cases, possible delamination and damage to the nail plate. If you have artificial nails, then a metal nail file coated with diamond powder is suitable for you, which is too strong for real nails.

4. Nail files based on glass. Such tools are ideal for weak and damaged nails. The only thing that many may not like is that they can break very easily.

5. Silicon or ceramic nail files. They are used to seal the tips of nails. They are also quite fragile, so you should stock up on a soft cloth case to store them.

Today you can find a nail file of absolutely any shape. But despite this, most women prefer to use exclusively long and straight nail files or those made in the shape of a banana.

How should you hold the nail file so as not to harm the nail?

Many will think that this question is stupid and it is not worth talking about it, but in fact it is not. It will be correct if you put your thumb on the bottom edge, and the rest will remain on the top. When you file your nails, remember that the hand must be strained to the limit. This will help you avoid wrong movements and inaccurate sawing. Most women start with their thumb, but make it a habit to start with the last finger, the little finger. After each pair of movements, it is worth looking at whether the shape of the nail is symmetrical. If you have long and thin fingers, then you are very lucky, because you can choose any shape of the nail for yourself, even if they are as short as possible. The rest should be given a lot of attention to the issue that concerns the choice of the shape of the nails. For example, if the fingers are short, then it is best that the nails are long. This will make the fingers more feminine and graceful. It is also worth paying attention to ensure that your nails have the same shape and length. It will be very beautiful, because if the nails are not the same, then this is not very aesthetically pleasing and looks very ugly.

Nails are an important component of the image of a man or woman, because hands are often called calling card person. The accuracy of nails primarily depends on the correct shape, which can be given with a file.

In order to qualitatively file the regrown part of the nail plate, you need to know the basic rules for sawing and use the most effective and harmless tools during processing. We will talk about this in the article.

Cut or file: which is better

For such a procedure only nippers or a nail file are suitable, together these two tools are also combined well. First, you should remove the excess section of the nail with nippers, and then give the edges of the plate the desired shape with a rounded nail file.

It will be better if you individually select nippers with a blade length equal to the width of your nails.

With the help of nippers, you should not cut off the entire free edge of the nail. First you need to get rid of the side parts and after that remove the central zone.

With nail files you also need to be careful. The abrasive surface allows sawing only in one direction, otherwise the edges will delaminate. A rather rough tool can also lead to such consequences.

Getting ready for sawing

Firstly, filing should be done on dry hands, and secondly, you must decide in advance on the choice of the length of the nail plate.

Before manicure, nails and tools should be wiped with an antiseptic.

You can file the tips no more than once a week and at least once every two weeks. In this way, you can maintain a healthy and attractive appearance of your nails.

What tools can be used to shorten nails

To correct nails, you can use a whole arsenal of manicure tools:

When doing a manicure at home, the tools must be disinfected after each treatment. To do this, just wipe them with alcohol and place them in a disinfectant solution.

We select a file

For natural nails, you should not buy a metal nail file. Whatever good metal it is, it will still scratch the surface of the plate, which will cause delamination in the future.

Perfect option - glass nail file(this is the tool that professional manicurists use) with diamond or sapphire coating.

If we talk about the level of abrasiveness, then a softer surface should be selected for natural nails, and a rougher one for extended ones.

With weak and exfoliating tips, the optimal choice is 320-400 grit, for thin nails - 180-280 grit, nail files with an indicator of 80 grit are used only for extended plates.

The most popular are rectangular abrasive plates, but in order to properly remove the corners and give a round shape, a banana file is used.

Men should file the free edges of the plates with coarser nail files, as the thickness of their nails is much higher than that of women. Children are not recommended to cut their nails with any nail files, since in any case the surface will be disturbed, it is better to cut off the corners with nail scissors or nippers.

Nail filing technique

How to hold and move the file

There are three main file grips.

  • When correcting the edge of the nail, the file is taken from above: four fingers are on the outside, and a large one is on the inside.
  • When processing plates from the sides, the file is held like a pointer, and placed with an edge, with the index finger directing its movement.
  • When cutting gel or acrylic, the file is held like a spoon, the thumb controls it.

Spil should only be made in one direction, from edge to center. Any chaotic movements that will necessarily lead to stratification are completely prohibited.

The angle between the nail tip and the tool should be no more than 90º. The smaller it is, the less harm you can do to your nails.

After sawing, the sharp corners are removed with a buff, and the hands are covered with a nourishing cream.

How not to cut your nails

  • You can cut only dry nails, it is strictly forbidden to do this after baths.
  • The surface of the nail must be completely free of varnish.
  • You can not move the file in different directions and keep the file perpendicular to the nail plate.

How to polish nails with a file

Polishing should be done with an abrasive file 400 grit and above. The tool can be plastic, ceramic or flint. You need to start processing with a less abrasive side, setting the tool perpendicular to the growth of the nail.

Movements are made from left to right and right to left. For polishing will be enough and 10 movements. Further, the surface of the file or buff is replaced by a softer one. Finish polishing with the smooth side, this will make the surface glossy.

File your nails with a manicure machine

In hardware manicure, a cylindrical nozzle is used to cut nails, and discs with different levels of abrasiveness are used to give the desired shape.

When processing nails with a manicure machine, the same rules of one-way traffic are observed and hardware manicure and pedicure is carried out only on dry nails.

How to get the right shape


First, the center is filed in a straight line, which should become parallel to the end of the finger itself. Then we file the corners, only slightly softening them, but at the same time leaving them straight.

Square with rounded edges

We perform the same manipulation as with the square shape: we cut down the center directly, and process the sides with slight roundings.


The plate is given a square shape, then the sides are filed until an elongated trapezoid is obtained.


Movement should resemble the work of a pendulum. Starting from the inside corners, the edges are filed towards the center, but a perfectly natural rounded look should be obtained. Further - from the corner to the opposite side and with a soft file we remove all the sharp points.


First, a square shape is given, then the sides are filed in the form of an elongated trapezoid, and the corners are removed with a soft nail file, giving the nails an elongated almond shape.


The plate is given an oval shape, then the file is applied to the center of the edge and the side parts are washed down with movements from top to bottom. We repeat the same procedure on the other side.


The sides are cut parallel to each other. To correct the free edge, the nail file should be held at an angle of 45º with respect to the side lines.

How to decide on the choice of the shape of the nails and how to give the nails various forms- watch the video in the master class:

Special cases of nail filing

How to file false nails

Already glued parts may crack when sawed off, as natural nail does not allow the free edge to bend and take the desired shape when moving.

How to file your nails for playing the guitar

To play the guitar, the nails are filed parabolically (the edge must be absolutely even, without sharpening).

If the nails are very thin, you should not hit the strings with them, it is better to use a plectrum - a plastic plate in the form of a petal.

Treating toenails the right way

Such a simple and ordinary procedure as filing nails is actually a complex and responsible process. With the wrong cut, the nails will never look healthy, and the implementation of elementary rules will help get rid of delamination and cracks on the plates. To form the desired shape for the nail, it is enough to know the direction and sequence of cutting.

Girls who especially carefully monitor the condition of their nails know that it is very important to file them correctly. A competent choice of tools and compliance with the execution technique largely determine the health of the tips. To protect yourself from delamination and thinning of the nail plate, it is necessary to file nails at home, following certain rules. Understanding the main points of this procedure will allow you to make a manicure beautifully and easily. In our article you will receive complete information on how to properly file your nails.

As a visual aid, we have posted two video lessons for you. The videos will help you visually consolidate the knowledge you have gained on how best to file the tips at home. Visual aids will make the learning process simple and interesting. You will learn the difference between nail polishing and filing, and what tools are used for polishing. Be patient, focus, and an excellent result is guaranteed to you!

Nail filing procedure

Before you learn how to file your nails correctly, we suggest that you briefly familiarize yourself with the types of tools that you will need. In order to evenly and beautifully arrange the tips, first of all, it is necessary to determine their condition. Thin and fragile nails are best corrected with a glass or plastic nail file with an abrasiveness above 200 grit. Strong and dense tips can be formed with a coarser-grained tool from 100 grit. To properly file the nail plates at home, these subtleties should be taken into account.

Correction of the tips is carried out according to a certain technique. Sawing nails should be from the edge to the center in one direction. Chaotic movements in the future, most likely, will lead to delamination of the tips. Hold the nail file correctly at an angle of 90 °, perpendicular to the plane of the nails. With such a correction, all the stratum corneum will be captured at once, which will reduce the time of the procedure. Before sawing your nails, remember some of the nuances and subtleties of the process.

  • Correction of the tips is carried out only "dry". If you systematically saw your nails saturated with moisture, very soon they will begin to exfoliate. For this reason, baths at home are best done a few hours before the tip correction.
  • File your nails no more than once a week. By following the measure, you will keep the healthy appearance of your tips for a long time.
  • How to file nails depending on their shape? The ideal design is a semi-oval. It is closest to the natural growth line of nails. Square tips will require you to be more careful with them as they are more prone to cracking and delamination.

You can learn how to file nails correctly from the following video. To make your tips even more beautiful, manicure can be finished with polishing.

How to polish the nail plate?

The surface of the nails is often ribbed and rough. Not all girls like it. Nail polishing will help to solve the problem at home. For the procedure, you will need a special nail file or buff. Their abrasiveness must be above 400 grit, otherwise the polishing will be very rough. Files-grinders can be plastic, flint or ceramic. The latter do an excellent job with delaminations, and at the same time the polishing is gentle.

How to grind the tips evenly and beautifully? To properly perform this procedure, nail polishing must take place in several stages. Start grinding with the side of the buff that has the least degree of abrasiveness (but not lower than 400 grit). Polishing is performed with quick movements perpendicular to the growth of the nails, from left to right and vice versa. 10 strokes are enough, after which you should change the buff pad to a softer one. The polishing is completed with the smoothest side of the polisher, due to which the surface of the nail plate becomes glossy.

When performing grinding at home, it is also important to know certain subtleties of the procedure.

  • If the tips are thin and weak, nail polishing is carried out no more than 2 times every six months. In this case, only the base is polished, and the free edge remains intact.
  • Healthy strong tips can be polished once a month, and with a suede buff - every week.
  • It is very convenient to combine polishing with aromatherapy, making nail sealing. On their surface before final polishing are applied cosmetic oils. Thanks to the procedure, the tips are strengthened and healed.

What does nail polishing look like? real life, you can see in the next video tutorial. The author of the video will show you how to polish the tips beautifully and evenly. little tricks and helpful tips help achieve a perfectly smooth surface.

Now you know how to properly file and polish your nails so that they are healthy and strong. It remains to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. A little patience, a little skill, and you will succeed! Let the beauty of your nails please you and those around you, fully reflecting your attractiveness!