Decorative Christmas tree. Craft Christmas tree with your own hands from a variety of materials. How to make a pasta tree







A very original Christmas tree with your own hands can be made from pine cones. But we will not use the whole cones, but only their scales, so that the Christmas tree is not too bulky.

So, to begin with, we will separate its scales from the cone. This can be done with a sharp knife, wire cutters or secateurs.



The next step from thick paper or cardboard, we will make a cone, which will be the base of our Christmas tree. We turn the paper into a cone, glue it on the side and cut off the excess at the base.

Then we just take the scales in our hands and glue them in a circle, starting from the base of the cone.

You can glue each new row in a checkerboard pattern, you can, as here, one above the other.

On the very top of the head, you can glue such a spice as cloves)

After the glue dries, you can start painting our beauty. To do this, you can take spray paint or regular acrylic paint. If you choose acrylic paint with a metallic effect, then your Christmas tree will look much more spectacular.

Then we cover the ends of the "twigs" with PVA glue and sprinkle sparkles on them.


Exactly according to the same principle, you can decorate the cone with chains and beads, decorative cords, ribbons, braid, etc.


Knitted option:


From threads:


DIY Christmas toys are always something special. They bring warmth and homeliness and, of course, are an interesting gift. In addition, they are always original and will undoubtedly attract the attention of all guests.

At the same time, do christmas toys with your own hands is not difficult at all. Let's start with these Christmas trees :)

First, cut out blanks for future Christmas trees from thick cardboard (my Christmas trees are 12 cm high and 9 cm wide). I use kraft cardboard for this - it is dense enough to withstand a wide variety of manipulations, and also nice to look at.

Option 1. Lace plus paper. Time to make 15 minutes.

By using sewing machine sew cotton lace to the bottom edge of the Christmas tree. In order not to make a mistake with the length of the piece of lace, I first sew it on and then cut it off.

We retreat from the sewn edge a distance of about one and a half times greater than the width of the lace, and sew on the next frill. In order to prevent the lace from creeping up or down during the sewing process, I make a mark with a pencil where I need to come to.

In the same way, we sew all the frills on the Christmas tree.

From scrapbooking paper, we cut out segments one and a half times the width of the lace, one of the long edges of which we make lace with a hole punch or curly scissors.

Carefully glue the strips under the lace, if desired, sew them on a typewriter.

We do the top like this.

Cut off the excess paper. As a result, we get such a Christmas tree. You can apply sparkles, snow flakes, glue pearls on it - in general, decorate it to your liking.

The turnover looks like this, but this does not bother us yet :), we will deal with it a little later.

Variants of the same Christmas tree: instead of paper lace, you can use any ribbons sewn in the same way as lace; or decorative ribbons with roses

Option 2. Lace plus mini buttons. Time to make 15 minutes.

We start in the same way as in the first version - we sew on lace.

We wait 1-2 minutes for the glue to "grab" a little, after that, in a chaotic manner, we glue mini-buttons on it.

In general, I am a big fan of sewn-on buttons, but in this case my hand trembled :), and I decided to put the needle and thread aside and use a simpler and faster way.

Other variations on the same theme: instead of mini-buttons - any ordinary buttons or rhinestones or pearls or small paper roses.


From tinsel


A simpler version of a ribbon Christmas tree is simply attaching a ribbon folded in half to the base. Moreover, you can attach both satin ribbons and paper ones (paper for scrapbooking).



New Year- these are not only gifts and a lot of all sorts of goodies. On the eve of the holiday, you can give your child the joy of creativity and self-expression. Admiring an already “decorated” Christmas tree is, of course, great, but it’s much more interesting to make decorations with my own hands and watch how the house gradually turns into a fabulous New Year's forest! And what would a forest be without a Christmas tree? We invite you to make amazing Christmas tree, which will be a great holiday decoration for your home.

To work, we need thick green paper, glue, scissors, a round wooden stick and a bead.

1. Cut out 3-4 circles of different diameters from thick green paper. Each circle is folded in half four times and drawn several times along the fold line with a solid object. From the top of each folded circle, cut off a small piece with scissors.

2. We take a wooden stick and put the smallest circle on it. The tip of the stick should protrude no more than 5 mm. Through the bottom of the stick, carefully put on the remaining circles. Lubricate the hole in the top of the largest circle with glue and attach the circle to the stick with glue. So we fix our entire structure.

3. Now our Christmas tree can be attached to the base. For example, a wine cork. On the top of the Christmas tree, where we left a gap of 5 mm, we put on a bead. Our Christmas tree is ready!


do-it-yourself New Year's toy - "coffee tree"

It often happens that the holidays are already on the threshold, but there is still no festive mood. And so you want, as in childhood, to wait for the arrival of the New Year, miracles, gifts and fulfillment of desires. From my own experience I can say that the mood is born from small things and often comes in the process of creativity. To feel the upcoming holidays, you can decorate the apartment for the New Year, start cooking or making something special. For example, a fragrant Christmas tree made of fabric and coffee. Why not? Moreover, there are few materials for this wonderful New Year's tree.

Materials to create coffee tree do it yourself:
a sheet of cardboard a small jar, for example, from under baby food coffee beans a small piece of fabric or burlap lacquer (you can do without coating) Almost everyone will also find the tools necessary for work.

Tools for making a Christmas tree from coffee beans and fabric:
tweezers compasses glue (it is very convenient to use a hot glue gun) brush scissors needle and thread Dimensions and quantity are not indicated, since it all depends on what materials you use, as well as on the estimated size of the Christmas tree. The process of creating this tree is simple and exciting. You can turn on some favorite New Year's movie in the background, and you will immediately feel that the New Year is already very close, and miracles are knocking at the door.

We make a coffee tree with our own hands
We make a cone from cardboard or thick paper. If the Christmas tree needs more, then for the base you can take the remnants of the wallpaper. We glue the cone well around the edges. We put it on the table, check it, it should be stable and dense.

To the base we select a jar with a screw cap that is suitable in size.

Glue coffee beans on a jar. The grains need to be glued on the same side, so the jar will look neater. It is convenient to take the grains with tweezers to protect your fingers from glue and burns (if you use a hot glue gun).

When the coffee beans are securely fixed on the jar, we proceed to the second layer, with which we close possible gaps and gaps between the beans.

The result should be a jar, as if consisting of coffee beans. Only the neck is not pasted over so that the jar can be freely closed with a lid. The grains on the bank can be varnished. Then the leg of the tree will be smoother, glossier, but this will reduce the coffee aroma.

Let's get to the Christmas tree. If the size of the Christmas tree is large, and the frame (cardboard cone) does not seem rigid and stable enough, then it can be strengthened by simply filling it with something from the inside. It can be paper, napkins, fabric, etc. We cut the fabric or burlap for the external decoration of the Christmas tree to the size of the cone.

We glue the fabric to the cone, stretching and smoothing it.

We close the bottom with a circle of cardboard.

The circle is also closed with a cloth.

We will decorate the Christmas tree with patches. To do this, cut out identical small squares from the fabric.

We remove a few threads along the edges of the squares to form a neat fringe.

We glue the patches to the fabric on the cone. Glue coffee beans to the corners of each patch. Thus, we decorate the entire cone.


Now that the cone and jar are ready, we proceed to the lid of the jar. It must be decorated and glued to the bottom of the cone. If desired, it can be decorated with coffee beans (gluing the edges with them) or a cloth (we will dwell on this method in more detail). Cut out a thin strip from the fabric. Using a needle and thread, we form identical folds on a strip of fabric, and then glue the fabric to the lid.

The only thing left is to glue the lid to the bottom of the cone.

Christmas decoration ready! It can also serve as a nice gift, both by itself and as a jar of coffee. Christmas decoration Festive mood to you and miracles!



Good afternoon, today I am unloading the most large selection Christmas trees made from paper. Here you will see the most interesting models - there will be Christmas trees from crepe paper, from napkins, from cardboard, you will learn how to make a Christmas tree from a paper cassette from eggs, from rolls from toilet paper and little bags rolled from book pages. In this selection of master classes we will consider only paper versions of the most beautiful do-it-yourself Christmas trees - both flat models and three-dimensional designs. Here are ideal options for crafts for the New Year's school competition.

So let's get started.

Idea #1

Beautiful Christmas tree FROM PAPER FANS.

Even children will be happy to make such a voluminous Christmas tree. The principle of addition is very simple - you must first make fan circles of different sizes. And then these mugs are strung on the SAME ROD BASE (which we used in the previous Christmas tree). Or you can do it without a rod - just stick the tiers on top of each other (dropping a drop of glue in the middle of each "floor" of the Christmas tree.

Below we see the principle of creating such fans. They are made from a long strip of paper. The strip folds into an accordion. We turn the accordion into a ring (fastened at the edges with glue). After the glue has dried sew one side of the accordion ring with a needle and thread- tighten the thread (very carefully so as not to break through the paper) - and at the same time lay the accordion ring in a flat circle. We press on the middle of the resulting circle with some object - thereby we crush the convex ribs of the accordion so that they wrinkle and become a little flatter.

Different sizes of Christmas tree tiers are achieved by a simple principle- the narrower the strip for the accordion we have, the smaller the circumference of the fan resulting from it will be. Below in the photo you can see a detailed master class on creating such a Christmas tree out of paper.

Here is such a beautiful Christmas tree obtained from bright paper napkins or from sheets of gift paper.

And if we put a BEAD between each tier of a fan Christmas tree made of paper, then we will get air, the space between the tiers of the Christmas tree (as is done in the photo of the paper Christmas tree below).

Idea #2

Christmas tree-box FROM PAPER.

But this method is the most convenient for beginners. Convenient in that here a simple drawing guarantees a 100% result in the form of a neat volumetric Christmas tree made of paper. Moreover, this Christmas tree can be used as a package for small gifts, if you hide jewelry or a perfume bottle inside.

Since the layout of the drawing above requires a large square piece of paper - I give a more economical way to spend paper space (template diagram in the photo below). You can cut the blades of the Christmas tree separately in two pieces. And then fold, glue them cross to cross.

Idea #3

BLADED Christmas tree made of cardboard.

And here is a paddle Christmas tree made of cardboard or thick paper. It's also very easy to make your own. To create such a Christmas tree, you can use the usual packaging corrugated cardboard(as in the photo below).

How many blades-wings can such a Christmas tree made of cardboard have.

You can make a four-bladed Christmas tree by criss-crossing two flat pieces. To do this, in each silhouette of the Christmas tree, you need to make a cut along the central center line to the center of the Christmas tree. On one part, the incision is made on the TOP HALF of the silhouette - on the second part, the incision is located on the LOWER HALF of the silhouette.

I found such a stencil of a Christmas tree made of paper, but you can take any other shape of a Christmas tree with any lines of legs (smooth, rounded, twisted up, etc.).

If desired, such a Christmas tree cross can be placed on the base in the form of a cardboard roll (a saw cut from a toilet paper roll is suitable). On such a roll, we make 4 cuts (south, west, north, east) - and insert each of the four blades of our Christmas tree into these cuts.

But the blades of the Christmas tree can be more than four - FOR EXAMPLE you can make two silhouettes - 2 with a notch at the bottom and 2 with a notch at the top.

And then combine them into such a Christmas tree with the photo below - it will have as many as 8 blades(as in the photo below). Each blade can be glued different shade green colored paper. As decoration paper, you can use gift paper with polka dots, rhombuses, flowers (as in the photo below)

Using a similar paddle technique, you can make beautiful balls-toys for such a Christmas tree - also from paper.

Idea #4

Christmas tree from paper circles.

And here is another idea for a voluminous Christmas tree made of paper. We make this Christmas tree from ordinary flat paper circles. We fold each circle repeatedly along the DIAMETER LINES. We align each fold edge with alternation - one up, one down, one up, one down, and so on. Detailed master class in the photo below.

You can improve this tree model if, in addition to everything, you bend half of every second such rib upwards - as if forming ladle shape(how it's done in the photo of a Christmas tree made of paper below). And in each such bent ladle-foot he will put a bright bead. And we will get an already decorated Christmas tree made of paper with a beautiful three-dimensional shape.

Idea #5

Flat herringbone IN ORIGAMI TECHNIQUE.

And here is another simple one example of origami technique to create a modular paper Christmas tree.

Here we just fold from a square napkin paper modules(the napkin folds 2 times along the floors, and then unfolds and folds again 2 times in half but already DIAGONALLY.

Then we lay the napkin back and bend it along the lines formed so that each corner of the diagonal fold is like a separate blade.

From several of these bladed modules-tiers, we fold the Christmas tree - simply by gluing it onto a flat base. Often such an origami paper tree can be seen as an application for a New Year's card.

Idea #6

Christmas tree made of PAPER,

strung ON THE ROD.

If we have a rod that we made to stand exactly vertically and not fall, then by stringing a variety of paper silhouettes on it, we can get a Christmas tree craft.

The main rule to follow is to make sure that the bottom paper silhouettes are larger than the top ones. That is, so that the size of the parts decreases as you move up to the top of the tree.

The most important thing is to MAKE A ROD. How to quickly and easily make an axis-base from a cocktail tube, so that it turns out to be strong and inflexible.

But what herringbone (pictured below), which is made of STRIPS of felt, but it can also be made from strips of colored paper or cardboard).

Everything is also very simple. MATERIAL: cut stripes the colors we need, we take tube for cocktail(it is better to insert 2 turbos one into one to make it longer), cardboard(for the base circle), hole punch and stapler(either glue or thread with a needle. Now I will tell you in detail how we will make such a Christmas tree at home - with our own hands.

STEP ONE. We are preparing the base-rod for the Christmas tree-crafts.

And cut out 2 identical disc circles from cardboard. Leave one cardboard disc intact. And in the middle of the second disk we make a round hole (we punch it with a nail and expand it so that the tube from the cocktail crawls through). Wrapped in a cardboard disc cut the tube with scissors from the bottom side(vertical cuts of 1 cm each - chik-chik - how we cut straws for inflation soap bubbles). We push these cuts apart like rays of the sun. And we get such a "beam-like spread-leg". We put this spreading leg on the second cardboard disk (the one that remained intact, without a hole).

And now BOTH DISC GLUE - and it turns out that the spreading leg is now with its rays, sandwiched-glued between the cardboard discs - and as a result our cocktail tube stands EXACTLY VERTICALLY STRAIGHT.

STEP TWO. We string material for the “feathering” of the Christmas tree on the rod.

We cut the tape (fabric or paper or felt) into strips. Please note that the strips are not the same length. Each pair of strips is 1-2 cm smaller than the previous pair. In the center (middle) of the strips, we make holes with a hole punch (or cut with a nail or scissors). We string the strips onto a tube-rod - first long ones, then shorter ones and at the end the shortest ones.

And now we glue the strung strips (or sew them together with threads, or fasten them with a stapler) in pairs with an order such that we get an ACCORDING-ZIGZAG (as seen in the photo). We attach a star to the top of the tube - we also cut out two silhouettes of the star (front and back) - so that the top of the rod is hidden between the two sides of the star.

Idea #7

TIERED Christmas tree

from paper or cardboard.

And here is a nice voluminous Christmas tree made of cardboard. Here we also stocked up with paper circles of different sizes. The edge of the circles was made wavy. Then each circle was cut along the radius - and turned into a cone. And the cones were strung on a rod.

How exactly to string the cones on the rod so that there is air between them (and so that they do not fold like little bags into a friend) I will show using the example of white lacy Christmas trees made of paper, which we see in the photo below.

We will need a rod (wooden skewers will do). Large beads and paper lace napkins.

To make cones from round napkins, we make a radial incision. We cut along the radius of the circle from the CENTRAL point to the edge.

Beads between the cones will not let them run into each other. And our Christmas tree will be airy.

You can make cone Christmas trees from spare pieces of wallpaper.

You can use sheets of colored office paper.

Idea #8

Crepe paper tree.

Here is another beautiful children's paper tree. Here we need a BASIS for a Christmas tree in the form of a high paper CONE. We cut out a semicircle from paper - and fold it into a bag of consu.

Crepe paper cut on long wide ribbons. Then along the paper tape we make incisions-fringe. Next, we wrap our paper conse with this fringed paper tape - starting from the bottom and gradually spiraling, turn by turn, moving towards the top. Each notched twist the petal into a curl.

Such a Christmas tree craft is suitable for school or the Skillful Hands circle in kindergarten.

Idea #9

Crepe paper tree.

And here is a convex Christmas tree from a paper cassette from eggs. Cut out the cells of the cassette holder in the fork of the triangle. We paint them in green color gouache. Spray with nail polish (so that the gouache does not stain your hands and the color becomes brighter). And on each bottom of the cassette cell we glue a circle of colored paper. We cut out the silhouettes of a star of different sizes from cardboard and form a puff star.

Such a children's craft is convenient for conducting classes in a school creativity circle.

Idea #10

Volumetric Christmas tree from the CONE

(6 ways to decorate)

And here is another Christmas tree made on the basis of a high cardboard cone. We buy whatman paper (a large sheet of paper) - cut out a semicircle - bend it into a cone from a semicircle.

Here the main monotony of labor is in cutting circles of many hundreds. And then there is a gradual pasting with these circles in the form of scales - starting from the lower rows of the cone and gradually moving up to the top of the Christmas tree-cone. Children who often toil about waiting new year holidays they will be happy to be distracted by such a New Year's children's tree craft. And this is to your advantage, no one will wander around the kitchen and prevent you from preparing the New Year's table.

Such a Christmas tree cone can be placed on a long stem. And put the rod on a plasticine pedestal. From plasticine we make a thick round cake. We bury the base of the rod in plasticine. We decorate the plasticine sole with cardboard and pieces of moss or other natural material (bark, peeled cone scales, etc.).

Pasting the Christmas tree-cone can be carried out loops from strips of paper. Or if you are too lazy to cut paper, you can buy a long roll of textile tape, cut it into segments, bend each segment into a loop and glue it onto a cardboard cone - also in rows from bottom to top.

Can do from fabric (or from paper) triangular folds. Fold the square diagonally in half, and again in half. Layer the angles of the triangle on top of each other - so that the triangle curls up into a ladle. The barrel of the ladle will be glued to the cone-base of the Christmas tree.

As you understand, it is not necessary to use a fabric - you can take a regular colored paper, crumpled crepe paper or even newspaper (and then paint it with spray paint).

You can also use it to decorate the Christmas tree. paper cups for baking cupcakes. As it is done in the picture below. Such a children's craft will be a real New Year's entertainment for your children. Simple and fast - and very beautiful.

Idea #11

Christmas tree with paper straw decor.

And here is another Christmas tree based on a paper cone. Here, fine paper shavings are used as the material for gluing the cone. You can find these shavings in fragile goods shipping boxes. Or cut such straws with your own office paper scissors - make a voluminous pile of shavings and decorate the Christmas tree with ordinary pva glue.

We also glue cones on the cone and Christmas balls- put them on hot glue from a glue gun(sold in the construction departments of the store - it costs $ 5, the glue for it is very cheap in the form of rods).

The Christmas tree can be placed on a pedestal made of round log cuts. And crowned with a star. It is also not necessary to buy it - you can make such a star with your own hands from ordinary newsprint. How such a star is made, I told in the article

This is good too an option for a simple children's craft for the New Year. Because it's simple, easy and fast. Ideal for a 20-minute lesson in the Skillful Hands circle. The main thing is to prepare cones, straws and decorative material in advance.

Idea #12

Christmas tree

from paper rolls.

And here is a tree made of paper rolls. From ordinary sheets of paper (even from office drafts), we roll rolls, fasten them to a stapler or glue (so that they do not unfold).

In the photo below, we see that as a leg-stand for such a voluminous rolled Christmas tree, we used the usual glass goblet(or a vase for jam).

According to this principle, you can make a bright Christmas tree if the rolls are twisted from colored table napkins.

You can put a rolled Christmas tree on a long stick-leg and stick it into a flower pot with earth.

Here below classic way creating such a Christmas tree from paper rolls-bags.

And here is a method where the bags are not glued to the base cone, but simply laid in radially circular rows.

Such paper bags can create a Christmas tree on any plane - on the wall or on the door to the office. A quick and easy way to do beautiful decoration office for the New Year. I have collected even more ideas for New Year's decor for cabinets and office space in a special article.

Idea #13

Christmas tree in the technique of QVILLING.

(4 ways from flat to voluminous)

And here are paper Christmas trees made using the QVILLING technique. They can be flat as in the photo below.

It's simple.

STEP1 - paper is cut into strips.

STEP 2 - Each strip is twisted around a quilling rod (or a simple toothpick).

STEP 3 - The twist fits into the circle-hole of the stencil - and inside this round frame of the hole we relax the twist (so that it unfolds slightly, but within the specified size).

STEP 4 - Next, we carefully remove the twist from the stencil and glue its tail (so that the twist does not unwind further, but retains the size specified by the stencil. So we get round twists of the same size.

STEP 5 - Then we take a round twist and with our fingers we set the FORM of the twist - it can be TEAR-SHAPED (as in the photo with the Christmas tree below). And from such twists we glue our Christmas tree from paper.

Such children's crafts can be offered in the classroom in the circle of school creativity. It can be done together with grandmothers and children for a competition in Kindergarten.

The corners of the droplets can be slightly bent up (as in the photo of the Christmas tree below).

You can make Christmas trees using the quilling technique for any fantasy shape.

DOUBLE-LAYER Christmas tree in quilling technique.

But a Christmas tree made of paper in the same technique - where the quilling modules are not glued to a sheet of paper, but to themselves - that is, they stick together side by side. And such gluing of paper strands is stacked in two layers

Paper quilling tree - ON THE ROD.

Quilling twists can be placed on the rod. From cardboard we make a rod on the edges of which we will glue the twists. Here we see a striped Christmas tree, where the twist modules are attached to a central cardboard rod.

But the Christmas tree where the central rod made of cardboard has a hexagonal section - that is, this rod has 6 sides and 6 edges. On these flat sides we attach the base of the paper droplets. Please note that here the droplets are of different sizes - at the bottom there are large twists (made according to a large stencil-hole), and at the top there are smaller ones. We attach a rhinestone to the tip of each droplet.

You can glue the twist droplets with the sides down, as is done on the Christmas tree from the picture below.

A quilling twist can be placed around a round rod - and put the modules in a horizontal plane (as in the photo of the quilling paper Christmas tree below).

Fastening modules to a round rod will serve another flat piece of paper the same color. First wrap the paper around the rod on glue- we leave the tails sticking out on both sides of the rod - and strips between these ponytails we put our finished twist, and hug it, wrap it around with tails - gluing them to the twist. In order for such fasteners to hold betterwe repeat it with another strip of paper (and, if necessary, with another strip) - so our twist will ideally keep its horizontal plane.

You can make a simple quilling herringbone from weak looped and curlicue twists from cardboard or thick non-quilling paper (as is done in the photo below).

Paper quilling tree - ON THE BASIS OF A CONE.

You can glue the twist modules not on the rod, but on the classic cone base.

The cone can be round(as in the photo above). Or the cone may have rectangular section- that is, to have ribs and flat sides (as in the photo below). On such planes cone-pyramid It is convenient to apply any quilling patterns. And we will get a patterned 3d Christmas tree.

You can connect children to such a craft. They will happily wind up the modules. And then they will help you glue the pyramid-tree with them. A good children's Christmas craft.

Idea #14

Christmas tree craft from bushings

from toilet paper

And here is another idea for a Christmas tree made of paper. Here, rolls of cardboard and paper of different diameters are taken as material. You can use rolls of scotch tape and masking tape, supplement them with toilet paper cardboard sleeves (shortening them to the height of scotch rolls), you can use narrow tubes from office fax paper (also cut into pieces short length). Screw homemade rolls of cardboard.

And from such a prefabricated material, fold-glue a Christmas tree. Rolls can be glued together on glue gun or double sided tape. simple craft in which the children will be happy to participate.

Only toilet paper rolls of the same size can be used. And fold them into a Christmas tree in the form of a pyramid. Pre-paint the rolls green, dry, glue. So that the gouache paint does not stick to your hands and does not dye clothes, the dyed and dried rolls need to be sprayed with hairspray - the paint will fix and the color will become brighter.

Inside each roll we put a Christmas ball (you can just put it or you can hang it by a hole in the roll) - instead of a ball put a large candy in a shiny wrapper. You can decorate the side of such a Christmas tree made of paper rudons with New Year's glass beads.

If you start collecting rolls in advance and involve all the staff of your company, then you can make a very tall large Christmas tree to decorate the office.

And here is another way to design a Christmas tree from paper rolls. There is a more economical consumption of material, since the herringbone empty inside. Just made from rolls rings– (rolls just stick together in a round dance with their sides. And then such round dance rings from rolls are placed on top of each other and Christmas tree balls are put into their sockets. Pre-paint the rolls in the desired color.

These are the ideas for a do-it-yourself paper Christmas tree I have collected today in this article. Now you can choose simple and beautiful way make a tree for yourself. Good luck with your New Year's creativity and beautiful Christmas trees. May everything work out now and in your New Year.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

Autumn is the time when many people start thinking about the most long-awaited holiday of the year. We are talking about New Year's preparations, which are associated with loved ones and friends, a fun feast, gifts and, of course, holiday decorations. Most people want to decorate their home New Year's decor that disposes to the celebration and creates a special atmosphere.

Today, you can buy any decoration in the store, but there is nothing nicer than hand-made crafts. Hurry up to please yourself with preparations for yourself magical holiday, without which it is difficult to imagine the winter season.

How to make a Christmas tree at home?

To date, there are many materials from which you can create a magnificent Christmas tree that will fit perfectly into your interior.

Exists great amount all kinds of master classes with which you can learn how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands.

Christmas tree made of cones

A Christmas tree made from cones will become a stunning decor element, it can decorate the New Year's table or even serve great gift. In order to make such an ornament, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • identical cones;
  • strong cardboard paper;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • glitter and gold paint.

First you need to take the cardboard and roll it in the shape of a cone, glue the joint with glue. We use scissors to separate the scales from the Christmas tree cones, as they will need quite a lot. After that, the cardboard cone is carefully glued with scales, starting from the very bottom.

If you like the original look, you can omit the paint and other decorations, but they can add shine and charm to the tree.

The paint is applied with a brush, when it dries, the craft can be decorated with sequins, tinsel, ribbons and other decorative elements.

Christmas tree from single-layer napkins

To create such a decoration, you will need napkins, thick cardboard and beads. Initially, we construct a cone of cardboard paper, which will serve as a solid foundation. It is necessary to ensure that the cone has smooth edges and does not fall on its side.

Then we take napkins and cut them along the folds, fold them in three and make cuts again. We fold them again and cut them, as a result, we should get a small square equal to 1/9 of this napkin.

We use a stapler to fasten it in the central part. Then we cut out a circle from the square, and gradually bending its layers, we create a rose.

If the resulting flower is slightly uneven, it can always be corrected with scissors. The number of roses depends on the size of the cone. When they are ready, use glue and start gluing the flowers from the top of the head.

Napkins can be taken in several colors, then the Christmas tree will turn out to be brighter and more original. After all the roses are glued, take the beads and also glue them in some places.

You can decorate such a craft with anything, it is easy to manufacture and does not require special costs.

Christmas tree made of paper and cardboard

This craft is very easy to make, and it looks elegant and original. Using corrugated paper, the Christmas tree will turn out to be quite fluffy. To create it you will need:

  • glue;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • various decorations to taste.

It makes a cone-shaped base out of cardboard, the size depends on your wishes. To make it translucent, it is recommended to glue the cone with green paper.

The needles are made from corrugations, finely chopped into small strips. Then these stripes are cut even smaller, they should resemble a fringe. We use toothpicks to wrap paper around them and get small flowers, there should be at least a hundred of them.

After that, they are glued to the cardboard base in such a way that there are no gaps. Christmas tree decor can be anything: ribbons, bows, beads, tinsel and much more.

Interesting ideas for making Christmas trees

A Christmas tree can also be made from pasta. To do this, you need to make a cardboard cone, which is pasted over with pasta of various shapes. After that, the decoration is painted in any color. Instead of pasta, you can use coffee beans, which can be decorated with golden sequins and bows.

If you are familiar with the art of kanzashi, then making a forest beauty will not be difficult. To do this, use green and red satin ribbons. A photo of a Christmas tree made by yourself will serve as a pleasant reminder of the wonderful New Year holidays.

A tree of knowledge made of piles of books will become a unique decoration of your home. It can be decorated with tinsel, ribbons and bows, but it is highly not recommended to hang it with an electric garland.

Vytynanka is a type of Slavic art where decorations are made of paper. They can often be seen on window panes, and making vytynanki is quite simple. To do this, you need to use paper with a pattern drawn on it. Then the pattern is cut out with a sharp clerical knife.

An interesting idea could be to create a Christmas tree from cupcake molds. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom of the molds and string them on a cone made of durable cardboard paper.

If you have empty spools of thread, they are also ideal for crafts. The bottom row of coils is glued onto a round solid base, another one on top, the shape should resemble a cone. This decoration can be decorated with ribbons and sequins.

A huge variety of Christmas trees that can be made at home will appeal to any needlewoman. Don't forget about materials like candy, feathers, felt, beads, and more. From all this you can create a bright, elegant and stylish decoration to be admired. Choose the Christmas tree option and don't forget to make it with love!

DIY Christmas tree photo

Creative Christmas trees are good because they are unusual, they can be created from the most different materials, and edible trees will become a decoration and the main highlight of the New Year's table.

How to make a Christmas tree from plastic bottles?

To make such a fluffy beauty, take:
  • green plastic bottles;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • a wooden stick, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the hole in the neck of the bottle.
Prepare the container by removing the labels and washing it. For each bottle, you need to cut off the neck and bottom, cut the rest into several rectangles, chop them into strips, but not completely.

Cut off the shoulders of the bottle, leaving only the neck. You will put a wooden stick in it. Starting from the bottom, attach the blanks from the bottle here so that the fringe looks up.

We decorate the entire trunk, and attach a small part on top, which will become the top.

The blanks must be fixed in such a way that the largest are at the bottom, and the small ones are at the top.

Here's what else a Christmas tree made of plastic bottles can be. Doing it yourself is also quite simple.

To reproduce such a masterpiece, take:
  • green plastic bottles;
  • scissors;
  • wooden stick of the right size.
Remove the labels from the bottles and proceed with the blanks as follows: cut off the bottom, cut the rest into 10 identical strips, almost reaching the shoulders of the bottle.

Now you need to make diagonal cuts on the 1st and 2nd sides of each tape. Bend the resulting fragments through one.

Take the bottom of a large bottle, make a hole in it, put the neck of the bottle into it, into which a wooden stick is inserted. Fix this part of the structure with a cork by screwing it onto the neck.

Put pre-made parts on the stick, starting with the largest bottle, ending with the smallest one.

If you strung all the details on the trunk with the neck down, then put the last one with the neck up. Fix the tree by putting a lid on the top of the head.

It turned out a wonderful tall tree made of plastic bottles. From this container, you can make an even larger tree by putting bottles on, for example, a mop.

If you want to make a cone-shaped tree, then fold a sheet of paper or cardboard in this way. Cut off the neck of the bottle and insert the paper blank here. Cut trapezoid fragments from other parts of the container. Chop the longest edges of each blank into equal strips, not reaching the top 2 cm.

Secure these elements with tape, arranging them in ascending order, starting with the largest and ending with the smallest.

Here's what the end result should be.

If you, for example, work in a grocery store, then you can put a large Christmas tree made of plastic bottles here, which will certainly attract customers. To do this, you need to arrange the bottles in a circle in rows, put plywood circles on them. Each subsequent tier is smaller than the diameter of the previous one. Closer to the top should be 3 bottles, put a star on top.

Even empty plastic bottles will be a great decor element. You can hold the backlight so that at dusk the trees sparkle attractively.

Other waste materials will also become a picturesque Christmas tree.

We make a Christmas tree out of paper with our own hands - a master class

After the magazines are read, they are usually thrown away. But you can do it differently, make a paper tree. To create it, you can use newspapers, old books.

Here is a list of what is needed:
  • a sheet of cardboard or whatman paper;
  • colorful magazine;
  • hole punch shaped;
  • glue gun or PVA;
  • pencil.
First you need to roll the cardboard in the form of a cone, glue it to fix it in this position. Prepare decor items. To do this, cut them out of a magazine or book using zigzag scissors or a hole punch.

These parts must be rounded. To do this, wind each on a pencil. Now you can glue them to the base, starting from the bottom.

Place the pieces as close as possible to each other so that no cardboard is visible between them. Glue in rows, placing the elements on top of each other. Wrap one of them around the crown. The paper tree is ready.

If you like strict lines, then check out the next option.

Such a tree would be appropriate in the office. On the one hand, it has a strict form, and on the other, it looks festive. Here's what you need for such needlework:
  • whatman;
  • double tape;
  • wrapping;
  • ordinary tape;
  • decorations;
  • scissors.
Instead of drawing paper, you can use thin cardboard. If there is not a large enough piece, then you can create it from small ones using tape.

Fold this base into a bag, secure with tape.

The excess needs to be cut off.

wrap the cone wrapping paper. To do this, put it on a work surface, place a cardboard blank on top, fasten it with tape in the crown area.

Wrap the cone completely, then fix the edges of the paper with double tape, and cut off the excess.

The lower part of the Christmas tree must also be made even, removing the paper with scissors here as well. Decorate the Christmas tree with a star, ribbons, you can decorate it with sweets or beads.

Here's what else a Christmas tree made of paper can be.

  • skewer;
  • designer paper or colored cardboard;
  • thick cardboard;
  • glue or glue gun.
Draw a square on thick cardboard, cut it out and glue it to a skewer. Cut out the circles first of the same size. Make holes in them, name them on a skewer pre-lubricated with glue. Then make some slightly smaller circles. They also decorate the tree trunk itself. Gradually cut out smaller and smaller circles, put them on the trunk.

Here's what else a Christmas tree made of paper using polystyrene foam can turn out.

For creativity you will need:
  • polystyrene or cardboard;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive tape;
  • masking tape;
  • marker;
  • PVA glue;
  • hook;
  • stationery knife.
Draw a sharp corner on the foam or cardboard. If this is difficult to do, then follow the photo prompts. First draw a vertical line, then two horizontal lines, after that you will have an even angle. If you want to do big Christmas tree, then just glue a few fragments with adhesive tape.

Cut off the strip corrugated paper, chop it with scissors in the form of a fringe, a little short of reaching the opposite edge. Start gluing these decorated ribbons from the bottom.

When the whole creative tree is decorated in this way, decorate it as you wish. Glue a rectangle of cardboard from below, after painting it in Brown color. But you can do without this part of the trunk. To attach the Christmas tree to the wall, use a hook or double tape.

Here's what wonderful tree came out of paper. Textile models are very interesting, for them you can use the remnants of the material.

Christmas tree made of fabric and thread

To make such a stylish beauty, take:
  • felt;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • double tape or glue.

It is better to take the material of two shades, then the creative Christmas tree will look more contrasting.

Roll the cardboard into a cone. You can wrap the bottom part with a small amount of tinsel. Cut circles from felt, in the middle with scissors make intersecting segments. They are needed in order to put felt blanks on the base, which you will do. These cross cuts will also help the circles become wavy.

First, put on larger blanks, then medium ones, at the top there will be the smallest ones. When you fill the entire cone, it remains to decorate your creation, admire what a beautiful Christmas tree made of fabric you got.

You can also make a very pretty tree out of threads.

To make this, take:
  • foam or cardboard cone;
  • fleecy yarn;
  • pins;
  • decorations;
  • thick yarn.
If you don't have a Styrofoam cone, then roll one out of cardboard. To work faster, make turns with two threads at once. Attach them to the base with pins.

When you complete the entire cone, do not cut these two threads, but now wrap them around the base, moving down.

Cut the thread, secure the remaining end with a pin. Decorate the Christmas tree with beads or buttons, also attach them with a pin or sew.

The next creative do-it-yourself Christmas tree is created from wire and thread. Help yourself with pliers or round nose pliers, bend a piece of wire so that it looks like a star. Attach a thinner wire to it, which must first be folded into a cone. Wrap it around with thread. You can simply make such a star out of wire and attach it to the top of the newly created blue Christmas tree.

The table for the New Year will look amazing if you decorate it with edible Christmas trees. Look how wonderful this strawberry tree looks.

You can make a chocolate base and attach the berries to it with the tip outward with a toothpick.

Here are some other original trees you can create from products.

Check out the related tutorials.

Edible Christmas tree: step by step cooking

To do this, take:
  • wooden skewer;
  • Apple;
  • cucumbers;
  • sweet red and yellow peppers;
  • plate.
You can use wooden skewers or one half of Chinese sticks.

Place the apple half on a platter or plate, cut side down. Stick a skewer into it. Chop the cucumber into not too thin circles.

Put these slices on a skewer, starting with the largest. Arrange them in a checkerboard pattern or something like that so that they look like branches of a Christmas tree.

Cut small pieces from red and yellow peppers. Put them on top of some cucumbers or secure with toothpicks. String an elongated piece of pepper on the top of the head, closing the skewer from above.

You can decorate a New Year's dish, for example, a salad, with this tree. Put a little parsley along the edge of the plate, which will symbolize green grass.

The next Christmas tree consists of fruits, berries and vegetables. Take:

  • large carrots;
  • Apple;
  • kiwi;
  • strawberries;
  • toothpicks;
  • grape;
  • greens;
  • notch for removing the core from apples.

Wash the apple. Using a special tool, remove its middle from one side. On the other, make an even cut so that the apple stands firmly on the dish.

Set the carrot in the recess. Stick toothpicks in it. String kiwi halves, strawberries and grapes on them. The star can be cut from a suitable fruit or vegetable, or from a thick piece of cheese. Decorate a plate with greens to make the Christmas tree look even more picturesque.

The next tree is made from apples. So that they do not darken, cut slices should be dipped for 15 minutes in a solution of lemon juice.

First you need to cut the middle of the apples, then chop these fruits into circles. Using a knife or a special recess, give these blanks the shape of a star. Put it on a plate, place a slightly smaller blank on top. Adhering to this tactic, lay the Christmas tree to the end. Decorate it with cranberries, berry physalis.

If you are making a New Year's salad, put it in a cone-shaped slide, compact it. Cut the leek leaves to resemble sharp corners. Stick the resulting decorations into the salad so that the leaves turn into twigs. Decorate the Christmas tree with thinly chopped carrots.

If you don't have leeks, then you can garnish the salad with dill. Look at the photos how to arrange the branches, starting from the bottom.

A creative Christmas tree is obtained from many other products.

Cut the cheese into sharp triangles, string them on a pre-fixed skewer, garnish with a slice of red pepper. Decorate the plate with slices of tomatoes and kiwi.

If you have green pepper, turn its slices into lush spruce branches, make a New Year's tree from this edible material. Circles and slices of lemon or grapefruit will also become a picturesque decoration for the New Year's table.

If you take kiwi for this, use unripe ones so that the circles hold tightly on the base.

Meat lovers will also not be left behind. After all, an edible Christmas tree can be created from salami slices.

Put them on a skewer fixed on half an apple, drape the top. Decorate the plate with greens, and the masterpiece can be put on the New Year's table.

Vegetarians and connoisseurs of proper nutrition will be able to make a Christmas tree out of broccoli, decorate it with cherry tomatoes, and make a star out of sweet peppers. The asparagus stalks will turn into a tree trunk, and the cauliflower into white drifts.

The basis of the next Christmas tree is a salad, but it is better to take one whose ingredients can be well fastened together. A dish that includes boiled rice is perfect. We decorate the base with green lettuce leaves, then you need to decorate this edible Christmas tree with peeled shrimp and cherry tomatoes.

If you like Asian cuisine, make rolls with greens added so that the base has such a shade. If they are with caviar, then this ingredient will simultaneously act as a decoration. Fold the rolls as shown in the photo to make a comfortable Christmas tree.

Sweet lovers can decorate the foam or foam rubber base with sweets by attaching them with toothpicks. And if your family loves to eat properly, then fix small sausages, sausage circles, tomatoes and lettuce on the basis. You can attach other edible ingredients here, thereby delighting lovers of a hearty meal.

Gourmets will surely love the horizontal Christmas tree made of tomatoes and different types of cheese - a great opportunity and excuse to taste them.

If you like a candy tree, attach them to plastic bottle with tape. And if you don’t know what to give an adult for the New Year, then use a bottle of champagne as a base, decorating it in this way. Give this present.

If you like to bake, make gingerbread or shortcrust pastry, roll it out, cut out stars using special notches or just with a knife. It remains to decorate the baked sweets with white icing and place them on top of each other.

On the New Year's table even pizza will create the right mood. To do this, when rolling out the dough, cut a Christmas tree out of it, decorate with cherry tomatoes, olives and slices of smoked sausage or chicken pieces. Sprinkle your masterpiece with a little cheese, bake in the oven.

If you have a round pizza, then cut it into triangles, insert edible straws from the rounded side, you will get funny portioned Christmas trees.

Here are some creative Christmas trees you can create yourself. There are other ideas, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with them and cheer yourself up.

And the inspiration to create edible christmas tree take a look at the next video.

DIY Christmas tree: ideas and methods of making.

If you need to DIY unusual Christmas tree, then in this article you will find different variants. The home-made Christmas trees presented here are suitable both for a corporate party and as an exhibit for a children's New Year's competition.

What can you make a decorative small Christmas tree for the competition: ideas

  • The presence of the main props during the winter holidays creates the right mood and inspires faith that the performance of miracles is not an invention, but a New Year's reality.
  • A real Christmas tree, no matter what size it is, any degree of “splendor” and “aroma”, an artificial fluffy beauty can compete. Christmas trees are now sold with illumination and even flavored ones.
  • But if you have already purchased a New Year's green beauty, and the child asks you to help him make a Christmas tree with his own hands, then approach this task creatively.

Using our tips, you can make with your own hands not just a Christmas tree, but a creative original green beauty.

For you, we have selected several ways to create a New Year's coniferous tree with our own hands:

Method 1:

  • This option for creating a Christmas tree is suitable for those who can take care of the procurement of materials long before the onset winter holiday. These are parents of toddlers attending kindergarten, or children of primary school age.
  • Creating crafts for a limited period of time for competitions with children for such parents is a common thing, because from time to time they replenish stocks natural materials and "necessities" that can serve in good stead during the next competitive turmoil.
  • If in late autumn you did not pass by fallen leaves, dried flowers, and saved them until the New Year holidays, then now is the time to get them out and decorate a homemade Christmas tree.

The process of creating a green beauty can be divided into several stages:

  • We take thick paper, cut out a semicircle and wrap the edges so that we have a cone.
  • Now we glue the base of our Christmas tree with dry leaves. The tops of the leaves should stick out in different directions, then the Christmas tree will turn out to be fun and original.
  • Here you can show your imagination and stick the leaves in rows: yellow - in one row, green - in another, and red or orange - in the third. You can stick leaves of different colors in random order, or you can make several Christmas trees and stick leaves of the same color on each.
  • The process of creating a Christmas tree does not end there: we glue more flowers (dried or artificial) on top of the leaves. We install the finished Christmas tree on a base pre-cut from foam and create New Year's composition: herringbone - in the center, next to it - snowdrifts of snow from the same foam (so that it does not scatter, it is better to glue the layers of "snow").

Method 2:

  • You can make a beautiful Christmas tree from balls of thread. Paper flowers are also used in the craft as a decoration. The New Year's beauty turns out to be elegant, and it does not take much time to make it.
  • Again, take a thick cardboard and cut out a semicircle. We will need to make a cone - the basis of the Christmas tree. The edges are fixed with superglue, and the cone itself is pasted over with double-sided tape. After that, it will be possible to “put” hanks of threads on the “trunk” of the Christmas tree, choosing the right ones in size.
  • Beads, bows, feathers, ribbons and tinsel are suitable as decor for crafts. A woolen tree will not look trite, even if all the hanks are matched in the same color scheme.

  • If you didn’t like the idea with hanks of thread, then we suggest replacing this decor element with corrugated paper flowers or felt snowflakes. Christmas balls cut from the same felt can also be used for pasting a cardboard cone.
  • How easy is it to make crepe paper flowers? We fold the paper with an accordion (size and color do not matter) and drag the accordion in the center with a thread. We leave a piece of thread to attach the flower to the cone and straighten the edges-petals.

Christmas tree with corrugated paper flowers

Tips for those who decide to look for ideas for creating a New Year's green beauty in the hand-made style:

  • The proposed option can always be improved and add your own details.
  • You can ignore the unspoken rules and create the basis for the Christmas tree in the form of a triangle with clear edges or a cone. The setting to keep the correct shape can also be ignored.

  • In the design version, the base of the Christmas tree can be inclined, consist of several tiers.
  • The traditional color of the New Year's beauty is green. But by creating a Christmas tree with your own hands, you can bring to life your childhood ideas about the New Year tree and make it completely white, silver, yellow, gold.
  • Give the Christmas tree a shade that fits perfectly into the festive atmosphere and it will become a real unpredictable miracle.

  • There is different ways fixing the details of the Christmas tree. You can use glue, tape, wire. Regardless of which mount you use, it must be durable and look neat on the finished Christmas tree, because the elements of the festive decor will be seen and photographed.
  • As a decoration for the top, you can use any Christmas tree toy, a star or a shiny cone made of paper or cardboard, “seat” an angel on the Christmas tree or make a talisman for the coming year.

Method 3:

  • New Year's beauty in hand-made style can be made in classical style: from a cardboard base, tinsel and foil.
  • We will need a cardboard cone for the base of the Christmas tree. We make cones and twigs-needles from foil, corrugated paper. We glue them in random order on the base.
  • We make Christmas decorations from multi-colored tinsel, and a garland from rain. All that remains is to attach an asterisk or other spectacular toy to the top of the Christmas tree.

How to name a Christmas tree for a competition: a list of names

  • A wonderful Christmas tree from the Magic family!
  • And ours is already decorating the Christmas tree.
  • Christmas tree with garlands and confetti.
  • Gift for the Christmas tree.
  • Trees are rolling.
  • Christmas tree holiday.
  • New Year and Christmas - magic and witchcraft.
  • The New Year is sweeping across the planet. The Christmas tree knows this, the children know this.
  • We decorate an unusual Christmas tree.
  • New Year's Mystery.
  • Carnival of New Year's toys.
  • Round dance, round dance, we will soon meet the New Year.
  • How the Christmas tree shines with lights ...
  • Favorite holiday is New Year.
  • Forest melody of the holiday.

Homemade, beautiful Christmas tree for a paper contest: ideas, diagrams, description, photo

Option 1:

To make a green beauty, we need:

  • thick colored paper
  • glue, scissors
  • a compass or a device that can be used to draw a circle
  • a cocktail tube or a base from a fountain pen.

How to make a Christmas tree:

  • Cut out circles (we will need a few pieces). To make them perfectly even, we use a compass. The size of each circle should be 1-2 cm larger than the previous one. The height of the Christmas tree will depend on the number of tiers (circles).
  • We fold the cut circles in half, and then two more times in half. To get a clear fold line, go through the edges with a ruler or scissors.
  • We unfold the circles folded with cones and cut out small holes in the center according to the diameter of the tube.
  • We glue the base (tube) with colored paper (to match the trunk of a coniferous tree) and place straightened circles along the tube.

Option 2:

  • To make the Christmas tree voluminous, we make a preliminary markup on a sheet of paper in green or any other color that you like best.
  • The main contour is the lowest tier of the Christmas tree. Let's make it bigger than the others.
    Inside the drawn contour, stepping back from the edge a little more than half of the resulting radius, we draw the second contour with the help of a compass.
  • After that, we take a ruler and divide the large circle into 12 sectors. Along the obtained lines of the first circle, we make cuts to the lower contour of the circle.
  • We turn each sector into a cone and fix the edges. You can use tape or glue for this.
  • Next, cut out the other tiers, making them one size smaller. We repeat the procedure for folding the sectors into a cone.
  • We make a hole in the center of each cone (according to the size of the wire on which we will string each tier of the Christmas tree).
  • Now we take the wire, beautifully bend the lower part with a spiral (you can apply glue to this piece of wire and wrap it with a thread of a suitable color).
  • We string the pre-prepared tiers of the Christmas tree on the wire, and make the top in the form of a cone cut out of the same paper.

Original craft - a Christmas tree for a cardboard contest: ideas, diagrams, description, photo

For work, you will need, in addition to colored cardboard, a hole punch, scissors, a tube or a wooden stick, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the holes from the hole punch, any decorations.

  • We make an accordion out of thick paper of a rectangular shape.
  • We put the accordion under the hole punch and make holes “at an angle”. New Year's beauty may consist of one central row of holes or two, made along the edges.
  • We stretch the base into the holes. If the cardboard “moves out” from the base tube, then it can be fixed with tape.
  • It remains to complete the design of the Christmas tree and install it on your desktop or hang it by a ribbon.

Other options for Christmas trees made of cardboard:

Craft - a creative, decorative Christmas tree for the competition: ideas, diagrams, description, photo

A beautiful Christmas tree will turn out from tinsel. To do this, cut out a circle on a sheet of thick paper. Choose the radius at your discretion, but if you make a large Christmas tree, then use the following device instead of a compass:

  • Take a thread with a needle and fasten a pencil on the opposite side. Now choose a point on a sheet of drawing paper for the center of the circle and stick a pencil at this point.
  • Pull the thread well and draw a circle with a pencil, like a compass.
    We cut the circle into two halves (for one Christmas tree we need one semicircle).
  • We fix the edges of the semicircle with tape so that we get a cone. This will be the base for the Christmas tree.
  • We apply PVA glue to the base and begin to glue the tinsel in a spiral.
  • We decorate the finished Christmas tree with small nuts, cones, bows, bells or other decorations.

Craft - space tree for the competition: ideas, diagrams, description, photo

Making a space tree will not be easy. However, if you decide on such a feat, the result will delight and surprise all guests without exception. So, what you need to make a Christmas tree:

  • Plates MDV
  • Twine and wire
  • Garland
  • Parts of old disks cut into triangles.

Manufacturing process:

  • From the plates we cut out the edges for the future Christmas tree.
  • We fix the edges together with twine.
  • We install a garland inside the Christmas tree, and glue pieces of disks on top of the edge.

Here's what should happen

Craft - a spiral Christmas tree for the competition: ideas, diagrams, description, photo

Spiral Christmas trees can be made from wire. But a Christmas tree made of chenille wire looks much more spectacular.

How to make a spiral Christmas tree

Spiral tree options:

Herringbone spiral: option 1

Craft - a voluminous Christmas tree for the competition: ideas, diagrams, description, photo

You will learn how to make a voluminous Christmas tree by watching the video.

Video: 3D Christmas tree from PAPER

Video: Do-it-yourself voluminous paper tree

Herringbone made of wood: option 3

Craft - Christmas tree for a competition with beads: ideas, diagrams, description, photo

How to quickly make an original Christmas tree from ribbon and beads, you will learn from the video.

Video: Christmas tree from a ribbon with beads

Craft - a Christmas tree for a paper flower contest

Craft - a Christmas tree for a competition made of paper and rain: ideas, diagrams, description, photo


Craft - a Christmas tree from various improvised materials for the competition: ideas, diagrams, description, photo

Options Christmas trees from improvised materials are presented in our photo gallery:

Video: 10 Christmas trees from different materials. New Year crafts