How to make a beaded stitch on a sewing machine. Embroidery on a sewing machine. Which thread to choose

So today, I'm in the mood to talk about air loops. Probably everyone knows how to do them. I'll tell you about how I do it, so that it turns out not just beautiful, but very beautiful. For my taste, of course.

These loops are mainly used when we want a butt fastener. A droplet, a slit from the back of the neck is very appropriate. In addition, on thin materials, other buttonhole options may look rough. They have the right to life in hidden fasteners, we talked about this with Brina in the topic of her wonderful winter skirt :)...
And if you make them very beautiful, then ... yes, anywhere! Plump loops in silk or floss look just great, like a beautiful finish.

The essence of the air loop is that we pull several arcs of thread, and then overcast them. But even in this seemingly simple process there are some little tricks ... But everything is consistent.

Air loops can be made with bobbin cotton, silk, floss - in general, any thread is suitable. I prefer thin, but not quite, matching coil 30-40-50.

I'll start with cotton #30. And let's go.

I hook the thread for a couple of threads from the edge.
Trick #1
The air loop is a flat arc in shape. Its length is a couple of mm larger than the diameter of the button. I measure and stick the needle in place.

Trick #2
For an arc, I stick a needle front to back, then back to front. So the threads in the arc will lie more beautifully.

Trick #3
I pull the arcs with a needle so that they are of equal length.

For such cotton, 3-4 arcs are needed. And for silk, you can at least 12, or you can also 4. Everything is optional! Here I pulled 3 arcs. And before proceeding to the overcasting, you need

Trick number 4.
Need poke the needle into a fold 1 mm outside of the arc. Then the first loop of the overcast will, as it were, attach to the fold and the loop will turn out on a strong leg.
This will be clearly seen in the first photo below.

Now the wrap itself. Just a looped seam is not good - it twists. Here are three options for you to choose from.

The first option - SEAM 4 - FRIVOLITE

I overcast with a regular buttonhole stitch, but I execute the loops alternately in front of the arcs, then behind. I say this to myself so as not to be confused. As a result, tiny knots of tatting are obtained, which lie very beautifully on the arc.
Having reached the end, I use

Trick #5
I work hard needle into a fold 1 mm from the end of the arc(same technique as at the beginning, strong leg). I show the puncture site with a needle on the penultimate photo.
Voila, done! Last loop slightly thicker, overcast on 4 threads (previous on 3).

This overedging is used in the Danish works of the same name. But for air loop she fits perfectly too.

It is better to throw from the inside, because then this seam forms a beautiful scar across the face. In the photos, the penultimate photo is what happens from the side of the work that I keep away from myself, the last one - towards myself.

Let's also try
Third option - SEAM 6 - DOUBLE LOOP.

With such an eyelet, I overcast the welt loops, if manually, but for air loops she fits perfectly too. It is also better to throw on the wrong side, on the other hand there will be a scar, but a little different.

The third photo from the end is what is obtained from the side "towards you", the second from the end - "away from you". I prefer a not very thick overcasting with this seam. The last photo is thick, it's a bit redundant.
A little about the execution of a double loop.
The needle is pushed under the arc, and then it is pushed into the resulting loop again, both times from the bottom up, then tightened.

It was cotton, and here is a silk loop. 8 arches are entwined with a tatting seam. - Isn't it pretty?
The size of all these loops is about 8-10 mm.

For sewing on buttons you need

Trick #6

The button will hang not in the middle of the loop, but in its upper part (I show with a needle. Putting the edges back to back, I find the place of the button and sew it on. The holes of the button are located along the loop. - I fasten it, of course!
These were all training loops, ostentatious ...
Here are the real ones from the clothes.
Made floss in 2 threads in arcs of 4 threads, tatting seam.
Butt closure side seam... let's say negligee :)
Personally, I do not see any other loops suitable here, neither welt, nor from pieces, nor rolled. Everything would be rough and clumsy, including the zipper, besides, here the direction of the thread is oblique, so the slotted ones are not suitable at all.

More or less like this! And it was all about air loops.

types of simple seams:
"beaded" seam

To decorate the product, when making a narrow satin roll, a seam is often performed along its inner edge. mound" or " beaded', so called because appearance looks like a chain of beads.

This stitch is very often used in embroidery and serves as both an addition and a main stitch in some types of embroidery (when stitching a contour and for making floral ornaments).

With the first method embroidery with a beaded stitch on a machine, embroidery looks like small knots embroidered with smooth stitch. The technique of making a beaded seam with knots is that, while making a small stitch, the needle is pierced three to five times at two points located at a distance of 1 mm from each other, and thus the knot is embroidered with satin stitch. Then they scribble with a small line and, making the next knot, close almost the entire line, and so embroider until the end of the row. The next row of knots is placed between the previous knots in a checkerboard pattern. This method of embroidery with a beaded stitch gives a somewhat convex embroidery. It is good to use it to decorate a dress in combination with artistic smoothness.

It is also good to use it for embroidering the cores of flowers: roses, daisies, cornflowers, poppies, chrysanthemums, etc. To embroider linen with a beaded stitch, you need to take the thinnest line silk. Of course, a beaded seam alone does not give an effect; it must be combined with a white or artistic satin stitch. For example, when embroidering a leaf, you can embroider half of the leaf with satin stitch, and sheathe the other half along the contour with a narrow satin stitch roller and fill it with a beaded stitch (Fig. a).

With the second method embroidery with a beaded stitch on a machine, embroidery looks like a small line with curls. This seam looks very impressive in combination with a white surface. The “curl stitch” must be positioned so that the entire fabric is covered with a beaded stitch. The second row of curls should cover the edges of the first row (fig. b). In colored artistic embroidery, you can use a beaded stitch "curl stitch" to embroider the background. It is very convenient to pour different colors of stock with a beaded seam, as it crumbles into small specks, and you can easily pour up to five tones into one spot without a contrasting transition from color to color. It is good to embroider vegetables, fruits, hearts in flowers with a beaded seam “curl stitch”. Combining it with artistic and fast satin stitch when embroidering landscapes and portraits is very impressive. In the decoration of the dress, this seam is used for embroidery with a dense brocade thread. Brocade metal thread is wound on a shuttle bobbin, and the tension of this thread should not be tight. The drawing must first be embroidered with artistic satin stitch, and then stretch the fabric on the hoop with the wrong side up and embroider on the wrong side with silk of the same color as the brocade; brocade thread will lay down with front side embroidery. Embroidery in this case looks light, openwork.

Probably, every girl at school at needlework lessons was taught the main types of seams for hand and machine sewing. But over time, these skills disappear. And when you need to apply the knowledge of the seams, it becomes an almost impossible task. Immediately you need to remember how to perform a French seam, how to tuck the fabric and re-learn the art of threading the lower and upper threads in the machine.

All fabric processing technologies are divided into two groups. It's not hard to remember them. It is manual and machine more diverse).

The main types of hand seams

They are used to connect parts of a future product. The most common designed for fastening parts can be called a seam made in basting technique. It is designed to temporarily connect the details of the product, outline its future appearance. Most often, cotton threads of different thicknesses are used to make this seam. Also popular technology - "over the edge." With its help, the parts are sewn together so that the resulting fragment of the product can be turned inside out.

The buttonhole stitch is more commonly used for decorative finishes- in this way, the edges of a hand-embroidered napkin are processed. The "back of the needle" stitch looks the same as a machine stitch. Therefore, it is used in cases where you need to hem the hem of a skirt, for example. But in order to shorten the product, they came up with hemming seams. They are of two types: simple and secret. It's not hard to master them. useful when you do not want anyone to see the stitches of thread on finished product. It is used frequently. To manual technicians fabric processing does not include a French seam, although it may seem that it is made by a person and not by a machine.

Machine seams

Machine stitching will take much less time than the same job done by hand. On the sewing machine tailors even use decorative technique processing fabric or decorating the finished product. They look especially impressive if you make a line with a thread that differs in color from the fabric. Contrasting colors will look best in this case. are divided into two types: connecting and decorative.

Connecting machine seams

The most commonly used fabric processing technique is a connecting seam or “stitch”, that is, designed to fasten the parts of the product together. This is a normal straight line. The threads are not visible at all, with the correct execution of the work, of course.

Turning seam is one of the types of sewing technique. It is used during the processing of reversible parts. To do this, the parts are folded face to face and connected with a simple line, that is, they use a stitching technique.

The stitching seam is one of the most durable. It is also called "denim". Why? It is often used to process denim. The stitching seam looks like a decorative stitch, both from the front and from the wrong side. With the help of a sewing seam, all types of linen can be made.

When sewing bed linen, a double turn-out seam is used. To join the overlays, tailors use the technique of making a false seam with a folded cut. You can see it on the finished product. And to process the cuts of the details of the product, the master needs knowledge of how to make edging seams. Particular attention can be paid to the double seam.

double seam

It is very common in light industry. This technique is also called French and linen stitching. The double seam on the front side looks like an ordinary stitched connecting line. From the inside, it looks like a stitched fold. Often a French seam is used to process thin, "flying" and such as organza, silk. Linen stitching looks very similar to the sewing technique, but it is simpler. But how can you learn how to perform this machine seam if the description is incomprehensible in the text, but the picture is completely schematic and strange?

Those girls who want to learn how to perform a French seam can watch a master class on it on the Internet. Such video tutorials can be found on popular sites. This method of learning is very convenient - everything is visible, there is sound, you can watch the video several times.

But if you explain in words, then the description of the execution technology will be small. First you need to fold the parts inside out to each other, lay a line at a distance of 0.5 centimeters from the cut of the part. Then you need to cut the allowances close to the laid line and carefully unfold the parts, folding them the other way around - right sides to each other. It remains only to lay the line again with the help of a sewing machine and that's it - the linen line is ready. You can do the procedure several times until the result satisfies you. As you can see, double stitching on a typewriter is not difficult at all.

Decorative machine stitches

Decorative seams are used for finishing products. They give the impression of embroidery and look beautiful. One of the decorative seams is the stem stitch. It is used to make plant stems, small twigs and other embroidery elements. A line is laid with small stitches along the contour of the pattern once or twice (depending on the thickness of the thread). There is also a "beaded" stitch, so named because it resembles a line embroidered with beads.

The decorative and finishing seam, performed using a sewing machine, looks very beautiful, and it is called a “pigtail”. It looks great for summer women's sundresses and dresses.


We talked about how to understand the basic hand and machine seams. Learning how to perform them, if desired, is not so difficult, because today it is very simple to find any benefit. french stitch may be useful to you more often than other technologies for connecting product parts, so you should pay special attention to it.

Embroidery is a rather entertaining hobby that has sped up several times with the consciousness of a sewing machine. The essence of this process is to decorate any products with a sewing machine.

Finished products are no different from those that were made by hand. There are several ways to embroider with a machine: using computer technology and a free method.

  • The first way controls all the actions of the machine through innovative software:

  • The second method is provided by the actions of the master, bringing the sewing machine into working condition and adjusting the position of the fabric:

Variety of machine stitching

In the course of work, the same variety of techniques is used as with manual work: satin stitch, cross or openwork embroidery.

satin stitch

One of the simplest techniques. The contours of a particular pattern are embroidered with a straight line, and then filled with stitches of different sizes. By learning how to use this technique, you will surprise everyone with your products. And if you leave an unsewn fabric in the middle of the pattern, and then cut it out with scissors, you get a magnificent welt embroidery. It is distinguished by its sophistication and at the same time elegance.

Openwork embroidery

Openwork products made on sewing machine, always distinguished by sophistication and grace. Machine embroidery is characterized by different kinds openwork. Openwork is similar to a welt, only the empty space is filled with mesh or shop lace.

Richelieu embroidery

Works embroidered in the "richelieu" technique are irresistible. It is achieved with the help of a “satin roller”. The picture is stitched along the rim several times with a straight line. Matter is carefully cut out of closed areas. In the future, machine stitching is performed so that the first and end stitches are on opposite sides of the completed stitch. Sewing should be of equal length and filled uniformly.

Preparatory steps before starting work

The main apparatus that is used is a sewing machine. It is not necessary to use modern or expensive models. Everything will turn out on the simplest.

  1. At the beginning of sewing, it is necessary to carefully prepare your workplace. It should be equipped with a sewing machine with a high-quality lighting device (additional lamp, floor lamp), which is positioned so that the shadow does not fall on the involved surface, the most comfortable chair.

The ideal option would be to purchase a professionally equipped table.

2. Before starting work, we lubricate and adjust the machine parts based on the instructions. It is necessary to check that she correctly scribbles a straight line. Sew for some time on an unnecessary flap to remove the remaining oil and not ruin the future work of art.

3. Then, you need to lower the teeth. In new machines, this is done with a lever, and in older ones, the needle plate is unscrewed and they are removed with their own hands. The foot is also removable.

4. Only a few stitches need to be studied in order to perform both the simplest stitch and skillful openwork embroidery. First, you need to learn how to sew a straight seam with adjustment of the fabric and sewing speed. We press the pedal of the machine as smoothly as possible. The stitches must exactly follow the intended contour. With the next line - the seams lie on the stitches already applied.

5. For those who are just learning how to work on a sewing machine, it is better to start working with a line of simple geometric patterns. The pattern is applied with chalk or soap.

6. For work, craftswomen can choose the material to their taste, but for those who are just starting to embroider, preference is given to dense types of materials that hold their shape.

7. The machine needle is selected according to the fabric: the denser, the thicker the needle. For example, for chiffon products, a needle number 70 is used, and for jeans - 100. There are many different needles for different types.

Basic seam technique

  1. The line "Valik" is the main one performed by the machine. To perform it, you need to apply a line along the edge of the pattern, attach an auxiliary lining thread with a few strokes of the needle, and placing it along the line, trim it, stitching alternately on both sides.

2. Seam "Eight" - a small line to fill in the background of the canvas and small details of the pattern.

3. Seam "Beaded" - looks like a frequent small spiral line that fills the background of patterns, and also serves to frame the contours of volumetric parts. At the beginning, you need to lay a line once, then, returning back, another line - so go back and forth five times. This creates multiple stitches in place.

Which threads to choose?

  • Threads in polyester spools
  • Viscose
  • Cotton threads (mulina)
  • Cotton (for bottom stitches of satin stitch and openwork)
  • Melange threads

Embroidery is divided into single-color, multi-color and tone. We recommend doing colored sewing in daylight, as this will make it easier to match colors. It is necessary to achieve the equivalence of each color in it, so that each of the shades complements each other favorably.

  • Summer clothes decorated with machine embroidery look especially beautiful.
  • For relief, the line is laid so that the bottom thread is slightly thinner than the top.
  • Watch the thread tension. When performing openwork, both are pulled very carefully, and with a satin stitch, the upper thread is loosened. The lower thread is adjusted with a screw on the hook. Do not forget about the presence of a small spring in the screw, since without it the shuttle will not work.
  • When working, the ends of the threads will appear. They are pulled to the inside of the product, fixed with a knot and cut off with scissors. Loose threads will fall into the hook and spoil your appearance, in the process of work they will be attached and it will no longer be possible to fix them neatly.

Advantages of machine embroidery

  • Strong and durable - it behaves perfectly when washing, regardless of temperature;
  • Fast in execution - unlike manual, we spend a minimum of time, but this does not affect the quality in any way, the machine one is just as good;
  • Diversity - using this method we create canvases of varying complexity, photographs on any type of fabric;
  • Looks expensive - gives the impression of manual, more aesthetically accurate and attractive;

Develop your area of ​​​​interest in needlework, and then you will amaze others with your art. Always an interesting hobby at all times.

For a clearer idea of ​​​​embroidering on a sewing machine for you, videos are attached.

To decorate the product, when making a narrow satin-finished bead along its inner edge, a “mound” or “beaded” seam is often made, so called because it looks like a chain of beads.

This stitch is very often used in embroidery and serves as both an addition and a main stitch in some types of embroidery (when stitching a contour and for making floral ornaments).

With the first method of embroidering with a beaded stitch on a machine, the embroidery looks like small knots embroidered with satin stitch. The technique of making a beaded seam with knots is that, while making a small stitch, the needle is pierced three to five times at two points located at a distance of 1 mm from each other, and thus the knot is embroidered with satin stitch. Then they scribble with a small line and, making the next knot, close almost the entire line, and so embroider until the end of the row. The next row of knots is placed between the previous knots in a checkerboard pattern. This method of embroidery with a beaded stitch gives a somewhat convex embroidery. It is good to use it to decorate a dress in combination with artistic smoothness.

It is also good to use it for embroidering the cores of flowers: roses, daisies, cornflowers, poppies, chrysanthemums, etc. To embroider linen with a beaded stitch, you need to take the thinnest line silk. Of course, a beaded seam alone does not give an effect; it must be combined with a white or artistic satin stitch. For example, when embroidering a leaf, you can embroider half of the leaf with satin stitch, and sheathe the other half along the contour with a narrow satin stitch roller and fill it with a beaded stitch (Fig. a).

With the second method of embroidering with a beaded stitch on a machine, the embroidery looks like a small line with curlicues. This seam looks very impressive in combination with a white surface. The “curl stitch” must be positioned so that the entire fabric is covered with a beaded stitch. The second row of curls should cover the edges of the first row (fig. b). In colored artistic embroidery, you can use a beaded stitch "curl stitch" to embroider the background. It is very convenient to pour different colors of stock with a beaded seam, as it crumbles into small specks, and you can easily pour up to five tones into one spot without a contrasting transition from color to color. It is good to embroider vegetables, fruits, hearts in flowers with a beaded seam “curl stitch”. Combining it with artistic and fast satin stitch when embroidering landscapes and portraits is very impressive. In the decoration of the dress, this seam is used for embroidery with a dense brocade thread. Brocade metal thread is wound on a shuttle bobbin, and the tension of this thread should not be tight. The drawing must first be embroidered with artistic satin stitch, and then stretch the fabric on the hoop with the wrong side up and embroider on the wrong side with silk of the same color as the brocade; the brocade thread will lie down on the front side of the embroidery. Embroidery in this case looks light, openwork.