The combination of brown in clothes. Brown color in clothes: combination rules

There is no brown in the chromatic circle, this color is not spectral. It is formed by mixing red with green, orange with blue, yellow with red and purple, and other combinations. Shades of brown are dark and light, warm with a yellow or orange component, and cold, obtained with the addition of blue. Let's figure out which of them and how they are combined in clothes with others, and each color type of appearance will choose the right shade for itself.

There are rules that determine what tones this noble color needs to be supplemented with in order to get an excellent result. Knowing how tones of brown are combined with each other and with other shades will help to create elegant stylish sets.

World catwalks, manufacturers of shoes, bags, leather accessories do not do without brown, more often it adds luxury to replace black.

The color got its name from the words “bark, cinnamon” and is associated with the earth - dark black earth, clay soil, sandstone, autumn foliage. Its presence in clothes gives the image sophistication, nobility.

AT brown clothes people feel protected, because, according to psychologists, color helps to equalize the emotional background. The colors of the earth are chosen by people striving for elegance, in need of coziness, peace, and psychological comfort.

The noble color is ideal for business communication and makes you perceive an employee in a chestnut suit as a serious person. A set made up entirely of things painted in dark shades of brown looks quite gloomy. To add a cheerful touch to the clothes and make the combination of things exquisite, the set is complemented with things and accessories of a different color, they make up an original beige-pink-brown combination, combine cold brown tones with the cold half of the chromatic palette, and warm with warm ones.

Combining with other colors

Brown with black

It is always in doubt whether to choose brown shoes or a bag for black clothes, but in vain. As you can see in the photo, clothes in such a combination look noble and interesting. Add other contrasting shades to this combination, this will dilute the muted tones.

Brown and black combination

Brown with blue, blue

Calm cozy colors of the earth and cold blue are well combined in clothes. business style. Their presence nearby is as natural as heaven and earth. When compiling a set of clothes casual style to give the image of freshness, lightness, dark blue is replaced with a lighter one. Pale blue, light blue brings a touch of romance to the image, so young girls like to wear sets with this combination.

To create an elegant, memorable set of clothes, the application of the rule will help: shades of dark blue are in harmony with light brown, and dark brown with light blue.

The combination of chocolate and blue is one of the most creative. Dark chocolate things look spectacular with turquoise and sky blue, while red is combined with rich blue. Combining the cold tones of blue with brown, it is possible to emphasize the purposefulness of a person, his nobility and purity of thoughts.

According to the originally composed outfits proposed in the photo, you can see how beautifully, harmoniously the tones of the earth and blue are combined and learn how to select them, find out what accessories are fashionable to wear with sets made up of a duet of colors.

Brown with white

The clothes often combine tones of brown and white. The predominance of white helps to give the ensemble more freshness. If you need to dilute a simple combination, pink-chocolate or a third color is introduced into the clothes, which is combined with the things of the set and attracts attention - orange, turquoise.

The images are selected in the photo, thanks to the accessories they have become bright and memorable. Here you can learn how to complement formal suits with a third color and choose it.

Brown with beige

When drawing up an outfit, you can combine the tones of the earth. The combination of dark with beige - light brown with a creamy component, helps to achieve the harmony of the image. Warmth emanates from a person in a beige-chestnut outfit, it is pleasant to communicate with him and you can relax. The duet of colors is self-sufficient, and it is not worth introducing a binder color into a set of clothes. You can achieve greater expressiveness of the image by playing with the texture of fabrics.

Light gamma classical style is built on the basis of beige-gray, beige, wheat. Pastel colors are selected for it - ash gray, bleached blue, peach, camel, wheat and brighter red, blue, lingonberry.

There is a beige-brown and in a business style outfit. Usually in the office women's clothing there are no more than 4 colors. Best Option when there are 2-3 of them in the set and among them there are beige-chocolate, gray, black, dark blue, white. Middle emotional tones of brown, burgundy, ash blue, sand are also welcome in the outfit.

Brown with green

Color can enhance the beauty of a person. If the eyes are green or brown, the hair is dark, and the skin has an olive tone, you must definitely use brown in clothes. green color. Such a union is dictated by nature itself, a combination of natural natural tones allows you to create original casual style sets, ethnic costumes.

The cold tones of green bring coolness and freshness to the ensemble, emphasizing the warmth of the shades of the earth. With each brown, you can create a spectacular pair - with light green you get a natural, restrained combination, with dark green - elegant. You can add pink-chocolate to the kit, the presence of which will make the image original.

The color of the earth and green are combined harmoniously, most people perceive their unity positively and have a calming effect. Brown and green in pairs are used in camouflage clothing, which is convenient to wear on hikes and on vacation, in sets and for fashionistas.

The wide possibilities of combining natural tones, and what different images stylists create with them, can be judged from the photo.

Brown with red

The presence of juicy red excites, bringing energy, strength. inherently daring, brave women- such a symbiosis looks bright and attracts attention. You will not wear a set with bright red clothes to work in the office. But with other shades of red, you can make an ensemble for work. To do this, instead of dark chocolate, preference should be given to light things - beige, light brown, the color of baked milk or light khaki. The created image can be muted if neutral black, white, gray are included in the kit, which is combined with all tones. color palette.

In a business look, red can only be an accent, and for the main things of the set, you need to choose shades that are combined and less aggressive.

When completing things, you need to combine shades of brown and red, which are formed from the same red color family. The cool tones of brown, derived from the purple parent, are combined with cool shades of red, and the warm brown of the orange parent is combined with warm shades of red.

Stylists recommend combining things whose shades are only cold, or in which a warm color is combined with a warm one, and the ensemble will turn out to be harmonious, elegant. If in one set you combine cold and warm shades, the image will become unnecessarily catchy. Such an outfit from things not the most successful combination It is permissible to wear only in everyday life.

Vivid images of women in brown, chestnut, beige clothes, complemented by red things, attract attention. They make you admire yourself in the photo.

Brown with pink

Romantic girls can wear blue instead of red. The combination of light chestnut with delicate shades makes the image touching. The pastel set helps to emphasize the fragile female nature that needs to be protected and loved.

For clothes close to red in color, a combination with green, pink, purple and blue, dark brown is suitable. Capricious pink gets along well with the bleached color of the earth, beige. The ash tone of pink is effectively combined with both dark and beige-chestnut shades.

The muted color of dried rose, ash pink can be worn by ladies of the most different ages and use to create elegant outfits. Warm pink-ash is in harmony with brick, red and other shades of the earth. A delightful combination in which cold pink-ash complements the range of beige, gray, pink-brown, chocolate.

Beige-chestnut is combined with salmon, their union creates an attractively gentle combination. A set of such clothes can be worn in everyday life, used for informal meetings.

brown dress

Brown is chosen in clothes by both serious people who follow thoughtful, balanced decisions in life, and cheerful, emotional because many shades of the earth are combined with a large number of tones of the color palette. So the brown dress attracts a variety of women. After all, from a noble palette you can choose an exquisite Evening Dress, strict business, practical for every day.

The rosy-brown tone is simply made for the dress - the soft tone obtained by combining two colors enhances the femininity of the image. A lot of pink in color is liked by romantic young ladies and supporters. retro style, boho. The predominant ash tone creates a brightened range and soothes. This pink and brown dress is suitable for street style, casual. The image in the dress can be complemented by an ash jacket, if the set needs to add colors, pick up things with other, darker shades of the earth or aquamarine, pistachio, mint

The options proposed by stylists for complementing dresses with things and accessories, the color of which is combined in the image, can be seen in the photo. Here you can see how different the models are, the colors and textures of fabrics chosen for them. After all, there are many reasons to wear a dress.

In this article you will find tips on how to wear brown: a coat, blouse, trousers, jacket and other clothes, as well as recommendations on how to choose the right shade of brown for yourself, depending on the color type and figure.

Brown has long been considered a sign of a modest lifestyle or even poverty, since the clothes of peasants and artisans, that is, the working class, were most often brown. However, in the twentieth century, the attitude towards brown changed and it became one of the most popular shades along with classic black.

Brown reached its peak of popularity in the 1960s and 1970s, during the hippie era, and then fell into oblivion for a while. The last decade was marked by a new wave of popularity of various brown shades, which are actively used by many designers to create their fashion collections.

Although at first glance it seems that brown belongs to the category of so-called neutral colors that are combined with any other shades, in fact, this is not entirely true. If you mix all the shades of the rainbow together, you get a dirty brown hue. Therefore, in fact, brown is not completely neutral, so you need to combine it with other shades much more carefully than the usual black.

Choosing the right brown shade

Many women feel that there aren't many variations of brown because they don't appreciate the different nuances of each shade. Such an inattentive attitude towards brown often contributes to complete disappointment in it, since clothes of this shade often make the skin of the face sallow and dull. However, at right approach to the selection of colors in clothes, taking into account the type of appearance and structural features of the figure, you can choose the brown shade that will look just gorgeous on any individual woman.

The fair sex, who boasts fair skin in warm peach tones and blonde hair or, simply put, refer to color type "spring", you need to be very careful when choosing clothes in brown, since almost all its shades can give them excessive roughness and make the overall look somewhat masculine. The only exception is a combination of light brown with a sky blue or milky beige tint, and then it is desirable that only the lower part of the outfit be brown. However, in most cases, "spring" women should still limit themselves to various accessories and shoes in brown shades, and choose clothes in softer and lighter colors.

"Summer" women with fair skin in cold tones and blond hair brown is also not very good, except for such unusual shades as taupe and blue-brown. The stronger the contrast between skin and hair in such women, the more boldly they can include the brown shades listed above in their wardrobe.

For women belonging to color type "autumn", brown color is one of the most successful, and therefore clothes of such shades can even form the basis of their wardrobe. “Autumn” women can choose any brown colors, however, warm brown shades with a reddish, reddish, honey, golden or burgundy tint are most suitable for them. Only those shades that are shown to the "summer" color type - gray-brown and blue-brown should be avoided. Since women with an autumn type of appearance categorically do not suit the classic black color, its most successful replacement is dark brown shades that can be combined with light brown colors in any interpretation.

Representatives color type "winter" it is quite difficult to make friends with brown, because they go with more contrasting colors without any halftones. For women who fit the subtype " cold winter”, that is, those with very fair skin and dark hair, not only clothes, but also brown accessories are categorically contraindicated, but for those women who can boast of dark or even swarthy skin with dark hair, that is, they belong to the “warm winter” subtype , as the main colors of the wardrobe, it is quite possible to choose very dark brown shades like dark chocolate, dark coffee, bronze and brown interspersed with dark cherry or burgundy red shades.

Despite all the difficulties of choosing a brown color depending on the color type of appearance, he is very loyal to any figure, you just need to choose the right shades of this color. Yes, graceful and petite women you should choose lighter and warmer shades of brown, such as rusty, ocher, as well as browns with red, golden and yellow tints. Such colors will help thin women to give volume to the hips and overly slender legs, or, conversely, to emphasize the fragility of the shoulders and the elegance of the neck.

Women with a sporty toned figure you can wear clothes in a variety of brown shades, which can even be combined with each other, choosing a darker brown bottom and a lighter top.

The fair sex with a feminine figure, which is also called « hourglass» , you should be careful in choosing brown shades for both the lower and upper body. Such women are best suited with trousers or a skirt made in dark brown colors without any interspersed with others. bright colors by the type of red and orange, but as a top, you can choose clothes of any light brown shades.

plump women you can wear outfits exclusively in dark brown shades, made of matte fabrics of medium density without any shine and decoration with sequins, sequins and other similar elements. However, in order to emphasize the magnificent breasts, you can sometimes wear a blouse or top made of light, almost weightless fabrics in light brown shades.

What to wear with brown pants or a skirt

AT modern society there was an opinion that brown trousers or a skirt are an attribute of an exclusively business style, but in everyday life it is better to refuse them so as not to look too strict. To some extent, this statement is true, since classic straight trousers or a skirt made of suit fabrics in dark brown shades will really only be appropriate at work or during a business dinner, but free-cut trousers or a skirt made of light fabrics , may well become one of the main elements of the everyday wardrobe of a modern woman.

Classic brown trousers or skirt should be combined with jackets, jackets and cardigans of a similar shade, as well as shirts and blouses in light pastel shades, made from plain fabrics or fabrics with very small geometric or floral prints. It is also acceptable to decorate shirts. fine embroidery contrasting brown shades, as this gives the business look the necessary amount of femininity and elegance. Restrained classic shoes with a slightly pointed toe, a bag and accessories in dark brown or black shades.

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that with the help of the color in which we dress, we can control the mood - not only our own, but also those around us. By choosing certain colors for your wardrobe, you send information into space that can get on your nerves, excite your imagination, or, conversely, calm you down. A certain color can characterize you in the eyes of those with whom you communicate as a frivolous or serious person, cheerful or boring, emotional or reserved.

Today on site Stylish thing you will learn what it can say about a person, and at the same time how to combine brown with other colors to get the most sophisticated combinations.

Brown color in clothes from the point of view of psychologists

Brown is the color of the earth. We associate it with reliability, stability and naturalness.

The brown color is very cozy. Therefore, very often its various shades are used for interior decoration.

in clothes brown color is preferred by people who are responsible, strong, active, distinguished by strong convictions and a well-formed life position.

Brown color promotes emotional stabilization. Therefore, very often it is chosen by people striving for peace and psychological comfort. Sometimes a person begins to unconsciously dress in brown during prolonged stress associated, for example, with some unresolved problem or illness. In this way, he expresses his need for security and release from this burden.

Women who dream of a home or value its presence most of all in life are often lovers of brown.

However, many consider this color frankly boring and do not like to dress in it. Perhaps, in itself, he is not very cheerful. However, it can be participants in very interesting combinations - and even very positive ones.

Who and when suits brown

This color cannot be called absolutely universal. However, in the wardrobe of almost every person there are a couple of basic things in brown.

As practice shows, women of mature age give preference to brown, and not young girls. For brown, you need to "ripen".

Brown color looks great in a business setting. However, psychologists recommend "dilute" it with something - even if your company has a strict dress code. By itself, brown, especially its dark shades, contributes to the perception of you as a person who is overly serious and even harsh.

If we talk about clothes, then brown looks very good on woolen suits, as well as sweaters.

Wooden or ceramic jewelry, jewelry made in ethnic style, or classic yellow gold are harmoniously combined with it.

The brown color in clothes will especially advantageously emphasize the beauty of the spring and autumn type of appearance. The most successful case is if you have brown or green eyes, dark hair and olive skin. However, as already mentioned, the shades of brown are the sea, and if you wish, you can choose an option for any appearance.

How to combine brown in clothes

– Brown combined with gray or white- classics of the genre.

For such ensembles any will do a shade of brown, so it's hard to make a mistake.

It should be noted that this is a rather restrained color combination that characterizes you as a person of thoughtful, balanced decisions.

- Feel free to combine brown with soft pastel shades- for example, pink, light yellow, cream.

Such colors smooth out some of the roughness of brown, and in the ensemble everything looks quite organic.

- If you are a lover of a richer colors, you may like the tandem of brown with color sea ​​wave, purple or bright orange.

These combinations are unbanal, refined and positive.

Diluting the wardrobe in red, we always bring a little expression to our image. So don't let the combination of discreet and balanced brown with bold and passionate red scare you.

- The combination of brown looks incredibly fresh and elegant with turquoise. This ensemble characterizes you as a person who loves life, but moderately reasonable.

- As already mentioned, brown is a natural color.

Therefore, the combination brown with green looks as harmonious as fresh grass on the ground.

This combination has a calming effect and is perceived subconsciously by most people positively.

But you need to combine brown with a seemingly win-win black with extreme caution. These colors in one ensemble look too gloomy. If you really want to combine them, then choose light shades of brown for this - for example, coffee with milk.

Not the best idea - and the formation of an outfit exclusively from different shades brown. It is difficult to make such an ensemble complete - it will still require that it be diluted with something.

It is hard to disagree that brings a piece of elegance and nobility to the whole image. It's a sin not to use it. Choosing brown, you will look organic and elegant in any environment.

It's easy to be stylish! — Website for women Stylish Trick

As you know, the very name of this warm and pleasant color comes from the name of a famous spice. It was the unique shade that helped cinnamon to become the ancestor of a new color. But at the same time, it is important to know that brown is not included in the main palette, and you can get it only by mixing two pigments. For example, green and red.

In general, this color is one of the most popular in clothes and shoes for both men and women. This is especially true for autumn and winter images. In order to compose such images correctly and harmoniously, it will be useful for each person to know what colors are combined with brown.

In short, the color of cinnamon is combined with any natural natural shades. After all, he himself is one of them. At the same time, the darker the shade, the more elegant and solid the combination is.

For example, images that combine brown and green shades look very cozy and attractive. They are suitable for any time of the year. So outerwear brown color with the help of bright green details will be able to effectively emphasize and diversify. Look very interesting on brown coats, raincoats and jackets, for example, green belts, scarves, scarves, brooches and other accessories. Suitable for them, including shoes in the color of foliage and the same shade of the bag. In this case, the brighter the green color, the more interesting the whole image will turn out as a whole.

What other colors go with brown?

But do not be afraid to combine brown with brighter and more challenging shades. For example, with coral. Generally Coral color today is one of the most fashionable and sought after. Girls dress in bright dresses of this shade, and also complement their everyday looks with such accessories.

In this case, experiment with brown. The main thing is to make sure that there is not too much coral shade in the whole bow and it does not dazzle in the eyes.

And another advantageous combination is brown and turquoise (blue, mint). The darker the brown, the brighter the turquoise can be. By the way, such a neighborhood of shades will look very interesting not only on girls, but also on men. A turquoise shirt will refresh the whole image as a whole and help a boring brown suit or jacket play in a new way.

To look bright, stylish and unusual, you should not be afraid to fantasize, you should try on a variety of images.

Articles about the combination of brown in clothes

Brown color combinations

Green + brown, combinations

The combination of brown with coral (red)