Indian jewelry is the sacred meaning of stylish jewelry. Making DIY Oriental Head Jewelry Indian Style Head Jewelry

The history of the creation of Indian jewelry is one of the longest in the history of the world and is rooted in antiquity. The first jewelry created by the inhabitants of India during the period of the Indus Valley Civilization dates back more than 5 millennia.

Indian traditional jewelry in all its splendor and variety

Modern girls love to pamper themselves with jewelry. Wearing earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets on arms and legs, and sometimes belts around the waist, decorating the nose and navel with piercings, they do not think that the ways of wearing jewelry were once of particular importance.

Ethnic oriental jewelry is very popular today, especially among young people.

In every country, jewelry was given attention, but only in India did the wearing of jewelry become like a cult. Indian decorations, decorated natural stones, symbolize wealth and fertility, love and beauty.

The meaning of Indian jewelry

Indian jewelry is a national treasure, the culture of the country.

The East has always attracted with the charm and luxury of its jewelry.

Hindus put a lot of meaning into wearing them. The abundance of expensive jewelry does not look vulgar, but rather than more decorations clothes a girl, the happier and more beautiful she will be.

Oriental jewelry is distinguished by a special color, richness and variety.

Symbolism seeps into every detail of the costume. Magnificent embroidery on dresses personifies the divine principle, mystery and beauty of the soul.

The history of Indian jewelry is inextricably linked with the development of culture and spirituality.

Wearing a set of jewelry, each detail, whether it be rings, tika or Indian bracelets, strengthens different qualities. If you look at the picture, you can see that all the motives relate to nature - plants and animals. Knowing this, be careful when choosing Indian-style jewelry.

AT Indian culture almost everything is symbolic, every object, word, action and jewelry is no exception

Multiple image values:

  • Jasmine bud - fertility.
  • The snake is a new and eternal life, courage, fearlessness.
  • Leo - freedom, strength, greatness.
  • Ficus leaves - luxury, wealth, wealth.
  • Peacock - love, eternal life, beauty.
  • Fish are wealth.
  • Elephant - volume, confidence, power, sensuality, reliability.

What distinguishes jewelry from India

In India, there are many different jewelry schools and traditions in the manufacture of costume jewelry. The preference for gold and silver remains unchanged. Nature is a source of inspiration. Precious items are decorated with stylized floral ornaments that reflect all modern trends. A harmonious combination of modernity and classics makes it possible to wear Indian jewelry not only with traditional outfits, but also with modern evening dresses, as well as with jeans and T-shirts.

Indian national jewelry fits perfectly into modern street fashion

Every Indian woman, especially a married woman, has such adornments as teak, rings for hands and feet, Indian bracelets for wrists, forearms, ankles, indian earrings in great variety.

Indian bracelets for hands
Indian ankle bracelet

Basically, these products are made of gold and silver. Also in the treasured box you can see Indian, chic belts embroidered with gold threads and natural stones, necklaces, chains, pendants.

Indian gold necklace

A feature of all jewelry is symmetry - an organic combination of ornament, decoration various stones and enamel, harmony fills the whole product.

Wearing jewelry on one or another part of the body, a woman strengthens the points of energy centers (chakras).

Indian jewelry is a real religion

Therefore, wearing jewelry on all open parts of the body is considered the norm, the rule and the strengthening of spiritual values.

Shringar decoration

Shringar - a set of 16 jewelry for an Indian woman. Featured with a rich pattern implying the beauty of youth, motherhood and perfect woman. Shringar has a connection with the goddess Sri Lakshmi, personifying good luck, beauty, fertility and prosperity. For Hindus, 16 is a magic number associated with the age when a girl is in the prime of life and beauty, as well as with the lunar cycle. Wearing Indian jewelry married woman lures prosperity, luck, success for her husband into her house.

Shringar is the Indian canon of beauty.

The more jewelry a woman wears, the happier and stronger the family becomes.

The Indian family is known throughout the world as one of the strongest

Shringar jewelry includes:

  1. Khaara - beads, necklace and necklace around the neck.
  2. Karn Phul - "flower in the ear", or massive Indian earrings in the shape of a flower or fruit branch.
  3. Sringarpatti is a bridal outfit. It is worn around the head and crowned in the center of the forehead with a massive plate inlaid with stones. Tika is its simplified version.
  4. Nat - decoration in the nose. It looks like a ring or hairpin, decorated with stones and a chain attached to the hair behind the ear.
  5. Tika - a pendant for parting hair. It looks like a chain falling to the center of the forehead and decorated with a pendant at the end. Says that the woman is married.
  6. Kohl - black eyeliner, designed in the form of an arrow.
  7. . It is used to attract happiness and protect against bad luck.
  8. Sindur is a decorative red powder, which is parted in the hair. Used by women in marriage.
  9. Bindi - a decorative point between the eyebrows, symbolizes the third eye.
  10. Baajuband - Indian bracelets or forearm bandage with floral ornaments and an amulet. It is a protective amulet against the evil eye.
  11. Arsi - a thumb ring with a mirror.
  12. Keshapashacharachna - a hairstyle, often made from a braid and decorated with flowers.
  13. Kamarband is a belt worn over a sari. Decorated with precious stones. Keys are put on the belt, which symbolizes the transfer of the rights of the mistress of the house from the mother-in-law to the daughter-in-law.
  14. Bracelets for hands - made of gold or silver, ivory, glass or coral. Churi - thin Indian bracelets of the bride and wife. Dress up for 8, 12, 24 pieces.
  15. Toe rings - made of silver, decorated with bells and worn in pairs on each leg.
  16. Sari is a classic Indian clothing, a piece of fabric 1.2 m wide and up to 9 m long. The sari is wound in a special way on the body over a blouse (choli) and an underskirt (pavada).

How and when to wear jewelry from India

Costume jewelry is worn by women with or without reason. You can combine richly decorated expensive Indian earrings with a simple teak chain, wear Indian bracelets on your hands and feet at the same time. Wear attire for solemn events, for a daily walk, or a trip to the store. It is enough to put on rings on a couple of fingers, a necklace and Indian earrings, and it will completely enliven both everyday and classic style clothes.

Indian jewelry adds a touch of color to any outfit.

In summer, they do not wear bright and massive products. Choose jewelry made of silver, with stones of a delicate color. Let there be minimalism - it can be elegant teak, or Indian bracelets on the wrist. Leave massive necklaces, belts and chic bracelets for winter period, especially if they are inlaid with large stones.

Indian jewelry will help to make unique image

Jewelry from India looks organically with the wardrobe of a modern girl. So, massive earrings can be worn with a strict dress, including a classic little black, just choose earrings with pearl trim.

Oriental image of Jennifer Lopez is complemented by jewelry in Indian style

Bracelets go well with jeans and elegant dress. These can be large bracelets or several thin ones, or even a combination of them. If you wear a necklace, then you can wear several products at the same time, just keep in mind that they must be combined with each other. Indian jewelry in modern fashion- an original accessory that will not go unnoticed

The influence of jewelry on a woman

Jewelry is perceived by Hindus not only as costume jewelry, but also as medicinal products, religion and faith. For example, a nose ring relieves the pain of childbirth and prevents the wearer from being hypnotized.

Indian nose ring

Rings on the fingers activate the brain, and on the toes they regulate the menstrual cycle. It is preferable to wear silver items on your feet, as energy from the earth passes through them into every cell of the body.

Floral design embodies femininity, grace and draws attention to the sensual points of the body.

Tika is an ornament that touches the forehead, and special attention should be paid to this point, since spiritual energy can penetrate the body through the amulet on the forehead. It is believed that a stone touching the forehead gives the bearer wisdom, knowledge. Each woman decides for herself what her teak will be like and what stones it will be decorated with.

When wearing jewelry, remember that there is a connection between the material of manufacture, the color of the stones, the place where the jewelry will touch the body. All this affects a person and can bring a positive or negative effect.

The beauty of a woman is her strength. In India, there are certain canons by which female beauty is determined. Shringar includes 16 elements, each of which corresponds to one of the phases of the moon. Jewelry in India has a certain classification. There are decorations for the temple, there are spiritual, and there are for the wedding.

Types of Indian Jewelry

Temple decorations most often carry the symbolism of the god Ganesha, who personifies wealth, good luck, as well as the symbol of holiness - OM.

Ornaments spiritual or astrological - these are 9 stones that correspond to the planets. The Moon is represented by a pearl, the Sun by a ruby. The emerald represents Mercury, the diamond represents Venus. The symbol of Mars is red coral, yellow sapphire and blue correspond to Jupiter and Saturn. Hessonite symbolizes Rahu, and cat eye- Ketu.

As for wedding decorations, Lakshmi, the goddess of fertility and prosperity, is sung here. It is symbolized by 16 elements of jewelry.

16 Shringar elements

Bindi is the point between the eyes. Not big size. It symbolizes the third eye of wisdom, intuition and higher knowledge.
Tika is a parting pendant that falls to the center of the forehead. It is worn by married women, demonstrating their status.
Anjana or Kolya - black eyeliner connecting the arrows. The look acquires a special sharpness and expressiveness.
Sindur-dana is a bright red powder that the groom applies along the bride's parting. This process symbolizes the status of marriage. Red is the color of fertility and feminine energy.
A nat is a nose ring or other decoration. It is considered a very seductive element. Nat has various variations.
Earrings karn phool. The literal translation means "a flower in the ear" and symbolizes a high spiritual and social status.
Mangalsutra is a necklace-amulet. It is made of gold and black beads and contains the vows of the newlyweds.
Mehendi is a pattern on the hands and feet of the bride, which is done with henna. Draw it on the eve of the wedding. And the henna that remains needs to be buried - so that the husband is faithful.
Banjuband - a bracelet with an amulet. Put it on just above the elbow. Protects from envious glances.
Churia are the bride's bracelets, most often red. They put on 812 or 24. A married woman does not leave the house without these bracelets.
The aarsin ring is put on the thumb. It has small mirror. The bride looks at the groom in it.
Kamarband is a golden belt with precious stones. A key is attached to it. This means that the mother-in-law passes the reins of power to the daughter-in-law.
Kashapasharachana is the hairstyle of the bride with flower decoration.
Bichua, soldered - anklets and rings. Silver bells were attached to them.
The main attribute of the bride is a red sari. It is embroidered with golden threads.

DIY Indian Jewelry

In India, craftsmen create almost all jewelry on their own. They embroider saris, draw on their hands. In order for the decoration to be correct, to carry the necessary energy, it must be made according to all cannes. Therefore, if you want to learn how to create them, contact the real craftswomen in the temples.

They carried a certain mystery and charm. Women with their help create a mysterious, unique image, emphasizing their individuality and beauty.

Decorate your head in an oriental style or create jewelry with your own hands

The concept of beauty combines harmony inner peace and external attractiveness. In different eras, each nation had its own ideas about beauty and its beauty. For example, in Africa, the standard female beauty fullness and a very long neck were considered. Excessive thinness told the groom about poverty and sickness.

The standard of female beauty in Africa

In Europe, the female ideal in different times changed noticeably from lush appetizing forms, crinolines and corsets, to modern mini and graceful forms.

European beauty

In the East, the canons of beauty, as a rule, have been preserved for centuries. The combination of elegance, brightness, miniature and brilliance is a traditional axiom of oriental beauty, which is necessarily embodied in jewelry.

Oriental beauty and grace

Oriental Jewelry Traditions

Due to the fact that the East combines Arab traditions, as well as the countries of China, India, Thailand, Japan and many other peoples, Eastern culture is many-sided and has a special charisma. National decorations, along with rituals, clothing, cuisine, are a valuable heritage. In the East, it has always been customary to decorate not only the hands, neck, but also the head and hair. These are all kinds of headbands, tiaras, fancy twisted crowns. Gold, platinum, silver, decoration with precious stones and pearls were used as materials.

Not only floral motifs were used, but also national symbols.

Oriental jewelry with floral symbols

In India, the obligatory decoration with which women covered their hair is tika (tika). It has an oblong shape, the main part of it closes the parting, and a pendant-pendant adorns the head in the forehead area.

It is believed that teak hair decoration helped to open the “third eye”, which was responsible for wisdom, inner harmony, peace of mind, and also protected from the evil eye.

Tika is an ornament worn only by married Indian women.

Another traditional decoration in oriental style is lalatika - a kind of tiki, consisting of many thin chains. This way to decorate the head helped to emphasize tenderness, fragility and femininity. The chains were decorated with pearls, colored beads, beads and fell smoothly on the hair.

Lalatika is a type of tiki.

Oriental jewelry has always been distinguished by a special color and a certain fabulousness. And today many fashion ideas designers draw from the mysterious oriental culture.

The East has always attracted with the charm and luxury of its jewelry.

In addition to bright colors, chic and brilliance, oriental-style jewelry is extraordinarily attractive in its unusualness and charisma. The ancient masters believed that the decoration not only reflected the status, but also had its own soul and character. Therefore, all products were made by hand, individually for each girl.

DIY jewelry

To create an exclusive little thing, while spending quite a bit of money, you can make an oriental hair ornament with your own hands.

Jewelry and women are inseparable

There are several simple ways make an interesting little thing for decorating hair.

Indian jewelry can fit into almost any look.

Creating a tiki. To make it yourself, you will need a pendant or pendant, beads made of small pearls or beads, dense threads or fishing line. To begin with, we thread the pendant or pendant into the thread and place it exactly in the middle. The middle part of the decoration, which will close the parting of the hair, is made of fishing line. First, we string beads on each side, string beads on the fishing line in the middle. Connect the ends together. Usually teak consists of three strands, but if you show your imagination, you can add many tiers with a variety of decor.

Indian jewelry self made help you create a stylish ethnic look

Do-it-yourself lalatika for hair in oriental style. To create it, you will need one thick chain (measured according to the volume of the head), connecting rings, thinner chains (you can different colors), pliers and round nose pliers. Also, when creating jewelry in an oriental style with your own hands, you often cannot do without special tools, such as round nose pliers or pliers. We close the main circuit in a circle using a connecting ring. Further, we begin to attach thin chains to the base as decorating elements. How to arrange them depends on the imagination of the craftswoman. You can add threads with beads, beads, rhinestones or stones.

Beautiful oriental headdress

Hair decoration with a bandage in the Arab ethnic style. This hair accessory is still popular today. With it, you can give the image ethnic notes. You will need a ribbon made of satin or other material, decorative elements (beads, stones, rhinestones, beads), an elastic band to match the ribbon and the same width, scissors. The decor and color scheme of the decoration on the head is chosen according to the personal preferences of the needlewoman. The ends of the tape are connected with an elastic band (sewn together). It turns out a bezel according to the volume of the head. Further, the master lets go of his imagination and decorates the ribbon with the most diverse decor to his liking. The result is a chic and exclusive product that can complement a luxurious evening look.

Fashionable turban in ethnic style
A scarf tied in an oriental style is a favorite accessory for many fashionistas.

All these examples of decorations are just a small fraction, reflecting the variety of fabulous Eastern traditions. Any handmade work is always exclusive and does not go unnoticed and admired. Decorations in oriental style are distinguished by their unusualness and richness of decor. Made by hand, they will be able to diversify everyday life, color the daytime look and add elitist notes to the evening look.

For the manufacture of such luxurious handmade gizmos, it will not take a lot of time or overwhelming financial costs. However, they are not one iota inferior to the jewelry works of famous world designers.

Beautiful decoration on the head with your own hands

Makeup, hairstyle and outfit in Indian style

"A woman without jewels is like a field without water"
"He who sees turquoise early in the morning will have a happy day"
Indian proverbs

According to old books, Indian jewelry is a kind of reflection of the inner world and well-being of the fair sex. It is with their help that she easily expresses herself. It's like in a dance when movements and gestures are used instead of words. Traditionally, such products were worn by all means for some reason or with a specific intention. For example, some things in women's attire play a protective role as amulets.

Nowadays, more and more women choose jewelry based on their preferences.
An elegantly dressed woman is the personification of the ideal beauty and mystery inherent in nature and music. Each part of the decoration is justified and consistently woven into the overall pattern of symbolic forms and images.

Nowadays, women choose jewelry based on their own preferences. But more recently, jewelry has been given more meaning. From jewelry, one could learn a lot about their owner, just like reading the text in a book. A special necklace "mangalsutra" will indicate the woman's marriage, bracelets - the number and gender of children, and the material of manufacture - belonging to a certain caste. So, for example, women from the upper classes had the right to wear gold ankle bracelets.

The love for jewelry among Indian women is pronounced. They prefer to wear accessories every day, but on holidays they put on all the best that they have.

Jewelry is perceived by the Indians not only as costume jewelry, but also as a remedy. For example, a nose ring relieves the pain of childbirth. Rings on the fingers help the brain work, and on the toes they regulate the menstrual cycle. Earrings are not only an elegant decoration, but also protection from evil spells, bad influences.

Indian women believe that love and prosperity come to the family with new jewelry. It is also a way to show the well-being of your family.

The variety of Indian jewelry knows no bounds. In addition to traditional earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces in a word, jewelry that we are used to seeing every day, there are also ankle bracelets, toe rings, forehead jewelry “bindi” and head “tika”, nose earrings, "Sarpechi" - decoration for headdresses.
Traditional Indian jewelry can be divided into several groups: Indian head jewelry, nose and ear earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings.

Hair ornaments

Decorating your long and luxurious hair is still considered a tradition in many countries.
Crowns and headbands, beautiful tiaras, chains and tiaras of bizarre shapes are favorite oriental jewelry.
Indian hair ornaments are perhaps the most exotic kind of accessories. They can be large and sparkling or, on the contrary, sophisticated, ornate forms, like thin flower stems.

Shringar Patti- jewelry made of gold and precious stones worn around the head along the bride's hairline.

Mang tikka, tika(shortened sringara patti) - suspension
ska, consisting of a chain with a hook at one end and a pendant at the other. It is worn, just like sindoor, in the parting. This is a thread of precious metal with or without stones, covering the parting of the hair and hanging on the forehead with a beautiful pendant.

Teak can have side parts also in the form of chains or more voluminous precious metal plates that are attached to the hair. This lalatika. It happens that lalatiki chains are decorated with precious stones. This speaks of the high status of a woman, of her position in society.

Tika is an ornament that touches the forehead, and special attention should be paid to this point, since spiritual energy can penetrate the body through the amulet on the forehead. It is believed that a stone touching the forehead gives the bearer wisdom, knowledge. Each woman decides for herself what her teak will be like and what stones it will be decorated with. In India, it is believed that each stone should be either a talisman or symbolize something. The meaning of the symbol is determined by the woman herself.
Putting on jewelry, a woman remembers that there is a connection between the material of manufacture, the color of the stones, the place where the jewelry will touch the body. All this influences tons per person and can bring a positive or negative effect

Jumar- Indian head decoration, characteristic of Central and Northern India. It is a pendant of pearl threads or chains, which are collected in the form of a fan. Unlike tiki, which goes down in the middle, the jumar is hung from the side and goes down at the temple or above the ear.

There are separate decorations for the braid.

- a metal flower fixed in the hair is always behind, on the back of the head
passa- side decoration for hair of an intricate shape, which can be both massive and almost weightless
herring- decoration on the tail or bun of hair. It looks like a rim of several thin metal threads, between which stones or figures are inserted.

Earrings (Karn Phul)

Karn Phul- earrings. Literally, a flower in the ear.
Earrings are especially popular among Indian women. They are worn even by little girls, of course, lighter and cheaper options are made for them.
Biggest ass Earrings in the form of flowers and fruits have been used for brilliance from ancient times to the present day. They reflect tenderness, youth, spiritual perfection, ingenuity, innocence - the main attributes of a female character.

Classic earrings in oriental style are multi-tiered candelabra earrings, which are also popular with modern fashionistas. They look like pendants with thin chains, decorated with coins, pearls, precious or semi-precious stones. Previously, such earrings were quite massive and heavy. Such earrings were supplied with a chain fixed in the hair or around the ear. Modern jewelry models are lighter, filigree and openwork. Such long and large earrings of a unique shape never go out of style.

Since ancient times in India, the earlobe has been regarded as a sign spiritual development and high social status. Among the distinguishing features of the Buddha and as a sign of his greatness is an extremely long earlobe. By all accounts, the earlobes of Homer and Aristotle had the same characteristics.

There is a close connection between the ears and sexual reflexes.
Earlobe piercing was widespread in all parts of the world. The purpose of the operation was not only a decorative decoration, but also the protection of the owner from evil influences. Earrings acted as talismans.
Today, it is believed that ear piercing is useful for improving vision and sharpening attention. The acupuncture point is located in the center of the lobe.

According to legend, earrings are a consolation in pain and suffering. The more decorative and expensive the earrings, the more comfort a person receives.

Jumki earrings (umbrellas)

Many people love Indian jhumka earrings. They are called Indian bells! Even in ancient times, the Hindus said that the Bell is the voice of God. When the bell is struck, the main mantra OM is pronounced. The religion of clothing and jewelry in India is closely related, as a rule, it is a symbol of the worship of the Gods. Jumki is a symbolic divine bell, i.e. the voice of God. Indians are firmly convinced that jumka earrings protect from evil. They bring good luck and prosperity.
Perhaps the most common earrings in India.

One of the most popular jewelry today is cuffs - originally Indian women's accessory. They are a special clip that does not require ear piercing.
Like any other earrings, cuffs are different sizes, and their feature and advantage is that they are attached to the entire auricle without pulling the earlobe. When worn, they are almost imperceptible.

Necklaces (Haara)

Haara is any necklace, beads, necklace

Necklaces are very popular Indian jewelry. They usually have a large volume and weight. A chain is attached to the massive and richly decorated front, which is fixed behind the neck. Such a necklace is almost dimensionless, it can be worn both tightly fitting the neck and lowered lower on the chest.
In everyday life, necklaces are not as massive as festive ones.
Most likely, the predecessor of the beads was an ordinary flower garland. But the aroma of many flowers, for example, jasmine, roses, has a clear erotic overtones.

Chandan haar- a necklace consisting of several strands of beads.

Champakali (champakali)- the necklace is stylized as the flowers of the champak tree strung on a thread, whose flowers symbolize purity and grace. Among the members royal family champakali was a symbol of status and descent, such rich decoration made it possible to showcase the largest and most expensive gems from their treasury.

Bracelets are on the arm, on the leg and on the forearm

Bracelets on hand

Bracelets symbolize powerful energy sun. They are made from any material that can be processed: terracotta, stone, shells, copper, bronze, gold, silver, etc.

Bracelets emphasize the gracefulness of hand movements and the grace of thin female wrists, which men consider very erotic and attractive. And the melodic unobtrusive ringing of the bracelets clears the space, pacifies the mind and attracts attention, making the woman the center and object of meditation. It is no coincidence that beautiful celestial dancers seduced the greatest yogis and ascetics, interrupting their meditation with the mere sound of their bracelets.

Very often there are Indian silver jewelry with an interesting ornament and inlaid with precious and semi-precious stones.
However, every day girls and women usually wear bangles- bracelets of different thicknesses made of plastic and metal.

Bracelets - churi (chura), kangana-It's two different types bracelets: churi- ringing thin bracelets, and kangana- massive, decorated with chains or stones

The most common are multi-colored glass chura bracelets. Nowadays, there are also plastic ones. As a rule, they are worn by women who are married and not the richest. This decoration is "for ordinary people."
There are two customs associated with the chur - when a guy proposes to a girl, he gives her a chur, a girl with such bracelets is a bride. And if a woman becomes a widow, then relatives break the chur right in her arms. From now on, she is not allowed to wear jewelry.

There are different beliefs in different parts of the country. Some Indian peoples believe that a woman can wear a golden bracelet only with glass ones, which contributes to the well-being and prosperity of her husband and sons.
The bracelet has evolved from being just an ornament to an important social symbol since ancient times. Now it is also a symbol of marriage. The hands of a married woman (and not only married), deprived of bracelets, is a challenge to the whole society, saying that there is no one to take care of her. The woman after the wedding and before that the bride must not be left bare-handed and must wear either red glass bangles or a pair of gold bangles. Some women are so superstitious that even when changing bracelets, they never leave their hand completely uncovered. They tie a piece of metal wire or the end of a sari around their arm until they put on a new set of jewelry. In some traditions, widows are not allowed to wear glass bangles.

- wrist bracelet with chains turning into finger rings

Baajuband (Baju). Shoulder bracelet. Previously, various shoulder bracelets for both women and men were amulets. Most of the time it's just decoration.

Bracelets for legs.

Payal (phayal)
- bracelets on the legs (usually silver) from thin chains to heavy hard bracelets with bells, are also required for the bride.

Hatphul- bracelets with rings are worn not only on the hands, but also on the legs.

Nose jewelry.

Nose jewelry in India is for women only.

Nat- a nose ring adorned with stones with a chain that is fastened in the bride's hair above the ear.
Nat is considered the most seductive decoration. In India, even rings are worn so large that they have to be lifted up while eating.
It is not necessary to pierce the nose. There are many jewelry in the form of a clip - nakebali. They are very popular.

The most common phul- (phul)(literally - a flower), this is a carnation, as a rule - without fastening. Most often, phool consists of only a pearl or a pebble. Well, or it is a small rosette - just a stylized flower. This is the safest piece of jewelry - dropped and dropped - but it gets lost often. In Delhi, a bead on a carnation is called a longa. Phul usually looks modest.
By decoration, you can determine where a woman is from: usually southern women pierce their nose on the right, and northern India - on the left.

The most traumatic decoration is called Bulak (boolak) and wear it not in the nostril, but in the nasal septum.

There are many castes in India who consider nose ornaments vulgar and never wear them at all. At present, nasal decorations are considered something of the common folk, even on major holidays they are not worn. Although classical dancers always decorate their noses.

We tend to think that the nose is solely responsible for the sense of smell. However, even the ancients knew that the nose is closely related to emotional sensitivity. Occultists have gone further and believe that the nose is the seat of the sixth sense.


Rings on fingers

- this is a large ring, with an insert in the form of a mirror, or simply with a stone that reflects light. They put it only on the thumb (the king of the palm) by which, according to palmistry, one can determine the character of a person. It is believed that the thumb is associated with reason, while the ring finger is associated with feelings. (This is where the tradition of wearing wedding ring on the ring finger)
The thumb is the king of the palm. In Chinese palmistry, the thumb is considered so important that it can often be used to determine a person's character, health and future. In Western antiquity, the thumb was considered a symbol of Venus and had a phallic meaning.
According to Indian legends, what a person sees immediately after sleep affects the whole day ahead, so the first thing a girl should look at is her own reflection.

Separate gold rings or jewelry from the central medallion and 8 chains are put on the other fingers, three of which are attached to the bracelet, and five to the rings - such a bracelet with chains is called paña
For ordinary life, jewelry can be simpler - a bracelet and one chain with a ring.

Bichiya - rings on the toes

Bichiya is worn only in pairs.

Rings are made of silver, usually decorated with bells.
It was believed that this decoration can make a woman more desirable and beautiful.
Often a toe ring is attached to an ankle bracelet.

Wedding decorations

A special place is occupied by jewelry that a girl puts on for a wedding - they indicate her already married position. In the past, it was jewelry made of gold or silver, but today pearls and diamonds have come into fashion. The bride's jewelry cannot but arouse admiration - it is fabulously beautiful and incredibly difficult for us to understand. Each item has a special purpose, each is extremely important.
A wedding in India is a celebration of a lifetime for the coming families. Buying is not accepted. Often, not only personal jewelry is used, but also all the jewelry of the family. Therefore, the weight of a wedding dress can reach several kilograms, but the girl looks like a real princess.

Indian wedding decorations are included in a special set of 16 different items and symbolic attributes. All of them are designed for different parts of the body, have their own meaning and principle of wearing. This set includes not only jewelry, but also a certain principle of applying makeup, as well as a sari.

Shringar- this is the name of the complete decoration of a woman. It includes 16 attributes associated with the sixteen phases of the moon.

Name Shringar associated with Sri Lakshmi- the goddess of female beauty, good luck, prosperity and fertility, the ideal wife of Vishnu.
In the spiritual world, the demigods are eternally 16 years old. This is the most beautiful and energetic human age. At the age of 16, the girl has all the perfections, she is at the peak physical development. Her nature is to play, look for new experiences, charm everyone around. Her innocence attracts, everything about her is true and good.
So 16 is a special number.

1. Bindi

Bindi is a small decorative dot in the center of the forehead between the eyes. In metaphysical language, it is the place of infinite potential from which all manifested existence arises. This is the mystical third eye - the channel of wisdom and sublime intuition, divine knowledge. The eyes are often compared to the sun and moon. Another symbolic meaning is fire. The two eyes can only see past and present. The third eye is empowered to see the future.

2. Sindoor (Vermilion)

Sindur is a deep, blood-red powder used to draw a red streak in the parting of the hair. This decoration is used exclusively by married women. Sindur is an important component in Hindu deity worship (pujas). Red is a symbol of fertility and the restoration of power, the female energy of Sati and Parvati. Sati is the ideal wife in Hinduism because of the sacrifices she performs to protect her husband's honor.
Goddess Parvati grants lifelong happiness to married women who part their hair with sindoor. In addition, it is believed that the applied sindoor helps to avoid problems with wrinkles and skin in general, and it also protects against evil intentions.
On a more practical level (particularly in India, where marriages are said to be made in heaven), the sindoor loudly and passionately proclaims a woman's status as belonging to only one man.
A woman's first experience with sindoor is during her wedding ceremony. The groom invites all guests to come and bless his bride.
When everyone gathers, he, under the words of blessing, performs sinduradana, that is, he applies sindoor on the head of his bride. Sometimes this ceremony is called "sumangali". Sinduradana is a hallmark of modern weddings in India.
Muslim women in India also wear sindur in their hair to signify their married status.

3. Teak

Earlier in India, teak was a symbol of a married woman. In our time, unmarried girls began to wear it. Tiki is still worn at wedding ceremonies. For the bride, this decoration is still a deeply symbolic thing.
These decorations are attached to the back of the head with a hairpin, while the pendant should fall exactly in the center of the forehead. This place is considered the home of the Ajna Chakra. Thus, a woman repeats her status as a married woman.
It is noteworthy that the ajna chakra is visualized as two petals. Her supreme deity Ardhanarishvara is half-man, half-woman. This means the ultimate connection where there is no duality.
From a tantric point of view, this means the union of masculine and feminine principles in nature at all levels, including the physical. Therefore, tika is a symbol of a woman who keeps the vows of marriage, giving new life clan and become part of it.

Muslim brides in India wear a different decoration - jumar, this is the same tika, but located diagonally.

4. Anjana (Kolya)

Kohl - part of the makeup - a wide black line around the eyes, where the arrows connect, giving a special sharpness to the look.
Every feeling of the heart is transmitted through the eyes. They can express reverence, sympathy, love, lust. Indian poets usually want to drown "in the depths of their beloved's eyes."

5. Nat

Nat - a nose ring adorned with stones with a chain that is fastened in the bride's hair above the ear.
Close links between the nose and sexual reflexes are known. In a number of European countries in the Middle Ages, the punishment for adultery was the amputation of the nose. In India, nat symbolized defloration.
Nat is considered the most seductive decoration, and a symbol of the wealth of the groom (husband).

6. Haara

Haara - necklace, beads, necklace.
The neck is one of the important mystical centers. Therefore, it is believed that the necklace attracts and preserves love, brings good luck, protects from the evil eye.
Among other types of jewelry, necklaces have always had the maximum magical charm. It was believed that a bright and rich necklace distracted the ill-wisher from the face of the owner and thus protected from the danger of the evil eye, hypnotic influence.

Mangalsutra- A charm in the form of a necklace with black and gold beads with two golden hemispheres in the middle is a marriage necklace, and earlier it replaced a wedding ring in India. It symbolizes a completed marriage and connects vows.
The groom puts it on the bride. Black beads should protect the newlyweds from evil and adverse influences.
In southern India, this necklace is called waist.
It symbolizes the unity of spouses and the magical protection that a woman gives to a man. This means that a man gives himself under the magical protection of a woman. The wife does not show her waist to anyone, so as not to bring trouble. If the thread of the necklace breaks, expect bad changes in the fate of your husband. In other words, the health and well-being of the spouse is entirely dependent on the wife.
It is not customary to wear Tali for show, on the contrary, for the sake of the well-being of her husband, a lady should hide him from prying eyes.

7. Karn Phul

Karn Phul are earrings. Literally, a flower in the ear. Symbol of status and spirituality.
Large earrings are very favorable for a married woman, they declare her status and power. Some earrings are so heavy that they have to be chained to the hair. By adding more and more decorations, a woman attracts well-being to the house.
Since ancient times, the earlobe has been regarded as a sign of social status and spiritual development. Earrings are not only an elegant decoration, but also protection from evil spells, bad influences. Nowadays, it is believed that piercing the earlobe at a certain point improves vision and sharpens attention, and wearing earrings brings comfort. Large earrings in the ears of a married Indian woman speak of her status and power. For some women, this status is so high that heavy earrings are attached to the hair with a chain.

8. Mehendi

Mehendi - henna drawing on some parts of the body - legs and arms. Painting before the wedding. According to tradition, the longer the henna lasts, the more privileges the wife has (she is released from housework until the henna has come off). According to tradition, the remaining henna is buried in the ground, this will help protect the family from male infidelity. Unlike a tattoo, it is a temporary decoration of the body and lasts about three weeks.
Mehendi is often used to propitiate Ganesh, the son of Shiva, who overcomes all obstacles and always
invited to a Hindu marriage ceremony. Ganesha is also very dear to the goddess of wealth and good fortune Lakshmi.

Mehendi means the power of love in marriage. The darker the mehendi, the stronger the love. Red is the color of fertility and power.

The drawing uses only floral ornaments, they symbolically connect a woman with nature, the concepts of birth, nutrition, growth, regeneration. Mehendi protects from evil spirits, misfortunes, diseases and even death.

9. Wrist bracelets

Poets call them shining tokens of radiant life, circles of light for a happy daughter and a happy wife.
The bracelet is an important part of the bride's jewelry in India. After the wedding, a married woman is required to wear bracelets - this is a sign of a married woman. They have many romantic and amorous allusions. The ringing sound of the bracelet indicates the presence of a woman, that she needs attention, that she is angry or wants to exchange glances.
It is believed that the bracelets on the girl's wrists are rings. happy life, the more of them - the more successful the girl will have a marriage. Indian girls tend to wear bracelets of 8, 12 or 24 on each arm symmetrically.
Interestingly, a married woman must wear bracelets without fail, otherwise it is believed that her husband cannot take care of his wife.


Baadzhyuband - bandage, bracelet t or thread with an amulet on the shoulder.
During the wedding ceremony, this decoration was supposed to protect its owner from the evil eye and the attacks of evil spirits.
Depending on the traditions accepted in the community, and on the status of a woman in marriage, a baadjuband can cover the entire upper part of the arm from the elbow to the shoulder. Baadzhyuband should sit firmly on the hand. Executed from various materials, richly decorated with ornaments. It is considered a symbol of impeccable beauty.


Arsi - a ring with a mirror, worn on the thumb.
According to legend, the first thing a woman should see when she wakes up is her face. To do this, you always need a mirror at hand. Such a sentinel ring protects the beauty and psyche of a woman.

12. Keshapashacharachna

Keshapashacharachna - decoration of hair.
Hair is related to the earth element as something solid and material; to the element of water, as they are free, fluid; to the element of fire, because they come from the furnace of the brain to the element of air, since they are light and can be carried away by the wind. Hair has a life of its own. They grow faster than all other parts of the body. They represent the connection between this world and the future. Hair is a source of vital and magical power. They form a crown around the head, the holiest part of a person. Hair was often offered to the gods as a sublimated human sacrifice.
Hair has tremendous power. And the longer the hair, the more carefully the woman protects them from other people's views, gathering them in a bun or braiding them, the more power they have. The Vedas say that a woman with long hair(the power accumulated in the hair) is so powerful that no man can resist her.
Braided hair is considered the most auspicious symbol. According to mythology, three lashes of hair in a braid represent the three most revered Indian rivers - Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati, as well as the trinity of gods - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
In order not to tempt men, women are prescribed to visit temples with their heads covered.
And in Europe, brides went before the wedding with a long braid. After marriage, the braid was gathered into a bun or hidden in a headdress, which meant a restriction of power and independence, new responsibilities.


Kamarband is a waist belt that holds and decorates the sari.
Protects the manipura chakra. Holds a bunch of keys, which means a symbolic transfer of power from the mother-in-law to the daughter-in-law, new powers and responsibilities.

14. Anklets- from thin chains to heavy, thick hard bangles. Sometimes bells are attached to anklets.

15. Bichia- toe rings

Bichiya is worn only in pairs.
Bichia must be on the second finger.

This is an adornment for married ladies.
Neither the image of the bride nor the wedding ceremony will be complete without this decoration. Myself wedding ceremony used to include the moment when the groom put the ring on the bride's toe.

The toes are decorated with rings, simple or complex designs.
they are worn in pairs on each leg. Usually they are silver.

Some rings are decorated with bells. Also, sometimes jewelry from a medallion with chains is put on the legs.

16. Sari.

This decoration deserves a separate story.
This is one of the most famous elements in the image of the bride. Traditionally embroidered with gold threads on a red canvas.

India is a country of lotus flowers and bizarre architectural ornaments, songs about sweet eternal love and freedom. All this is reflected in Indian jewelry, in the passion of jewelers for large gems, elegant metal lace, incongruous harmony and a riot of colors. Uniqueness and brightness are two words that fully characterize the style of jewelry art in India.

The history of Indian jewelry is inextricably linked with the development of culture. Narratives about them are found in works of literature, for example, in the epics "Ramayana" or "Mahabharata", images of people in paintings or frescoes, also with obligatory elements of decoration.

The first mention of Indian jewelry dates back to the fourth millennium BC. These were unique items of their kind, consisting of millimetric beads of gold, silver and other materials, connected in the form of long chains.

With the development of gemstone mining around 300 BC, the multifaceted brilliance of diamonds was added to the cold metal of jewelry.

But gold items with gems were the privilege of not only women, but also men. So in India, it is common for men to wear jewelry, such as earrings or bracelets. This is in a sense an indicator of masculinity, and, of course, belonging to a certain caste.

And for women, worst of times, this is the only thing she can take with her from her former married life, hence great amount jewelry worn at the same time.

But this does not mean that jewelry must be made of expensive components. On the contrary, in India it is customary to mix different textures in the manufacture of jewelry, for example, diamonds can harmoniously coexist with rough copper, coral beads, ivory and various non-precious stones and metals.

However, there have been two specific types of Indian jewelry, which are comparatively different from each other not only in execution techniques, but also in the materials used - Minakar and Kundan.


This is a technique for making jewelry using enamel coatings of metal. As a basis, gold is usually taken - for wearable jewelry, as well as silver - more often for luxury items, various caskets, photo frames. Color palette enamel is very diverse, sometimes a whole “rainbow” fits in a relatively small area of ​​\u200b\u200bdecoration.

This is painstaking and time-consuming work, therefore in India there are only three family schools of the “minakar” style, which are engaged in the manufacture of such products, however, the decorations are exclusive and quite expensive.


This is a technique for making pieces of gold, usually 22 or 24 carats, inlaid with precious stones.

A feature of Kundan jewelry is the unusual fastening of gems with the help of gold foil.

"Mena Kundan"

This is a combination of two styles in one piece of jewelry. One side of the jewelry has luxurious enamel colors, the other - wealth precious metals and stones. To prevent contact of the enamel with the skin, a velvet strip is placed under the decoration.

The variety of Indian jewelry knows no bounds. In addition to traditional earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces, there are ankle chains, toe rings, forehead jewelry "bindi" and heads "tika", nose earrings, "sarpechi"- ornaments for headdresses.

Indian jewelers still use the world of animals, birds and plants as inspiration. The motif of the image of lotus flowers, jasmine, leaves of certain trees, for example, pipal, is widespread. sacred tree life", fruits, as well as the sun and stars.

"Sarpechi" are made in the form of peacocks shimmering with colors of diamonds, rubies and emeralds. Jewelry is common in south India "thali", which is used in marriage ceremonies, and it looks like a golden chain with many symbolic pendants.

From Indian jewelry, you can learn a lot about the owner, just like reading the text in a book. A special necklace "mangal sutra" will indicate the woman's marriage, bracelets - the number and gender of children, and the material of manufacture - belonging to a certain caste. So, for example, women from the upper classes have the right to wear gold ankle bracelets.