DIY Easter crafts: a guide to master classes. Easter crafts Crafts on the theme of Easter

Every year everyone looks forward to the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection. Such wonderful event celebrate in a wonderful and colorful period, when spring comes into legal rights again and all nature wakes up from hibernation, pouring into a wide variety of colors and shades. Symbols such as Easter cakes, as well as Easter eggs, have become traditional even in those families that are quite far from faith and religion. This is not surprising, because such traditions can touch and touch anyone, even the most callous person, because. it is very gentle, beautiful and spring-like warm and joyful.

Let's all together try to create in our homes this incomparable festive atmosphere. Of course, you can go to the store and choose any decoration you like. However, there is nothing warmer and better than those decorative ornaments that we create ourselves, filling them with care and love. Moreover, this is a wonderful chance to make your home brighter, prepare it for the celebration and be inspired by bright and bright ideas. Involve your kids in the creation of bright Easter souvenirs and crafts, you will see, they will be delighted with such an idea.

Easter crafts for kids

Expecting this bright holiday, in fact, all family members take part in preparatory work. Of course, most of them are assigned to the mother, however, and the kids are happy to participate in the process. They prepare handicrafts and souvenirs for Easter with special enthusiasm, using paper, as well as other improvised materials.

Paper Easter Bunny

One of the most significant attributes of Easter are painted eggs and, of course, pastries. And the first craft that we will offer you to do with your child is an egg holder in the form easter bunny. It is very simple to perform, and it will take no more than 15 minutes in time.

For work, you will need two A4 sheets. In this case, you can choose absolutely any color that you like. All you need to do is study the diagram below and you will have wonderful egg coasters in the form of bunnies.

Children are happy to make such bunnies, you can also make such a coaster yourself to present to your beloved nephew or godson on a wonderful day Happy Easter.

The smallest

Even if you are not an experienced needlewoman, try to sew quite simple finger toys for small children. The most suitable material for such work will be felt. Who knows, maybe you will become the founder of a good holiday tradition. puppet show in your family.

Easter egg decoration

Decorative paints are the most common crafts made on the eve of the holiday. Ordinary eggs cannot be stored for a long time, but we really want the original decorations to amuse us with their appearance for as long as possible. And here Easter eggs come to the rescue, made from all kinds of improvised materials. They can be painted, decorated with various decorative elements in the form of beads, etc.

Decorative Easter egg decorated with paper

These instructions offer you the decor of an artificial Easter egg using paper “flakes”.

Even a child can make such an original testicle. This will take quite a bit of time, and the materials will always be at hand. The result will impress you, because it is not in vain that they say that everything ingenious is simple.

Prepare an egg-shaped foam base, various colored paper(it would be better if you find decoupage paper), glue, pins (important: they should not be English), and a 1.5 cm hole punch. If you do not have such a hole punch, you can make such circles by cutting them manually.

So, for starters, make a large number of paper circles and start decorating the foam base with them. Take the first circle and pin it with four pins to the top of the egg. The next circle must be overlapped with the first. Don't obscure the first circle too much, the second part should just cover one of the pins fixing the first circle. Secure the second circle with one pin at the very edge of the circle.

Now let's get to work on the third circle. It must be fastened so that it slightly covers the first two. Fix the pin at the intersection of the second and third circles. You should end up with something like the diagram below.

Continue to fasten the circles around the main part located in the center. All circles should slightly overlap the previous and center details. It turns out that each of the circles is fixed with two pins at the intersections of the parts on the right and left.

After you have completed the first row, go down a little, and in the same way begin to make the next rows. Each of them will slightly cover the previous one, only covering the pins that fasten the previous rows. You can see an example of this work in the photo below. The number of circles with each row to the middle will increase, and then it will decrease.

As for the last row, it does not need to be pinned. Just glue the circles on top of the penultimate row to cover all the pins. Now the original Easter egg is ready.

Unusual coloring of Easter eggs

For such original way coloring, in addition to eggs, you will need food coloring different colors, vinegar and plastic bags (one for each color).

The first step is to boil all the eggs until fully cooked. After they have cooled, tap them on a hard surface to form small cracks all over the surface.

Next, take the dyes and prepare the bags according to the number of colors available. Put the required number of eggs into the bags. For each of them, one tablespoon of dye is enough. Spread the paint evenly over the entire surface of the Easter eggs. You should end up looking like the image.

Leave them in this position for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, rinse the remains of the dye under running water and sprinkle the eggs with vinegar for a stronger fixation of the color.

Peel them off.

In such an easy way, you can get original eggs for the Easter table.

Easter decorations

Easter baskets

There are many options for making Easter baskets, and we will try to make some of them ourselves.

The first option implies beautiful fabric and ropes. You can choose a plain fabric, or you can choose an intricate pattern, appearance baskets will only get better.

To begin, cut your fabric into long pieces, sew them together into long strips, and work the edges to keep them from fraying. Now take a fairly thick rope, wrap a strip of fabric around it, periodically fixing it with stitches.

Now, from the processed rope, you need to build such a structure, which is illustrated in the image.

Wrap the rope of fabric and fix it with threads so that you get a fairly strong base. To give the craft the shape of a basket, start slightly lifting the coils of the rope, continuing to fix it with threads that match the fabric. When the basket is ready, make a handle from the same rope and sew it on. Now your Easter basket is completely ready.

The second option is a fairly common technique, which is most often used to create decorative balls from threads. Using it, you will get a very beautiful basket in which you can place small Easter souvenirs for little children.

Everything is simple here. You will need a balloon, knitting thread, glue, any fat cream and decorative elements for decoration.

Inflate the balloon to an egg shape and grease it well with cream so that in the future it will better separate from the threads.

Dip the threads into the glue and after they are well saturated, start wrapping them around the ball. Consider the layer of threads should be made thick enough, while the ball should practically not be translucent. When the work is done, leave it for a day until completely dry.

When the design is completely dry, pierce the ball with a needle and cut off the tail, let the ball itself remain inside for now.

Use a ribbon for decor: you can glue it along the cut, or around the circumference of the basket. Act at your own discretion. Fill the finished basket with sweets, colored eggs, bunnies, etc.

Easter wreath on the door

For the manufacture of Easter wreaths use a variety of improvised materials. Plant branches, wire, colored paper and more are perfect.

Traditionally, for such crafts, the following colors are chosen:

    red, symbolizing the resurrection of Christ;

    green is a symbol of new life and hope;

    blue - traditionally symbolizes faith;

    white, silver or gold - a sign of spirituality and purity.

Wreaths woven from natural rods will look most organically. The main thing is to pick up thin willow or birch twigs, it will be easiest for you to work with them.

First, soak all the branches in boiling water for a short time, so they will become more flexible and soft, and it will be easier for you to collect them in a circle. Weave all the branches together, gradually collecting them into a circle. Fix the finished base with a thread or decorative cord (string), and the wreath is ready.

You can decorate a wreath with anything you like: attach decorative colored eggs, flowers, make a beautiful bow of bright ribbons. On the lower part of the door wreath, you can plant a bunny, a nest with chicks, etc.

like this in a simple way we managed to create original decoration for our home, which will give good mood and the feeling of a bright Easter.

DIY Easter tree

The Easter tree is a kind of alternative to the Christmas tree, the decoration of which is taken quite seriously in many countries. And on this moment trees decorated with all kinds of Easter elements are gaining more and more popularity. Colorfully decorated trees are an excellent interior decoration on this bright holiday.

If you don't have a lot of time or a special desire to create intricate decorative items, decorate your Easter tree. It doesn't have to be as big and pompous as Christmas tree, it is enough to perform a small composition of twigs. Put in a little effort, and your masterpiece will fill the whole house with the appropriate atmosphere. In addition, your baby will also be very happy, especially if you invite him to participate in the process.

For the manufacture of similar tree you will need a vase or a small bucket, a large branch with many branches or a composition of small branches, earth (bricks, stones with mortar). The entire set of materials will depend solely on the desired size of the composition. Let's take a fairly large Easter tree as an example. By the same principle, replacing items with more suitable ones, you can make a smaller tree.

Place stones in the bottom of the bucket, place a tree on top and fill everything with mortar. When it dries, decorate the inside of the bucket with greenery, soil, moss, or other elements (can be artificial).

Next, paint the tree in White color and decorate it with decorative flowers. Choose your own technique. Additionally, hang artificial Easter eggs on the branches and your tree is ready. It is very important not to overdo it with tree decorations, because it should please your eye.

If you want to make a small arrangement, use a small vase in which you need to place a small arrangement of twigs. Use satin ribbons, feathers, flowers and dyes as decorations. A tree like this would look good on a windowsill, dining table, or coffee table in the living room.

Easter composition

Flowers and greenery must be present in the festive interior on the eve of Easter. So let's try to decorate your home by making bright and beautiful flower arrangements with your own hands.

To create such a masterpiece, prepare a beautiful dish (bowl), a floral sponge, as well as wire, glue, adhesive tape, scissors and all kinds of elements of floral decor. In this master class, there is a small plant with small leaves (it can be hedera, piperomia, etc.), decorative twigs, flowers, lettuce, marble chips, gerbera, as well as eggs, without which any Easter can not do table (in this case, quail).

First you need to cut the sponge, giving it the shape of the bottom of the bowl. Soak it in water, but do it evenly. Do not drown the sponge, let it absorb the required amount of moisture on its own.

Make some kind of lettuce leaves and attach them to long pieces of wire. Reinforce the base of the "bags" with duct tape and extend it to one end of the wire. To make the ribbon invisible, decorate it by wrapping it with greenery or other similar materials. There should be about 10 such branches. Now you need to glue a quail egg into each branch, using glue for this work.

Decorate the composition by sprinkling a sponge with marble chips. Form a general view, gradually inserting all kinds of plants, flowers. Finish the composition by inserting bags with testicles between the branches. If the wire is too long, you can cut off the excess.

Using all kinds of plants and flowers, you can get absolutely any composition that will harmoniously fit into your interior. Experiment by creating beautiful decorations for a bright Easter holiday.

I always associate Easter with the sun and light. With pleasure she painted testicles and made applications for her relatives. I liked to walk down the street and shout "Christ is Risen!".

Growing up, I began to understand what it is for me family holiday when there is peace and tranquility in the soul. The approach of spring and warmth is already felt, and a strong feeling is formed that something magical is about to happen.

The child also wants to instill respect for this holiday, and one of the stages of such education is to make crafts.

As we know that the symbols of Easter - the egg, the chicken - the meanings are symbolic and imply Life. In the Christian holiday there was no Easter Bunny. He came from Western traditions, but it's interesting to make him too.

With kids, it will be very easy to make paper crafts. She easily takes any form, so it will be interesting for the baby to work with her.

There are a lot of paper and cardboard ideas, so let's start with cute hare and chicken figures.

You can draw any shapes, or just a testicle, to which add eyes and a mouth.

We divide half of the figure with a horizontal line.

And from it at a distance of 1 cm we draw parallel lines.

Carefully start cutting. You also need to cut five strips of a different color 1 centimeter wide.

One edge of the strips of a different color must be glued. Tape or glue will work for this. If you have tape, then wrap it on the wrong side.

Thread the strips, alternating them with the main ones. Get the weaving technique.

All stripes should be the same width, then the result will look neater.

And here is another idea of ​​cute testicles, which are made in pockets for pets.

Paper stand in the shape of a laying hen. Very bright and themed piece.

Here, according to this template, you can cut out the laying hen and glue the stand itself.

An interesting version of the stand from the egg tray and cardboard chicken.

All with the same paper tray, you can make another version of the coasters.

The tray must be cut so that there is one separator and one place for the egg. In front of the separator, remove all unnecessary paper and backing.

Paint the workpiece white and glue the eyes, beak and scallop.

The diagram is shown below.

We cut out according to the template, bend all the allowances and side parts so that the basket can take a semicircular shape.

We glue the allowances and front sides pens.

For those who make postcards, I found such a cute chick. I could not pass by him, by the way, made in the scrapbooking technique. It was necessary to think of making button eyes like that.

For the next application, we will take a lot of multi-colored stripes and two sheets of cardboard. One will be the basis on which we will stick all the strips in order one under the other.

And in another sheet of cardboard, we will cut an oval in the shape of an egg and glue it on top of the workpiece.

From cardboard, we can also create such wonderful coasters in the form of bunnies. From cardboard cut out a strip 8 centimeters wide. We form a circle, having previously measured it in the widest part of the egg. And glue the sides with hot glue or connect with a stapler. Then we measure the bottom and glue it from below. It remains only to add ears and eyes.

Cute present is back in shape eggshell can be done in five minutes.

Use this template, which you can immediately send to print.

And any child will be delighted with a themed garland. Look how rosy and festive she looks, I immediately wanted to smile and start creating.

And here are the silhouettes of bunnies for cutting.

Make more preparations. Paper is better to take double-sided and thick.

We glue the tail, it can be made from cotton or strands and connect all the silhouettes.

You can create a funny and very simple congratulation on this bright holiday in the form of a postcard.

And a funny wreath for you to inspire. For him, you need to find tapes, disposable plate and many different backgrounds printed on paper.

To cut identical ovals, you will need a shape. These helpers are sold in craft stores or the cookie department.

On the glue, laying on top of each other, begin to form egg rows.

Paper ideas always exist great amount. As you can see, all crafts are created very quickly, and they are easy to dispose of if you do not want to keep them as a keepsake.

Easter crafts from felt

Chickens, baskets and testicles are made from felt.

I liked the idea when the fabric is shaped like an egg and decorated beautifully. Of these, you can fold a wreath or hang it on willows, thus making an Easter tree.

Attach loops or string to the blanks so that you can decorate willow or curtains with them.

The shape of the egg is very simple, but at the same time gives a lot of scope to the imagination.

See how the craftswoman came up with how to put blanks on skewers. So it is more convenient to hold them, and you can still stick them in the ground with flowers or put them in a vase.

In felt, it is important to seal the edges well so that the inner filling in the form of cotton wool or padding polyester does not climb out through the seams, otherwise the present will not look neat.

Felt comes in different thicknesses. Do not buy too thick, on such a testicle it will look rough and awkward. It is optimal to choose a thickness of 1.5 millimeters.

Crochet egg patterns

Incredibly beautiful crafts are obtained when the egg is crocheted. A delicate openwork composition on the table will immediately attract the attention of guests, and delight you with its beauty.

For inspiration, here are a few knitting patterns so that you can start preparing now.

You can simply alternate double crochets of different colors or use one of the patterns below.

Here are three more knitting patterns. They are immediately shown how they will look on the egg.

And this is what an egg looks like, tied with single crochet or “rubber band”. It also looks very cool.

We do not take a real egg, it is too fragile for needlework. Let's use balloon, inflating it to about the same size as the testicle.

Easter crafts from plastic bottles to school

A very cute and functional idea that any schoolchild will make. Make a storage container.
It is not a shame to show such a craft at school and it is convenient to use it in everyday life. You can store small things in it and fill it with felt circles, then you get an excellent decor option for the nursery.

Funny animals, right? For them, you will need any bottle, but a small volume is better, a napkin for cakes and decor. The entire master class is shown on the collage.

Also, bottles can be made into a basket in which the child carefully lays out his own painted testicles.

Specifically, in this idea, I think the teeth are superfluous, but I do not insist on this.

How to make a craft from satin ribbons

Ribbons can be used to interesting decor eggs. Of course, we again take not the real one with a thin shell, but a home-made base. It is better to buy it, but it can be made from foam rubber or polystyrene.

Also, such forms in the form of eggs are created from papier-mâché. There are a lot of base options.

In extreme cases, you can take an egg, break it at the top and carefully pour the protein and yolk through a small hole, and use the almost intact shell as a base.

Secure the edges of the ribbons with tape or hot glue.

And we wrap, each time fixing the ends from below. Try to keep the strips pressed tightly and there are no gaps between them.

I also put pieces of double-sided tape on the sides so that the tapes do not move relative to each other.

Master class from improvised means at home (threads, dough, etc.)

I really liked the thread shell. This is such a cute app.
And after all, you can put anything inside, you want a chicken, but you want colorful eggs and sweets. The idea is just wonderful.

For this craft, we will use threads, paste or PVA glue and a balloon.

We inflate the balloon, tightly tie the tail so that it does not decrease in size until our design dries.

Cooking paste. To do this, take 1 liter of water and 4 tbsp. flour.

Pour water into flour and stir to break up lumps.

Then put the mixture on the stove and heat, bringing to a state of viscous and sticky consistency. Leave it to cool and then test for stickiness. It must grip well.

We wrap the ball with threads, generously smearing each layer with a glue mixture. You can not save it, because the product is completely natural and easy to manufacture, if the required volume is suddenly not enough.

We are waiting for the paste to dry completely and burst the ball inside. To see the inside, you need to carefully cut out the circle with scissors.

I also liked the children's idea with puff pastry. It turns out very colorful and harmless.

Knead the dough in a ratio of 1:1. So, we will take 1 glass of flour, 1 glass of salt. This will be our base, then we will introduce five tbsp. sunflower oil and add one glass of flour until a soft and elastic dough is obtained.

We give the test finished form, make holes, mark the pattern and dry.

You can dry for a day in the sun or 3-4 hours in a warm oven.

Now it remains to paint the blanks with gouache or food coloring.

Thread a string through the holes and decorate the branches, thus creating an Easter tree.

An interesting option for creating an application using a potato stamp.

Cut off a piece from the tuber. We pre-rinse the peel well so that the earth does not crumble on the craft.

We give the insides of the stamp a simple pattern in the form of zigzags, circles or other simple geometric shapes. We try to make the distance between the lines of the pattern.

We paint the protruding elements and apply to paper.

Here's what might happen. Believe me, such work will captivate a child for a couple of hours.

If you still have napkins and disposable spoons from last year's picnic, we will use them too.

And from a disposable cup we will create a bunny face.

The fantasy of needlewomen and mothers knows no bounds. And ordinary household items can be crafted.

Simple crafts for Easter from cotton pads

The little ones also have something to do, for example, make wonderful chickens from cotton pads. They need to be not only glued in the right places, but also painted in the right color. At the beak, sprinkle cereals on the glue, a cell or semolina will do.

The child will develop fine motor skills and imagination and a warm attitude towards Easter will already begin to form.

More interesting and simple idea. Self-adhesive paper can be used for the beak and eyes.

We use a cotton pad and a disposable spoon. For the wings you will need a piece of paper.

Easter crafts done quickly and the child does not have time to get tired or overtired.

How to braid an egg with beads and weaving patterns

I consider the process of weaving the shape with beads also a handicraft. It goes not so much as decorating eggs, but the creative work itself is interesting. Yes, and you can take not the testicles themselves, as I wrote above, but also any other basis.

The process starts from the very top. A row of six beads is made, then added between them, first one bead, then two. And it turns out the increase in width.

As soon as you reach the widest part of the base, then, according to the same principle, as you started, proportionally reduce the number of beads.

Here is another interesting pattern for weaving.

And you can make crafts in the shape of a Easter cake, it turns out very believable and festive.

Thank you, dear readers, for your attention, bookmark the article so as not to lose it when you want to start creating with your baby.

In a month we are expecting a big Orthodox holiday Easter is celebrated on April 8 this year. And we have time to prepare for it - to create our own Easter souvenirs that will be presented to our loved ones on this bright holiday.

After all, we know that the most best gift, this is a gift made with my own hands, and we also have ideas for Easter symbols that will serve as interior decor. I propose to immediately decide what is considered this holiday symbol?

In our country, painted eggs are an invariable attribute, they are also called krashenka, and in the USA and Europe, in addition to painted eggs - Easter baskets, wreaths. A rabbit that children love very much, because if they are obedient, the bunny brings them chocolate eggs, as well as chickens and hens.

We described in detail how to create these Easter symbols in the article, so I suggest not to waste time, but to start choosing the most beautiful crafts. And you can also create a giant one, put an Easter-themed surprise in it and give it to your kids, they will just be delighted! Do not forget to write in the comments which idea did you like the most?

The custom of presenting beautiful Easter eggs made of beads has been known for a long time. If you have not yet created such beauty, we suggest that you definitely try to make such an Easter decoration.

We will need:

  • thermal sticker or paper image;
  • white egg blank (made of plastic or foam);
  • a thread;
  • hook;
  • decorative elements for decoration;
  • fishing line or special monofilament for beading;
  • beads of different colors or bead thread;
  • a piece of foam;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • needle;
  • piece of felt.

Stages of work:

We cut out an oval from felt, a face will be placed on it. We apply to the thermal sticker and cut out the image of the required size.

We attach the face to the felt and sheathe it on the sides with a strip of beads, which you will make in advance.

If possible, purchase ready-made beaded threads.

Now we crochet the egg. Below is a detailed description:

If you don't know how to crochet, just wrap the egg with ribbon:

Lubricate the felt side of the face with glue. Carefully attach to the egg.

We decorate the craft with a thin ribbon. Along the egg.

We attach a crown from above, it can be purchased at needlework stores. If you don't have one, use a beautiful thin ribbon bow.

Let's start decorating the egg stand. On a piece of foam, from each corner we attach a large wooden bead. These will be four legs. We will decorate the edges with braid. Glue four leaves on the other side of the stand, and an egg in the middle.

We complete the decoration of crafts with flowers.

And here are some more beautiful options:

This is the easiest option. You can also draw the desired pattern for the egg blank and paste over it with beads. PVA glue and a toothpick will help with this.

Before this, do not forget to paint the egg in the desired color.

You can also wrap an egg, previously smeared with glue, with a thread of beads.

As you can see, there are many options. But interesting schemes for braiding eggs with beads.

We make beautiful eggs for Easter from satin ribbons using the kanzashi technique

In Europe, the word "kanzashi" means a needlework technique based on folding small pieces of fabric in a special way.

We will need:

  • green and white satin ribbon(width 2.5 cm);
  • foam circle;
  • a piece of white felt;
  • green and orange ribbon (width 0.6 cm);
  • egg preparation, the size of a chicken;
  • hot glue;
  • candle or lighter;
  • forceps;
  • beads.

Stages of work:

We wrap the egg with a ribbon. Glue its edge to the top. So we continue to wrap the egg, gluing the ribbon to the top and bottom of the egg.

We wrap the ribbon cross over the cross, otherwise the whole structure will fall apart.

We get such a bright egg with polka dots.

Let's start making flowers. To do this, cut out a square 2.5 by 2.5 cm from white tape.

Remember to singe the cut edges of the tape. Otherwise, it will just crumble.

Let's fold the square diagonally. We reduce the edges of the resulting triangle to the middle.

Now we fold the resulting petal again and clamp it with tongs. Singe the lower part of the petal over the candles.

Cut off the edge of the back of the petal and also singe. We have these petals. They will need 18 pieces. 6 per flower.

We glue them together. Glue a bead in the middle.

From a shiny green ribbon we will make petals. Let's make three green loops, cut off the tape. Burn the bottom of the loops above the candles.

attach the flower to the leaves. Thus, we make two more flowers.

For the stand, cut out a circle of felt. Its diameter is 5.5 cm. Glue a green tape 2.5 cm around its edges.

Inside we glue another “skirt”, but its diameter is slightly smaller.

Cut out a circle from the foam so that you can put an egg in it. We wrap it with a green ribbon, from which the leaves were made.

Do not forget to attach everything with glue.

Glue the ring to the middle of the stand.

We place an egg in the ring, decorate it with flowers and stamens.

Here are some interesting ideas you can get if you fantasize a little:

Video on how to crochet an amigurumi-style cake?

Is it really a great piece of work?

Crocheted Easter chickens

And of course, we couldn't forget about cute knitted hens. If you are good at crocheting, we offer this craft for Easter.

We will need:

  • hook No. 1.75;
  • suitable yarn in two colors and a little red for the comb and beak;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • black thread for the eyes.

Stages of work:

If you want to make a chicken as an Easter egg stand, use a slightly larger yarn and crochet hook.

1 row: from a thread yellow color making an amigurumi ring. We fix it with an air loop.

Inside the ring we knit 8 columns without a crochet. We tighten the ring so that it closes.

2 row: we need to make 8 increases. To do this, in each single crochet (previous row) we knit 2 single crochets. As a result, we get 16 loops.

3-8 rows: we knit 16 columns without a crochet, without additions.

9 row: we make 16 increases. To do this, in each column (of the previous row) we make 2 columns without a crochet. We get 32 ​​loops.

Now we make 1 connecting column. This will help smooth out the rows. 1 air loop for lifting. In this place will be the center of the tail of the chicken. This is where we will add loops.

10 row: 2 increases, 28 single crochets, 2 increases, connecting column. Total: 36 columns.

11 row: 1 air loop, at its base 1 single crochet. In the next column - an increase, 32 single crochet, 2 increases in the last 2 loops.

With a red thread we make a connecting column.

There are 48 single crochets in total.

12 row: at the base of the air loop we also knit a single crochet. Next 39 single crochet, yellow connecting column.

Let's start knitting the tail.

13 row: 8 increases with double crochets, 24 single crochets, 8 increases with double crochets, connecting red column. Total: 56 columns.

14 row: for the tail pattern, between each pair of double crochets you need to knit 2 double crochets. To do this, move the connecting column to the middle between the columns. In the same place we knit 2 more columns with a crochet. We also do 7 more times. Only eight pairs of double crochets.

15 row: as well as at the beginning of the last row, we move to the middle between the columns. Between each pair of columns we knit: a column with 1 crochet, 1 air loop, a column with 1 crochet. So we knit only 8 times. Next, 24 single crochets, 8 pairs of columns, a red connecting column.

16 row: we pass with a connecting column to the air loop between the rows. From the same loop we knit 4 columns with a crochet. There are 8 such patterns in total. Next, 24 single crochet, 8 patterns, yellow connecting column.

17 row: we knit in the middle of each feather: 1 connecting column for the back wall of the work, 1 double crochet for both walls.

We proceed to the completion of the tail of the chicken.

18 row: we hide the yellow thread under the red one. We knit 3 air loops. Insert a hook between every two rows of the previous row and knit a single crochet. So we tie the entire half of the tail.

We cut the yellow thread.

Then we carry out 11 reductions in a row. This is done in this way: we knit two loops from the previous two columns. From the resulting three loops on the hook we make one.

Crochet the red thread inside.

We have the main part of the Easter chicken.

Now we move on to knitting the stand.

We attach the red thread to the last column of the body of the chicken. We knit a chain of 15 air loops. We attach the chain to the opposite edge of the body.

We knit along the edge of the body: 2 double crochets, 1 double crochet (in each previous single crochet). And so to the end of the body. We also knit along a chain of air loops. We complete the row with a connecting column.

This will help hold the egg rim.

We unfold knitting. In each column of the previous row we knit a double crochet. We complete the row with a connecting column in the red row of the tail. We fix and cut the thread. This is the stand we got.

Decorate the chicken with a scallop. To do this, we will make an amigurumi ring. Next, we knit in a ring: single crochet, air loop, double crochet. Only 6 times.

We pull the loop. Fold the resulting flower in half. We have 3 double scallops. We tie them from above, to each other. Sew the comb to the head.

We bring out the remaining thread in the place of the beak and make a loop. We knit four air loops from it. We turn the hook. We skip one air loop. In the remaining three we knit one single crochet. We attach the second side of the beak to the muzzle. Thus we knit the lower part of the beak. We cut the thread. We hide its end inside.

We embroider eyes. We got this chicken.

And here are some more interesting ideas:

Scheme of a cock-stand for a mug:

Master class: do-it-yourself Easter wreaths

Such a wreath can decorate front door at Easter. Are they really original and beautiful? Would you like to have such a decor for Easter, write in the comments?

We will need:

  • birch branches;
  • willow branches;
  • secateurs;
  • wire or twine;
  • decorative elements for decoration.

Stages of work:

Branches need to choose flexible and fresh. Otherwise, the wreath will simply break.

We make a ring from several branches and fix it with wire.

Then we increase the volume of the wreath, weaving all the branches to it.

Weave willow branches into the wreath. We decorate it as you wish. We have it like this.

We hang the wreath by twigs or with a hook.

But such a simple wreath can be made with children. It consists of a cardboard base lined with burlap, and the testicles are made of felt.

Here is a basic version.

As you can see, it all depends on your desire and available materials.

The most beautiful decor ideas for Easter 2019

If you are wondering how to decorate your home for Easter.

We have 5 cool Easter decor ideas:

  • Table decoration.

And how do you like the nest on the table, in my original?

  • Easter tree.

But the branches with green leaves are also very beautiful

  • Easter curtains.

  • Sweets in the theme of the holiday.

Easter gingerbread looks great on the holiday table

  • Cute egg crafts.

Cool and funny minions, kids will be very happy with such an Easter egg

And emoticons in hats, just super!

And the bunnies conquered my daughter: “Mom, they are so cute!”. And they really are cuties!

These are the original and cool ideas for the bright holiday of Easter, we have selected for you, I really hope that you liked them and you will create crafts and souvenirs based on them!

Write in the comments which idea you liked the most, bookmark the article so you don’t accidentally lose it, and of course share it with your friends by pressing the social network buttons, what if Easter decor is also relevant to them?

And I heartily congratulate you all on the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ!

Easter holiday - all Christians are waiting for this day with special trepidation. The brightest and purest Easter holiday is celebrated on the same day by both Catholics and Orthodox. Traditionally, various kinds of Easter souvenirs will appear in stores, but why not try to make them yourself? After all, do-it-yourself Easter crafts are not much inferior to store counterparts.

There are many wonderful Easter ideas, many of which can be made by the whole family, introducing even small children to needlework. Do-it-yourself crafts for Easter can be accompanied by stories about the history of this holiday.

The symbolism of the holiday is very important. Traditionally, its symbols are what one way or another means the renewal of life - these are Easter streams, Light is the Easter fire and Life itself (cakes, eggs and rabbits).

Easter eggs are the most common holiday symbol that marks the victory of life over death. Traditionally, they should be red, but today eggs are decorated in every way. But red is still important. Indeed, according to legend. when Mary Magdalene came to the ruler Tiberius to inform about the miraculous resurrection of Christ and brought him an egg as a gift, he said: “It is impossible, just as it is impossible that the egg will turn red.” And the egg turned red in the hands of Tiberius! Since then, red means the victory of life over death, renewal.

For more than a century, there has been such a tradition: to send beautiful gifts to relatives and friends. Easter cards. They depict not only symbols of the holiday, but also all the beauty of spring flowering. As well as cute chickens, rabbits, flowers, Easter cakes.

There are a lot of options for decorating an Easter egg. They depend on what materials to use: paper, embroidery, just threads or beads. But first you need to make its preparation.

Easter egg preparation

As a blank in the form of an egg can be:

  • wooden blank
  • foam blank
  • natural material preparation
  • non-standard blanks

Wooden blank for eggs

Perhaps the most convenient will be a foam blank. And all because it perfectly holds its shape, while not being too hard. You can easily stick pins into it, etc.

Styrofoam egg blank

But doing Easter crafts with your own hands is also good because even a blank can be made from improvised materials!

In the most ordinary raw egg, we have to make two small holes: on top - no more than 2 mm, and on the bottom - about 5 mm in diameter. For this purpose, we need an awl or a fairly thick needle. After these procedures, the protein and yolk will easily pour out from below. You just have to wash the shell and dry it.

A plastic egg from a well-known children's chocolate treat can also be used as a blank - it is quite possible to braid it with beads or tie it.

Easter eggs from beads

Beaded eggs are distinguished by their grace and always attract attention. This is quite painstaking, delicate work, but the result is always impressive. We need to weave a special pattern, and then carefully transfer it to the egg, on which we will first apply the thermal sticker. But if you have not been beading before, it will be difficult, although such a detailed master class as will be a great help in the first creative experience of this kind.

Easter eggs with embroidery

Why not break away from the voluminous egg standard by making a flat embroidered pendant? It looks very cool, original, and not to say that some kind of work is difficult to do. AT detailed master class describes how to embroider and assemble such an unusual egg. The difficulty, perhaps, will be only in the fact that the embroidery itself will take some time. But the result is worth it!

You can still stay with the traditional idea of ​​​​a voluminous egg, and in this case, "Cross" recommends paying attention to the creation master class. Only instead Christmas ball we will use an egg-shaped blank. Rest assured, the souvenir will be very delicate, everyone will want to take a closer look at it, or even become the owner of such beauty.

Easter eggs made of felt and fleece

If you do so unusual gift for Easter with your own hands, be sure it will be appreciated. It can even act as a talisman, because souvenirs made from these materials always look bright and unusual.

And, by the way, you can definitely involve children in the preparation of this souvenir. The main requirement is accuracy, but there will be no difficulty in the process of making such an egg, everything is extremely simple. However, evaluate for yourself by watching the master class "Easter eggs made of felt - a wonderful souvenir on a bright day!"

Felt egg garland

One has only to stock up on these incredibly advantageous materials in needlework, and then the work will go like clockwork.

Knitted Easter eggs

Even if you know little about knitting, you can also make beautiful knitted Easter eggs. It is enough to pick up a hook, bright yarn and master the reception of a single crochet.

Of course, there are more difficult options. More experienced knitters will probably want to attach an egg already tied in a simple way bright flower with a beautiful button in the core. But on its creation you will already have to try, although this is not so difficult to do.

Easter eggs look very cool, "dressed" in an openwork cobweb. This is a gentle, delicate, and not at all difficult work. The master class with the beautiful name "Lace Splendor" describes in detail all the moments of making this handmade souvenir.

Also very interesting option Souvenir - such a gift for Easter, made by yourself, will appeal to many. In order to make it, we need:

  • foam blank
  • silk or cotton white threads
  • PVA glue
  • pins
  • polyethylene film
  • decor details

First, we close the foam blank with polyethylene. This is necessary so that our threads do not stick to the foam and subsequently come off easily. Then we need to very carefully stick the needles into the blank. One row will be along the edge of the future window, and the second row will go along the oval of the Easter egg.

There will no longer be a window in the second half, so we will make a number of needles exclusively along the oval of the egg.

The halves are made separately from each other!

We moisten the threads in PVA glue, and wrap our workpiece with them. It is better to wrap not randomly, but following the “zigzag” pattern through the pins of the outer and inner rows.

When the wrapping is completed, the threads can be covered with glue a second time. Next, wait for the workpiece to dry thoroughly. As soon as this happens, we very, very carefully take out the pins, and then remove the half from the workpiece.

We do the second half in a similar way. Now you need to connect them to each other. Can you tie them up satin ribbon or fix with a hot gun.

It's great if you plant a fluffy miniature chicken or rabbit inside such a delicate Easter egg. The egg can be tied with a thin ribbon, decorated with a bow on top for beauty. It turned out very beautiful craft: many will be surprised that you did it yourself!

Easter egg in Origami technique

Colored paper and triangular modules - if that tells you something, it's definitely worth experimenting with such an Easter souvenir.

How to Make a Triangular Origami Module

First you will have to learn how to make modules from colored paper, later this skill will come in handy in new origami crafts.

To do this, you line colored paper in a special way. However, there are at least two ways to manufacture modules. Usually the paper is folded several times, cut at a certain stage, and then the same pieces are turned into future modules. How to cut paper correctly, you can watch the video:

Step by Step Origami Easter Egg Tutorial

We will act as follows:

  1. We need to prepare 99 green and 112 pink triangular pieces.
  2. In the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows there will be 8 green modules each. They are easily placed on top of each other.
  3. In the 4th row there will be 16 pink modules, which you need to wear with one pocket.
  4. We make the 5th row according to the principle: 2 green modules - 2 pink modules - 2 green, etc.
  5. 6th row: the same principle, but the pattern itself needs to be slightly shifted to the side.
  6. Next, we try to give the egg the shape of a bowl and continue to lay out the same pattern, not forgetting to move it to the side.
  7. You need to make 8 rows with a pattern.
  8. The next row will be of 16 pink modules.
  9. The work will be completed next to the green modules, which will be mounted on three corners.

The video master class will instruct you in detail how to create an origami egg:

And the next master class will tell you how to improve the work. But for beginners the best choice it will be the first way, since it is as simple as possible, but the result is just as attractive.

Easter egg in quilling technique

To perform work in this technique you will need:

  • egg preparation
  • pins
  • paper pins

First of all, think about what the egg will be. Elements can be glued to the workpiece itself:

And then you can carefully remove the workpiece. This is necessary in order for the egg to turn out hollow and openwork.

If you chose the second option, then the manufacturing principle will be the same as making an Easter egg from threads. That is, we go the following way:

  1. We close the egg with polyethylene, and then, starting from the very top of the workpiece, we glue the quilling elements. Each element should not only be attached to the previous one, but also secured with two or three pins.
  2. This is how the upper half of the egg will be done, after which you need to cover it with varnish, leave to dry.
  3. Now you can do the second blank (lower half), and after drying, glue both parts.

The quilling elements are twisted the way we need it. It is better to practice in advance so as not to waste time in the process of making an Easter egg. In order not to get lost, it is better to follow this video master class:

Prosperity and abundance in Easter symbolism is a rabbit. It is believed that it will bring good luck to those who receive it as a gift. You can plant him next to the Easter egg basket, he will be her cute and sweet guard.

You can sew a simple rabbit from gray linen, you can sew colored charming rabbits using all your imagination. It is not necessary to remove this souvenir until the next Easter, because it can be a good talisman for a year.

Check out our Lucky Easter Bunnies tutorial and choose the one you like)

Without spending a lot of effort, you can make the cutest Easter basket with your own hands, in which colored eggs will look so great. And there are many variations:

In addition, craftswomen make baskets even out of paper! Baskets made using the Quilling technique are especially beautiful.

And how do you like a basket decorated with knitted flowers? Really beautiful?! Easter cake and eggs knitted using the Amigurumi technique will serve as an excellent filling!

Easter candles

Egg-shaped candles are an original souvenir for Easter. Our master class "Easter candles and their protective properties" will not leave any questions on the topic "how to make them."

By the way, the same eggshells can become the best candlesticks:

Easter napkins

Classics of the genre! However, now you can start making them, because such embroidery takes a lot of time. There are a lot of patterns according to which you will embroider. Assess your skill level and choose.