Easter card to the godson. Easter greetings to the godson. Congratulations on Easter to the godson from the godmother and from the godfather in verse

- one of the few holidays that allows a person to cleanse his soul and body, immerse himself in thoughts and unravel some new truths. But this holiday is not individual, but collective. Common Christian, or rather, Orthodox. Therefore, you should congratulate all your friends, all comrades and relatives on this great celebration. After all, the main meaning of Easter as such is a manifestation of high moral qualities, spiritual kindness and mercy.

The history of this holiday has more than one millennium, and its interpretation is far from being as unambiguous as it seems at first glance. Few people know about the possible pagan roots of Easter, but few who know deny their existence. However, this does not prevent millions of Orthodox people from year to year from celebrating Easter and sharing the positive with their loved ones.

Christ is risen! He has risen for all mankind. I wish that in this bright good holiday unfulfilled dreams, lost hopes and faith in the best have been resurrected in your heart. And as the Lord illuminates Easter, so may it illuminate your whole life, be with you in everything and help you live. Be happy!

Congratulations on mobile

Christ is risen! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on a joyful and bright Easter holiday! Every year we celebrate the beginning of a new life for the entire Christian world, the triumph of faith over death! May a piece of today's jubilation remain in your heart and support you in difficult times!

On the day of Easter, I wish you and your loved ones happiness, harmony, peace and understanding. May your soul be cleansed, the house filled with grace, and your heart with the desire to do good, give yourself to faith, the desire to love and be loved! Let the bright Easter heal the souls with the ringing of bells, and let the eyes shine from the realization of the Resurrection of Christ! Christ is risen!

May the Lord run around and guide you on this sacred holiday. We wish you to be guided by your heart in everything, whatever you do. May your family be strong and friendly. “Yes, love one another,” Jesus said, and took our sins upon himself. And on this great day, we thank Christ for his sacrifice. We wish you to meet with pure thoughts this great day.

Congratulations on one of the brightest holidays of the year - Easter Day. I wish that all the most beautiful traditions of this day are christening, colored eggs and Easter cakes, procession - brought purification and reverence. Most of all, I wish you to enjoy the main Paschal covenant - to love your neighbor.

On the day of this greatest Orthodox holiday, let me congratulate you with all my heart and wish God's blessings to you and your household. May peace, peace and grace never leave your home and may your heart always be filled with joy and beauty. Happy Easter, happy day to you!

The bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection comes to our homes as a symbol of purity, renewal of our souls and thoughts, a symbol of prosperity and faith. Spring in nature and spring in our hearts! May the bright holiday give goodness and comfort to your homes, may peace and harmony be with you not only today. Take care of your thoughts in purity, souls in holiness, hearts in faith, Be with Christ and he will be with you! Give love to loved ones, care and warmth to strangers, and then the world will become bright and joyful, like today's holiday! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! Not just a phrase, it contains a secret meaning. The whole Orthodox world rejoices, the son of God was saved by the father. And he soared to the sky like a bird, and from the sky he looks at us. Closing our eyes, we bow to him and say thank you for saving our souls. May there not be even a shadow of sadness in your eyes on this holiday, may the church wine seem sweet, and the bread the softest.

Easter is the time of rebirth, the flowering of life and the all-encompassing love of Jesus. Today, the road of happiness will be laid in the same direction as your path, luck will not leave you in any undertaking, and the joy of achieved goals will give strength for future achievements. Love, warmth of close hearts and prosperity!

With all my heart, I congratulate you on the bright holiday of Easter! May this bright Sunday be for you, your family and all those close to you the beginning of a new, joyful and happy life! May goodness, hope and love enter your home with this good news! Christ is risen!

I came to you son
I baked a cookie
And painted eggs
We will fight - tyts-tyts!
Dear godson, who wins?
I wish you luck
In a joyful life for you!
Be generous to your destiny
May she give miracles!
Believe in God, Christ is risen!

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Congratulations #1926

Jesus Christ is Risen!
Happy Easter!
Godfather- not a dunce
And he came with a fairy tale:
Here, Easter cake for you, my prince,
There is no flavor!
More colorful than eggs
Search the world!
Seriously, godson
Believe in God, He is in brotherhood *!
Live like a master
In happiness and wealth!

* friendship, unity

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Congratulations #1925

My dear godson!
You are my joy forever!
I have you alone
God given man!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy Easter Holy you
Happy this holiday!
Godson, live forever, loving!

Let all life intertwine
From successes and miracles!
You tell me today:
Jesus Christ is risen!

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Congratulations #1924

Dear godson, congratulations
Happy Easter to you!
You are the best among us, we know
You always meet us, loving!

We wish you joy and happiness,
Be healthy 120 years!
Be strong if suddenly bad weather
Will fall from small troubles!

You know, living life is not a field
We go, there is a dark forest!
But everything in the world is in God's will!
You believe in Him, Jesus is Risen!

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We congratulate you on a Happy Easter! We wish peace, kindness, love, peace of mind and prosperity! May love always warm your hearth, your loved ones will be there, all your expectations will certainly come true, and your cherished dreams and wishes will come true!

Christ is Risen! So let your heart rejoice on the day of Easter! May the faith, hope and grace given by the Lord on this day become a reliable foundation for a long, happy and joyful life! Good and happiness to you and your loved ones!


On Sunday today is special, bright! All this, of course, is not without reason, and the sun shines in the sky today in a special way. All because the smile of Jesus Christ himself illuminates our souls, he is risen, which means that our hopes and dreams will come true! Happy holiday to you!

Christ is Risen! In Truth Risen - for today these are the main words! And congratulations on this holiday are not even so important, because the most important thing came true back then, many years ago! Therefore, we simply wish you strong faith in our Savior, lots and lots of health, prosperity and great sincere love!

May the aroma of Easter cakes, the brilliance of painted eggs, the smiles of loved ones and the warmth of the spring sun cheer you up today! May the Lord grant you his love and blessings. Happiness, joy, peace and strong faith. Happy holiday!

From today, the table is full of the beauty of multi-colored eggs, in every house there is a freshly baked Easter cake, and in it there is a burning candle as a sign of faith and recognition of this blessed holiday, the great Easter holiday. Therefore, accept only the kindest and most sincere wishes! All the best to you, kindness, tolerance and God's blessing!

Christ is Risen! And that means the most important Christian holiday has come - Easter! And congratulations to him. May the goodness and grace of God touch you today with a ray of spring sun. Let the soul not know anxiety, all bad things will remain in the past, and only success, prosperity and prosperity await!

Meet the feast of Christ's Resurrection! May the Lord hear our prayers today, strengthen our faith and give spiritual enlightenment! And we wish you peace, kindness, inner harmony and boundless happiness throughout your life!


Christ is Risen! Easter Day truly triumphs, and I solemnly congratulate you on this great holiday! May this day heal and give hope for the best! Let faith in God increase, and all sorrows go into oblivion!

On this bright holiday, we wish you unlimited happiness, health, prosperity. Warmth and comfort in your home. Enjoy every day, smile more often, do not forget your loved ones. Live with faith, hope and love in your heart!

Happy Easter! May the Lord, sending us his trials from above, reward each according to his merits! Live according to your heart, and remember: God loves you!

About t pure heart and a bright soul, we address this congratulation to you! And we say Christ is Risen! We wish that with the onset of this blessed holiday, happiness, love and prosperity will visit your home. May this day bring good luck and success in all endeavors, smile, joy and care for your loved ones!

Christ is Risen - today is heard everywhere! After all, not just a holiday has come, but the very day when the Lord gave us the opportunity for spiritual resurrection! Today, faith, hope and love will cleanse our minds of bad thoughts, give spiritual enlightenment and fill our hearts with harmony and grace! Peace to you and bright joy!

Since today, Easter and traditionally people all over the world congratulate their relatives and friends on this occasion. significant holiday! And I don't want to hide good words, I want to tell them to you from a pure heart, to wish in them the most holy, most bright and necessary. Christ is Risen!

Christ is risen! Meet Easter! Spend this holiday fun and unforgettable, in the circle of your closest and dearest people. Let the soul rejoice, and life is always decorated with notes of goodness, positive and prosperity!

Easter is the holiday that helps everyone to believe in a miracle! After all, this is the day when our Savior Jesus Christ was resurrected! And congratulating you on this great event, we wish you never to lose faith in God. So that only goodness always surrounds you, and all difficulties are solved easily and naturally!

On the day of blessed Easter, I sincerely wish you a clear sky, sincere joy, strong faith, health and prosperity! Be happy and share your happiness with others, for for any of our good deeds the Lord returns everything with even greater love and blessing! Happy holiday! Christ is Risen!

Easter gave us hope! On this day, a great miracle happened - Christ resurrected and brought good joy to people on earth. So let's be more tolerant, sincere and kinder towards each other. May the Lord bless us for good deeds and deeds! Happy holiday!

We congratulate you on the most important Orthodox holiday - the bright Resurrection of Christ! May the Lord himself protect, cleanse and enlighten your soul! And joy, love and kindness will be your faithful companions throughout your life!

Let the soul rejoice today! After all, spring, along with the first warmth, brought us a long-awaited holiday - the Resurrection of Christ! And I wish you to celebrate this day with dignity. Let a piece of this holiday forever remain in your heart, support you in difficult times and remind you of your family and friends who are not indifferent to your fate!

Christ is Risen! We sincerely congratulate you on such a significant holiday! May your faith grow stronger every day, and your soul be filled with virtue and piety! God bless you!

Happy Easter! Believe in a miracle! Do good deeds, love and respect each other! Be always happy, and unshakable even by the most difficult trials! Happy holiday!

May the Lord protect you from troubles, and peace and joy never leave your home. Peace and grace to you and your loved ones on the day of the bright Resurrection of Christ! Good health, fulfillment of all desires, mutual understanding and love!

Congratulations godson now
I am in the Easter inspirational hour,
And I wish you all the best
All dreams come true - I know

It's just worth trying -
Everything will probably work out.
May you always be lucky in everything
Close person will not let you down!

What a holiday brought us together
What kind of a day has come?
This is Easter
Illuminated us with you.

I congratulate the godson
And today I wish
have fun, relax,
But, of course, know the measure.

Easter is a long-awaited holiday!
He is wholeheartedly desired
If you come to visit us,
So let's set the table.

It is necessary to congratulate relatives,
Don't forget anyone.
I wish the godson well
Congratulations with all my heart!

My only godson, dear,
You know, the holiday has come big.
He is called Easter in Russia,
And nature itself will smile

On this day, blessing you
I wish you all the best.
I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart -
You try to be the best!

Christ is risen, beloved godson!
Easter is at the gate again
She is a messenger of goodness and happiness,
She is the circle of love.

I wish you health
And happiness - so as not to occupy,
And every day in the soul with love,
Meet with a smile on your face!

I wish the godson for Easter
I never lose heart
Love and happiness, a lot of affection,
And do not know trouble.

So that everyone always loves you
To be near faithful friends
Were always by your side,
And I will be with them!

Easter greetings

The most important Christian holiday - Easter, Orthodox believers jubilantly meet immediately after the strictest Lent of the year. The history of the holiday goes back to pagan times. Then Easter was associated with the appearance of the dead in the world of the living. It was believed that they descend from heaven and come that day to their burial places.

With the birth of Christianity, the Great Resurrection began to personify the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Passover began to be celebrated a week later than the Jewish one. Orthodox holiday overgrown with its customs and symbols, the main of which is a decorated egg.

Happy Easter, congratulations,
I wish you well.
Let the soul be warm
And in the house - happiness and goodness.

I wish you prosperity, peace,
Trouble to pass by.
And they were always there
Relatives, relatives, friends.

May a bright Easter
Brings to your home
Love and hope
Consent in everything.

Let faith cover
From troubles and hardships
May eternal joy
The family will come to you.

Let in your life
There will be more miracles.
Be happy.
Our Christ is Risen!

Congratulations on this bright holiday. And on this Sunday, I want to wish good and good. Let your soul be warm and calm, there will be a peaceful sky above your head, and your beloved and cheerful relatives and friends nearby. May this holiday bring understanding, harmony and joy. I wish that all regrets and resentments go away, and only love and happiness remain.

Christ is risen! Happy Easter!
Let there be kindness in the house.
Let there be no bad weather,
Love always lives in the hearts.

Let the sun warm, hug,
Filled with warmth and light.
May God always keep from troubles
Don't let trouble come to you.

A miracle of miracles happened -
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
And on this holiday, in the hour of light
Let everyone give praise.
May the house be full of happiness
May everyone be healthy in it.
Smile, generosity and fun
May Sunday give you.
May the news that descended from heaven
Announce: "Christ is risen!"

Congratulations on Easter Light!
And I wish from my heart
Good life, humane,
Friendship strong and cordial,
A piece of God's bread
A sip of spring water
Cases of conscience and honor,
Happiness in the house! Christ is Risen!

Bright, pure Easter has come,
Spring brought renewal with it.
I wish you today from the bottom of my heart,
Great health, happiness, love.
Faith, patience, in the hearts of warmth,
So that all your dreams come true.

May Easter bring warmth
Good luck, joy and prosperity,
So that the heart sings and blossoms,
And every moment was very sweet!

May Christ's resurrection
Give each of us
Love, color mood
And the sparkle of happy, bright eyes!

Happy Easter, congratulations
And I wish you to live all year
Without adversity and grief,
Without reproaches and doubts
So that the house was a full bowl,
Peace and joy lived in him,
The food table was breaking
Laughter was everywhere
Faith, mercy, miracles
God bless you.
Christ is risen!

Let the Easter holiday fill
Soul with light and warmth.
Laughter, smiles of the closest
Let your house light up.

May undying hope
A spark lives in the heart
I also wish you strength
Faith, happiness all year round.

There is no brighter holiday in the world.
Let's hug, congratulate you on Easter soon.
Light a candle, consecrate Easter cakes
Yes good deeds dedicate this day.
Meet relatives and friends with Easter cakes,
And most importantly, generously you treat them.
You pray with pure faith today,
Do not accumulate resentment, do not be proud of yourself.
May your path be beautiful,
Once a candle is lit, it cannot be blown out.
Good luck on the new day, we wish to step.