How to refuse a man in a relationship. How to refuse a man: reasons for refusal, the correct wording of words, choosing the right moment and advice from psychologists. The most successful phrases for refusal in a comic form

In a woman’s life, situations often arise that require her to be able to say “no”. Moreover, speak firmly, in a tone that does not tolerate objections, realizing your own decision as the only correct one in the circumstances.

Such a step is especially important on the part of the fairer sex, when the latter is subjected to the onslaught of an unsympathetic, even unpleasant man. In today's article, we bring to your attention practical advice, able to help properly and without serious consequences to refuse the gentleman further communication.

When you say “no,” stay friendly and as tactful as possible.

You understand that by refusing a man, one way or another, you still hurt his pride. Therefore, if you do not want to run into innocence in the form of insults and in some cases - guys are different - assault, discard rudeness and contempt.

Be decisive in this matter.

You do not need to commit violence against yourself, being in the company of a person unpleasant to you, to whom you experience indifference or, even more so, disgust throughout the evening.

Women make this mistake quite often if, for example, the acquaintance happened almost “blindly”: by phone or on the Internet. Better, finally seeing a man, having talked a little and not feeling the slightest interest in him, make it clear to the interlocutor that there will be no continuation. This is even more relevant in the case when a person is not liked already during the period of communication preceding a possible date.

You should not give a man false hopes.

Do not respond to a meeting proposal with phrases like “come on later,” “I can’t, I’m not ready yet,” “I’ll think about it,” “we’ll see,” etc., etc. Remember: by delaying the inevitable denouement, you create problems for yourself. It is better to put an end to this story in one fell swoop, without giving it further development.

Be sure to state the reason for the rejection.

The fan will certainly want to hear it, and he has the right to demand an explanation from you. Here you can turn on your fantasy: come up with a plausible reason, for example, “I already have a young man”, “I basically don’t start office romances.” By the way, do not be afraid to say directly that the man does not like. Just do it loyally, softly or by way of hints, half-joking (“only “nerds” in my taste) so as not to offend the annoying representative of the stronger sex.

It doesn't have to be a whole tirade.

The refusal should be extremely brief, but capacious and it is desirable not to cause additional questions.

Watch yourself from the side if the word “no” with all the accompanying phrases does not work on a man, and he continues to attack you.

Probably your speech and your behavior do not match. Most women flirt with members of the opposite sex unconsciously, without noticing it themselves. Flirting gestures include licking parted lips, a furtive glance from under your eyelashes, shaking your hair, winding a strand around your finger at the time of a conversation, a languid smile, bright color lipstick, etc.

If the fan is being overly persistent and all of the above suggestions have not worked, try the following steps:

Having refused once according to the rules, stop paying attention to the person at all. See through him as if the man were not there; do not answer questions and do not keep up the conversation when he starts a conversation with you; immerse yourself in a book (or pretend to) or put on your headphones. At the same time, keep an indifferent, even cold expression on your face. Such maneuvers are guaranteed to work, because it’s not in vain that they say: “He who kills with a word finishes with silence.”

Lie from three boxes to the importunate gentleman to yourself so that once and for all discourage him from pestering you. Tell him about your terrible addictions (“I drink, smoke, go to haunted places”), if the representative of the stronger sex gives the impression of an unspoiled, cultured intellectual, and, conversely, about your abstruse hobbies and interests (“I listen to Mozart, read Stendhal and Flaubert, I adore opera and avant-garde") in the case of a man belonging to the category of broken and narrow-minded subjects.

Go on a date.

Yes, yes, go to a meeting with a boyfriend, listen to his fiery requests! But become an artist for one evening: play the role of a girl who is far from the ideal of a fan. Put on what came to hand, give up makeup, do not build on your head chic hairstyle, and at dinner, start a conversation about your illnesses or about the coming apocalypse, and always in a mournful voice. You will not see an annoying fan again!

If a person is really in love with you, he will agree to this option. After all, the latter will allow a man to freely communicate with you, to recognize you. You will gain a faithful comrade who will console you in difficult times, and share your joy with you, and give useful advice. Gradually, you are likely to get used to this person, see his positive aspects, feel sympathy for him, and maybe something more. Psychologists say: the strongest love (not falling in love!) Grows out of friendship. Good luck to you!

Refuse men like a noble lady

Hello dear girls! We all sometimes find ourselves in situations where we have to say “no” to a person. They don't always come on time the right words and most often the refusal looks rude or unreasonable. Of course, it is impossible to prepare for any situation, but today I would like to talk with you about how to refuse a man with dignity. After all, by your refusal, you can not only lower his self-esteem, but also forever discourage the desire to approach girls.

To begin with, I propose to think about why you refuse. Quite often, I became a witness to situations when a girl says “no” with words, but shows “yes” with her whole appearance. Therefore, you must clearly understand why you want to reject this or that offer of a man, whether it is an invitation for a date or a conversation about intimacy.

I do not recommend you to play "impregnability". Girls think that the more you refuse a man, the more he will strive. If you say no for these reasons, then be extremely careful in your expressions.

First, not all guys take hints. Secondly, you may be considered frivolous or too flighty, because today you are not, but tomorrow you are. Especially do not get carried away with such tactics, being in a long relationship.

One of my acquaintances tried to refuse a married man an offer to meet, but all the time she was looking for an opportunity to see him and shoot her eyes. She just wanted to play a game of flirting with him. But the man did not understand why she refused him, and she herself constantly sends non-verbal signals.

If you decide to reject a man’s offer, then do it clearly, distinctly and accessible. Do not hesitate, do not fawn, and do not try to justify your refusal. But how to do it competently and beautifully, so as not to offend a man, we will now find out.

How do girls usually act? They just send them to hell, sometimes even rudely and uncivilized. If you do not want to seem tactless, then your refusal must necessarily contain a compliment to a man, not just his appearance, but masculine qualities.

If you don't know how to compliment guys, it's okay. Read the article “How to compliment a man” and you can always find the right words in any situation.

So, your refusal should consist of a compliment, a short explanation of your negative answer, and a supportive phrase. Let's take a look at an example.

For example, a guy came up to you on the street and offers to meet you.

  1. The first option is to simply ignore him or say “I don’t see the point in communicating, goodbye.”
  2. The second option: “You must be very brave, since you are not afraid to approach girls on the street. Sorry, but I already have a young man, but I am sure that such a brave and self-confident man will definitely succeed in finding a worthy girl.

Agree, the second option looks much more polite, tactful and correct. The guy realized that you were not ready to communicate with him, but he did not have self-doubt, he would not think that something was wrong with him.

So in sex, you also need to be able to refuse correctly so that there are no further problems. If you have a stranger in front of you, then the answer will be approximately the same as above: you are so straightforward and frank, but I only do this with my loved one, I have no doubt that such a confident man will be able to find what he is looking for.

Common Mistakes

Coarseness. This is the most common mistake girls make. Under no circumstances should you be rude, call names or get personal. No matter how hard it is for you to communicate with a person, even if he does not understand your refusals at all and continues to bother with his attention, never allow yourself to switch to insults.

Most likely, this is your first and last meeting Why make a scandal out of her? Try to remain polite and cultured in every situation. Remember that you can always resort to the help of humor. This is especially important when dealing with a loved one.

Blurring of the phrase. Sometimes girls find it difficult to immediately and directly refuse handsome guy, for example. Therefore, the girl does not say “no” directly, but beats around the bush. You need to be direct, specific and to the point. What do you want to say to a man: let's stay friends; I need a break now; we need to break up.

Try to speak directly. So, one of my girlfriends could not directly refuse a guy money. She could not say a clear “no”, so she kept coming up with some phrases.

Divergence of behavior and words. I spoke about this above. When a girl says "no", but with all her appearance continues to show interest in a man. Read the article Breaking Relationship with Your Lover. Of course there are more we are talking about married women who decided to get distracted on the side, but for sure you will find many useful thoughts for yourself.

What does your rejection phrase usually look like? Have you ever heard a rejection?

I wish you patience and self-control in any situation.

5 reasons to refuse a married man

What to do if the chosen one is married? Leave as far as possible. And the point here is not in morality and human rumor, but in common sense and the notorious instinct of self-preservation.

Of course, we, girls, have the right to make a mistake, and to make our own choice, and we also remember perfectly well that you can’t order your heart ... However, the position of a healthy nervous system suggests the most correct decision regarding married men - to refuse. And that's why:

He only thinks of himself.“We stole a few hours from life to spend them together. Just you and me, ”may sound romantic, but in practice it turns out to be quite traumatic, predictable and hopeless. "Do not use such strong perfume - the wife can smell." "Let's better to you, and not to a restaurant, so that no one, God forbid, sees." “I’ll bring you a gift for March 8 in a couple of days, okay?” "Don't be upset, baby, you yourself understand everything." Almost every married man repeats this "mantra" with various variations.

Further more. Over time your romantic evenings turn into listening to endless complaints about his wife and children, his mother-in-law and the unresolved housing problem. What kind of fireworks and magical sex are there when it is hard and hard for him, the unfortunate man? You have to listen and understand in order not to injure once again the tender male soul, so pretty battered by a bitch wife and a cruel life. Are you also worried, interested and worried about something? “Be patient a little, baby, everything will be decided,” we hear in response. That's just decided most often in favor of legal marriage.

Always second. No matter how much your chosen one says that you are the first in his soul, but he goes to bed with her, spends the weekend with her, and her children bear his last name and call him dad. The facts are inexorable. And you get all sorts of nicknames a la “razluchnitsa”, “destroyer”, “bitch”, and, of course, “a decent woman would not do that”, “would be ashamed”, “what kind of upbringing” and “no conscience”.

Not all good men were taken apart before us. The truth is that married and unmarried men practically do not differ in merits and demerits, except that the former has a wife, and therefore additional responsibilities and chores. So before you rush into the abyss of empty promises and your own disappointments, take a closer look, perhaps among your entourage there is a young man without a ring on his finger who knows how to compliment, bring coffee to bed, give gifts and have intimate conversations. In addition, in such a relationship, there are much more chances of becoming the only woman for the beloved man. A significant plus.

Relations with a "married man" do not add health. In order to feel great, look and realize in life, a woman needs to sleep well, have a good rest, feel secure and confident. A married man cannot give it. A priori. Of course, the constant adrenaline rush from the tormenting questions “What if someone finds out?”, “What next?”, “When will it end?”, “Why doesn’t he call?” for a while they add shine to the eyes and increase activity. But not for long. This is followed by apathy, depression, insomnia and other unpleasant symptoms that clearly do not contribute to feeling full and happy.

Doubtful luck. Although psychologists and life experience show that men get divorced extremely rarely, but it happens. And this is where things get interesting. It turns out that the man had problems with his wife not only because she was a bitch and hysterical, she didn’t give life and married herself on a “flight”. It becomes obvious that our prince is a rather mundane creature who loves TV, beer, men's gatherings in bars and saunas, does not earn so much, and from this he pays a little alimony and a loan for a car. Only now the whole truth is being revealed: he has arthritis, an allergy to the sun and problems with erection. And the worst thing is that now you have to endure all this, understand and forgive. Why? Yes, because it was you who led him astray, took him away from his family, and now you owe him. In truth, one can doubt the need for such a "gift of fate."

So let the men live with those they married, out of the crisis family life come out of their own efforts, and not at the expense of the love and devotion of another woman. We will choose those who are ready to take full responsibility for their lives and actions, and do not rush about between two fires, making both themselves and everyone around unhappy.

How to correctly and beautifully refuse a man

Women tend to think that men are the stronger sex. Partly so. But, sometimes there is more vulnerability and resentment in them. They are only stone blocks in appearance, but at heart they are little boys who are afraid to hear “no”. But they will have to hear this “no”. And your task is to make sure that they swallow this pill without too much bitterness.

This technique gives excellent results if you meet an aggressive and assertive man. For them, all the veiled words will mean that their actions must be even more assertive. "No" should sound short, not in raised tones, but with metal in your voice. Naturally, without insults, sarcasm and attacks towards the fan. A cold "no" and perhaps in a circle.

Frontal attack sounds understandable, convincing and categorically. You can just say "no" without adding anything to it. Maybe with a little explanation.

For example: “No, I can’t come”, “No, I have other plans”, “No time”. And do not forget to completely remove flirting, coquetry and affectation. Do not react to provocations and do not get fooled by dragging out the conversation. You can listen to claims and suggestions, but do not mind, do not ask clarifying questions, but simply say “no” again.

This is the softest technique of refusing a fan. Your "no" should be followed by "I'm sorry." For example, "I'm sorry I gave false hope", "I'm sorry, but I already have a boyfriend", "I'm sorry, but I'm not that girl."

The essence of the technique is that a woman should listen carefully to a man, showing her empathy and awkwardness, but at the end be sure to say “no”.

This technique will help to refuse a man whom you have known for a long time. Suppose this is a childhood friend who looked after you at school, and now, after 10 years, the same fire of feelings flared up in him. Tell him about yourself. Everything that we experienced during this time: about my husband, about my parents, about friends and work.

Tell him in such a way that he himself understands that there is no place for him in your life.

Once is an accident. Two is a coincidence. Three or more is the norm. This is exactly how this tactic works. You need to deduce a pattern in the fact that your union is labeled "no". For example, you are married, live in another city, and your mother will not accept him. It is difficult for a man to fight on three fronts at once. In his subconscious, a pattern will be strengthened in the unreality of relations with you.

And even if he moves to your city, achieves the location of your mother, and the husband moves, because it’s not a wall, then the subconscious mind will tell him that other three reasons will immediately grow.

This technique is especially suitable for rejection: a man older than you, superior and wealthy.

“Call me in an hour, oh better tomorrow. No, I can't tomorrow. Let's meet next week, shall we? Sorry, it's going to be busy all week. How about in a month? Again, I can't. You know what, but call me "never". Yes, never. Are you tempted to call me "never"? - approximately such a dialogue should sound. And a man should hear and understand him. Reschedule meetings, pull the "cat by the tail" as much as you can. The man himself will get tired of this uncertainty. And a smart man is well aware that this temporary delay is nothing more than a veiled refusal.

This technique is suitable for communicating with assertive fans who do not tolerate objections. But over time, they can simply dry out on their own.

You can't always knock on a closed door. On top of that, they won't get a straight rejection and they won't feel knocked out.

You can give a fan one slow dance, but during it explain to the man that your future life will be without him. Give him something you can afford to take away the feeling of desolation and failure from his heart.

If he says: “I either have everything or nothing,” and that’s great. So you will be freed from the dance, but he made the decision. Even more than that, he refused to dance with you.

“I can’t, but my friend will accept your offer with pleasure.” A little pandering, replacement of the soloist, and the trick is in the bag. Perhaps you can really arrange the privacy of a single girlfriend with a great male specimen.

When refusing a man, no matter how you decide, remove all female things from your arsenal. Don't provoke him. Men tend to hunt and conquer. Do not lure him into your traps if you really want him to get away from you. Any of your coquetry will keep him on a leash. If you use all the female charisma, then you need this fan and the topic of rejection is not in front of you.

Friendship with his entourage

An excellent tactic, for example, married man ask about his wife. And not just ask, but praise her, say that she is beautiful and smart. Invite a man to visit with your wife and say that the husband has long wanted to meet them.

Compliment - Refusal - Compliment

If you met a man in social networks, and in person he turned out to be completely different, then give him a portion of compliments with a mandatory refusal. For example: “You are a wonderful person, but, unfortunately, nothing will come of it with you, but I am sure that you will find a worthy mate for yourself.” Without unnecessary sweetness, but with the obligatory stroking of the "fur".

If the above points did not work and the boyfriend turned out to be persistent in excess, then you can try:

  • Ignore. Look through it as if there is no admirer, as if you are looking through glass at the street. Turn on complete indifference, you are not just deaf and dumb, but men are not. And remember the phrase "he who kills with a word finishes with silence." If a man did not understand anything the first time, then you will have to finish him off.
  • deceive. Don't have a boyfriend? Then "borrow" it for a while from a friend, and demonstrate it to a fan. Better if the "loan" is a boxer. No children? Say that four are sitting at home and asking for food.
  • Spend an evening with him. Do you want an evening? Give it to him. Just be the opposite of his girlfriend. Let a friend come with you, because she is lonely. Let mom, grandmother and neighbor call all the time. Let yours meet school friends All are drug addicts and alcoholics. Cursing, spitting on the floor, wearing scary clothes and not washing your hair. It's all exaggerated. But you need to arrange a "chic evening" somewhere in this vein.
  • Offer friendship. "I will always be your friend." If it suits him, well, give it to him. Maybe fall in love?
  • How to refuse a man in a relationship

    If you are a woman, you have already faced the following problem many times: how to politely refuse a man when he asks for a visit, invites you on a date, or asks for your phone number.

    You don’t always want to go on a date, you don’t always want to give an extra reason for a relationship if you are sure that you don’t like this man and you don’t want to have any serious relationship with him. At the same time, you do not want to seem rude, offend a person, especially if he is your old acquaintance.

    There are several ways in which you can politely and tactfully let a man know that you do not want to have any further serious relationship with him. You can check out some of them.

    Be direct and open, but kind

    It is better to say right away that you do not want development further relations. Here you can refer to anything - you have a fiancé, you are not ready for a relationship, a man is not your type, etc. It is better to immediately tell the whole truth (well, or almost all) than to give a man hope for the future.

    Come up with some nonsense

    Quite ridiculous stories often help, which make it clear to a man that you are not interested in him. Describe a situation in which you will be directly involved. Let it seem strange to your fan, but he himself may refuse to venture to invite you on a date. Some girls even go for the following trick: they tell something terrible about themselves, they say, they drink a lot, smoke, walk, etc. This discourages any desire for a normal man to pursue you.

    Polite refusal without hesitation and doubt

    Use your best efforts to give a polite denial in an acceptable manner. At the same time, your words should sound confident, without manifestations of indecision, otherwise the man will regard this as an attempt to play with him. Do not be rude in your refusal, do not be harsh, but be firm in your intentions.

    The shortest failure

    In some cases, a very brief waiver helps. You should not even tell any stories, compose fables. Just say that you can not meet a man right now or give your phone number. Sometimes the interlocutor may be offended, but this will not be for long, since you have not done anything wrong to him.

    Last phrase rule

    Remember that the last phrase spoken in a conversation is always remembered best. Therefore, with the last sentence, you should make it clear to the man that you are really sure of your refusal. Your phrase should not end with such expressions: "Well, I'll think about it" or "Everything is possible, but not now", etc. If you really do not want attention from this or that boyfriend, as politely as possible, let him understand this. The same applies to those cases when you do not want to offend your old friend who is in love with you. You should not give him hope with such phrases if you do not want to meet him. Let it be painful at first, but then he will definitely establish friendly relations with you.

    How to refuse a man and not spoil the relationship with him?

    The correct solution to the question of how to refuse a man and not ruin relations with him lies in the reasons for the “delicious situation”. So you have to look for the best way out when you like a man and you don’t want to spoil your relationship with him at all. But the time for intimacy has not yet come (due to moral principles or other circumstances). Rejection is also inevitable if a man does not evoke a response in you, however, respect for a person or social status requires special tact and prudence in actions.

    In addition, “throw into the pool with your head” is not worth it when:

  • the man already has another lover or wife;
  • he is a collector of love affairs;
  • does not share your views and values;
  • is a slave to bad habits.

It is quite natural that a woman does not want to humiliate herself with unworthy connections. But a man who sincerely loves and respects her will make an effort to rise to the desired level, but will not demand a “lowering the bar”.

How to tactfully refuse a man, “without burning bridges behind you”?

It is much easier to achieve understanding if you speak with a person in a language that he understands, or rather, focus on a value system that is understandable to him. So, a man interested in a career can explain his refusal by being busy at work, and a connoisseur of family values ​​​​will be more understandable arguments in the form of related cases. In this case, there will be no unpleasant "draft", and there will be a chance for new attempts.

A man will not be offended by an indirect refusal, presented through a story or an anecdote that dots the “I” in a positive form, full of humor and cheerful mood. If this person causes sincere respect and has done a lot of good for you, you should use the form of a compliment when the partner is told how beautiful, attentive, etc., but relations with him are possible only in a brotherly or friendly way.

Often a woman herself does not know how best to act. In this situation, it is worth hinting that you need to think, or turning the situation into a joke (but always in a friendly tone). Funny and funny speeches will help the guy relax and tune in to a peaceful note, which will help delay the decision, carefully weigh all the arguments and your own feelings.

How to refuse a man, but sweeten the pill?

Looking for the best way to refuse a man and not ruin relations with him, first of all, you should not allow him to feel rejected, unnecessary and finally expelled from the world of his beloved woman.

But since any living soul deserves love and respect, the main thing is to try to cause as little pain as possible, sincerely empathizing with the one who has to be refused. You can dispel gloomy colors with the help of a compromise, when a person is offered some kind of alternative in the form of assistance in a particular business, teamwork, friendly communication or organizing a new acquaintance.

In order for the guy who was refused to save face, he should not have the feeling of a banal “excuse” due to your inarticulate muttering and fear of looking into your eyes. Also, the arguments will not be heard, and the guy will consider himself deceived with a large number of hastily spoken words. However, the girl should not feel guilty and long-windedly apologize, giving false hope. It is better not to exacerbate the situation by limiting yourself to a concise, brief answer.

If a girl plans to refuse a man so that he shows even more interest, and thereby “bind” the guy to her more tightly, it is worth raising not only her own “value”, but also the partner’s self-esteem. In this case, impregnability only strengthens desire. Here it is worth hinting at mutual sympathy and expressing confidence that the man will have enough tact and patience not to rush things. The delay can be explained by the desire to verify the depth of feelings and get to know the young man better.

How to refuse a man: A simple and effective way

From time to time, we all find ourselves in a situation where we need to refuse a person. Definitely tell him no.

But this rejection is not always easy. Sometimes, surprising ourselves, we say “yes” instead of “no”. Most often, such situations occur in communication with men. Especially when the relationship is just starting or when they are going through a crisis.

Women do not know how to refuse a man correctly. Not because they are reliable and ready for any concessions. Because no one taught them. There is a misconception that once you refuse a man, you can lose him forever. How many women have been ruined by this delusion! How many were forced to do something that they later regretted ...

Women, more than men, tend to give in and are sensitive to what others might think of them. With their refusal, they are often afraid to offend a man, hurt his pride. As a result, such good intentions bring problems on their heads. A woman too often says "no" guiltily and uncertainly. He tries to justify himself, offers to agree on a compromise option and remain friends. As a result, the man does not take her refusal seriously. And he tries with all his might to convince a woman, sometimes even to intimidate or insult. How to refuse a man correctly? There is one simple and effective way. Let's find out which one.

Often, women tend to think for a long time "how to refuse a man." They are tormented by questions: “How can he say this? What will he think of me? How will he react to my words? And this is one of the most important mistakes women make - they worry more about him than about themselves.

Believe me, you should not get hung up on the question of what will happen after your “no”.

Think about yourself—your desires, your opinions, and your expectations. You have the right to decide whether you want to meet this man, whether you are ready to negotiate with him and under what conditions, whether you need him. And no one can impose themselves on you.

If you value and love yourself, then the question of how to refuse a man will be solved very easily for you. You just answer no.

If self-love is not all right yet, do it. Calmly say no. No need to justify. Or vice versa - to blame: “How dare you offer me such a thing ?!” If you don’t want to offend a man with a refusal, simply say “no”.

If you doubt your resolve or are afraid to start making excuses, try to say “no” and leave. Especially if you understand that you can be persuaded to change your mind and force you to comply. Say it simple short word"no" and leave.

Then you will not, with your guilty look, provoke a man to turn your “no” into a “yes”. After all, your confused face gives a man hope and excitement. And he thinks: "Nothing, nothing, I'll persuade her now." So, in order not to tempt a man once again, say the word "no." Pronounce it confidently and easily. And on this the problem of how to refuse a man will disappear by itself.

By the way, if you are required to explain, remember that you have every right not to give them. “No” is the magic word, it can protect you from problems. No wonder they say - no, and there is no trial. Learn to appreciate yourself and your desires. Don't be coaxed into doing something you don't want to.

It would seem that the reality of our life is such that girls should have only one important problem: how to find a boyfriend. This is confirmed by the sad statistics that in Russia the number of women far exceeds the number of the stronger sex. And now the words of a famous song helpfully come to mind: “Unfortunately, according to statistics, there are 9 guys for 10 girls.” Indeed, before the eyes of every girl there is a large number of unmarried women or single mothers.

But there are significant exceptions to this rule, girls who are envied, starting with kindergarten, their peers. Girls, around whom boys in love always spin, then guys who have lost their heads and all adulthood surrounded by men's attention. And they seem to be so lucky! But everything is not easy for them at all, and they have a rather serious problem: how to refuse a guy to meet, and not to have an ill-wisher for many years. Do not hurt him or get evil words in your direction. Agree that it is quite difficult.

Reasons preventing the emergence of mutual feelings.

Everyone knows that love cannot be ordered, sympathy is often not mutual. And the reasons for rejecting the young man are completely different:

  • completely dissimilar interests;
  • rejection of his external features or habits;
  • untidy appearance.

It happens that good guy, almost perfect, but not yours. And therefore, to force yourself, agreeing to meet with him, wasting time and giving him unrealizable hopes is clearly not worth it.

After all, keeping the guy just in reserve, may not be found your man, you will not be able to notice him, he will pass by, deciding that you are busy.

Therefore, we refuse the guy, but we do it tactfully.

So, how to properly and politely refuse a guy to meet

  • The most basic convey your absolute certainty in denial, before him. The young man must understand that your "no" means that it is definitely not. It is ideal to do this in a direct conversation with him face to face and, of course, without witnesses.

    Always remember that the guy singled you out of everyone if he offered to meet you. He treats you with sympathy, in a special way, if you approach a conversation with a young man with understanding.

    You should not be proud and build your conversation, starting from the fact that the young man is not worthy of you and your precious attention.

    Explain to him that you are flattered by his attention, you value him as a friend and respect him as a person, but this is absolutely all that you can feel towards him, and there will be nothing more.

    Such an answer will not offend the guy, it is quite possible to maintain mutual respect and friendly relations for many years.

  • Many friends advise just answer in response to an invitation to a date refusal due to employment. But this only gives you a temporary respite, and you can get into a rather delicate situation if you meet him walking with friends in the park, instead of the supposedly planned urgent visit to the sick grandmother.

    Therefore, it is better to avoid embarrassing situations, both for him and for you, but honestly explain everything to the guy.

    Believe me, most of the guys will understand and accept such a refusal much easier than deceit and tricks on your part. Yes, and such childish tricks will not add points to you in the eyes of the guys, your reputation can suffer significantly.

  • Another option is to refuse a guy a date by referring to the fact that you allegedly there is a young man you love. And to confirm his actual presence, you can ask him to play the role of a good friend. However, you should take into account the character of the young man who is courting you.

    If he has an explosive character, there is a high probability that your good friend, who agreed to come to your aid, will suffer.

The guy does not perceive your words, what to do next?

Despite the titanic efforts made, you still fail to convey your incompatibility to him. He also continues to look in your direction as an ideal, in his eyes you and only you in the whole wide world are the best and beautiful girl. But this only causes a feeling of anger and considerable irritation in you, and you are not used to being rude and do not want to start. Then refuse to meet the guy in radically different ways. For example, try to play into an artist and at the same time achieve what you want.

  1. Does he see you as an airy and gentle creature, eating nectar and smiling with a Mona Lisa smile? Well, then, we start going on dates with him, we shock him with loud laughter, telling stupid jokes and narrow-minded jokes, we talk about our craving for sausages and hot spices. Is he still holding on? Then we add even more from the image of "our boyfriend" and begin to greet his friends with noisy shouts and clapping on the shoulders.
  2. The first option is unacceptable for you, there is a softer way. Let's try make a guy your girlfriend. When meeting with him, pay special attention to the choice of clothes and cosmetics, go shopping with him, discuss the most fashion trends in everything and everywhere, do not hesitate to discuss every girl and woman you know. Be boring to the teeth gnashing and soon you will not see him in the area of ​​the nearest kilometer.
  3. Nothing works again? Get it with increased care and unflagging attention. Call him the maximum number of times a day, ask him constantly whether it is warm or cold, we are interested in whether he forgot to have breakfast and what he ate for lunch. Believe me no guy can withstand total scrutiny and such a desired result will not keep you waiting.

Video: How to refuse so as not to cause offense?

On the video psychologist Tatyana Dugelnaya

All methods and methods were applied, and he keeps looking at you with loving eyes, you are still beautiful and necessary for him. Maybe we should look at it more closely, and not look for a crane in the sky. Not always and not everyone needs princes on white horses, stereotypes often rooted in society do not allow you to see your man in a simple, ordinary guy, you will suddenly be happy for many, many years with him.

Attention, only TODAY!

Refuse to bind

How to refuse a man and is it worth it? Is it possible tell him no and even stronger bind to yourself?

Sex is always good when not too fast. If you are too interested in this man, it is better to reject his first invitation to bed. This is especially true when you:

1. The first showed initiative when meeting.
2. Your man belongs to the psychotype "".
3. You know for sure that the other day he is leaving on a long business trip.
4. You know that in addition to you, he already has a wife and a mistress.
5. You know very little about him.
6. You always give yourself to a man "with a soul."

In short, it makes sense to surrender immediately only when, apart from a one-time pampering, you don’t need anything from it.

A moral experiment for the sophisticated

But if it still turned out to be “easy to have fun” with a man, you can make an unexpected discovery for yourself. Turns out it's easy to convert "sex on the first date" into a long-term relationship, but only if... you can plausibly show that you're not interested in your fleeting lover as a permanent partner.

Break the male stereotype that all women are spiritually weak and fall in love from the first "fuck". If you have enough "spirit" for this - even after spending the night with you, your man realizes that he could not fuck you. And if he is aware of this, then, having your phone number, it is likely that he will strive to bring what he started to the "logical" end. Read more about what to remember and how to behave after sex so that there are no fears left and you don’t do stupid things in the book

At the moment when you are invited to bed, do a completely harmless thing: look into his head and fool it a little. All this will happen something like this ... When you refuse a man, he thinks something like this: “Yeah, she wants to break down, she’s gaining her worth.” Often a man voices it banal phrase: "Be easy, dear!" To which it would be nice to answer: “Simplicity is worse than theft!”

You do not indulge in long and stupid explanations - you challenge him. If he accepts this challenge, then an exciting continuation of the relationship follows. If not, then you just lose this man one day earlier than you could lose him, agreeing to everything “without breaking.”

Soul and soul invested in this article personal experience. How personal experience affects the value of the proposed materials is described in the video

Blog Manipulation-Female pickup- —

A person by nature is inclined to look for a soul mate similar to himself: the same principles, understanding, outlook on life and other positions become a criterion for choosing a partner.

Rarely do girls manage to meet that one guy, although other males constantly offer to meet.

In this situation, a difficulty arises: how to politely refuse a meeting with a man so that he remains calm.

To beautifully refuse a guy without offending him, we offer some effective and simple tips.

The need to refuse a guy an offer to meet arises quite often.

Girls may not like the behavior of a young man, his rudeness, excessive pathos, rudeness and assertiveness.

Former boyfriends can also often pursue girls who decide to start a new life.

To correctly refuse a meeting, date or relationship, pay attention to the proven phrases:

  1. After thinking for a long time, I realized: you are not ready for a serious relationship. I only accept serious connections, so we should wait - the option will wrap the guy's actions in the right direction.

    He will dramatically change his behavior, so the girl should be more assertive in refusing.

  2. Now there are difficulties on my life path, so I'm not in the mood to communicate with guys, I'm sorry - the way will help to tactfully get away from a relationship that has not yet begun.
  3. I'm sorry, but I don't want to hastily start a relationship with a person, I need to think carefully - the guy will offer to wait, so the young lady needs to culturally send him off.
  4. I don't meet guys on the street, my mother taught me good manners - it's good to decently refuse a guy who asks for a phone number.

Many girls, having made a refusal, continue to make further mistakes. Psychologists insist that after the refusal, the lady should change her behavior: it must coincide with what was said the day before.

For example, to strive to seek communication after a refusal, to flirt with a man - all this characterizes a girl from the negative side.

It is worth refraining from insults - this is too low for the behavior of a decent girl.

How to correctly refuse intimacy and sex without offending a guy

The difficulty for polite young ladies is the task of how to deny a man intimacy and sex, while not offending him.

It happens that for the first time it is still far away, although the man insistently offers to go to the next step.

Then you should show delicacy and gently refuse the offer: simple tips from psychologists will help smooth out the guy’s resentment.

Note! Denial of sex is needed not only when a relationship is born. He is needed in a married couple when a woman is tired, but does not want to offend her husband.

Consider popular ways to refuse sex to the representatives of the stronger sex without affecting his feelings, preserving love:

Way Description
Abstraction A man came to his wife with an interesting request, but is she tired or wants to rest? No problem: order sushi, turn on football and distract your loved one from an annoying thought
Deposition Cheating is unacceptable in this case. If sex was postponed until tomorrow, a man is waiting for him with great pleasure, so cheating will only destroy trust.
Replacement Sexual intercourse is easily replaced by petting: this type of intimacy will allow you to watch your favorite TV series and bring a lot of pleasure to a young man
Talk Refusal without motivation to a man who came to ask for intimacy will plunge him into rage and resentment. Start a heart-to-heart conversation: explain the reason for the refusal
No blackmail Don't try to punish a man by not having sex. The approach brings a lot of negativity to the relationship between partners.

Sex should be accompanied by love and desire. Scandals are superfluous here, it is better to follow the above tips and delicately refuse

How to maintain friendships and continue communication

Rejection is always accompanied by unpleasant experiences and negative consequences.

Every woman can prevent them by choosing the right strategy of behavior.

Effective advice from psychoanalysts will help maintain friendship and continue communication correctly:

  1. Support. A close friend who has been rejected is likely to be in a depressed state. Despite this, it is necessary to constantly encourage a man.

    If you specifically seek meetings, trying to console a friend, he will think that the girl has feelings for him.

    It is enough to accept the communication of a young man, and continue to maintain friendly relations.

  2. Common acquaintances. Most cases indicate that after the refusal, the guy and the girl still have common acquaintances and friends.

    Meet in common companies, have fun, communicate. Then you should not cross the line and behave as if the refusal was not sincere.

  3. Keep your distance. From the moment when the girl beautifully refused the young man, it is worth paying attention to behavior.

    Notify the man that from now on communication will become friendly.

  4. Abstract. Move on, because there are still many new acquaintances ahead.
  5. Tact. Only adequate communication will help maintain friendly ties with a man. Self-analysis and digging in yourself are superfluous here - accept everything as it is and move on.
  6. No flirting. Refuse to flirt in the direction of the young man, and if you notice that he himself wants to flirt, step back.
  7. Lack of personal information. From now on, you should not devote a man to personal experiences and hardships. This will give him too much hope.

For a young man to be offended, it is enough to completely stop communicating with him. The approach promises trouble, but if it is the only way out, use it.