OGE: arguments for the essay “What are life values. Composition on the topic “Greed From greed to the joy of life

Text for work

(1) There was a war that we, sixteen-year-old boys, have not yet fallen into. (2) The time was hungry. (3) On student cards, we were given only four hundred grams of bread.

(4) Meanwhile, even butter, ham, eggs, sour cream existed in our dorm room - in the bedside table of Mishka Eliseev, whose father worked in a warehouse and came to his son every Sunday and brought fresh plentiful food.

(5) There was a padlock on Mishka's bedside table. (6) We didn’t even approach it: the inviolability of someone else’s castle has been developed by a person for centuries and has been sacred at all times, excluding social cataclysms - spontaneous riots or natural revolutions.

(7) Somehow in the winter we got two days off, and I decided that I would go to my village and bring a loaf of black bread. (8) The guys tried to dissuade me: it’s far - forty-five kilometers, it’s cold outside and a snowstorm is possible. (9) But I set myself the task of bringing bread to the guys.

(Y) In the morning, despite the blizzard that broke out, I got to my parents' house. (N) After spending the night and putting the precious loaf in my shoulder bag, I went back to my friends in a cold, hungry hostel.

(12) I must have caught a cold, and now the illness began. (13) An incredible weakness seized me, and, having walked twenty-five kilometers through the cold, I raised my hand to a passing truck.

(14) - Is there alcohol, tobacco, lard? - menacingly asked the driver. (15) - Eh, why talk to you!

(16) - Uncle, don't leave! (17) I have bread.

(18) I took a large, heavy loaf out of the bag in the hope that the driver would cut off a part and take it to Vladimir for this. (19) But the whole loaf disappeared in the cab of the truck. (20) Apparently, the disease firmly captured me, even if the very disappearance of the loaf, for which I endured such torment, was already indifferent to me.

(21) Arriving at the hostel, I undressed, climbed into the icy inside of the bed and asked my friends to bring boiling water.

(22) - And what about boiling water with what? .. (23) Didn't you bring anything from home at all?

(24) I told them how it was.

(25) - Didn't that driver look like our Mishka Eliseev? asked Volodya Ponomarev.

(26) - There was, - I was surprised, remembering the driver's round red mug with small gray eyes. (27) - How did you know?

(28) - Yes, all grabbers and greedy people must be similar to each other!

(29) Then Mishka appeared in the room, and the guys, unable to stand it, turned to him for the first time with a request.

(30) - You see, a man fell ill. (31) I would give him at least something to eat.

(32) No one expected Mishka to be blown up in this way: he suddenly began to yell, stepping on one or the other.

(33) - Look, how clever - to look into someone else's bag!

(34) I don't have anything in my nightstand, you can check.

(35) Permitted.

(36) At the same time, he managed to throw a sly look at his heavy castle.

(37) The onset of illness, terrible fatigue, compassion, invested by the mother in the only loaf of bread, the unceremoniousness with which this loaf was taken from me, chagrin that I did not bring it, the care of the guys, Mishka's shameless lie - all this suddenly began to slowly swirl in me how swirling, becoming darker and more terrible, the July thundercloud. (38) The clubs grew, expanded, covered the eyes and suddenly hit the bottom of the brain with a dark wave.

(39) They told me later that I calmly took the stick with which we crushed decommissioned bedside tables to burn them in the stove and warm up, and moved to the bedside table with a lock. (40) I raised the club once or twice, and now the innermost inside of the “barn” was exposed: a glass jar with butter, white-white sugar crumbled into pieces, larger and smaller bundles flew in different directions, bread appeared at the bottom under the bundles.

(41) - Eat all this, and burn the nightstand in the stove, - as if I ordered before I went to bed. (42) I didn’t want to eat myself, I even felt sick. (43) Soon I fell into oblivion, because the disease entered into full force.

(44) The bear did not complain to anyone, but he no longer lived in our room. (45) His castle lay around the stove for a long time, like an unnecessary and useless item. (46) Then the commandant of the hostel took him away.

(According to V. Soloukhin)

Option 1

Greed is the unwillingness to share some material wealth with someone. A greedy person always causes unpleasant feelings. Greed is especially disgusting when those around you really need what is being hidden.

For example, in the story of V. Soloukhin, Mishka Eliseev is disgusting with his bedside table on the lock, in which food is stored (suggestions 5, 4) and which he does not share with anyone, even with a sick roommate.

The same disgust is caused by the driver who shamelessly took a loaf of bread from a hungry teenager (propositions 18, 19). Not only internally, but also externally, these misers are similar.

It seems to me that greed is formed from childhood, and everything must be done so that the child can feel as early as possible how pleasant it is to share with others.

Option 2

Greed is a very unpleasant trait in a person, aimed at concealing some material wealth from others. A greedy person makes others feel contempt.

Plyushkin from the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls" also lost its human appearance due to greed. He does not cause any feelings, except contempt.

Greed disfigures a person, turning him into a miserable creature.

Option 3

Greed is the unwillingness to share with others what is, the inability to let go of anything from oneself. A greedy person is usually shameless and deceitful.

In the text of V. Soloukhin, the impudence of the driver who drove the sick teenager to the city and took a loaf of bread in time of famine is striking (preposition 19).

Mishka is also disgusting when, in a fit of anger, not wanting to share, he lies to the guys that there is nothing in the bedside table (suggestions 33-35). Both he and the driver cause a feeling of indignation and contempt.

An example of greed incarnate is King Midas from ancient Greek myth. In exchange for his service, he begged the god Bacchus to make everything he touched instantly turn into gold. Midas soon realized that he was punished by his greed, since the begging for a gift is nothing compared to the pangs of hunger.

It is very good when greed is punished. This gives a person a chance to get rid of this vice.

Option 4

Greed is the desire to get more, the unwillingness to share even with those who really need it. Greedy people are usually shameless.

Greed is a distinctive quality of Mishka Eliseev from the text of V. Soloukhin. He, knowing how difficult it is for his peers in times of famine, does not share food with them and even hangs a lock on the bedside table with food (proposition 5).

And in "The Miserly Knight" A.S. Pushkin's greed turned the Baron into an unthinkable miser, all of whose interests were reduced to sorting out the gold in the chest.

Greed is disgusting, and I fully support the act of the narrator, who taught Mishka Eliseev a lesson.

Option 5

I understand greed as the inability and unwillingness to give something to another person. Others suffer from this phenomenon, because the greedy man is always soulless.

This is exactly what the truck driver from the text of V. Soloukhin turned out to be, who agreed to give the narrator a lift only for a loaf (suggestions 18-19). The driver could do it for free or take at least not all the bread from the teenager, but he was greedy and left the boy hungry.

And who hasn't heard of Plyushkin? Reading "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol, we see what monstrous forms greed can take.

Of course, greed dries up the soul of a person, does not allow good feelings to develop and good deeds to be carried out.

Option 6

I think that greed is an irrepressible desire to have as much as possible, a desire to replenish some of your reserves, regardless of whether they are really needed. Greed is a negative quality, the opposite of generosity, kindness.

It is greed that drives Mishka Eliseev when he lashes out at the guys (proposition 33) and says that he has nothing in his nightstand (proposition 34). After all, it was a lie, and everyone knew about it, including Mishka himself. He behaved extremely ugly!

Greed really does not decorate people. Many crimes are due to human greed: theft, fraud, even murder are sometimes committed out of self-interest. This is often told in the program "Man and the Law."

I believe that if greedy people knew how terrible they look in the eyes of others, they would think about their behavior. The joy of life is not at all in wealth and accumulation, but in the ability to help and share.

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Undoubtedly, the worst of human vices is greed. The people it takes possession of simply cannot deny themselves the accumulation of material wealth. They are not able to moderate their appetites, because they are always short of everything.

Greed never comes alone. Most often, it occurs along with a feeling of envy. If a greedy person sees that someone has something that he does not have, he certainly wants to get it, be it money, expensive clothing, jewelry or car. Therefore, sometimes he is even ready to commit a crime in order to take away the things he likes from another.

The classic manifestation of greed is stinginess. Stingy people know the value of their wealth and would never share it with anyone around them. However, they also deny themselves a lot of things, just to save and set aside one more penny for a rainy day.

In N. V. Gogol's poem " Dead Souls”using the example of the landowner Stepan Plyushkin, it clearly shows what greed can bring a person to, and how it can ruin his life. Once Plyushkin was a completely normal person and he had loving family, and now there is only a huge pile of rubbish in the corner of the room, which is replenished daily with more and more awkward exhibits.

Of course, the image of this stingy landowner was created by Gogol with the help of the grotesque, but, unfortunately, there are many such Plyushkins in our modern life. I usually sincerely feel sorry for such people, because not only those around them suffer from the manifestations of their greed, but also they themselves.

Task Formulation:

How do you understand the meaning of the word HUMANITY? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is humanity”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second - from your life experience.

As you already understood, one argument must be from the read text (Read the text in full), and the second - from your life experience. And this greatly simplifies the task.

The structure of the essay-reasoning 15.3. OGE in Russian:

1. Thesis.
2. Argument 1 + example + comment.
3. Argument 2 + example + comment.
4. Conclusion (according to the thesis).

Cliche for composition 15.3. OGE in Russian

Part (paragraph) Cliches (typical schemes of phrases and sentences)
Thesis In my opinion, humanity is... (or)
In my opinion, humanity is... (or)
I think humanity is... (or)
I think humanity is... (or)
What is humanity? Few think about it. I think that...
Argument 1 Let us turn to the text of B. Vasiliev, which refers to ...(or)

In the text, B. Vasiliev raises the problem ...
In sentence no. ... the author says that ... (or)

Argument 2 I can support my opinion with examples from life experience ...(or)
In life we ​​often see...(or)
I once witnessed an event that... Once upon a time...
Conclusion Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that... (or)
Thus, it can be concluded that... (or)
In closing, I would like to say that...

These clichés are intended only to help you formulate thoughts, it is not necessary to use these particular phrases. Essay on task 15.3. may look more creative prerequisite is to follow the structure of the essay.

Sample essay in task format 15.3

Humanity is moral quality which implies respect and sympathy for people, benevolence and tolerance. AT modern world and so enough evil, people need to be more attentive and kinder towards each other.

The behavior of two girls and a boy from B. Vasiliev's text cannot be called humane. They committed a theft, taking advantage of the old woman's blindness. Letters from the front were the dearest for Anna Fedotovna. The inhuman act of the guys led to the fact that her soul "became blind and deaf."

The students of our school provide all possible assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and widows of veterans. I think it is necessary not only for them, but also for us. By helping others, a person shows his best qualities Humanity is one of them.

Good feelings should be formed from childhood, assimilated simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and important truths. Without humanity, the spiritual beauty of a person is impossible. (125 words)

How to find arguments in text?

The hardest part is finding arguments in the text. If you are not very well versed in the means of artistic expression, then, of course, it is better to repeat them before the exam. In task 15.3. it is not necessary to use them as an argument, but the skillful use of expressive means will certainly be appreciated by the verifier. On the exam itself, oddly enough, the exam paper itself will be of great help to you. Argument number 1 you take from the read text. Think about the problem raised in the text, how the problem is solved in the text. Argument number 2 will tell you your own life experience. Think about whether this problem is relevant at the present time? How does the problem manifest itself today? And write about it

  1. (40 words) One of the basic values ​​of any person is time, and you need to use it wisely. This is taught by "The Tale of Lost Time" by E. Schwartz. Main character I learned from my own experience that idlers will not notice how they grow old - and then it will be too late to achieve something.
  2. (54 words) The hero of a famous myth, King Midas, rendered a service to the god Dionysus, and he promised the king any gift as a reward. Midas asked that everything turn to gold at his touch. Greed almost killed him, because food and wine also turned into gold. This is a vivid example of the fact that the choice of certain life values ​​determines our destiny.
  3. (39 words) Animals, like people, have their own values ​​in life. Let us recall the dog Kashtanka from Chekhov's story of the same name: she remained faithful to her former owners, although the new one treated her much better. Not every being is capable of such devotion to its own detriment.
  4. (55 words) It is very easy to find out what is most important for a person - just ask. So did the music teacher from the story of V. Dragunsky "What the Bear loves." One of the boys in response listed a lot - "the whole world", and the second - only his favorite food. It is understandable why the teacher was dissatisfied with his words: an exceptional commitment to the material is especially terrible if the hero is a child.
  5. (54 words) The story of I.S. Turgenev's "Khor and Kalinich" is an example of the difference in the life orientations of people belonging to the same class. Khor and Kalinich are both peasants, but for the first the main thing is a strong life, and the second "hovers in the clouds", but he is a sincere person, close to nature and art. What's better? According to the author, the characters complement each other, personify the two sides of life.
  6. (43 words) Some values ​​are called "eternal" - they are common to most people and do not change for centuries. For example, friendship. The Fox, the hero of Exupery's The Little Prince, speaks beautifully about her. Thanks to friendship, he explains, a person is saved from boredom and loneliness, feels needed and can know true happiness.
  7. (55 words) Gleb Kapustin, the hero of the story by V.M. Shukshina “Cut off”, saw his life value in “bringing down arrogance” from noble people who came to visit their native village. He publicly caught them in ignorance of some scientific fact and rejoiced at their embarrassment. It is not surprising that no one loved Gleb - the one who is pleased to humiliate others will sooner or later be left alone.
  8. (50 words) Life values ​​easily betray someone as an egoist. For example, the Pig from the fable of I.A. Krylova "Pig under the Oak" undermined the roots of the Oak in search of acorns, not at all caring that the tree could dry out from this. Unfortunately, sometimes people do not think about how their actions can affect others.
  9. (45 words) Home is dear to every person. Its walls are salvation from all life's adversities. This is allegorically shown in the poem by Ya.P. Polonsky's "The Road": the lyrical hero is on the road and envies the coachman, who "will find peace, hello and dinner ... under his roof" and will be happy, even though he lives in a poor shack.
  10. (54 words) It is sad when the importance of something is directly related to the material value of this thing or even a living being. For example, in the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon" dog bit the drunk Khryukin when he poked a cigar at her. The policeman first orders to exterminate the dog, but after learning that its owner is the general's brother, he blames Khryukin himself for what happened, and already affectionately addresses the dog.
  11. Examples from life, cinema, media

    1. (39 words) 2018 has been declared the Year of the Volunteer in Russia. Such people are worthy of respect, because they selflessly help those who need it. We can say that the value for them is the well-being of others, for which they are ready to sacrifice their own benefit.
    2. (45 words) Education has always been important to most people, but the true example for me is my grandparents' stories of how they, as little children, walked to school, which was a few kilometers from home! And they did not complain, because they understood: without education, there is nowhere in life.
    3. (42 words) For the sake of true values, you can take risks. About this - the Russian film by D. Kiselyov "The Time of the First". In the situation of the Cold War between the USSR and the USA, every achievement counted. Soviet cosmonauts were the first to go into outer space, but this could cost them their lives.
    4. (59 words) “Better a tit in the hand than a crane in the sky” - this means that sometimes you need to be content with what you have. My friend was offered a very profitable position, but he had to urgently move to another city. He made up his mind, leaving his old job and elderly parents. As a result, it didn’t work out in the new place, but they didn’t take him back, and relations with his family deteriorated for a long time.
    5. (57 words) Many people cannot imagine life without sports. But what about those whose physical abilities are limited? To not give up! We all know about the Paralympic Games, where athletes show real miracles. But not only professionals are capable of this: for example, in my city there is an amateur basketball team for wheelchair users. These people prove: you need to fight for what is important to you.
    6. (43 words) Children are known to learn the values ​​of adults. There is a popular picture on the Internet: the boss yelled at the man; he, having come home, quarreled with his wife; she scolded the child, and the child also "educates" the kitten. The drawing is funny, but instructive: it shows that good things need to be taught by example.
    7. (49 words) Everyone chooses life guidelines, but upbringing, including spiritual education, plays a big role here. In any religion there are rules that determine what a person should be, what to strive for. Usually these are traditional values: respect for the elders and care for the younger ones, love for work, kindness, honesty and other virtues.
    8. (38 words) One of the main values ​​for me personally is friendship. With friends, I can share any experience, knowing for sure that they will support me and give advice. Communication with these people energizes me, gives me confidence and inspires me to new achievements.
    9. (42 words) In our age it has become popular to "make a career" - often to the detriment of everything else. The nationwide program "In the Family Circle" aims to remind people of the value of a strong marriage and having children. With the help of television, cinema, theater, the organizers of the program show the advantages of a large friendly family.
    10. (60 words) Even the same person's values ​​change over time. My brother was greedy as a child, and I was afraid that this quality would remain in him forever. But everything changed when he liked a girl classmate - he began to save on entertainment in order to buy her a gift, and in general, he became more attentive to the people around him. Now this is a wonderful, generous person, and that girl is his bride.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Whatdevotion ? Loyalty is the willingness to sacrifice something for the sake of something, the ability in any situation to remain faithful to something or someone, whether it be an idea or a person. I will try to substantiate my definition of this ethical concept.

As the first argumentcorrectness of the stated thesiswe can cite sentence 15 from the text of V.V. Chaplina. It describes the wolverine's dedication to a mother's duty to protect her children. As soon as her cubs were in danger, she, in spite of everything, rushed to protect her offspring.

As a second argument confirming my point of view, I will give an example from my life experience. I know two friends. They served together during the war in Chechnya. Once, during the retreat, one of the comrades was wounded. He could not move and remained to cover the withdrawal of our troops. Suddenly, his friend lies down next to him and says: “Russians don’t leave their own!” Here it is, true devotion: despite the threat to one's own life, to remain true friend, do not leave him in difficult times.

I think that by giving two arguments, I proved my understanding of the word "devotion". It's a pity that it's rare these days. (Belov Nikita)

Composition 15.3.

Think thatfriendship is a relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, self-sacrifice. I will prove this with the help of the text offered to us for analysis and my own life experience.

For example, in the work of Rosa Gosman we are talking about the friendship of two girls: Olga and Elena. Olga writes poetry. She herself understands that they are not very good (1). However, Lena always praises them (13). But the friend is insincere: she flatters Olya, and laughs at her behind her back (19-21). Therefore, when Olya finds out the truth, the girls quarrel. In this situation, Olya behaves very generously: she forgives Lena, and she, having received good lesson, changed her attitude towards Olya's hobby, and the girls renewed their friendship (45-50).

In addition, I want to give an example from my own life. My friend always helps me, keeps secrets and supports me in all endeavors. I also try to answer her the same. That's why I consider her a true friend.

Thus, I proved that friendship is built on understanding and trust. The role of friendship is huge in today's world, because it's good to realize that you have someone to rely on in difficult times.

(Ekaterina Listishenkova)

Composition 15.3.

I know thatfriendship is a relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, self-sacrifice. I will prove it with the help of the original text and my life experience.

In the work of A. Ivanov, an example of true friendship is given. Ovechkin was ready to sacrifice his own life to save his friends. He fearlessly jumped onto the trunk of a tree and began to cut it (45-46). Ovechkin knew what risk he took, but did not stop, but completed his work (48-57).

In addition, I want to give an example from my own life that confirms my point of view. When I had a trouble in my life, because of which I was very worried, my friend was there all the time, supported and encouraged me. I thought that it was she who helped to forget that incident. I would like to thank her for this.

Thus, I proved that friendship really plays a big role in a person's life, the whole world rests on it. (Ekaterina Listishenkova)