What to do if the child ate river sand. If the child ate sand: what should parents do. Lack of useful minerals and substances in the body

Summer, cottage, sea (puddle) - freedom-o-ode! The child is on a free grazing, and the mother, especially if she is Mom-For-The-First-Time, is in a state close to the deepest faint, because the child does a lot of things that a) he has never done before and b) makes his mother anxiety close to stress by their actions. What is dangerous and what is not, and what to do after kid's tricks - we'll talk in this article.

- Doctor, my child ate sand. I gave him a lot of water, now what?
- Make sure it doesn't come close to the cement...

1. Ate sand.
This is the most elementary thing your child will do as soon as he gets into a huge sandbox called "beach". Although, in principle, the same fate can befall the earth from a flowerpot for home flowers, sand from a cat litter or the contents of a dog feeder.

What threatens? Yes, actually, nothing special. Unless (as the worst option) not earlier than after 14 days, signs of helminthic invasion may appear (restless sleep, abdominal pain, changes in taste preferences, loss of appetite, itching near the anus, and in girls also redness of the vulva), which are, in our purely personal opinion, the reason for going to the doctor.

What to do? All you can do immediately after eating sand or earth is rinse your mouth thoroughly. Washing the mouth (as well as washing other parts of the body), along with washing clothes and washing surfaces that can still be washed, usually ends with an examination of the taste and tactile characteristics of the contents of the potty or diaper. Oh, it's hard for parents. But what a contribution to the gastronomic experience of your baby.

2. He licked the dirty wheels from someone’s stroller (that’s why hip-hip cheers for the sling again!), happily chews on the found cigarette butts, procrastinates the slippers of some granny who went swimming, and - apotheosis and apothege - managed to lick completely untrustworthy legs beach neighbor.

What threatens? There is a chance to earn an intestinal infection or stomatitis.

What to do? In addition to rinsing your mouth when you return home, treat your mouth with any antiseptic or mouthwash (only dilute 1:3 with drinking water)

3. Enthusiastically procrastinated pebbles and swallowed a small pebble.
Most often, babies swallow beads, small metal balls or pebbles. But, according to pediatricians, children also swallow needles (I would like to believe that in places that are at least somehow adapted for grazing children, there are still a few of them ...).

What threatens? If he swallows a bead or a small stone, this treasure will eventually come out with a chair. But a broken metal ball can still get stuck and start to rust.

What to do? Never induce vomiting! Give more solid food and wait three days for the jewels you eat to pass in your stool. It is easier with beads, as well as with small pebbles, but it is better to witness the exit of a metal ball personally (because it can get stuck and start to rust). If it doesn't work, do an enema. Just do not give laxatives in any case, as they stimulate the appearance of rust.
Attention! If you swallow sharp objects, contact your pediatric surgeon without delay.

4. Sits in the sea (pool, lake, river, ditch, puddle, swamp with leeches - but happy) for hours and categorically refuses to get out, including ultrasound when taken out of the water.

What threatens? With a long stay of a child in wet clothes (swimming trunks, swimsuit), it is possible hypothermia.

How does this happen and how to avoid it? Children prefer to play in the water, going into it up to their ankles and squatting right there on their haunches. This is enough for the bottom of the swimsuit to be wet, and water rises up it. Children do not have a subcutaneous fat layer, which does not allow the body to cool quickly, and therefore the baby thus has a “great opportunity” to earn hypothermia, provided that wet clothes are available. In principle, I am against closed swimsuits for women of reproductive age, and especially for little girls!

It is better to bathe a child under 5 years of age naked.
If you are a girl's mother, and the girl is a big fashionista who follows the latest beach fashion, then let the young lady, before entering the water completely, put on a swimsuit, and sunbathe and play naked. In a swimsuit (even in a dry one), and even more so in ordinary panties, sand tends to get under the swimsuit, and, accordingly, inside the girl's genitals. To what it can lead - I think it is not necessary to explain. If you just sit with your bare booty (and everyone else) on the sand, then this does not happen. Another option is to put on a short cape on the shoulders - such as an undershirt or cape: in this case, the hangers will also not burn, and you can even go into the water in it up to your waist.

Of course, if the child falls into the water, it will have to be removed. If the child is very shy (and you don’t need to pay attention to the momentary awkwardness, especially when exposed for the first time in a public place), then you can put on tight-fitting small swimming trunks (but not a closed swimsuit or ordinary panties - they don’t cover anything anyway). And further one argument for bathing small children naked- Vladimir Shahidzhanyan writes in the book “1001 questions about IT”:

“If you want your young children to satisfy their curiosity about the physique of the opposite sex, let them bathe together - boys and girls - in the nude. After 3-4 minutes, they will stop paying attention to each other's genitals. This, in my opinion, is the best "prevention" of children's games with stripping.

5. Pulls off any shoes and runs barefoot over bumps, needles, branches and other “tricks”.

What threatens? You will not believe - nothing! Well, perhaps something slippery and smelly (or no longer slippery, but continuing to smell bad) can step on, but this is rather a matter of the well-groomed environment around us and the culture of the inhabitants of this environment.

What to do? In every possible way to encourage walking barefoot, because this is the most important tempering procedure. Everyone knows that the foot is the largest reflexogenic zone of the human body. When walking barefoot, biologically active points on the foot are stimulated. In addition, stomping on various difficulties (cones, pebbles, sand, stump) with a change of surfaces (grass, sand, wood and even asphalt) prevents the development of flat feet. The foot becomes more stable, gait and running are freer; posture and coordination are also improved.

To strengthen the arch of the foot, it is better to walk on an uneven, rough surface, for which grass, sand or pebbles are ideal. Turn physical development in fun game- make an "obstacle trail" with different surfaces and join the child in training to overcome it.

Parents should not be afraid if the child's feet feel cold to the touch. The feet are the main part of the body responsible for thermoregulation of the entire organism, and their lower temperature is an adaptive response to cold. The thermal balance of the body is restored due to the movements of the baby, an increase in the tone of his muscles and an increase in the pulse. And if it gets cool outside - put on your baby leggings, they will give warmth to the muscles, and the feet will remain free. All this is necessary for harmonious development every healthy child.

What to do, if..?... the environment turned out to be not as well-groomed as we would like, and the child stepped on something cutting and stabbing. Examine the place of the "wound" and what it was caused by. If this is not a rusty nail that the child pulled out of a meter-deep hole, if blood is coming from the wound, you can put aside to worry. If, after all, a nail, a deep, stab wound, without access to oxygen (what doctors and biologists call "anaerobic") and the blood does not flow, but oozes, as it were - be sure to see a doctor. In all other cases, we treat the wound with what is at hand (clean water, peroxide, alcohol, Dermobacter), lubricate the edges with iodine or brilliant green, seal it with a plaster and watch for a couple of days to see if inflammation has begun.

6. Falls, the bastard (or grebe), breaking his knees, gets up, shedding tears and again rushes into the race; running around in the sun naked, without a panama hat, chasing sunstroke and third-degree burns; in spite of his mother, he falls off the fence, earning a concussion, and receives other injuries ...

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What to do if the child ate sand on the playground, inhaled sand, or sand got into the baby's eyes, and whether it is worth worrying in principle - read the doctor's advice in our material.

When, if not in summer, children are most often in close contact with sand and earth - in sandboxes, on beaches, in nature. And not all children understand what can be pulled into the mouth and what cannot. Therefore, the problem of getting sand into all easily and hard-to-reach places of the baby is very relevant in the summer.

How to provide first aid to a child if he ate or inhaled sand, and if the sand got into his eyes, said Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics No. 2 of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupika, Candidate of Medical Sciences Valentina Korneva.

If the child ate sand

If a child has swallowed sand, there is no need to panic and run for anthelmintic drugs. First you need to rinse his mouth: give the baby clean water to rinse his mouth.

If the child is still too young to do it on his own, wrap a cotton cloth soaked in water around his finger and wipe the child's tongue and teeth.

During the next visit to the doctor, it is worth discussing with the local pediatrician the advisability of deworming. Most likely he will recommend that you wait until the end of the summer and the season of games in the sandbox (because the likelihood that it was not last time when the child swallowed the sand is large enough) and do tests for helminths.

If sand gets into the child's eyes, rinsing is necessary. If active lacrimation, redness of the mucosa occurs, it is necessary, without delay, to seek specialized ophthalmic care.

Dr. Komarovsky: What to do if the child gets sand in his eyes (VIDEO)

If a child inhales sand

The situation is more complicated if the child, while playing on vacation, fell and inhaled sand - this state of affairs sometimes requires emergency measures.

Because in children in this case there may be a violation of the respiratory function, up to the occurrence of laryngospasm - a spasm of the glottis.

What to do if the child inhaled sand:

  • urgently need to throw the child upside down over the arm and help to cough with jerky movements,
  • rinse mouth, face, nose, eyes with water,
  • drink water if possible
  • If the child continues to cough, seek immediate medical attention medical care because foreign bodies may be in the airways.

Now you know what to do if the baby swallowed sand on the playground or on the beach, if the child got sand in his eyes or airways. The main thing, remember, there is nothing terrible in this, and keep calm.

Often parents are faced with a problem when their baby has tried the sand from the sandbox or filled his palm of the earth and put it in his mouth. Why do children eat inedible food? Unfortunately, not every adult tries to get to the bottom of the situation, find out the reasons and draw conclusions. In medicine, the desire to eat inedible objects is called geophagy. This behavior is considered normal when the child is 1.5-2 years old.

For a 1.5-2 year old baby, tasting the earth and sand is normal.

Why do children eat sand and earth?

What to do if the child eats sand or feasts on the earth? What should be the reaction of parents? First, find out the reason for eating such substances. If your child has done this for the first time, then it’s too early to panic - kids are extremely inquisitive, so they learn new subjects.

In such a situation, it is recommended that mom or dad calmly explain to the baby that this is not necessary. You can not scare the end of the walk, because the baby in this way shows a normal desire to know the world around him. Experts are sure that in the process of growing up this phenomenon will pass.

Psychological reasons

Psychologists are of the opinion that eating sand is a consequence of some psychological factors. This is what children who experience a lack of attention from their parents do. It is quite normal that as soon as a mother catches her child eating sand, she will instantly rush to save him. Similarly, kids express their protest against the prohibitions of adults.

What can I do to prevent this kind of behavior? To begin with, reconsider your joint pastime on a walk. Play more with your child, spend less time telephone conversations and socializing with other moms on the playground.

Find something to do with the baby so that he does not have the desire to drag foreign objects into his mouth.

Lack of useful minerals and substances in the body

Pediatricians say that the reason for the strange behavior of the crumbs is the lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. Thus, on an instinctive level, children make up for their deficiency.

If the baby eats sand, most likely, there is not enough silicon in his body. An insufficient amount of this mineral can further provoke joint disease and even anemia. When the little one ate the earth, this indicates a low hemoglobin content, iron deficiency and beriberi. In such a situation, you must do the following:

  • undergo an examination;
  • take tests;
  • find out how well the crumbs absorb calcium;
  • consult a pediatrician.

What threatens swallowing sand, earth, stones?

A big threat is the remains of garbage: small glass, cigarette butts, small pebbles, hard paper, etc., which are teeming with a sandbox or flower bed. Eating sand is sometimes dangerous: the baby can choke or damage the mucous membrane of the mouth, teeth.

What to do if the baby ate sand or inhaled it?

What to do if the child eats sand? Parents should not panic. The baby needs to rinse his mouth and give clean water to drink. You do not need to buy anthelmintic drugs or activated charcoal instantly. When a child ate sand, swallowing it in in large numbers, you need to watch him for a couple of days. Most likely, the inedible substance will come out in full naturally.

If the baby has inhaled grains of sand in large quantities, then they must be removed from the respiratory tract. The baby is placed on the hand of an adult head down and lightly tapped on the back with a palm. After that, the baby needs to be given a drink. It is necessary to consult a specialist when, after inhalation of sand, a long cough, asthma attacks, vomiting, etc. continue.

If after eating the “delicacy” the baby’s condition worsened, you need to contact the pediatrician

How to wean a child from eating inedible?

Most often, eating inedible does not become a systematic activity, but as soon as your baby has eaten sand again, try to distract him. Show him new toy, a cat running past, an airplane in the sky. If you notice that such a reaction of the child was the result of your inattention to him, then show more care, put aside your chores, talk with your child, play games together.

Satisfy the baby's interest in bulk materials can be more safe methods- scatter at home on the table different types cereals and pasta. Play with these items, put them in piles, sort them, put them in jars or plates. Surely the child will appreciate this activity.

Express concern should be when the child eats inedible, including sand, for an extended period of time. Specialists should be consulted when this continues into a more conscious age if your child is 3-5 years old.

What to do if a child ate sand on the playground, inhaled sand, or sand got into the child's eyes, how to provide first aid to a child and whether it is worth worrying in principle - read the doctor's advice in our material. When, if not in summer, children are most often in close contact with sand and earth - in sandboxes, on beaches, in nature. And not all children understand what can be pulled into the mouth and what cannot. Therefore, the problem of getting sand into all easily and hard-to-reach places of the baby is very relevant in the summer.

How to provide first aid to a child if he ate or inhaled sand, and if the sand got into his eyes, said Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics No. 2 of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupika, Candidate of Medical Sciences Valentina Korneva.

If the child ate sand
If a child has swallowed sand, there is no need to panic and run for anthelmintic drugs. First you need to rinse his mouth: give the baby clean water to rinse his mouth. If the child is still too small and cannot do it on his own, wrap a cotton cloth soaked in water around his finger and wipe the child's tongue and teeth.

If sand gets in the child's eyes
If sand gets into the child's eyes, rinsing is necessary. If active lacrimation, redness of the mucosa occurs, it is necessary, without delay, to seek specialized ophthalmic care.

If a child inhales sand
The situation is more complicated if the child, while playing on vacation, fell and inhaled sand - this state of affairs sometimes requires emergency measures. Because in this case, children may have a violation of the respiratory function, up to the occurrence of laryngospasm - spasm of the glottis.

What to do if the child inhaled sand:

urgently need to throw the child upside down over the arm and help to cough with jerky movements,
rinse mouth, face, nose, eyes with water,
drink water if possible
if the child continues to cough, seek immediate medical attention, as there may be foreign bodies in the airways.