What is the normal weight for a newborn boy. What is the normal weight for a newborn. Causes of overweight in infants

The first thing that a new mother is told after the birth of a baby is the height and weight of the child. The weight of a newborn, on average, is 2500-4500 g, and the height is 45-56 cm. According to WHO ( World Organization Health) norms of growth and weight in newborns differ, depending on the sex of the child. The norms of height and weight for boys are 49 - 52 cm and 3200 - 3500, and the norms of height and weight for girls are 48 - 50 cm and 3000 - 3300, thus the indicators of the norm of height and weight for boys are usually more similar figures for girls.
Newborns weighing more than 4500 gr. and taller than 52 - 54 cm are considered large. In the birth of a large baby, at the time set by the obstetrician-gynecologist, they can contribute, even in the womb, proper nutrition (high-quality food), increased medical care. Also, the birth of such a hero is facilitated by repeated births, post-term pregnancy, overeating during pregnancy, Rh-conflict of mother and child, diabetes, hereditary traits.
If a newborn, on the contrary, has a weight and height below the norm established by WHO, then low weight can be explained by a number of reasons, most often associated with improper (unbalanced) nutrition of the mother during pregnancy, bad habits, intrauterine infections, heredity, as well as short breaks between pregnancies.

Rates of growth and weight gain in newborns

In the first week after birth, a newborn loses about 6-8% of his body weight. Weight loss is associated with natural processes: fluid loss, meconium excretion and shrinkage of the umbilical cord remnant. Nutrition in the first days of a baby's life is minimal, especially if the baby is breastfed. Breast milk begins to be produced after a certain amount of time. Colostrum is a mother's "starter" milk, which contains all the nutrients needed for a newborn. A small amount of this colostrum is enough for a baby to remove his hunger, and therefore the weight gain is small. By the end of the first month, the newborn adds 400-800 g.

Table height and weight of a newborn up to a year

These indicators are the norm, but do not forget that each baby gains weight in his own way. Growth increases by 3-4 cm, but even here all indicators are very individual. Do not worry if your baby has not gained a little or has gone over the norm of weight or height, the most important thing is control: control on your part and control on the part of the pediatrician, and if the rear of the baby is protected by qualified doctors and a mother’s loving heart, then prevent any deviations from norms becomes easy and simple. Let your baby grow and gain weight exactly as much as his body needs to be healthy, smart and beautiful!

The shape of the skull and head of a newborn baby.

Another feature of a newborn child is the presence of a minor birth injury - a tumor on the head of a newborn. This is an absolutely normal physiological short-term phenomenon - swelling of soft tissues due to passage through the birth canal. Imagine a baby spreading its head soft tissues birth canal, passes through the hole formed by the bones of the mother's pelvis, makes certain turns that he must make in order to be born. At this time, mainly on the parietal areas is a huge pressure. Because of this, a newborn baby can get a birth injury.

A birth tumor or hematoma in a newborn baby on the head is a minor birth injury, with which 100% of babies born as a result of natural childbirth in head presentation. But in infants born in the breech presentation, the entire load goes to the pelvic part, and the birth tumor - a bruise - appears on the ass (soft tissues react differently to the load).

The birth tumor completely painlessly disappears in 1-2 days, does not require any treatment.

There is a relationship between the anatomical structure of the mother and the shape of the child's head.

  • Skull shape of a newborn baby may be:

"tower", when the shape of the head of a newborn baby is oval, elongated, the so-called "dolichocephalic" shape of the head,

“brachycephalic” is the rounded shape of the head in infants with pronounced frontal tubercles (as a rule, it is characteristic of infants born in the breech presentation).

Both "tower" ("dolichocephalic") and "brachycephalic" head and skull shapes in newborns are the norm.

During childbirth, the bones of the skull of a newborn baby can be dislocated at the seams, because they are malleable and overlap each other. This is also normal, and is not a pathology, and there will be no consequences in the future: all the bones of the skull of a newborn baby will fall into place.

Definitely, after the birth of the baby, there will be swelling of the face and scalp. After a couple of days they leave, which is why many people notice that on the third or fourth day the baby seems to become different.

How to push properly during childbirth.

If the mother behaves incorrectly during childbirth - she presses the born head during attempts in the perineum, pushes in the face, in the eyes, during childbirth - then the baby has hemorrhages - small vessels of the face burst, a huge bruise appears on the face, or small pinpoint hemorrhages . Sometimes blood vessels in the eyes burst. That is why it is so important to push correctly during childbirth, and in the pushing period to listen, to be in contact with the doctor and midwife! Over time, all these birth injuries of a newborn child disappear without requiring treatment. But, after discharge from the hospital, doctors still recommend showing the baby to an ophthalmologist to assess the degree of this hemorrhage.

head circumference and chest child up to one year old.

The head circumference of a newborn fetus is a very important anthropometric indicator, on the basis of which the degree of growth of the child is subsequently monitored. When compared with the data recorded by the neonatologist after the birth of the baby, the doctor of the children's clinic can later identify, for example, the developing hydrocephalic syndrome in the baby: there are no clinical manifestations yet, but for some reason the head began to grow rapidly. If the figures after measuring the growth of the child's head circumference up to a year do not correspond to age indicators, the norm, this worries the doctor, who sends the baby for a consultation with a specialist so as not to miss the moment when you can start treatment and achieve complete recovery.

Medium head circumference at birth- about 35 centimeters (the magnitude of the fluctuation of the norm is 32 - 38 cm.)

  • Table of head circumference in a newborn child up to a year (normal fluctuations): At 1 month - 37 cm (35 - 40 cm);

At 2 months - 38 cm (36 - 41 cm);

At 3 months - 40 cm (38 - 43 cm);

At 4 months - 41 cm (39 - 44 cm);

At 5 months - 42 cm (40 - 45 cm);

At 6 months - 44 cm (41 - 46 cm);

At 7 months - 45 cm (42 - 47 cm);

At 9 months - 45 cm (43 - 48 cm);

At 10 months - 46 cm (44 - 49 cm);

At 12 months (1 year) - 47 cm (44 - 50 cm).

A newborn fetus has a head circumference of about 2 centimeters over size chest circumference. At the 4th month, the size of the head circumference of a newborn baby and the size of the chest converge or equalize. At the 12th month, the size of the chest in a newborn baby becomes about 2 centimeters larger than the circumference of the head.

Average chest size at birth- about 33 centimeters (the magnitude of the fluctuation of the norm is 33.5 - 36 centimeters.

  • Table of chest size in a newborn child up to a year (normal fluctuations): At 1 month - 35 - 38 cm;

At 2 months - 37 - 40 cm;

At 3 months - 38.4 - 42.1 cm;

At 4 months - 39.8 - 43.5 cm;

At 5 months - 41 - 45 cm;

At 6 months - 42.4 - 46.3 cm;

At 7 months - 43.4 - 47.5 cm;

At 8 months - 44.4 - 48.5 cm;

At 9 months - 45.2 - 49.3 cm;

At 10 months - 46 - 50 cm;

At 12 months (1 year) - 47 - 51.2 cm.

The skin of a newborn baby.

Appearance of the baby's skin.

In the first 30-40 seconds after birth, the baby's skin is cyanotic (bluish). This is due to a short-term cessation of blood flow through the umbilical cord and the inclusion of the lungs. When the baby begins to breathe, he turns pink.

Is there blood on the baby? No need to panic. This is the mother's blood, which remained on the baby's skin when he passed through the birth canal.

APGAR scale was proposed by the American doctor Virginia Apgar to assess the condition of the child at birth. The doctor diagnoses whether the child has experienced acute hypoxia (oxygen starvation). According to the APGAR scale, 5 parameters are evaluated: skin color, breathing, heartbeat, muscle tone and reflexes of the newborn.

APGAR scale

color of the skin

cyanotic limbs

pink, red


slow, uneven

good crying loud



120 bpm

120 bpm



slight grimace

coughing, sneezing, screaming

muscle tone


limbs bent

actively moves body parts

A normal Apgar score is 7 to 10. When assessed on the APGAR scale of 6 points or less, they speak of acute intranatal fetal hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation that the child experienced during childbirth. The lower the APGAR score, the more severe the child's condition.

But this is not a sentence. After all, newborn babies are the most grateful patients: the more often doctors begin to take action, the better and faster results they achieve. But it is always important for doctors to know what they may face in childbirth. That is why, when a woman in labor is admitted, her exchange card is studied. Doctors evaluate possible risk factors and predict the course of childbirth. If a woman in labor with a high risk of developing acute hypoxia in a child enters the maternity hospital, a resuscitator comes to these births in order to immediately provide the newborn with the necessary resuscitation assistance if necessary.

Reflexes of a newborn child.

In the delivery room, doctors do not require the child to perform all the unconditioned reflexes of newborns. First of all, the baby's reaction to examination, to manipulations, to the nasal catheter is evaluated when suctioning mucus from the nose or removing it with a swab from the mouth. The most important innate unconditioned reflexes are also evaluated:

  • reflex of oral automatism, when, when pressing the palms, the baby opens its mouth;

crawling reflex - the baby is placed on the tummy, pushed under the feet, and he begins to crawl;

support reflex - the baby is held vertically, and he stands on his legs;

stepping reflex - the baby starts to walk;

suspension reflex - the baby lying on its back is put into the palms of its hands, it clings to them and holds on when it is slightly lifted.

Doctors do not recommend mothers to check reflexes on their own, only a specialist should do this. Although from the outside it seems that it is easy and simple! Not knowing the correct examination technique, a mother can harm her child.

The breath of a newborn baby.

Lung crumbs have a small volume, the respiratory rate of a newborn child is 40-60 times per minute, at 6 months - 35-40 times, at 12 months - 30-35 times.

The heartbeat of a newborn baby.

The metabolism of an infant is very intense, and the volume of blood ejected by the heart during one contraction is quite small. This is offset by a high heart rate. The norm of the fetal heart rate in a newborn child is up to 140 beats per minute, in an infant of the 2nd-12th month of life - 110-130 beats per minute.

Urination of a newborn baby.

On the 1st-2nd day, the diuresis of a newborn child is low: he can urinate only 2-3 times a day. After 5-7 days, the frequency of urination in the baby averages about 15-20 times a day. Stool in infants in the first month of life (with breastfeeding) - from 6 to 10 times, which very often corresponds to the number of feedings of the baby.

Fetal nutrition.

Previously, it was believed that in utero the baby is fed only through the umbilical cord, thus receiving all the necessary nutrients. But where does meconium, the original stool, come from? It turns out that there is also a second source of nutrition for the fetus - amniotrophic.

Amniotrophic type of nutrition is swallowing by a child amniotic fluid, resulting in nutrients that are very rich in amniotic fluid are absorbed through the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. The baby begins to swallow amniotic fluid from 8 weeks. intrauterine life, and the breakdown of nutrients in his digestive tract begins.

This discovery was made by scientists quite recently. And after that, another important conclusion was made: amniotrophic nutrition contributes to a better transition to breast-feeding. After all, in utero there is a constant training of the gastrointestinal tract, preparation for the fact that when the baby is born, he will eat differently. In addition, there is a dependence of the nutrient content in the amniotic fluid, maternal blood and colostrum. In composition, they are very close, and the closer to childbirth, the more amniotic fluid is similar in terms of a set of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals to colostrum.

New information about the composition breast milk, this unique source of health and growth for your baby. Colostrum and mother's milk contain a complete set of enzymes that ensure the digestion of the newborn. Moreover, mother's milk contains, among other things, those enzymes that help the child break down mother's milk. That is, nature not only gives the child food, but also helps to assimilate this food - milk helps to digest itself! Moreover, the maximum content of enzymes responsible for the assimilation of milk is found in colostrum immediately after childbirth. How older child, the less these enzymes become, because the baby’s body itself begins to break down milk well, its own enzymatic systems mature and start.

  • full-term or premature was originally a baby;
  • constitutional, hereditary features of parents;
  • gender of the child;
  • type of feeding (breastfeeding, artificial);
  • the presence of comorbidities.

There are tables of weight and height (centile tables), which show the average rates of weight and height. You can find them on the Internet. But, as a rule, they are intended more for doctors in order to objectively assess the development of the child. It will be quite difficult to figure them out on your own, and it is inexpedient.

The weight with which the baby was born does not always affect its development during the year, if we are talking about a healthy baby born between 38 and 40 weeks of pregnancy. Birth weight depends on how the expectant mother ate during pregnancy, what lifestyle she led (active or sedentary).

Not always the weight of a child of 4,000 grams, for example, at birth, indicates that he will add more than a baby with a weight of 2,700-2,900 grams. It all depends on the factors below.

On average, the weight of a full-term baby is within the following limits: for boys at birth, 3,500 grams, for girls, 3,350 grams. Deviations from the norm from 2,700 grams to 4,000 grams are allowed. The length of the body varies between 46 - 56 cm, on average - 50 cm.

Let's analyze the norms of weight gain by months in newborns.

The rate of weight gain in newborns by months

In the first 6 months of a newborn's life, the rate of weight gain per month averages 800 grams. In the second half of the year, the norm of weight gain in infants is 400 grams.

In total, the weight of the child increases by weeks, respectively, by 200 grams up to six months and by 100 grams per week after 6 months.

Baby growth by months

The growth of a healthy child during the first 12 months of life increases by a total of 25 cm. More accurate figures are given in the tables of height and weight.

Norms of monthly increase in body length:

  • 1 quarter - 3 cm monthly;
  • 2 quarter - 2.5 cm monthly;
  • 3rd quarter - 2 cm per month;
  • 4th quarter - 1-1.5 cm per month.

More accurate indicators of the rate of growth and weight of children up to a year are given in the centile tables of height and weight.

Features of growth and weight gain in premature babies

If the baby is premature, then the weight gain and body length depends on the gestational age (meaning the week in which the baby was born). As a rule, the schedule for gaining weight and body length in such children is individual for each specific case. And indicators of weight and height vary in relation to full-term children.

Let's analyze the weight of the child by months in case of prematurity:

  • during the first 6 months, the average monthly weight gain for children born weighing up to 1,000 grams is about 600 g, with a weight of 1,000 - 1,500 - about 740 g, and with a weight of 1,500-2,500 grams - about 870 g ;
  • in the second half of the year, children born with a body weight of up to 1000 g monthly gain about 800 grams in weight, and for larger babies, the increase per month is 600 g.

The growth of premature babies in the first year of life increases by 26.6 - 36 cm. Usually, by the age of 2 - 3, they catch up with their peers.

How do the constitutional features of the body and the hereditary factor affect the height and weight of a child under one year old?

Most parents like to compare their child to others. For example: “Here, a girlfriend (neighbor, relative) has a child of the same age as mine and weighs much more than mine. Why do we add badly? So something is wrong."

And it seems that there is something to think about, but do not panic. We are all different in genetic structure, someone is thin and tall, someone is stocky and short. So, these are the types of constitutions:

  • normosthenic;
  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic.

From such a factor as heredity, the development of the child also depends. If mom and dad short stature, and there is no one tall in the nearest pedigree, then you should not expect your child to add 5 cm every month. This principle partly applies to the weight of the child. What is laid down by nature, we cannot change.

Gender of the child and the rate of weight gain in infants by months

Boys in most cases initially at birth have more weight than girls. Accordingly, the increase in both weight and height will differ. These differences are also included in special centile tables.

Influence of the type of feeding on the weight gain of the newborn

At this point, I would like to note such a nuance as overfeeding the child. Previously, it was believed that overfeeding was possible only on artificial nutrition. However, there are cases and quite frequent when the mother overfeeds the child.

In both cases, there is an intensive increase not so much in body length as in body weight. That is, if a child in terms of growth adds monthly in the region of averages and 1,500 - 2,000 grams in weight, then it is worth considering whether we feed the baby too much and often.

After all, uncontrolled feeding leads to such consequences as a delay in motor development and skills. The child later rolls over, sits down, gets up, it’s hard for him, excess weight interferes. The development of the musculoskeletal system is disturbed, the development of obesity and many unpleasant consequences are possible.

Associated diseases and physical development

Toddlers with certain diseases add less both in height and weight. Or, on the contrary, a situation arises when the presence of a certain disease causes a large increase in comparison with healthy children. There are many diseases, let's try to figure it out by highlighting the most common groups of diseases:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Congenital heart defects, especially complex ones, with circulatory disorders, heart failure. The reason for the weight deficit in this case is the following point. Due to the presence of a defect, the heart does not fully function, blood circulation is insufficient, oxygen exchange and nutrients between organ tissue is reduced, muscles and blood vessels are also affected. This is expressed in a delay in the development of the child's body.
  2. Diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. BPD (bronchopulmonary dysplasia), malformations of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, severe intrauterine pneumonia. All these diseases affect the circulatory disorders. There is a decrease in the supply of oxygen to tissues and organs, which leads to a poor increase in the weight and height of the child.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Malformations of the intestine, esophagus, liver, bile ducts (, intestinal atresia). Such problems are solved operationally in early dates after birth. Gastro-esophageal reflux (pathological reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus), viral hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, in which the absorption of nutrients through the intestinal wall is impaired; transferred acute intestinal infections.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system. causes an excessive increase in body weight due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body of the newborn and the formation of edema of the subcutaneous fat. To exclude such a disease allows neonatal screening, which is carried out for all newborns up to 1 month.

Usually blood is taken from a newborn in the hospital from the heel. Such genetic syndromes as Praderra-Willi, Shereshevsky-Turner, Itsenko-Cushing can influence a large weight gain. These diagnoses can only be made by your attending physician or a narrow specialist (geneticist, endocrinologist).

And in conclusion, I want to give advice to parents. In order not to wonder if my child is developing normally, I just need to visit my pediatrician every month, who will examine the child and control the increase in weight and height. Then he will tell you how the baby develops. If necessary, he will prescribe a timely examination and treatment, if necessary.

Floor. Boys tend to outnumber more fragile girls at birth.

Heredity. It is obvious that tall, stately parents will have larger children than a petite young mother and father of average build.

Foodmothers during pregnancy. Often, with a woman's high-calorie diet, the fetus gains weight even before birth.

Physical and psychological condition mothers during pregnancy. Stress and illness, of course, affect the health and, as a result, the weight of the baby.

Mom's bad habits- smoking, alcohol. In this context, the weight of the child also depends entirely on his health.

Infant weight at discharge

You need to be prepared for the fact that in the first days of life the baby will lose a little weight - by 6-10% of birth weight. This is easily explained by the fact that the baby is experiencing stress. He needs time to adjust to the new conditions of life. Mom should be lactating. At first, the newborn will get by with small portions of colostrum, since his stomach is very small. In the future, weight gain is calculated from the figure at discharge.

Weight gain in infants is a consequence of various reasons.


well-being. When the baby is unwell, he eats worse.

Type of feeding. On the artificial feeding babies gain weight faster than babies.

Quality and quantity of breast milk(with natural feeding).

Child mobility. Active kids are more fit than lazy ones.

Modefood. When feeding "on demand", weight is gained faster than with the "hourly" mode.

Age. In the first months, babies grow faster, gradually weight gain slows down.

Norms of weight gain for newborns

So how much should a newborn gain weight? A normal increase in the first month of life is 90-150 grams per week. For 2, 3 and 4 months, the baby should "grow" by 140-200 grams per week. From 5 months to six months, the increase will decrease to 100-160 grams per week. Then the child will gain weight little by little and by his first birthday he should weigh about 3 times more than at discharge.

Monthly newborn weight chart

This table is, of course, rather arbitrary. It is important to remember that children are individual in their development - one may grow faster, the other slower. If the baby is healthy and cheerful, parents should not have reasons to worry about “non-standard weight gains”.

The first thing doctors do after childbirth is to weigh and measure the baby. These numbers are very important. They show whether the child is developing normally. Any deviations in the newborn, in the first place, affect precisely these indicators. At the same time, other norms are provided for premature babies, since they develop a little differently.

Baby weight at birth

The weight of a child is one of the most important indicators of his health. Now this parameter can be determined even with ultrasound diagnostics in the early stages of pregnancy. If deviations from the norm are found out in time, it will be possible to correct the behavior and nutrition of the mother in such a way that these violations do not lead to sharp negative consequences.

It is important to know the size and weight of the unborn child just before the birth. If the fetus is too large, then doctors will advise C-section, will be able to prepare and take all measures to prevent injuries to the mother and baby.

It is no coincidence that height and weight are measured immediately after childbirth. This will help predict the further development of the child, prevent possible diseases, etc. The same parameters will affect the health of a person in the future, when he becomes an adult.

The weight of a newborn baby depends on its gender. As a rule, boys are larger than girls. Also, the second and subsequent children are heavier than the first-born. There is also such a pattern: larger babies are born in the northern regions than in the south.

What should be the weight?

The ideal weight of a child at birth should be at least 3 kg, but not exceed 4 kg. However, an error of 0.5 kg up or down is allowed. Doctors consider normal weight from 2.5 to 4.5 kg. With these parameters, there are no deviations. Such average rates apply to fully-term children born at 37-40 weeks of pregnancy.

A child is considered underweight if its body weight is less than 2.5 kg. In this case, there are difficulties with nursing, special nutrition and conditions are required. Such a newborn will stay in the hospital longer than usual.

The capabilities of modern medical centers allow babies weighing only 1 kg to go out. Such children are more lethargic, sickly, their immunity is weakened. In the first months of life, they require close attention and careful care. Then they gradually catch up with their peers. In the future, there are no special problems with their development.

If on later dates pregnancy is diagnosed with low fetal weight, then future mother are transferred to a special diet enriched with vitamins and nutrients.

The main reasons why babies are born with low birth weight:

  • prematurity;
  • hypotrophy;
  • multiple pregnancy.

Overweight of the fetus should alert doctors and parents. It indicates a developmental disorder. The most common reason for this is obesity. It is caused by malnutrition of the mother. It is necessary to add fresh vegetables and fruits to the diet, and completely eliminate flour, fatty, high-calorie foods. Also, overweight can indicate the presence of endocrine diseases in both parents and the baby.

First of all, a large fetus is dangerous for the woman herself: complications may occur during childbirth, for example, rupture of the perineum. Most often, doctors advise a caesarean section. Otherwise, there is a high risk of birth injuries.

Relationship between weight and height

However, mass or height is not only important in itself. The ratio of these parameters is of great importance. So, if a baby is born with a body length of 56 cm, and its weight is 2600 g, then this ratio will not be normal. The child weighs too little for his height.

You can calculate the correct ratio between these two most important parameters using special correspondence tables or using the Quetelet index. Divide your weight (in grams) by your height (in centimeters). The result obtained is the Quetelet index. How many units is normal? This is considered a value from 60 to 70. If less, then the baby has a lack of weight. If more, then it is already considered that there is excess body weight.

Why weight can deviate from the norm?

Of course, all normal indicators are averages. In some cases, the deviation is predictable and quite expected. Many factors affect the weight of a newborn:

  • Heredity. If at least one of the parents is tall, densely built, then it is very likely that a large baby will be born. If mom or dad, on the contrary, is very fragile, short, then, most likely, the child will be small. If you know how much the parents weighed at birth, you can roughly calculate the weight of their baby.
  • Mother's nutrition. Eating habits greatly affect the development of the fetus in utero. Mothers need to eat properly and regularly. The diet should be rich in various nutrients, vitamins and minerals. In the daily menu, be sure to include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Benefits bring cereals, cereals. It is also necessary to pay attention to the methods of cooking: it is better to exclude fried, smoked from the diet.
  • Bad habits of parents. Women who smoke and drink are much more likely to give birth to weak and underweight children, with various developmental disabilities. Therefore, pregnant women should absolutely not smoke, use alcoholic drinks and drugs.
  • The mood of the mother also affects the condition of the fetus. Stress, quarrels, even Bad mood adversely affect the unborn child, which can also lead to weight loss.
  • Healthy and strong children are more often born to women who lead a healthy lifestyle, creating an atmosphere of goodwill and good mood around them.
  • Overweight in the fetus may appear due to problems with the endocrine system in the mother.
  • At multiple pregnancy possibly reducing the weight of future children.
  • Chronic diseases, especially gynecological ones, do not allow the baby to fully develop, so a small child may be born.

Excess and underweight: danger

It is necessary to constantly monitor the weight of the newborn and check the relationship between weight and height. The well-being of the child depends on this. With a lack of weight, one condition develops, with an excess, others.

Why is underweight dangerous?

  • violation of thermoregulation, children with low weight quickly freeze;
  • immunity decreases, the baby becomes painful;
  • hypovitaminosis and anemia develop.

What is dangerous overweight:

  • lagging behind in development from peers (it is difficult for a child to control his body, it is more difficult to learn movements);
  • obese children are more likely to suffer from various allergic reactions;
  • the mother of a large baby must definitely undergo an examination, his overweight may indicate the presence of diseases.

To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to make every effort to normalize the weight of the child in the first months of life. At the same time, it is imperative to remember that mass and height are closely related. Of course, you should not go too far. You should always take into account the general condition of the baby. If he grows normally, develops and does not complain, then you can only be glad that the baby is strong and healthy!