Parent meeting "Let's get to know each other!" The first meeting in the younger group. Parent meeting "let's get to know each other" Parent meeting in the kindergarten meeting with parents

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Target: Introduce parents to each other, speech therapist and speech group educators; to form parents' motivation to solve the problems of remedial education; arouse a desire to cooperate with a speech therapist and educators.

Equipment: Tables and chairs arranged in a semicircle voice recorder for children, paper, pens, colored pencils.

Proceedings of the meeting

Speech therapist: Good evening, dear parents! You may not all know each other yet. I suggest you get acquainted. Now each in turn will name his first name and patronymic, the name and surname of the child. For example: “I, Elena Alexandrovna, Ivanov Vanya’s mother.”

We met. Now, dear parents, I suggest you complete a small task: trace the outline of your hand with a pencil, write the name of your child one letter on each finger, and then decipher the letters, noting the qualities of his character. In the center of the palm, draw a symbol - who is the child in the family for you (sun, flower, bunny, bell).

After coming home, talk to the child, show your creativity and tell about your feelings for him. They need it! Now let's all talk about the feelings we have for our children. (Answers of parents on assignment).

Children are the most precious thing in our lives. These are our bunnies, suns, flowers. You have such a treasure - one and only. And you trust us with your sun. And it turns out that we have the best, most beloved and only 20. You and I have one goal - to make the life of your children more interesting and richer and to help develop all the qualities necessary for a child for school. Dear parents of our students! We are very glad to see you at the parent meeting of our group, because we understand that this common goal of ours cannot be achieved without an alliance with you, without your support and help. What should be our union? What can we as adults do for children to make their lives better? kindergarten was joyful, rich and interesting? These are the questions we will answer today.

Our group is called speech or speech therapy.

Speech therapy is the science of speech disorders, their correction through special training and education.

The term "speech therapy" is derived from the Greek words "logos" (speech, word), "peideo" (educate, teach). What does it mean "education of speech" in translation. A specialist in speech correction (or “speech education”) is called a speech therapist. In our group, in addition to educators, a speech therapist deals with children.

Which children are included in the speech therapy group? These are children who have problems with the development of speech. According to the results of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, our pupils have the conclusion of the ONR. ONR is a speech disorder in which the formation of various components of speech is disrupted in children: sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent speech. Therefore, all the work of the teachers of our group differs from the work in the mass groups of the kindergarten in that it is aimed at overcoming these disorders.

Namely, work with children is carried out in the following areas:

Formation of the correct sound pronunciation;

Development of articulatory movements - movements of the organs of speech (lips, cheeks, tongue);

Improvement of phonemic processes, i.e. the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of speech, syllables, words in speech, similar in sound, articulation;

Improving the grammatical structure of speech;

Enrichment, activation of the vocabulary of speech;

Development fine motor skills hands, i.e. finger movements (scientists have proven that the development of small finger movements is interconnected with the development of speech areas of the brain); preparation of the hand for writing;

The development of coherent speech, which implies the ability to compose stories, retell texts, recite poems, riddles, proverbs;

Improving the prosodic side of speech, including the development of diction, expressiveness of speech, proper breathing, work on the correct stress, tempo of speech.

All of the above work is carried out in a group in the form of classes with all children, in subgroup classes, in individual work. In addition, educators work on the development of speech every day, using regime moments, walks, free activities of children and everyday communication with them.

Work in speech therapy groups is divided into 3 periods depending on the time and correctional tasks. On the this moment time lasts I period of study. One of the main tasks of this period is the examination of children's speech, which is carried out in September. The examination of speech was carried out with each child separately, the results of the examination and questioning of parents were entered into the children's speech cards.

Now I'll tell you a little about the classes. Subgroup classes are divided into:

Classes on the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure;

Classes on the formation of coherent speech;

Literacy preparation classes.

Classes on the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech are built on topics. Each week of the school year has its own theme, for example, clothes, shoes, autumn, animals. All week, children with educators expand their ideas on the topic, and with a speech therapist on the material of this topic they expand the dictionary, perform grammar exercises.

To consolidate the material at home, you will be given notebooks. Here, too, the entire notebook is built according to the thematic principle. How to work with notebooks, let's stop further.

In the classes on the development of coherent speech, we will learn to compose descriptive stories, stories based on plot pictures, stories based on a series of plot pictures, we will learn to compose retellings. Our children now do not know how to tell, they do not know how to retell. We will study.

In the preparatory classes for literacy, we will get acquainted with sounds and letters, sound-letter analysis of words, analysis of sentences.

To consolidate the material, we will study in notebooks.

In individual lessons, work is carried out mainly to correct incorrect sound pronunciation. It includes the formation of correct speech breathing, articulatory gymnastics, the production of sounds and the automation of the delivered sounds in speech. To do this, we will need to have common notebooks. They will record articulatory gymnastics exercises for disturbed sounds and exercises to automate delivered sounds.

For the correct pronunciation of the sounds of our language, proper speech breathing is necessary. Various exercises are used to form it, for example, you can blow a piece of cotton from your palm.

Articulatory gymnastics are exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, that is, the tongue, lips, cheeks.

Automation of delivered sounds occurs on syllables. Words, phrases and sentences.

Everything I told you about our work in kindergarten. But please don't think that all this is enough for the child to start speaking correctly. It all depends on you, dear parents, on your attitude. After all, all the main work on automating sounds and consolidating new knowledge falls on you at home. What we will do here is not enough, it will be necessary to do a lot at home. If you are interested in your child's speech to improve significantly, you need to deal with him daily. It won't take long. On the way home from kindergarten, ask your kid: what did he do in kindergarten? Listening to his story, pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the corrected sounds. At home, read the task in a speech therapy notebook, practice articulation gymnastics in front of a mirror, work on speech material for at least 10-15 minutes. Do not forget to bring speech therapy notebooks with completed assignments to kindergarten every Monday. Please keep notebooks clean, do not complete tasks for the child. Do everything together.

What are the advantages of having your child attend a speech therapy group?

Correction of sound pronunciation;

Formation of competent, expressive speech;

Development of fine motor skills of hands, preparation of a hand for writing at school;

Enhanced preparation for school through additional classes in the development of speech, reading and writing, graphics;

Individual approach to the child;

Improving the mental processes of perception, attention, memory, imagination and thinking.

In the end, I would like to note that only in close cooperation between the family and teachers, it is possible to achieve a good, high-quality and relatively quick result in the correction and development of the child's speech.

Parent meeting"Let's get acquainted!"

Goals: acquaintance of parents with each other and with teachers raising a child in a preschool institution; creation of an emotionally positive mood for joint work, an atmosphere of mutual trust between parents and educators; removal of barriers in communication and the transition to open, trusting relationships.

Tasks: study parental expectations and jointly determine the prospects for the development and upbringing of children; choose a parent committee; approve a joint work plan for academic year.

Members: parents, educators, head of a preschool institution.

Location: group room.

Plan of the event:

    Introductory stage.

    Marathon distance:

    Preparation for the launch;

    Organizing time;

    Dynamic pause;

    Approval of the joint work plan for the academic year.

    Summing up the meeting.

Event progress

    Preparatory stage

    The study of the personal files of pupils in order to enrich the passport (card) of a single family.

    Filling out an information form.

    In order to study the expectations of parents from the new school year, shortly before the meeting, they are invited to write a mini-essay "My expectations from the younger group."

    Collection and analysis of information on:

    • Features and main directions of the educational process in junior group;

      Rights and obligations of educators and parents of children of preschool groups.

    Joint production and purchase of toys and manuals for the children of the group for the school year with parents.

    Poster design (in the rays of the sun, place photographs of children, and in the middle - the words of V. Sukhomlinsky: "Children are happiness created by our work."

    Preparation of chip cards according to the number of participants in the parent meeting (circles, squares, triangles, rectangles).

    Preparing a diagram poster (triangle)

    Organizational stage

    Photo newspaper.

    There are four tables in the group room, chairs are arranged around them in a semicircle. On each table are cards with symbols (circle, square, triangle, rectangle); forms with questionnaires, blank sheets, pens; forms for self-analysis (according to the number of parents); other materials that parents will work with.

    In a conspicuous place is a poster depicting a winding marathon distance with a start and finish mark. Teachers, children and parents are schematically depicted at the start, and a school at the finish line. There are four stops on the course - junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups.

    Introductory stage

(Music sounds in the room. Parents go into the group, pull out a chip of a certain shape from a container with bulk material and take a place in their mini-group (in accordance with the landmark on the table). wet wipes that are on trays. Parents come to the meeting with completed information forms and hand them over to the teacher.

caregiver . Good afternoon dear parents! We are glad to see you at our first meeting.

How do you imagine what a modern kindergarten is?

(Poll of parents)

We invite you to get acquainted with our kindergarten. (Video presentation)

Kindergarten is a big house where children, teachers and parents “live” and “create”. How do you imagine today's children?

(Opinion exchange)

Modern children

Various are:

There are children - fidgets,

There are mischievous children

There are children why

Want to know a lot

Dreaming when they grow up

Fly to the moon.

Children are calm

Quiet and humble

They love with their mothers

Play all day

Friends are not offended

Adults are respected.

about these kids

One can only dream.

Kindergarten is not only children, but also wonderful teachers. I would very much like to know what you mean by the term “modern educator”.

(Sayings of parents)

The modern educator

This miracle is a teacher:

He knows and knows a lot

He will teach everyone a lesson.

For children - the second mother,

For employees, he is a friend,

For parents, mentor

He will replace everyone around.

He is both a janitor and a painter,

The modern educator

He has God's gift.

Educator. The image of a modern kindergarten will be incomplete if we do not describe the parents. Let's try to make a portrait of a modern parent.

(Parents' comments.)

modern parent

What to reproach him with?

There is a parent - "customer" -

He loves to talk

Observer - parent

Will only see.

Activist and Helper

Give joy to children.

During the child's stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers and parents) form a triangle.

(The teacher points with a pointer at the diagram in the form of a triangle.)

Educator Parent

At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. He, learning new things, discovers himself (what I can, what I can do, what I am capable of). The task of adults is to help him in this difficult matter. We should not forget about the society, which plays a big role in the development of the child.

What do you think will happen to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks? ( will fall)

Remember I. Krylov's fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike": "When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, and nothing will come out of it, only flour." This leads to the conclusion that we should combine our efforts to make children feel comfortable and interesting in kindergarten.

You probably already guessed that our meeting will be unusual. The marathon starts today.

(The teacher points to a poster with a winding distance.)

The chief judge of the marathon is our leader, the head of the kindergarten Anoshkina Maya Grigoryevna.

The main commandment of the marathon: do not quit the race and reach the finish line. Finish, the main goal is our children, general development each child as individuals, their preparation for school. The length of the marathon is not one month, but four to five years. The distance is long and difficult: with turns, difficulties and problems.

At the same time, those parents who successfully pass this distance together with their children will receive new knowledge, discoveries and ideas along the way. All employees of the kindergarten participate in the marathon, the group of leaders is made up of parents and educators.

Please note: parents and teachers start at the same time, because we are allies and like-minded people. The kindergarten and the family have the same problems, the same tasks, the same children, so we need to move forward together.

Along the way, we will get to know each other better, you will learn about the features of the development of children, methods and techniques of education and training. We will ask each other questions and communicate with each other.

We wish you all success! We are waiting for you at the finish line, where the title of "Master family education».

    marathon distance

Preparing for the launch

Educator. The first stage is preparation for the launch. We will assess the health status of the marathon participants.

FULL NAME._________________________________________________________

The date:___________________________________________________________

My mood 012345678910 points

My well-being 012345678910 points

My activity is 012345678910 points

(desire to interact)

Educator. So what did we get? Summing up the results of testing.

caregiver . And now it's time to get to know each other, it's not for nothing that our meeting is called "Let's get to know each other!"

(A game is being played - acquaintance)

(All parents who want to speak are listened to. At this time, the teacher briefly writes down their expectations and questions on the board in a table.)

Expectations of Success

Forthcoming fears and difficulties

The participants entered the next stage of the marathon.

(Teacher's story about the content and features of the organization of the educational process in the younger group.

    Goals and objectives of the preschool institution.

    Main directions and features educational work in the younger group.

    Daily routine and lesson plan.

    Key activities for the academic year.

The teacher draws the attention of parents to the need to consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in kindergarten in children at home.)

Organizing time

(The “Rules for Parents” are distributed to parents, the issues of acquiring materials and toys for activities with children and the possibility of providing all possible assistance to the group are discussed. Answers to parents' questions.)

It's time to choose a parent committee.

(Elections of the parent committee.)

Congratulations on joining the parent committee!


We have already come a long way. It's time to get some rest.

Dynamic pause

    Those parents who go out in a circle and shake hands with each other:

a) love to sleep

b) they like sweet things.

    Those parents go out in a circle and jump on one leg who:

a) like to work in the garden;

b) they like to make preparations for the winter.

    Those parents come out in a circle and dance who:

a) love to spend money

b) love to travel.

Approval of the joint work plan for the academic year

Dear parents, I invite you to consult in your groups and propose topics for parent meetings for the school year.

    Summing up the results of the meeting

So, our marathon successfully started.

(The teacher invites parents to write on the petals the qualities that they would like to develop in their child.)

We did a very good job. Each deserved a standing ovation.

(Parents applaud.)

In conclusion, I would like to say that together we will lay the foundation for friendly relations in the children's and parent groups, as well as in relations between parents and preschool teachers. It is necessary to make sure that the child in kindergarten has fun, good. It is interesting that he happily goes to kindergarten, makes friends with the children and returns home satisfied, because loving adults are waiting for him at home.

Our meeting has come to an end. Until we meet again!

Approximate decision of the meeting

    Topics for parent meetings and a plan of joint events for the school year.

(Deadline, Responsible)

    The composition of the parent committee in the amount of 3 people.

Chairman - Gridneva Marina Sergeevna.

Members of the parent committee: Koroleva Lyubov Vasilievna, Kuznetsova Natalya Sergeevna.

    To create a developing environment for children in the group and on the site with their own strength, mind and talent.

    Take part in the creation of a library for children.

    Design albums with the participation of all parents: “Our favorite fairy tales”, “Pets”, “Wild animals”. The album is given to each family in turn.

    Hold a meeting of the parent committee and discuss preparations for the next meeting and the next event.

Parent meeting "Do you know your child"

Tasks. Summarize the ideas of parents about the individual characteristics of children of preschool and younger school age to use them in the process of family education; contribute to the formation right attitude parents to the individual abilities of their child.

Members. Educator, parents.

Leading. Educator.

Preliminary work.

1. Design a poster with quotes "The most valuable thing that parents can give is education"; “Our kids are like candy, but what’s inside?” etc.

2. Issue an invitation to the meeting, prepare tests for parents, folders with consultations, memos, decorate the room, prepare background music.


1. opening speech educator.

caregiver. Do you know your child? Of course. Almost every parent will. Polish teacher Galina Filipchuk answers this question in this way: “We take care of our children from the first days of life. It is we, the parents, who feed them, dress them, bathe them, put them to bed, teach them to take their first steps and pronounce their first words. It is we who introduce them to the world around them, console them, and are on duty at their bedside when they are sick. Can anyone - even know their child better, his mother and father - the closest people to him, the most loving and selfless? Many parents sincerely believe that they know their child very well. The smaller our child, the better we really know him. But already in preschool age we notice that our judgments of him become more and more approximate. And perhaps in 10-12 years we will find an absolute stranger in the face of our own child. The question naturally arises: “Do we know our child?” Come on, dear parents, let's talk about it.

2. Studying the parent drawing and deciphering the child's name.

Psychologist. Tell me, please, dear parents, what word is the sweetest, caressing the ear? What is the most important thing in a child's life from birth? (parents' statement).

This is his name. The sages used to say: "Whatever you call a ship, so it will float." For every person, his name is the most important and sweetest sound in the world, which sounds like the best music on earth. Our name sometimes drips like rain, sometimes sounds like an echo in the mountains, and sometimes beats like a drum. Look at the names of your children. Babies are just starting their life journey, and you already attribute to them those personality traits that you would like to see in them, or qualities that you yourself have not realized and want to realize through them. Take a look at the portraits of children: how different they are, each of them is individual and unique.

Before you is the game "Flower-Semitsvetik". Imagine that this is your baby, tender, blooming. Write affectionate derivatives of the name or family nicknames on the petals. On the stalk is the name that you use to address the child, when you are unhappy with him, get angry with him. ( 2-3 minutes are given to fill the flower) We give a flower in the name of your baby. Let him lie in the family album, because this is part of his life, and then it will become part of the history of your family.

3. Conversation "What you need to know about your child?"

Educator. What do you need to know about your child? And why do you need to know? ( parental statements). You are all absolutely right. There is no single answer to this question. Everything you need to know about your child! And since this is practically impossible, you need to try to be closer to him, to know how he lives, whom and why he loves, why his mood instantly deteriorates, what he can handle, and what is difficult to deal with, what he believes in and what doubts why he lies, etc.

4. Children's lies.

Educator. Babies are truly unique by nature. They have a very flexible thinking, which helps to fantasize, imagine. Children's imagination is rich, individual and very interesting. At times, children begin to use their fantasies, inventions for personal, selfish purposes. They feel subtly and know where to insert their imagination. Lies are a distortion of current events, and fantasies are fictions, an imaginary world. Children can compose convincingly, but you know what the secret is? The fact that the child himself believes in everything he says. Everyone knows the story of the optimist and the pessimist. “A glass vessel that is half filled with water. A pessimist will say that the vessel is half empty, and an optimist will say that the vessel is half full. Every event is perceived differently by each person.

Children can convey incorrect information to close adults. It is better to ask the teacher again so that there are no misunderstandings and, even worse, conflicts on this basis.

5. Why conflicts arise between parents and educators.

Conflicts are part of our lives, and it is important to be able to resolve them constructively.

Educator. We offer to analyze pedagogical situations and discuss them together with parents and educator.

“A young mother from a wealthy family interrogates caregivers every day, how did her child behave? Who did you play with? What did you play? What did you eat? How much did you eat? How did you sleep? And she gets in response not what she would like to hear (did not play with anyone, is passive, on her own). As a result, my mother is perplexed. He proves to the caregivers that the child at home is completely different, asks why this is happening.

(parents discuss the situation)

Psychologist commentary. The child clearly has communication difficulties. Social environment in kindergarten is the opposite of home. At home, the child is put forward on a pedestal. Family life revolves around him. And in kindergarten, he is the same as everyone else. He is part of the group. The child develops an intrapersonal conflict, and he does not know how to behave in a group.

He is not trained in these skills. Parents should correct some behavioral features of the child. The priority setting should be as follows: the child is not the main one in the family, but part of the family.

Educator. Let's mentally analyze whether my child is like that, remember his strengths and weaknesses, dream about how I would like to see him. To make it easier to compare negative and positive qualities, we offer you the “Counterarguments” exercise.

6. Exercise "Counterarguments"

Psychologist. You have a form in front of you. Please fill it out.

Advantages of my child

My child's faults

How would I like to see my child.

(Task for 2-3 minutes.)

After they have written, the psychologist asks the question: Which column of the table turned out to be more filled? Why?

The psychologist summarizes. There is not a single person in life who would have only one advantage or only one disadvantage. The wisdom of parents lies in the fact that, seeing certain features of their child, they correlate them with the effectiveness of family education. The child is not an empty vessel. And, if positive qualities are not formed in it, then bad habits and inclinations. If the child is lazy, then this means that he was not taught to work in the family; if he is aggressive, then he has not known a good attitude. Parents should know well the dignity and shortcomings of their child in order to balance them, relying on the positive, in order to help get rid of the negative. Try looking at your child with those eyes.

    Test "What kind of parent are you?"

Educator. Now let's evaluate ourselves: what kind of parents are we? Sometimes we are right, and sometimes we feel guilty before the child, but do not show it. Who doesn’t want to get an answer to this question “What kind of parent am I?”

Please mark the phrases that you often use when communicating with children.

1. How many times do you have to repeat? (2 points)

2. Please advise me. (1 point)

3. I don't know what I would do without you! (1 point)

4. And who are you born into (2 points)

5. What wonderful friends you have! (1 point)

6. Well, who do you look like? (2 points)

7. I am at your age ... (2 points)

8. You are my support and helper (1 point)

9. What kind of friends do you have? (2 points)

10. What are you thinking about? (2 points)

11. What a clever girl you are! (1 point)

12. What do you think? (1 point)

13. Everyone has children like children, but you ... (2 points)

14. How smart you are! (1 point)

Now calculate the total score

5 to 7 points. You live soul to soul with a child. You respect the child, and he sincerely loves and respects you. Your relationship contributes to the formation of his personality.

8 to 10 points some difficulties are outlined in the relationship with the child, a misunderstanding of his problems, attempts to transfer the blame for the shortcomings in his development to the child himself.

11 points or more. You are inconsistent in communicating with your child. He respects you, although he is not always frank with you. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.

This is just a hint at the actual state of affairs, because no one knows better than you yourself what kind of parent you are.

8. Summary of the meeting.

caregiver. I would like to end the meeting with the words of S. Soloveichik: “Every morning I appeal to the best that is in me: “A child has been sent to me; this is my dear guest; I am grateful to him for what he is. He is also called to life, like me, this unites us - we are, we are living people. He is the same as me, he is a man, and not future man, and today, and therefore he is different, like all people, I accept him, like any other person. I accept a child. I accept him, guard his childhood, understand, endure, forgive. I do not force him, I do not oppress him with my force, because I love him. I love him and I am grateful to him for what he is, and for the fact that I can love him, and thus I rise in my spirit.

(tells a parable): The man wanted to puzzle the sage, who knew the answers to all questions. I caught a butterfly and decided: I will close my hands where the butterfly is and ask: “O wise one! Is the butterfly in my palms alive or dead? If he says “dead”, I will open my hands and she will fly away, and if “alive”, I will imperceptibly close my hands and show a dead butterfly. Came and asked. And the sage answered: “Everything is in your hands, man!” dear parents, your child is in your hands!


Purpose: to give parents knowledge about the essence of children's issues, their types;

to form the need to competently answer children's questions, without suppressing the manifestations of children's initiative and curiosity.

Communication is one of the social needs of the child. It has been scientifically proven that in the course of cognitive communication between a child and parents, emotional difficulties will also be overcome. Parents can be advised to take children's questions and statements seriously, not to dismiss them. If the child's curiosity is satisfied and skillfully directed by adults, he has a need for new knowledge. Unfortunately, many negative examples can be cited when parents "extinguish" children's curiosity.

Here's an example:

The child is playing with the tanker, the mother is busy talking with her friend. The child carefully examines the machine and makes a “discovery”: “Mom, I realized that you can pour water, milk, gasoline into this machine!” Mom interrupts the conversation with displeasure and says sternly: “What are you, a fool? She's plastic!

Children's questions surprise and sometimes baffle both parents and educators. Sometimes children bore adults and

cause dissatisfaction: “Tortured your “why?” and "why", stop asking, get down to business!"

How important are questions for children's development? Do all questions need to be answered? How to answer them? - that's what parents think about. The child knows the world. Developing, he becomes more and more interested in the objects around him, the life of people, nature, to think about what he sees and hears. But the circle of his concepts is very narrow, which is why he resorts to the help of an adult - he asks him. Questions that show how his consciousness grows. From children's questions, you can find out what children are interested in, what knowledge they have, how their horizons expand, what difficulties they encounter. At the same time, the questions show what influence adults have on the development of the child. Adults should listen carefully to children's questions, reasonably and correctly answer them, develop children's attention, memory, observation, curiosity. This will help in the future while teaching at school. Some parents complain that their children do not like to read. Reading is a way of obtaining information, and children may not have an interest in this, since adults at one time discouraged them from learning new things.

Before answering a child's question, you need to listen carefully, think about the essence, understand what interests him. Children sometimes find it difficult to articulate their thoughts.

How to answer children's questions? To say: "Grow up - you will know" - means to keep them in the pursuit of knowledge. At the same time, one should not talk about inaccessible, complex things. Sometimes children explain what they hear in their own way.! So, to the question of six-year-old Kolya, “Where did the first person come from?” father began to talk about evolution in the animal kingdom and about the origin of man from apes. The boy understood his father's explanation in his own way. The other day in kindergarten, he shared his knowledge with friends: “I know, my grandfather was a monkey, he started working and became a man. Then he gave birth to dad, and dad gave birth to me. Many similar examples are described in the book by K. I. Chukovsky “From two to five”.

Sometimes the correct, but difficult to understand answer from adults raises a new, more complex question: “Where did everything come from?”

A small child asks most of all about what he sees around him, about new, unfamiliar objects: “Who is this?”, “What is this?”, “What is it called?” It is not difficult to answer such questions of children. Even small child interested not only in how objects are called, but also for what they are needed.

Preschoolers are especially concerned about the relationship between "big" and "small", the norms of behavior. Children ask a lot of questions about the work of adults. Older children are interested not only in what the people around them do, but also in who does, creates objects. Great amount children ask questions about nature. It is best to accompany your answer with a visual demonstration. Difficult questions include preschoolers' questions about the universe: "Why doesn't the sun fall?", "Why is the air black at night?" Children understand the superficial, external connections between natural phenomena, so the child is sometimes satisfied with a simple analogy, a reference to an example. It is not always necessary to answer a child's difficult question. In some cases, you can make it clear that you need to study in order to know a lot. It is dangerous to make a know-it-all out of a child. Sometimes it is necessary to show the child the phenomenon itself or to play with him and work with different objects, materials, tools.

Answers to children's questions about the birth of a person make it difficult for adults and not by chance. First, because they are often perceived as a manifestation of unhealthy curiosity; secondly, because many of them are really difficult to give a simple and understandable little child answer. Sometimes adults confine themselves to a short answer, not further supporting the child's interest in this issue, sometimes they give simple words explanations, sometimes create such conditions that the child could observe the development of animals for a long time: kittens, puppies, chickens. You can't shame a child by attributing to him bad thoughts: children most often put a completely different meaning into the content of the question. So, an interesting example is described in the book by A. O. Pinta "This is for you, parents." The boy asks: "Where did I come from?" Parents send him for advice to each other, embarrassed, trying to tell about storks and cabbage. And then suddenly they ask why he is interested in this problem. And then they hear an answer that is unexpected for them: “And Petka said that he had come from another city. And where did I come from?

The child is interested in questions about the beginning and end of being. K. I. Chukovsky notes that a child needs optimism like air. In his spiritual arsenal there are enough means to protect the optimism he needs. So, at the end of the fourth year of life, he is convinced of the inevitability of death for everything that exists, he hurries to assure himself that he himself "will forever remain immortal." So, looking at the funeral procession, he says with pleasure: "Everyone will die, but I will stay."

Sometimes children remake the plot of a fairy tale in their own way. In the book of K. I. Chukovsky “From two to five”, an example of a fairy tale “short, but quite comforting” is given: “Once upon a time there was a girl-cap, she went and opened the door. All! I don't know anymore!

  • You don't need a wolf. I'm afraid of him."

Children often ask about the meaning of new words. As development progresses, questions become more complicated, endless “Why?”, “Why?” and etc.

Often children ask questions that they could answer for themselves if they thought a little. Do not rush to give answers in such cases. Satisfying the curiosity of the child, it is necessary to awaken his own mental activity, teach him to use his own experience and knowledge. For example, if a child asks if a stone, tree, icicle will float, you need to offer him

check it yourself and draw his attention to what floats and what sinks.

It is not necessary to answer the questions of children formally or in a mocking manner, to dissuade them with some kind of nonsense. This will offend the child, and he will be embarrassed to ask anything in the future.

Among children's questions, there are also purely cognitive ones, for example: “Why does the plane fly?”, “Who pushes it?”, “What was the name of Little Red Riding Hood before?”, “Why is the witch only in fairy tales, but is the tiger really?” and etc.

Of interest are also children's statements aimed at understanding the world around them, independent conclusions, albeit incorrect ones. For example, a daughter is looking for something in the calendar. When asked by her father what she wants to find there, the girl replies:

    And I'm looking for when the eighth of March will be.

    There will be no more in this calendar, says the father.

    Or maybe it will, I'll still look.

Or children make riddles, albeit naive, for example: “Write and draw, pretty, colored.”

About concreteness children's thinking say the statements of the children. The child, having heard that the milk has run away, replies: “And you catch up with him.” Or asks: "A butter- from plums? Seeing how a worm crawls out of an apple, he cries out: “Oh, the vitamin is creeping!” One boy shares with another a plan to invite the teacher to visit him. Another objected: “Who will educate us then?” You can also give examples from the immortal creation of K. I. Chukovsky “From two to five”. To the question: “What did you scratch yourself about?” - the child answers: "About the cat." Or this dialogue:

    Mom, do nettles bite?

    How does she bark?

Here's another fun question:

What is it, Wilkin's husband's knife?

We propose to discuss

Give a description child question. How would you answer it?

Examples are given from the book by K. I. Chukovsky “From two to five”.

The child asks about the radio:

But how did uncles and aunts get in with music?
And about the phone:

Dad, when I talked to you on the phone, how did you get into the tube?

You can provide an answer. To a three-year-old boy, his aunt, a physicist by education, immediately began to explain the structure of the telephone. He listened attentively to her, but after all the explanations he asked:

    How did dad get out of there?

    Can a rooster completely, completely forget that he is a rooster and lay an egg? - asks the kid.

The guests came, and someone asked about the three-year-old Valya:

    Whose eyes do Vali have?

    Dads, - they answer the guest.

    And papa, the poor one, means he was left without eyes, thought Valya. And then she came up with the following hypothesis: “When I was not yet born, dad had many eyes: both large and small; and when my mother bought me, my father gave me the big eyes and kept the small ones for himself.”

These examples testify to the concreteness of children's thinking, to the little life experience of children.

Invite parents to collect children's statements and discuss them at joint meetings.

It is possible, as an illustration to what has been said, to show parents a fragment of a lesson with children.

Parent meeting on the topic: "Raise children healthy"

Before the start of the meeting, parents get acquainted with the material of the exhibition of literature on the preservation and strengthening of children's health.

Educator: Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello: “Good morning!

Good morning sun and birds!

Good morning to friendly faces!

Parents, let's greet each other, say " good morning", "hello" and so on.

(parents address each other)

Have you ever wondered why we greet each other with such words in the morning?

Parents: wish you well happy day, Have a good mood.

radio station

The teacher invites parents to listen to the thoughts of children about health.

The children were asked the following questions:

1) What do you think health is?

2) What is a disease?

3) Do you often get sick?

4) Do you know what the flu is, chicken pox?

5) Is it possible to run away from a cold?

6) What should be done to be a healthy person?

Teacher's speech. On the state of health of preschool children.

preschool childhood- the most favorable period for developing the right habits, which, combined with teaching preschoolers how to improve and maintain health, will lead to positive results. The problem of improving the health of children is the purposeful work of the entire team of teachers and parents.

Thus, the kindergarten today is the social structure that basically determines the levels of children's health.

Physical culture and health work in kindergarten is a priority area of ​​activity for the entire team, and includes:

*creation of conditions to meet the biological needs of children in movement;

*realization health saving technologies;

* ensuring the development and training of all systems and functions of the body through specially selected sets of exercises and games, taking into account age and individual characteristics children;

*forming habits healthy lifestyle life;

*implementation of a rational healthy diet for children;

* Carrying out medical and preventive work;

* development and implementation of a system for hardening children;

* regular monitoring of the health of children.

This important multifaceted work can bring the greatest positive results only if there is close interaction with the family. It is no coincidence that the great teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength depend on the cheerfulness and vivacity of children.

Crossword "Physical education-hooray!"

Questions for the crossword.

1) A set of gymnastic exercises, usually performed in the morning.

2) A two- or three-wheeled riding device driven by pedals.

3) A type of hardening based on walking barefoot on different surfaces.

4) Sports attribute used for rotation around the waist, and not only.

5) Drink based on medicinal herbal decoctions.

6) Organic matter, very useful for the healthy functioning of the body.

7) Target for practice shooting.

8) Sports device for training a certain

Game physical training for the whole family

Here the eye woke up, and behind it another.

Let's wake up with the whole family.

Let's hold hands together

And we smile at each other. (Everyone stand in a circle, hold hands.)

The sun rose outside the window

Stretch your palms towards him, (Reach your hands up.)

We raise our hands higher

And then we drop them. (Lower hands, repeat.)

To have a beautiful back

We need to warm up

Hands at the sides at the seams

And bent in half. (Lean down.)

Tick-tock, tick-tock

The clock goes like this! (Tilts left and right.)

Now let's get together

We'll arrange a run on the spot. (Running in place)

Inhale and exhale, bend over.

Thank you all for your hard work!


The family went for a walk in the forest. While resting, a 9-year-old son climbed to the top of a tree. My 5 year old daughter also tried but failed. She began to cry and begged her parents to help her. Question: Which of the proposed reactions of parents is the most correct?:

The parents yelled at their son, demanded to immediately get down from the tree, and both children were strictly forbidden to climb trees, explaining to them that it was dangerous.

The father praised his son for his dexterity, helped his daughter climb the lower branch of the tree, and then climb down on her own. The girl repeated the exercise several times.

The mother calmed the crying daughter, affectionately asked her son to come down to the ground, and then spanked him.

The child does not want to eat. Grandmother tries to make him eat the prescribed portion, using a fairy tale, jokes. Mother promises to buy new toy. Father says: “If you don’t want it, don’t eat it.” Question: Who is right?

Discussion questions.

What, in your opinion, is included in the concept of a “healthy lifestyle”?

What is the role of parents in introducing preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle?

Analyze the answers of the parents of your group to the questions of the questionnaire on the improvement of children in families. What matches or inconsistencies did you find? (questionnaires are attached).

Do the parents of your group show sufficient activity in the physical education of children?

What are the indicators of good performance in the work of teachers with parents on this issue? (sample answers):
a) creating a favorable atmosphere in relations between parents and teachers
b) an increase in the number of questions from parents on the problem of improving the health of children
c) increasing the interest of parents in individual conversations about their child on this issue
d) increasing the initiative of parents, expressed in proposals or assistance in solving the problems of improving children's health
e) increasing the activity of parents and their participation in discussions, in speeches on this issue

Answering the question: what can we do to increase the role of parents in introducing children to a healthy lifestyle? – complete the task: select forms of work with parents on the problem: “Pedagogical support of the family in matters of physical education of children and increasing the role of parents in introducing them to a healthy lifestyle” by sections:

Educational forms: (sample answers)

Open days;

Occasional visits by parents to kindergarten;

Open views classes, sports activities, holidays;

Video films or their fragments on the topics of healthy lifestyle education;

Exhibitions of children's works on the topic;

Photo exhibitions;

information brochures;

Information stands;

Folders - movers;

Thematic exhibitions;

Mini - newspapers, books, articles on this issue;

Various forms parent meetings, lecture halls;


Forms of joint activity: (sample answers)

family clubs;

Public associations;

Joint holding family holidays, entertainment, hiking, excursions;

Joint leisure activities of parents and children;

Organization of additional services by parents in the group physical culture;

Organization of common affairs in the group and help of parents in physical education children;

Joint organization of holidays for children.
In your opinion, what forms of interaction are the most effective?
What forms of interaction do you use most often?

Competition: "The sun of a healthy lifestyle."

Parents are divided into 2 teams. Task: from the proposed materials (a large paper circle, ovals, felt-tip pens) lay out the sun, the rays of which will be all the components of a healthy lifestyle. Sign beams (1-2 words). Explain how the received scheme "to present" to parents (3 min. for reflection). In what other form can this information be provided?

Educator: Wonderful! Listen to the proverb: “I save health. I will help myself."

The teacher asks the parents to do the exercise. Parents perform actions according to the text.


Did you wash your forehead? Did you wash your cheeks?

Did you wash your ears? Did you wash your hands?

Did you wash everything? Clean now!

The door to health is open to us!


Educator: Parents, what did you like from our conversations, games, reasoning? Would you like to continue talking about health?

Well done, you did a great job today! I see a smile on your faces. It is very good! After all, joyful good mood and a smile help our health. A gloomy, angry and irritable person is more susceptible to illness. And a good mood and a smile are like protection against diseases. Let's make each other smile more often. Good health to you all!

Target: Create conditions for parents to get to know each other and bring them closer to each other, remove psychological barriers in communication. Arouse in parents the need for pedagogical knowledge. To acquaint parents with the program of development of children, the tasks of development and education of children.

Meeting agenda:

1. Group tour.

2. Communicate the topic and purpose of the meeting.

3. Meet the Parents: The Link Game

4. Speech by the teacher TSVETKOVA S.V. "Adaptation of children and interaction of the kindergarten with the family"

5. Presentation of the topic "Adaptation of children to kindergarten" (photos of children and video filming of autumn entertainment).

6. Speech by the head of the kindergarten on financial and economic activities in our institution.

7. Report of the teacher TIMOSHENKO V.N. “What have we learned during the adaptation period and what remains to be learned”



Abstract of the parent meeting number 1

in the 1st junior group "Let's get to know each other."

Educator: Tsvetkova S.V.

Target: Create conditions for parents to get to know each other and bring them closer to each other, remove psychological barriers in communication. Arouse in parents the need for pedagogical knowledge. To acquaint parents with the program of development of children, the tasks of development and education of children.

Meeting agenda:

1. Group tour.

2. Communicate the topic and purpose of the meeting.

3. Meet the Parents: The Link Game

4. Speech by the teacher TSVETKOVA S.V. "Adaptation of children and interaction of the kindergarten with the family"

5. Presentation of the topic "Adaptation of children to kindergarten" (photos of children and video filming of autumn entertainment).

6. Speech by the head of the kindergarten on financial and economic activities in our institution.

7. Report of the teacher TIMOSHENKO V.N. “What have we learned during the adaptation period and what remains to be learned”

8. Miscellaneous: about site equipment.

1. EXCURSION. Here is our group No. 11 “JOYS”, please come in………………………………………………

During the EXCURSIONpay attention in the locker room to stands for parents and exhibitions of children's work, folders with expert advice and a box with lost things.


Good evening. We are glad to see you at our first meeting. Dear parents, congratulations on your first parent meeting. The theme of our meeting is "Let's get to know each other". Today we have the first parent meeting, where we will get to know each other, get to know each other better, I will tell you about what we have already learned during the period of adaptation to kindergarten and what we still have to learn. We will discuss the rules of our institution and the problem of adapting the child to kindergarten. This is what we'll talk about!

Then the head of the kindergarten, Pyatkina Inna Olegovna, will tell you about the financial and economic activities in our institution.

After that, we will choose a parent committee.

We have one request for you. You will have certain questions, please write them down on pieces of paper and we will try to answer them at the end of our meeting. Thank you.


So, you brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal, to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting, educational, etc.

During the child's stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers, parents) form a triangle. At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. What do you think will happen to a tripod stool if one leg breaks? (falls) That's right, it's going to fall! Remember Krylov’s fable “The Swan, Cancer and Pike”, which says: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not work out, and it will not work out for him, only flour!” Therefore, you and I need to join forces to ensure that children are interested and comfortable in kindergarten, and here it is very important to have mutual understanding and support.

You and I will live alone for 5 years,I hope friendly family . And first you need to get to know each other better. I will ask you to stand in a circle.

3. GAME "Link".

Our kindergarten is called "The Sun", so we will get acquainted with the help of our symbol. We take a ball in our hands, imagine that it is the sun, and the thread that will unwind is a ray, we pass it in a circle, leaving the end of the thread with us, wrapping a thread around the finger, we inform, for example, I am Tsvetlana Viktorovna, the teacher of the 1st junior group is mine the motto is "life on the positive." Now you take turns telling whose mother or father you are, my family ...... .. (you need to add one adjective that characterizes your family) - for example: sports. Thus, we pass the ray in a circle and get to know each other.(there is an acquaintance with the help of a ball).Look, please, each of us is connected by a thread, not just a thread, but a thread that will bind us for 5 years. Our thread must be as strong as possible for the health and happiness of our children! I think you will agree with me!

So you met, and now tell me, how many Oksan are in our circle? (raise your hands) Tatyana? Linen? Etc.

Now let's get to know each other better. In a circle stand parents who have one child. (perform). Thank you, stand up! Now those who have 2 children go out into the circle (perform), and now, respectively, the parents of three or more children go out into the circle. Thank you.

Now let's see who in our group has more boys or girls? The first group (on the right) includes the parents of girls, the second (on the left) - the parents of boys.

Now let's play scouts. Get in a circle. Your task is to find a mate by meeting each other's eyes and stand together.

And now I will ask you to do the tasks in pairs. Stand, please, back to back, hand to hand; SWAP PAIRS! Shoulder to shoulder, leg to leg; SWAP PAIRS! Knee to knee, elbow to elbow. STAND IN A CIRCLE! Shoulder to shoulder, palm to palm;

Look how you are standing now, side by side, holding hands, you have formed something whole - a circle, a team. We want you to walk like this for five years, hand in hand and become truly friendly big family. I ask everyone to join!

4. Speech by the educator Tsvetkova S. V. on the topic "Adaptation of children and interaction between the kindergarten and the family"

You and your children will have to live in kindergarten for 5 long years. Whether these years will be for your child, and therefore for you happy, depends largely on you, on your participation in the life of the group.

The admission of a child to a kindergarten is his first step into an independent life, which is not easy for all children. Our task is to make sure that the adaptation period is painless for the child. For this, friendly, partnership relations must be established between us adults.

Every child sooner or later has to socialize, i.e., becomes able to live among other people. This is a necessary step for everyone.

Adaptation is the adaptation of an organism to changing external conditions. This process requires a great expenditure of psychic energy and often takes place with tension.

Already from the first days of a child's life, habits, attachments, and certain behavior are formed in the family. By the age of 2-3 years, the stereotype becomes quite stable. Of course, you are very worried about how he will react to the changes in his life. What real problems you and your baby may have to face and how to make the adaptation process smoother

Question to parents: Who adapts easier?

Children whose parents prepared them to visit the garden in advance. A few months before this event (this is because the parents read fairy tales about kindergarten, walking near the garden ...)

Children who are physically healthy, that is, who do not have chronic diseases (during this period, all the forces of the child are strained, and can be directed to getting used to the garden without wasting time fighting the disease)

Children with independence skills (no need to spend the child’s strength on learning everything necessary)

Children whose regime is close to the garden regime (this is the regime of the day, sleep, nutrition)

Children whose diet is close to the garden.

How can you help yourself and your child?

1. Admission to the kindergarten is the moment of separation of the mother from the child, and this is a test for both. Mom also “breaks her heart” when she sees how her baby is going through.

2. Most of all, the parent and child are upset in the morning when parting. Here are some tips.

Both at home and in the garden, speak confidently with your baby. Calmly.

Let the baby take the parent or relative with whom it is easier for him to part.

Be sure to say that you will come and indicate when.

You should have your own farewell ritual, after which you leave confidently.

3. Believe that the baby is not at all a “weak” creature.

The adaptive system of the child is strong enough to withstand this test. Paradoxically, the fact is good that the baby is crying. Trust me, he's in real pain. Crying is an assistant to the nervous system, it does not allow it to be overloaded. Therefore, do not be afraid of the child's crying, do not be angry with the child for whining.

4. you can not scare the kindergarten (sleep, food).

5. you can’t speak badly about educators or about the garden in front of a child

6. Home call on a fairy tale or a game to help.

You can think of a story about how the bear went to the garden. How he liked it there, at first it was uncomfortable and a little scary, but he made friends with the children and the teacher. You can play this fairy tale with toys. And in it, the key point is the return of the mother for the child. Never interrupt the story. Until this moment comes.

How to relieve stress in a child after kindergarten

Play outdoor games with your kids on weekends

“The road from home to kindergarten, “Our House”, “Mom's work”, “Dad's work”, “Shop”, “Kindergarten”.

After visiting the kindergarten, fill the bath with warm water or turn on the shower, put toys in the child's hands, give a sponge. Nothing soothes. Like the sound of flowing water.

Eliminate watching evening TV - it's hard. Screen flickering - adversely affects nervous system child.

Take a walk with the child around the territory of the nursery, take an interest in his experiences.

Signs of the child's readiness for kindergarten, the baby can be left without parents, easily gets acquainted with peers and adults, shows interest.

Get used to the routine

Teach self care skills

In the early days you can stay with the child

The main thing to remember is that this is your baby. Spend more time with him now. And you will make sure that this is your same tiny little man who, thanks to you, was born.

A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of actions of parents and educators.

Do not be sad, once it should have happened, your chick gradually spreads its wings and tries to fly out of the warm soft mother's nest!

For more information, you can get from a psychologist, she was preparing a message on this topic.(Handing out brochures)

5. Presentation of the topic "Adaptation of children to kindergarten" (Showing photos of children and video filming of autumn entertainment).

6. Speech by the head.

7. Report of the educator TYMOSHENKO V.N. “What have we learned during the adaptation period and what remains to be learned”

And we have learned a lot. Our group has 11 classes per week. These are: drawing, modeling, musical - we rise to this lesson in music hall, the rest of the classes are held in a group, physical education takes place in the bedroom (there is a gym in our garden and next year we will study there with an instructor), familiarization with others, artistic reading, speech development: in this area we see particularly striking achievements. All classes are held in the form of a game. Children have become more sociable, begin to learn to play together, share toys. All children know where their cabin, towel, potty, crib is. Learned some rules of behavior in the group. They know that after washing their hands, they need to squeeze out some water and only then go to their towel. Almost all children eat on their own, with a little help from adults. Undress. Learning to dress. Learned to do basic errands, clean up toys. As you can see, we have learned a lot, but we still have to learn more and, most importantly, teach children self-service. And in this process you should take the most active part. It often happens that a child in the kindergarten eats, undresses and partially dresses on his own, but after some stay at home, the child comes to kindergarten and we again teach him to eat, dress, etc. And when communicating with you, it turns out that at home you did everything for him, because it's faster, more convenient, more accurate, etc.

Give children the opportunity to be independent, of course, according to their age.


Clothing labeling

Gratitude for help: Anikina, Gvozdenko, Golovanova and everyone who brought toys from home

Children's birthdays how we will celebrate

Fill in the contract documents and data in the journal

And at the next meeting “Day after day, we speak and grow”, we will hear the teacher’s speech on the topic, and also invite medical worker with the topic of the speech “Compliance with the regime of the day, close to the regime of the day children's institution. Contraindications to attending kindergarten. Tempering children at home”.

preliminary work


Pens and paper for writing

Computer, projector and flash drive with slides.

Magnetic boards, magnet.

Group design

Nomination "Work with parents" (in preschool educational institution)

I held a parent meeting in the II junior group at the beginning of the year, when I got acquainted with the children and their parents, and they, in turn, with the teachers and the group. At the end of the meeting, she invited parents to play games, on the example of which they could see what their children would do in the garden in the classroom.

Meeting goals:

  • To acquaint parents with the program, the tasks of development and education of children.
  • Acquaintance of parents with each other and with teachers raising a child in a preschool institution.
  • Creation of an emotionally positive mood for joint work, removal of barriers in communication and transition to open, trusting relationships.

Attachment 1.

Dear parents! Today we offer you to live one day in a nursery with your children.

Slides 2,3. Morning reception.

Children gather in the younger group, and at this time we continue to solve our problems. We teach them to greet adults and peers, to call themselves and others by name, educators, assistant educators, preschool workers by name and patronymic. We also ask you to pay attention to this, to help us educate the culture of communication in children.

Slide 4. At 8.00 we go to morning exercises, it is conducted by a physical education teacher.

Slide 5. Washing. Our group has a separate washroom. Each child has their own towel, which they find in the picture. We teach children to roll up their sleeves, wash their hands carefully, use soap properly, dry their hands with a towel, hang the towel in its place.

Slide 6. Breakfast, lunch. At this table, children have breakfast, lunch and dinner. We form eating habits: we teach not to crumble bread, not to spill food, to chew food with a closed mouth, we learn to use a spoon, a napkin correctly, not to leave the table without chewing food, to give thanks. Learn how to sit properly at the table.

Slide 7. Classes. We work under the program "Development" of Wenger. I want to introduce you to the main sections of the program, in addition to this, classes are held on physical development and musical, thin. design, theatrical activities - these classes are conducted by specialists.

Slides 8, 9. Sensory education. We form the concept of 7 colors of the spectrum (red, yellow, blue, cyan, orange, green, purple); about 5 geometric shapes(square, rectangle, circle, oval, triangle); about gradations of size: wide - narrow, long - short, high - low, large - small; we give the concept of one - many.

Slides 10, 11. Introduction to fiction and speech development. Children are introduced to different genres fiction: fairy tales, poems, riddles. We form a coherent speech (the ability to speak and answer questions with sentences.); we enrich the dictionary with new words: verbs, adjectives, adverbs.

Slide 12. The development of ideas about the world around us and about ourselves is the goal. We help the child to understand the world of human relations, introducing them to the phenomena of social life, to realize their I, to distinguish themselves in the world. We introduce the objects of the immediate environment (toys, books, dishes, furniture), their purpose, their location in the group. We teach to distinguish and name the qualities and properties of objects (color, shape, size) and things perceived by touch (smooth, rough), by ear (knocking, rustling).

Let's get acquainted with the purpose of some public buildings (in the store you can buy bread, toys, clothes; in the clinic, the doctor treats people). We give ideas about some professions (educator, nanny, janitor, driver). We give an idea of ​​animate and inanimate nature.

Slides 13, 14. Construction. Purpose: we teach how to create simple structures from building material. We teach to distinguish and correctly name the main details of the building material (cube, brick, plate, prism); design according to the finished sample; build elementary object structures (paths, fences, gates, furniture)

Slides 15, 16. Fine art classes. At this age, the child creates a subject schematic drawing, the image is ahead of the plan.

Slides 17, 18. Artistic design from flat constructor elements. Classes develop cognitive and Creative skills children. Children lay out schematic images of objects and fairy-tale characters.

Slide 19. Walk. We teach children how to dress and undress in sequence with a little help from an adult. Much attention is paid to the fact that children take off their shoes and shoes at the doorstep! We hang things neatly and put them in the closet. We learn to unbutton the buttons in front, untie the laces. Dear parents, when undressing children yourself, please turn things inside out. Give children more independence to dress themselves.

On a walk we: Observe nature. We play. We do hard work. We are working on the development of the movement.

Slide 20. Sleep. Before a quiet hour, we also teach children to undress in a certain sequence, carefully hang things on a chair.

Slide 21. After sleep- play activity, didactic games(teaching), the knowledge gained in the classroom is consolidated. These are educational games “What does it look like”, “What is it”, “Lotto”, etc.

Construction games: To teach children to build the simplest buildings: a turret (put bricks on top of each other), a car (put a cube on a brick), gates, furniture (bed, sofa, table, chair).

Theatrical: Children during these games beat familiar fairy tales, poems.

Role-playing: In our group, children love to play story games"Family", "Hospital", "Shop".

slide 22. Thank you for your attention.

The implementation of the "Childhood" program is fully possible only if the kindergarten and the family work closely together. At the same time, both sides direct their efforts towards understanding the developmental opportunities of each child and creating favorable conditions. This event contributes to the establishment trusting relationship between parents, teachers, which has positive influence on the state of the pedagogical process.

Equipment: small paper blanks in the shape of a circle, rectangle, square, trapezoid; markers, colored pencils, soft toy, ball, white sheets of paper, ball.

Target: acquaintance of parents with each other, the development of cohesion and the establishment of a friendly atmosphere between the participants in the educational process.

Location: music hall

Duration: 30 minutes


All participants sit in a circle.

Hello dear parents! Thank you for taking the time to come to the parent meeting.
My name is (…….), I work (…….). In order to make it easier for us to communicate, we suggest that you do business card, which can be of any shape and decorated according to your artistic taste. It is important that the cards indicate your name, which you want to be called (parents draw up their badge in free form).

And now let's get to know each other. We will pass the toy along the chain, whoever has the toy in his hands, he answers two questions:
What's his name?
Why is the badge designed the way it is? Here you need to try to explain why such a shape was used (circle, rectangle, square, trapezoid), such colors, what it means to you (participants complete the task)
For more familiarity pair up with each other. The objective of this game is to find out as much information about your partner as possible, and then tell all of us what you learned so that all other participants immediately remember your partner. Try to note the neighbor's individual traits, character traits, hobbies, occupation, etc.

Exercise "Did you know that I ..."
At the signal of the host, the parents begin to throw the ball to each other (free choice), while the thrower ends the phrase: “No one knows that I ... (I love, I know how, I know, etc.)”
Well, we got to know each other. It turns out that among us there is (a teacher, a doctor ...) it is also significant that you have hobbies and hobbies.

Dynamic pause
The facilitator offers tasks to parents:
- Stand up and sit down those parents who have a chain around their neck;
- Walk in a circle around the chairs parents who have Brown eyes;
- Wave to us parents whose birthdays are in summer and winter;
- Swap places those parents who came today in trousers;
- Smile at us birthday parents whom spring and autumn;
- Come out in a circle and shake hands parents who love their children.

Each of you is very individual. We saw this even from the design of your badges, you used different color and decorated their business cards in different ways. It is also indicative that each of you not only has a different hair color, eyes, but also your own unique and individual life experience which we hope you will share with each other.

Game exercise "My portrait in the sun"
Draw the sun, in the center of the solar circle write your name or draw your portrait. Then, along the rays, write all your virtues, all the good things that you know about yourself. Try to have as many rays as possible.

Reflection "Connecting thread"

Participants become in a circle. The host, holding the ball, passes it around in a circle and invites the participants to speak:
1) characterize their mood,
2) express their feelings - what they liked, what they didn't and why.