Is it necessary to take a child to circles and sections: all the pros and cons. Questions about children's sections. Is it worth sending a child to a section and how to choose What you need to enroll in a section

Hello dear friends!

Many mothers are wondering when and at what age it is possible to give the baby to some particular or some thread generally a circle. But also, many mothers did not even think about it, they live well without such activities.

I belong to the first category and I was worried about many questions regarding the choice of a section for my son, in particular: where, when, from what age, is it necessary, will the child be interested? All these questions swirled around in my head and I started brainstorming when my son was 6 months old. But in general, I thought about it before, but there was no time and energy for additional activities.

So, is it necessary to take the child to circles and sections? Consider all the pros and cons of attending such events. Learn possible options classes for children aged from one to school.



Each coin has a reverse side, let's take a look at it:

. But here you can adjust its level. No need to drag the child seven days a week to all kinds of circles. If you notice that the child has begun to get very tired, overtired, give up a busy schedule, attend events less frequently.
  • plan the schedule of the child's classes and take into account their plans is not always possible.
  • Discomfort. If the child goes to a circle that is not interesting to him. I think there is little good here, you will only worsen relations even more, develop complexes in the child, and I think you will not often be pleased with success.
  • Lesson duration also plays an important role. Based individual characteristics child, you must evaluate how it will affect the health of your child, you should not overload and exhaust him. According to the principle: "work out longer, sleep better." Overwork will accumulate and thereby reduce the performance and overall indicators of activity and mental health of the child.
  • How to choose a circle or section for a child?

    The choice of a section for a child may depend on many factors:

    1. Your time.
    2. Your wish. The child will have to be taken or taken there, then picked up again or waited there, which you will agree is not pleasant. During this time, it would be possible to cook an excellent borscht at home. Choose what is more important to you: the child's time spent with benefit or yours.
    3. Your finances. Currently, all these circles are not cheap, will your budget pull an additional expense item?
    4. Child's wish.
    5. Child's age. All sections have their own age restrictions.
    6. Territorial remoteness. Some sections are quite far from our residence. Not every parent is able to drag himself through traffic jams to the other end of the city after work, and even drag a child. By the time you get there, you don’t feel like doing it, although there are such cases. Not all desired sections are available in the city where you live.

    You can rank in any order, as the importance of these things is different for everyone.

    Lesson options

    What does your child think

    Very often, parents do not take this opinion into account at all, because he is still small and cannot adequately assess what he needs now, and we know that we have life experience ...

    Actually it is not. Even a 1.5-year-old baby can already be understood without words: whether he likes such visits or not. Yes, he cannot tell you verbally, but his mood, his behavior, should give you, as a mother, an exact answer.

    Don't relive your life in your child. If you dreamed of being like volleyball as a child, you don’t need to drag your son there. Let him decide for himself.

    The circles and sections listed here are only those that I remembered, in fact there are countless of them, choose the ones that suit you and your child more according to personal criteria.

    Thank you for reading to the end, was it at least interesting?

    Hope so. Write comments, what sections do you visit with your baby, what is his progress?

    SECTION a part of a building or structure, conditionally limited in plan and representing a single whole in terms of space-planning, technical and constructive terms

    (Bulgarian; Bulgarian) - section

    (Czech; Čeština) - sex

    (German language; Deutsch) - Section

    (Hungarian; Magyar) - szekcio

    (Mongolian) - sections

    (Polish language; Polska) - sekcja

    (Romanian; Român) - sectiune

    (Serbo-Croatian; Srpski jezik; Hrvatski jezik) - seccija

    (Spanish; Español) - bloque - sección; section

    (English language; English) - compartment; Bay

    (French language; Français) - compartment; travee

    English: Section

    Part of a low-voltage complete device between two successive vertical partitions (according to GOST 22789-94 ST IEC 439-1-85)

    Construction dictionary.


    See what "SECTION" is in other dictionaries:

      section- and, well. section f. lat. sectio cutting, dissection, division. 1. Area in Paris and in big cities France during the French bourgeois revolution of the late 18th century. SIS 1954. Mr. Dumas discovered this side of the harlequinade in her era: it seemed to him ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

      Section: Section of Rank Hierarchy in Biological Taxonomy. A section is a level of rank in the musical hierarchy. Section (military unit) regular tactical unit in subdivisions armed forces(Sun) foreign ... ... Wikipedia

      - (lat. sectio, from secare to dissect). 1) autopsy, corpse dismemberment. 2) department, category. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SECTION lat. sectio, from secare, to dissect. a) Autopsy, dismemberment of the corpse. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      See part ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. section unit, block, node; cell, element, cell; section, segment; category, part; autopsy, shelving, subdivision… Synonym dictionary

      SECTION, sections, female. (lat. sectio cutting, incision, share). 1. Subdivision, organizational unit as part of an institution, organization, society or congress, with a certain range of work. Section of scientific workers of the trade union. Sections of the Comintern. ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

      - (from Latin sectio cutting division), 1) department of an institution, organization. 2) At congresses, congresses, a group of delegates working on a certain range of issues. 3) Part of a structure, device (for example, a pipeline section) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      1. SECTION, and; and. [from lat. sectio cutting, separation] 1. An integral part of what l. structures, devices, etc.; node, section, compartment. Sections of the pipeline, radiator. sections of a residential building. Book, crockery p. walls. Wardrobe in two sections, with ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      SECTION, and, female. 1. Subdivision as a part of what n. institutions, organizations, in the work of the conference, congress. Sports with. club. Sections of the symposium. 2. One of the sections, one of the parts of which n. whole, eg. structures, machines, block 2 (in 3 values) ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

      - (sectio), taxonomic. category, in nerd. nomenclature, which occupies an intermediate position between a subgenus (below the subgenus) and a row (above the row). S. combines closely related species. Latin name. S. (epithet) is indicated, as a rule, by the name ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

      - (from lat. sectio cutting, division) at congresses, congresses, conferences, a group of delegates working on a certain range of issues; department of an institution, organization. Political Science: Dictionary Reference. comp. Prof. Paul of Sciences Sanzharevsky ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

      section- 1. A section of a cable or fiber optic communication line located between two active elements, called regenerators or repeaters (Fig. S 3). Several sections located between multiplexers with addition / selection ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    “Can you imagine, I bought a diary for Masha,” a friend told me while we were waiting for the children together in the corridor of the music school. - “Yesterday, instead of gymnastics, she took her to drawing, she got completely confused in the class schedule.” From these words, you might think that Masha is a successful business woman or a rising star, but so far this is not the case. This is a thin girl of 8 years old, with blond pigtails and big eyes. This year, Masha went to the second grade, and in addition to school, she is engaged in gymnastics, drawing, choreography, English and even chess.

    Looking at this whole picture with confused children, who themselves do not always remember what their occupation is today, I had a question: do all these circles, sections really need our children or is this opinion imposed on us by society? Are there really so many benefits from them, or did we come up with it ourselves in order to feel like a “good mom”?

    Many glossy magazines and popular media tell us that successful person there should not be a free minute, all his affairs should be planned a month in advance, and attention should be paid to self-development. Are we transferring these adult rules to children?

    Why do parents need mugs?

    1. Child development, or me good mom»

    Increasingly, I come across the opinion that the “goodness” of a mother is beginning to be associated with the number of circles attended and the amount of money spent on it. The more expensive the section, the steeper it is. Please note that expensive sections are visited by many times more children than free ones. Do you think they are worse? No, but by attending a budget circle, you think that your child is losing status, and along with him, you. You are a “good mother” and you don’t feel sorry for any money for your beloved child. This behavior is especially noticeable in mothers of very young children. Groups early development from 6 months, English from the cradle, the results of such classes are very doubtful, but the mother can tick off herself that she has fulfilled one more condition in order to be a “good mother”.

    1. I am a crow...

    You are quite satisfied with your life and the development of your child. Do not set the task for the kid to become the best in the world of football or in 10 years to go to the international singing competition to defend the country, realizing that your child has no inclinations to either one or the other. You understand, you understand, but you still enroll your son in the football section and in the vocal lessons of your son. The thing is, the children from your environment are pulling this heavy burden, but why is your child worse? And for most parents, it doesn’t matter at all whether their son wants to kick the ball or learn music, it’s important that they have something to brag to the environment.

    1. We take responsibility

    Many of the people who are now parents grew up in the 80s and 90s. Then there was no such abundance of sections in the country, there were a couple of circles at the school and the same number at the House of Pioneers. Due to the fact that many parents worked late, the children took care of themselves, looked for their own hobbies: someone went to draw, someone was a young naturalist. Children themselves organized their leisure time, chose where to enroll according to their interests and initiative. If interest in a hobby was lost, then without any hesitation they parted with this occupation and looked for something new. Whether this is good or bad is impossible to say for sure, but the child has always had the right to choose.

    Now things are a little different. If the section has ceased to bring pleasure and has become a burden, a few parents will allow not to go to hateful classes. Firstly, in order to attend classes, you must pay a month or purchase a subscription. How can you quit classes if everything is paid for a month in advance? True, we almost always forget that we paid ourselves an annual visit to the gym, and went only to two classes.

    Secondly, along with how we grow up, we get the feeling that if we hadn’t been thrown into a circle on embroidery or weaving macrame in the third grade, then we would definitely have a completely different, more successful and interesting life. Therefore, we put pressure on the child, despite his pleas to stop dancing, we continue to take him to classes, teach him the hated positions with him, saying “you will say thank you later.” According to statistics, more than eighty percent of children who graduated from a music school under duress never pick up a musical instrument after graduation. To my regret, I got into these 80%. I graduated from music school in accordion class in 1999, when I was 12 years old, I still have no desire to play it.

    1. Realizing our ambitions

    Have you noticed that if a mother dreamed of becoming a ballerina as a child, then 99% of us will see her daughter in a choreographic class? Well, if the desire of the child and the parent are the same, but if not, then expect trouble. On the one hand, the child does not understand why he should stand at the ballet barre if he wants to draw a vase and an apple on an art mug. On the other hand, a mother who believes that she knows better what is best for her child, and talking about not liking the section at all is like a betrayal of the Motherland.

    Why do children need classes?

    1. Communication

    Psychologists ring all the bells: despite the fact that we all live in society, every second person experiences a lack of communication. modern gadgets, social networks and the Internet have replaced our meetings with friends, communication with loved ones. For the full development of the child, it is very important to teach him to build communication with others. If the child does not go to kindergarten or school, then visiting the section is simply necessary. Firstly, it will help the baby to make new friends and acquaintances, and secondly, to find himself in an environment where he can solve some issues on his own, without the participation of a parent.

    1. Wish baby

    The child loves to draw, goes to classes with pleasure, you expect a result from him according to his abilities, and not just your requirements. Such activities will only benefit. The child will develop, in many cases, a favorite activity will help to cope with stress and relieve nervous tension.

    1. The right to choose

    While the child grows and develops, he is interested in trying many things. Remember, as in the famous proverb: "And the Swiss, and the reaper, and the gambler on the pipe." This does not mean at all that after attending 2-3 classes, the child cannot leave the section that he does not like in order to try something else. Listen to your child, talk to him, try to understand his desires.

    1. For the sake of

    If a child sits at the computer for hours, overweight appears, then there is nothing better than any team sport, be it football or water polo. First, it is motor activity, which, when right approach always beneficial. Secondly, the ability to work in a team.

    As an afterword

    If you run home after work to have time to take your child to the next section, and return home late in the evening - think about who needs such efforts? Maybe, in the conditions of our total employment, it is better to devote these few hours to communicating with the child? Blind crafts from plasticine, assemble autumn leaves to the herbarium, to go sledding and play snowballs? After all, it is important for every mother that her child be happy, regardless of whether he can play the violin.

    Photo - photobank Lori

    On the site in the section "children's tourism" "immediate plans" and "plans for the year" are described. There is also a report on the first year of the tourist club. A lot of work has been done and we have good prospects.

    I want to develop. In our case, development is an increase in the loads and saturation of trips, attracting children to categorical trips and competitions.

    Judging by the surveys of children and by the general experience, walking on the same tracks with old equipment from year to year is not interesting. The guys trained in the first year will leave, and working with new children without the support of older ones will be marking time. That is, there will be no development of the section - this is not interesting.

    Let's figure out at whose expense personal equipment should be purchased, clothes and shoes suitable for hiking, who should pay for the children's meals on the hike and transport costs.

    In addition, proper selection of equipment is a guarantee of safety and health.

    No instructor will take responsibility for the life and safety of the group with improperly selected clothing and equipment.

    We must be aware that our children, roughly speaking, are not needed by anyone but us.

    And whether the children will enjoy the trip and get new skills and impressions, or they will get their feet, hands and get cold - alas, it also depends on the investments of their parents. These are not exorbitant amounts, it's just another item of expenditure in the family budget.

    If your child does not have the right equipment, and parents do not have the opportunity (money or time) to help their children (put fasteners, sew something on, get something, etc.) - whose problem is it?

    For my part, I am able to organize interesting hikes, organize categorical hikes and sports categories for children based on the results of hikes and competitions. I can teach them rock climbing, orienteering, water, mountain and other types of tourism.

    I can organize, for example, a one-time free pass to Petrazovodsk, organize summer camp(in the sense of walking around the authorities and diverting the route). I can once (at the expense of sponsors, friends and just enthusiasts) organize the required number of kayaks for a summer trip, periodically provide sections with a personal raft, ropes and other rock equipment bought with my own money (the cost of such equipment that the guys have already used is hundreds of thousands ). But the available equipment, which I am ready to continue to use for the general needs of the TsDT tourist club, is not enough.

    We will not collect contributions for public equipment - I do not like to listen to gossip and reproaches. It remains to wait for help from the administration and sponsors.

    Now, at the beginning of the year, I need to understand whether my efforts are needed by children, parents, the city?

    Or will everything rest on the lack of just hiking clothes and comfortable shoes for children?

    Will we have the normal amount of support from the administration for the purchase of expensive public equipment?

    Will the section develop or will we trample on the spot for another year, and then it will become boring for everyone?

    So, I ask the parents of each child to answer one of the options to me in a personal or by phone:

    Option 1. I want my child to acquire the skills of sports tourism and for this I am ready to invest in his personal equipment and help him participate in the preparation for hiking and competitions.

    Option 2. It is enough for me if sometimes on weekends my child will go for walks with the tourism section.

    Based on your answers and the decision of the administration session on the allocation of assistance to the tourist club, I will decide on my participation in the fate of the CDT tourist club.

    The financial underside of tourism

    Our children's tourist club CDT is a free children's association of additional education.

    But! Realities are:

    The work of a teacher is free for you.

    Public expensive equipment - at the expense of sponsors and allocated state funds.

    Personal equipment, consumables (gas, small inventory), meals, fees for participation in tour events, transportation costs - at the expense of parents.

    In numbers it looks like this:

    Transport from Lakhdenpokhya - 40 rubles. bus to Miinal (the most frequent option) and back, about 200 rubles. (if you have a student ticket with you) for trips to the Leningrad region (several times a year for large tours).

    Meals - 70 rubles / one main meal. With a group of 10 people, this money is enough for food and consumables. Parents! Do not give children extra money and food with you! We really have enough, and the surplus only corrupts the children.

    Contributions to major competitions - 50-100 rubles.

    Personal equipment and clothing - according to your taste and possibilities.

    Calculation examples:

    Weekend at the field base of the tourist club in Mikli lunch + dinner + breakfast + lunch + bus = 70 * 4 + 40 = 320 rubles.

    Last year, to my bewilderment, there were many such moments. Not a single ban on children over 10-12 years old is no longer effective. The guys go into themselves, into the computer, rush through the garages, but they don’t sit at the lessons more diligently from such a punishment. There were a lot of children's grievances against their parents. Do you need it?

    If you have really big financial difficulties and punishment is just an excuse, this is the height of parental psychological illiteracy. Dear parents, is it difficult? Well, come to me in person, let's find a way out. After such cases, the guys had to be re-adapted each time to the team and to communication. And we have a good team.



    Of course, courses are needed, but without fanaticism, the child must rest and have free time! We go to the basketball sports section and to educational courses on the development of intelligence, everything turned out very well, sports in itself are a useful thing, and the courses develop memory, attention, the ability to concentrate, not be distracted, well. And of course they develop their horizons! I highly recommend the "presidential school" to Muscovites

    20.09.2013 10:46:35, Ida33

    very helpful article. but in general, it’s better to let them go to circles and sections more often than sit at home at a computer or TV.

    Oh, life has become difficult not only for children, but also for parents! How to choose, how not to overload, but also not to fall behind peers - you can break your head))

    Of course, I agree that it’s not worth uploading a child and there should definitely be time to relax, go for a party and just watch your favorite movie or cartoon))) We have a circle children's creativity and art. My daughter goes to classes on weekends, on Saturday and Sunday! This is not an overload for her, but a favorite pastime, no matter how boring it is)))

    12.09.2013 18:22:40, nina7777

    Comment on the article "Mugs and sections for a child: benefits and harms. What to do with loads?"

    Mugs and sections for a child: benefits and harms. What to do with loads? Home > Education > Additional education> Mugs and sections. From this we can conclude that if at first a child can attend a dance studio or a circle along the way ...

    About budget mugs. Leisure, hobby. A child from 10 to 13. My children only go to budget schools. For preschoolers, even before, most of the circles in various centers of children's creativity were paid, but there are no problems with schoolchildren.

    Raising a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers The fact is that we are not against the studio. We are for circles, sections and hobbies. I'm rather embarrassed by some moments in this studio.

    A circle is good when there are equipment and special storage places for it. I dream of a school that looks more like a house of creativity, where children go to classes in drawing, music, literature, mathematics, and chemistry. Like the House of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills.