Sochinyalki.Skazochnye stories on the eve of the New Year. Your New Year's story From the history of the New Year holiday

New Year's story for children 7-10 years old: "Miracles under New Year».

Lapatina Svetlana Vasilievna, teacher of the extended day group of the MOU Tumskaya secondary school No. 46 Branch "Oskinskaya basic comprehensive school".
Description: Your attention is given to the author's New Year's story for younger students "Miracles for the New Year." This story can be used by educators, class teachers during classes, class hours dedicated to the new year.
Target: To form in schoolchildren the idea that the New Year is magical holiday when the most cherished dreams can come true.
1. Introduce students to the story, promote the development of interest in reading.
2.Promote the development of core moral qualities child's personality.
3. To instill in schoolchildren a sense of compassion, care, desire to help.

A winter December evening came, it was already dark outside the window and the lanterns were lit on the poles, and my mother was still late at work.

Masha sat at her desk and enthusiastically composed New Year's poems for the school wall newspaper.

Little brother Vovka crawled on the carpet and let the train run through the nursery railway.
Masha remembered how today at school Anna Ivanovna invited the 4th grade students to show a New Year's performance. The guys were delighted and began to distribute roles. Zhenya
wanted to become the King, Yulia agreed to the role of the Fairy, Petka decided that no one could play the role of the Coachman better than him.
Dimka got the role of the Prince, who, according to the script, should dance with Cinderella all evening. Masha really wanted to be Cinderella, but this imagined Marinka was ahead of her, saying that this should be only her role, since her mother had already bought a Cinderella costume. Masha had to agree to the role of one of the two capricious stepmother's daughters.
Well, finally, the poems are ready, Masha began to read aloud:
"New Year - fun party,
Brings happiness to people
Old year- gray-haired prankster,
Will leave us forever.

"Hello, hello, New Year" -
Says a children's round dance, -
Hello, hello, Santa Claus,
Did you bring us gifts? ".

“Yes, kids, a whole cart
I brought you today
toys and sweets,
And couplets of songs
And skis and sleds
And Christmas stories.

“Masha, your poems turned out beautiful, but will your mother come soon? I already want to eat,” Vovka said.
Mom worked as a teacher at school, and in the evening she went to work in a nearby supermarket to wash floors. A year ago, dad left them and now he has new family, so my mother had to work two jobs in order to raise two children alone.
Mom often took a photo album from the shelf in the evenings, looked at old photographs, sighed
and furtively wiped away her tears. And grandmother Anya said that mom should stop being a dreamy person and it's time to finally arrange her personal life.
Masha remembered how fun they used to be at home: dad decorated the Christmas tree, mom baked dad's favorite Napoleon cake, and she and Vovka found wonderful gifts under the tree.

Masha warmed up dinner, fed Vovka and began to read him a fairy tale. Half an hour later bro
already sleeping sweetly, hugging his beloved bear.
The girl quietly left the bedroom, opened the closet and took out a piece of matter from which her mother wanted to sew christmas dress...
Masha sat down on the sofa, daydreamed, and suddenly found herself in a real New Year's fairy tale and turned into a Snowflake.

She was wearing a beautiful fluffy dress and a white crown. She fluttered easily between the trees. winter forest, sang songs, danced and whirled with her girlfriends - snowflakes.

Suddenly she heard someone crying and plaintively calling her mother. It was a small brown bear. He sat under the Christmas tree so frightened and confused.
“Baby, don’t cry, follow me and I will take you to your mother, the bear,” said Masha the Snowflake to the little bear.
“Oh, can snowflakes talk? - the bear cub was surprised.
“On New Year's days, not such miracles happen,” answered the kind girl - Snezhinka.
The snowflake rose up, swirled in the air above the head of the bear cub, and he obediently followed it along the snowy road.
Well, here the dark forest began, somewhere there should be a bear's lair. The snowflake flew faster, and here is the mother herself - the bear runs through the forest: she worries, growls and looks for a bear cub.
“Mom, I’m here, I was found, and this most beautiful, most fluffy snowflake showed me the way home!” - exclaimed the bear cub.

The she-bear affectionately hugged the cub, licked his fur and led him to the lair to sleep sweetly until the first days of spring.
And the girl - Snowflake flew on and saw the real one in the clearing. fairy fairy.

fairy waved magic wand and said: “Masha, you have a very kind heart, and I want all your dreams and desires to come true in the New Year.”

And suddenly Masha turned into Cinderella, and ended up at a ball in a beautiful palace. A prince approached Cinderella, who looked so much like Dimka's classmate, and invited her to dance. They whirled around the hall in the rhythm of a waltz. Beautiful music sounded. It was just wonderful, wonderful and magical!
Half an hour later, it creaked softly Entrance door: mom came home from work, saw her sleeping daughter on the couch and covered her with warm soft blanket.
Morning has come. Masha woke up in a wonderful mood, had breakfast with pleasure, kissed her mother on the cheek and ran to school.
On the way to school, she met a classmate Dimka.
“Hi, Masha, let’s carry your wall newspaper, maybe after school we’ll go to the skating rink? Dima asked.
“Well, of course, we’ll go, only now I’ll take Vovka from kindergarten!" Masha happily agreed.
In the evening, it was very beautiful at the rink: the lanterns burned brightly, the music sounded. Dimka confidently kept on the ice, made different figures. But Masha was a beginner in skating and often fell.

Dimka helped the girl to stand up, firmly held her hand and explained how to skate correctly. “It's okay, you'll ride two more laps, and everything will work out for you,” he reassured Masha.
An hour later, a little tired, but satisfied and happy, Masha and Dima went home.
“Well, Masha, see you tomorrow, we'll meet at school,” Dima said goodbye.
The girl, cheerful and ruddy, with skates in her hands, quickly climbed the stairs, opened
apartment door.
Mom, smart and a little embarrassed, laid the festive table in the hall, the delicious smell of freshly baked Napoleon cake came from the kitchen, and dad and Mishka decorated the Christmas tree.

“Hurrah, dad has arrived!” - Masha screamed, ran up to dad, hugged him and buried her nose in dad's broad shoulders and thought that now, it's happiness when the whole family is finally together.

It was the happiest magical day for the girl, when all the long-awaited cherished dreams come true.

And to you, my dear readers, I wish the fulfillment of all your desires!

On the eve of the New Year, DZ announced a creative competition for the best warm and happy New Year's story that makes you think.We remind you, dear readers, that it is up to you to choose the best story. After all New Year's stories are published, you can use SMS voting and voting on the DZ website website, determine the winner, who will get the prize from the editors. Therefore, read the next issues of "DZ" and determine your favorite.

Letter to Santa Claus

On New Year's Eve, a primary school teacher asked the children to write an essay about what they would ask Santa Claus.

In the evening, when she checked the work, one essay upset her very much. At that moment, the teacher's husband entered the room and saw her crying.

What happened? - he asked.

Read, - she answered, holding out the work of one boy.

"Dear santa claus! I beg you, turn me into a TV. I want to take his place. I want to live the way the TV lives in our house. I want to have a special place and gather a family around me. I want people to listen to me and not say “shut your mouth”. I don't want to be asked questions when I speak. I want to be the center of attention. I want to be treated like a TV when it stops working. I want to be in the company of my father when he comes home, even tired. So that my mother, instead of ignoring me, would come to me when she was alone and sad. So that my parents would at least sometimes leave everything aside and spend a little time with me. Santa Claus, I don’t ask for much, but just turn me into a TV!

Nightmare! Poor boy! exclaimed the teacher's husband. - What kind of parents are these?

This is the work of our son,” the teacher answered with tears in her eyes.


My most wonderful New Year!

On New Year's Eve, my grandfather Frost lays down a gift under the tree. And it's very interesting how he gets into my house. This New Year's Eve, I decided not to sleep until the morning, to wait for Santa Claus. I pretended to be asleep, although it was very difficult - I really wanted to sleep.

The tree was lit up with colorful lights. The room was either light or dark. Quietly. And suddenly the silence was broken by a frosty crack and creak. Santa Claus quietly stepped out from behind the curtain. In his hands he held a huge, red bag. Long white staff. Behind the belt are large gloves. Boots in the snow. A large white beard fell across his chest. Looking around, he approached the tree. I was a little scared, but I lay like a mouse, not moving. Suddenly, unexpectedly, sneezing loudly, I scared Santa Claus. Out of fright, he rushed to the window, caught his sheepskin coat on the Christmas tree. The tree fell on Santa Claus. Unable to bear it all, I ran to rescue him. Silently, together we put the Christmas tree in order. Santa Claus handed me his big bag and said: "Happy New Year!". Thanking him, I offered him tea. He readily agreed with a smile. Beads of sweat were running down Santa's face from hot tea. Real crystal snowflakes shone on his hat. And in general, he was a real Santa Claus.

Today is the New Year

When we woke up on the morning of December 31, everyone was in a festive mood. At breakfast, preparations for the New Year's Eve were equally distributed. I dressed up a beautiful Christmas tree with my younger brother. Mom cooked and decorated the festive table with the speed of magic. The smell of oranges and pine foreshadowed a New Year's fairy tale. It was cozy, beautiful, tasty and fun. The New Year has come into play.

Everything is fine, but where is Santa Claus? Where is his present? This have not happened before! Let me have everything, and I don’t ask for anything, but I believe in him! I'm waiting for him! If there is no gift, then there is no Santa Claus. But this cannot be! Everyone is already asleep, but I can't sleep. Sitting under the tree, hugging my knees, I thought: “Let Santa Claus be ashamed that he forgot about me. Let his conscience torment him for a whole year. It even seemed to me that I was the stepdaughter who freezes under the pine tree, from the fairy tale "Morozko".

Closing my eyes, I saw a fire and twelve months. All these thoughts led me to fall asleep. It seemed to me that I, like a bear, slept through the whole winter. Suddenly, I felt that someone was kissing me. When I opened my eyes, I saw a small spaniel puppy cuddling and licking me. I hugged him happily to my chest. Mother sleeps. Brother too. The door is locked. The curtains are open at the window. Under the tree are gifts from Santa Claus. Thanks, Santa Claus! A puppy is the most wonderful start of the New Year!

Masha VASHKOVSKAYA, KOOSH No. 1, 6th grade

From the history of the New Year holiday

Our Slavic ancestors counted the years by seasons. The year began on the first day of spring - March 1, when nature came to life and it was necessary to think about the future harvest. In the X century, Ancient Russia adopted Christianity, the Byzantine chronology and the Julian calendar. The year was divided into 12 months and given them names associated with natural phenomena. March 1 was considered the beginning of the new chronology.

In 1348, a Council was held in Moscow, at which they adopted a provision to start the year from September, and not from March. And since 1700, by decree of Peter I, the New Year in Russia is celebrated, as in other European countries, on January 1 (according to the Julian calendar). But only since 1919 New Year's celebration in Russia began to celebrate in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. From 1930 to 1947, January 1 was an ordinary working day in the USSR. And since 1947, January 1 has become a holiday and a day off. Since 2005, New Year holidays have been established in Russia from January 1 to January 5 (previously - only the 1st and 2nd) and these days are declared non-working, and taking into account the days off and Christmas - the official holiday Weekends last 10 days.

If you are asked what is your favorite holiday after your birthday, you will probably answer: New Year. This is a holiday when you are not forced to go to bed early, but are seated at the table with adults. This is a holiday when you are looking forward to the end of the chiming clock to throw yourself under the tree and see what surprise Santa Claus has prepared for you. New Year is a vacation with mom and dad, it's sweets and tangerines, it's winter fun. New Year is the most favorite holiday in our country. He is loved by both adults and children. New Year is a holiday with fluffy white snow outside the window, the smell spruce branches, sparkling multi-colored toys and tinsel, obligatory fireworks, gifts, as well as elegant Santa Claus and the beautiful Snow Maiden. We have been waiting for it for a long time, and when the chimes strike at midnight on December 31, we rejoice in the coming year, hoping for better times, and sad, seeing off the outgoing year.

The first day of the year is one of the main holidays for many nations. In European countries, the new year begins on January 1st. In countries where the lunar or lunisolar calendar is adopted, the New Year falls on different dates of the solar year.

Now let's see how this merry holiday is celebrated in other countries.

England. In addition to the Christmas tree, the house is decorated with mistletoe sprigs. The English Santa Claus is called Santa Claus.

Italy. On New Year's Eve, it is customary to get rid of old things, old furniture and other rubbish. New Year is a symbol of renewal.

France. French Santa Claus - Pere Noel - leaves gifts not under the tree, like ours, but in shoes hanging and standing by the fireplace. On New Year's Eve baked in a bean pie. And the one who gets it receives the title of "bean king", and on a festive night everyone obeys his orders.

Sweden. On New Year's Eve, the children choose the queen of light, Lucia. She is dressed up in White dress and a crown with lit candles. Lucia brings gifts to the children and treats to the pets.

Bulgaria. When people gather at holiday table, in all houses the lights are extinguished for three minutes. These minutes are called "minutes of New Year's kisses", the secret of which is kept by darkness.

Cuba. Before the onset of the new year, the inhabitants of the country fill all the jugs, buckets, basins and bowls that are in the house with water. At midnight, water is poured out of the windows. So for the outgoing year they wish a path as bright as water. While the clock strikes 12 times, it is necessary to eat 12 grapes, and then goodness, harmony, prosperity and peace will accompany a person all year.

Japan. Here, on New Year's Eve, the bells ring eight times. Each stroke of the bell corresponds to one of the vices. According to the Japanese, there are six of them: greed, stupidity, anger, frivolity, indecision and envy, but each vice has 18 different shades. This in total is 108 beats of the bell.

Traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia

There are quite a few traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia. From the times of Slavic paganism, we got mummers, buffoons and jesters. The era of Peter the Great and subsequent centuries brought into the tradition of the holiday a New Year tree with toys, fireworks and a New Year's table with Russian salad, vinaigrette stuffed with goose or duck, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, obligatory champagne with tangerines on the table and the chiming clock on the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower.

In your house, most likely about New Year's table mother or grandmother will take care of. It would be nice if you also take part in the preparation of the festive table. And to participate in decorating the New Year tree and the room is a great pleasure. When decorating a Christmas tree, they first hang an electric garland with light bulbs (but not a home-made one - they don’t joke with fire!), Then - toys: first large, then small. Do not hang decorations of the same shape and color next to each other. Lastly, they put a spire on the top of the Christmas tree and scatter a brilliant “rain”.

Christmas tree

When the first Christmas tree appeared in Russia, it is not known exactly. But, most likely, the first Christmas trees appeared in the middle of the 19th century in the houses of St. Petersburg Germans. Living in a foreign land, they have not forgotten their traditions and habits, ceremonies and rituals.

Following the Germans, in the Russian homes of the St. Petersburg nobility, they also began to put Christmas trees for children. They were decorated with wax candles and lanterns, flowers and ribbons, nuts, apples and sweets. Initially, on New Year's Eve, the tree stood for one day, then these periods were increasingly lengthened: two days, three, until Epiphany or until the end of Christmas time. There was a period in our history when the Christmas tree was even banned. But from December 31, 1935, she again entered the homes of Russians and to this day is a symbol of "joyful and happy childhood in our country."

DIY Christmas decorations

You will need: a needle and thread, scissors, an awl, glue (it is better to take PVA - when it dries, it becomes transparent), sequins, colored paper, wrapping, paints and brushes, felt-tip pens, cotton balls, threads, paper clips, multi-colored woolen threads.

A garland "Falling Snow" can be made from cotton wool. To do this, short strings are tied to a long thin thread at short intervals. Cotton balls are strung on each short thread. Below, so that the balls do not slip, the thread is smeared with glue. Such a garland can be hung directly on the window or in the doorway.

Wonderful toys are made from eggshells. In a washed raw egg, with a thick needle or awl, carefully make holes on both sides. Blow the contents of the egg into a bowl. We wash the shell with running water and dry it. Now it can be used to make toys. The egg can be painted with paint or felt-tip pens, you can glue various details cut out of paper to it: paws, ears, tails and hats, turning it into a funny little animal or little man: a hare, a chicken, a fish, a nested doll, a gnome, a penguin. To make it easier to write eggshell paints, stick a piece of plasticine on a saucer and carefully place an egg shell on it. To prevent the paint from getting dirty, at the end of the work, sprinkle the toy with sparkles and spray it with hairspray.

If the Christmas tree is small, do not overload it with bulky toys. The size of ornaments from the lower branches to the upper ones gradually decreases. Do not hang too many decorations on the Christmas tree - it looks tasteless.

In the old days, different things were hung on the Christmas tree edible decorations. Why not revive this custom? Try to decorate the Christmas tree with edible toys - tangerines, apples, candies in bright wrappers, walnuts wrapped in gold foil, chocolate medals and other chocolate figurines.

Now let's try to decorate the branches of the Christmas tree and cones with snow. To do this, we rub the polystyrene on a grater, grease the branches of spruce, pine and cones on them with transparent glue and sprinkle with grains of polystyrene. We arrange the branches in vases throughout the room. This created the atmosphere of a fabulous winter forest.

New Year- the holiday is also special because, in addition to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, in addition to funny Christmas decorations, fragrant tangerines and cherished gifts for children, this holiday means the onset of the long-awaited winter holidays. You just need to think in advance how to spend these short winter days with maximum pleasure and benefit.

And without which it is impossible to imagine traditional winter fun - of course, without snow, ice and frost! True, in last years the weather has become painfully capricious, but still on New Year's days you can still find skating rinks, snowdrifts, and ice slides.

Thanks to the active propaganda of television, figure skating has become popular again. Every year there are more and more skating rinks. You just need to learn how to skate and not be afraid of bruises and bumps - the inevitable companions of mastering this sport.

Even just skating is already a great pleasure. And it doesn't matter how well you can do it when the center of the ice rink sparkles with lights Christmas tree, and spotlights and perky music create an atmosphere of festive mood. But if you get tired of just cutting circle after circle, then you can arrange fun competitions.

Game "Steam Train"

Skittles or plastic bottles filled with water or just snow - so that they are not blown away by the wind. They need to be placed on the ice in one line at a certain distance from each other. The smaller the distance, the more difficult the task. So, we get up in height - the smallest is in front, the next is bigger ... - the last, of course, is dad. We put our hands on the shoulders of the person in front, and - go ahead! It is necessary to snake around the pins without knocking them down.

Game "Relay"

You need to split into two teams, equal in number of participants and approximately equal in strength. Not only age is taken into account, but also the ability to skate. The start line can be marked with skate covers. At 20-30 meters from the start line for each of the teams we put two skittles (plastic bottles). On the “start” command, the players reach the pin, go around it and return, passing the baton to the next player. The team that completes the task faster wins. The more players, the more fun and interesting the relay will be.

Perhaps the most popular winter Games- snowball fights, sledding, snowman building, storming the snow fort. All this, despite ancient history, is unlikely to annoy both your friends and parents.

And you can also go with the whole family to the nearest forest park on skis for " winter fairy tale". This is best done after a heavy snowfall. Here, on the branches of a pine tree, a “snow leopard” has spread, but some kind of “weevil” peeps out of a snowdrift, and here you just need to draw eyes with a ski stick - and you get a huge “snow toad”. Take your camera for this walk!

Of course, this is not all winter fun and games - you yourself can come up with a hundred more! You just need to remember about proper clothes. Sweating in the cold, you can catch a cold. If this happens, go home. Do not forget about spare gloves. And the rest - what could be better than an active winter family vacation on fresh air filled with wonderful vivid impressions and a sea of ​​positive emotions?!

Have fun, honest people, winter is coming!

1. What miracles can happen on New Year's Eve? Learn by heart the poem "It was in January ..." A. Barto.

In Agnia Barto's poem "It was in January" events take place in early January, and it turns out that wild forest animals also know and love this holiday - the New Year. For example, they know that it is customary to decorate Christmas trees on New Year's Eve.

This is what the cunning hares from this poem took advantage of, who, in order not to get to lunch with the wolves, pretended to be toys hanging on the Christmas tree.

The fate of the rabbit mother is a little worried, because the poetess did not say anything about her, but she apparently just ran away, making sure that everything was in order with her rabbits.

So, the main miracle new year's eve- this is the Christmas tree itself, a tree that gives joy to both people and animals.

2. Make up your own New Year's story.

Once the boy Vasya asked his mother: "Mom, how can I become the strongest and most dexterous in the class?" And my mother answered that there is nothing easier, you just need to make this wish, and by the New Year it will certainly come true, because on the New Year wishes always come true.

The kid was delighted and began to ask his mother: "Mom, how should I correctly make my wish so that it will come true on New Year's Eve?" Mom replied that she needed to write a letter to Santa Claus about her desire, put it in a special mailbox and remind Santa Claus of her request every day. "And how to remind?" Vasya asked. "To do push-ups, pull up on the horizontal bar and mint the ball," my mother answered, "Then Santa Claus will definitely not forget about you." So Vasya did: he wrote a letter to Santa Claus, put it in a special mailbox and reminded Santa Claus of himself every day: he did push-ups, pulled himself up on the horizontal bar, minted the ball and, for greater certainty, also pumped the press. The long-awaited New Year has come... Do you think Vasya's wish came true? Of course, after all, all wishes for the New Year must come true.

3. In what poem did you meet these words: aukah, creeps, deep, lulls, distant? Pick up a rhyme for them using the following expressions: shaggy forest, winter sings, silk carpet, sail to the country.

Words and phrases are taken from Yesenin's poem "Winter Sings", but we are interested in trying to compose a poem ourselves.

First of all, let's divide the words with rhyme into pairs: Aukaet-Suit, Deep-Far.

Sailing to a distant land

Keep longing deep

Winter sings and spreads

a snowstorm in our yard

Shaggy forest

And cradle the squirrel.

4. Compare two small texts. Which one would you call a poem?