How to set yourself up for positive thoughts. How to tune in to positive thinking when everything is bad. Getting rid of bad thoughts is essential for your success in life.

And it would be great, as in childhood, to wake up - and be happy just like that, without any good reason! Alas, with age, for joy, we are increasingly looking for reasons and reasons, forgetting that happiness is nearby, it is in our minds. You just need to figure out and understand what “deep mines” are holding back good thoughts inside and how to set yourself up for positive and good luck, contrary to the surrounding reality.

How to drive away negative thoughts

Enemies of inner positivity

Psychologists say: if you lived the day the same as yesterday, something in your life needs to be changed. It is the routine that they consider almost the main enemy of a happy and cheerful mental attitude. In such cases, one must ask oneself: what can I do better tomorrow than today? Yes, anything! It is festive to serve an everyday table, cook rice not as usual - with vegetables, but with seafood. In a word, turn off the trodden path onto a new road.

Novelty and creativity, colored by creativity, are guaranteed to increase vitality.

It is advisable to immediately reinforce thoughts with action: create and cut tails. Due to indecision or chronic employment, almost every one of us is carrying a load of unfinished business or broken promises. Moreover, we may not always remember about “hung” affairs, but at the level of the unconscious, the “tails” do not go anywhere - they hang, pull to the ground and stealthily poison life. In general, if you promised to take your children to the zoo for a long time, you have to drop everything and fulfill your promise.

There are two other ancient enemies of inner positivity that should be shunned - despondency and envy. Sad and eternally dissatisfied people quickly lose energy and soon begin to steal it from others. Envy is the same.

It is important to learn to rejoice in someone else's happiness or gain - the attitude of multiplying joy makes you happy and successful.

In general, everyone has their own drivers of positive and negative, but there are also universal ones. The constant search for the guilty, the desire to control everything, the habit of living in the future (we’ll finish building a house, pay off loans, teach children, wait for grandchildren - then we’ll live!), Unfulfilled dreams. In fact, in order to fall into the blues, great talent is not needed - there will always be reasons. But if, as a musician, every morning you tune your instrument (mood) in the right way, you can achieve impressive results. Here, try to go outside with the installation: notice only joyful, pleasant details, and watch how the day goes - there will definitely be more good in it than bad.

Three dubious allies of happiness

In pursuit of joy and pleasure, we often resort to the help of antidepressants available to everyone. But it turns out that in vain.


The feeling of inspiration after the first morning cup comes after about 20 minutes. Caffeine, having dissolved in the blood, reduces the feeling of fatigue, increases the concentration of the neurotransmitter dopamine - the supplier of a feeling of joy and happiness. But the passion for coffee (more than two or three cups a day) is like a bank loan - you get pleasure right away, but then you still pay off the interest. Morning shock doses of an invigorating drink can provoke anxiety, irritability, and a breakdown in the evening.


At the first stage of intoxication, a person really feels a surge of inspiration and joy, tension is relieved, the tongue is untied. But already at the second stage, sensitivity and reactions are dulled, speech becomes slurred, and fun is replaced by bouts of sadness. The third stage provides in the morning a headache, a pale appearance and a disgusting mood.


The anticipation of joining a social network is akin to waiting for your favorite meal to be served. Culinary associations are traced further: an overdose of news and communication on the Internet causes the same internal slagging as overeating or addiction to fast food. So, in parallel with fasting days on juices or kefir, it is useful to arrange periods without social networks and news.

Let's stay positive!

Meanwhile, it is possible to get out of hibernation, fill life with energy and positive without any dubious things. So go ahead!

  • Get up early

Even if only for 30 minutes! Half an hour of lack of sleep will not harm the body, but will benefit the morning preparations. A small margin of time will allow you to do light exercises, which will help put your thoughts in order, take your time to cook breakfast, bring beauty. And much more! A morning without fuss and haste will give a positive impetus to the whole day.

  • Doing something out of the ordinary

Instead of an elevator, go down the stairs, you can even walk one flight backwards. When answering the phone, sing: Good morning!" On the way to work, wish your acquaintances and strangers (neighbor, seller, security guard, etc.) have a good day. And at work, give each colleague a compliment. And joy will immediately settle in the soul!

  • Doing cleaning

When we are in bad mood, we are annoyed by every little thing, any mess, even a small one. Rake up the vitality will help rake paper blockages on the desktop, sort out things in the closet at home. You will see, as soon as you get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary, life will become easier and happier! or just self-expression. Draw, write poetry, embroider, collect puzzles - any creativity is welcome. Love something more energetic? Then dances: oriental, Latin American, ballroom - even at the stove with a ladle. Any business to your liking cheers up and gives a sip fresh air for new thoughts and ideas.

  • Let's drive away the bad!

Negative emotions should come out - you are not a box for them. But just do not turn them to the environment. Speak out troubles in space, if necessary, shout out. It's easier to write - write. For example, say all the incidents during the day in the shower, and then, thinking about the good, immediately “give out” thanks to those who gave you pleasant moments of communication, helped or simply smiled back.

  • Laughing at ourselves

Treat your own shortcomings, mistakes and all kinds of failures with humor - and this, according to psychologists, will help you solve problems more easily, overcome difficulties and always be in a positive mood. In addition, experts believe that people who are able to play a trick on their own person are able to sensibly assess not only their shortcomings, but also their merits; tolerate unflattering remarks and criticism more painlessly, and also have good health.

Each of us has situations when everything just falls out of hand, problems are overcome, and there is no way out. Even the meaning of life is lost, just hopeless longing!

There can be many reasons for this condition: difficulties at work and an unsuccessful personal life, depression associated with the change of seasons, fatigue that develops into chronic, health problems. The more we complain about life, the more it gives us unpleasant surprises, and it seems that everything is only getting worse ...

How to set yourself up for positive? How to break out of the vicious circle of hopelessness?

The way we relate to our life, with faith in the good or the negative, largely determines the entire further course of our destiny. The one who constantly whines, whines and annoys, as a rule, never achieves something significant in life. And vice versa, those who are optimistic, who go through life with a smile, are easily able to overcome all difficulties. They confidently go to the chosen goal and achieve it, and others say: “How does he succeed?”

People can look at the same thing but see it differently...

How does a positive mindset work? It has long been known that we all live according to the laws of “mirror reflection” and receive from the world around us the energy that we ourselves give to it. Annoyed by repeated failures? Do you not notice anything good in life, and focus all your attention on the negative aspects? Think about what statements you repeat more often: “I can”, “Everything will be fine” or “I won’t succeed”, “I can’t handle this”, “Nothing good can be expected”? If there is more dark negativity in your thoughts and words, then you should not be surprised when it appears more and more often in your life - it simply returns to it!

“Trouble does not come alone”, “Not a person, but thirty-three misfortunes” - this is how folk wisdom aptly describes repeated failures. Have you noticed how positive, joyfully meeting any new day people attract luck like a magnet? They know how to rejoice at good news, enjoy every positively charged minute, and their cheerful “charges” spread to others - everyone wants to communicate with positive people, they are always surrounded by friends.

But as soon as you give in to depression at least a little and start to “limp”, failures will immediately begin to pour in, as if from a leaky bag.

The structure of our world is such that for some reason people first of all pay attention to the bad, while the good, on the contrary, is often not noticed, it seems to them not so significant. But now the worldview changes to a positive one, and gradually it begins to seem that there are more joyful, good moments in life, and problems go by the wayside. Very soon, a person begins to notice that his positive attitude materializes, and this does not happen at all by chance - one who seeks to achieve any heights in life must firmly believe in the best. If you love life, sooner or later you will get reciprocity from it!

Amazing nearby! Love life and it will love you back!

How to start enjoying life: taking the first steps

  • To change your life and "tune" it to a confident positive wave, first stop complaining about failures and bad luck all the time, crying to everyone you meet about your problems and always expect only the bad.
  • Break up with envy - a faithful companion of a negative attitude towards life. Did a work colleague get a promotion? Did the neighbor come back from the store again with huge bags full of new things? Girlfriend got her license and is going to buy a car? Believe me, this is not a reason to be upset at all! Maybe now, in a new position, your former colleague will put in a good word for you? And you haven’t looked at your neighbor for a long time, perhaps she will tell you the addresses of stores where there are very profitable sales now? As for your girlfriend, think about what prevented you from completing driving courses with her and now walking around car dealerships together? It's not too late to fix everything and become a full-fledged driver, and a friend, seeing your positive attitude, will be happy to help you learn the rules of the road!
  • Start treating yourself positively by looking in the mirror with approval and not focusing on visible shortcomings. Go to the stylist, make-up artist and forget all the unpleasant life situations that happened to you because of your appearance. Or maybe you just lacked self-confidence, and in fact you look great!
  • Never remember the phrase "I will never achieve this." Think about it, perhaps you thought so, imagining completely unrealistic prospects? Reconsider your plans, set realistic, truly achievable goals and boldly begin to implement them! Yes, you may not become the Minister of Finance, but the position of the head of the accounting department is definitely up to you!
  • Return small joys into your life - put on a CD with your favorite music, buy and enjoy delicious ice cream. To overcome possible chronic fatigue, ask for a day off from work or take a day off - maybe you just need a little sleep? Call your friends and arrange a fun meeting in a pleasant place - the fulfillment of small desires will allow you to restore the lost positive attitude!

The best time to say affirmations and positive attitudes is before going to bed and immediately after waking up.

Effective methods of positive psychology

  1. How to attract positivity into your life? This can be done with the help of special settings with which we "program" our destiny. These affirmations are powerful positive affirmations that you gradually make them an integral part of your life. These affirmations are different for each person, and you can develop them for yourself. In some ways, this technique resembles auto-training, only you yourself determine how important this or that statement will be for you at any given moment. Let's say you really want to attract the attention of an attractive employee, only you didn't dare to do it before. Now you can, with the help of the statement “I am very attractive, and today I will definitely say hello to him (I will invite him for coffee, make a compliment)”, set yourself up to achieve your goal, and be sure that you will definitely be able to achieve it!
  2. Visualization is a mental representation of your dreams, your aspirations. Imagine every night before going to bed that your goal has been achieved and in your thoughts “examine” it from all sides. The clearer the picture, the more powerful the effect of this exercise will be!
  3. A personal horoscope - only it should not be compiled by a professional astrologer, but by yourself. Think about what you would “forecast” for yourself for the near future and the distant future? Predict all your dreams and desires, set certain dates for them (at least approximately).
  4. The "Magic Wish Map" is a great way to set yourself up for a positive, creative, exciting process. On a large sheet of paper, make a collage of your ideas about the future, what you would like to achieve, what to buy, where to go on vacation. Let it not be the dry phrases “Sea”, “Fur coat”, “Thesis defense”, but colorful, bright pictures. Where can I get them? The best thing is to cut out unnecessary "glossy" magazines, carefully stick it on a paper base and attach it in a conspicuous place so that you can see your dreams every day. Remember - everything is achievable if you really want it!

To make the day a success, it is important to tune in to the positive in the morning!

How to maintain an optimistic outlook on life

In no case do not calm down, do not “fold your paws” and do not stop at the achieved results! Constant active actions and the next steps to implement the next aspirations - this is what should now be in your life every day. And there is no doubt that you can achieve everything, because you managed the main thing - you set your destiny on a positive wave, returned bright colors to life and overcame bad luck. Now all your actions will be filled with joyful moments, pleasure, and whatever you do, you will certainly succeed!

Giving warmth, care, smiles and pleasant moments to others is so important both for maintaining a positive attitude and for surrounding yourself with a kind, bright aura. Do not demand gratitude from anyone, do not expect anything in return. And very soon you will see how fate, in response to your selfless positive actions, generously bestows luck and favor.

Video mood for positive

Try not to lose those skills that we talked about today, use them constantly, let simple exercises to attract positive become part of your life. People around you will soon notice that you become an energizing optimist, and the statement "Everything will be fine" practically becomes your life motto. Everything will change for the better, it is only important to sincerely believe in it! Good luck!

It happens that you get up in the morning, but you don’t have the strength, you don’t want to do anything. Apathy, the mood is gone, and all sorts of bad thoughts come into my head. You are trying to look into the future and see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it is not visible. Look out the window, but the sun does not please. What to do? This is what we will talk about in our article.

Finding the root of the problem

Why do people get depressed? Many will easily answer the question, arguing this with a lack of money, a quarrel with the second half, failures at work, or simply internal anxiety. But if you look at all this from above, these causes are just a consequence of one big problem.

People lose their meaning in life. In the race against time, we want to get ahead of him, to do a lot. But everything goes wrong. Because everyday life and the current pace of life, the desire for material enrichment overshadow spirituality. We forget why, what we live for, what we want. There is indifference, which drives into a depressive state. And only we ourselves are able to get out of it, you just need to be able to tune in to the positive.

Let's say stop!

Bad thoughts and anxiety are all in our head. You need to understand that it makes no sense to feel sorry for yourself and cry, nothing will change: the salary will not rise, the quarrel will not be resolved by itself, depression will not go away. First you need to put your thoughts in order. How to get all the bad things out of your head:

  1. Figure out what's bothering you. Describe on paper your fears, the reasons and the solution to get rid of them.
  2. Don't hide them deep in your mind. Even if you tune in to the positive, they will still break out.
  3. Stop bad thoughts at the root, switching to good moments, think about children, about a wonderful event in life.
  4. Do not whip up horror, you do not need to make an elephant out of a fly.
  5. Find the positive in everything.

And remember that there is a way out of any situation. Positive thinking will save you from depression, and even then you can work on lifting your mood.

How to cheer yourself up?

The first step was positive thinking. It is important to always think about the good, remember only the bright good moments from life. Write them in a diary, re-read, it improves emotional condition. So how do you get positive? Tips:

  1. We need to appreciate what we are rich in. Look around, maybe it's not so bad. Living in peace, having a job, healthy relatives and close people is already a great happiness.
  2. Believe in yourself and your strengths. You need to set a goal, break it down into small tasks, solve one after another, get closer to the dream, but never doubt.
  3. Use affirmation exercises. These are short phrases. Thoughts expressed in a positive way, in a maximum of two sentences, are written in simple and understandable words for you. Only in first person. We speak constantly. For example, "I am always happy!". Negative particles are not recommended. With positive attitudes, we program ourselves for success.
  4. We forget about the past. You can’t live on the failures that have occurred, they and envy must be left behind. Lesson learned and moving on.
  5. Visualize. Another effective exercise. Draw your dream. You can make a wish card using pictures or make a personal horoscope. Schedule your life for a certain period of what you want to achieve. Thoughts are material, dreams come true.
  6. Music will help to tune in to the positive. If bad thoughts creep into your head, turn on a rhythmic cheerful song, and they will immediately disappear.
  7. Surround yourself with positive people. Don't associate with pessimists. Take criticism appropriately.
  8. Always praise yourself for your successes. Celebrate every small victory with a gift.

These tips will help you stay positive. it general tips Let us now consider the issue in more detail. Agree, everyone knows the evil morning, when everything is annoying. I just want to scream. Let's talk about how to create a positive morning mood.

What is it - good morning?

To make the day a success, you need to tune in to the positive in the morning. How to do it? So, tips:

  1. First you need to sleep well (7-8 hours), healthy sleep is the key to success.
  2. You don't have to jump out of bed. Lie in bed for five minutes, stretch, sing your favorite song and get up on your right foot.
  3. Do not stuff bumps in the dark. Open the curtains, open the window, breathe in a breath of fresh energy.
  4. Turn on your favorite music.
  5. Find a reason to be happy. It can be plans for the weekend, for example.
  6. Do morning exercises. It will give vivacity, cheer up.
  7. Drink a glass of water. Then take a shower.

After all this, go to the mirror and say affirmative phrases that will set you up for positive.

morning affirmations

How to set yourself up for positive and good luck for the whole day? Very simple. After throwing off the sleep shackles, you can begin the practical exercises. At first, this may seem stupid and you may not immediately notice the changes. But it works. And the more you put positive, positive emotions and energy into spoken words, the better results they will give.

You can make several affirmations, but repeat them every day, and you will notice how your life improves.

Phrase Examples

The main thing is that they come from the heart, so that you want to pronounce them. Think them over in advance, write on a sheet. So, you can say these words:

  • I am the most beautiful and happiest in the world!
  • I am a positive, lucky person!
  • I achieve all my goals!
  • I am well)!
  • I am the best specialist at work!
  • I can do everything!

Pick up those phrases that are right for you, say them, shout even and fix them with a radiant smile. And look how wings grow behind your back, you will want to fly and create.

Let's rip off the masks

And what does it say about the attitude to the positive in psychology? If you artificially put on a smile, ignore problems without solving them, nothing will change. Our thinking is determined by a set of psychological programs that form a positive attitude.

Therefore, everyday positive psychological attitudes create positive thinking, which will attract health, luck, success, while negative programs repel them. Everything that surrounds us is the result of our perception, attitude to life, therefore, first you need to start changing yourself, your thinking, work with the subconscious, because it is there that our thoughts are formed. Let's take a look at one technique as an example.

"Change Your Life in 21 Days"

Its author is clergyman Will Bowen. Studying the psychology of people, he came to the conclusion that our thought process depends on what we say, how, and then affects our emotional state and actions.

An amazing method has tremendous effectiveness. Those who wish had to wear a simple bracelet on their hand purple and wear it for 21 days on one arm. But one condition had to be met: not to discuss anyone, not to get angry, not to gossip and not complain about fate. If the rule was violated, the jewelry was worn on another wrist, and the countdown began anew.

The lucky ones who reached the end of the experiment changed beyond recognition. The bottom line is that by putting on a bracelet, you obviously program yourself for the positive, you begin to think well of people. It includes self-control, control over thoughts, speech. Self-improvement takes place, new hidden facets of thinking and possibilities open up. We must learn to live positively.

And now let's share little female tricks

A happy person glows from the inside, he succeeds in everything. What do you advise women to be in a positive mood? There are some good recommendations. So:

  1. Smile. It should start the morning. Smile to your kids, husband. And the mood will immediately rise.
  2. Take advantage of everything. No matter how the situation turns out, look at it from the other side.
  3. Pamper yourself. Visit beauty salons, buy yourself gifts.
  4. Movement is life. Do what you love, go to the pool, fitness, for example. It distracts from problems, cheers up.
  5. Don't procrastinate. Your needs and desires must be met immediately.

Following these simple advice, you can tune in to the positive. The main thing is to drive bad thoughts away from yourself. And, of course, use the affirmation method and apply autogenic training (positive attitudes) in the morning and before bed.

There is so much negativity in the world, you need to try to protect yourself from it to the maximum:

  1. Don't watch negative television programs and horror films. All bad information settles in the subconscious, which can significantly affect our lives.
  2. Try to avoid stressful situations. They have a detrimental effect on our psyche and perception of life.
  3. Train your brain. Improve yourself, develop your memory. Firstly, it will help in making any decision, and secondly, when the head is busy with the thought process, there is no time left for negative thoughts.
  4. Plan. Set goals for yourself and achieve them. Thus, you will look for ways and incentives to achieve them and at the same time get rid of fears and insecurities. When a person clearly knows what he wants, life immediately fills with meaning, changes for the better, and sometimes completely, beyond recognition.

These recommendations only at first glance seem complicated. You just need to work hard, because if you sit back, grace will not fall from heaven. Only by working on yourself, you can achieve success. We managed to tune in to the positive, but what to do next?

Get started!

A positive mood will help change your life, find new ways to solve problems. The main thing is to do everything with pleasure, with desire. Enjoy life, help others, experience it positive emotions. Smile, take care of your family and friends, do not wait for gratitude. Do it selflessly.

After you managed to tune in to the positive, learn to stay in this state always, and believe me, your life will change for the better.

You, and only you, are the most important person in your life. But what about loved ones, children, relatives, friends? Believe me, the more happiness shines in the eyes, the more often you “spoil” your own ego (in good sense), the brighter and happier world around you. Give a good mood to your loved ones and relatives, which will return to you with a sincere smile, warm hugs of a child, enthusiastic compliments (and not only) from your husband, joy and warmth of your parental home.

Positive thoughts, attitude will give the desire not only to exist, but to feel, rejoice and experience every day amazing life. 7 surprisingly simple, soulful affirmations will help you find pieces of happiness in any event:

  1. I believe in my dreams

    Belief in yourself is that little “perpetual” motion machine that leads you through life, not letting you turn off the path. Dreams tend to come true, so you need to be prepared for the chance that Lady Fate will give you.

  2. I do my best everyday

    One step on the way to a dream - small or big - is already a huge victory over yourself. Remind yourself constantly that all actions, thoughts, feelings lead you to the goal. Learn from mistakes - your own or others', perceiving them as a chance for continuous development.

  3. I love myself the way I am

    Looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning, smile at your own reflection and say: "I love you." Remember, as in the cartoon about Little Raccoon: life will definitely give you its smile. Accept yourself with all the shortcomings, be proud of the virtues. Only a happy, self-sufficient woman is able to give love, joy to others.

  4. I am responsible for my own happiness

    No one can come and give you a positive, great mood and harmony. You are responsible for your own happiness. Dissolving, sometimes, in her beloved, giving her soul and heart to children, a woman loses herself, forgetting about the truth: the search for happiness will not bring success as long as they are aimed at external world.

  5. I take responsibility for my own life

    Problems, worries and sorrows make you stronger. Remember that the Universe gives us a feasible burden, offering us to think and do correct conclusions. Whining and complaining: "Well, why, for what?" - will not bring success. Get used to being responsible decisions taken weighing the consequences of their actions, thoughts, actions.

  6. The best is yet to come

    Repeat these words often. Believe that even if today the day did not turn out the way you planned, it means that for some reason it was necessary. Faith in the best, confidence, a positive attitude will begin to attract positive, unexpected and very pleasant surprises into your life.

  7. I'm grateful for every day

    Appreciate every day for what you have in your life. Change own attitude to what you cannot influence by making efforts to achieve those goals that are subject to you. Thank the Universe for the miracle of feeling and enjoying the gentle sun, the first flowers or the pouring rain; to love loved ones, feeling their warmth and care, to live at last! After all, life is so multifaceted and interesting.

  8. Did you find an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we'll fix it!

Positive words can cheer up a person, give him confidence, cheer up or help. This is a powerful tool, because we always need someone's kind word, ask for advice or ask for help. In general, all words are endowed with a certain energy. No wonder doctors say that obscene expressions can contribute to the deterioration of the well-being of those who pronounce them. Even thoughts, in fact, which we do not pronounce, we must try to formulate correctly. Do not allow negative thoughts and words either in your address or in the address of another person.

The most positive words from the lips of a successful person

How to tune in to positive in life: psychology

Positive words are used as a way to support a person. In a difficult situation or, conversely, in joy, we seek support from our relatives, friends or colleagues. Such words mean a lot both to the one who utters them and to the one who receives them. This contributes to the improvement of human relations and it is wonderful when we know that there are people who are able to understand us, support us and tune in to think on the same wavelength.

Seeking support is, of course, easier than giving it. After all, in order to properly set up or support a person, you need to be able to choose the right words. This can and should be learned.

The power of a positive word

In addition, the most positive words, which are easy to tune in to, are used as self-suggestion. We often go astray, get tired, or, as they say, become entangled in ourselves. To help yourself, you can use easy exercises. It's really useful activity: tune yourself in the right way. It happens that you yourself don’t know what actions are leading to or what needs to be done next. Completely confused, further, in general, do not know. In such situations, a kind of meditation, self-hypnosis is useful. Just stay a little alone with yourself and try to understand what you are missing. Support yourself positive words. Repeat affirmatively to yourself all the qualities that you possess or want to possess. Gradually, you will strive to be who and how you want to be.

Learn to speak positively! This will make you more respected and desirable in any society.