How beautiful to tear jeans at home. Life hack: how to make ripped jeans. If desired, you can make voluminous flowers on jeans from threads

Many people have favorite things that sooner or later wear out, and therefore they have to be thrown away. However, the situation is completely different - the more shabby they look, the higher their moral and actual value.

Ripped jeans are a trendy trend that has maintained its high position over the years.

Jeans with steel holes popular clothes most famous people Russia and Europe, and it is worth noting the absence of any restrictions on wearing such a garment - with the right combination things, they look stylish at any age.

And there is no difference - whether such jeans were bought in a store, or holes were made with my own hands at home. The main thing is that the thing looks aesthetically pleasing and fashionable.

What is the right way to make holes?

There are no restrictions in terms of which jeans can or cannot have holes and scuffs. However, it is still worth considering that jeans come in different densities, they differ from each other also in the composition of the fabric.

Therefore, before starting creative process for the manufacture of a fashionable wardrobe item, you should take into account all the features of the fabric, and how you should think about what specific result should be achieved. For example, if you have to work on stretch jeans, then you need to take into account that with a tight fit to the body and a sufficiently strong tension, the hole made can deform and grow to unacceptable sizes, due to which the whole thing can deteriorate.

The effort required to make holes, for example, for thin or thick jeans, will also be different.

So, before starting work on making fashionable holes, you need to put them on yourself and see where exactly they should be located, taking into account the peculiarities of your figure and the density of the jeans themselves, and also choose their shape.

Classic variant making a hole in jeans contains the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Under the place where the hole will be made, you need to put something solid, the ideal option is a small board.

2. At a marked distance from each other, using a very sharp knife or scalpel, make two parallel incisions. They must be done carefully so as not to spoil the longitudinal white threads. It is worth noting that in jeans they are always located horizontally.

4. Transverse (colored) threads just need to be carefully pulled out.

There is a slightly different way of making holes in jeans. It is somewhat similar to the first one described above, only the difference is that some stripes of longitudinal white threads are torn and stretched, creating a certain sloppiness, negligence in the image.

So that the edges of the hole do not deform, especially during washing, they can be processed with decorative seams along the edge, which will make it even more noticeable and stylish. Or the edge can be glued from the wrong side, for example, with interlining.

How to end up with beautiful holes

People who have experience in this matter recommend making a pattern that will make it easier to transfer the shape of the future hole to jeans and cut it correctly. This advice is especially useful if the plans are to make a hole of complex shape.

It is worth noting that recently, holes decorated with lace have become increasingly popular, which allow, in the presence of fashionable damage to the fabric, to hide bare skin.

How to make scuffs

On the Internet, you can find a lot of tips on how to make holes with pumice stone, sandpaper, papers, graters, etc.

However, experience shows that making a hole with abrasive products is a rather difficult and lengthy task. But if the idea came to "age" the jeans, giving them a worn look, then these funds will be just what you need.

As in the case of holes, when planning the location of scuffs, you need to decide on their shape and how strong they need to be.

If you make abrasions with a metal grater or sandpaper, they will stand out strongly.

If you use a pumice stone, then the wear will not be so strong. Hooks will help create the effect of a factory marriage.

It is extremely simple to make abrasion with abrasive products - they need to be rubbed on a damp cloth until the desired effect is achieved.

If you need to create a slight rubbing, then you can do the following: put the jeans in the bath and lather them, take a hard household brush and rub the jeans fabric to the desired effect. But it is worth mentioning right away that it will take a long time to rub and hard. But the result will be really amazing.

An additional worn effect can also be achieved chemically using chlorine, for which it will be enough to buy an ordinary "Whiteness". However, certain precautions must be observed when using it. In addition, chlorine should be used sparingly for the effect of aging, otherwise the jeans can be ruined.

But do not forget that the frayed places of the fabric will wear out faster and stronger in the future, so a measure is needed in everything. Another point to consider is that it is strongly not recommended to touch the seams, especially those connecting the parts of the jeans, since an unplanned hole may appear there, which can significantly shorten their “life”.

Where are holes usually made?

Before making holes in jeans, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that they should not embarrass the people around them, so their location should be carefully considered. Typically, holes in jeans are located on pockets, knees, on the sides of the thigh, etc.

Where you definitely shouldn’t make holes is on the buttocks, because it will look ridiculous, and not everyone will like looking at underwear sticking out of the hole, even if it’s beautiful.

It is also necessary to take into account that the holes should favorably emphasize the dignity of the figure of the owner. ripped jeans. For example, oblong holes can illusory lengthen the legs. Therefore, they are not recommended to be done in those places that you should not pay attention to (for example, on large hips).

Holes in the knees

Knee-hole jeans are becoming more and more popular every day. With such jeans, various wardrobe items are favorably combined - you can, for example, wear a sweater, sweatshirt, tunic, coat or even a jacket with them. Also, wedge sneakers, sandals and sandals, ankle boots or insulated boots, depending on the time of year, go well with them.

When a trend forgotten by everyone for a while returns, its new success always overshadows the previous one. Ripped jeans buzz last time flared up in the late nineties - early zero. He slept quickly, and some did not have time to dare to purchase a strange novelty. A couple of years ago, designers remembered this stylish move, and since then, in almost every new collection there is a place for artificially aged and cut jeans.

The stores offer a large selection of trendy pants. But turning ordinary denim pants into trendy ones is much more interesting on your own. Moreover, it is very simple! We will tell you how to cut jeans beautifully.

Which jeans are best for cuts?

Two factors are important in this matter - the style and material of the jeans. The first one is fairly easy to determine.

Choose a model that will fit perfectly on you and emphasize all the advantages of the figure. At the same time, pants should not be too loose.

It is also unacceptable that they be cramped and literally burst at the seams.

With the choice of fabric, the situation is more serious. Not all ripped jeans look and wear the same. There are fabrics that absolutely cannot be “shredded”. For example, those that are made on the basis of fleece.

This option will not look aesthetically pleasing, moreover, during the first wash, the fabric in the cut area will spread in all directions.

You should opt for medium density fabrics. It can be "dry denim" (Raw denim) or "gin" denim material.

If your task is to give a second life to old shabby jeans, here, of course, you don’t have to choose. Experiment with what is there.

Try to make small cuts and see how they look when worn, how they change after washing. And if everything goes well, then you are lucky: instead of a discarded pair of old trousers, you will receive an updated and trendy item.

Where are the holes made?

The most popular place for cuts and holes on jeans is the knee area. Scuffs from the knee to the middle of the thigh also look good. meet and interesting options for the entire length of the leg.

But the most advantageous in this case look neat cuts. As a rule, they “hole” the front of the leg.

Fans of extreme style will like the option with a cut-out fragment. It can be done on one of the legs.

The location is chosen individually, depending on your desire. As well as the shape, which can be standard (rectangular, square), or maybe unusual (heart, flower, star).

To mark the places of future holes and cuts on jeans, they must be placed on a hanger. When the pants are in limbo, they should be marked with chalk or remnants (on white jeans, you can use a soft pencil). Mark the lines of future cuts carefully, with thin strokes.

If you plan to make several cuts, calculate the distance between them so that they are 2-3 centimeters apart. When the marks are made, evaluate the picture from the side.

To finally make sure that the intended fashion touches will be in place, jeans with these sketches need to be tried on. You can try to identify different variants and compare them. After several fittings, you can confidently choose the optimal number and location of holes on jeans.

How to make cuts?

There are a few simple, but very important nuances that will help you make the right cuts on jeans:

  1. To make perfect cuts, arm yourself with a clerical knife. It, unlike scissors or a kitchen knife, guarantees the accuracy and ease of the process.
  2. Before you start making cuts and holes, place a metal or wooden rail (for example, a wide ruler) under the “operated” side of the leg. This will protect the back of the leg from unwanted damage.
  3. Cut only in the horizontal direction. This is important because any denim is loose in its weave structure. If you cut at an angle, you risk losing control of the decorative element being made. It may not turn out exactly the way you want.

How to rip jeans on your knees?

To create stylish holes in the knee area, you will also need the following tools:

  • brush for clothes with a hard bristle;
  • nail file (metal), you can use a small file;
  • a thin sheet of sandpaper;
  • pumice stone or fine kitchen grater.

All this inventory will help you easily achieve the effect of antiquity. The holes made with it will look stylish and original. When all the tools are prepared, you can get down to business!

  1. Place the rail under the place on the jeans where you plan to make the cut.
  2. Smoothly, but at the same time strongly pressing, incise the intended place.
  3. From the resulting incision, pull out a few threads of the longitudinal direction, cut off on both sides.
  4. Next is the design of the resulting cuts. Straighten your jeans. Carefully brush the fabric along the edges of the cuts to unravel their vertical threads.
  5. The next manipulation is processing the edges with a nail file. In this case, you need to straighten all the ends of the threads outward. After this stage, the incisions, as a rule, still have a very neat look. This is fine.
  6. Finishing touches - make a few decisive strokes with a pumice stone, sandpaper or a fine grater along the edges of the cuts. The resulting fringe will become thinner and more delicate.
  7. Try on jeans and evaluate the result of the work done from the outside. If you want to add more cuts, do so. If everything suits you, then it's time to throw your jeans in the mirror will completely satisfy you, send the jeans to washing machine. There, the slots will take on their finished form.

Anastasia Volkova

Fashion is the most powerful of the arts. It is movement, style and architecture in one.


AT different times things that look worn out become popular. Remember, after all, there were periods of popularity of patches on clothes, holes, scuffs. Even famous designers often create collections that look worn. This is not an oddity, but a special country style that attracts many fashionistas. And if you decide to acquire such a product, then you must definitely know how to do it. ripped jeans. After all, they are easy not only to buy, but also to make yourself.

How to make your own ripped jeans at home

If you have old or new jeans that you want to transform, that's great. This needlework will not take much time, but the future new thing will certainly be unique, non-standard. Ripped jeans at home are not so difficult to make, but there are many schemes and technologies. You won’t have to go to cutting and sewing courses, but you need to stock up on patience, tools, and imagination.

Tools you will need during the work

To transform unsightly jeans and make scuffs on them, holes must be prepared:

  • jeans (it is allowed to take trousers from a different material, but their processing technology is slightly different);
  • scissors (preferably for fabric - large, sharp);
  • a small grater, razor, nail file or sandpaper (if scuffs are expected in addition to holes);
  • a stationery knife or blade (it is possible to replace this tool with ordinary nail scissors, but you will have to be more careful when working with jeans);
  • additional pieces of fabric, lace (if a beautiful feminine decor is supposed and sewn under a large hole as an inner patch);
  • chalk, pencil or pen (to mark the places of future holes in jeans);
  • needle or ripper (will help pull out unnecessary threads);
  • tweezers or vacuum cleaner (for quick removal of excess threads);
  • small sewing needles or paper clips (for fixing patches on jeans).


First, determine the places where holes will be made, slots. Analyze the denim of the trousers. If it is worn, then the holes should be small and in those parts where bends are not expected (above or below the knees, on the back pockets of each leg). If the material is new and does not burst at the seams, then the shape, placement, size of holes can be anything. In the first option, they will be made easily, and you can even pull out the threads with your hand, and in the second case, you will definitely need a fabric ripper.

To outline future places for holes, measure jeans and put the places of bends, knees, ends of the buttocks to start. When you take off your pants, these marks will help you determine exactly where the holes and scuffs should be. Mark their full circle, not just a point. If the hole is irregular in shape, it is better to place it so that the largest diameter falls on the equity thread (it stretches less). Some sewing crayons don't wash out, so a small bar of soap is best.

How to tear jeans beautifully with your own hands: performance techniques

  1. Sloppy holes in grunge style. Performed very simply. Stripes are cut in the selected place different lengths parallel to each other at a distance of 5 mm. The transverse threads are pulled out and removed. If any of the threads are damaged, this will add sophistication to the trousers, but in no case will spoil them.
  2. Ripped jeans in a minimalist style. For such trousers, you will have to outline several places with small holes. The main task is not to damage the transverse threads, but to take out part of the equity threads so that they do not stick out very colorfully. Such holes are often made in the size of 2 cm by 4 cm and placed closer to the side seams of the jeans.
  3. Frayed holes on trousers are used very often, especially if we are talking for large hole diameters. This effect is easily achieved using a simple kitchen grater, sandpaper or a pumice stone for the feet. The main thing in this matter is not to touch the threads that have remained transverse or shared, so that the jeans serve for more than one month, a year, and the fringe does not break after the first wash.

Cuts on old jeans step by step video

To properly make holes in jeans and not be disappointed in the result, try the same steps on a small piece of similar fabric. For example, if you have some kind of jeans cut left, it will come in handy for the test version. Try to make a hole with threads on it, different types scuffs, styles. To consolidate knowledge, watch the following video clip:

How to make a scuff with a grater

Ordinary kitchen utensils often come to the rescue in needlework. To make a hole in your jeans look old and shabby, you will need a simple grater or a piece of sandpaper. Tightly, along the edge of the hole, draw the selected tool in small jerks so that the threads fluff. Do the same with each edge of the jeans hole. You can work both from the front side and from the wrong side. After that, additionally bleach the threads with a chlorinated solution.

Please note that the inside of jeans often looks more original than front side. If you have additional pieces of such fabric, try to make such a patch on the front of the trousers. You can sew on the patch with large stitches so that the threads can be seen. Such an addition would be quite appropriate for both male species clothing as well as for women. From pieces of other fabric you can form a pattern (optional). Improve jeans so that they can be an addition to both romantic, feminine image, and to the sporty, daring.

bleached holes

To make your denim look even more stylish, try bleaching some threads and places. The easiest way to do this is with a chlorine solution or other bleach. Ordinary chlorine and dissolve in a small amount of water, apply the solution on a small piece of cotton wool or gauze and treat the necessary places with holes. Chlorine eats into the fabric, and whiteness may not appear immediately, but after a while. Therefore, after processing, immediately wash the jeans, so the excess chemical agent will be removed and the holes will remain in excellent condition for a long time.

When whitening holes in jeans, it is important to carry out all work in rubber gloves and in the open air. It is advisable to test the bleaching on a small piece of the same fabric or on an invisible part of the trousers (under the knees, on the wrong side). If you want to decorate jeans with white drops, then use a pipette to apply a solution of chlorine to the fabric, and put a layer of cotton wool underneath. When chlorine is absorbed, it needs about 1 hour to interact with the fabric, after which it will need a full wash of clothes.

Jeans have long been an integral part of the wardrobe. modern men and women, regardless of size or age. There are many types and styles of this practical and fashionable piece of clothing, from which everyone can choose the perfect option for themselves. But what to do if a hole is found on your favorite jeans? Don't throw them in the trash! The best way out would be the creation of "torn" jeans, especially since they are now at the peak of popularity.

Hole jeans are always on trend

You should not throw away your favorite and convenient thing if an insidious hole has formed on it. It is enough to know how to cut jeans beautifully at home to create an original and even slightly shocking thing. The history of such things originated in the 70s of the last century. "Ripped" jeans brought hippies into fashion, and since then they periodically return to fashion catwalks and conquer not only representatives of subcultures.

There are no special rules by which fashion designers make scuffs or holes, so it’s enough to connect your imagination and create stylish jeans, drawing attention to the fashionista and emphasizing the individuality of the style. But there is no need to tear a branded thing just like that. Before you cut jeans beautifully, it is better to understand the main principles for creating such things.

Stylish thing with your own hands

The basic principle of creating scuffs and holes on jeans is to tear only on the legs and avoid areas on the buttocks. Such gaps look not only not quite beautiful, but also vulgar. By the same principle, holes in the knees should also be avoided - such a piece of clothing does not look outrageous, but outdated trash.

It is dangerous to create scuffs and cuts on the hip joint: one awkward movement - and your trousers will disperse to the very waist. The best option The "aging" of the trousers in the upper part will be the creation of holes in the pockets, under which there will be fabric. Such a site will look quite aesthetically pleasing and at the same time linen will not peek out from under it. The science of how to cut jeans beautifully is quite simple - do not overdo it and think over the whole concept of the future masterpiece.

How to properly and beautifully cut jeans

To create a chic and outrageous thing, you need medium-width jeans. You should not choose too narrow or wide, as on such trousers the cuts and scuffs will change the selected size and become almost invisible or disperse even wider. Before you cut jeans beautifully at home, you need to stock up on chalk, a centimeter tape or ruler, scissors or a clerical knife.

Before starting work, you should hang the jeans on a hanger and use a crayon to outline all future cuts and scuffs. You should not place the tears too close to each other, as the fabric wears out over time, and instead of beautiful holes, you can get a not too attractive huge hole. Although fairly wide gaps are popular this season, you need to take a sober approach to your physical data. And if the buttocks and hips are far from ideal, it is better to create a few small holes that will not draw attention to the flaws of the figure. After the whole idea is thought out and drawn, you can proceed to the cuts themselves.

Accuracy is the key to beauty

With the sharp end of a clerical knife, it is necessary to make cuts of the desired pattern. It is enough to make an incision in the fabric, and not to tear it - this will help to avoid spilling the fabric, which will enlarge the hole over time. After all the necessary cuts are made, you need to fray the edges, and for this, dark threads are pulled out running perpendicular to the leg. In this case, it is important to try not to damage the white threads, which will create a frayed look.

To get a beautiful thing, the whole procedure must be carried out with complete care. Long peeking threads need to be shortened to a suitable length, and the edges of the cuts should be slightly ruffled and combed with a wide comb - this technique will give a more "fluffy" effect. Before you cut jeans beautifully completely, it is better to start with one cut and, having completed work with it, move on to the next. This will help avoid the effect of too torn pants. After all the necessary cuts are perfected, you need to rinse the jeans in cold water and iron well after drying.

Several ways to give jeans an original look

There are many ways to cut jeans beautifully, the photos of which are presented below, and you should not be limited to the usual rectangular sizes. By creating a hole in the shape of a heart or a star, you can give things an exclusive look. To do this, you need to cut out the figure with nail scissors, making small cuts, trying not to damage the white threads. After the shape of the cut is made, it is necessary to glue the edges with interlining - this will help keep the hole in its original shape.

The cuts in which the wrong side is made of fabric with a contrasting color look original. To do this, a substrate is created, which should be about one and a half centimeters larger than the cut itself. To prevent the lining fabric from fraying, it is necessary to process the edges with an overlocker or manually, and then carefully stitch it to the trousers fabric along a clearly defined contour.

Fashionable and original men's jeans

The fashion for ripped jeans has spread not only to women, but also to the representatives of the stronger sex. Such models emphasize sexuality and attract the eye, and it is impossible to pass by an athlete with an intriguing hole in his thigh or knee. cutting technology men's jeans beautiful, almost indistinguishable from creation female models. But many men are embarrassed to flaunt hairy legs, and in this case, creating scuffs and holes under which the lining is hidden will help. In addition, these trousers can be worn in cold weather without compromising health.

Creating scuffs is quite simple: this will require a regular kitchen grater or pumice stone. We stretch the denim on any convenient object, given that the wear will be located at the end, and with the fine side of the grater (pumice) three fabrics in the same direction. After the desired wear has been achieved, the jeans should be washed and ironed. In this way, you can give a rather natural frayed trousers.

How to cut jeans beautifully on your knees

Jeans with large holes in the knee area are very popular this season. Creating them is quite simple with your own hands. This will require a minimum of tools and skills. Putting on jeans, it is necessary to mark the center of the knee with a pencil or pen. After that, we remove the jeans and draw a shape resembling an eye, in which the drawn point is the center.

The size of the hole should be made according to your preferences, but it is better to make a small hole that can always be expanded. After that, you need to fray the edges: for this, we draw out the dark threads, and shorten the long white threads to the desired length.

Knowing how to cut jeans beautifully will help keep your favorite thing for a long time, give it exclusivity and originality.

Ripped jeans were popular decades ago and are still relevant today. If you have not yet purchased the perfect model, you can always make holes at home with the help of not tricky secrets and techniques.

It would seem that such a simple thing as a hole is easy to make. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Creating the feeling of worn jeans and stylish holes is really difficult. This requires not only time, but also desire, as well as the ability to give things an original look.

Holes in jeans are a hit in 2016. Be sure that any denim item will look fashionable and trendy if it has scuffs, scratches and holes. Only “illiterate holes” made hastily or for fun can spoil such a thing.

nice holes in jeans

Probably, you have already noticed people in such clothes more than once. Some looked good, some ugly. How you will be perceived is decided by the technique of creating holes, which are easy to make at home.

In order for the jeans to look spectacular, you first need to determine exactly where the holes will be. To indicate the pants are put on, you stand in front of the mirror and mark the necessary areas with the usual chalk

Be sure that the thing decorated in this way will become a stylish part of your wardrobe. After all, jeans are perhaps the only fabric that has never gone out of fashion. prepare a non-tricky set of tools:

  • scissors: regular and small (manicure)
  • sandpaper (you can use a pumice stone for heels or any other abrasive brush)
  • tweezers
  • blade (it is more convenient to use a regular clerical knife)
  • needle
  • thick cardboard or any wooden substrate

stationery knife for creating beautiful holes on jeans

Be attentive to the fabric cuts themselves, they must be done very carefully so as not to hurt the other side of the pants. To do this, a plank or a piece of thick cardboard lies inside the leg.

You are free to make absolutely any cuts in any direction. Longitudinal cuts will create the effect of "loose threads", transverse cuts - torn jeans. Think over your image in advance and do not be too lazy to draw a sketch on paper once again.

Video: “How beautiful to tear jeans?”

How to make neat holes in jeans?

Neat holes on jeans are suitable for those who are not yet accustomed to radically changing their style and want to look flirtatious and at the same time on the “wave of time”. To create such a ragged effect is of course more difficult, it requires more time, but it is possible.

To determine the location of the "neat holes", you still need to put on your pants and mark the places of future holes with chalk. After that, take off your pants and put cardboard inside the pants. For wiping, you will need a blade, a pumice stone and tweezers.

neat holes in jeans

To make the clothes look not defiant and neat, you should not localize holes on jeans too often and choose quite decent places for them:

  • front pockets
  • back pockets
  • space for a belt
  • lap
  • side of thigh

In order to start the work, take the blade and start the “artistic excision” of the fabric in different directions in the place of the hole. You should not get carried away much, just make sure that the fabric is cut.

After that, carefully rub the excision site with a piece of sandpaper or pumice stone until a hole is formed. If you see a lot of fringe, pull out the extra threads with tweezers, but in any case, do not cut them.

neat small holes on women's jeans

To give a feminine touch to denim pants or to give a stylish look to pants that are too perforated, you can use a tricky trick: take a piece of lace of any color and carefully sew it by hand to the back denim so as to capture only its front threads and not pierce through.

Video: "How to make trendy holey jeans?"

How to make big holes in jeans

Large holes on jeans are a sign of courage and character of a person. Not everyone decides on such a stylish detail, and just as far not everyone suits it.

Large holes are most often made by:

  • on the knees
  • on the back of the knee
  • on the front pockets
  • on the front of the thigh
  • on the buttocks

Large holes in jeans are considered very sexy, as they reveal those parts of the body that are usually hidden from view. You need to do them “wisely” so that later you don’t look funny and cause ridicule.

large holes in jeans can be stylish, or they can display bad taste
  • When creating such an element on jeans, it should be understood that there should not be many large holes. It is best when she is alone and complemented by several smaller ones. An exception may be two holes: on the knees or on both sides, for example, on the knee and on the buttock.
  • Creating a large hole is not difficult: to do this, cut the fabric across or cut a piece of quadrangular fabric in the right place. These are the most simple ways creating holes. After cutting, the edges are carefully rubbed with sandpaper or pumice stone.
  • A more complex but more beautiful hole will take longer: make several cross cuts. To do this, mark even stripes on the fabric with a ruler. After the cuts with tweezers, pull out the vertical threads and get a beautiful opaque hole

Video: "How to make big beautiful holes in jeans?"

How to make jeans with holes in the knees?

Knee holes are the most stylish and fashion element modern jeans. In order to correctly determine the location of the hole, you should bend your leg and make a mark, because it is much better when a sharp knee looks into the hole than the other part of the leg.

trendy jeans with holes in the knees

In no case do not make cuts directly on yourself, because you can easily injure yourself with a blade, knife or scissors.

  • In order for the knee to be completely visible, you will need to cut out a quadrangular or round piece of fabric. After that, all edges are carefully rubbed with sandpaper, creating the effect of a real hole made by natural conditions.
  • If you get threads while mashing, do not cut them, this will give the pants more style. Only very long threads that look ridiculous should be removed.
  • It's good if you can achieve a worn effect not only around the hole, but also going a little beyond the hole. Both holes should be processed (if you cut both knees)
  • You can also make a longitudinal hole on the knee, for this, cut the fabric horizontally several times in one place. After the cuts, use tweezers to pull out the excess vertical threads and carefully rub the edges

nice jeans ripped at the knees

A little secret: To achieve a ragged effect on your knees, an ordinary kitchen vegetable grater will help. To do this, you need to put a plank inside the leg, fasten the jeans so that they do not “fly off” and start rubbing the grater over the fabric with all your might. You can choose any side of the grater, but the most effective is the one intended for cheese - the spikes out.

Video: "How to tear jeans?"

How to make holes in stretch jeans

Stretch - synthetic fabric. It looks very impressive on the body, as it is able to fit and literally “press” extra places without showing them to others.

Stretch jeans have flooded the market. They differ in that the thread in them is not cotton, but elastane. This quality can play a "cruel joke" with you when you want to create a beautiful hole in your jeans.

stretch jeans with holes

If you possess full figure and jeans are tight on you, you may not achieve the effect of beautiful torn holes and these holes will literally spread horizontally on your body. Therefore, it is still advised to choose trousers either bigger size, or make only longitudinal holes.

Stretch jeans rub with sandpaper just as well as cotton jeans. Try to choose the most advantageous places for holes: pockets, seams, knees and outer thighs. To prevent the stretch thread from spreading too much, work only with small holes.

How to make holes in black jeans?

Black jeans go with everything, but they are still different from the standard blue and light blue. It's all about perception. The fact is that the black fabric and your body color will contrast more strongly through the holes. That is why holes on black jeans should be neater and neater.

holes in black jeans

Holes on black jeans will not be as spectacular because there is no white thread in the trousers.

Give preference to horizontal holes on black jeans. To do this, make an incision with a blade and carefully rub it with sandpaper until the edges become fluffy from the threads. Do not cut excess threads. Such holes can be made along the entire length of the trousers, parallel to each other.

How to make fashionable holes on jeans?

Modern fashion dictates to everyone to have holes in jeans and it does not matter at all what they will be and where. If you have them, you are in trend! A fashionable denim hole is one that is done neatly. Therefore, try to carefully overwrite each cut and make it as "shaggy" as possible. This will allow you to consider the cut as factory and hardly anyone will think that you created it yourself.

trendy holes in jeans
  • Remember that the hole should open a beautiful part of the body and not underwear or cellulite
  • A fashionable hole is not necessarily one, with it there are several of the same, evenly placed on all trousers
  • A fashionable hole is necessarily the effect of wear and tear, without clear cuts and lines.
  • Consider the style of your denim pants! Most of all, ripped holes go well with boyfriend or pipe pants, as well as skinny pants.

How to make round holes on jeans?

Round holes on jeans are an infrequent element that occurs either on the knees, or on the buttocks, or on the hips. Her goal is to open a beautiful part of the body and make the image more sexy.

trendy round holes on jeans

In order to create such a hole, you must first determine the area. After that, a circle or an oval is marked on the fabric with chalk or a piece of dry soap. Horizontal cuts are made along the entire contour.

After that, the threads are separated with a needle. Use tweezers to pull out the vertical threads. You can reduce the number of horizontal threads by cutting them. Each round hole should be styled with a pumice stone, float, or sandpaper.

  • Ripped jeans - must have every fashionista, so if you have not yet purchased the right model, you can easily "refresh" your old trousers. You don't need any special equipment for this. Stock up on patience, time and the desire to create a unique thing
  • When choosing a design, always pay attention to your figure. Do not create holes where they will focus on unfavorable parts of the body, such as large hips or crooked legs.
  • Longitudinal holes will always help visually "stretch" the legs and make them longer, and stylish jewelry, for example, lace, will give the image of romance and tenderness
  • Experiment with old clothes, try various ways creating holes and scuffs on some pants and you can get exactly the thing that you always wanted to have

Video: "How to make ripped jeans yourself?"

Video 1: How to make ripped jeans with sandpaper using a homemade device?

Video 2: How to make ripped jeans with sandpaper using a homemade device?