Crafts from cereals are the best ideas for children and adults. A step-by-step description of how to make beautiful applications, panels and three-dimensional figures (90 photos). Application for younger schoolchildren "Owl" from cereals. Master class with a photo Owl from rice and buckwheat

Making crafts from cereals with your own hands is much easier than it seems at first glance, it is interesting for both children and adults. The main advantage of crafts from cereals is originality, because even adults will examine the finished work, peering into the details. Not everyone can guess what material was used, especially if you look at it from afar. If a picture made with cereals hangs on the same row as standard drawings, it will look brighter and more memorable.

Advantages of the idea

Originality is not the only reason to teach a child to make such crafts. Today, many parents teach their children to use gadgets from childhood, so that they quickly master the technique, while mental development suffers, which directly depends on fine motor skills hands Simply put, children are not accustomed to working with small details, because of this, their ability to learn and develop is rapidly declining.

Especially often such problems arise in families living in apartments, in such conditions, children may not even have the opportunity to play in the sand. Caring parents understand how important it is to take care of the development of the child, so the idea of ​​​​making crafts from cereals attracts them. A nice plus of such an activity is that the finished work is a great option for a gift to grandparents and other relatives, so that a child learns to please others from childhood.

Psychologists say that children with whom parents are engaged in needlework from an early age tend to learn new things faster, perceive information, and develop in the future. Even in adulthood they will be helped by the perseverance acquired from childhood, diligence and diligence.

Where to begin?

First you need to make sure that the child is at the age when such an activity will be not only useful for him, but also interesting. Forcing children at a very young age to do something together is dangerous, as it can discourage them from spending time with their parents in the future.

specific age restrictions No. Every kid has a moment when he begins to be actively interested in drawing: a pack of clean paper can be enough for a day, while the notes of the young “artist” appear on the wallpaper and other furniture in the house. This is the time to channel the child's energy into creative development.

At the same time, children who go to kindergarten and primary school, there is also a need for the development of fine motor skills and perseverance. It happens that a child seems to be an uncreative person - nothing related to drawing arouses his interest. Then parents have to invent something, the original idea will be crafts from cereals.

The first thing to start with is to choose the right cereal. It is better not to be guided by the principle of “what is not a pity”, but to think about how it will be more convenient for a child to work.

The main rule for choosing a material is the smaller, the better.

Using one cereal will be boring, so after coming up with an idea for a drawing, you need to choose different options. You can dye the selected material in different colors, some people like to paint semolina. You also need to prepare a flat surface, it can be part of the table or a tray, a dish, another flat dish.


Preparing a template is the task of parents, because the child will not cope with it. Finite appearance finished work will depend on the selected and drawn template. It is important that the drawing consists of large details, it is necessary to calculate that there are no more of them than there are variations of different cereals available.


It is easier to pick up a drawing from coloring pages or children's books than to invent it yourself. Most coloring pages designed for children under 3 years old contain just simple pictures with large details, they can simply be redrawn.

Together with the choice of a template, you need to prepare the basis, it can be anything:

Of course, the more complex the base, the more difficult it is to apply the drawing, so if you are practicing crafts for the first time, it is best to use thick cardboard. For such a base, you will need PVA glue and a brush for applying it.

An alternative to gluing the cereal is to press it into plasticine. This execution technique also looks bright and original, but for the first time it is better to do with gluing, and then experiment.

How to do?

Let's look at an example of how to embody the ideas of an application according to a template. The whole process of making crafts consists of several stages:

Choose and print a template. This way of preparing a template is the easiest, you can find a lot on the Internet simple drawings with large details and print them out. You can use other methods - redraw, and if you have artistic inclinations, even draw by hand, but it is important to try to make the contours and lines as even as possible.

We blow off the remnants of cereals that accidentally fell on the drawing, leave it to dry. This may take about 10 minutes, if a lot of glue was applied, then more.

After that, you can use paints, you need to do this if you did not initially paint over the cereal, but there is such a need. It is also convenient to paint small details with paints.:

  • eyes;
  • buttons.

It is best to use acrylic paints.

After the final drying of the work, it can be hung in a frame or used as a decor for a child's room.


The easiest cereal to use is semolina. It is easy to paint, it is easy to apply, it keeps well in the little fingers of the child.

From cereals and pasta

Pasta is a great craft tool. Many use them for various decorative purposes, such as decorating a Christmas tree, making candlesticks, and many other crafts. And all because the variety of forms of pasta allows you to do this.

Such crafts are performed according to the same principle as simply from cereals. To begin with, a template is selected, then the parent determines which parts of the pattern will be made with cereals and which with pasta. Then, with the help of glue and a brush, first large, then small details are painted in turn, the prepared material is glued.

However, some types of pasta are difficult to stick due to their weight, so the material chosen for the base of such an application must be durable, plain paper definitely not suitable, but if you choose cardboard, then hard. If it is not possible to glue the product, it can be sewn on. The pasta of the shape of wheels, spirals looks beautiful, you can simply grab them with a few stitches of a needle and thread.

Of course, this part of the process is carried out by parents, especially if the children are very young. If the child is already entering school, then doing such a craft may be a suitable occasion to teach the child how to use a needle. Usually pasta is attached to the finished drawing at the very end of the work.

The advantage of pasta is that it is easy to paint them in the desired color. Therefore, when doing cereal crafts, think about what you can decorate in it and try using pasta for this.

If you chose a puppy template, why not add a leash with a "badge" - a wheel-shaped macaroni, or why not use them for snowman buttons.


Many stores sell multi-colored pasta - they look great crafts.

Crafts-hair ornaments from pasta

Pasta can be used not only with cereals, but also as the main material for work. Manufacturers of pasta, as if specially developing Beautiful design so that craftsmen can use them not only for cooking.

Hair ornaments with pasta look especially original. Few will guess how they were made, but no child will definitely have the same accessory. There are several options for using pasta for making jewelry:

1 Hoop. All you need is to buy a solid color headband, it should not be too thin so that the pattern can fit on it. Pasta in the form of spikelets glued along the entire length looks beautiful, especially if they are pre-painted in silver or gold.

2 Crown. Using the same plain headband, you can make a crown for a little princess. To do this, you need to pick up several types of pasta, it is convenient to use wheels different size. You need to design the shape in advance, and then glue them in rows.

3 small hairpins. Suitable shape pasta for this - bows, they can be decorated in any color, even with patterns. After that, the bow is attached with glue to an invisibility or a small hairpin so that it is not visible.

You can prepare several hairpins for different outfits. Under blue dress with white peas, make a bow of this color, under striped - striped and so on. A young fashionista will be delighted with such an abundance of jewelry.

Pasta accessories

You can make more than just hair ornaments from pasta. Everything that girls like to wear so much, beads, bracelets, earrings, can be made from this material. How much joy the child will have if the parents do not just buy jewelry in the store, but take the time to make it on their own with the children.

Beads are easiest to make from pasta of a shape that is strung on a thread. Can be used different types painting them in different colors. It is important that the thread is strong, if it is thick and ugly peeks out from under the "beads", you need to pick it up in color or just paint it.

Beads with pasta in the form of bows look beautiful. It is impossible to string them on a thread, so this work is more painstaking and takes more time.


Each bow must be tied in the middle with a thread, fastened to a knot, then move on to the next one.

You can make beads and bracelets by combining pasta with ordinary beads. It is possible to issue not only one thing, but whole set, complementing it with a hairpin in the same style. Such sets jewelry» look stylish and original.

New Year crafts

The easiest way to use cereal for New Year's crafts- do New Year cards together with a child, which he will be able to give on his behalf to relatives and friends. To do this, you need to choose a simple drawing template on a New Year's theme, print it, transfer it to cardboard, decorate it with cereals.

Common idea - Christmas tree. You can draw it yourself without using a template. The selected small groats must be pre-painted in green color, let dry and use for drawing, in this case it consists of one large part. Decorate the Christmas tree with pasta beautiful shape, for example, bows.

Small crafts that can be hung on a wall, window, Christmas tree look original. To do this, cut out of cardboard christmas figurines. Can do a lot different options and hang them together like a solid garland. Good options would be:

It is easy to draw and cut out all these figures along the contour, and you can decorate with cereals in different ways, because each of them is one continuous piece. For example, a mitten can be made "fur" from rice, and the rest - from any other cereal. If there are many children in the family, this idea will be especially good options, because every child will be able to show creativity, sometimes parents themselves are surprised how much little dreamers can come up with.

Christmas toys from cereals

Typical glass Christmas decorations are a thing of the past, there are many creative ideas which can be used. One of the most popular is the use of cereals. For many, it is surprising that it can not only decorate a finished ball, but make it from scratch.

This craft will not take much time, if at first glance the idea seems complicated, just try it. Production takes place in several stages:

  • We take a newspaper, roll it into a ball. How much material to take depends on the size of the expected toy. If you are making it for the first time, you should not immediately make a large one, but you don’t need a very small one either - it will be inconvenient to hold it in your hands.
  • Give the ball the correct round shape using threads. To do this, you just need to start winding them in a circle, periodically changing direction, as if rolling into a ball. When the shape is even, we fix the ends of the thread, making a small knot.
  • We prepare the cereal, which we will use for decor, pour it into a plate. Buckwheat toys look elegant.
  • We spread PVA glue on top of the threads with a brush, wrap it in a plate. If there are empty places to which the grains have not attached, grease them with spot glue and add them with tweezers.
  • We take spray paint, preferably gold, spray the toy, leave to dry. It is advisable to choose the color of the spray according to the color of the cereal used, gold looks good on buckwheat, silver on rice and semolina.

You can choose any animal, imagine with the help of what kind of cereal or pasta of a certain shape it will be possible to make it. All you need is to turn on your imagination, look at the picture of the animal, think about what its coat, body shape, and other features look like. Consider for example a hedgehog based on puff pastry, but using this idea, you can come up with your own options:

  • Cooking salty dough: for 2 cups of flour, take 1 cup of salt and 250 water at room temperature. Knead the dough, give it the desired shape. This is easy to do, as the softened salt dough looks like plasticine.
  • For needles, oblong-shaped pasta is best - take spiral ones. Paint them silver with spray paint. When they dry, you can make needles.
  • Visually draw a line that separates the muzzle from the body, lubricate the edges of the pasta with glue, put a “needle”, lightly press down. We start moving from the muzzle, because if the last row turns out to be uneven, it should not be visible.
  • We paint over the rest of the dough with silver spray paint, make eyes, nose, mouth. To do this, you can also take pasta - star crayons, if they are not painted, they will stand out so well. You can also take beads by putting them on glue.

You can decorate such a hedgehog as you like: make a pasta bow for it, put some small craft on needles, or simply make it colorful.

From grain

The most original idea grain crafts - making bird feeders. Such work will take time, require perseverance and patience, but the result is worth it. You can make a grain feeder for a child at school, children are often given similar tasks at labor lessons, or you can hang it on your own balcony or in the courtyard of a private house.

The basis can be any, some buy a ready-made feeder, the most ordinary, nondescript building at first sight will do. Others make it from wood or other improvised means.

A popular way is to cut open a juice can, making a hole in it for the birds. The material for the feeder is unimportant, decor with grains will give an original look and beauty.

It is undesirable to use glue, although this is the easiest option, but it can be toxic to birds. Even a small detached particle can harm birds. So it's better to use natural remedy for gluing - flour.

Preparing such an environmentally friendly paste is simple: you just need to boil the flour with boiling water. This method is often used in construction, for wallpapering and not only, instead of flour, starch can also be used.

It is best not to brew a lot of paste at once, but to do it in parts, since it is important to have time to lay out the pattern until it has frozen. The drawing and ornament must be thought out in advance, it is better to draw it on paper so as not to lose sight of it. We process one side of the feeder with a paste, apply the grits, just sprinkle the chalk, and spread the large one with tweezers, leave to dry.

Some use these feeders only for decoration, as they are worried that the birds will ruin their work. In fact, it is difficult to pick out well-glued grains, especially since they will not do this if there is always food inside.

From coffee beans

This type of craft is more suitable for adults, because among them there is also a fan of doing something with their own hands. A distinctive feature of such souvenirs is that the aroma that comes from coffee beans is stored for a long time. The craft will become great idea gift for a coffee lover, you can make it for yourself.

It is believed that coffee is a drink that brings people together, so this gift will show the right person that you value them.

It is best to choose as a basis not just cardboard, but burlap or other similar material. Making crafts takes place in several stages:

  • We cut out a sheet of cardboard and a piece of burlap a couple of centimeters larger on all sides. We cover the cardboard with a cloth, glue the corners at the back. It is important to use a smooth fabric, if it has been lying for a long time, it is better to iron it.
  • After the glue has dried, we begin to work with the grains. We measure the same distance from the edge, about 2 cm, conducts with a simple pencil under the ruler straight lines. Then we draw any drawing in the center, a cup of coffee on a saucer looks beautiful.
  • Lubricate each grain with glue, first lay out the pattern inside the picture with them, then the frame. Lightly press each time after gluing the grain. We leave to dry.

Original crafts can be made not only from the usual materials: cardboard, paper, plasticine. Things look unusual, for the creation of which non-traditional materials are used, which can be found in every home. More precisely - in every kitchen. Let's look in the kitchen cabinet and think about what crafts can be made from cereals and pasta.

Cereals and cereals as a material for creativity

Crafts from cereals - The best way engage the child for the benefit of his development. Perhaps Cinderella's stepmother was not so wrong in forcing her to sort through the cereal, separating the grain from the grain. Such activities develop fine motor skills of the hands, which most favorably affects the mental abilities of the child.

A variety of cereals have a different texture: sorting through them, the child develops tactile sensations. In addition, even the most simple options crafts from cereals for children develop them Creative skills awaken the fantasy.

Most often used for work:

  • red and white beans;
  • split peas;
  • millet;
  • buckwheat;
  • semolina.

In the kitchen cabinet you can find other materials for creativity: coffee beans, pumpkin seeds, pasta of various shapes. All of them are used to create original crafts for home.

Panel for decorating the kitchen

What to decorate with crafts made from edible materials, if not the kitchen? A simple panel for decorating a wall can be made using different types of cereals. For work you will need:

  • base with a frame - printed cardboard;
  • different types of cereals;
  • PVA glue or Moment;
  • varnish - decoupage or colorless construction.

To begin with, we draw the outline of the drawing on the cardboard. beautiful templates for crafts from cereals, you can find it on the Internet or use large drawings of children's coloring books.

We select which cereals to use for certain sections of the picture. A picture that uses grains of different sizes, colors and textures will look spectacular.

We apply a thin layer of glue to each area in turn, filling the entire surface. Carefully, without going beyond the contours of the site, pour the grits on the glue. In the same way, we fill the next section of the future panel. The grits must be glued so that the entire surface of the picture is filled.

Attention! To enhance the effect, you can separate the fragments using a stained glass outline.

At the end of the work, wait for the glue to dry completely, then cover the panel with varnish for safety and place it in a frame under glass or without it.

Volumetric crafts for the home

In the interior of the house, voluminous decor items made of natural materials look spectacular. Take a look at the photo of cereal crafts: topiaries and decorative vases, caskets and even coffee table tops can be decorated in an original way with cereals, coffee beans. Such things look especially impressive in eco-style, rustic interiors.

The basis for creating crafts can be:

  • glass;
  • sackcloth;
  • cardboard;
  • tree cuts, etc.

We will not bring detailed instructions for making crafts: it is important to understand the principle of their manufacture, and fantasy will tell you everything else.

For example, it is not difficult to decorate a large glass vase or candlestick with cereals or coffee: you need to apply a pattern outline to the surface of the base (for this, take white marker for glass), fill the drawing with glue and carefully pour grits on it. If desired, you can finish the background or details with acrylic paints.

We decorate furniture

Try to imagine how impressive a small coffee table decorated with cereals and seeds will look in the interior of a country house. To do this, it is enough to apply the outline of the pattern on the base - the tabletop and fill it with grains of different textures.

The table will look especially impressive if you make a three-dimensional contour of a contrasting color - white or dark, depending on the color of the underframe. Cover the countertop with glass and secure it.

Beans, pumpkin seeds or coffee beans can be used to decorate a mirror frame. The principle of manufacture is the same: we apply glue, attach grits to it and cover the frame with varnish. The varnish will additionally fix the grains and add attractiveness and durability to the piece of furniture.

Small home decor items

It is easy to make a topiary that will decorate the interior of the house. Before you make a cereal craft at home, stock up on materials:

  • a small flower pot, bowl or mug;
  • a strong but short tree branch or a stick for the trunk;
  • foam ball;
  • cereals or coffee beans;
  • small decor, ribbons;
  • glue;
  • gypsum.

First you need to strengthen the barrel in the tank, pouring gypsum into it. Then use glue to secure the foam ball to the barrel. With the help of glue and grains, decorate the ball. You can pre-paint the base with acrylic paints.

Fix the decor: voluminous flowers and butterflies, leaves. Wrap the trunk of the topiary with floral tape or satin ribbon, tulle. IN uniform style set up a container. You can use burlap, sisal, etc.

The easiest master class on crafts from cereals:

  • take a bottle or a small vase made of transparent glass;
  • pour a little cereal of the same type on the bottom;
  • carefully, so that the grains do not mix, pour a layer of other cereals or seeds on top, preferably of a contrasting color and other texture;
  • fill the container layer by layer. It can become a decoration of the kitchen or a vase for a composition of dried flowers.

Get inspired and impressed, come up with your own ideas for crafts from an inexpensive and always available material. Attract children to creativity, and your house will become unique, filled with the warmth of the soul invested in every craft.

Photo of crafts from cereals

Application Owl. Master Class

Application "Owl" from cereals and seeds. Master Class

Master class calculated for students in grades 3-4.

Purpose: can be used to decorate the interior of a children's room, as a gift to friends and acquaintances.

Target: teach kids how to make crafts natural material


· to educate in children the desire to create beautiful compositions from cereals and seeds of various plants, combining a variety of materials.

develop creative imagination and aesthetic perception of the world around.

Develop the accuracy of working with glue.

Nature is a real storehouse of ideas for creativity, where every person who is not indifferent to beauty will find something to their liking. What could be more pleasant and nobler than natural material. In contact with nature, we become kinder. And this kindness helps us to create, giving space to imagination and creativity.

She sleeps all day, but flies at night.

With their big eyes sparkles.

Her sharp hearing and attentive eyes.

They will find frogs and mice in the grass.

Her head spins around

And he will say: "Uh-huh" to us forest ... (Owl).

I'm sitting on a tree

I follow the prey.

And I will see - I will fly.

I'll definitely get it.

There is a big head.

Do you recognize? I am an owl).

To make the work we need:

sheet corrugated cardboard, cut out of packaging; colored cardboard, a finished drawing depicting an owl, Moment glue, a stack, scissors; eyes from the set children's creativity; cereals: millet and semolina; dill and sunflower seeds, small tea (from bags), beans, rose hips, a piece of birch bark.

Step by step workflow

1. Let's make a frame for our craft.

On a sheet of corrugated cardboard A-4 paste colored cardboard. We lay out a frame from bean seeds.

2. Cut out a birch trunk from birch bark, an image of an owl and paste it on cardboard.

3. The contours of the drawing of an owl, having previously lubricated with glue, are “drawn” with tea. Let dry for 2-3 minutes, shake off excess.

4. We glue the eyes and make beads from the halves of the wild rose.

5. We fill in separate fragments of the application: a hat - with millet; hat floors from the inside and a branch of birch - decoy; wings, tail and head on the sides - tea; the front of the head and torso - dill seeds. Glue is applied to small areas of the drawing. Then it is sprinkled with cereals (tea), so that there are no voids between the grains. With the help of stacks, we remove the excess.

6. Glue the flower to the hat, and make the nose out of beans.

7. Add leaves to the tree and our work is ready!

It is very interesting to work with cereals and seeds, come up with plots, collect compositions! Attracts accessibility and ease of processing.

Here are some examples of what we have done with children:

Today it is a well-known fact that the development of a child's brain is directly related to how developed the fine motor skills of his hands are. From how often his fingers touch small objects, draw, sculpt, tie shoelaces, finally, the development of speech, readiness for school and even the strength of the nervous system depend.

One of such natural exercises that develop, entertain and soothe a child are, for example, children playing with sand. No wonder they love them so much. But sand in a city apartment is not always available. And here, such popular do-it-yourself cereal crafts for children with templates already prepared by specialists with a view to a certain age come to the aid of parents.
What is the reason for the popularity of such DIY crafts? At least three positives.

  • Availability of materials. Cereals, sunflower or watermelon seeds, pasta - all this is in every home.
  • The usefulness of this lesson for the development of children's imagination and fine motor skills of hands. This is appreciated by parents, and children - the fascination of the process.
  • Ready-made drawing templates help children, even those who do not know how to draw at all, get a completely worthy craft that can be presented to loved ones or hung in a frame on the wall.

So, you have firmly decided to make some crafts from cereals with your child. In addition to the actual bulk materials of various cereals, grains, seeds (which we will discuss in more detail below), what else may be needed for this? It depends on what type of activity you have chosen with them.

Craft for children with their own hands. Mushroom. How to make crafts from cereals

Groats drawing

This is an activity that will captivate both kids who are not even going to kindergarten yet, and children who have left the first grade in the distant past. It requires a minimum of materials: cereals, the smaller, the better, and Smooth surface. Although you can take, for example, cut from cereals, but semolina is usually used.

A flat surface for creating a masterpiece can even be a piece of the table that the mother will allocate to the little master, but a dark monophonic tray or baking sheet is still better. For more skilled artists, luminous surfaces are very popular today, on which they pour their drawings. If an older and serious child is engaged in such drawing, then semolina can be pre-painted in several colors, dried and sifted so that there are no lumps.

The smallest ones draw with their fingers directly on the scattered semolina or buckwheat. Everyone else pours out the drawing on the work surface. Usually, at the end of the work, the drawing is removed. To preserve the memory of such a fleeting drawing, you will have to take a photo of it. If the children want to save the drawing itself, then we will talk about the application. And here we need a little more.

Applications from cereals

  • Firstly, since many children still do not draw well enough, in order to facilitate their work and provide a fairly effective look for the crafts made, it is necessary to prepare a drawing template in advance. It is he who will become the basis of the application. Parents can download and print the necessary pictures, or use children's coloring books as a template. When choosing a template, take a drawing with large details.
  • But the template only helps to apply the drawing. You need to prepare the basis for crafts. It can be thick cardboard, or glass, a photo frame, a jar or a flower pot. Depending on the intended result and the chosen basis, the method of fixing the grain is also determined. If this is a regular pasted application, then PVA construction glue and a brush will be needed.
  • In addition to glued applications, depressed crafts from cereals and seeds are very popular today. In this case, plasticine becomes the main fastening material for such an application. Here, children will need plasticine and a stack.
  • Since the color range of seeds and cereals is rather modest, they are often dyed in the colors needed for the pattern. To color the cereals, you can use gouache to choose from; brilliant green, iodine or food coloring. You can paint both already glued grains, and in advance. Although this is not difficult, it is better to look at a separate master class about this.
  • If a child wants to save a small masterpiece made by his own hands not only in the photo, then you need colorless varnish or aerosol enamel, which covers the craft.

Master class application with cereals: we make a monkey

In order to better imagine how a child can make an application from cereals with his own hands, we will consider the step-by-step process of making a postcard with a monkey. let's get through brief master Class.

Crafts from cereals and tea

As a bulk material, you can use not only semolina, but also drunk tea. They can also pour out a picture, but it is better to use it for application along with cereals. This will create an interesting play of textures. Tea is best used to depict some shaggy creatures - cats, monkeys, cubs. And you can make a portrait from which Cheburashka will look.

A master class on making a monkey from cereals is given above, and now we will consider how to make Cheburashka from cereals and tea with our own hands. Cheburashka is suitable for young children, not only because it is a well-known and beloved hero, but also because of the simplicity of the image. Cheburashka consists of large parts that are easy to draw and make.

  • We draw a cheburashka or, taking the desired template, paste it on a dense base.

  • Then we coat with glue those parts of the body where a dark shaggy surface is needed. Cheburashka is brown ears, paws, body, and only the muzzle and chest will be of a different color, so we don’t coat them with glue now.

  • Then we pour tea on the leaf, after the glue has dried, we turn the drawing over and the extra tea leaves fall off on their own.
  • Then, with the help of buckwheat and rice, we fill in the surfaces that need to be highlighted - a brown breast, a white muzzle.
  • From round peas you can make eyes. The peas and long rice mouth need to be painted for more expressiveness. Even a child who goes to school can make such an application with his own hands. kindergarten.

Crafts from cereals and pasta

In addition to the application, you can make other crafts from cereals, grains, seeds and pasta. Needlework masters and educators in kindergartens have already developed many master classes on this topic. They show in a photo or video in detail and step by step how you can make the most different crafts. For example, string beads, bracelets or funny mobiles.

With pasta of various shapes and cereals, you can very effectively decorate various containers - jars, bottles, turning them into original flower vases. To do this, first carefully wash the selected vessel, clean it of labels, and degrease it with detergent. Then we apply glue and, in accordance with the artistic design, glue the cereals and pasta.

You can also take flat pumpkin or watermelon seeds. From them you can lay out flowers, or just geometric figures, ornament. If cereals, grains easily stick to building PVA, then you may need a glue gun for pasta.

Similarly, you can decorate a photo frame or a flower pot, interesting craft to a kindergarten. In order for such pasta crafts to look especially impressive, they should be painted and varnished. It remains only to take a photo of the master with crafts in his hands.

Craft cat from pasta Crafts for kids

Crafts from cereals for younger students "Applique" Owl "from cereals. Master Class

Author of the work: Shiriyazdanova Minziya Kagirovna, teacher primary school GBOU secondary school "OC" p. Yuzhny, Bolshegluchitsky district, Samara region
The master class is designed for students in grades 1-4.
Purpose: can be used to decorate the interior of a children's room, as a gift to friends and acquaintances.
Target: teach children to make crafts from natural materials.
to educate in children the desire to create beautiful compositions from cereals
develop creative imagination and aesthetic perception of the world around
develop accuracy in working with glue

The wisest bird in the world is the owl.
Everyone hears
But very stingy with words.
The more he hears
The less he talks.
Ah, this is what many of us miss.

She sleeps all day, but flies at night.
His big eyes sparkle.
Her sharp hearing and attentive eyes.
They will find frogs and mice in the grass.
Her head spins around
And he will say: "Uh-huh" to us forest ... (Owl).

To make the work we need:
Ready-made drawing with the image of an owl, PVA glue, brush, colored pencils, stacks, cereals: millet, rice, buckwheat; poppy seeds (from a bag), oak branches and leaves.
Owl pattern

1. Glue the image of an owl onto cardboard.
2. The contour of the owl's head, having previously smeared it with glue, “draws it” with buckwheat. Let dry for 2-3 minutes, shake off excess.

3. Eyebrows - from rice and poppy seeds.

4. We color the eyes with a brown pencil, the pupils, smeared with glue, “draw” with poppy.
5. The body is made of millet.
6. We fill individual fragments of the application with cereals, so that there are no voids between the grains. With the help of stacks, we remove the excess.

7. Glue a piece of oak branch. Add leaves to the tree. We draw the sun.

8. And our work is ready!