What kind of alcohol is better to give a man. Alcohol as a gift for a man. How to give alcoholic drinks correctly What alcohol to give on February 23

In the Russian tradition, alcohol is best gift in any situation. For small friendly, more serious help, it already requires a “bottle”, going to visit - they grab wine, well, good whiskey or cognac will always be in place. Alcohol is presented as a gift even to non-drinkers, because it’s not a shame to serve expensive alcohol to guests, and if something happens, you can re-gift it. In Europe, alcohol traditions do not differ much from ours: it is customary to bring a bottle of good wine to a housewarming party or a friendly party; a boss, colleague, and even a subordinate can receive alcohol as a gift.

Most importantly, the gift must either correspond to the taste of the person being presented, or be expensive (then the recipient will be able to re-gift it or put it on the table during the gala dinner).

  1. At least a little originality. It is very important that the recipient does not get the impression that he was "gifted away" with an expensive, but standard gift. Therefore, the giver should take care of the packaging or at least explain why he chose this particular drink and brand of alcohol.
  2. An alcoholic gift is a great opportunity to introduce loved one with a new drink he would never have bought himself.
  3. It is better to give a bottle of alcohol in person. Delivery by courier is practiced only in extreme cases.
  4. In no case should you insist that the recipient immediately taste the present (and even more so - share it with the donor). Perhaps a person wants to drink the resulting alcohol alone or in another company, or even completely re-gift it.
  5. Of course, alcohol should not be given to minors, even "as a joke."

Varieties of alcoholic drinks

Alcoholic drinks, depending on their strength, are divided into three types:

  • low alcohol;
  • medium alcohol;
  • strong.

The first group includes - beer, cider, mash, koumiss. Usually these are drinks, the alcohol content of which does not exceed 8%. From this category, men prefer beer. For its manufacture, various technologies are used, due to which a drink with different taste qualities is obtained.

Wine, grog, mulled wine, sake are attributed to the medium-alcohol type, their strength does not exceed 30%. Wine can be great gift man or woman for the New Year, birthday. In small quantities, it is beneficial for the health of the whole body. The main requirements are the quality and method of registration of the presentation.

The strongest alcoholic drinks are vodka, cognac, rum, liquor, whiskey. The alcohol content in them can reach 80%. It is better to give a strong type of booze to men, the most positive emotions will remain from such a useful present.

Strong alcohol

They themselves suggest that they are intended more for men. With the only proviso that some are traditionally diluted various types soft drinks and juices, are consumed with coffee and ice cream, so they are also appropriate as a present for a woman.

However, since we are talking about a gift, strong liquor can be used as such only if the donor has confidence that she will like it.

Give cognac and rum

can be a good friend and relative. It would be completely inappropriate if a guy presents a bottle with such contents to a girl on a second date. No need then to be surprised at her reproaches.

If there is confidence, the gift will come to the court, for example, to your teacher, then cognac, rum, gin, liqueurs and tinctures, which are very strong, are recommended.

We regret to inform you that we have excluded whiskey from this list. This is a good drink, but, unfortunately, in our country, some are prejudiced against it.

Once upon a time, at the first acquaintance with whiskey, which happened back in the years of perestroika, Soviet people considered it moonshine, only more expensive and worse.

Therefore, whiskey should be given with this feature in mind, especially when it comes to representatives of the older generation. It will be a shame if you give the boss whiskey, and he will thank you only out of politeness.

Of the alcohol available to us, which is in the middle price range, Becherovka is highly recommended. Little is known about this tincture. Many have never tried it in their lives. And she's worth it. The pride of the Czech Karlovy Vary and the entire Czech Republic, the liqueur belonging to the fernet class cannot but be liked.

It is made using over 20 types of herbs. However, if you want to stick to tradition, then buy Becherovka Original. It is he who smells like a meadow, intoxicates gently and can be considered as a medicinal aperitif. Do not mix with anything when using.

Mixing Becherovka is the same as making ice from ice cream. You can drink as you like - before meals and after, just like that, for mood, before going to bed and feeling unwell.

Rum is another universal flagship of the universal elite spirit. White is also suitable as a gift. But only if you are sure that the recipient of the gift likes to make cocktails and some other mixtures.

In the rest - golden or classic dark rum. Ladies can dilute it in hundreds of ways, and true gentlemen will enjoy the bitter taste, which gives an extraordinary state of rest.

With other types - cognacs, liqueurs, even vodka of elite varieties, suitable as a present, everything is somewhat simpler. A matter of taste and wallet.

It should be remembered that at present a number of companies produce drinks that contain the word “rum” and “gin” in their names, but in fact, many brands do not even have a hint of the content of these drinks, their components.

Alcohol for a man for a gift

Birthday is an occasion to give a man an expensive drink as a gift.

While looking for the perfect drink, you should pay attention to:

  1. Vodka Staritsky & Levitsky Reserve. For its production, only purified water and high-quality grain are used. The process of tasting and rigorous testing results in a product of the highest rank.

Expensive alcohol is ideal as a gift for a man. To do right choice, you need to know the preferences of the stronger sex.


Dark chocolate is not only good for the heart and blood vessels, it is also ideal as a delicious dessert that goes well with the rich taste of whiskey.

This duet has its roots in the culture of Ireland and Scotland, but true connoisseurs do not like to snack, so as not to interrupt the taste.

Not every type of chocolate will do!

It is best to buy slightly salty products, otherwise the whole taste of the drink will be interrupted by excessive sweetness. In addition, the composition of the tiles should be high in cocoa, with a tart taste and smell.

How to choose good alcohol

You need to give only high-quality alcohol for a holiday. Otherwise, after a second-rate presentation, they will remain negative emotions and bad impression. To prevent this from happening, you should carefully approach the choice of alcohol.

The very first rule is to buy a drink in specialized stores. They exclude the possibility of buying a fake.

When choosing alcohol, you should pay attention to its composition, which is indicated on the label. All stickers must be intact and neatly glued to the bottle. It is best to give alcohol in a beautifully shaped bottle.

Liquor containers must be labeled with:

  • title;
  • volume;
  • fortress;
  • name of the manufacturer.

The above data must be the same on the brand and label, and comply with the norms of the standard.

Tip 13. Additional accessories and gift wrapping

Giving a gift is a responsibility. A lonely bottle of cognac, whiskey or champagne can always be supplemented with glasses, the main thing is to choose their shape. After all, every drink is drunk from the right glasses.

Many manufacturers intentionally accompany their products with ready-made gift sets.

A gift for a lady can be arranged in the form of a basket of flowers.

An original solution can be a gastronomic set, for example, Sauvignon and goat cheese, and give a jar of caviar to champagne.

Masculine dignity and strength of character are emphasized by old cognac or malt whiskey in combination with a Cuban cigar.

But sweets are not suitable for any alcoholic drink, leave them for future tea drinking.

The modern industry offers various gift boxes and tubes, among which there are wonderful natural wood boxes filled with wood shavings.

And finally!

Any gift of alcohol will be one hundred percent advantageous if it is supplemented with a small historical note about the origin, gastronomic combination, rules and rituals of use. In the case of liquor, cocktail recipes and a gift shaker will be appropriate.

If you have imagination, such accompaniment can be made in the form of an old scroll and attached to the bottle with twine and wax seal.

The holiday is coming. And no matter what it is: birthday, New Year, February 23. Something else is important. On most holidays it is customary to give gifts. And sometimes, choosing a presentation becomes a really serious problem.

It is especially difficult to please a person whom you do not know so well. And here there is a need for a universal solution. Is there such a thing? Certainly there is. As a gift, you can safely use alcohol.

The fact is that alcoholic beverages have long become a universal present that can be presented to virtually any person for any holiday and in any quantity.

Despite the fact that alcohol is a universal solution, it is impossible to give it thoughtlessly. The choice should be taken quite seriously. It is not enough just to give expensive alcohol as a gift. should be adhered to fashion trends and also understand the basics.

How to give alcohol to a man

People love to receive gifts, especially if it is done thoughtfully and wholeheartedly. Therefore, alcohol should be given only of excellent quality. A beautiful bottle will help emphasize the unsurpassed taste of the contents.

Quite often, alcohol is given complete with glasses, glasses, with an expensive cigar. This combination looks much more interesting than just a bottle of alcohol. And if a woman is presented with wine as a gift, it is complemented with a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers.

Before fixing your attention on a certain drink, it is worth knowing the preferences of the recipient. Lovers of strong drinks will do whiskey, cognac, vodka. Those who prefer soft alcohol will like wine, martini, liquor.

A good tone would be a story about a gift as alcohol. The recipient will be interested to know the history of origin, as well as the country of origin, taste characteristics. You can even tell some legend associated with the present.

Giving alcoholic drinks has long been a good tradition. High-quality, stylishly designed alcohol is a pleasure to give to a friend, relative, colleague, boss. The present can be almost anything: in the form of cognac, wine, port wine, whiskey or gift vodka. All this is a great way to express your respect, gratitude and appreciation to a person.

Vodka is one of the most versatile and close to Russian alcoholic gifts. It accompanies the names of most celebrations and feasts, they know more about it than about other alcoholic drinks. Therefore, vodka is considered a successful and appropriate gift for any holiday occasion. But the choice of this drink is not an easy task, a lot of fakes have appeared today. For a gift, of course, you need to buy only good and high-quality vodka.

What is the difference between a real and worthy drink from a base one? First, a lot depends on the quality of alcohol. The best vodka is the one made from Luxe or Extra alcohol (and therefore from selected grains), less prestigious vodka from the Highest Purity alcohol (grain or potatoes). Next, pay attention to which cleaning method is indicated on the label: for a gift is suitable cleaning with milk (helps remove impurities from the drink) or silver / gold (used for the production of elite drinks).

In addition to the main components of vodka - alcohol and water - aromatic additives are added to many drinks to improve the taste and smell. If you do not know the passion of the person for whom you are buying vodka, it is better to stick to the traditional classic, without additional substances. A good gift in this case will be Absolut vodka, produced according to new technology distillation. It is made at the only factory in Sweden in the city of Åhus, so the quality is carefully controlled. This drink is devoid of any additives and has a natural wheat flavor.

If you are giving vodka to a refined, imaginative or very picky person, Premium vodka will help you. These are the most noble elite drinks in the world, such vodka is presented to business partners, bosses, famous and respected people. One of the most popular expensive drinks is Kaufman vodka, a real symbol of luxury and success. It is bottled once a year, and the bottling date must be indicated on the bottle, so Kaufman's taste is always predictable.

Another well-known elite brand is Imperial Collection vodka. It is sold both in a regular bottle and in a decanter with a wooden gift box. For the production of such a drink, the purest water of Lake Ladoga is used, which is very soft and pleasant to the taste. Vodka undergoes multi-stage purification with birch charcoal, a silver filter (which gives it medicinal properties), and then with a membrane filter. The result is a crystal clear drink that can be given to collectors or just lovers of quality vodka. The Imperial collection goes well with all dishes of European and Russian cuisine, as well as in cocktails. But real connoisseurs drink it only with a light snack, or even alone.

There are many more elite brands - Nemirof vodka, Russian Diamond, Shustov, Legend of the Kremlin and others. Today you can easily choose alcohol as a gift, but the most important thing you need to know when talking about vodka is that it must be of high quality. When buying, be sure to ask the seller for a certificate for these products, then nothing can spoil your gift.

It is quite difficult to choose a gift for a person holding a high position and not constrained by means. Especially if you stopped your search for elite alcohol. There are many subtleties in the process of selecting the right type of drink. So let's start with the basics.

To give or not to give alcohol

premium and ultra premium vodka from Alkonost
This is not just a boastful statement - it is a reasonable truth, since Alkonost vodka is:

  • original high quality vodka;
  • variety of topics covered;
  • unique bottles;
  • variants of vodka without packaging, with individual packaging and with gift packaging.

Well, like a cherry on a cake - any gift is a priori accompanied by a delivery procedure that requires verbal support of the process. And if you are not a hereditary toastmaster, then it is not always easy to find the right and, as everyone would like, original words accompanying the gift. Our vodka touches on a wide range of topics, so for any event, for different people, you can choose vodka of the most appropriate theme and handing alcohol as a gift to a man, accompany him with an original speech.

The absolute bestseller in terms of an original gift that is suitable for the widest possible range of events is the vodka of our concept line with the addition of precious metals. Vodka is produced under a patent with the addition of edible silver and gold, which do not lie sadly at the bottom of the bottle, but swirl in a beautiful sparkling round dance in a bottle and a glass.

Another vodka brand from Alkonost that is universal in terms of gift is Promised vodka, the main message of the brand is the wish for peace, prosperity and prosperity, which is exactly what the absolute majority of people need. The bottle depicts Picasso's dove, known to everyone and becoming a symbol of peace, with an olive branch.

The bottom of the bottle is made in the form of a hexagram - which symbolizes the harmonious coexistence of opposite principles. Gift wrapping opens up like a flower - alluding to fertility, which since ancient times is the essence of prosperity. And the multi-faceted box is decorated with five most important scenes from the Pentateuch of Moses. A wonderful toast for a gift is ready in the shop, and then, over a glass of vodka, you can philosophize about the structure of the world, eternal values ​​and other things.

Ours is also an excellent gift - it is especially good for gifts to foreigners or patriotic people who are determined to keep and appreciate our Russian roots. Vodka with a true refined subtle vodka aroma is bottled in exclusive specially designed bottles.

The inspiration for the creation of the Alkonost brand of vodka was drawn from our roots, in ancient Russian culture, the representative of which is actually the bird of paradise-maiden Alkonost, whose singing, according to legend, makes us reject all the vanity of vanities and plunge into the sweet bliss of peace and peace of mind. The multifaceted bottle displays the forms of ancient Russian architecture with its towers and semicircular arches, the surface is covered with an elegant pattern.

By the way, this brand of vodka is produced additionally in a luxury version, with the decoration of the bottle with silver-plated filigree jewelry. And this bottle is closed with an unusual glass stopper Vino lock.

The “Space Symphony” brand, despite its narrowly focused theme, is favorably and with interest perceived as a gift not only by those men who are related to space topics. Vodka is suitable for a gift to pilots, the military, and in general, in principle, everyone likes it. And the crystal clear taste of vodka and an unusual bottle in the form of a rocket, which can be supplemented with a gift box that opens like the towers of the starting barrel.

Another great alcohol gift option for a man related to professional activity or a hobby is Russian Square vodka, which was created on the basis of the theme of the Russian contribution to the once revolutionary and still incredibly popular art movement - avant-garde. Vodka is produced in three types: Russian Square Classic, Russian Square Special and Russian Square Soft. Ideal as a gift for non-standard thinking people.

“Business is time, and fun is an hour” - says a popular proverb, implying that there should be time for everything: both work and rest. Sin City vodka, whose name translates from English as "city of sin" is one of the nicknames of the famous pleasure city of Las Vegas, a place that is sung in books and films as the focus of all kinds of pleasures and unbridled fun. The bottle is decorated with a spicy pattern that glows under neon lighting - just perfect for parties!

Rest is different than rest, someone needs to throw out the adrenaline that has accumulated in a series of working everyday life through an active party with dancing and karaoke, and someone prefers to restore strength, using old-fashioned methods, being in nature with its unhurried country life, walks, meditative fishing and indispensable visiting a Russian bath.

Bannik vodka, based on Russian traditions with the addition of honey and raisins, named and decorated in honor of the fairy-tale character Bannik, also provides a fair share of options for verbal accompaniment and parting words. Bannik - the mythical character of Slavic control, according to legend, does not like fuss, but to bath procedures requires due respect.

Another bestseller from Alkonost is the Christmas Fairy Tale Lux vodka brand - this seasonally popular version of alcohol as a gift for men, as the name implies, enjoys unprecedented success during the New Year and Christmas holidays. Vodka is beautifully decorated in the style of the most popular holiday not only in our country, but also in the world.

But it is the Russian winter that is recreated on the bottle fairy tale character- Santa Claus, and the container is packed in a spectacular gift box, which opens up like a book whose "pages" are also decorated with illustrations on the theme of everyone's favorite holiday. What do you wish for Christmas and New Year? Well, of course, the fulfillment of all desires and that the new year be the most successful!

Vodka as a gift to a man is always appropriate. Firstly, vodka is a primordially Russian product, understandable to the domestic consumer, and secondly, it goes well with any Russian feast and is completely undemanding in terms of gastronomy. Vodka has no expiration date and will definitely wait for its finest hour on the festive table.

In this article, we will talk about the best premium and luxury vodka brands on the Russian market. And we will start our list with a domestic manufacturer.

The line of branded vodka "Russian Standard" is the undisputed leader of today's hit parade and the guarantor of the quality of the domestic manufacturer. On the shelves of super and hyper markets, as well as in ordinary non-chain retail, it is represented by a very wide range.

According to its classification, Russian Standard vodka belongs to the premium class. On the official website, you can preview the proposed range.

As a gift, you should focus on gift options for products, for example, in a metal tube or a gold box. Vodka "Russian Standard" Golden 0.7 liters costs from 1,300 rubles. Packed in a golden box, it can serve as a win-win gift for a man of any age.

Vodka "Beluga"

Pure as a tear, Beluga vodka is produced from super premium quality malt spirits and artesian pure water at the Mariinsky Distillery, which dates back to 1900. The original bottle is aesthetically decorated with a metal beluga fish. For a gift, you can safely choose any product option in gift box, and even better - with branded cups. However, it should be remembered that the price of such products is not cheap.

The combination of gastronomy and nobility will be a chic gift for a respected person. Vodka "Beluga Allure" 0.7 liters, which includes maple syrup, is sold in a leather case with three image shots. It is estimated from 5,900 rubles. Ideal as a gift for the "powerful ones".

The fashion for vintage items and household items has found its continuation in the elite Kaufman vodka. It is prepared only in the years of the best wheat harvest. It is filtered with Russian birch charcoal, under strict quality control, which accompanies all stages of production. Vodka "Kaufman" can be called a world-class product without exaggeration.

Vodka "Mammoth"

Speaking of vodka as a gift, one cannot fail to mention one of the most elegant domestic vodkas. The birthplace of the product is marvelous Altai. It owes its name to animals that died out many centuries ago, which are a symbol of Siberia. Only the purest spring water and selected wheat grain give rise to Mammoth vodka.

Before reaching the counter, it goes through six stages of distillation and filtration through Siberian minerals. It is these processes that form its price. Vodka "Mammoth" is presented in retail trade in a gift box from 1,780 rubles per 0.7 liter.

We suggest you familiarize yourself: Drops Alcobarrier instructions for use

The bottle is shaped like a mammoth tusk, and its contents are characterized by connoisseurs as rich, deep and inspiring. In the long aftertaste notes of pine nuts are caught. This is the only component that the manufacturer adds to their product.

As a gift, "Mammoth" will suit a connoisseur of quality and good taste.

The name of the product speaks for itself. Precisely their appearance she has won many awards. The bottle, made in the form of a glass machine, is packed in a wooden box! What man would refuse such a gift? The composition of Kalashnikov vodka includes soft artesian water and luxury alcohol. It goes without saying that such a "weapon" is not cheap and is produced only in limited quantities.

For bosses

  1. Vodka Staritsky (amp)amp; Levitsky Reserve. For its production, only purified water and high-quality grain are used. The process of tasting and rigorous testing results in a product of the highest rank.
  2. French cognac Grand, which contains grape spirits. The strength of the drink is at least 40%, and Napoleon himself preferred its quality and unsurpassed taste.
  3. Bourbon Jim Beam. The most popular representative of its kind. Aged in tanks for four years, cold filtered.
  4. Whiskey Blanton's Special Reserve. A strong drink that is aged in oak barrels for eight years. Beautiful and original bottle emphasize its uniqueness.

Who is cognac suitable for and how to choose it?

Cognac will appeal to connoisseurs of soft and multifaceted taste. In general, this option will become a win-win, because expensive and aged cognac can at least become the recipient's pride. The main difficulty lies elsewhere - where to find a really good drink that can be classified as elite.

The first rule in choosing cognac is: always buy alcohol in specialized boutiques, shops or from an exclusive dealer. Only in this case you can be sure that you have purchased a real aged drink, and not its counterfeit.

You can also check the quality of cognac during the purchase process. For this you need:

  1. Consider the label.
    It should not contain any traces of glue. Pay attention to the label as well. The higher the star rating of cognac, the better, because the number of stars corresponds to the years of aging (V.S. - 3 stars; V.S.O.P. - 4; V.V.S.O.P. - 5; X.O. - more than 6 years of aging in barrels).
  2. Check the consistency of the drink.
    To do this, just turn the bottle upside down and see how the liquid flows inside. High-quality and aged cognac leaves a special mark on the walls, similar to the trace of liquid honey.

What can we advise beginners in the selection of elite cognac?

Cognac Courvoisier VSOP fine Champagne. This is a great example of a French drink made from exceptional grapes. It is known that Napoleon himself preferred this drink.

Absolut Vodka

Premium white is produced under the Swedish brand Absolut. For its manufacture, alcohol of the highest degree of purification is used. Water from artesian wells. The taste is softened with the help of a unique technology, the details of which are kept secret by the manufacturer.

Vodka Absolut, recognized by millions as one of the best brands this drink in the world.

There are several varieties of vodka

  • Classic, without additives;
  • Vanilla (vanilla flavor);
  • Citron (lemon flavor);
  • Courant (blackcurrant flavor);
  • Pepar (pepper);
  • Rapsbury (raspberry flavor);

Price for 0.7 l. - about 1000 rubles.

Still a bottle left for myself.

Jameson/Jack Daniels
A classic Irish whiskey with an amber color and caramel-vanilla aroma. Connoisseurs call it the best in its price category. The drink tastes good both when used in cocktails and in its pure form.

The price for 0.7 liters of Jameson is from 1500 to 2000 rubles, depending on the store.

It was possible to find even for 1000 rubles.

As an alternative to Jameson, you can buy Jack Daniels whiskey

. "American" is very popular among lovers of this drink. For many, the word whiskey brings up the image of a bottle of Jack Daniels.

When choosing between Irish Jameson and American Jack Daniels, you need to focus on the taste preferences of the person who is to drink it. Here, again, it is better to ask what kind of variety comes from Ireland or America more to your liking.

But, if such information is difficult to obtain, then we take any of the two presented. On what eye will fall, because in taste they are both wonderful.

The price for 0.7 liters of Jack Daniels is about 2000 rubles.

Brandy (Cognac)
Chatelle, "Napoleon"
Perhaps one of the most affordable French cognacs. Long-lasting taste and aroma with hints of fruit, oak, nuts and honey.

Tsarist times
cognac of this brand was served at the table of Emperor Nicholas II.

The price for 0.7 liters is about 1200 rubles.

This brand deserves the title of the most popular tequila in the world. The drink is made from the juice of the blue agave cactus, at least 7 years old.

Thanks to the age-old technology of preparation, the taste is mild and the aroma is rich.

The price for 0.7 liters is about 1500 rubles.

bombey saphire
Made from a variety of herbs, roots, berries and spices according to a 1761 recipe. Real English gin - Bombey saphire has a rich aroma and a mild but tart taste.

Complements the excellent taste qualities of a stylish bottle made of blue glass, the color of sapphire.

Based on this drink, there are many cocktails. But, real connoisseurs drink it in its purest form.

The price for 0.5 liters is about 1800 rubles.

Gin Bombey saphire is somewhat more expensive than the previous representatives. But, a lover of this drink for 5+ will appreciate such a gift even with a volume of 0.5 liters.

Whiskey: who will like it and which one to choose

It is worth giving whiskey to those bosses who prefer strong and rich drinks. All single malts fall into this category. It is better to exclude grain drinks from sight, as their quality is an order of magnitude lower.

Blended whiskey deserves special attention. All of them are a mixture of blends, which also affects the taste. Each whiskey in this category is unique and has a very bright and recognizable aroma. If you're unsure of your boss's tastes, it's best to play it safe and stick with single malts.

We are ready to vouch for:

  • Macallan Gold.
    The taste of this drink will give notes of caramel, citrus and hints of cinnamon and ginger. Long aging in sherry casks has also taken its toll on the whiskey, giving it a pleasant honey hue;
  • Laphroaig 10 Y.O.
    This is the legendary whiskey that is produced in the southern part of Islay. The complex flavor bouquet of this drink is famous all over the world.

Whiskey tasting set

For beginners who are just entering a world filled with a variety of different brands of this alcohol, it is very difficult to decide on the choice of your favorite variety.

And there are just a huge number of them!

Fortunately, you can immediately buy a set of small bottles of whiskey, which is specially designed for tasting. There is information about the sequence, following which you can experience the beauty of the content.

For maximum convenience, all tanks are signed, and you can read about the features of production and the history of the appearance of each brand separately.

Rum for connoisseurs of tradition

This alcohol option will appeal to those bosses who love the unequivocal pronounced taste characteristic of rum and bourbon.

When choosing rum, remember that the best drinks in this class are produced in Cuba, Guadeloupe, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. Among all options(white, gold and dark) it is better to give preference to dark rum, as its exposure exceeds 5 years.

Good options would be:

  • Carta Vieja Anejo aged 6 years.
    It will appeal to fans of soft fruity notes;
  • Rum Hispaniola 5 years old.
    This is the famous Dominican rum, which has a mild taste due to a complex filtration system during production.

In order for the gift to become really valuable for your boss, do not be lazy and spend time studying the features of each alcohol you like. In the WineStreet catalogs

every drink has detailed description flavor that will help you make a really good choice!

As you know, choosing a gift is often a rather difficult problem for many people. However, do not neglect alcoholic beverages, especially if you are supposed to make New Year's gifts with alcohol to a man, a woman, but it doesn’t matter. Such a present can not only decorate the table, but also emphasize the importance of the solemn moment, and to some extent even become a special sign of attention when choosing an expensive drink that is not consumed every day.

Gift liquor for holidays and events

For bosses

Price. Alcohol for the bosses should be expensive and elite, no options.

How to give. Alone, best of all - in the boss's office (unless it's a gift from the whole team).

For bosses

For a birthday

Drink. What the birthday boy loves. If the hero of the occasion is not indifferent to beer, it is advisable to find an original or rare variety for him. The same goes for wine or any other alcohol.

Price. Middle price segment.

How to give. With a greeting card and complete with a set of glasses. For a birthday, it is not customary to give only a bottle “without anything”, at least a symbolic gift should be attached to it.

Drink. Vintage sparkling (preferred) or still (in extreme cases) wine.

Price. High. Alcohol for an anniversary should be expensive, better - very expensive and generally exclusive. A special chic is to find the wine of the vintage of the year when the celebrated event took place (birthday, wedding, etc.).

How to give. In a luxurious basket with flowers, sweets, fruits. In a solemn atmosphere and with a full crowd of people.

for housewarming

Drink. Sparkling wine - not necessarily champagne, prosecco, cava or cremant are fine. Still wine - for example, Italian or Chilean. You can also present a package of craft beer to the owners of the house, or complement the gift with original glasses or a set of glasses.

Price. Not particularly important (especially if a late guest presents a gift when the party is already in full swing), but the gift should look good, so all other things being equal, it is better to give preference to wine in an unusual bottle, additionally tying a bow on it. Most likely, the gift will be immediately opened and offered to drink all together, so here you should focus on your taste too.

How to give. Immediately, just crossed the threshold, with guests.

This is more of a European tradition, in Russia it is not yet customary to solemnly see off a colleague on vacation, presenting him with a bottle of wine.

Drink. Seasonal beer, good but affordable table wine.

Price. Medium, closer to low. It is rather a symbolic gift to mark the beginning of the holiday.

How to give. It doesn't matter: in a bag, in a basket, "without anything." It is customary to give seasonal beer in packs of 4-8 pieces. You can immediately add a light snack to it: cheeses, herbs, seasonal fruits and vegetables.

beer bouquet

What alcohol to choose as a gift

In general, if you choose good alcohol as a gift, you need to distinguish between the moments to whom exactly such a surprise will be presented.

It is well known that it is better for a man to give a strong drink, say, whiskey or expensive cognac. It is better for a woman to present something from the field of collection wines or liquors.

But it all depends on tastes. You never know, maybe a woman is not prone to drinking fortified drinks? It turns out that your gift will surely remain on the table, in extreme cases, it will be distributed to all the guests.

On the other hand, New Year's Gift Baskets may contain not only the drink itself, but also related attributes. For example, it has long been known that vodka is sold with glasses, cognac - with the corresponding glasses, etc.

Glasses / glasses

At first glance, it may seem that alcohol can be drunk from any dish that is not flat, but whiskey connoisseurs would look at such a person as a blasphemer.

Moreover, the smell of the drink depends on the shape of the glass. Yes, yes, you heard right!

There are many glasses, but the most common are ordinary (cylindrical) and expanding to the bottom.


perfect for slowly sipping this amber drink with ice cubes, and
- for drinking in its pure form.

The composition of the crystal used to cast this dish should not contain lead compounds, so carefully study the composition of the product.

Alcohol as a gift to a man

You can give alcohol to a man as a present. At the same time, it is worth considering not only the question itself, what alcohol will be as a gift to a man, but also pay attention to related attributes. Why not present a cigar to a man when giving whiskey or excellent cognac? But drinks of this type suggest that a man can simply fall apart in an armchair and feel like a sort of "boss". Incidentally, such Christmas sets already suggest the presence of all the components that are so valued by the representatives of the strong half of humanity.

What types of alcohol are usually given to men

The first rule for choosing alcohol for a gift is that men should be given strong drinks, women - lighter ones (although sometimes you can deviate from this recommendation). But in any case, it should be expensive elite alcohol. But as for the type of drink as a gift, here the choice is quite wide.

National alcoholic drink. This option is always a pleasant surprise from a foreigner or a person who has returned from a trip. But again, one should take into account the fact that it should not be just a national drink, but a premium product, and it is better if it is a gift option in exquisite packaging made from natural materials.

Alcohol as a gift to a woman

With women, the situation is somewhat more complicated, because it is very difficult for them to choose good alcohol as a gift. The fact that the representatives of the weaker sex prefer weak drinks (for the most part) does not mean anything. Many women and girls may also prefer strong drinks. At the same time, even if it is supposed to present gift sets of alcohol to a woman or women, most likely the attention will be focused not on the drink itself, but, say, on the packaging, related details or signs of attention.

Today, fortunately, New Year's sets are just full of everything that women and ladies love so much. different ages. It is enough just to wrap an ordinary bottle of champagne or sparkling wine in the New Year's rain, as the effect will not keep you waiting. By the way, it is worth noting that a good set today is not so expensive.

Women's gift with alcohol

Drink. Champagne, wine, sweet liquor, martini, Baileys. If the tastes of the hero of the occasion are precisely known - any strong alcohol that she likes, even vodka. Can be presented gift Certificate to a wine boutique.

Price. Average. What is important is not the actual cost, but the thoughtfulness of the presentation and the attractiveness of the container (packaging).

How to give. Like any other gift, according to the situation.

Women's version

Gift sets of alcohol

As for how to choose alcohol as a gift for a woman or a man, special attention should be paid to gift sets. However, not always a person can pay attention to the cost of content. New Year's gift sets, even if they contain a not very expensive drink, can play the role of just a sign of attention.

But what you should not do is to choose too catchy packaging, which can attract excessively strong attention. But what will happen? In fact, the usual emptiness will be hidden behind a beautiful cover.

So what a gift to a woman, what good gift a man that New Year's sets of strong drinks and not so, should be, so to speak, balanced so that all components only complement one another.

Liqueur Jägermeister

This drink can be given the title of "The most brutal liquor." Made in Germany, the drink was supposed to be like alcohol for hunters. But, it has received a special distribution among rock musicians and club parties.

The secret of cooking "Huntsman" is carefully hidden. It is only known that it consists of 56 ingredients. The bittersweet herbal liqueur is best enjoyed iced. This makes it thicker and easier to drink.

The price for 0.7 liters is about 1100 rubles.

Your AlcoHacker

Gift Ideas for 2019 "Dogs"

Exist various ideas gifts: for example, a bottle of cognac in the form of a dog or a tip for alcohol in the form of a dog, all these gifts will be a good symbol of the coming year.

Alcohol stand in the form of a dog made of copper

Stand for alcohol in the form of a dog made of wood

Today, more and more questions began to appear about: what kind of alcohol can be presented as a gift to a respectable man? And this is absolutely not surprising, since it is alcohol that is included in the original gift. Naturally, you first need to find out the preferences of the person to whom you decide to give expensive alcohol. And yet, what should you focus on and what kind of alcohol for a gift is better to choose? In this article, we will try to understand these issues.

Making a choice:

Ice molds

Silicone products from stock stores will definitely not work. Molds should match the whiskey itself - original, interesting and elegant, with a stylish design and composition that is safe for health.

It is with such ice that the amber color will play with its tints and reflections, allowing you to enjoy this process in full.

On the market you can find unusual molds in the form of small glasses.

The drink is immediately cooled, and the dishes do not need to be washed. The only negative is that whiskey will have to be drunk in shots, and not everyone appreciates this approach.

It is customary to serve bourbon and blended whiskey with ice, thus reducing the strength of the drink and revealing all its taste.

Important Points

Naturally, with a great desire, you can add your drinks that you like to the ranks of this list. But we hope that these bright representatives of alcohol will help you specifically save money and time. Especially if on the eve of the new year or birthday, and you have not yet prepared presents as alcohol to your friends. Every year, the spirits market expands, so you need to check new products in this segment every time.

  • When choosing such products, it is better to buy expensive goods such as:. As stated above, stronger sex it is better to buy strong cognacs, vodka and whiskey.
  • And it is better for women to give martinis, red wine and champagne. But of course, you don’t need to get hung up completely on such stereotypes, since some girls like to drink and be stronger.
  • Alcohol, as a rule, is given according to the preferences of the gifted person. Who likes hot and strong buy vodka, cognac and whiskey, and who prefers weaker wine, liquor or martini.
  • In Russia, the most common alcohol is vodka. But the most interesting thing is that most often on holidays they give not just her. Vodka is best suited as a present to a foreigner. But we must not forget that it must be acquired in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

An alcoholic drink should be chosen first of all, based on certain criteria. It all depends on the status of the person, the symbolism and on what holiday you decide to present such a gift. It is worth noting that just presenting a bottle as a gift is not decent; you need to arrange it, for example, if you are going to give a woman wine, you definitely need to arrange it with an expensive box of chocolates.

It is very important to talk about the drink that you will present as a gift, especially if it is presented to a man. If the drink is good, then you need to tell about it: original features, the story of its birth, social appreciation, character and traits.

It is important to realize that you are giving a drink not for its possible use, but as a kind of association in which you will express your respect, support and sympathy for this man (woman).

whiskey recipe book

Did you think that at home you can only make moonshine, wine and craft beer?

Then we hasten to convince you - as soon as a professional reveals all the secrets and features of whiskey, he will eventually want to add something of his own to the drink, sharing his discoveries with friends and colleagues.

Distillation of alcohol according to old recipes allows you to follow the whole process with your eyes, olfactory and taste buds.

If you strictly follow the instructions, you can get drinks that are very similar to the classic originals, but no one has yet canceled experiments with the composition!

Wine as a gift. Present with a degree

The main thing is not to forget that alcohol should be of high quality. The cost of a gift depends on the wallet, but you should not give expensive, elite alcohol to people who do not understand it. In this case, it is better to stop at the average price of a bottle.

For young people, fresh, light, invigorating drinks are suitable. Therefore, on romantic dinner or, as an addition to the gift, bring champagne, white or rosé wine with you.

If you don’t know for sure which wine your lady prefers white or red, then stop at dry red, and a bottle of good, sparkling wine will always be in place. Add an appropriate appetizer to fine wine. Let it be carpaccio or delicious cheese. Even gift coasters can be a gift if they are well designed and presented along with wine.

Moms and grandmothers prefer sweet wines - a habit from Soviet times. Cahors, sherry, red semi-sweet wine, liquor are suitable for them. A bottle of herbal balm (for health) will not be superfluous. Although it is not customary to eat sweet alcohol, you can’t change your women anymore. Therefore, add to the bottle: chocolate, cake or fruit.

If you give dad a keg of beer, then this will be an occasion for him to get together with old friends. Cognac, good port wine or whiskey will also not disappoint your men.

A classic bar should consist of 12 bottles. Start giving your man a bottle of good alcohol for every holiday, and bad habit become a stylish hobby.

1. Gin 2. Rum 3. Tequila 4. Bourbon 5. Whiskey 6. Absinthe 7. Dry vermouth 8. Sweet vermouth 9. Cognac 10. Cachaça (Brazilian vodka) 11. Liqueur 12. Quality vodka

But, if you do not want to give alcohol, then there are many interesting items which can be a great gift.

Trendy Corkscrew Ice Bucket Shaker Interesting Ice Molds Mixing Guide for Alcoholic Cocktails Wine Aerator Decanter (Wine Decanter) Party Fountain Champagne and Sparkling Wine Bottle Attachment Bottle Air Pump Set of Glasses Bottle Stand Beer Candle (smell) beer when lit) Beer carrier Beer helmet with holders Beer glasses Beer bandolier Beer mug tie

Whatever gift you choose, let it bring joy and leave behind a pleasant aftertaste and joyful mood.

How to avoid mistakes?

Making a gift memorable and appreciated is easy. There are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • the cost of the drink - you can’t give cheap alcohol, even if the label is attractive and bright, on the contrary, many serious producers pour the product into modest containers in order to emphasize the importance of the content;
  • quality - so, expiration date, exposure, density, the presence of sediment become the main criteria for choosing;
  • label - after carefully reading the inscriptions, you can find out the region of production, age, composition and much more;
  • store - only specialized outlets provide proper storage conditions, conclude contracts with well-known brands - here you can buy an original product.

Before you give alcohol, you need to remember the rules of storage - before handing the bottle should be stored in a cool room, away from direct sunlight.


Another option for a good present for a man is high-quality and expensive whiskey, which is rightfully considered one of the most noble and titled drinks. The choice of product is huge, the purchase should be approached consciously, having studied the brand and variety before purchasing:

  • single malt whiskey will appeal to admirers of traditions and lovers of the classics;
  • blended drink will appeal to those who appreciate originality and love the new;
  • you need to buy products made by Scottish or Irish companies.

There are dozens of world-famous companies offering decent strong alcohol. If the preferences of the gifted person are unknown, it is better to buy something from this particular series. For true professionals and connoisseurs of whiskey, premium drinks will suit, and do not be afraid to purchase what a person already has in a bar - this is the advantage of high-quality alcohol - it will always be a great addition to the existing collection.

Blended whiskey

This is the most popular type of tape in the world. It is made by mixing two components, malt and grain. The result is a drink with a traditional slightly iodine flavor.

  • Standard Blend. The most economical option, which is sold in most Russian stores.
  • De Luxe Blend. Has an exposure of at least 12 years. The famous Chivas Regal belongs to this category.
  • Premium Blend. The most expensive and sophisticated look.

Scotch tape of the De Luxe Blend category can be presented in honor of an anniversary or other solemn occasion (for example, if a person has received a new position). Also, this option is suitable for those who do not know what whiskey to give to the boss. The drink will have an interesting flavor that appears due to the long exposure of the drink.

Premium Blend is a gift for the elite. Often this whiskey is produced in bottles with an exclusive design and limited edition. The drink is very expensive, so it is given on special occasions and to people with the appropriate status.

What else to give from alcohol?

And what about liqueurs, balms? Here you need to take into account the age, social status and personal preferences of the person. So, the Riga balm may appeal to a lady of respectable age, and the German Jägermeister - for a man of the same age. age category. Any present becomes an expression of your attitude towards a person and a reflection of his social status and tastes.

Deeply believing people, as well as on the occasion of church holidays, it is customary to give Cahors, but young girls, lovers of sweets and delicious cocktails, will certainly appreciate Baileys or Sheridan liqueurs.

How to make a gift?

High-quality alcohol is good in itself and does not need additional accompaniment or decoration - expensive cognac, for example, deserves to be presented without packaging. However, there are situations in which the presence of packaging is highly desirable. In this case, you can advise as the most simple options- specialized design packages and boxes, as well as creative design.

As for accessories and snacks, you need to remember that sweets are not given with any alcoholic drink, this has long been considered a sign of bad taste. A companion for alcohol can be a fruit basket, good coffee (especially with whiskey), a cigar. Together with liqueurs, you can present a shaker for mixing cocktails and a book with recipes for their preparation.

Whiskey Scotch

In Scotland, whiskey is made from malted barley. It is dried well on peat charcoal. The resulting mash is distilled twice, as a result, the whiskey acquires a brightly enchanted tart aroma, and in some cases a smoky flavor. Different producers within the same country can make completely different Scotch single malts.

Excellent firms of Scotch whiskey are:

Scotch whiskey 2007, 2009 and 2013, recognized as the best in the world.

How and with what to present alcohol

In addition to the gift itself, you can attach various little things related to the drink, which will make it much more pleasant:

  • Without exception, all drinks can be presented with a container for drinking them - just make sure that the glasses you choose are suitable for the drink.
  • The French say that good cognac goes best with coffee and a cigar. By the way, you can give a cigar along with bourbon.
  • If you are puzzling over how to decorate your present, you should pay attention to gift sets from well-known alcohol brands.

We hope this article will make your choice easier and help you make a great surprise!

Cold arctic freshness

Scotch is best drunk cold. donated ice molds will be the highlight of any holiday. In this case, I chose the option for those who love the sky and rotorcraft.

By the way, some of the propellers are similar to those used on ships and submarines.

So the gift is also suitable for lovers of maritime transport.

Whiskey is also used to cool down. stainless steel cubes that can be given to any drinks.

What is served with whiskey? Water, ice, soda, lemon, fruits, chocolate, seafood, meat and vegetable dishes.

Whiskey is sold in original bottles. Very often, after the destruction of the contents, it is a pity to throw away the bottle, especially if it has an unusual triangular shape. There is an exit. Gift a glowing cork with whiskey. Do not throw away bottles of champagne, wine, it is better to turn them into a designer lamp.

Don't forget to give gifts sincere words with wishes on beautiful postcards!

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Many historians believe that people began to grow crops in order to make alcohol - even then they knew about its miraculous ability to relieve stress and fatigue.

And to this day we use alcoholic beverages for these purposes, except that their variety has become much larger. However, alcohol is also a wonderful gift for all occasions.

The main advantage of such a gift is that it will suit almost everyone: according to statistics, only 30% of the population do not drink alcohol (at the same time, among people under 24 this percentage is 23%).

Many people wonder: is it legal to give alcohol? The answer is yes. It is only illegal to sell alcohol without proper permits.

In this article we will talk about all the intricacies of "hot" presents, as well as how to choose them.

How to present whiskey in an original way?

To make a real splash with your gift, you should give whiskey in an original way. This can be done by ordering a special wooden box for a bottle with a name inscription.

If you can handle this task, make it yourself according to the size of the bottle. If it is difficult to do it yourself, contact the workshop. Such a box, made to order, will cost 500 rubles.

You can order an engraving on the bottle itself. Masters will carve an inscription directly on the glass according to your desire.

The original packaging for whiskey to your beloved man will be a bag from the sleeve men's shirts and a tie. A tie can be used as an additional gift. Cut off the sleeve of the shirt along with the cuff. Cut it to the height of the bottle, leaving the cuff intact. Sew. At the cuff, you can change the button so that when fastened, it fits more tightly around the bottle neck. Place the whiskey in the bag. Attach a tie to the sleeve as you would a regular shirt. Original gift ready! This packaging is perfect for blended whiskey. They are most often sold without packaging.

Original bottle packaging

Remember that alcohol is a special gift. Sometimes it can offend a person. You should not give it to teetotalers or supporters of the right lifestyle, as well as lovers of drinking without measure.

While studying the material - listen to good music - press Play =)

Somehow we have already studied some facts about whiskey, today we will talk about what you can give a whiskey connoisseur ...

In Russia, it is customary to celebrate many celebrations with the use of alcohol. Some people love only the classics, others are interested in conducting various experiments with alcohol, and still others prefer only whiskey. Consider some gifts for whiskey lovers.

What is whiskey used for

To truly enjoy the taste and aroma of the drink, it is best to drink it from a whiskey glass.

Present a special glass with a fun name along with a high-quality liquor "Scale of excellent mood".

cup "Truth in Whiskey".

Now the birthday boy can feel like a real lord or some other representative of foggy Albion.

An additional positive aspect of our presentation will also be engraving on glass. Just imagine: the gifted person will remember you when he consumes the next portion of the invigorating drink, which he will get from the original bottle holder which you also gave.

Oh, I remembered another necessary attribute for drinking whiskey.

Aged sweet aftertaste

It turns out that our preferences when choosing alcohol can tell about our disposition. Whiskey loves a passionate and self-confident person. Cognac, on the contrary, is preferred by those who need warmth and affection.

Advantages of this option of an additional presentation:

  1. you can make a personal inscription on the package;
  2. chocolate bar with creative design(with speedometers) will be the most unique and unforgettable sweet gift for a man;
  3. men love personalized gifts, they increase self-esteem;
  4. can be used without whiskey.

An older man who has not yet become the owner of his own car, but is already old enough to drink whiskey, can be presented with fruit marmalade with a colorful congratulation on the wrapper for graduation. Yes! Not everyone likes the taste of dark chocolate.

For example, union. Consists of ingredients such as:

  • liquid honey (teaspoon);
  • whiskey (25 milliliters);
  • lemon juice (10 milliliters).

You can find other cocktail options. Best Recipes write on a card and hand it to the hero of the occasion along with whiskey.

In the meantime, we'll talk about dishes. Each drink has its own dishes and whiskey too.


Quite a popular drink in Russia now. Associated not only and not so much with hot Mexico and ancient Indian pyramids, sambrero and hot coballeros, but with trendy top clubs and friendly parties. Such a gift will suit an avid party-goer or just a fan of this unusual drink in its own way.

There are “silver” or “white” tequila with an aging of no more than two months, “golden” - a drink slightly tinted with sugar color with an aging of three months up to a year, "old", having up to three years excerpts and "Extra-seasoned" - everything from above.

Choosing alcohol

Traditionally, elite strong alcohol is presented to men as a gift, but it would be quite normal to give a man a bottle of good wine or - it all depends on the preferences of the hero of the occasion. Women are mainly given sweet and semi-sweet wines, as well as liquors.


The most popular "gift" drink is. However, few people know that the name "cognac" is applicable only to drinks made in France, in the Charente region. Everything else is brandy.

However, few people pay attention to such trifles - such "cognacs" can also be very good.

When choosing cognac, you should pay attention to the composition: cognac spirit is used in the production of real cognac and no flavorings are used. The place of manufacture must match the place of spill, and the drink itself must not contain sediment.

The easiest way to turn to reputation famous brands: Hennessy, Martell, Remy Martin, Courvoisier, etc. However, when buying products of these brands, you should also be careful - they often become objects of forgery.

Pay attention to the bottle and label, and avoid buying such alcohol in questionable places.


The second most common alcohol given to men is whiskey. Whiskey is malt, grain, mixed and corn (bourbon).

It is better to give preference to blended whiskey, but if you choose a gift for a person experienced in this drink, then you can try your luck with single malt, the taste of which is not clear to everyone.

Blended whiskey is the most common, so the assortment of it in any store will be wider.

It is worth paying attention to well-known brands: Jameson, Jim Beam, Ballantine`s, White Horse, Jack Daniels, Chivas Regal, etc. beware of fakes - well-known brands of whiskey are faked even more often than cognac. Jack Daniels is especially often counterfeited because of its popularity among the people.


A bottle of good vodka will also be a good surprise - it usually costs less than cognac or whiskey, it is not inferior in quality, and vodka of famous brands is faked much less often than cognac or whiskey.

By the way, vodka can be very different - in addition to the well-known wheat vodka, there is also rice vodka (sake), grape vodka (grappa), rye vodka (starka) and even the famous “black vodka” from The Original Black Vodka Company. Add visual control to your glasses.


Everyone knows this alcohol, but it is used very, very rarely as a gift. If you want to give someone a beer for dr (birthday) or any other holiday - it must be a very special beer.

There is a special kind of beer, the barley for which was grown in zero gravity - Space Barley.

Recreating ancient Egyptian recipes made it possible to brew the beer that the Egyptians drank two thousand years ago. Beer is produced under the brand name "Tutankhamun Ale".

Some European breweries produce beer with a strength of 40, 60 and even 70 degrees. These drinks are knocked down not only by their strength - for just 0.33 liters you will have to pay a pretty tidy sum.


Wine as a gift is suitable for both men and women. If you are not very good at wines, ask a sommelier for help. Representatives of this noble profession, as a rule, are in any normal wine store.

According to popular belief, men prefer red, dry wines, while women prefer sweet, sparkling ones. However, the actual preferences of a particular person can be very different.

A bottle of wine can be easily personalized - the shape of a wine bottle allows you to stick any print on it. This is an original way to present a relatively cheap wine if you do not have enough money for an expensive one.


This type of drink is usually presented as a gift to women, however, there are liqueurs that can be presented to men as well (Becherovka, Riga Balsam, Cointreau, etc.)

Women are mostly given sweet liqueurs - Baileys, Amaretto, Sambuca and others.


Yes, yes, men also love liquors. Why not? Wonderful drinks, pleasing with thick tart sweetness, giving associations with warmth and comfort. The so-called "male" liqueurs include drinks with a strength of more than 20%. If a guy has a sweet tooth, then he will undoubtedly like such famous brands as:

  • Jägermeister - a German-made liquor with a strength of 35%. Its taste is grassy, ​​woody notes are possible. Drink ice and in one gulp.
  • Grand Marnier Cuvée du Centenaire Orange is a tart, "serious", definitely masculine cognac-based forty-degree liqueur with the addition of green Caribbean oranges.
  • Grand Marnier Cuvée du Cent Cinquantenaire is a forty-degree three-year-old liqueur based on elite cognac with hints of tropical fruits.
  • Chai Liqueur from Dancing Pines Distillery - a drink made on the basis of tea and special spices has a spicy, unlike anything, noble taste. Fortress 30 degrees.
  • Sovrano Limoncello is a fruit liqueur with a pronounced lemon flavor and aroma. Drink very chilled. Has "only" 28 degrees.

Of course, not all options for alcoholic gifts are listed above - only basic ideas. No less important than the choice of alcohol itself is the desire to please your loved one, give him a holiday and the feeling that the present was chosen with care, love and attention to his taste.

If you decide to give an alcoholic drink, you need to consider that there are several points in this matter that should not be missed. Alcohol is one of better ways introduce the gifted person to drinks that he has never tried or cannot buy for any reason. But it is also a present that offers to become closer to those to whom it is given - an occasion for acquaintance, closer communication, both in business and in the personal sphere. One of the main aspects is the cost, it is important to choose a product in the middle price category and above.

They give alcohol only in person, you can’t send bottles by courier, send them by mail, the exception is extreme cases when it’s really not possible to attend the celebration, in this case the gift is accompanied by explanations. It is strictly forbidden to insist that the drink be opened at the feast and immediately tasted. It is quite possible that a person has his own plans for a gift, and he has every right to do so. You should not give alcoholic drinks to those who are an ardent opponent of their consumption, as well as to people with certain diseases (it is better to find out about this in advance), or you should not worry if in the future the present will be transferred or simply take its place in the home collection that serves to display and entertain guests.

Whiskey Irish

The Irish have an old traditional way of making a strong drink. They obtain malt by processing rye grain. The resulting composition is dried, but in no case smoked. The fermented wort is distilled only three times. Maybe that's why Irish whiskey has such a nice creamy flavor.

On the market you can choose inexpensive whiskey from the following manufacturers:

  • - Bushmills;
  • - Tullamore;
  • - Jameson;
  • - Cooley.

How long should whiskey be aged?

Only after many years of aging in fragrant barrels, whiskey acquires a characteristic delicate aroma and a beautiful amber color.

ATTENTION! Usually, each bottle of whiskey has an aging period, and the longer it is, the tastier the drink.

When buying alcohol, choose whiskey as a gift with a 10-year aging period. This is the best option for high-quality elite varieties of alcohol. Below we will look at which whiskey companies produce whiskey and their characteristics.

Birthday without alcohol

Do not think that alcohol will be appropriate for everyone holiday tables and will delight any birthday person. There are points to consider when deciding whether to buy alcohol or not:

  • Religion. It is unlikely that a Muslim or Mormon will be delighted with a bottle of expensive cognac. A Buddhist can also not drink alcohol, although in this religion everything is not so strict with this;
  • Beliefs. Some people are teetotalers. Even on their name day, they are indifferent to intoxication, and will enjoy the holiday without it;
  • Health status. If a person has recently undergone surgery or simply has poor health, then alcohol will not be the best gift. It is likely that the birthday boy wants to drink elite rum or whiskey, but then he will feel bad. It is better not to tempt him once again and give something else.

Knowing the basic rules for choosing alcohol, you can earn sincere gratitude from the birthday man who received a bottle of your favorite cheerful drink. In addition, alcohol should be attributed to universal types of gifts. After all, almost everyone uses it, and if the cost of the bottle is high, then its contents will be drunk with maximum pleasure.

In this video, Elena Voronina will show what alcoholic drinks you can decorate the festive table with:

What, to whom and when

As you already understood, just giving good alcohol, regardless of some other factors, is wrong.

Here, for example, what elite alcohol to choose for? Of course, good: Martel, Napoleon, Hennessy and so on. Need to make a present to a person of high status? Give some exclusive alcohol.

You can order cognac of many years of aging, poured into a bottle, which was blown by hand. This bottle can be placed in a package that the best have worked on.

Of course, such a gift will cost a lot. That is why it is very important that the person who gets it can appreciate it.

Deciding to give alcohol as a gift elegant woman, opt for fine liqueurs such as Vana Tallinn, Sherry Brandy, Amaretto, Baileys and more. The main thing is that it should be dessert or creamy, but not strong.

A young guy will gladly accept a gift of rum (Bacardi, Captain Morgan, Havana Club), brandy, whiskey (Red Label, White Horse, Jack Daniels). And in general, guys, as a rule, prefer to receive unusual alcohol as a gift.

When you need to please a groovy party girl, choose her champagne or wine. Some girls prefer something hot, like whiskey.

It is better to protect from a high degree, of course, if we are not talking about a man of high status. Older people value tradition and quality. They want a quality product.

Do you want to present good alcohol as a gift to an elderly man? Pick up some elite cognac. An elderly lady, most likely, will be delighted with a present in the form of a bottle of weak wine or the same Riga Balsam.

When you need to present something to an ordinary guy, for example, for his birthday, then you should give preference to a keg of beer. And if you want to please, you should pick up good vodka.

The housewife will gladly accept liquor (Baileys, Sheridans, Malibu), and the owner of his own home bar - an exclusive drink brought from an exotic country.

And, of course, if you plan to please a foreigner with alcohol, then it is better to present a national drink as a gift.

bourbon american

This drink consists of grains of corn, barley, rye and wheat. There is no malt in this drink, millet is simply ground and fermented. To speed up the maturation process, Americans use barrels with charred walls inside. Due to such walls, bourbon ripens in just a couple of years. After aging, alcohol develops a deep and characteristic sweetish aroma.

Common brands of American bourbon:

  • - Jim Beam
  • - Jack Gniels.

Which whiskey is better to choose as a gift is up to you.

IMPORTANT! At the last company, filters from sugar maple are used in production. The result is a pleasant plum flavor.

If you decide to choose a good whiskey as a gift, we advise you to start with this brand. Jack Daniels has a sweet and rich aroma.

Design methods

In addition to knowing what kind of alcohol to give, you should also take care of the design. Here, for example, how to pack alcohol as a gift? Again, if we are talking about some expensive cognac or whiskey, then in most cases it is not necessary to pack it at all.

But the packaging will not spoil a bottle of wine. To do this, you can use special paper or a cover. If the bottle is given to a friend or girlfriend, you can put it in a beautiful striped sock - a very cute decoration for alcohol as a gift. Alternatively, you can use a box for packaging. Here are some options.


This type of alcoholic beverage is given, as a rule, on special occasions, such as weddings or birthdays. Here, as in the case of cognac, it is best to give preference to products made in France. It is in the homeland of champagne that the most delicious, high-quality alcohol is born, which is not a shame to present. It is important to distinguish classic champagne from sparkling wine, only the variety that is produced in the Champagne region has every right to bear such a big name. However, among sparkling wines there are a lot of really worthy options that offer:

  • Spain (Cava);
  • Italy (Asti, Proseco);
  • Germany;
  • Chile and Argentina.

As for the variety, on the shelves you can find sweet, semi-sweet options, dry and brut, it is the latter type that is considered a real classic. The cost of drinks depends on the manufacturer, the presented bouquet, is practically unlimited - you can choose the right option for wealthy man, to a premium collection, as some varieties cost tens and even hundreds of thousands.

Male teachers have a huge responsibility for the younger generation and an unbearable burden in connection with the upcoming women's day. February 23 - important holiday when a powerful congratulation can give strength to bring the year in your mind and good health. You can give a thing or impressions - the main thing is that the gift should not be a soulless set from the "if only it were" catalog. We announce the entire list.

  • Joint trip on a one-day tour. Choose neighborhoods where you can have a good time.
  • Bowling alley. Suitable entertainment for fun and active teachers who can ignite as well as their students.
  • Paintball is another entertainment that will delight both the teacher and the students, and sometimes the teaching staff. If you get on the battlefield, try not to shout "Hurrah!" while sitting in ambush.
  • Extreme buggy riding. Ukatayka is designed for drivers with any skills, including zero and even negative ones, so for married teachers, pay for a trip for two.
  • Karting is good for company. If the school has more than two male teachers with suitable skills, a race can be arranged. Who knows who will take it, but it will be interesting for sure.
  • Flight over the city hot-air balloon. The basket fits up to 5 people. If one of them is a geographer, an exciting excursion is guaranteed for the rest.
  • For an older teacher, you can pay for a trip to a beautiful place where you can take a break before the fourth quarter. Salaries for workers in the field of education (and many other areas) do not allow you to think about the simple joys of life, so the teacher will be happy with such a gift.
  • Not enough money for expensive gifts? Present a joint trip to the theater - this, of course, is more modest than flying on a balloon, but much more eloquent. The teacher will understand that his efforts have not completely gone into the sand. Some of the rational, kind, eternal lingered in the heads of grateful students.
  • A trouser belt is a gift needed in everyday life. And useful in educational, if you accompany it with a note about the inevitability of punishment of delinquent individuals. He knows all of them very well, don't worry.
  • Name T-shirt with a literary, scientific, historical or sports print. You need to choose, emphasize, take it to knowledgeable people who will transfer your fantasies to a cotton T-shirt that is pleasant to the body.
  • Automobile gloves for motorists. These are things with rivets and half open fingers. If the teacher has a car, then he will be sincerely happy with gloves.
  • The automotive theme is generally successful, since investments can be from minimal up to Ferrari California. If your sum is closer to the average price range, we advise you to start with a good set of car cosmetics. Do you think that this is incompatible with the high rank of a teacher? Only low wages are incompatible with this title, so choose really good things.
  • An autocompressor is another good find that any motorist will be delighted with.
  • Trunk organizer.
  • Keychain with radio search function is a hit for all the scattered ones. If your teacher is from this category, feel free to give this useful and life-changing thing. He will definitely be delighted, will thank you for a long time and shake hands. Of course, he will lose it when the batteries run out, but the key fob will serve him for some time.
  • Seat Covers. When choosing this accessory, ask for advice from real drivers, and not the opinion of a female team with no driving experience. Otherwise, instead of teaching, the teacher will have to take care of the children from morning till night. faux fur impossible furry.
  • Find out what the teacher does in his free time (checking notebooks does not count). If you have a hobby, then you are in the kings. Make a certificate to buy a coveted item.
  • If the results of the investigation lead you to a dead end, and the hobby is not determined, do not despair. For car enthusiasts, a certificate to the Spare Parts and Other Useful Little Things store is always relevant.
  • A teacher is, as a rule, a reading representative of society, that is, an endangered species. Do not let a unique personality disappear from the face of the earth and give a certificate to a bookstore.
  • The teacher is probably diversified (unlike many of us), so music is not alien to him. You will be rescued by a certificate in the music lover's corner.
  • The certificate can be anywhere. To do this, you just need to draw it, stick an envelope on the back, invest money, disguise it with a cover and teach how to use the invention. It is appropriate to give money, do not hesitate. And it's not money at all, but a certificate!
  • A trip to the planetarium and observatory is a good, informative and sometimes scientific gift for both physicists and lyricists.
  • Alcohol is an evil that can be a good present if you choose something valuable. Evan Williams will do.

  • From non-alcoholic, you can advise a cake (check for cognac impregnation).
  • Edible gifts are generally good as they can be eaten together. Good memories will remain pleasant impressions.
  • Chocolate should be presented not only with tiles, but also in original forms generated in the head in moments of creativity. If there is such a service in the city, do not be lazy and order a personalized weapon for a male teacher. If he's a pacifist, order chocolate in the shape of a globe with "Peace-Peace!" written at the equator.
  • Surprise with your culinary talents and order sushi (before he sees). You can lay out a thematic inscription in rolls.
  • The fruit basket is absolutely perfect. To connect with the festive reality, put a card with a reminder of the holiday between the passionfruit and pineapple.
  • Edible gifts can be accompanied by awards, for example, the order "For courage and courage in the upbringing of the younger generation."
  • Medal "For good feeling humor."
  • Badge of honor "For salvation from illiteracy".
  • The diploma can be signed verbosely and from the heart with a mention of all the merits of the teacher from time immemorial.
  • Commemorative plaque commemorating current or future successes. If the teacher likes it, feel free to exaggerate.
  • Wish card. Men do not believe in this nonsense, but when he fills it out at your urgent request, you will understand what to give for the next holiday.
  • World map. Not just any, but for interior decoration. Geographers are valuable personnel for whom the choice of gifts is a pleasure.
  • In no case do not give playing cards - this can make a false impression, showing your bad inclinations. Show good and present chess.
  • Sunglasses with a wish to get to tropical countries as soon as possible.
  • To commemorate the victory of reason over common sense. This sentence must be learned by heart and saved until the handing over of socks and deodorant. We hope that you will add another gift to this joke.
  • For example, Rolex watches are very good present. Everyone will be happy with him, including supporters of the proverb about the happy, for whom watching the clock is disgusting by nature.

  • Missing a Rolex? It's a shame, of course, but it's not a problem. Buy a replica and attach an explanatory note that the money saved was sent to help Chinese counterfeit manufacturers who courageously fight against atheists and marauders from Switzerland. For them, it seems, even a million is no longer the price.
  • If the gift, in your opinion, is not good enough (there is no money, but you are holding on), accompany it with an explanation that in order to protect the interests of former Prime Minister Medvedev, you have switched to the strictest economy. If you never got out of this mode, honestly admit, so as not to be suspected of greed and God knows what else.
  • A physical education teacher is almost the same treasure as a geography teacher. Donate sports equipment in the form of dumbbells, balls, rackets, expanders, and anything else that might be on the shelves of sports stores.
  • If it’s hard to carry sports equipment, but you want to make a gift, give a subscription to the club. To a good club where this person, who knows firsthand about the sport, will be able to get real pleasure from his profession.
  • Physical education teachers can easily be suspected of adherence healthy lifestyle life. If the healthy lifestyle test is passed, donate a blender for healthy cocktails.
  • Gym bag and water bottle if your instructor doesn't drink or advise you.
  • If an athlete (or any other subject) turned out to be a sports fan, it is appropriate to donate accessories to your favorite team. Let him get sick dressed in all his uniform in a circle of friends and relatives who were not so far-sighted.
  • Table soccer. The gift is suitable for those who are not afraid to spend the rest of their lives near their home stadium. If the school is taught not only by a male teacher, but also by his wife, think twice, and then buy something else.
  • A notebook for an employee of the educational industry is an indispensable thing, on the pages of which he will draw faces while sitting at teachers' councils. If you put a collective photo of donors on the cover, then you can throw food for creativity.
  • The teacher of labor occupies an honorable third place after the geographer and the sportsman. If he has a dacha, give a rake. Not that it was an allusion to a well-known proverb (although it is). You're, frankly, that's another gift, and he had a lot of such surprises. The rake will remind you that they are not over for you.
  • There is no Trudovik who would not like to make anything with his own hands, so feel free to give a set of tools. In general, try to encourage and develop useful household skills. Useless ridicule is not necessary, because with inept ridicule they can be accidentally developed.
  • A magnetic bracelet will help a man tinker for hours without spending a single micron of his own nerves searching for a rolled screw. Everything that used to roll and fall into invisible cracks forever, he will be able to keep on the bracelet, wiping away tears of gratitude.
  • Teachers get so tired that it's amazing where they find the strength to go to work. While this phenomenon remains beyond the bounds of human understanding, therefore, it is necessary to maintain working capacity on a whim. Give the man a massager. This equipment is good because it can be used in the workplace.
  • There are also massage pillows. Buy and give in safe hands. The cervical spine, exhausted by teaching, will be very grateful to you.
  • In labor collectives, people know each other well, so everyone knows for sure who is the soul of the company at school and who started social events. Give a picnic lover a set of skewers. A very good gift that highlights a man's ability to cook delicious meals dangerously close to nature. If the soul of the company is exactly who he claims to be, you will probably go to this very nature soon.
  • If the skewers are in, on the next February 23 (or anniversary, or birthday, or Bastille Day - it's up to you) you can give a picnic set.
  • Happy with the set? This is what killed him. Further, a huge world of kitchen appliances opens before you, which cannot be re-gifted even in 300 years.
  • If a man is deprived of culinary talents, but full of enthusiasm (historians usually suffer from this), we dare to offer fondue as a starting equipment. An excellent pot where you need to crumble cheese, and then set fire to the burner. Everything! The historian immediately becomes the chef. In no case do not climb with advice on what and where to put. Let him get used to independence.
  • Figured corkscrew and a bottle of good wine. Give from the heart, because it is impossible to look at very good wines with a teacher's salary without tears.
  • Wine glasses are a gift from the same series.
  • If good wines do not fit with the image of a teacher, give a set for a non-alcoholic teacher. It can be a basket of all sorts of goodies. Beautiful design not prevent.
  • Expensive teas and coffees will suit almost anyone who starts the morning with caffeinated liquids. If the teacher falls into this sample, go to the themed shops for goods.

  • A teacher smokes - it's bad, he's not going to quit - even worse, you indulge it - it's quite a disaster that can be brightened up by giving expensive cigars or a humidor, or immediately cigars in a humidor. Although, of course, doctors do not recommend, and the Ministry of Health does not welcome.
  • Some teachers not only smoke, but also shave. Perhaps the fashion for lumberjacks will soon end, so a teacher who is not alien to anything human will be happy with a shaving machine.
  • If a beard is his everything, then give a set for the care of vegetation. He will thank and rub all sorts of lotions and oils into his jewelry.
  • A plate with a commemorative or instructive inscription. You can engrave on the surface of the exposure or even the entire story of A.P. Chekhov "A woman from the point of view of a drunkard." If the topic of alcohol is inappropriate, pick up other works that show that you are also familiar with some of the classic literature.
  • A glass in a glass holder for those who love beautiful antique items.
  • A warm blanket in pleasant colors that will warm and remind you that you are caring and attentive, and not just scattered and slow-witted.
  • Expensive cologne is not on a par with deodorant, so you can look for an interesting smell in a perfume store.
  • A cooler bag is an indispensable thing if a teacher has a company for outdoor activities. Even if the teacher is not drinking, he can cool the healthy drinks.
  • A geographer (what a profession!) You can give a compass. A chic thing that is still pleasant to hold in the world of navigation gadgets.

  • For lovers of nature and hiking, a tent will be an excellent gift.
  • The tourist theme can be developed endlessly, so take a look at backpacks, sleeping bags, camping chairs and other equipment for living surrounded by mosquitoes and other environmental troubles.
  • A beautiful knife with a blade of the allowed size is a welcome gift for almost any man. By female scale valuables is between the shoes and the handbag. Very useful with any number of knives available. Just choose a beautiful and multi-tasking, and not anyhow (remember that this is a handbag or shoes).
  • If a man belongs to the category “it’s better not to take risks and not be clever,” give business card holders, key holders and key rings that are familiar to the eye.
  • The player will appreciate anyone who can hear. Do not rely on your taste, ask the professionals what you can choose for a man with good musical taste.
  • Headphones. Have you seen a person who would not break this useful device at the most inopportune time? There are no such people and, apparently, never will be, and therefore turn over your left shoulder and go to the electronics store. You can turn back halfway, return home and order a gadget via the Internet.
  • Wireless speakers work well too, so look at the prices.
  • Powerbank for recharging everything that tends to be discharged. An indispensable thing, especially for those who unknowingly put it in their luggage instead of hand luggage. Never do this and warn the teacher.
  • A computer science teacher will be delighted with a wireless mouse and a comfortable keyboard.
  • The biologist is probably fond of plants, so feel free to give some kind of rarity. Care and proper disposition will divert his mind from the burdens and worries of teaching.
  • With chemists and physicists it is more difficult if you try to guess with a thematic gift. It is better to leave these attempts and give universal values. For example, a good perfume.
  • Or a coffee machine (there are options available).
  • Didn't find it? Give a glass for brewing, but be prepared to answer the question of a physicist, but how this thing works. Teachers cannot but teach, arranging control and other tricks in their free time.
  • Phone stand with charger. A useful gadget in any household, and even in a teacher's room it is simply irreplaceable.
  • A good engraved pen (only for fives). Write, underline and highlight.

Teacher - that sounds proud! Slogans say so directly, although reality hints at something else. Let's make all possible adjustments to an unfair situation by choosing the right gifts.

Good alcohol is a traditional gift to friends and colleagues on February 23rd. How to choose and effectively arrange a gift?

Cognac, whiskey or...

It is believed that men prefer strong alcohol, but this is just a stereotype. A good wine or a decent liquor will delight many of the stronger sex. So be guided solely by the taste of the addressee. It is better to clarify his preferences in advance, in a casual conversation.

If you can’t find out the preferences of a colleague, then go for whiskey or cognac. Classic strong alcohol will help you out in any difficult situation with a man's gift. Don't know what to buy from the showcase? Take products from a well-known manufacturer. A good whiskey or cognac will always find its connoisseur.

You can't forbid living beautifully

Premium packaging of alcohol helps out a lot before the holidays and avoids additional hassle. You just buy and give, without breaking your head over design issues.

If you are not satisfied with the standard or the purchased bottle does not have packaging, then use the advice of European winemakers. They have been packing bottles of elite alcohol in wooden boxes filled with hay for years in a row. And this conservatism looks damn stylish. Discreet charm natural materials invincible.

Sets with alcohol

Have you already explored all the packaging methods and are looking for new ideas? Make your own set with alcohol. What will be required for this?

  • Alcoholic drink.
  • Suitable snacks.
  • basket or box.

What sets can be made?

  • Dry-cured meat or sausage, mature cheese are suitable for whiskey, and pears or melons for fruits. You can add chocolate to the set.
  • Good cognac requires dark chocolate, coffee and cigars. Raw smoked beef or cream cheese will make your set more satisfying.
  • Caviar is ideal for vodka, and a jar of pickled mushrooms will give a national flavor to the gift.
  • Red wine is best given with figs, goose liver pate and a jar of selected olives.
  • White wine pairs perfectly with fruit, cheese biscuits and marinated feta.
  • The refined taste of liqueurs does not require special accompaniment, but you can add treats with a creamy taste, milk chocolate, marshmallows, marshmallows, almonds to it.

You can add glasses, whiskey stones, board games, lottery tickets to the set - in general, everything that you see fit and that is enough for the budget.

Pack everything in a large box or basket lined with hay and/or burlap. Such a gift will delight the male eye, according to psychologists. They assure that men prefer voluminous gifts that seem to them weighty and solid.

Bouquets for the strong in spirit

Are you ready to take your creative passion even further? Then please friends and colleagues with bouquets of alcohol. There are many different techniques, but for a simple and expressive bouquet, you will not need so many props. Here is the minimum set:

  • Small bottles with a variety of alcohol.
  • Scotch.
  • Optionally - transparent cellophane, in which flowers are usually wrapped.
  • Long wooden skewers.
  • Container for the base (planter, decorative jar or ordinary metal box).
  • Substrate, such as floral foam or polystyrene.
  • Additions to the bouquet: chocolates, sweets, raw smoked sausage, cheese in the form of braids or sticks.
  • Sisal, ribbons and other decor on request.

Gather everything you need in one place, free up a horizontal surface and prepare scissors. Then start making.

  • Wrap the bottles with cellophane, secure it with tape. Cellophane over each bottle can be collected in a bundle or wrapped in an envelope. You can safely skip this step if you don’t feel like messing around or you just don’t have the right material.
  • Attach wooden skewers to the bottles with tape.

  • Place the base in the prepared box or box.
  • Attach the skewers to the base. Also fasten additions to the bouquet on skewers and place picturesquely in free places at the base. Make skewers different lengths, so you will definitely fit everything.
  • Mask the base with sisal or other decor.
  • Decorate the composition according to your own taste, but do not overdo it with bows and ribbons. Your addressee is a man, so excessive embellishment is inappropriate.

Concerning colors, then let it be saturated. Use red, magenta and violet, royal blue and green. Shades of gold or bronze will add a festive mood.

Always yours, Fragrant World

Preserving traditions, it is customary for dear men to give alcohol on February 23. A status present emphasizes the competence of the choice of the donor. The Grand Cru wine cellar in Moscow has more than 3,000 wines that have been carefully selected by experts in their field.

A classic for all time: an elite gift for dear men

Our store has a rich assortment of alcohol as a gift. The cellar contains a collection of the best wines in the world:

  • Italian sparkling wine with the aroma of green apples;
  • French Rose with a wonderful aperitif;
  • Australian red wine with a silky aftertaste;
  • German multi-faceted drink with ethereal notes of peach.

Grand Cru is the place where you will find a set for February 23 with alcohol, managing to keep the individuality of the gift and surprise the recipient of the present.

Corporate sets of elite sorts of alcohol

Surprise a colleague or boss with a delicate taste by presenting gift sets by February 23 with alcohol. Each bottle of liquor is beautifully designed original packaging. In assortment:

  1. English whiskey aged for at least 30 years - the original box for February 23 with Macallan alcohol will outshine any gift with its charm.
  2. Cognac with a velvety taste and original origin, whose history goes back to past centuries.
  3. Champagne is a traditional gift, it can become a family gift and a memory of high taste.
  4. Wine is a gift alcohol for February 23 with a multifaceted complex aroma and unforgettable taste.

On the official website, you will discover the intricacies of choosing alcohol. Each bottle of the enticing drink is combined with the gastronomic taste of second courses, appetizers and desserts.

Order formation and purchase

The work is carried out with reliable suppliers capable of satisfying customers with exceptional quality and value of products. The toughest selection paths go through all drinks without exception. We follow the reviews and novelties of the wine houses of France, Italy, the New World. Therefore, we offer selected alcohol that has passed the quality control and gastronomic tests.

You can also order accessories as a gift for the set that can emphasize the taste of real alcohol. To buy, fill out a convenient form, and our manager will contact you by phone to clarify the prices for the order.

One cannot but agree that with each approach of the holiday, we strive to please our dear people with pleasant gifts. Especially with the approach February 23 I want to impress my father, husband, young man, colleague, and also do not forget about your favorite boss, something special, original and, most importantly, necessary and useful, as a use, a present.

  • Razors that are thrown away after a few days...
  • Colognes you might not like...
  • Sweaters and T-shirts that may not fit...

And this list can be supplemented with many more things that can sometimes disappoint your men. That is why in many countries it is considered that the best gift for men, with which, as they say, you can’t go wrong, are alcoholic products.

You may exclaim:
“How is it that alcohol may not be liked, may not correspond to the“ size ”(like a sweater), age, preferences of my man!”.

And in this you will be absolutely right. In this article, we will try to tell you how not to make a mistake in choosing a chic gift for your men in the form of alcoholic products that will suit any age, taste and preferences of your loved ones, colleagues.

It is worth starting from the age category of your man.

After all, you must admit that it is not always necessary to give brandy, which is usually taken to smoke with a cigar, sitting in a cozy armchair by the fireplace, young man twenty-five years of age.

Choosing an alcoholic drink by February 23, men under 30

Choosing a drink by February 23, men a little over 30 years old

If your man is a little over thirty and a little less than forty years old, then most likely he will be pleased to receive a slightly different type of alcoholic beverage as a gift. When playing poker in a close circle of friends or at dinner with your beloved woman, sometimes you want to treat yourself to a couple of interesting cocktails, and, most importantly, made by your own hands. Your loved ones will surely be delighted with your handmade.

You can also give whiskey as a gift.

A whiskey-cola cocktail or a couple of rocks of pure whiskey with ice will spice up any male company.

Choosing an alcoholic drink by February 23, men over 40 years old

After reading everything that is written above, you probably have a question: