Cream lifting for the skin around the eyes: choose the right one. Cream lifting for the eyelids and skin around the eyes - which is the best? Century 100 beauty recipes

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest and most delicate, it suffers most from overwork and stress. Also, the first wrinkles appear around the eyes, and quite early. But if you carefully care for the skin of the eyelids, moisturize and nourish it, you can significantly slow down the aging process.

Eye cream Hundred beauty recipes based on natural ingredients creates the necessary anti-aging care and preserves the health and beauty of the skin around the eyes:
- intensively nourishes the skin of the eyelids
- reduces dark circles under the eyes

Sea buckthorn oil:
- contains a shock dose of anti-aging substances, has a vitaminizing and anti-inflammatory effect, softens and nourishes the skin
Royal jelly:
- slows down the process of skin aging, stimulating cell regeneration
Golden mustache:
- soothes sensitive skin around the eyes, eliminates dark circles under the eyes
vitamins female beauty A and E:
- protectors of the skin, protect the skin from exposure to UV rays and mutually reinforce each other's action

Use the cream daily in the morning and/or evening. Apply with light massaging movements on the skin along the edge of the eyelids, avoiding contact with the eyeball.

more than a month

Good moisturizing, pleasant light texture, quickly absorbed.

The lifting effect declared by the manufacturer is not sufficiently pronounced.

I have been using the cream for half a year already, without saving, while a tube with generous 20 ml is enough for another 1.5-2 months. I am 30 years old, there are slight mimic wrinkles under the eyes, not catastrophic, but the skin noticeably loses its elasticity. I liked that it contains sea buckthorn oil, which, if it does not rejuvenate, at least softens, due to which there will be no large skin creases in these places, as well as the presence of vitamins A and E, which protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Also, the manufacturer claims to contain royal jelly, which of course is doubtful, given the low cost of the cream, as well as a golden mustache to eliminate dark circles. Of course, there are a lot of promises, but personally I only counted on good hydration and skin nutrition due to sea buckthorn oil in the composition. As a result, I got it: the cream turned out to be very pleasant in texture, light and nutritious at the same time, well and quickly absorbed, which is important for use in the morning, not rolling under the concealer, pleasantly and delicately smelling, and generally not an irritating product. I use it with pleasure and will buy it again, I just want to alternate it with something that has a more pronounced lifting effect, after all, there is almost none in this cream. Getting rid of dark circles is generally ridiculous, it is unlikely that you can achieve this with the help of a cream, so do not even count.

The skin of the eyelids is characterized by early wilting, therefore it needs special care with young age, otherwise it will very quickly become covered with wrinkles and be thinned. A properly selected cream with a lifting effect can solve this problem in a fairly short time. What is its action, features of the choice, what should be in the composition, how to prepare a quality product at home and other useful information for every woman, you will find in this article.

What information will you learn:

How the remedy works

The skin around the eyes is considered the most delicate area of ​​the face.

The main task of the cream with a lifting effect is to restore elasticity, strengthen, tighten, slow down the aging process and smooth the skin around the eyes.

Since the epidermis in this area is thin, delicate, devoid of fat and sensitive, the components of the creams should be hypoallergenic, that is, not causing allergic reactions in the form of redness, swelling, itching and tearing.

Many manufacturers add substances to the composition that eliminate dark circles under the eyes, strengthen small blood vessels and capillaries, thereby increasing the spectrum of action of such products.

Previously, for a long time it was believed that at the age of 25 it was too early to start anti-aging skin care for the eyelids, but now cosmetologists say the opposite, that is, they strongly recommend doing it as early as possible in order to significantly prolong the youth of this delicate epidermis.

What is the efficiency

The main tasks of tightening the skin around the eyes of creams are:

  • intensive hydration and nutrition;
  • replenishment of all necessary substances in the epidermis;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • increase the level of elasticity;
  • elimination of signs of aging;
  • smoothing wrinkles, folds;
  • elimination of "crow's feet";
  • tightening (lifting) of the skin of the eyelids;
  • decrease in severity dark circles;
  • get rid of pigmentation.

A properly selected product will restore the damaged structure of the skin of the eyelids and visibly smooth its surface, giving the face a young, fresh and rested look.

List of Important Components

A high-quality lifting cream must necessarily contain several of the following substances:

  • youth and beauty vitamin E (tocopherol) - a powerful antioxidant that stops the aging process, neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals, nourishes, protects and restores skin elasticity;
  • vitamin A (retinol), which has a regenerative property, increases the level of moisture, activates the synthesis of collagen compounds responsible for the rejuvenation of the epidermis;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which has a whitening, anti-aging, skin firming and vascular strengthening effect. In addition, it protects cells from UV radiation and free radicals that cause premature aging;
  • vitamin K, which improves blood circulation, eliminates dark circles under the eyes;
  • ALA (alpha-lipoic) acid, which can hide pronounced epidermal defects, restore the density of the skin layer, smooth wrinkles;
  • hyaluronic acid, which accumulates and retains a sufficient amount of moisture in the cells, due to which the epidermis returns lost elasticity and firmness;
  • kinetin - a component of natural origin, characterized by a pronounced moisturizing and rejuvenating effect, containing a natural UV filter that absorbs radiation harmful to skin health;
  • coenzyme Q10 - an active enzyme related to skin cells that stimulates immune defense and slows down the aging process;
  • plant extracts and essential oils, with a nourishing and tightening effect;
  • peptides with a powerful regenerating and rejuvenating effect;
  • collagen, which significantly increases skin elasticity and smoothes age wrinkles.

Carefully study the list of components of the cream. If you see Propylene Glycol, Isopropyl Myristate or AHA - alpha hydroxy acid in the first row, stop buying this product!

Features of application and care

Even if you have correctly selected the cream according to the composition, you must be able to apply and use it correctly, taking into account the following recommendations:

  • apply the cream only after cleansing the skin with a special lotion or cosmetic milk;
  • it is required to apply it in accordance with the rules, namely: start from the bridge of the nose, moving along the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye, and then from it to the inner one with smooth and accurate movements, eliminating stretching and rubbing of the skin in this area;
  • try not to get the composition on the mucous membrane of the eyes, as it can cause severe irritation and tearing;
  • follow the storage conditions of the product indicated on the packaging. As a rule, gel formulations require storage in a cool and dark place to preserve the activity of the components and their effectiveness;
  • in the evening, these creams are applied no later than 2 hours before bedtime to avoid swelling and incomplete absorption of constituent substances;
  • if you bought a cream with a high concentration of lipids (fats), then its residues must be removed dry paper napkin half an hour after application.

How to improve the composition of your lifting cream

If you have purchased a product whose action does not fully satisfy you, there is an opportunity to improve it, that is, add special components that increase its activity. These substances are the following essential oils:

  • mint, characterized by a pronounced tonic, anti-inflammatory and refreshing effect;
  • roses, smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing, restoring the density of turgor and eliminating puffiness;
  • pine trees, boosting protective functions epidermis, which has a complex rejuvenating effect on smoothing and increasing the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • lavender, which strengthens blood vessels, eliminates redness, inflammation, puffiness and dark circles.

These oils should be administered according to the rules - for 10 grams of cream STRICTLY 2 drops of the selected essential oil!

Recipes for homemade lifting creams

All homemade formulations need to be tested for an allergic reaction beforehand!

The prepared product should be placed in a jar with a lid and stored in a cold place.

We suggest you try the following homemade creams.

  1. You will need:
    • cocoa butter (teaspoon);
    • sandalwood oil (2 drops);
    • fennel oil (2 drops).

Cocoa butter is always sold in solid form, so it must be melted in a water bath to a liquid consistency, cooled to a warm state and the essential oils listed above are added in strict accordance with the indicated dosage. Then mix the mass well, pour into a jar, close the lid and put in a cold place. The cream will be dense, but this should not alarm you. When applied to the skin, it will melt and be perfectly absorbed by the skin, making it smooth, tender, soft and youthful.

  1. Prepare in advance:
  • fresh, non-salted interior fat or non-salted lard (tablespoon);
  • rose oil;
  • ampoule extract of vitamin A (1 piece).

Fat or lard will need to be melted in a water bath, stirring constantly, to a liquid consistency. Then cool a little, strain it through a bandage to remove possible lumps or undissolved components, add an ampoule of vitamin A and rose essential oil. Remember to mix the composition well before pouring it into a jar. Put the product in the refrigerator for 2 hours, after which it can be used.

  1. The following recipe consists of:
  • avocado oil (tablespoon);
  • parsley juice (1/2 teaspoon);
  • mint oil (1 drop);
  • pine oil (1 drop).

Avocado oil is sold in pharmacies in solid form, therefore, it requires mandatory pre-melting in a water bath. When it turns into a liquid fraction, remove the mass from the heat, cool to a warm state, add parsley juice and essential oils of mint, pine, mix thoroughly (best with a wooden stick), place in a jar with a lid and refrigerate.

If you are not allergic to honey, you can safely introduce this valuable component for the skin in small doses (about ½ teaspoon).

Video: Lifting cream for the skin around the eyes from bruising and swelling at home

The right choice for you and an excellent lifting effect!

A set of daily face care cosmetics should include a lifting eye cream as a must.

Its correct and effective components will provide nourishment, moisture to delicate, thin, sensitive skin prone to deformation associated with age-related changes and mimic zone mobility.

Timely use of special eye creams will help the skin to remain in good condition for a long time.

Lifting eye cream - a pacifier or a working supplement?

At a young age, the dermis independently produces the right amount of collagen - lifting for the eyes is not only not needed for it, but can also be harmful.

But over time, the need for additional care in the periorbital area becomes more noticeable - the skin becomes thinner, looks papery, dehydrated, loses turgor. As a result - wrinkles, hanging upper eyelids and bags (fatty hernia) under the eyes.

An effective lifting cream can not only tighten the skin of the eyelids, but also have a complex effect on it. Namely:

  • supply;
  • moisturize;
  • protect;
  • stimulate regeneration processes.

As a result of systematic use, the active components of the lifting cream help to restore:

  • firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • relief of the surface of the dermis;
  • blood flow and lymph flow;
  • vitamin and mineral balance;
  • moisture content in the epidermis.

You should not expect a result from a lifting product if it does not contain substances that can have a positive effect on the skin, and also if its use does not have a system.

Eyelid creams are different from other types cosmetics the fact that they must be not only highly effective, but also safe, since it is in this zone that the most delicate, thin, fat-free dermis is located, which is easy to damage.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the components that are included in the composition:

  • moisturize the skin;
  • do not cause allergic reactions;
  • do not contain chemical and mechanical irritants;
  • made on the basis natural materials, without artificial colors and fragrances.

In order not to disturb the natural balance of fat and moisture of the dermis in the periorbital area, for different types skins combined special means: creams are for dry type, gels and serums are for oily type.

Important! It is good when light-reflecting particles are included in the composition of the lifting eye cream. They have the ability to refract light and reflect it, visually enhancing the effect of freshness, giving the look more expressiveness, and rejuvenate the image.

High-quality creams for the skin around the eyes must contain:

  • concentrated vitamin complexes - A, C, E, PP, which activate the formation of collagen, increase elasticity, maintain fluid balance in the cells of the dermis, remove radicals from cells.
  • acids - hyaluronic, lipoic, ferulic, as well as amino acids (peptides), which restore the synthesis of collagen and elastin, smooth wrinkles, restore skin elasticity, improve its density.
  • natural moisturizers - kinetin, which fills the dermis with moisture and rejuvenates it.

If the composition includes plant extract and natural oils (avocado, jojoba), its benefits and effectiveness are further enhanced, as these components improve metabolic processes in the skin, normalize blood flow and lymph outflow, and reduce capillary fragility

Important! All components of the lifting cream have a complex effect on the skin of the upper eyelid, as well as the lower eyelid, in order to tone, restore and rejuvenate it. But on the packaging of the cream, the most active component is always the first, by which you need to judge the features of the action of the product.

Indications for the use of lifting cream are signs of skin aging, including: hypersensitivity, dryness, peeling, overhanging of the upper eyelid, swelling.

In order for the eye cream to work as efficiently as possible, you need to choose it according to the type of skin, take into account the subtleties of its application, follow the application technique.

Preparation for application

Before applying the lifting agent, the skin must be prepared. For this you should:

  • remove decorative cosmetics;
  • clean the face and eyelids completely with cosmetic milk or cream;
  • treat the dermis with an alcohol-free tonic.

Once prepared, move on to the next step.

Correct application

Eye cream with a lifting effect is applied to the skin using a smoothing massage technique, exactly along the orbital bone with light fluttering movements of the fingers or point tapping of the ring finger with constant control over the pressing force.

Rubbing such a tool is strictly prohibited due to the high probability of injury to the dermis and deterioration of its condition.

If the product is used to relieve swelling, it must be distributed from the nose to the outer corners of the eye, that is, from the center to the periphery, to get rid of wrinkles, it is best to start applying the cream in the reverse order.

In case of increased skin sensitivity, it is recommended to apply the cream carefully. cotton buds or discs.

Important! The skin tightening agent is not applied to the moving eyelid!

Frequency of use

To obtain a visible result, the duration of the use of such a remedy varies in the region of 3-4 weeks, after which you can change the lifting agent or switch to another eye cream.

During the entire time, it should be applied to the skin of the eyelids twice a day, an hour and a half before going out or sleeping at night.

List of the best creams

When choosing an eye cream, you need to take into account a lot: your skin type, problems that need to be solved, feedback from those who use them systematically, the reliability of the manufacturer and the price range. Tested and recommended remedies include:

Estee Lauder Resilience Lift Extreme- the best French bestseller, lifting cream that can work wonders and stop the aging process. When applied to the skin, its delicate texture literally melts - the cream is instantly absorbed, does not leave stickiness, and gently affects the dried, lifeless dermis.

– a high quality and effective product from well-known manufacturer. The tool is intended for clients over 40 years old, both men and women, has a pronounced tightening effect, in addition, its composition actively fights against wrinkles and the formation of dark circles under the eyes.

- refers to inexpensive brands that do an excellent job with their purpose. It is recommended for women aged 45 years and older as an eyelid tightening agent with a rejuvenating effect. After applying the course, the number of fine wrinkles is significantly reduced, and deep ones become less noticeable.

Contains sea buckthorn oil, successfully acts on not very neglected skin, gently cares, intensively moisturizes and tightens it. The delicate texture of the cream does not spread, but fills all the cells of the epidermis. Active components help to improve the condition of the epidermis in the area, heal and rejuvenate it.

- a gentle, barely tangible spray that is sprayed onto the eyelid area. It is instantly absorbed by the skin, creating a lifting effect comparable to beauty injections. Removes puffiness, circles under the eyes, makes the look more open and expressive.

is an innovative serum designed to slow down the aging process. It has a combined composition of natural and synthetic components created thanks to high technologies. It penetrates deep into the skin, moisturizes it, relieves the tension of fine mimic wrinkles, and has a good lifting effect.

budget fund worthy of attention. The cream contains unique minerals from the Dead Sea, which provide additional nutrition and hydration to the skin, stimulate metabolic and regeneration processes, and smooth out wrinkles around the eyes. Plant extracts, essential oils and vitamins included in the composition fill the dermis with strength, make it dense and elastic.

The product contains a vitamin complex necessary to maintain a beautiful and tightened skin century. Ginseng extract is also extremely beneficial for mature, aging skin. The cream is based on only natural ingredients, under the influence of which cell regeneration occurs, the production of its own collagen framework, and the color of the dermis is evened out.

- based on the popular Goji berries. Fully natural remedy containing the whole set useful substances- essential amino acids, vitamin complexes, plant extracts and natural oils. All this arsenal works to stimulate collagen production, cell regeneration, maintaining youth and beauty.

Find out which cream is best from personal experience:

It is important to know that the skin can quickly get used to the cream and stop responding to it. In this case, it is recommended to change the remedy for a while, and then return to your favorite cream again.

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It is well known that the area around the eyes needs special care. However, many girls still ignore eye cream. In vain. If you do nothing, then the first wrinkles may appear by the 25th birthday, and every year the situation will worsen.

To prevent aging of the skin around the eyes, special formulas with a lifting effect have been developed. They solve several problems at once:

Lifting cream functions

The principle of operation of the lifting cream for the skin around the eyes is intensive moisturizing plus the solution of a number of other problems:

  1. 1

    increase skin elasticity;

  2. 2

    reduction of dark circles and swelling;

  3. 3

    smoothing "crow's feet";

  4. 4

    increase in skin density.

In most products, carnauba wax or silicones are responsible for the tightening effect. True, the effect will last until the first wash, so it is better to use such products in the morning or before an important event. And after cleansing - pamper the skin with a moisturizing formula, because the above components can provoke dehydration.

The skin of the eyelids is thin, fragile, with loose fatty tissue. © iStock

The main ingredients of lifting products

Eyelid lifting products usually include vitamins and acids. These substances help to rejuvenate, moisturize, protect the skin.

    Vitamin C- one of the main anti-aging components and the strongest antioxidant. Slows down the aging process, protects against photodamage.

    Vitamin E- lipophilic, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, has softening and regenerating properties.

    ALA (alpha lipoic acid) increases the barrier properties of the skin and evens out its relief.

    AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) exfoliates dead cells of the surface epithelium, stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen, brightens age-related dark spots softens the skin.

    Hyaluronic acid retains moisture in the cells and restores skin elasticity.

    ferulic acid prevents oxidative stress. It has a powerful antioxidant effect: it protects skin cells well from DNA damage under the influence of UV rays.

Also, this ingredient has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Stabilizes vitamin C and increases its activity. Corrects signs of aging.

    plant extracts reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries. Improve microcirculation and metabolic processes in the skin. Reduce swelling.

    Caffeine enhances blood and lymph flow, reduces and prevents swelling.

    Probiotics help restore the skin's community of beneficial bacteria and reduce inflammation. Act as a balancing component in products with retinol and vitamin C.

    Retinoids and peptides- powerful anti-aging agents. Stimulate the synthesis of elastin, prevent and reduce wrinkles and pigmentation.

    Nourishing oils (avocado, jojoba) soften the skin, make it elastic, help water molecules not to evaporate longer.

It is better to use lifting eye cream twice a day. © iStock

Terms of Use

The technique for applying eye cream depends on its category. For example, decongestant formulas are applied from the center to the periphery of the face - from the nose to the outer corner of the eye, "drawing" a circle along the upper eyelid. But anti-aging agents are distributed in the opposite direction:

  1. 1

    along the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose;

  2. 2

    and in the same way on the upper eyelid.

This technique allows not to stretch the fragile mature skin.

Any eye cream is applied along the orbital bone, with light driving movements. We advise you to tap on the skin with your ring finger - it is the most “delicate”, it will not allow you to hit hard, which means injuring the skin.

As we age, crow's feet appear on the skin around the eyes. © iStock

Criterias of choice

It doesn't matter what kind of cream you are going to buy - anti-aging, moisturizing or refreshing. The main requirements for absolutely all cosmetics for the skin around the eyes include:

    ophthalmic control;

    hypoallergenic formula;

  • non-irritating texture that spreads evenly and absorbs well.

    As for lifting products, a pronounced tightening effect is provided by a cream with a rich texture, for aging skin suitable oils and balms.

It is better to use the cream twice a day. In the morning after cleansing and toning the skin. In the evening - an hour and a half before going to bed to avoid swelling.

Overview of products with a lifting effect

Creams, gels

Tool name Action Active ingredients
Cream for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles and to improve skin elasticity Rénergie Yeux, Lancôme Effectively smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin more elastic, reduces bags under the eyes. wheat proteins, vitamin E, caffeine
Intensive concentrated anti-aging care for the eye contour Redermic R Yeux, La Roche-Posay Corrects deep wrinkles, improves skin elasticity. vitamin C, orange extract, La Roche-Posay thermal water
Antioxidant gel for the skin around the eyes AOX + EyeGel, SkinCeuticals Prevents premature aging, corrects signs of photoaging, reduces "crow's feet". L-ascorbic and ferulic acid, phloretin, butcher's root extract, caffeine
Reduces wrinkles, fights loss of skin elasticity. plant cells of youth, shea butter Eye Serum Blue Therapy Eye-Opening Serum, Biotherm “Opens” the eyes, fights bags under the eyes and smoothes wrinkles. high-tech applicator that allows you to increase the angle of eye opening by 3° Anti-wrinkle concentrate for the skin around the eyes Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Eye-Brightening Concentrate, Kiehl's Evens out the tone and texture of the skin around the eyes, fills it with radiance, reducing the visibility of dark circles. vitamin C