What should a wealthy person look like? How to look rich. How the richest women in the world dress

There are people who prove that appearance is one of the most unimportant things in life. Looking at these eccentrics, you can never tell that they are the owners of millions of bank accounts. Who loves a simple life, now we will find out.

What for many people is an indicator of wealth? Expensive designer clothing, numerous decorations, watches cost as much as a car, and so on. In fact, such stereotypes have long outlived themselves, and many really rich people look, to put it mildly, "unpresentable." If you don't believe me, now you'll see for yourself.

1. Mark Zuckerberg

All people familiar with the Internet have at least once heard the name of this man who has more than $70 billion in his bank account. simple life. Plus, Mark is known for his sweeping philanthropic gestures.

2. Leonardo DiCaprio

Many people, having seen pictures of the world's favorite in everyday life, do not guess the first time that he is the same Leo. This is not at all surprising, since an ordinary T-shirt, worn jeans and a cap do not attract attention at all and do not indicate his millionth fortune.

3. Boris Johnson

The mayor of London is known not only for political decisions, but also for his appearance and life deeds. He does not like a formal suit, but a sports jacket, jeans and other simple things are included in his wardrobe. His favorite means of transportation is a bicycle.

4. Keanu Reeves

A famous film actor and the dream of many women in life is a real modest. It is he who shines on the red carpet in expensive suits, and on ordinary days the star prefers simple and comfortable clothes. In addition, he can ride the subway without hesitation and does not see anything terrible in this.

5. Chuck Feeney

Those who travel by plane consider it their duty to visit the Duty Free Shoppers chain of stores. At the same time, few people know that its creator, billionaire Chuck Feeney, has decided that by 2020 he will spend all his capital on charity. He does it gradually. This is just a unique person whose deeds deserve public recognition.

6. Michael Bloomberg

The mayor of New York is in the TOP-20 richest people in the world, but at the same time, residents of the metropolis often see him on the subway, and this is not a political action, but a life position. He believes that he should not be above his people.

7. Ingvar Theodore Kamprad

Who hasn't heard of the famous Swedish furniture company IKEA? No one will be surprised by the fact that its founder is one of the richest people in the world. At the same time, the man does not boast of his wealth at all and is very economical. Not only does he dress like most ordinary people, but he also travels on the plane in economy class.

8. Tobey Maguire

Beloved by many, "Spider-Man" actually not only loves simple clothes but is also an animal advocate. Associated with his vegetarian stance interesting story: during the filming of The Great Gatsby, all the main actors received a new Mercedes-Benz for personal use, but Toby returned it because the interior was finished genuine leather. This is what it means not to deviate from your life positions!

9. Nick Woodman

If you are not familiar with this name, then know that this is the founder of GoPro, who started from the bottom and became a very successful person. Many will be surprised by the fact that he was a simple Californian surfer who just wanted to have a camera so that he could take interesting pictures while riding. The stunning success did not change his outlook on life in any way, and this rich man looks like a completely simple person.

10 & 11 Scott Farquhar & Mike Cannon-Brooks

If you met these two men on the street, you would never guess that they are the owners of a huge fortune. What is most interesting is that they became billionaires quite by accident (I wish everyone did that). While studying at the Australian University, the guys decided that they didn’t want to work “for their uncle” in the future, so they created their own business. As a result, Atlassian was born, which brought them a huge income.

12. Sergey Brin

One of the most famous and legendary computer businessmen, who is the president of technology at Google Inc. He has billions, but still continues to lead a modest life: lives in a three-room apartment, drives a Toyota Prius with a hybrid engine. Sergei also does not spend a lot of money on his appearance.

13. Nicholas Berggruen

The founder of the famous investment company Berggruen Holdings decided that it was better to be homeless than rich. After he turned 45, he realized that money was not important at all, so he sold his luxury real estate and began to travel. He lives in inexpensive hotels and enjoys the life of an ordinary person. True, he continues to be the head of the company.

14. Amancio Ortega

Having met this billionaire on the street, you might think that this is an ordinary average person walking around. In fact, the man is the founder of the popular clothing brand - Zara, and has more than $ 80 billion in his bank account. Ortega is known to the public for his modesty, and he runs from journalists like fire.

History knows many examples when billionaires, having the opportunity and access to the most expensive and iconic things, refused all blessings and led a modest life: instead of luxury cars they bought and rode bicycles, instead of smart suits they wore ordinary trousers, shirts and jumpers, which they can hang in any wardrobe. There is a stereotype that women are inveterate fashionistas, and if they get the opportunity to dress with chic and brilliance, they will certainly use it. And it’s very easy to check such a prejudice - look at the wardrobes of heirs and owners of billions.

Alice Walton

This is the only daughter of the founder of the famous American chain of stores Wal-Mart. Alice was educated in finance and economics and began her career, of course, in her father's firm as an analyst and manager. Today, the fortune of 68-year-old Walton is estimated at 46 billion dollars. It is known for certain that Alice invests in works of art and even opened her own museum of American art in Arkansas. However, judging by the outfits, the billionaire does not forget about fashion. For various events, Alice likes to wear evening dresses made from shiny fabric revealing arms and cleavage. And her indispensable accessory are huge round glasses - they go with both a strict suit and an elegant dress. As jewelry, Alice prefers noticeable beads - for example, a string of large pearls, massive pendants and chains.

Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers

Françoise is 64 years old, and she owns a 33% stake in L "Oréal. The world famous cosmetics company was founded by her grandfather Eugene Schuller back in 1909. And although her income was $ 42.2 billion in 2017, it cannot be said that the heiress of a cosmetics company tends to stand out from the crowd with bright outfits.On the contrary, she often chooses restrained monochrome suits and only for events can afford jackets with unusual decor and details.By the way, she, like Alice Walton, has a favorite accessory - a scarf that she ties anytime, anywhere.Françoise also loves glasses oval shape and tries not to appear without them.

Lauren Powell Jobs

Lauren, 54, may only be known to some as the widow of Steve Jobs. However, today the woman is active in business: she was one of the largest owners of Disney shares, and last year she acquired a stake in The Atlantic. All this brought Lauren a fortune of $ 18.8 billion and the title of the richest woman in the technology industry. In addition, Lauren founded several non-profit projects, including the Emerson Collective, which promotes social justice and protection. environment in the USA. It is not surprising that Lauren is interested not only in business publications, but also invites gloss to shoot. After all, in addition to these achievements, she has another important quality - a sense of style. In her images, she does not tolerate unnecessary details, she always chooses laconic outfits. If this is a dress, then neatly emphasizing a slender figure. And if a sports uniform, then simple T-shirts and shorts.

Frida Springer

The fortune of the 76-year-old publisher of the media conglomerate of the same name is $5.6 billion. Once upon a time, Axel Springer hired Frida as a nanny for his children, and then married a girl and taught her how to run a business, which she inherited in 1985 after his death. Today Frida Springer's style can be compared with the style of the first ladies: strict, elegant and feminine. She loves plain suits of a jacket, skirt and trousers, while she is not afraid bright colors. For evening events, the media mogul prefers to wear sheath dresses or flared models to the floor. Strictly, stylishly and nothing more - what a business woman needs.

Maren Otto

Maren Otto is the third wife of Werner Otto, who founded the postal company of the same name in Germany back in 1949. Today, she has inherited her husband's empire, netting her a total of $3.8 billion. Maren leads social life, and therefore likes to appear at events dressed to the nines: always in an interesting elegant dress(always to the floor), with hair pulled back. She loves both luxurious models, embroidered with stones, and rather avant-garde ones - free cut and with an artistic pattern.

In any society there are different strata of the population. People can be divided according to many factors, but one of the most striking factors is the level of wealth. Rich people can literally be seen from afar, and their lifestyle is significantly different. The habits and luxuries of rich people are amazing, and some even cause undisguised envy. It's not the best best feeling, however, you can take an example from rich people, imitate them and equal them, especially if you like this lifestyle.

Who is a rich man

Let's look at who a rich person is before we open the veil of the secrets of the life of rich people. In the usual sense of the term, a rich person is a person who has large quantity material values. Wealth can be not only material, but also spiritual or family. In this article, we look at the habits of people who are financially rich.

Wealthy people are people who are well above average. If in your region the average salary is 35,000 rubles a month, then a truly rich person either already has a significant amount, or receives at least 7-10 times more than the average. Material wealth is not only incoming money, but also already available.

Behind a rich person there is a sufficient amount of material values ​​that can fully support his life. This includes real estate, antiques and collectibles, precious metals, products, etc. A "millionaire" can also be an ordinary poor person, for example, living in Moscow in an apartment worth 7-10 million.

But such a person cannot be called rich, even taking into account the cost of his housing. A rich person has a lot of material values, and in this case an expensive apartment is the only thing that the "millionaire" has in his soul.

How to identify a rich person

There are many myths around rich people. The biggest myth is that rich people don't work. If it were, then they would hardly have become rich if they had not inherited or won the lottery.

Rich people don't just work, they often work even harder and harder than everyone else. Polls have shown that wealthy people in America work an average of 50-55 hours a week, when the middle class only works 40-45 hours.

Rich people can be colossally busy, but they are more free to manage their own time. The reason for their vacation 3-4 times a year and numerous foreign trips is not only money, but also their approach to life.

They are not busy because they work for food/shelter, they are busy for another reason - they love their job, and it brings them a huge income. Therefore, they can afford to relax in Cyprus, the Philippines or luxury ski resorts in the Alps.

You are unlikely to be able to find out the exact work schedule of a person, so you should not focus on his employment. But you can define a rich person by his lifestyle. There are exceptions, such as, for example, the founder of the IKEA chain, Ingvar Kamprad.

He is a very wealthy man, but leads an ascetic life and still drives a Volvo 240 from 1993. But if we do not take into account rare exceptions, then rich people always betray their lifestyle.

Lifestyle is manifested both in small things and in global things. You can figure out a rich person even just by his suit or watch. An expensive car is an ambiguous indicator. You need to pay attention to the details.

A car, even an expensive one, can be taken on credit, as a thing necessary and clearly emphasizing the status. But few people will borrow 10-20 thousand dollars to buy a watch or a good suit. However, among the cars there are some brands that are typical only for truly rich people:

  • Porsche;
  • Bentley;
  • Ferrari;
  • Maybach;

Mercedes, BMW, Land Rover, etc. can belong to both rich people and people with sufficient income. Rich people are also distinguished by expensive rare cars. Some rich people are fond of collecting antiques, including rare cars.

Ideally, if you can watch a person for a while or look at the history of his life. Where a person goes to eat, where he cuts his hair and where he rests - all this betrays rich people, even those who hide their wealth. Notice where the person is getting their hair cut. The level of the salon and prices characterizes a person, as well as the regularity of visiting such places.

The same can be said about food. This includes not only expensive restaurants, but also proper nutrition, which includes a lot of fish, meat and fresh vegetables / fruits, even in winter.

The place of residence of a person is also a controversial indicator. As a rule, expensive houses or apartments are not just expensive, but because of their high quality or excellent location. Just wealthy people can buy such things, because this is a global issue of comfort. But there is also a certain sign where a person lives. Pay attention to the details of the apartment or house, as well as the materials and equipment used.

Pets bring joy not only to ordinary people, but also to the rich. There are very expensive breeds of dogs or cats, but rich people also choose classic breeds. The difference is not so much in the breeds as in the approach.

Rich people spend a lot more money on their animals. A pet is always well-groomed, and a personal doctor can be responsible for his health. Due to the catastrophic lack of time, animals are often not handled by the person himself, but by his family or specially hired people.

How rich people dress

Many rich people dress in branded clothes. Among the brands you can find both expensive, but very common and relatively "affordable" - Lacoste, and really expensive clothes. If you don’t know much about brands, then pay attention to the freshness of clothes. Wealthy people tend to update their wardrobe frequently and rarely wear second-hand clothes.

Among the favorite brands of rich people:

  • Hermes;
  • Ralph Lauren;
  • Versace;
  • Burberry;
  • Armani;

For a simple man in the street, these clothes may look just stylish, but rich people appreciate them for their high quality. These are all factory clothes, but rich people often resort to custom-made clothes. Especially it concerns men's suits and women's evening dresses.

Wealthy people simply can't be content with mass-produced clothes and prefer clothes that are tailor-made to fit their figure. Some rich people even have a personal tailor on staff who adjusts clothes from time to time.

Among the rich people there are also supporters Casual style buying T-shirts and sweaters up to 30 euros apiece. For example, the creator of the social network FaceBook, Mark Zuckerberg, wears rather cheap T-shirts with regular pants. Another equally famous billionaire, Steve Jobs, did not pay attention to either appearance or brands at all, so everyone remembered his appearance with cheap black turtlenecks.


It is much easier to identify a rich person by accessories than by his clothes. The two most important accessories that will tell you everything about a person are a phone and a watch. This applies to both sexes. Rich people prefer two brands of phones: Apple and BlackBerry.

There are status phones, for example, Vertu, but this is for true connoisseurs. Rich people prefer to use the latest models of devices, but they do it not as a tribute to fashion, but because of their functionality and convenience.

To calculate a rich person by the clock, you need to understand them. A watch for a rich person is not only a decoration on the wrist, even if its owner is a woman, but also a working tool. Rich people, like no one else, value their time and know its value. Watches should be not only beautiful, but accurate and reliable.

One of the most expensive watches in the world, the 201-carat Chopard, costs more than 25 million. Again, this is an accessory for connoisseurs and extreme. Rich people know how to count their money, and most often the watch on their wrist costs between 10-60 thousand euros. Agree for common man this amount is astronomical, but for a rich person, this is the average price for a watch. Watches of the following popular brands fall into this price category:

  • Patek Philippe;
  • Breguet;
  • Frank Muller;
  • Audemars Piguet;
  • Jaeger-LeCoultre;

Patek Philippe watches are in high demand among wealthy people in Russia. For example, Alisher Usmanov has such a watch - the Perpetual Calendar 5140 model, and Vagit Alekperov - the Chronograph 5170 model. Leonid Mikhelson wears the Classique Grande Reverso model by Jaeger-LeCoultre. The most popular Breguet watch, the Marine Chronograph, is owned by several millionaires. All watches are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty, high-quality workmanship and reliable mechanism.

Expensive watches have always been the subject of copying. You need to be able to distinguish the copy from the original in order to get an idea of ​​the person. Even a non-professional can distinguish a cheap copy, but some copies of expensive watches can also be “expensive”, and cost 1-2 thousand euros. Therefore, the clock is best considered in total with other indicators of a rich person.

We all know the old proverb - they are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind. So it is, because the first impression of a person is formed precisely on the basis of his appearance, manners of dressing, behaving, and then the art of speaking, thinking and reasoning on various topics is supplemented here.
Many business coaches say that if you want to be rich and successful, you must first change your thinking, behavior and style of dress. After all, this is the first stage, the realization that you deserve better and more. Psychologists note that if a person is comfortably dressed, has a beautiful haircut, and does not feel any discomfort, then this gives rise to inner confidence, a sense of importance and dignity.

To be honest, we did not dive into all the subtleties of psychology, and it is not necessary to do such a study within the framework of this article, but we can say for sure that the conclusions of psychologists are 100% correct. In this article, we will give 7 golden recommendations that will help you look good, stylish, and expensive, thereby attracting self-confidence, and, as a result of all, success in your tasks.

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Aim high? Know how to look rich

1. Art est celare artem!
The first rule is Art est celare artem, which in Latin means "skillfully hide art." Your style is a unique art that needs to be perfected every day. Believe me, in order to develop a certain style in clothing, behavior, communication style, you need more than one day, and sometimes even years. Serious work will be done, but others should not know about it. Do not say how hard it was, how much time and effort you spent. Try to avoid answering these questions. you are rich and successful man, they achieved everything with their own labor, but at what cost it doesn’t matter.

Your goal is not to show off, not to show your superiority, but only to emphasize the status, style, value. No labels for this. No need to put them on display, trying to tell everyone: “Look, I bought an expensive Dior shirt.” Showing off labels is the privilege of poseurs, and those who will never enter high society. If you are already going to be successful, want to surround yourself with people from business circles, then completely forget about such “cheap show-offs”. Of course, each circle has its own signs that make it possible to understand that this person is well-dressed, takes care of himself, he is rich and successful. Study the circle of communication in which you are going to join, and only then take certain steps.

Related article:

3. Deny everything!
When you are successful and rich, you do not need to show off a new purchase, talk about its cost, show off and prove something. All these qualities are inherent in the poor, who try to look taller, but never reach the desired heights. When you earn well, that desire to brag about the price of shoes, or new watches, disappears. You need to prove your worth with real deeds: successful investments, deals, record sales, etc. Although even this is not worth much to brag about. If you are successful, then people will talk about you anyway. You do not have to talk about yourself, but people must already know you even before they meet.

4. Noticeable stealth.
Let your style be embodied in the best traditions of restraint and minimalism. You should not look very bright, catch the eye and stand out. There are always ways that indirectly, but indicate your status. Always wear fresh, pressed, neat shirts. This is a small nuance, but it is very noticeable, and certain people pay a lot of attention to it.

5. New money? No, I've been living like this for a long time.
Don't give yourself away. Clothes don't have to be brand new. Well, it shouldn’t, it should be new, just not look like you’re just from the store. Perfectly rubbed shoes, a fresh haircut every week, starched shirts - all this will show that you have recently started making good money, and you are only trying to emphasize your status, but you are not doing it skillfully. Live as if you have always had a sense of style and a taste for money. Quiet, measured, without unnecessary fuss and unnecessary movements.

6. Virtuosity and ease.
The main secret of chic is casual, careless details in your style. As if by chance, an unbuttoned jacket button, a slightly upturned collar, a slightly wrinkled jacket. We can say that by doing this you show your inner freedom, and not being driven into a certain style framework. AT modern world you are unlikely to meet a successful businessman in a perfect classic suit. traditional costumes have become a uniform for office workers, drivers, security guards, and rich and successful businessmen prefer a free style, a kind of casual with elements of the classics.

7. Don't be afraid to catch the eye.
Looking rich does not only mean dressing beautifully and wearing expensive things, it is a certain ability to behave in society. If you look great, then you will certainly be looked at, appreciated, perhaps even admired. Don't be afraid of those looks, catch them, enjoy each one, understand what you deserve good opinion About Me. After this realization, everything else will follow. Change your thoughts, change your reality.

A person who looks presentable, successful and well-groomed always inspires confidence and confidence. The image of respectability contributes to the rapid establishment of contacts, the emergence of understanding, the location of the opposite sex, etc.

And in order to look like this, it is not at all necessary to be the daughter of an oil tycoon - you just need to know a few secrets for creating your expensive and stylish image.

12 lessons on creating an "expensive" image - style lessons for every day

Of course, when there is money, everything is easier. You can contact a stylist who will help you create an image, take a course of procedures in a beauty salon, choose expensive clothes in a fashion boutique, etc.

Alas, most of our citizens cannot afford such expenses.

But this is not a reason to give up, because there are many ways to look expensive without investing a lot of money.

The most important style lessons for your look:

  1. White and black. When choosing your look for the day, stick to one color in clothes - neutral. "All in white" or "all in black". Refinement will add a game with textures of fabrics. And, of course, take care of your hair - it should look like you just left the salon.
  2. Monochrome. An option for those who do not like monotony in the image. Choose a wardrobe in monochrome. We take one color as a basis, and then with taste (!) we “layer” other elements of clothing in shades of the selected color. Emphasis is on the texture of fabrics. For example, suede and knitwear, wool and leather, or silk with jeans.
  3. Clothes to order. You don't have to go to the studio. A talented seamstress can be found in your city and outside the studio. We draw an exclusive sketch (to the best of our abilities) on our own, and then we give it to the seamstress and wait for the masterpiece. This method will help to dilute the wardrobe not with the same type of "market" things, but with stylish and fashionable ones that no one else will have.
  4. Timeless style. It is not necessary to "run" for seasonal trends, the best choice- a classic that always remains timeless. This option allows you to look expensive, and makes it easier to create your own fashionable image. For example, we put on dark branded jeans and a beautiful T-shirt with a V-neck. We add the right shoes and accessories to the image.
  5. Final accent. In this case we are talking about the details that complete the image. Just putting on a fashionable set of clothes is not enough, you must definitely add, for example, a stylish hat, trench coat or raincoat. A small but important nuance, which, moreover, can be removed at any time.
  6. Gold. We don't get carried away jewelry. The main secret of the jewelry part of the image is a little, but expensive. You don’t need to hang a whole box of diamonds, chains and rings on yourself - just one expensive bracelet or chain with a pendant is enough. In the absence of funds for gold, we choose high-quality branded jewelry (not market!). However, silver of the author's work is always in trend! Cheaper, more accessible and also effective.
  7. "Geometric" bags. Any woman knows that one of the most important items in the image is a high-quality expensive bag, which must necessarily fit your ensemble. Do not save on bags - do not take them on benches near the house, "where it is cheaper." If the salary does not allow, it is better to take 1-2 handbags, but they are expensive and versatile. That is, suitable for any image. It is better to choose models from smooth leather, preferably - geometric shape. And, of course, with a minimum of details.
  8. Lightweight print. Not obtrusive, bright and large-scale, but light, emphasizing your style. For example, vertical or horizontal stripes.
  9. Your individual style. No decorations? Don't have a closet packed with a mountain of expensive things? No problem! We create a harmonious image from what is. The main task is to create your own unique style by adding a few eye-catching details. For example, a fashionable hat, scarf, wide belt, gloves, etc.
  10. Refreshing an old wardrobe! Today, there are a lot of ways to give old things a second life: make beautiful fashionable shorts out of old trousers, update knocked-down shoe toes with rhinestones, decorate old worn jeans with embroidery, beads or other decor, sew a lot of fashionable pockets on worn shirts, etc. A little bit of fantasy, one " magic" basket with needlework - and voila! New fashionable image I'm ready now!
  11. Effective hairstyle. Even beautiful, but simply loose hair is far from a sign of an “expensive” image. The hairstyle should look like you jumped out of the beauty salon 5 minutes ago and ran further on business matters. Start every day with styling. Search the web for hairstyles that are right for you and that you can do yourself. Don't forget about hair care! The "dear" woman's hair is always in a chic condition, shines with a healthy shine, beautifully styled.
  12. Cosmetics. One of the ways to emphasize the dignity and, as you know, hide the imperfections of the skin. You need to use cosmetics only in compliance with this rule and, of course, to a minimum, and not in “3 layers of plaster”.

And don't forget about perfume! Choose delicate and sophisticated fragrances - sophisticated, not cloying.

How to look expensive and well-groomed without special expenses?

Image, of course, does not "decide everything", as they say. But a lot depends on the image. Indeed, at all times we are met “by clothes” - from the business sphere to personal life.

It is important to always be in good shape and keep your finger on the pulse!

For your attention - a few more secrets for creating an image with "singing finances" in your wallet:

  • Bought a new cheap item? Add some polish to it with details. For example, expensive beautiful buttons. Today, in stores "for sewing" there are real button masterpieces.
  • If you have embarked on the fashionable path of an expensive woman, do not use knitwear in your image. At least in public. Also go past the suede.
  • Fashion trends come to the fore! An elegant classic should be your beacon. Buy yourself a blazer, a pencil skirt, a jacket, and a few other classic pieces to work with, depending on the look you're creating.
  • We choose bags, belts and shoes exclusively from genuine leather. You can't spare money for this.
  • The polyester lining on the coat can be replaced with silk.
  • Particular attention to hair, makeup, choice of perfume - and, of course, to the hands. The hands of an expensive woman are always well-groomed, neat, and with a beautiful fresh manicure.
  • We do not buy things in the market. Quit this bad habit and never return to it. At sales in fashion stores (which happen twice a year), you can buy quality clothes with solid discounts.
  • Do not rake everything in a row when you go shopping. Learn to deny yourself stupidity and unnecessary rubbish so that you have enough money for worthwhile things.
  • Don't buy cheap perfumes. Don't buy overly sweet perfumes. Do not pour half a bottle of perfume on yourself at a time. The aroma should be light and refined.
  • Get rid of bad habits, gestures and words. Dear woman never allow himself to smoke like a locomotive in public, spit, swear and drink more than half a glass of wine in any company. Dear woman is always cultured, polite and is a "born" diplomat.
  • When purchasing things, carefully check their quality. - seams, lining, all zippers and buttons.
  • No arrows on tights, holes in socks, hooks and spools on clothes , old underwear and stretched knees on trousers or sweatpants. You must always look like a queen. Even if you spend the whole day at home alone, if you take out the trash or run out for bread.

Mistakes in the desire to look expensive and well-groomed - how to avoid bad taste and vulgarity?

Everyone is familiar with the word "vulgarity". But, unfortunately, not everyone remembers about him, choosing an image for himself for the coming day.

This word became very popular among aristocrats after the revolution in France: this label was hung on representatives from the bourgeois class who had neither blue blood, nor knowledge and traditions, nor the appropriate upbringing.

In our time, the “symptoms” of vulgarity have changed somewhat, but still the essence has remained the same.

So, what not to do if you want to be an expensive woman - your potential mistakes in the image:

  • Too catchy, bright, inept makeup. We remind you once again - beauty should be natural! That is, we carefully and discreetly emphasize the merits and no less carefully hide the flaws. And no more! Only high-quality thoughtful make-up can become your “weapon”, but not the war paint of a girl from the village, who first fell into the hands of cosmetics.
  • Unnatural hair color. No green and purple, as well as red and blue "overflows". This is "fashionable" for a girl of 15, but not for an adult "expensive" woman. Tired of the monotony? There are many opportunities to change the hairstyle - haircut, perm, coloring and highlighting, etc.
  • Don't go overboard with manicures. Yes, nails should be well-groomed and beautiful, but not extended with a mass of sparkles, pebbles, etc. The ideal option is a stylish classic jacket on oval or square shape(not triangular, not pointed!).
  • Forget lash extensions and creepy painted (instead of plucked) eyebrows! Be closer to the image that Mother Nature has given you.
  • Too much nudity. Dress with open backa good option to go out with a gentleman. But not for shopping. You should also forget about too deep necklines, too short skirt shorts and other things that reveal to the public what should be hidden from the eyes.
  • Bad taste is the main enemy. If you can't walk in high heels and high heels- choose different shoes. Thick platforms are for teenagers. The disheveled hippie look is for teenagers. Dress with sneakers - for teenagers. A translucent blouse with a solid excess weight is tasteless. A tight dress with a too skinny figure is tasteless.
  • No rhinestones and sparkles on clothes if there are too many of them. The emphasis in the image should be on one thing! If you sparkle like Christmas tree, talking about style is inappropriate. Are you wearing a bright scarf? Stop only on it. No more bright details in the image. Decided to wear a sweater with a print? Everything else pick up in the 1st color, black or white.
  • On leather substitutes - a categorical taboo. Everything must be natural. Ruffles, bows, an abundance of lace - also "in the furnace."
  • If you decide to slightly open any part of the body, adding seductiveness to the image, choose either the legs, or the décolleté area, or the shoulders. Opening everything at once is the height of vulgarity.
  • Be careful with red! Yes, it is winning, "expensive" and attracting attention. But only under certain conditions: you ideal figure, not too much red, the image is concise, competent and complete.
  • Large mesh tights , with " original patterns”, with a seal in the form of “cats”, etc. vulgar! Choose a classic!

When forming your new expensive image, make allowances for age, figure constitution, color type, etc.