Romantic ideas for Valentine's Day: how to have a beautiful Valentine's Day. Romantic Valentine's Day Dinner Italian Pizza in the Shape of a Heart

Valentine's Day is celebrated every year on February 14th. According to custom, on this day they give each other declarations of love. The day of February 14 was also the occasion for presenting a small gift. Ready to please your soulmate?

Lovers try to have a date on this day in a special way to emphasize their relationship to each other. Today women's online magazine will offer 10 interesting ideas for a date that day.

Timeless classic: romantic dinner

While cooking together may be an everyday activity for you, on Valentine's Day you can arrange things a little differently.

You can cook some unique dish and aphrodisiacs, decorate the table with lit candles. Don't forget the champagne and romantic music!

Very Hot!: Adult Games

On the night of February 14, you can play the game "for adults". Such games are great entertainment for couples who crave sensual sensations.

If you understand that the fire in the bedroom is no longer burning as brightly as it used to be, if you want to return affection and re-enter the world of erotic games, rekindle emotions, then Valentine's Day provides excellent opportunities for this.

Idea for romantics: sunset

If you are both romantic, then you can indulge in sublime sensations with a glass of champagne until sunset.

Take your partner to some deserted place, stock up on champagne and a warm blanket. Even during a frosty winter, such a date, for example, in a car, will be unforgettable.

A breath of fresh emotions: a new bedroom

Buy beautiful bedding, pillows, black out the windows with curtains, turn on beautiful music. Decorate the bedroom with flowers (best of all, rose petals), place burning candles on furniture and cabinets, and a bottle of champagne on the table.

A bedroom on Valentine's Day doesn't have to be boring!

Wet Valentine's Day

How about a bubble bath together? Such bathing, combined with a special atmosphere, will awaken special feelings.

Do not forget to remove all unnecessary things from the bathroom so that the space is harmonious. Also, do not forget about bath oils and gels.

Movie Show: Romantic Movies

You can arrange a movie show on the evening of Valentine's Day. Take romantic movies, buy snacks and wines.

This is very good way relieve stress in a friendly atmosphere created by cinema.

Body sushi (body sushi)

Or maybe offer body sushi to your partner? Nothing stimulates the senses more than the absorption of food from the body of the second half.

The Body sushi ceremony is the most exclusive form of serving this product. It is very popular all over the world. This is closely related to Japanese culture and cult female body, which is in the country rising sun is of particular importance.

It does not have to be typical Japanese sushi (although it is possible to purchase a body kit specifically). An alternative version could be sweet dessert with fruit and whipped cream.

Love Dessert

Prepare delicious desserts for your loved one. Everyone loves sweets, and if they are also beautifully decorated with hearts and flowers, then even more so.

Such a gift on Valentine's Day will surely be appreciated by everyone, and a joint tasting of sweets can be no less pleasant.


Valentine's Day can be devoted to sports. Ice skating is an ideal form of physical activity for a couple.

Invite your loved one to the ice skating rink and then to a delicious dinner to create a special atmosphere.

Journey into the unknown

You can arrange a spontaneous vacation in another city - buy tickets at the last moment and invite your loved one on a journey into the unknown.

Choose the most romantic city that comes to your mind.

These were 10 interesting ideas for February 14th. How are you planning to celebrate this holiday? Share your dizzying or, on the contrary, romantic ideas in the comments!

Happy Valentine's Day to you! *heart*

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Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day - a great occasion for a romantic date, which can be organized even within the walls of your own apartment. Of course, to spend an unforgettable romantic evening at home, you need to create the appropriate atmosphere, and for this you need to make quite a bit of effort and desire to arrange fabulous date.

How to decorate a room?

Creating an intimate and charming atmosphere in an apartment starts with decorating the room in which you are going to spend the evening. Subdued light from table lamps or lit candles will help to give a romantic atmosphere. Buy candles of different shapes and sizes, place them around the room or create original composition in the form of a heart or your names. At first glance, such a decision seems banal, but do not let these thoughts bother you.

Each love story is unique in its own way, and therefore your evening will look unusual, because you do not arrange such a holiday every day.

An important element of the decor of your room should be a cozy place where you will be next to each other, holding hands or hugging tightly. You can create a completely comfortable corner right on the floor. Spread a thick blanket on it, throw in a few pillows, put a couple of glasses and wine on a tray, and scatter rose petals around the edges of the makeshift bed.

You can dive into such a cozy nest after a delicious dinner, turn on a good movie, enjoy the taste of wine and each other's company.

What should a romantic dinner look like?

Of course, for support romantic mood you need to take care of a delicious dinner. First of all, dishes for February 14 should not be complicated, because the main thing here is a loving mood. Take note of a few rules before compiling a menu for a romantic evening:

Dishes should be easy to prepare and do not require additional culinary skills. Otherwise, you will have to spend several hours at the stove, and when it comes to romance, you will be exhausted from your feet.

If you are going to cook meat or fish dishes, take boneless products so that your hands stay clean and the meal process goes smoothly.

Try to minimize the addition of onions, garlic, hot spices. Agree, for a romantic evening, the aromas of these products will be superfluous.

Dinner should not overload the stomach. Avoid spicy, fried foods, beans and peas.

The menu for a romantic dinner consists of three or four courses. In the end, in order not to stay too long at the table, and after a light dinner, continue a romantic evening with your loved one.

As for the table setting, decorate it with appropriate accessories - candles, hearts, red napkins.

An important point in preparing for a romantic evening at home is the design holiday table. Of course, you will not have dinner at the kitchen table, but in the room, sitting at a beautifully decorated table. Therefore, be inspired by the atmosphere of fine restaurants.

Surely in your locker behind glass doors there are sets of dishes that you take out only on special occasions. Rest assured, Valentine's Day is the most special occasion ever. So do not be sorry, but get the most beautiful plates, cutlery and set the table in the best traditions of a romantic dinner. Do not forget about preparing a beautiful tablecloth that needs to be ironed well. Choose a dark-colored tablecloth, preferably red or of blue color and the fabric is linen.

Which drink to choose for a romantic evening? The question is important. Most likely, it will be wine or champagne, if alcohol is not contraindicated for any of you. First, it should be small. Secondly, alcohol must be chosen correctly. Red wine is suitable for meat dishes, white wine for fish dishes. Strong alcoholic drinks should be abandoned so that you can admire your soulmate with a more or less sober look.

Musical accompaniment

Calm music will be a great addition to your evening and will set you in a romantic mood. Experienced lovers insist on choosing music, not TV. If you watch TV at dinner, then your home date will lose the thread of romanticism, and will look like an ordinary evening, of which you have thousands more ahead of you. By the way, put away smartphones and tablets, because this evening only your loved one exists for you, and good music is in the background. Make a playlist of your favorite tunes in advance, taking into account each other's musical preferences as much as possible.

What to wear for a romantic evening at home?

It is worth noting that for a man and a woman the concept of "romantic evening" has different meanings. It is important for a woman to wear Nice dress, open champagne and light candles. And for men, most likely, the entourage is not as important as female attention and the anticipation of a sweet night. So, if you want to please your loved one, then take into account his preferences as well.

When choosing an image for a romantic evening, it is better to give preference to a relaxed outfit, and Evening Dress let it be for another reason. In a homely atmosphere, an outfit with a slight hint of flirting and frankness will look more than perfect, and will help you and your man relax. Of course, it must be a dress and only a dress! Made from lightweight, flowing fabric. On the feet - no slippers and tights. Only - stockings and shoes with low heels. Some attention should be paid light makeup. In this regard, the main thing is not to overdo it, because at the end of the event you will have passionate kisses, and your loved one should not “eat up” foundation and lipstick.

The desire to spend a romantic evening at home is already half a step towards a new round in the development of your relationship with your soulmate. And Valentine's Day is the perfect occasion. An evening prepared with love will certainly dilute your gray everyday life with bright lights, because romance is appropriate in any relationship: in those that are just emerging and in those that grow stronger over the years.

On this day, full of love and miracles, you want something unusual and amazing. good option joint evenings there will be a visit to the places where you first met, met or kissed. Nostalgia for those times will refresh your relationship. Do not forget to make a small heart-shaped card with an unusual message to your chosen one or darling with your own hands.

Good idea for holding a romantic evening on February 14 There will also be horseback riding. It does not matter if you do not know how to ride a horse, they will teach you everything. But still, if you saddle a horse, then you can just ride in a carriage together. For a man, it will not be superfluous at this moment to present a bouquet of flowers and open a bottle of champagne in honor of the holiday.

If you both love extreme sports, then spend an evening on Valentine's Day you can go on a skating rink or conquer the sky and jump off with a parachute. Such an event will definitely remain in the memory for the rest of your life.

Out of town, away from the hustle and bustle celebrate February 14 the couple that works all day long. Valentine's Day- an occasion to take a break from everyday affairs and just relax your soul alone with your loved one. In the house you can build a fireplace, place aromatic candles, cook a delicious and simple dinner or order food from a cafe, drink a glass of fine wine and just talk about life.

If you and your man are big entertainers, then on The 14th of February prepare each other surprises with raffles. For example, come up with your own darts with tasks, in case of failure of which the partner takes off part of his clothes. Or do the dance in oriental style with serving food to your loved one. Improvise, then your holiday will definitely be remembered by both.

For those who love traditional celebration of Valentine's Day, you need to urgently visit the cinema. Choose a romantic comedy and go to the last rows of the hall. You need to continue the evening in your favorite restaurant and with the presentation of gifts to each other.

Do you want to arrange a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day for your soulmate?

We will show you how best to organize it so that this evening goes perfectly.

So, a good romantic dinner consists of the following elements:

  • beautifully decorated room
  • themed table setting
  • delicious food
  • romantic music
  • good mood and love:).

We will talk about all this in order in our article.

Room decor

The room where a romantic dinner will take place can be decorated with themed flags.

Of course, candles will be the main decor of the evening.

Rose petals will help add a romantic mood.

Letters or a heart with light bulbs will look very nice (you can buy them).

And the wall can be decorated with a garland with your photos - it turns out very romantic (you can buy such a garland here).

Also, balloons will perfectly complement the holiday:

Decor and table setting

When organizing a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day, you should pay attention to table setting. An elegant tablecloth, candles, small decorative trifles will add a special mood to your evening.

Food for a romantic dinner on February 14

The answer to the question "What to cook for a romantic dinner?" depends on your preference. If you are a novice cook, you can prepare dishes you already know by decorating them festively.

Heart-shaped pizza or baked potatoes will definitely delight your lover or sweetheart. It is not the complexity of the dish that is important, but the feelings that you have invested in their preparation.

If you want to surprise your soulmate with something new, then take a look at our section. But you can find special dishes for Valentine's Day.

By the way, take care of the presence of dessert and drinks. For dessert, you can choose cake, biscuits or cakes, as well as fruit.

Romantic music

As a backdrop for your evening, you can burn your favorite melodies on a disc or use our selection

Surprise and please your loved one on February 14th not only with gifts, but also with a delicious treat. The article offers you ideas for decorating and preparing a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day.

It is customary to celebrate the holiday of "all lovers" not only with gifts, valentines, congratulations and declarations of love, but also delicious treats, sweets, beautiful breakfasts and romantic dinners. The symbol of the holiday is the heart., which is present literally in everything: postcards, gift wrapping, balls, decorations and, of course, food!

Any dish can be prepared for your “second half” and put it on a plate aesthetically (in the shape of a heart). However, resourceful chefs came up with not only a beautiful design of dishes, but also their original preparation. Yes, with the help simple tips, you can serve an unusual breakfast than to surprise and please your loved one.

Ideas for unusual dishes and treats:

The easiest recipe "hearty" toasts with jam or nut butter. Preparing them is very simple: first cut a heart out of a slice of bread with a knife, and then fry it in a toaster or in a frying pan without oil. Spread the finished toast with the selected jam and arrange beautifully on a plate. This dish is a must add a cup of coffee.

Toast for Valentine's Day

If you are not good at cooking or you just do not have time to prepare unusual dishes, you can go the simple way - just purchase in advance the dishes for serving food in the shape of a heart. You can fill it with sweets, fruits or berries. This will not only "please the eye", but also give your loved one pleasant emotions.

Moreover, such dishes can serve as a gift and be used in the future in everyday life.

Fruit Salad Fancy Serving

You can give a heart shape to almost any dish. The most popular: spaghetti with sauce, pizza, sandwiches, various cereals and salads, snacks.

Heart shaped spaghetti and sauce

Salad with heart-shaped vegetables

Mini pizza with different toppings

Holiday scrambled toast

Not only dishes can help you, but also special kitchen utensils. In modern stores, you can find unusual molds for boiling and frying eggs, which, instead of the usual one, will give the egg a heart shape.

Salad with heart shaped eggs

cook pizza for valentine's day very simple. You do not have to look for any special recipe, you can use any: familiar, simple without yeast or yeast. Also as a basis good for puff pastry, cut it out in advance so that the base takes the shape of a heart.

Heart shaped pizza

Simple homemade pizza with sausages

If you are good at baking, then this can "play into your hands", as they say. You can congratulate your loved one with sweet cookies, delicious buns, sweets, marmalade and chocolates. A person can eat such treats all day long, than to cheer himself up and get pleasant emotions.

Delicious heart shaped pastry

Simple shortbread with heart-shaped sprinkles

Buns in the shape of a heart

Menu for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

romantic dinner is needed in order to bring together hearts in love, to give them magic tender feelings and enjoy the moments together. Romantic dinner should be beautiful and tasty. Do not cook a lot of dishes, because you should not overeat (you will need strength for the night).

The best thing to do light salad and hearty meat or fish dish, complemented by an unusual sauce. You can also add fruits and sweets, because they will certainly bring pleasure, while drinking wine or champagne. Fruit slices can be shaped like a heart by sprinkling them through a sieve with powdered sugar, and sweets are suitable cakes, cakes or chocolates-hearts.

IMPORTANT: A homemade romantic dinner will allow you to spend time usefully and not as expensive as in a restaurant. You can cook any food, play a movie about love and drink a light alcoholic drink.

Home romantic dinner

Ideas for a romantic dinner:

Heart shaped canned tuna fish salad

Hot appetizer with shrimp and cherry tomatoes for a romantic dinner

Unusual salad with declarations of love for the holiday

Romantic dinner at home

Fruit salad in half a pineapple

Spaghetti and salad for a romantic dinner

Baked fish or a piece of meat for a romantic dinner

IMPORTANT: In the design of the festive table for a romantic dinner, the main thing is not to be too lazy to decorate the table with elegant dishes and glasses, buy the necessary paraphernalia, candles and flowers.

Beautiful design romantic dinner

Festive food and paraphernalia

A simple but soulful dinner for two

A dish such as sushi. This food is often present on the tables of modern couples for dinner, especially for a romantic one. cook sushi and rolls you can do it yourself, or you can order in a restaurant. It's essential saves you time and energy.

Such food can be very beautifully arranged on serving plates, lay out in the shape of a heart or write in pieces a word. Besides, sushi and rolls- food made from seafood, which in turn have a very good effect on potency (as aphrodisiacs). Such an advantage of dinner will allow the couple to have a very sensual night.

Romantic Japanese dinner

Sushi shaped like a heart for a festive dinner

Rolls laid out in the shape of a heart

Rolls for a festive romantic dinner Festive table decoration with rolls for a romantic dinner

Salads for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

As already mentioned, romantic Dinner shouldn't be "heavy" and a light salad is the best way to feed your soul mate. Of course you can use the recipe of any festive and everyday salad, the main thing is to present it unusually and solemnly.

The most popular "romantic" salad is considered to be "Caesar" with chicken breast. The dish has many delicious ingredients, unusual sauce, freshness of vegetables and satiety. It goes well with white, red and sparkling wines.

You will need:

  • chicken breast- 2 pcs. (not large, can be replaced with a piece of turkey breast).
  • lettuce leaves- 1 bunch (can be replaced with Beijing cabbage leaves without a hard part).
  • Cherry tomatoes- 8-10 pcs. (can be replaced with any tomatoes, cut into small slices).
  • Bread- 2 slices of white wheat loaf (useful for croutons).
  • boiled egg- 2 pcs. (can be replaced with a few pieces of quail eggs, also boiled). You will also need one raw yolk!
  • parmesan cheese- 100 g (can be replaced with Grano Padano or any hard and fatty cheese).
  • Garlic- 1 clove
  • Mustard- 1 tsp (if the mustard is spicy, you can use a smaller amount, or replace with Dijon).
  • Mayonnaise- 1 tbsp.


  • First of all, one should prepare croutons: cut the bread pulp into cubes and send to dry in the oven. Make sure they don't burn. You can sprinkle the croutons with salt beforehand.
  • The chicken breast is rubbed with salt and pepper and can be baked in the oven, fried in a pan or boiled in water if you don't eat fried foods. Make sure the breast does not dry out. Cool the cooked breast.
  • Lettuce leaves are laid out at the bottom of the serving dish, or Chinese cabbage without a hard part (head).
  • Chicken breast should be cut into slices, carefully put on top of the leaves.
  • Prepare the sauce: mix mayonnaise, yolk, mustard and crushed garlic clove. Mix thoroughly. Pour the sauce over the chicken pieces.
  • Cut the cheese on a special grater with a knife into thin "ribbons". If the cheese crumbles, make a crumble and sprinkle over the meat. Even simple rubbing on a coarse grater will also work.
  • Cherry tomatoes and eggs should be cut in half and carefully spread over the entire plate with a festive salad. The dish is ready!


Salad "Caprese" in turn, it is distinguished by ease of preparation and a set of simple ingredients. The salad looks visually like cheese and vegetable slices. Salad is easy to eat, it goes well with any wine. Not "heavy" for the stomach and very tasty.

You will need:

  • Mozzarella- 180 g. (Make your own cheese or buy it in a store. Choose small balls of mozzarella or baby mozzarella).
  • Cherry tomatoes- 150-200 g (can be replaced with any other small tomatoes).
  • Olives- 1 can (black olives without pits and additives are required).
  • Olive oil- a few tablespoons for salad dressing.
  • Italian herb blend: dried basil, oregano, marjoram, etc.


  • Mozzarella cut into slices
  • The dry part from the leg is removed from the tomato, it is cut into circles in the size of the chopped cheese.
  • On a serving dish, you can optionally put lettuce leaves, cheese and tomato are neatly laid out on top, alternating each other.
  • Top laid out ingredients are decorated with black olives.
  • Salad can be salted to taste (it is best to choose sea ​​salt) and drizzle with olive oil.
  • Sprinkle seasoning from natural dry "Italian" herbs on top of the salad.
  • Garnish with green basil leaves


Salad "Nicoise" This is a delicious and satisfying dish, perfect for a romantic evening. It is not difficult to prepare it.

You will need:

  • Canned tuna- 1 can (if you have fresh fish, replace with lightly fried tuna).
  • black olives- a handful of
  • Anchovies- 50 g. (810 pieces is enough)
  • Green beans- 100-150 g.
  • Egg- 2 pcs. (You can use chicken or quail. Depending on your preferences).
  • Tomato- several pcs. "cherries" or one regular
  • Salad leaves to decorate a serving dish
  • Onion- 5 g green onion feathers
  • Garlic- 1 clove
  • Olive oil(for dressing) and 2 tbsp. wine vinegar.

IMPORTANT: Before you start preparing the salad, you must already have prepared the sauce. To do this, mix olive oil, vinegar, garlic and salt to taste.


  • Serving platter garnished with lettuce leaves
  • Boil eggs and green beans ahead of time
  • Crumble or lick onion feathers on lettuce leaves. Drizzle with a couple of tablespoons of the sauce.
  • Eggs and tomatoes are cut into slices, along with olives they are laid out in a circle of a plate.
  • A slide of green beans is placed in the center of the plate
  • A can of tuna is opened, the oil is drained. Neat, not large pieces of fish are laid out on top of the beans.
  • Put a few anchovy fish on top of the tuna.
  • The dish is generously poured with sauce before serving.


Hot dishes for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

IMPORTANT: A romantic dinner assumes that you will prepare original and unusual dishes with which you can surprise and please your “soulmate”.

Duck breast in caramel sauce:

You will need:

  • Large chicken breast- 2 pcs. (for two servings)
  • Soy sauce– 1 bottle of 250 ml.
  • Natural honey- 2 tbsp.
  • Garlic- 3 teeth
  • Lemon- half a citrus
  • Pickling spices to taste
  • To decorate the finished dish, you can use black olives, grapes or capers (whatever you like), as well as fresh herbs.


  • The breast is cleaned of excess films and fat, part of the skin should be left so that a beautiful crispy crust appears on it when frying.
  • Prepare the sauce for pickling the breast: in a bowl, mix the soy sauce with the juice of half a lemon, add pepper to taste (ground or mixture), squeeze out the garlic and add liquid honey. Stir the sauce and place the duck into it, cut into large cubes.
  • Marinate the breast for at least an hour.
  • After that, split the pan. Meat should be fried without oil. The remaining fat layer on the duck will release the necessary lard for frying.
  • Fry the pieces of meat for about 5 minutes, while doing this, do not forget to shake the pan or turn the pieces on the other side with a spoon.
  • After cooking, place the pieces of meat on serving plates. Add a small amount of marinade to the remaining fat in the pan, melt it and wait until it becomes thicker. Sauce should be cooked for no more than three minutes.
  • Pour the prepared sauce over the meat
  • Decorate the dish with berries or olives, decorate with herbs before serving.

Caramel duck breast

Dorada in the oven with vegetables:

You will need:

  • Fish- 2 pcs. (sea bream or any other, not too large fish, for example, carp).
  • Tomato- 2 pcs. (medium size)
  • Onion- 1 PC. large onion
  • Pepper- 1 PC. sweet (any)
  • Olive oil or any vegetable(a few tablespoons).
  • Sea salt (to taste)
  • Garlic- 1 clove


  • Onions should be cut into neat and not thick half rings.
  • After that, start cooking the fish. Remove the eyes and entrails from the fish, thoroughly wash the carcass with the cut tummy.
  • Place a sliced ​​tomato, half of a fried onion and a few rings of pepper into the cut tummy. Add garlic.
  • The fish is poured with a small amount of oil, it should be peppered and salt should be added (you can in a small amount, to taste).
  • Put the fish on a baking sheet and send it to the oven.
  • The fish is baked for half an hour, while the oven temperature should be about 200 degrees.

Baked sea bream

Snacks for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

Snacks for a romantic dinner can serve as a complete meal they can include a wide variety of ingredients: cheese, vegetables, fruits, meat. They must be beautifully arranged, prepared canapes or tartlets.

Fish salad in small portions with red caviar: beautiful serving

Salad "Caprese" in miniature on skewers in the form of an appetizer

Aspic of meat with cheese and vegetables: appetizer

Vegetable skewers with boiled shrimp

Sandwiches with caviar and olives

Fresh salad with tomato and cheese for appetizer Cheese canapes with nuts and grapes

Baked cheese tartlets: appetizer

Mini canapes for a snack for a romantic dinner

Puff pastry appetizer with tomato

The best appetizer for a romantic dinner - cheese fondue. Fondue is a pot heated by a candle, which contains cheese sauce. Using skewers or special forks, you should string any piece of sliced ​​\u200b\u200b(ham, vegetables, nuts, potatoes, shrimp, croutons) and dip in hot sauce.

cheese fondue

Sweets for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

Sweets play a very important role for the "holiday of all lovers." They are set a good mood, delight with their taste, complement a romantic dinner. It is not at all necessary to cook sweets on your own, because any pastry shop will certainly offer for the holiday great amount desserts and treats.

You can choose sweetness for every taste: chocolates, heart-shaped cakes, glazed cookies, gingerbread with artistic painting, cakes, truffles, marmalade, jelly and much more. Having bought a dessert, of course, you will save your personal time preparing for the holiday.

IMPORTANT: Modern housewives often offer homemade cakes for sale. Cakes, cupcakes, muffins and gingerbread are very popular. self made with glaze painting, marzipan and sugar figurines.

Muffins for the holidays

Cupcakes with marzipan and mastic

Cookies with icing

Caramel candies in the form of hearts

Gingerbread with glaze painting

Cakes for February 14

Heart shaped macaroons

Homemade cookies for February 14

If you are watching your figure or just do not want to buy holiday sweets in the store, you can do fruit slices with berries. You can decorate such a cut with fresh mint leaves, powdered sugar, cinnamon and melted chocolate.

IMPORTANT: It is very popular as a dessert on February 14 chocolate fondue. You can dip a banana, orange, strawberry, kiwi, pineapple into it. If you don't want hot fondue, chocolate-covered strawberries can be made ahead of time.

Chocolate fondue

Strawberries in chocolate

Strawberries in chocolate with chocolate and nut crumbs

Baking for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

Making sweet pastries for Valentine's Day is quite realistic with your own hands. It is in your power to make delicious pastries and cakes from biscuit and cream. Making a delicious and fluffy biscuit is very simple.

You will need:

  • Sugar- 1 glass (measured). If you're watching your figure, use less sugar.
  • Flour- 1 cup (coarse and premium, replace with any other if desired).
  • Eggs- 4 things. large chicken
  • Salt- pinch


  • Egg whites should be separated from the yolks. Pour the whites into a separate bowl and beat with a mixer (blender) with a small pinch of salt for 5-10 minutes. You should get fluffy foam This is the key to a good biscuit.
  • After that, gradually add sugar and continue beating until you get elastic protein mass.
  • Without stopping the beating, add the yolks, gradually stir in the flour.
  • Grease a baking sheet or deco with oil, pour out the dough. Bake a biscuit about 25 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Check readiness with a toothpick.

IMPORTANT: You can make cakes or a cake from a cooled biscuit by smearing the cakes with any cream (purchased or prepared on your own). If you want to bake a chocolate sponge cake, just add some cocoa to the dough.

Cake for February 14

You can also please your “soul mate” with your own made panna cotta (creamy or chocolate). It is not difficult to make it and sugar, gelatin and cream.

Panna cotta on February 14

Biscuit cut with hearts in chocolate icing

IMPORTANT: If you have a special waffle iron, on February 14 you can bake delicious waffle hearts and add them with any sauce.

Waffle hearts for February 14

Breakfast ideas for February 14 - Valentine's Day

You can surprise your loved one in the morning by preparing a delicious and unusual breakfast for him. It will be unusual only because you will decorate it in an original way by adding holiday symbols - heart.

Toast with scrambled eggs for a holiday breakfast
Fancy pancakes

Original breakfast

Video: “A SIMPLE BREAKFAST on St. Valentine"