Buy a gift for 30 years for a girl. Professional help in the face of MillionGifts

30 years is a wonderful age, this is the heyday of youth, when everything is on the shoulder and everything is ahead. Therefore, it is worth celebrating the 30th anniversary on a grand scale and with the most the best gifts. But how to choose them? What to give a man for 30 years to please him and make the holiday unforgettable? Our advice will help you make the right decision.

How to choose the right gift for a man for 30 years?

If you are looking for a present, do not forget about simple rules which will make the choice easier:

  • Forget the platitudes. The 30th anniversary is not the day when you can give socks, even in cool holiday packaging.
  • Nothing too personal to obscene. Surely a man himself is able to buy himself shaving foam or shower gel, so do not offend him with such a gift.
  • Try to make your gift as personal as possible. This means that it is necessary to take into account the tastes of the recipient and what interests him.
  • Choose the right gift value. An overly expensive birthday present may please, but it will certainly put you in an uncomfortable position if he cannot respond in kind. And a very cheap gift may hint that they simply spared money on it.

And always try to give a gift from the heart, with the soul. This means that it must not only be chosen correctly, but also beautifully packaged and presented. Try to turn the moment of delivery into a real little holiday that the birthday person will remember for a long time.

TOP 10 gifts for a man for 30 years

  1. personalized pen
  2. Money clip
  3. Souvenir weapon
  4. Certificate for individual tailoring of clothes or shoes
  5. Cool multimedia keyboard
  6. Multifunctional knife
  7. Solar Charger
  8. Spa trip for two
  9. Skydiving
  10. Participation in a horse ride

Ideas for stylish and status gifts for a man for 30 years

Usually, by the age of 30, men already know for sure what they will do in life, and even achieve good success in their careers. Therefore, it's time to emphasize solidity with a status present. The best ideas for such things:

  • Stylish purse. Choose something unusual, such as one with a unique embossing. Do not forget to invest a couple of banknotes in a gift - this should bring financial success to the recipient.
  • Personalized pen. It doesn't have to be very expensive. The main decoration will be the original engraving.
  • Clip for banknotes. If the birthday boy does not like wallets, such a gift would be a great idea.
  • Leather briefcase. Choose a product that is not only beautiful, but also practical, so that it lasts a long time and reminds you of you.
  • Tie-pin. If the birthday man often wears suits with ties, then without such stylish accessory he can't do it.

A good idea a status present - a certificate for individual tailoring of clothes or shoes. Products sewn according to individual patterns always look expensive and fashionable.

An interesting gift idea is a souvenir weapon. Almost all men like it, even those who have no idea how to handle it and spend most of their time at the computer. Give a man a dagger in a richly decorated sheath, a saber or a crossbow, and your present will become a chic decoration for his home or office.

The best gift ideas for a man over 30 according to his passion

A gift chosen according to the birthday person's favorite business or hobby is a great idea. So you will definitely present something you need and please dear person. And your gift will often be used and remembered by the giver. But be sure to study in advance what the birthday boy is fond of, so as not to get into trouble by making an unfortunate mistake.

Gift ideas for a car enthusiast for 30 years

If the main hobby of a man is his car, then you can safely look for a gift not for the birthday man himself, but for his "iron horse". The best ideas for such presentations:

  • DVR. If the birthday boy has not yet purchased it himself, be sure to give such a useful device as a gift. The DVR will not only help you quickly resolve any controversial situation on the road, but will also allow you to shoot cool stories about your travels.
  • Compressor. It will allow you to pump up the wheels without problems and labors, just find out which device is suitable for the car of the birthday man.
  • A set of tools for auto repair. If the birthday boy not only drives a car, but also repairs it on his own, such a present will not leave him indifferent.
  • Seat covers. In modern auto shops you can find many different capes - simple, massage, heated and cooled. Decide what suits the birthday man, and feel free to give.
  • Car coffee maker or thermo mug powered by a cigarette lighter. Such gifts will allow you to always have a warm drink on the way, so they will make travel and trips more comfortable.
  • Floor mats or trunk. Be sure to choose them very carefully so as not to make a mistake with the size or color.

A great gift idea for a car enthusiast is a certificate from a car wash or car service. Just choose the institution that he trusts. Not every motorist decides to give his "swallow" into the hands of a stranger.

Ideas for computer gifts for a man for 30 years

If a man spends a lot of time at a computer, it doesn’t matter if he works or plays, you can give something for a PC. The best ideas for such presentations:

  • Cool multimedia keyboard. It has many additional functions, so it will be easier to work.
  • Gaming mouse. It will come in handy not only for a gamer, but also for any person who works a lot on a PC. Such a mouse is more reliable and more convenient than standard options.
  • Good speakers. This is a very valuable gift for a music lover who loves to listen to music while working. And if a man likes unusual things, he will like speakers with waterfalls dancing to the beat.
  • Computer chair. It is worth giving it only if you live together, so as not to make a mistake with the color and size. Choose a comfortable model that will follow the curves of your back and prevent fatigue.
  • External hard drive- a great present for anyone who works with large amounts of information.

30th Anniversary Gift Ideas for an Outdoor Lover

If a man loves active or just pleasant outdoor recreation, for example, fishing, hunting or traveling through the mountains and forests, it will be very interesting to choose a gift for him. In specialized stores, there are many devices that will make the adventures of the birthday man more comfortable and enjoyable. The best ideas for such gifts:

  • Tent. It is necessary to choose it, based on the needs of the birthday man. If he goes fishing occasionally in the summer, a simple thin awning will suffice, protecting from the sun and light rain. And for those who travel for a long time in the mountains and forests or are fond of ice fishing, you will need an insulated option.
  • Backpack. Modern model With large quantity pockets and additional features will be an excellent present for outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Cooler bag. It is useful for both tourists and picnic lovers to keep food fresh.
  • Unbreakable crockery. Traveling will be much easier with it, just give preference to compact sets.
  • Multifunctional knife. This is a real lifesaver in nature. Another good idea is a compact hatchet in a beautiful case.
  • Solar battery charger. With it, gadgets will be charged in any wilderness.

Do not forget that outdoor gifts should always be of exceptionally high quality. If suddenly something breaks in the dense forest, it will be very unpleasant.

There are many other hobbies and for each of them you can come up with a great present. It could be a book, a collectible, new guitar strings.

Romantic gift ideas for a 30 year old man

If you decide to make your birthday unforgettable, why not choose a romantic gift that will turn this day into a real fairy tale? Organize something unusual, bright and memorable. You can start the day with congratulations and coffee in bed, and then secretly toss an invitation to your loved one in your pocket. romantic evening. Decide how to bring it yourself, but taking into account the preferences of the birthday man. Best ideas:

  • A trip for two to a spa. The birthday boy will be delighted with a pleasant and useful vacation, and you can also spend time together and get closer even more.
  • Romantic evening on the roof. Prepare everything you need in advance and bring the birthday boy. You can enjoy the view of the city from a height and chat heart to heart.
  • Overnight at a luxury hotel. Don't forget candles and romantic music.
  • Private dance. Just a few lessons from a professional or a short video course will be enough to dance more or less decently. BUT loving person and you don’t need a complicated number, the main thing is the desire to please.
  • Tour for two. Such a gift is especially relevant for families with children. Even a couple of days alone with each other will help to refresh the relationship and fall in love with each other again.
  • Evening in the VIP-hall of the cinema. Such a pastime will be appreciated even by those who do not like cinema very much, because the main thing is that all the “kissing places” will be yours.

You can complement the gift in the form of a romantic adventure with a small souvenir made by yourself. A good idea is a bank of confessions. You need to write a lot of notes, how and why you love the birthday man, and put them in a beautiful jar.

Adventure gifts for a man for 30 years

Turning 30 is the time to experience new experiences and move towards adventure. If life is already wrapping the birthday man in a dense cocoon, it's time to break out of the ordinary and do something extreme. And you can help by giving a certificate for:

  • Skydiving is an adventure for the most daring, but the thrill is worth the risk;
  • Scuba diving in a diving club;
  • Participation in a horse trip or a small horse ride;
  • Flight in a wind tunnel;
  • Extreme driving lesson;
  • Flight in a hot air balloon;
  • Participation in a reality quest.

In addition, you can present participation in interesting master class. If the birthday boy has long dreamed of learning something, give him such an opportunity. It is possible that the new skill will bring many benefits in the future, and you deserve the most sincere thanks.

The pictures are fabulous, the gifts are real. The most interesting ones are below.

Option one. The closer the relationship, the more opportunities to buy exactly what he wants. Closest family relationships. And asking in advance what to give him would be the most correct solution to the problem. And, most likely, he will tell you. Then there will be no problems with finding and buying a gift at all. It's good for him and for you. Even if the option “money” is voiced, it’s also good. Then no problem at all: do not run and do not look. He will buy himself what he wants.

Option two. More difficult. This is when you are not tied family relationships in any form, that is, the young man is not your husband, not your brother, not your son, and so on. Perhaps he is your distant relative, family friend, work colleague. This narrows the field of choice a bit. That is, items from a series of clothes, perfumes, some hygiene products and much more are falling away. And it's kind of embarrassing to ask. But, despite this, something needs to be invented. And, of course, I would love to please.

What to rely on when choosing? Definitely, for knowledge about his hobbies, lifestyle, work, marital status, etc. Nothing without this. After all, what do you know about him anyway? If there is an opportunity for one of his relatives or friends to find out some additional information, find out. It is better to be safe once again than to get into an awkward position. But in general, do not worry! The gift will be bought, the man will be happy and everyone will be happy. But the best bet is money. How to give them in an original way, you will learn on the page

Have there been times in your life when you were presented with something completely different from what you would like? Of course they were. And nothing terrible happened. Well, they didn't give it. It happens! What can you do? So, let's not talk about sad things, but let's talk about the upcoming birthday!

Gift for a man, husband for 30 years.

At this age, young man, as a rule, there is still far from everything. If there is a wife and children, then most of the budget, of course, goes to them, loved ones. And somehow the hands do not reach themselves. Of course, I want a lot, but everything is postponed until later, until better times. Usually the most necessary things are bought, not up to luxury. And so I really want to please the young man and try to buy exactly what he lacks. So below are a few options. Look. These are just hints. The decision, of course, is up to you.

Men's bags. Namely: purses, briefcases, travel and business bags. Over 600 models in total. Production: Italy, France, China, England. Leather and eco-leather. Of course, it is better to choose a leather bag. No matter how much they talk about good quality artificial materials but you can't fool men. Only skin. What's more, it's a birthday present. A small recommendation: buy a model similar to the one that is on it this moment. It's not worth experimenting.

Elite books. Don't be surprised by this option. A young man who turns 30 still remembers the reverent attitude towards the books of his parents, grandparents. This generation in their childhood has not yet fallen into the computer-telephone era. Therefore, you can safely give such a rarity for the 30th anniversary. An elite book is a leather binding, excellent printing and a small circulation. Men, including young people, like books about weapons, fishing, hunting, cities and countries, history books, all kinds of reference books, encyclopedias. The book is a keepsake. It is stored carefully and the donor and occasion are never forgotten.

Leather wallets and wallets. Germany and Italy. It is Italy in last years is a trendsetter in men's accessories. The most important priorities: quality and style. The third is not given, and it is not necessary. Men prefer elegant rigor. All presented models of wallets meet the high requirements of modern life. What does a man need to carry with him? That's right: bank cards, business cards and banknotes. The bigger, the better. In general, these are all lyrics, and the wallets are actually very good. Choose, buy, you will not regret.

Travel bag. The item is for personal use only. Such items are valued by the stronger sex. "Mine and no one else." A toilet bag is just such a thing. Comfortable, pleasant to the touch case has everything you need to feel comfortable away from home. Now men are trying to buy empty toilet bags, because, as a rule, the razor included in the set does not suit them. And the rest of the items too. Therefore, an empty handbag is the best option. Such a travel bag is very convenient on the train, in a hotel room, in a car. “I carry everything with me.”

Pedometer. Unusual item for young age. Such devices would be more suitable for the elderly, but they are not. On the contrary, it will be interesting for an active and mobile guy to know how many steps he took. Ten thousand is the daily norm for an adult. It is very easy to measure - put it on your hand, put it in your pocket or attach it to your belt. And go ahead! Plus, the pedometer can measure the energy spent. Other members of the family will definitely want to try such a thing. In general, it is for health.

How to surprise a husband, a man.

It is clear that nothing will surprise them if you meet them naked from work. Surprised and what do you think? "Either crazy or something is needed." Joke. But seriously, you can surprise with gifts exclusively for the holidays. They like it much more than laying tiles or drilling a wall! So let's try.

Barbecues and grills. So comfortable things that such a gift cannot but be liked! And judging by the reviews of men, everything in the design of the braziers is thought out to the smallest detail. How does it usually happen? There is a good brazier, but there is nowhere to put everything you need. As a rule, a chair or a small table, or a stump adapts to this. Not convenient! These grills have it all. Maximum convenience and thoughtfulness.

Gift sets for holidays. Not only comfortable, but also beautiful. For myself, such things are rarely bought. It remains only to wait: maybe someone will give? The site contains many interesting options barbecue and barbecue sets. There is even a name stamp for the steak. And if a man cooks meat, puts his brand on it, try to say that it is not tasty. These are, of course, jokes. In general, a holiday set is a cool option for a 30th anniversary.

Set "Plant a tree". Cedar. An inexpensive original gift for a young man, which is very easy to beat and find the right words. The man is 30 years old. What is made of three main affairs in his life? A house is built, a child is born (with his participation, of course), a tree is planted? Let him plant it. A real handsome cedar will grow. The set includes a jar of nutrient soil, and cedar seeds. The main thing is not to forget to water, and the result will not keep you waiting. An original and positive gift for a young man on his 30th birthday

Portrait from photo on canvas

Do you want to surprise? Surprise! In any image. Portraits, for the creation of which only a photograph is needed, are now very popular. The gift is unexpected and, at the same time, very pleasant.

How does this happen:

You leave a request with your contact details.

You will be contacted and clarified the details and nuances of the order.

You will receive a preliminary layout in your mail.

Your personal designer works with your order. The layout is corrected and changed until you finally approve it.

The layout approved by you is given to work. Order execution time is usually 1 day.

30th Anniversary Awards

Cups and figurines with engraving. "Oscars" and "Nicky", "Stars" and "Wings", cups small and large. Engraved or custom made. Usually awards are given for solid anniversaries, but they also have a corresponding price. And the inexpensive figurines presented on the site are quite suitable for the 30th anniversary. You can pick up an award with a ready-made comic inscription. It is clear that all this is symbolically frivolous. And it is not necessary. The longer the better. In general, decide for yourself: to nominate him for an Oscar or is it too early?

Order with engraving according to your order in a velvet case. If it is assumed that a lot of people will gather for the 30th anniversary, then a personal order will turn out to be absolutely on topic. To thunderous applause, the young hero of the day will be awarded a brand new, brilliant nominal order. And you need to wish that by the age of 100, at least, the entire chest was in orders. Joke. But seriously, he will be very pleased. And that's enough.

And just good gifts.

Personalized set of whiskey glasses. Name and any number. Glasses of this shape are used to serve many strong drinks: brandy, rum, scotch and so on. A wide glass contains a large amount of ice, which is why it is so popular in bars and restaurants. 30 years is a good occasion to present a personalized set of glasses. A young man will not make such a gift to himself. Therefore, decide.

Souvenir weapon. Exact full size copies. For those who are familiar with weapons firsthand. And it can be a military man, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or just a caring person. Each presented model has interesting story creation and no less interesting future fate. For example, "Mauser" from 1895 to 1939, more than a million were produced. This pistol was very popular due to its characteristics: range and accuracy of combat, high price. Owning a Mauser was as prestigious as driving an expensive BMW now.

Globe bars. From 5500 rub. Desktop and floor execution. Will fit into any interior. Men definitely like these things. It is not only useful, convenient, but also beautiful. A bit of history. For the first time the globe-bar was submitted to the competition "Golden Lathe". And it was in Italy in 1963. A professional turner named Italo Zofolii for the first time turned a wooden globe on a lathe and mechanically put an ancient map on it. And inside the globe was adapted for storing wines. His victory in the competition was undeniable. This is how a simple turner became famous, and his invention spread all over the world.

Bathrobe with personalized embroidery. 3190 rub. Cool gift for a man. Young people do without problems without bathrobes. It's clothes, rather, age. But when do you have to start? 30th anniversary is a good occasion. And a little about the dressing gown: 100% cotton, any size, embroidery according to your order will be done quickly and efficiently. Packaging: branded box.

Male gift set"Belt + cufflinks". Italy. Leather. Cufflinks and belt are made in the same style. Will be in harmony with any shirt and suit. High-quality and stylish things give any man confidence and emphasize his status. Even if his daily work does not involve a rigid dress code, such accessories should still be in the wardrobe. For relevant occasions.

Men's caskets for watches and accessories. It will be unexpected and pleasant amazing gift for a guy. This kind of thing is simply impossible not to like. Surely, he has already accumulated some jewelry, personal trifles, watches, chains, coins. And if you put all this into such a stylish case and close it with a key, it will be great! Guys, like all men, value their personal space. If you present such a case or box, it will be a memorable gift for many years, because such beautiful and rare things are kept very carefully.

Gift knives. Folding, hunting, fishing, tourist, survival, military, throwing, axes, machetes, multi-tools, everything for sharpening and more. Production: USA, Russia, Japan, France, China, Italy. The choice is simply huge. The option is not for everyone. If a man prefers a sofa to an active and adventurous lifestyle, then this is not for him. A good knife will come in handy in any situation. For a young man without specific preferences, a folding utility knife is suitable.

Sets in cases for barbecue. Great option for a 30 year old man. From 3 to 8 persons. Enough for a big company. It is unlikely that he has anything like that, because he is still young. Youth are unpretentious people. We are accustomed to doing the most necessary minimum on vacation. Not to luxury. Therefore, such a gift will be a real surprise for him. Something to brag about to your friends. You can carry this item in your car. Just in case. The sets include folding barbecue grills, skewers, hatchets, and some dishes. Meat, unfortunately, is not included. Joke.)

Men's gift sets. Available with engraving. Agree that a set for a man is always more pleasant. Not alone useful thing, but several at once. Here you will find cool compact tool kits. The car is indispensable. good pen in gift box he will like it too. Choosing a gift for a 30-year-old young man is always difficult, unless, of course, you know exactly what he needs. In short, look. Oh, how much easier it is for men! I gave money to a woman and there are no problems. And here you are looking, looking ... The main thing is to please. And this is a problem.

Engraved Bartender Sets. The most important item, of course, is a 700 ml shaker, and there is also a 25/50 ml jigger, a spoon and two geysers. It would be something to mix, but there is always something in the house! Moreover, men's imagination and courage have no boundaries. Well, for complete happiness, you can buy good vodka and liquor. You will see: after a while, the birthday man will become the author of his the best recipe cocktail. By the way, not only alcoholic drinks can be mixed in a shaker. In general, let a new bartender appear in your environment! And the guests will be happy!

How about laughing and joking when the company is "ripe"?

Cool T-shirts. 590 rub. What won't they come up with? And they are really cool. These things are served for dessert. When the company is already quite cheerful, the atmosphere is relaxed and, in general, "We are sitting well!" Your gift will be received as it should: with laughter, smiles and jokes. Do not be lazy, look through and find what he likes the most.

Cool aprons. Such a "surprise" is given when the company has matured. Not earlier than the field of the third. For people with good feeling humor. In good company, jokes are perceived adequately. If no one faints at the sight of Apollo, buy it. The site presents a lot of cool aprons: with pictures and inscriptions.

Anti-hours "What's the difference?". The numbers pile up and go in the opposite direction. For a man who likes to sleep, and who you can't get. There are such. By the way, they are very healthy and deep sleep. Nice watch by the way. He opened his eyes to see what time it was, read "What's the difference" and continue to sleep. Weekend hours.

Jokes from paper. From 120 rub. And inexpensive! A pack of five thousandths for only 120 rubles. For jokes and pranks. BUT toilet paper generally super: jokes, and an English-Russian phrase book, and army jokes, and "sudoku", Sit down and learn English so that you can take the embassy. And there are cool door signs.

Gift with engraving

ATTENTION! Try it, it's interesting! You can immediately see how the gift will look like with your text or photo. Click on "Preview" and wait a few seconds.

Clock with any of your photos. You always want to surprise someone with a gift. Nice to surprise. Ten million watches are produced in the world, and the ones you donate will be the only ones. The main thing is to find the right photo. Maybe it will be your family? Or friends? Or his beloved pet? You decide. Simple detailed instructions will help you to create a layout of future hours right now. Try it! It's simple and interesting! And the gift will turn out really great! Dial material: glass with laser engraving. The mechanism is quartz. Work from a finger battery. Warranty 5 years.

Name diary with a pocket. Leather. For a businesslike young man who values ​​his own and other people's time. Not all young people use a diary. If you don't need it, don't give it. It will lie idle. And if he uses it, then such an unusual one, with a pocket with a zipper, he will definitely like it. It will be possible to put all the necessary little things: a pen, a pencil, business cards, keys, a phone. Standard size: 15 x 21 x 2 cm. Undated. A personalized engraving will make the diary more presentable.

Pen with engraving.From 290 rub. Symbolic inexpensive gift on the DR. Although, there are also expensive gift models. Of course, you will not surprise anyone with a pen, but certainly with engraving. What is especially nice? It is nice to understand that the surprise was prepared in secret and in advance. A personalized pen has another important advantage: it is difficult to “grab it by accident”. And if you add a personal diary to the pen, then the gift will turn out just cool. A business young man will certainly like this set.

Name diary from 1290 rubles. Over 40 options. A lot of interesting options. If you're lucky, you can find a diary directly related to your profession or hobby. For a business man, a diary is an important detail in organizing his working day. But, keep in mind that if a young man has never used it, then your gift will be put on the far shelf as unnecessary. Do not buy. Well, if you use it, don't even hesitate! Will be glad! New and personal!

External battery with personalized engraving.From 1690 rubles. Always help to quickly charge the phone to be in touch. Even the most inexpensive models have sufficient capacity and high output parameters. There are very interesting models. For example, a stone or a battery with Velcro suction cups. For a young man who does not sit at home and leads an active lifestyle, your gift will be very useful. Well, the fact that it will be personal is generally super!

Named thermos. From 1990 rub. Apply a personalized engraving and an ordinary thermos will turn into an original gift. For those whose work involves travel or business trips, this is an essential item. In autumn, thermoses are in high demand. On some models, you can write not only the name, but also a short text. Well, and, of course, do not forget that men, by definition, are owners. And this means that nominal things are valued and protected by them especially.

Personal calendar. 790 rub. Start from any month. You will have to work a little on creating a photo calendar. Everything happens in real time. That is, you immediately see your uploaded photos on the layout of the future calendar. You will need 13 of them in total: one for each month plus a cover. In nominal calendars, only the name is entered. It will be jewelry "embedded" in the picture of each month. Review each carefully. A personal calendar gift is just super. Not only is it useful, it is also very pleasant. Take your time and do close person cool gift. By the way, very inexpensive. Any format: A 5, A 4, A 3. Printing quality. Reviews are only good.

Signature Zippo lighter. From 2190. The item itself is very good and high quality. With a worldwide reputation for almost 100 years. Another thing is that by giving a lighter, we, as it were, encourage smoking. This is not true. Saying it's bad is useless. Until the person decides. Well, if he smokes, he will definitely like such a prestigious gift. First Zippo lighters, issued in 1933 in the United States, cost only $2. The design has remained virtually unchanged since then: the same spring-loaded lid emitting a characteristic click, the same rectangular body, and the same protection of the wick and flame from the wind. Zippo produces more than 1,000 models of lighters in a very wide price range: from the cheapest to gold. Both of them are equally reliable.

Nominal beer mug for HUSBAND. It translates as "The wife does not mind." It doesn't happen often. Husbands sometimes ask their wives a rhetorical question: "Is that why I love you?" How for what? That's for it. Cup. Beer. Nominal. Beloved husband. And let your friends envy. But seriously, it's a very good option for a gift to her husband for his birthday. Standard volume: 0.5 liters. Weight 1 kg. Everything is as it should be: thick glass and a comfortable handle. There is one more nuance. Who is familiar with beer glassware. A mug is much easier to clean than a tall glass. In general, decide for yourself.

T-shirt with any photo and inscription. If we assume the reaction to such a surprise, then it will be something like this: “Wow, you! Wow! Save-and-because!!!". This means that the thought will instantly fly through a man’s head that you tried very hard for him. That is, they searched, ordered in advance, and did all this in secret in order to please him. Sometimes not the most expensive thing causes a violent joyful reaction. Such a gift is called "from the heart." And now for the t-shirt. 100% cotton. The print quality is guaranteed. A special table will help you choose the size.

T-shirt "Super dad" with his name. A gift from a beloved child. He puts it on right away and doesn't take it off until the very end. It's like an order, like a medal. Will wear and be proud. And let the whole world wait. Can you imagine the child's reaction? "Hooray! Dad loved it!" Remember children's clumsy scribbles on a piece of paper, bred by a fragile hand! How did the child try to please mom or dad? Giving a T-shirt with the kindest words is the same, only a little more beautiful and even. But the meaning is the same. A good gift, believe me. By the way, thick jersey. The drawing is guaranteed durable. The table will help you choose the right size.

Wine box "Happy Birthday". (Unfortunately, the bottle is not included.) Giving good alcohol is never in bad taste. It was given, given and will be given. Gift box with a personal inscription will pleasantly surprise the hero of the occasion. Any thing with engraving suggests that the gift was prepared in advance. It is very nice. There is one more plus: neither the giver nor the occasion will ever be forgotten. Such things are not thrown away, even if it is a box. And now a little more. Material: wood. Any text of your choice. There is a limit on the number of characters. Please note that the boxes are available in two sizes: for a standard bottle of wine and a larger one.

Poster on the wall "Happy Birthday" personal. With any photo. Self-adhesive. Size 420mm x 297mm x 2mm. It will turn out an unexpected pleasant surprise for the hero of the occasion. It will immediately become clear that one hundred preparations for his birthday were carried out in advance and secretly. It is not a fact that good mood and joy are directly proportional to the price of the gift. Most often, it is not expensive things, prepared with love, that are of much greater value. The poster is printed on high quality photo paper. Packing: cardboard tube.

Engraved Parker Pen. For a successful young man, for whom the main victories are yet to come. A status gift, namely, such is the pen worldwide famous brand, is an expression of respect for a young man. And also wish you further success in business and prosperity. A bit of history. George Safford Parker worked as a sales clerk for a stationery company. Dissatisfied customers very often returned faulty fountain pens to him, which he repaired himself. It was then that he thought about creating a new, more perfect pen. In 1892, the Parker company was officially registered. It was he, George Parker, who patented many inventions regarding the construction and design of the pen. Parker stands for style, impeccable quality and prestige. A personal engraving will make the gift doubly pleasant.

Named car mug. Powered by cigarette lighter. Those who drive are very positive about the circle. What is the convenience? The fact that you can organize yourself hot coffee or tea at any time. Very similar to a miniature electric kettle. Material: metal, plastic. Dual construction keeps heat in. The lid prevents leakage. Wire for cigarette lighter included. What do we want when we are looking for a gift for a man? To use it and be happy. A car mug is ideal for a man who spends a lot of time driving a car.

Thermal mug for cars without engraving. Volume 450 ml., power 35 W., wire to the cigarette lighter. The airtight cover will protect the interior from spilling liquid even with strong shaking. For a person who spends a lot of time on the road, an extremely useful thing. Reviews are the best, no dissatisfied. Water does not heat up quickly, after all, this is not an electric kettle. In any case, the drinks will always be hot.

For a real car enthusiast to choose from. Imagine how happy he would be!? Motorists are special people. They love their car no less than a woman. It's a joke!) There are no trifles in the car. Well, they love cool stuff! Give him joy. And doubly so for a professional driver. Man and machine are inseparable concepts. There are no small things here. There are many options for unusual and useful little things. Look and decide.

"Oscar" with personal engraving. This is a sign of respect, first of all, despite the young age. A gift dedicated to a birthday. Oscars, as you know, don't just happen. They must be earned. If your hero of the occasion deserves it, donate it. A little more about the figurine: weight 0.62 kg, height 27 cm. Material: fake diamond. Finish: 999 silver and lacquer. Right now you can see how the engraving text will look like on the nameplate. Click "preview" and wait a few seconds.

Personalized beer mug "Happy Birthday" L any number and text! Even if the Young Man is not a big fan of beer, let him have such a mug. And he will drink beer only from it. Firstly, it is comfortable, and secondly, it is nominal. Tall glasses, of course, the dishes are beautiful, but not practical. They are not easy to wash. (If only in the dishwasher). The mug is made of thick glass. Weight 1 kg. Standard volume: 0.5 liters. In general, type in the engraving text, click "preview" and see what happens. No need to order, just play!

Photo plate for husband. Surprise! If you manage to beat such a gift with a serious face, he will never forget it. Briefly about the plate: ceramic, diameter 21 cm, can be used in the microwave. The kit includes a plastic stand. Package: cardboard box. And now for the surprise. You, as if nothing had happened, serve him food on this plate. All the beauty is hidden under his favorite dish. Of course, he will be a little surprised, but you will say that you bought new dishes, inexpensively for the occasion. But when he starts eating and sees his image and inscription, that will be a real surprise! Try it!

Personalized glass "The best husband in the world." Great inexpensive gift. And my dear husband does not need you. Even if you just cook him a festive dinner, that will be enough. In general, it is much easier to give gifts to relatives. Who better than a wife knows what her husband needs? But we also want everything to be a pleasant surprise ?! Get it, no doubt! And it will be his favorite glass. By the way, Jack Daniels is not drunk in such doses as in the picture. Photographers overdid it. And it doesn't have to be used just for whisky. It is suitable for everything. Well, if, after all, for whiskey, then you can additionally order a set of special stones.

Shoe shine set with personalized engraving. Men take care of their shoes no worse than women. And such a set in his arsenal will not be superfluous. Moreover, it is very compact. You can put it in the glove compartment of the car, put it away at work in the desk drawer. What's included: cream, brush, sponge, cone and cloth to add shine. Material: artificial leather. Beautiful engraving will pleasantly surprise the hero of the occasion.

Shovel-multi-tool "Scout". The less space the tool takes, the more convenient it is. And the more features, the better. The multishovel includes a nail puller, a hammer, an opener. The handle contains a compass, folding blade, nails, fishhooks and fishing line. Material: metal, plastic. There is a polyester case. Shovel size: 300mm x 150mm x 37mm. A very handy thing. Of course, not for every day, but in force majeure circumstances it will definitely help out.

Name poster on the wall with a photo "Wanted". cool gift! For laughs and Have a good mood all day! There are always several reasons why you can put a person on the wanted list. Come up with it, let him know. The poster is also suitable for a colleague at work, for a husband or friend. In general, for someone who is not offended, but laughs. From you photos and composition of crimes. Print quality is excellent. Size: 300mm x 420mm x 2mm. The poster is self-adhesive. Packing: cardboard tube.

Personalized glass with engraving. It is clear that a young man will not be surprised by a glass. He saw a million of them. Pleasantly surprised by the personalized engraving! This means that they prepared for his birthday in advance. We tried. And believe me, the most ordinary glass will immediately acquire the status of “mine”. And he won't use it every day. By the way, except for whiskey, you can pour anything into it. By the way, Jack Daniels is not poured with such lethal doses as in the picture. 50-100 ml., no more. For a gourmet who knows a lot about alcoholic beverages, you can additionally order a set of special stones for whiskey.

30 years is a significant milestone in the life of every person. That is why the choice of what to give a girl for 30 years must be approached responsibly. On the one hand, you should not hint to the birthday girl about her age and give anti-aging creams. On the other hand, gifts should be serious, not infantile and useful.

How to keep the balance "youth-seriousness" and pleasantly congratulate the girl on her 30th birthday?

At the age of 30, a girl is surrounded by many people - parents, husband (or loved one), friends, colleagues, and possibly children. Each of the beloved people seeks to congratulate the birthday girl on such a significant date - the 30th anniversary.

You can congratulate the girl individually or collectively. Do not forget that 30 years is still youth, and perhaps the birthday girl will not refuse a noisy party.

Advice! The price of a gift can reach several tens of thousands of rubles. It is recommended to combine financial forces and give the birthday girl the desired gift. At this age, a girl can buy a lot for herself, so it’s better to surprise her with a collective and expensive gift.

From husband

The husband is the first person who thinks about a gift for his wife (see). Thinking of what you can give a girl for 30 years from a loved one is not so difficult. Who, if not a husband, understands and knows his wife better than anyone.

Maybe the wife has been asking for something for a long time? Or dreaming of going somewhere? Or is she waiting for a romantic impulse from her husband? Or maybe she's saving up for training courses? A husband can fulfill many of his wife's dreams.

A few examples of gifts from a husband for his wife's 30th birthday:

  • spa certificate;
  • dinner in a luxurious restaurant;
  • photo session for two;
  • boat trip;
  • balloon flight;
  • horse riding;
  • tour to another country;
  • perfume;
  • silk scarf;
  • coat;
  • jewelry;
  • fashionable clutch;
  • leather gloves;
  • bathrobe (bath or silk);
  • smartphone;
  • tablet;
  • joint portrait, painted in oil.

Advice! You should not give your wife household items - dishes, cutlery, a washing machine or dishwasher. Firstly, all these items and devices necessary for life can be bought just like that. Secondly, a personal gift will not work: all family members will use household items.

From parents

Parents can give their daughter a touching gift for 30 years (see). Any person at any age is pleased to receive a little thing, reminiscent of parental love. At the age of 30, a daughter is unlikely to expect global gifts from her parents, so it’s worth presenting something valuable for the soul.

Ideas for what to give a girl for her 30th birthday from her parents are suggested in the table:

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An unusual mug is a simple but pleasant gift that literally warms you with warmth. You can choose a mug unusual design or with a cheerful inscription, as well as order a mug with a family photo.

Album with a photo of the birthday girl in different years will remind you of your childhood. Parents will surely have memorable photographs that can be collected into one beautifully designed album (can be individually made to order).

Personalized cosmetics is a practical and memorable present. Hand cream, shower gel, body milk will be useful to any girl, and the inscription on the bottles with individual congratulations will remind you of parental care.

Manicure set includes everything necessary tools for manicure or pedicure, as well as a hand bath. The daughter will be able to process her nails and monitor their condition at home, saving on the services of a master.

A wrist watch is an elegant accessory, especially if the strap is made of leather or precious metal. A small watch will emphasize the femininity of your daughter, remind you of the time and leave a long memory of your parents.

From friends and girlfriends

sincere friends - important people in every life. If the birthday girl has many good and cheerful friends, they can organize for their beloved friend house party or make a collective gift (see).

What can you give a girl for her 30th birthday from friends:

  • sweets (a large cake, a basket of sweets, a box of cupcakes);
  • a bottle of wine and a wine set (cork, corkscrew, bottle stand);
  • chocolate fountain;
  • subscription to your favorite magazine;
  • dance courses;
  • steam generator for smoothing clothes;
  • hair dryer or curling iron;
  • laptop table;
  • aero sofa;
  • fondue set or sushi machine (depending on preferences);
  • gift of interest (African drum, concert ticket, book with reproductions of paintings, travel equipment, etc.);
  • handicraft gifts ( sewing machine, glue gun, organizer, embroidery magnifying glass, etc.).

Do not forget about the congratulations themselves. Congratulations instructions for each girl are individual. You can, for example, collectively sing a song, tell the legend of a gift, or arrange an Oscar presentation.

Who is the gift for?

The choice of what to give a girl for 30 years depends largely on what the birthday girl does. 30 years old is enough age to grow into a qualified specialist, open your own business or become a mother. Depending on the lifestyle for the girl, you can choose the right gift.


A gift for 30 years to a girl building her career should be practical and useful. It's not just about functional things to work with. Possibility to rest after have a hard day- too useful gift. Various massagers (for eyes, feet, back), aromatic oils, a ticket to a cultural event will help you relax and take your mind off business.

Gifts for a busy woman:

  • massage certificate;
  • yoga membership;
  • professional development training or business courses;
  • external battery;
  • flash drive with a large amount of memory;
  • orchid in a box;
  • purse;
  • heated mouse pad
  • car coffee maker;
  • stylish briefcase for documents;
  • a flower pot with an automatic watering system (provided that the girl loves indoor plants);
  • a set of jewelry (chain, bracelet, earrings) in a simple style suitable for work;
  • cute alarm clock.

Young mom

By the age of 30, many women become mothers, and some already for the second or third time. If a girl is on maternity leave on her 30th birthday, then you can please her with pleasant personal gifts (see).

Often, girls on maternity leave are looking for suitable needlework that can give an idea for a gift. For example, a birthday girl loves to sew with her own hands. Then she will need a roomy organizer, a sewing machine or tutorials with patterns.

Do not forget about the rest of the young mother. Going to a beauty salon will help you escape from everyday worries and put yourself in order.

Examples of gifts for a young mother for 30 years are presented in the table:

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The hammock chair will not take up much space in the apartment, and in the country it will outshine any other furniture. Such an individual hammock relaxes and sets in a good mood. A young mother in such a chair will be able to comfortably breastfeed her baby.

A robot vacuum cleaner is a simple but useful gift for a 30th birthday girl who is on maternity leave. If the apartment is large, and there is not enough time to clean the floor, then a special robot will help with this, which will independently collect all the dirt and dust.

A modern Polaroid camera takes snapshots (prints on the built-in printer), corrects photos and uploads them to social networks. The camera will be a nice gift for a mother who wants to capture the first years of her baby's life.

A double boiler is a useful household item that a woman who monitors her diet will definitely like. The lactation period requires a special diet from the mother. In addition, pregnancy often adds extra pounds. The steamer cooks healthy and wholesome food, preserving the taste and vitamins.

The player can become an indispensable assistant on walks. While the baby is sleeping in the stroller, the mother will be able to listen to her favorite music, radio or study foreign languages.

Advice! It is better to avoid gifts for the baby. clothing for growth, children food, toys are the necessary things that every mother needs. However, do not forget that this is the birthday of the mother, not her child.


If a girl is engaged in freelancing, works at home and has a creative profession, then an original gift for a girl for 30 years will come in handy. Unusual gizmos will decorate the home workplace, help you organize and create a pleasant atmosphere that sets you up for productive work.

Gifts for a freelancer are offered in the table:

Image Description

Heated slippers are a fun gift that will come in handy during the cold season. In such fluffy slippers, a freelancer will feel warm and comfortable throughout the working day at the computer.
Refresher courses, at times, are simply necessary for "free artists". These can be training courses, master classes, trainings for planning or increasing income on the network, and so on.

A houseplant will create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere, especially if there are no flowers in the house or there are not many of them. Unpretentious dracaena will complement the workplace.

A comfortable chair is the dream of many freelancers. A sturdy chair with a comfortable shape with a soft seat will make work more comfortable and relieve back pain.

The ministepper is an effective trainer for those who walk a little. Freelancers often sit at home for a long time, and everyday workouts on the ministepper will help keep yourself in good shape. Some models are equipped with expanders, which also allows you to load the muscles of the arms and back.

The video in this article will tell you a few more gift ideas for a girl's 30th birthday.

At the age of 30, for many, life is just beginning: past mistakes are taken into account, plans are made, skills are tried in various matters. A 30th birthday gift should support aspirations and undertakings in a girl, no matter what she does.

A husband or lover knows the desires of his woman best of all. Birthday is a great occasion for the realization of the cherished dream of your beloved.

If you just started dating and don’t know which birthday present to choose for a 30-year-old girl, you can directly ask the girl about it. There are men who prefer to guess wishes.

In this case, take a walk with the girl shopping, take a closer look at what things she pays attention to. Based on this, choose a gift.

The following are the main ideas:

Gifts from parents

Mom and dad will always see a little girl in their daughter. For any birthday, they will want to make the most pleasant and useful gift. The following are suitable as presentations:

The idea of ​​original gifts for a girl for 30 years

Practical Presents

Gift Ideas at Affordable Prices: Inexpensive but Tasteful

If you want to please a colleague or friend with a present, then it is not necessary to spend money on a gift. You can give a stylish and inexpensive present that will delight the birthday girl:

What to give a 30-year-old girl for her birthday who has everything?

Gifts for intellectuals

Smart girls are not easy to please.

If you do not know your taste preferences, then it is better to give a certificate to a bookstore.

The birthday girl will choose a gift for herself.

You can buy tickets to the theater, museum, exhibition. Intellectual games, encyclopedias are suitable as a presentation.

Gifts for fashionistas

Girls who follow fashion trends will be happy with accessories or clothing from famous brands.

It can be scarves, scarves, glasses, handbags, high-quality jewelry.

You can give elite or organic cosmetics, a set of brushes for the face.

The girl will certainly be grateful for such a present.

For creative people

Gifts should match the birthday girl's hobby. For music lovers, tickets to the philharmonic society or a set of disks of your favorite artist, a small musical instrument (vargan) are suitable. Artists can be presented with brushes, paints, an easel.

Approach the choice of a present without haste, after analyzing the taste and preferences of a woman. Give with pleasure. Do not forget that not only the price is important in a gift, but also attention to the birthday girl.

Deciding what the gift will be for 30 years is sometimes difficult. At this age, most people are already leading adulthood, have certain obligations, a family, possibly children. Some remain children, albeit large ones. Someone may even begin to be dissatisfied with life if there are problems in their career, personal affairs. Therefore, when deciding on a present, it is important to acquire something that will certainly please the birthday man.

How to choose what to give for 30 years

Coming up with a surprise for a birthday is especially difficult if the date is important enough. Thus, a gift for 30 years can be chosen as a serious one, age is considered an anniversary that any person is waiting for. It is worth considering some little things, deciding on the choice of a souvenir:
  • The gender of the person. Ladies of Balzac age begin to worry about approaching aging, men worry about whether they managed to achieve their goals. Basically, any person is busy with his own problems, the task of a gift is to help distract him, raising his spirits.
  • Hobbies, interests, hobbies of the hero of the occasion. By giving something related to a person’s life, you will automatically make it nice by showing attention.
  • Your personal relationship with the birthday boy. Agree that you will not give your loved ones banal, standard gifts, and will not bother too much with a complex surprise for a colleague, a simple acquaintance. The most important task of the person invited to the celebration is not to make a mistake with the choice of a present, this can slightly spoil the festive mood of the birthday man. If you are not sure what kind of souvenir a person dear to you will like, you simply do not know the hobbies of the hero of the occasion - put aside the option of buying platitudes, like soft toys, postcards, bouquet. great idea will turn to professionals for help in choosing a presentation.

    Professional help in the face of MillionGifts

    Qualified employees of our service work especially for those who want to present unusual, interesting surprises to their friends and relatives. Looking for just such gifts for 30 years - we bring to your attention a huge assortment. Our company works with more than 120 stores, thanks to which you get the opportunity to choose the most worthy of the offered goods with the price corresponding to your capabilities. For the convenience of searching, we have divided the catalog into sections, it is easier, faster, more comfortable to determine. For example, in the category "Gifts for 30 years" the most popular items are:
  • ZIPPO lighter with laser engraving.
  • Table for breakfast in bed "With love".
  • Universal tea cup "Tea drunkard". In addition, you can choose based on your personal guidelines. Having settled on the most suitable option, you need to fill out a simple order form: choose a convenient payment method, receive the goods. If desired, the gift can even be delivered straight to the birthday man's home.