Wedding tree with prints. Wish tree. Original inexpensive gift. Wish tree making process

By themselves ... one after another and without delay.

And it turns out that the smallest thing is enough for this - you just need to take and ... plant wish tree.

Of course, you have heard that it is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. And in order to attract all this into your life, I suggest you do one MAGIC NEW YEAR RITUAL, which is called "Wish Tree"

All you have to do is just plant it, follow the steps below, and harvest your wishes!

This is a very powerful technique that works flawlessly!

This is the third time I plant it before each New Year and all (!) My tangerine wishes have already come true!

Now it's your turn! 🙂

So, for starters, you need this picture of a tangerine tree:

Wish Tree. Sample

New Year's ritual "Wish Tree"

Part one

1. Print out the wish tree template on the printer.

2. You see circles on the tree. There are only 6 of them. Write in them with a pen (not a pencil!) All your desires, the fulfillment of which you are waiting for in the coming year. In one circle - one wish. You can stick pictures of the items you want to receive next year.

3. Now we connect the Feng Shui technique - place this picture in the southeast side of your home. This is the sector of WEALTH and ABUNDANCE.

4. Place an earthen vessel (plate, pot, mug) next to the tree

5. Regularly, until January 31, fill this container with fresh tangerine peels and read your notes aloud (or look at them).

That's it, the first part of the magical ritual is over. Do New Year's Eve chores, relax and have fun!

Part two

1. In the new year, after all the holidays are over, remove the dried peel from the pot and pass it through a coffee grinder. You will get tangerine powder. Pour it into a small light-colored linen bag.

2. Go to a nearby bank (remembering to grab a bag) and withdraw cash there. The amount can be any, not necessarily large. If you do not have a bank account, change the currency.

3. On the way home, without attracting attention, scatter the contents of the bag on the ground, thereby paving the MONEY WAY from the bank to your home.

This completes the ritual. If everything was done correctly, then you will see the results pretty soon!

Just don't forget to water your wish tree with your CARE and fertilize it with your ATTENTION. Visit him often, dream near him, look at pictures or read your notes. Be sure to give thanks for those that have already come true!

Friends, I say goodbye to you and run to my tangerine miracle, which I planted again yesterday!

With New Year's tangerine greetings,

Alena Golovina

P.S. Have any of you used this ritual before? Share the results in the comments, how quickly did your wishes come true? Did you manage to download the wish tree (template)?

Interesting on the topic:

For a wedding, you always want to do something that will save warmth and exclusivity. holiday. In this sense, the wedding celebration is a unique day. It is hoped for happy life next to your loved one. And I want to keep at least a piece of light, joy and a sense of celebration for as long as possible.

Who first came up with such a beautiful idea - a wedding tree of desires?

Now it is already difficult to establish. But this laconic idea and mandatory wedding paraphernalia, which was born in Europe, allows you to capture all the good wishes of the guests to the newlyweds in an original and very beautiful way. She became incredibly popular with us.

What is a wish tree?

A blank for a wish tree is a drawing of the whole tree or part of it with branches. It can be made in absolutely any style. The only feature is that such a tree has no leaves. They should be the fingerprints of your guests.

Any guest at a wedding celebration can come up to a tree, leave a leaf imprint and write something good - a couple of kind words or just their name. And the newlyweds also write their names and put prints.

After the wedding, you can order a beautiful photo frame for the tree or buy it ready-made in a specialized store. Such a picture-tree, which will settle, for example, in the bedroom, will perfectly fit into the interior of the room and decorate the first joint dwelling.

Thus, the wedding tree of wishes will allow each invitee to convey their personal positive energy with fingerprints to a couple in love. A man and a woman on this special day became legal husband and wife. The tree, a symbol of life and eternity, is the most suitable for this purpose - to leave a good memory of the wedding for many years. An idea, having a template, is not at all difficult to bring to life with your own hands.

What can leave an imprint?

Use of special ready-made pads. These are ink pads that are sold in the respective stores. To make it beautiful, you need to buy from three to four shades that are close in color.

Making pillows with your own hands. If you have time and desire, you can prepare ordinary sponges for dishes and purchase high-quality watercolors. It is better to choose a transparent and light paint.

Application of the palette-tray.
This is a simple option that has many benefits. For example, you can get beautiful colors that blend into each other. In this case, paints are mixed on a tray, and each guest makes prints on a tree, dipping his finger in the paint.

Attention! Do not forget to leave high-quality paints next to wet wipes so that guests do not look for where to wash their hands and are not afraid to get their clothes dirty.

The optimal choice of shades is associated, as a rule, with the season for which the wedding ceremony is scheduled.

Seasons and wish trees

Spring. A good choice calm and gentle shades of light green, light yellow or lilac.
Autumn and summer. During this period, more saturated colors and a variety of warm tones that nature gives us in autumn and summer are acceptable. This is a rich, joyful, life-affirming green, no less cheerful and cheerful orange, passionate and gentle at the same time red.
Winter. It is better to make a winter tree in a range of tones from white, light blue to saturated of blue color. Here you can not be afraid to use your own imagination. For example, light blue and even completely white prints look beautiful against a rich blue background. And on a light background - dark blue. The main thing is the game of contrasts, by the way, this is a rule that is appropriate to apply in any case.
It is good to use gel pens for signatures. white color to be purchased in advance.

How to make a wish tree? It's quite simple and fast!

There are many options on our website. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose any template you like, and then download it and print the required number of copies on your home or work printer.

If you wish, any printing house in your country will provide you with such a service. locality or numerous Internet printing houses, which also deliver goods to your home at a convenient time for you.

Buy ready-made options such templates made in a variety of styles can be found in our online store. We have two options for services - the usual one, when we take care of everything, and the budget one. The latter method, which is appreciated by young couples who are just entering an independent life, will save a significant amount of money.

The preparation of a tree of wishes for a wedding is a drawing of a trunk and branches of a tree without leaves. Guests leave fingerprints on the crown - leaves, sign their names and can add wishes to the newlyweds.

The tradition of preparing a tree of wishes for a wedding came to us from Europe. The idea is really good: even if your grandfather is unable to speak due to excitement, he will definitely be able to leave an imprint.

The tree of wishes from the wedding can be hung on the wall of the bedroom in a frame - let it be the first decoration of your shared home.

How to prepare a wish tree for a wedding

So, you will need:

You draw a wedding tree of wishes in advance on a drawing paper or print it out (type wedding tree template or wedding tree vector in Google and download the option that you like best). Under the tree, you can write the wedding date and your names.

You can prepare your own wedding wish tree ink pads. To do this, dip ordinary sponges for washing dishes into the paint. Light and transparent watercolors are ideal.

The easiest option is to mix a palette of colors in a plate or on a tray. The palette is good for what you get smooth transitions colors.

Make sure that wet wipes are always lying next to the wishing tree - who wants to get dirty holiday dress! Newlyweds, by the way, put their prints first for this very reason.

Lastly, you will need some gel pens, so that guests can write their names and wishes. This is also an important detail: if there is only one pen, someone will definitely fish out a felt-tip pen of an unexpected color from the pocket.

Choice of shades

If you are having a wedding in the spring, delicate colors would be more appropriate - light green, light yellow or lilac. For an autumn and summer wedding, you can choose rich and warm colors from green to orange and red.

If you want to make a winter wish tree for your wedding, buy blue paper for the background, and let the prints be white or light blue - the more contrast, the more beautiful. By the way, in this case, it also makes sense to buy white gel pens for signatures.

Variations on the theme of the wedding wish tree


If there are a lot of guests at the wedding, and you understand that all the wishes will definitely not fit on one sheet, instead of a tree, you can choose any other thematic drawing- a cage with a pair of canaries, an image of a couple in love or a bicycle for two. Draw a few lines upwards from the drawing, and you will have a blank for the composition with balloons.

The process of preparing for the wedding is accompanied by a search for memorable gifts for the newlyweds. How you will choose a surprise for the bride and groom depends on your imagination. Great idea- make a souvenir with your own hands, because such a surprise is nice to receive. The wish tree is considered original gift for the wedding: it serves to ensure that all guests can leave their wishes to the culprits of the wedding. A do-it-yourself wish tree for a wedding is easy. How to make this souvenir yourself?

How to make a wedding wish tree with your own hands?

To independently create a souvenir for the newlyweds for the wedding, you need to stock up on improvised materials and turn on your imagination. Think over all the details of your craft, consider a few options souvenirs and only after that proceed to its creation. There are several varieties of this gift: paper, wire, created using living branches. Consider how to create each variety, as well as the necessary materials.

paper wish tree

Paper souvenir - best option for the wedding. It can easily fit on the banquet table, where all guests can leave their wishes to the newlyweds. In addition, to make this priceless gift, you do not need to make a lot of effort.

What materials will be needed

To do paper craft, you need to purchase high quality paper, as well as a frame where the template will subsequently be inserted. The frame size depends on the paper size. Also in the future you will need bright plug-in pads, a pen and napkins. It is worth saying that now ready-made templates of this paper souvenir are available for sale.

Stages of creation

Follow the step-by-step instructions that will help you make a wonderful paper product:

  1. Draw a trunk, as well as branches, let the plant symbolize the newlyweds who create a young family. Sketching is preferably done with a black pencil or felt-tip pen. In addition, you can buy or print your favorite plant templates.
  2. Paste the template into the frame. It would be nice to decorate the finished craft with beads, artificial flowers, ribbons - this will make it original.
  3. During the celebration, guests take turns writing their wishes on a branch, after which they leave a fingerprint using ink pads. Don't forget to put napkins nearby, with which guests can wipe off paint residue from their fingers.

If you are having difficulty creating a paper tree, watch the video tutorial, which describes in an accessible way step-by-step instruction creating a wish tree with your own hands:

To make this solemn moment remain in the memory of the newlyweds for life, take a photo or video during the process of leaving wishes from guests. View wedding photos and videos are a great way to refresh your experience.

Paper tree templates

The template is the basis of the craft. As mentioned above, you can draw templates yourself or print ready-made ones. If you're not good at drawing or don't have time to create a template by hand, use the templates below. Decorate black and white templates, decorate them with stylish decor elements - and you will get an unusual craft!

Wire tree?

This option is as simple as paper. To create it, you need a minimum of materials that can be found in every home. In addition, the process of creating a product does not take much time.

Necessary materials

To make such a tree, you will need a small glass or vase, where the tree structure will subsequently be placed. The composition is created using a bundle of thin golden fishing line and pieces of wire. Also get corrugated cardboard, double-sided tape, artificial glass flowers or birds to decorate. Additional materials are scissors, rice, stapler, colored paper- all of them will help you bring your idea to life.

Stages of creation

Step-by-step instructions will help you make crafts using wire for the wedding yourself:

  1. Fill a vase or glass with rice. Wrap the container in a rectangular piece corrugated cardboard, secure it with tape or a stapler.
  2. Next, create leaves where those present at the wedding will write their wishes. Cut out cardboard and paper hearts, the number of which should equal the number of guests at the wedding.
  3. Fasten cardboard and paper hearts together with glue. In the upper part of the heart, make a small hole where you need to thread a piece of wire. Thanks to her, the heart will be attached to the tree structure.
  4. Place decorative ornaments on long pieces of wire - birds or flowers. They should be attached to the wire with adhesive tape or glue.
  5. Insert a bunch of golden fishing line into the vase, which will serve as the basis and decoration of the composition. Next, insert the wire with decorations at the end. Hearts for wishes must be hung on a fishing line or on a wire.

As you can see, a do-it-yourself wire wish tree for a wedding is easy, you need to get necessary materials and be patient.

tree from living branches

An original and special souvenir created with the help of live branches will complement the solemn wedding ceremony and surprise guests. The fashion for such a tree came to us relatively recently. More and more newlyweds prefer to decorate their wedding with this craft, which is made of natural materials. To create it, you will need improvised materials that you can purchase at any stationery store. Let's take a closer look at what you need to buy for a wish tree.

Necessary materials

The main element you will need is a few live branches. Their length should be approximately 1 m. Clear them of hard growths of the bark, if any. To paint the branches, buy a regular spray with gold or silver paint. You will also need a vase, decorative pebbles, sheets of thick colored paper, ribbons, a hole punch.

Stages of creation

Consider how to make a wish tree from branches with your own hands for a wedding. Follow the detailed step by step instructions:

  1. Paint the peeled branches with a spray, leave them to dry.
  2. Fill a vase with decorative stones. Insert dried branches into it. Make sure they are stable in the vase.
  3. Cut out paper hearts or cards where guests will write wishes to the newlyweds.
  4. Use a hole punch to make holes in the leaves. Pass the pieces of ribbon through them and tie.
  5. Hang up wish sheets.

It is advisable to make an appropriate sign next to the wish tree. Do not forget to put pens or felt-tip pens next to the vase so that guests can leave wishes.

Tree pictures

To make the craft beautiful, look at the pictures of finished souvenirs. In addition, pictures will be a source of fresh, original ideas if you are not able to come up with the design of the wish tree on your own.

A wish book has long been a must-have attribute at a wedding. These are living memories of the past holiday. Now there are many types of such albums, and it is not always necessary to use the book form. About what you can replace the book for wishes and this article will be.

Classic variant

Let's start with the usual option for everyone - books. This is the format preferred by most young couples who are about to get married. Albums (books) for wishes are sold in a large assortment. Along with ready-made designs, you can also order an exclusive, according to your wishes. Such beauty will always find its place on the shelf and will delight for many years.

Wooden tiles

Another option that is gaining popularity is wooden framed tiles. Guests write wishes and throw them into a specially prepared frame. Pay attention to the tiles in the form of a heart. So in an unusual way all those invited will leave a piece of themselves for many years to come. Plus, you can hang such a "book" of wishes on the wall, thereby making it a decor item.

Globe and map

Globe wishes are perfect for a travel style wedding. To do this, you will need indelible markers and the simplest globe, country or world map. Invite guests to leave wishes directly on them. Add interesting details that really mean a lot to your couple - mark them on the map, for example, the point where you met or the route you traveled together.

Wish Blanket

The duvet is awesome and pretty interesting way replace the wish book. Good fit patchwork quilt. Do not forget about the markers, they must be resistant, textile and indelible. Of course, it will not work to cover yourself with such a blanket every day, because over time, all the paint can come off. Let it be a special cover. For a special occasion. Don't forget to take it to the dry cleaner occasionally.


Everything is extremely simple. You will need an empty glass container- jar / bottle / vase. In general, what is more suitable for the interior. Prepare in advance the leaves and ropes in order to tie them. All invitees will write their wishes and throw them into the vessel. After some time, maybe even on your wedding anniversary, you will open it, read everything that your loved ones wished for, and once again plunge into that day.

wine bottle

Wine bottles can also be a great replacement for a traditional wish book. Guests write directly on a bottle of wine. You can keep it for a very long time, for example up to the 10th anniversary. If there were several bottles, open one for each anniversary. It will become a nice family tradition.


A more expensive version of the wish book is capital letters made of foam/wood/plastic. Many couples order them as decorations or an attribute for a photo shoot. After shooting, these letters remain with you. Use them! Anyone can leave a few words or an autograph on them. It will be a great decorative item for your home.


Miniature envelopes can be used as small notes folded into a special container, or pasted into an album. Either way, it will look very interesting.


First, you need to buy a puzzle. But not simple, but suitable for you. It can be your photo, or just any image on a love theme. There are two options for how to use them. First, the puzzle stays put together. Everyone who wants to write wishes on both sides, if one is not enough. The second option: leave the details in a separate container, the guests write their wishes on the puzzle pieces, and at the end of the evening you can put together the whole plot together with everyone. It can become a family tradition to collect the picture over and over again on an anniversary day or during family reunions.


One of the most popular ways to leave a wish at a wedding is Polaroid. These instant photo cards have won the hearts of millions of people. It's so easy to capture the moment. Invite guests to take a photo and, for example, paste it into an album with wishes. You will keep this photo book with warm words all your life and, opening it, remember that happy day every time.

You can also use the pictures yourself - hang them on a special stand or a decorated frame. After the event, photos can be placed in an album or stored in a box.

Photo frame

Choose a frame based on the number of invited guests. After all, you need enough space for everyone to leave a wish. The photo can be taken right on the wedding day. You will only have to place it in a pre-prepared frame. After the celebration, you can hang it at home, among other photos.

Photo album of wishes

Unlike other photo wishes, the album requires preparation. Place your family, favorite photos in it and invite guests to write wishes.


First of all, you need to prepare a beautiful box for storing letters. It can be stylized as a mailbox, although this is not required. Try to make it fit well into the overall decor of the hall and match the theme of the wedding celebration. You can order exclusive envelopes with your couple's logo or just initials.

A very unusual subject for collecting letters is a cage. They are stylized, decorated with flowers and ribbons... The choice is huge!


This seemingly forgotten item is very popular with many brides and grooms. Often young people order a typewriter as a decoration or for a photo shoot. However, not everyone uses it for its intended purpose. And this is very original idea for the wish book. Any paper can be used, which makes it possible to prepare sheets stylized for the theme of your wedding (with a logo, photographs). And also do not limit guests in the number of words. After all, much more warm words will fit on a large sheet. Subsequently, all wishes can be sewn into one big album.

Vinyl records

Ideal for a wedding of musicians or music lovers. With an indelible marker, guests put their wishes to the newlyweds on their favorite records. In the future, they can turn out to be a good decor item for your home.

paper hearts

Paper hearts are one of the popular ways to replace a wish book. But these are not always hearts, because quite often they use the shape of a butterfly or just an oval. Such elements always look very gentle, despite their a large number of. Carefully consider the choice of background color, frame and the shapes themselves. They must be in harmony.

Wine corks

Cork - environmentally friendly natural material. As well as interesting subject, in order to leave a wish on it. After the holiday, you can store corks in a glass vase, or you can make some kind of figure out of them. For example, lay out a heart or your initials. It all depends on the number of invited guests.


After the guests have left their wishes on the wooden sticks to play "Jenga", you can play it right at the wedding! Or turn this activity into an interesting one family tradition. Play on weekends, for example.

wish tree

Another original way- leave a wish on the tree. It can be both living and artificial. Strings with leaves are attached to the tree, on which guests write their wishes.

wish board

Leaving a wish on a beautiful board will be interesting not only for children. In addition to words, you can draw something. However, you need to remember about the fragility of this method. Any slight movement, for example with a sleeve, can lubricate wishes. After the holiday, such a board can be placed under glass or carefully wrapped in a film and stored at home.

wish stones

The stones are ideal for a wedding on the coast. Sea pebbles - original and symbolic for any good wishes. A permanent marker will help to keep for a long time nice words relatives and relatives.

Favourite things

It is very popular lately to use your favorite things so that invited guests leave their wishes on them. It could be anything. For example, a favorite ball or lamp, a book or a pillow, a guitar or a chair. whatever you want)

Wish tape

The ribbon is perfect for a celebration taking place in nature. It is enough just to stretch the rope and attach leaflets for wishes to it. A more complex variation is specially prepared frames and stands.

Group photo

On the day of the celebration, a group photo is taken with the participation of all guests. By evening, the photo is printed and framed, and on the back, all the invitees write their wishes to the newlyweds.

Art wish

For this you will need paints and canvases. Everything is simple. Drawings from guests can be whatever they wish. Or maybe you want to create something unusual. You can prepare a special print. For example, with your caricature photos.

Collection of wishes

Convolutions are a fairly popular and unusual option. The main thing is to prepare a frame with a grid. where convolutions with wishes will be placed. They can be inserted either in a chaotic manner, or you can form shapes or words from them.

wish vase

Invite your guests to write wishes on a vase or plates, which will certainly decorate your home later. Remember that markers must be waterproof.

wooden wishes

Guests can leave their wishes directly on a wooden object! It `s very unusual. This type of wish book is perfect for a rustic wedding.

Ipad Wishes

A modern alternative to the usual wish book. Guests can leave wishes, both in writing and in video format.

Books with questions

An interesting idea is to make a wish book with questions. Or as an option, you can make several books, where there will be a question inside.

For example:

What is the most romantic place we should visit?

When will the first child appear and what will we name him?

What will we name our dog?

How do we celebrate anniversaries?

How do we celebrate our 10th anniversary?

What advice can you give us?

What should a husband not say to his wife?

What story do you remember most about our couple?