Book baby on the topic of the rules of the road with their own hands. Book baby on the rules of the road Book of rules of the road do it yourself

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Making a baby book according to traffic rules


Making a baby book

"On the roads of our city."

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about traffic lights and road signs.

— consolidation of knowledge about traffic lights, road signs;

- selection of cognitive information on the topic of baby books.

Develop Creative skills fantasies, imagination, the ability to act together, negotiate.

- improve the ability to work collectively parents with children.

- involve parents in joint activities with children;
- to give children the joy of communication with their parents.

The progress of work on baby books.

Dear parents, I invite you to participate in creative task on road safety. I ask you to make a book at home together with your child - a baby. Take a sheet of A4 paper, you can glue two sheets together. Fold the sheets like an accordion to make a book. Issue a book with your child on one of the topics: “We can’t live without road signs”, “Traffic light”, “Riddles about road signs”. Make a book with drawings and cognitive interesting information. On the first sheet write the subject and the name of the author.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

PURPOSE: To increase the competence of teachers in matters of organizing a subject-developing environment. To introduce new ways of making baby books (PocketMod).[[

Creative work of children of the senior group. Creation of a baby book on the theme of spring.

I offer you a master class on making a tactile book - a baby with your own hands. A developing tactile book-baby is made of different materials.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution“Cherlak kindergarten No. 7” Artistic and aesthetic development Making a baby book by subgroups: “Book is a baby.

Under mathematical development preschoolers understand the qualitative changes in the cognitive activity of the child that occur as a result of the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Book-baby on the rules of the road

The work was done for the regional competition book on the rules of the road " Different signs are needed, all kinds of signs are important!”

Different signs are needed, all kinds of signs are important!

There are road signs, they bring people safety. Road signs exist for us pedestrians. Every day we go to school, to the store, to each other ...

On the side of the road

Beast three-eyed, one-legged,

An unknown breed, With multi-colored eyes

Talks to us

Red eye, looking at us:

- Stop! - says his order,

Yellow eye, looking at us:

- Carefully! Stop now!

And green: - Well, go ahead,

Pedestrian on the way!

This is how he talks

  • Tall trees are longer
  • Small blades of grass below

    With her, the distances get closer

    And the world, we open with her ... (road)

  • What are the names of those expensive
  • On which legs do they walk?

    Learn to distinguish them accurately

    Do not fly like a fire.

    It's only ... (pavement)

    Pavement not on the way?

    If a pedestrian needs

    Immediately looking for a pedestrian

    1. Where the steps lead down
    2. Get down, don't be lazy.

      Pedestrian must know

      What is the name of that horse?

      What lay on the transitions,

      Where are pedestrians walking? (Zebra)

      Whoever walks down the street is called a pedestrian.

      This is me, and you, and he, dad, mom, postman.

      To everyone who walks the roads

      Or rather, on transitions!

      All who know without a doubt


      (song to the motive from the m. f. "The Bremen Town Musicians")

      There is no more important thing for us on the road,

      That is why we roam the world.

      Only with us are not afraid of anxiety

      We are all on the shoulder of the road

      We will not forget our calling

      We bring security to people

      Only those who know these signs

      There is no danger along the way.

      We are ready to help everyone in the world,

      Let adults and children teach us Let them stop being afraid And cars will become their friends!

    3. He rolls along the rails briskly,

    All iron wheels

    Hey passerby, don't yawn-

    It rolls ... (tram)

  • Little houses running down the street
  • Adults and children, houses are being taken

    (Buses and traleybuses)

    And traleybus and bus - you go around behind,

    So that you don’t lose your wild head forever!

    And the tram is loud,

    We are told another law:

    Bypass all trams, inapplicable in front!

    There are children who do not want to follow the rules, for example:

    Petya rode on a moped, did not look who was riding next to him ...

    Petya is treating a fracture, the moped has been scrapped!

    Seryozha went to school somehow

    Drank from the throat of Pepsi-Cola

    He did not look at the cars,

    And now he wears a splint!

    Our Vanyusha famously rushes

    I mean, I can eat how I want.

    For such a thing, one should put a reckless driver!

    It's better to be a little late

    How much too late

    Red light in front of the road

    It's better for all of us to wait!

    Let's go green

    But we look around

    Do not yawn at the crossing

    Safety will be yours!

    Be careful on the road!

    Take care of your hands and feet!

    Remember the rules everywhere, otherwise there will be trouble!

    (to the motive of the song 33 cows)

    * There are a lot of roads in the center of a large city

    And of course it is important that everyone can cross them.

    And so someone came up with the rules, friends

    These rules of movement and walking
    cannot be forgotten.

    traffic rules, traffic rules

    All children, without exception, should know

    Rules of motion, since birth

    Everyone is useful and needed.

    * We walk around the city, we walk along the street

    We do not interfere with anyone - we sing our song

    We walk along the sidewalk, there is no traffic light nearby

    We were on the road, but we were not at all confused

    For all books, there is the first and main task - to come up with a plot and composition.

    Fabric baby book

  • sew the spine with threads, as usual;
  • It is for children of this age to make a book out of cloth, not paper - best idea. After all, the child does not yet understand why tearing books is bad.

    Play up some everyday activities. You can make an application in the form of a kitchen with opening doors, teapots and Velcro plates.

    • shoe lace;
    • We cut the fabric into pieces 2-2.5 cm in length, process the edges. Then we thread one segment into one ring, fold it in half and sew it to the book so that two columns are obtained from all the segments. If you can simply insert the eyelets, then such complications will not be needed.

      You can sew on an unnecessary zipper, which is interesting to fasten and unfasten, pockets that contain secrets and prizes.

      If you are experiencing problems with the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to the shampoos that you use. Frightening statistics - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are components that poison our body. The substances that cause all the troubles in the composition are designated as sodium lauryl / laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG, DEA, MEA.

      These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, the color fades. Also, this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause various diseases. We recommend that you refrain from using products that contain this chemistry. Recently, our experts conducted analyzes of shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic.

      The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

      Paper book baby

      Book made of leaves stitched with rope

    • colored square leaves;
    • glue;
    • Bend and cut the leaf exactly in half.
    • Bend in half again, pulling the long sides to each other.
    • And now we put the edges of one piece of paper into another - it turns out a long, long spring.
    • Do you want me to suggest an activity that is interesting for both mother and child? A do-it-yourself baby book is something that can be done for a child of any age. And even one who is over 20. It all depends on the material and content.

      These tips are also suitable for those who were given the task to do something similar by a teacher from kindergarten or a school teacher.

      Pages can be connected in two ways:

      Until the age of three, it is better not to make small details in the book, which are easily torn off and quickly put into the mouth. Just make appliqués from fabrics that are different to the touch and other materials that can be sewn on tightly - plastic bags, some kind of oilcloth, etc.

      Cool idea - to sew from fabric additionally volumetric figures, which will be difficult to choke on, and attach Velcro to them so that they can be torn off and glued to the book. Such things are easy to find in a sewing store.

      For a child over 3 years old

    • rings of such a diameter that would be larger than the lace and it would not be difficult for the child to get into it;
    • a narrow strip of fabric;
    • thread, needle, scissors.
    • Girls will love pictures of dolls, on which you can stick jewelry and outfits, make them hairstyles from threads.

      For children from 3 years old and older, you can already try to make a book out of paper. Here, too, there are different options.

    • 12 min.
    • We bend the sides back, in the manner of a bird - we get such a spring.
    • We lay out the springs like this - one up with the edges of the leaf, the other down.
    • Glue adjacent surfaces.
    • For the cover, you can take another leaf with an interesting pattern, bend two long end to the middle and put on a ready-made stack.
    • Firmware in the style of a real book

      How to make a small book for your child?

      Materials for such crafts can be completely different. Here you are limited only by your imagination and, perhaps, the budget. The usual options are a book made of paper and fabric.

      It is intended for the smallest, in order to develop, first of all, fine motor skills. But if you make an interesting plot, all kinds of tasks and riddles, then the age of the child already rises to 4-5 years.

    • make holes in the leaves in the manner of a hole punch and tie them with a string or rings, as in a plastic folder. Then new pages can be added to the book.
    • The best fabrics for such a book are colored fleece and felt. They are often sold in art stores.

      For babies up to 3 years old

      Application ideas for such crumbs are simple objects - cups, suns, flowers, houses, cars. You can try to make animals and people, if possible.

      Here the scope of your possibilities is incredibly expanded. In addition, at this age, the child himself can be involved in the craft, he will certainly be interested. The filling for the book is no longer necessary to be sewn tightly - you can stick it with ordinary safe glue, which even a child will do. And then bring brag to kindergarten.

      The materials are not only of different textures, but also of different calibers - we sew on buttons, ribbons, laces, threads. Plots - from fairy tales to numbers and letters.

      The moving picture is a very interesting element. You can thus accustom the child to the rules of the road, learn to tie shoelaces, arrange objects in the correct order. For example, make an alphabet with Velcro, the sun and planets, a traffic light and a road with a car.

      For example, to prepare a lacing task, we need:

      Make a typewriter moving along a string, a bird or a sun - for this it is enough to make two holes in the object, thread a ribbon into them and sew its ends to the book.

      In the same way as papers in the office, we punch a stack of leaves with a hole punch. We take a beautiful lace or ribbon and thread it through the holes, tie it beautiful bow. This is the easiest and fastest option.

      Cons - flipping through such a book is not very convenient.

      paper transformation

      The whole craft consists of the following simple steps:

    • Now we bend the short ones.
    • We repeat the same with other leaves.
    • We put several leaves together (up to 5 pieces) and bend in half. We make 4 holes on the fold. We sew the module so that the tip of the thread remains outside. Usually several modules are made - they are flashed with one thread, it is not difficult to find the book's firmware scheme and it is quite simple. The spine of the finished block can be glued with transparent silicone glue. From above, of course, glue the cover.

    Alena Mokstadt
    Book-baby on traffic rules

    In November, in our kindergarten, among group teachers, a competition was held for the best book - baby "Rules of the road".

    Our goal babes book is: teaching children the rules of the road, the development of fine motor skills, cognitive processes.

    Our book- the baby is from:

    Poems and songs

    The traffic light told us strictly:

    Watch out, there's a road here!

    Don't play, don't be naughty

    Just stand and watch!

    Upstairs lit up red:

    Red light is always dangerous!

    Tractor and tram ride

    Hey driver don't yawn!

    White zebra - transitions:

    Pedestrians are waiting.

    The traffic light told us clearly -

    Red light - it's dangerous to go!

    The traffic light winked at us

    He blinked his yellow eye.

    yellow light and red light:

    Still no way!

    The traffic light is on guard

    He doesn't even sleep at night.

    Our group was awarded a diploma of the winner of the 1st degree and a memorable gift.

    Book-baby number 2 Good afternoon, colleagues! I bring to your attention my second book baby for children nursery group. The book is made of fabric on which.

    Book-baby book-baby "Varenka" - appeared thanks to the "order" of the educator junior group which my youngest daughter attends. Selecting verses.

    Book-baby "Mom's Helper" In our kindergarten, an exhibition was held - the competition "Book-baby" with our own hands for Mother's Day. Many have made books with verses, proverbs.

    Book-baby "Rules of the road" Hello everyone. In September 2016, in our city, the "Month of safe behavior on the road". Because of this, I wanted to.

    Book-baby "laces".

    Do-it-yourself book-baby In our kindergarten No. 19 "Rosinka" a competition of books - babies was organized together with the prosecutor's office of Sayansk, on the topic "Safety in winter".

    Baby book "Do you know insects?" In our kindergarten, competitions are often held for parents to make baby books on various topics. My daughter and I (she attends.

    Competition "Book-baby" The competition "BOOK-BABY" is announced in our group. The competition will be held from November 7 to November 30, 2016. will be in the competition.

    A baby book within the framework of the Rhyme project And, again, my granddaughter and I have a project. Project - "Rhyme" in Russian. The project has five different tasks. For example: Pick up words and rhymes.

    Tactile book-baby This book is very good for children of younger and middle age. Our kids love to play with small toys, but they are not so safe.

    Homemade book on the rules of the road. Master Class

    Svetlana Davaeva
    Homemade book on the rules of the road. Master Class

    All grandmothers in the world love, adore their grandchildren. I, not an exception, rejoice at their slightest victories, successes, get upset, empathize with sorrows. I have three of them (you know about this from my publications, and all of them are girls. At the celebration of Defenders of the Fatherland Day, the second-grader Sashenka had a premiere - a performance in our village on the stage of a cinema. And on June 1, on Children's Day - at the three-year-old granddaughter Almina Both are in a dance group with the same choreographer. did well. I'm proud of them!

    Recently caught my eye homemade book "Timosha".

    This I made a book for Sasha when she was still in kindergarten. The teacher of the group asked the parents of the group to write family projects on traffic rules.

    I decided to participate in the competition with my granddaughter. By to tell the truth, I did not get a project, but booklet. When I saw a sketchbook with a spiral spring and a toy car, I immediately decided on a shape option little books.

    I drew the outline of the car and cut it out. Started to fill the pages books various messages.

    Children will be able to write phone numbers for pinning.

    And also to play

    Draw any picture according to traffic rules.

    The result is a multifunctional book"Timoshka".

    Physical culture leisure according to the rules of the road in middle group"Country of traffic rules" Purpose: - to consolidate the knowledge and ideas of children about road safety; - continue to acquaint children with the rules of the road;

    Summary of GCD on the rules of the road for children 5-6 years old “Lessons of the road for Aunt Sovunya” Abstract of the GCD on the rules of the road for children 5-6 years old Topic: “Lessons of the road for Aunt Sovunya” Purpose: Expand and deepen.

    Abstract of the lesson on the rules of the road "The ABC of the road, or Journey to the Sunny City" The purpose of the lesson: Continue to acquaint with the rules of the road, learn to apply them in practice in various situations. Develop thinking.

    Master class on the rules of the road "Cheerful traffic light!" Master class on the rules of the road "Cheerful traffic light!" "Cheerful traffic light" For the manufacture of this craft "Cheerful traffic light" will be required.

    Project on the rules of the road Name of the project: "Rules of the road, necessary, simple" Relevance. Children's road traffic injuries are one of the most.

    Project on the rules of the road for children of the middle group "Why do we need traffic rules?" The purpose of the project: the formation of children's ideas about road signs. Objectives: NGO "Cognitive Development": To expand and consolidate the knowledge of children.

    Scenario family master class according to the rules of the road for children and parents "Road and Children" Purpose: the formation of sustainable skills for safe behavior on the streets and roads. Tasks: - to expand the knowledge of children and parents about safe.

    Joint activities of children and parents according to the rules of the road "Remember, know, do not forget the rules of the road" Joint activities of children and parents according to the rules of the road. "Remember, know, do not forget the rules of the road" Preparatory group.

    Corner according to the rules of the road Every year, making out a corner according to the rules of the road, I try to come up with something new. This year I made a road out of cardboard boxes.

    Corner on the rules of the road Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a model for familiarizing the children of the preparatory group with the ZPR with the rules of the road (SDA).

    Educational book about traffic rules

    The book was sewn for the competition "World of traffic rules", which was held in kindergarten.

    There are only 4 sheets in the booklet (8 pages, of which only 7 are working)

    Size 21 x 21 cm (measured on the short side of A4)
    Cover (I don't like to embroider):

    This time I fastened the pages in a simple way - I folded 2 turns together and stitched in the middle to the seam. typewriter.

    Children need to know
    road rules,
    You are my friend trust them
    You will be safe and sound!

    Task number 1 on page number 2

    Guess a riddle:
    Red eye will shine -
    We are not allowed to go
    BUT green eye ignite -
    Walk boldly, pedestrian!
    (traffic light)

    Look closely at the traffic lights. Find the right ones.
    Tell me, where did you see the traffic lights?
    What is a traffic light for?

    Task number 2 on page number 3

    Get a traffic light. Tell me what his signals mean (red, yellow, green).
    Do you know the poem about the traffic light? Tell him please.

    A spread of the book for playing up traffic situations (cars, little men or figures from the Lego or Kinder Surprise constructor are used). We speak with the baby the rules for crossing an unregulated pedestrian crossing. We also explain to the child that it is very dangerous to cross the road without adults. During the game, we consolidate knowledge about the basic rules of pedestrians.

    With the child, they figured out a mini-scene:

    Pages 6 and 7:

    Task number 3 on page 6

    Collect puzzles.
    Are you familiar with these road signs? What other signs do you know?
    What are road signs for? Who are they for?
    (- they help pedestrians and drivers;
    - indicate the direction of movement
    - warn of danger
    - talk about the features of the road
    - they are needed so that our street is understandable and safe.)
    Create your own road sign. Draw. Tell me what does it mean?

    Task number 4 on page 7

    AT good luck. When you get into the car, don't forget to fasten your seat belt! (development of fine motor skills)

    Fabric baby book

    For babies up to 3 years old

    For a child over 3 years old

    • shoe lace;
    • a narrow strip of fabric;
    • thread, needle, scissors.

    Paper book baby

    paper transformation

    • colored square leaves;
    • glue;
    • 12 min.

    1. Now we bend the short ones.

    How to make a small book for your child?

    Do you want me to suggest an activity that is interesting for both mother and child? A do-it-yourself baby book is something that can be done for a child of any age. And even one who is over 20. It all depends on the material and content.

    These tips are also suitable for those who have been given the task of doing something similar by a kindergarten teacher or a teacher at school.

    Materials for such crafts can be completely different. Here you are limited only by your imagination and, perhaps, the budget. The usual options are a book made of paper and fabric.

    For all books, there is the first and main task - to come up with a plot and composition.

    Fabric baby book

    It is intended for the smallest to develop, first of all, fine motor skills. But if you make an interesting plot, all kinds of tasks and riddles, then the age of the child already rises to 4-5 years.

    Pages can be connected in two ways:

    • sew the spine with threads, as usual;
    • make holes in the leaves in the manner of a hole punch and tie them with a string or rings, as in a plastic folder. Then new pages can be added to the book.

    The best fabrics for such a book are colored fleece and felt. They are often sold in art stores.

    For babies up to 3 years old

    It is for children of this age that making a book out of fabric, not paper, is the best idea. After all, the child does not yet understand why tearing books is bad.

    Until the age of three, it is better not to make small details in the book, which are easily torn off and quickly put into the mouth. Just make appliqués from fabrics that are different to the touch and other materials that can be sewn on tightly - plastic bags, some kind of oilcloth, etc.

    Application ideas for such crumbs are simple objects - cups, suns, flowers, houses, cars. You can try to make animals and people, if possible.

    Play up some everyday activities. You can make an application in the form of a kitchen with opening doors, teapots and Velcro plates.

    A cool idea is to sew extra voluminous figures out of fabric that will be difficult to choke on, and attach Velcro to them so that you can tear them off and stick them to the book. Such things are easy to find in a sewing store.

    For a child over 3 years old

    Here the scope of your possibilities is incredibly expanded. In addition, at this age, the child himself can be involved in the craft, he will certainly be interested. The filling for the book is no longer necessary to be sewn tightly - you can stick it with ordinary safe glue, which even a child will do. And then bring brag to kindergarten.

    The materials are not only of different textures, but also of different calibers - we sew on buttons, ribbons, laces, threads. Plots - from fairy tales to numbers and letters.

    The moving picture is a very interesting element. You can thus accustom the child to the rules of the road, learn to tie shoelaces, arrange objects in the correct order. For example, make an alphabet with Velcro, the sun and planets, a traffic light and a road with a car.

    For example, to prepare a lacing task, we need:

    • shoe lace;
    • rings of such a diameter that would be larger than the lace and it would not be difficult for the child to get into it;
    • a narrow strip of fabric;
    • thread, needle, scissors.

    We cut the fabric into pieces 2-2.5 cm in length, process the edges. Then we thread one segment into one ring, fold it in half and sew it to the book so that two columns are obtained from all the segments. If you can simply insert the eyelets, then such complications will not be needed.

    You can sew on an unnecessary zipper, which is interesting to fasten and unfasten, pockets that contain secrets and prizes.

    Make a typewriter moving along a string, a bird or a sun - for this it is enough to make two holes in the object, thread a ribbon into them and sew its ends to the book.

    Girls will love pictures of dolls, on which you can stick jewelry and outfits, make them hairstyles from threads.

    If you are experiencing problems with the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to the shampoos that you use. Frightening statistics - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are components that poison our body. The substances that cause all the troubles in the composition are designated as sodium lauryl / laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG, DEA, MEA.

    These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, the color fades. Also, this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause various diseases. We recommend that you refrain from using products that contain this chemistry. Recently, our experts conducted analyzes of shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic.

    The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

    Paper book baby

    For children from 3 years old and older, you can already try to make a book out of paper. Here, too, there are different options.

    Book made of leaves stitched with rope

    In the same way as papers in the office, we punch a stack of leaves with a hole punch. We take a beautiful lace or ribbon and thread it through the holes, tie a beautiful bow. This is the easiest and fastest option.

    Cons - flipping through such a book is not very convenient.

    paper transformation

    • colored square leaves;
    • glue;
    • 12 min.

    The whole craft consists of the following simple steps:

    1. Bend and cut the leaf exactly in half.
    2. Bend in half again, pulling the long sides to each other.
    3. Now we bend the short ones.
    4. We bend the sides back, in the manner of a bird - we get such a spring.
    5. We repeat the same with other leaves.
    6. We lay out the springs like this - one up with the edges of the leaf, the other down.
    7. And now we put the edges of one piece of paper into another - it turns out a long, long spring.
    8. Glue adjacent surfaces.
    9. For the cover, you can take another leaf with an interesting pattern, bend the two long ends to the middle and put it on the finished stack.

    Firmware in the style of a real book

    We put several leaves together (up to 5 pieces) and bend in half. We make 4 holes on the fold. We sew the module so that the tip of the thread remains outside. Usually several modules are made - they are flashed with one thread, it is not difficult to find the book's firmware scheme and it is quite simple. The spine of the finished block can be glued with transparent silicone glue. From above, of course, glue the cover.

    Alena Mokstadt
    Book-baby on traffic rules

    In November, in our kindergarten, among group teachers, a competition was held for the best book - baby "Rules of the road".

    Our goal babes book is: teaching children the rules of the road, the development of fine motor skills, cognitive processes.

    Our book- the baby is from:

    Poems and songs

    The traffic light told us strictly:

    Watch out, there's a road here!

    Don't play, don't be naughty

    Just stand and watch!

    Upstairs lit up red:

    Red light is always dangerous!

    Tractor and tram ride

    Hey driver don't yawn!

    White zebra - transitions:

    Pedestrians are waiting.

    The traffic light told us clearly -

    Red light - it's dangerous to go!

    The traffic light winked at us

    He blinked his yellow eye.

    yellow light and red light:

    Still no way!

    The traffic light is on guard

    He doesn't even sleep at night.

    Our group was awarded a diploma of the winner of the 1st degree and a memorable gift.

    Book-baby number 2 Good afternoon, colleagues! I bring to your attention my second baby book for children of the nursery group. The book is made of fabric on which.

    Book-baby book-baby "Varenka" - appeared thanks to the "order" of the teacher of the younger group, which is attended by my youngest daughter. Selecting verses.

    Book-baby "Mom's Helper" In our kindergarten, an exhibition was held - the competition "Book-baby" with our own hands for Mother's Day. Many have made books with verses, proverbs.

    Book-baby "laces".

    Do-it-yourself book-baby In our kindergarten No. 19 "Rosinka" a competition of books - babies was organized together with the prosecutor's office of Sayansk, on the topic "Safety in winter".

    Baby book "Do you know insects?" In our kindergarten, competitions are often held for parents to make baby books on various topics. My daughter and I (she attends.

    Competition "Book-baby" The competition "BOOK-BABY" is announced in our group. The competition will be held from November 7 to November 30, 2016. will be in the competition.

    A baby book within the framework of the Rhyme project And, again, my granddaughter and I have a project. Project - "Rhyme" in Russian. The project has five different tasks. For example: Pick up words and rhymes.

    Tactile book-baby This book is very good for children of younger and middle age. Our kids love to play with small toys, but they are not so safe.

    These tips are also suitable for those who have been given the task of doing something similar by a kindergarten teacher or a teacher at school.

    Materials for such crafts can be completely different. Here you are limited only by your imagination and, perhaps, the budget. The usual options are a book made of paper and fabric.

    For all books, there is the first and main task - to come up with a plot and composition.

    Fabric baby book

    It is intended for the smallest to develop, first of all, fine motor skills. But if you make an interesting plot, all kinds of tasks and riddles, then the age of the child already rises to 4-5 years.

    For babies up to 3 years old

    Until the age of three, it is better not to make small details in the book, which are easily torn off and quickly put into the mouth. Just make appliqués from fabrics that are different to the touch and other materials that can be sewn on tightly - plastic bags, some kind of oilcloth, etc.

    Play up some everyday activities. You can make an application in the form of a kitchen with opening doors, teapots and Velcro plates.

    A cool idea is to sew extra voluminous figures out of fabric that will be difficult to choke on, and attach Velcro to them so that you can tear them off and stick them to the book. Such things are easy to find in a sewing store.

    The materials are not only of different textures, but also of different calibers - we sew on buttons, ribbons, laces, threads. Plots - from fairy tales to numbers and letters.

    • shoe lace;
    • thread, needle, scissors.

    We cut the fabric into pieces 2-2.5 cm in length, process the edges. Then we thread one segment into one ring, fold it in half and sew it to the book so that two columns are obtained from all the segments. If you can simply insert the eyelets, then such complications will not be needed.

    Make a typewriter moving along a string, a bird or a sun - for this it is enough to make two holes in the object, thread a ribbon into them and sew its ends to the book.

    Girls will love pictures of dolls, on which you can stick jewelry and outfits, make them hairstyles from threads.

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    Paper book baby

    In the same way as papers in the office, we punch a stack of leaves with a hole punch. We take a beautiful lace or ribbon and thread it through the holes, tie a beautiful bow. This is the easiest and fastest option.

    Cons - flipping through such a book is not very convenient.

  • glue;
    1. We bend the sides back, in the manner of a bird - we get such a spring.
    2. We lay out the springs like this - one up with the edges of the leaf, the other down.
    3. And now we put the edges of one piece of paper into another - it turns out a long, long spring.
    4. Glue adjacent surfaces.
    5. For the cover, you can take another leaf with an interesting pattern, bend the two long ends to the middle and put it on the finished stack.
    6. Olga Sidorova
      Book-baby "Rules of the road"

      In September 2016, in our city, “Safe Behavior Month” was announced. road". In this regard, I once again wanted to sew something for the pupils with my own hands. I chose felt as the material for this, as a result of which this book - baby according to the rules of the road I got.

      With this textile books, children learn traffic rules on the road, get acquainted with the signs of traffic lights, as well as with road signs.

      It should be noted that the details book - baby, removable:

      - these are the colors of the traffic light, which must be arranged in a certain order by fastening them to the buttons,

      - a girl who must be fastened before the trip!

      road signs in the form of puzzles, which children must independently assemble and attach to adhesive tape,

      - a car with passengers, which is also disassembled and assembled into parts.

      The book also depicts buildings lying close to our preschool educational institution, this is a school, our kindergarten No. 80 itself, a stadium and a store.

      With this book- as a baby, I'm going to participate in the city competition methodological developments "The ABC of Security", among preschool educational organizations city ​​district of Saransk.

      Thank you very much for watching.

      Synopsis of the integrated event and role-playing game"Rules of the road - rules of life" Tasks: - to expand and consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights, traffic rules; - continue to acquaint children with road signs; - Encourage desire.

      Songs about the rules of the road "And we will teach you" and "Observe the rules of the road" Song "And we will teach you" (to the melody of the Princess of Fun song from the cartoon "Flying Ship") kindergarten I'm driving by car, In the nursery.

      Poster "Rules of the road" Every year the number of cars, buses and other vehicles on the streets of cities and towns increases. It's no secret that.

      Project on the rules of the road for children of the middle group "Why do we need traffic rules?" The purpose of the project: the formation of children's ideas about road signs. Objectives: NGO "Cognitive Development": To expand and consolidate the knowledge of children.

      Entertainment on traffic safety “You need to know the rules of the road without exception” Entertainment on traffic safety “You need to know the rules of the road without exception” Tasks: - Fix the presentation.

      Homemade book on the rules of the road. Master class All grandmothers in the world love and adore their grandchildren. I, not an exception, rejoice at their slightest victories, successes, get upset, empathize with sorrows.

      Joint activities of children and parents according to the rules of the road "Remember, know, do not forget the rules of the road" Joint activities of children and parents according to the rules of the road. "Remember, know, do not forget the rules of the road" Preparatory group.

      Rules of the road An article for parents was developed by the Educators Bogdanova T. Yu GBOU secondary school No. 296 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg by the Department of Preschool Education.

      Quiz on the rules of the road "Traffic rules are worthy of respect in senior group» Purpose: In a playful way to consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road, road signs. Tasks: 1. Continue to acquaint children with the rules.

      Ludmila Gortseva
      Homemade book "Rules of the road" for kindergarten

      AT children's there was a contest in the garden book corners. I wanted to come up with something unusual.

      I decided to do book- homemade for boys « Traffic Laws» .

      I took thick cardboard, glued it with fights, decorated it with braid, fixed the sheets on the rings, and work began on creating a book.

      I made a colorful picture on the cover and wrote the title of the book. "P D D".

      The first page is dedicated to the traffic light and I called it "Children need to know".

      Children learn poems about traffic light signs, consider a traffic inspector with a rod.

      On the second page I pasted photos of the boys, they became participants in this book.

      With what pride they look at their photographs, talk about road signs, traffic lights like right cross the roadway.

      On the third and fourth pages, I made an alphabet out of the names of the cars. The delight of the children knew no bounds. Children quickly memorize letters and brands of cars. To illuminate the pages, we use a small LED flashlight, which is attached to the sheet.

      The fifth and sixth pages present modern cars. Here the children open the album, look at modern cars, the teacher reads poems about them.

      The city is depicted on the seventh page. Pupils consider pedestrians, the roadway, road signs, remember the designation of each character.

      On the eighth page, the guys play a maze. They choose their hero and lead the right maze.

      The ninth page is dedicated to safety traffic. There are pictures in the bag road signs, cars, pedestrians for flannelgraph.

      The tenth page is a flannelgraph. Children post pictures road signs, cars, pedestrians on a flannelgraph. They come up with different situations. traffic rules.

      This book is interesting and useful for children. Visibility is The best way perception of information. This book introduces children to traffic rules and safe behavior on the street. Learn to distinguish road signs, get acquainted with their purpose, use the skills of conscious use traffic rules in everyday life.

      Book-baby "Rules of the road" Hello everyone. In September 2016, in our city, “Road Safety Month” was announced. Because of this, I wanted to.

      Summary of the GCD on the rules of the road in the senior group of the kindergarten Abstract of the GCD on the rules of the road in the senior group of the kindergarten. "OUR FRIEND LUNTIK" Educator MKDOU d / s No. 13 Bortnik N. N. Tulskaya.

      Synopsis of the GCD on the rules of the road in the senior group of the kindergarten "Beware of the road!" Synopsis of the GCD on the rules of the road in the senior group of kindergarten. Theme: "Beware of the road!" PROGRAM CONTENT: Purpose of the lesson:.

      Synopsis of organized educational activities on the rules of the road "Learn the rules of the road" Program content: Introduce children to the rules of conduct in public transport. Clarify children's knowledge of the rules of the road.

      Abstract of the lesson on the rules of the road in the senior group “We know the rules of the road without exception” Purpose of the lesson. Continue to acquaint with the rules of the road, learn to practically apply them in various situations. Develop thinking.

      Synopsis of the parent meeting on traffic rules in the middle group of the kindergarten "Traffic rules - worthy of respect!" MKDOU Chukhloma Kindergarten "Rodnichok" Parent meeting according to traffic rules in the middle group of the kindergarten "Traffic rules - worthy of respect!".

      Teaching the rules of the road during a kindergarten walk in the middle group Our kindergarten has created wonderful conditions for teaching children the rules of the road. We are glad that you agreed to go for a walk.

      Scenario entertainment according to the rules of the road in preparatory group kindergarten. Entertainment according to traffic rules in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road. Game objectives: 1.

      Corner in the kindergarten group "Learning the rules of the road and safety" Children from the very early age for their own safety, they must clearly know the safety rules. Take care of children's safety at home.

      How to make a small book for your child?

      Do you want me to suggest an activity that is interesting for both mother and child? A do-it-yourself baby book is something that can be done for a child of any age. And even one who is over 20. It all depends on the material and content.

      Pages can be connected in two ways:

    7. sew the spine with threads, as usual;
    8. make holes in the leaves in the manner of a hole punch and tie them with a string or rings, as in a plastic folder. Then new pages can be added to the book.
    9. The best fabrics for such a book are colored fleece and felt. They are often sold in art stores.

      It is for children of this age that making a book out of fabric, not paper, is the best idea. After all, the child does not yet understand why tearing books is bad.

      Application ideas for such crumbs are simple objects - cups, suns, flowers, houses, cars. You can try to make animals and people, if possible.

      For a child over 3 years old

      Here the scope of your possibilities is incredibly expanded. In addition, at this age, the child himself can be involved in the craft, he will certainly be interested. The filling for the book is no longer necessary to be sewn tightly - you can stick it with ordinary safe glue, which even a child will do. And then bring brag to kindergarten.

      The moving picture is a very interesting element. You can thus accustom the child to the rules of the road, learn to tie shoelaces, arrange objects in the correct order. For example, make an alphabet with Velcro, the sun and planets, a traffic light and a road with a car.

      For example, to prepare a lacing task, we need:

    10. rings of such a diameter that would be larger than the lace and it would not be difficult for the child to get into it;
    11. a narrow strip of fabric;
    12. You can sew on an unnecessary zipper, which is interesting to fasten and unfasten, pockets that contain secrets and prizes.

      If you are experiencing problems with the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to the shampoos that you use. Frightening statistics - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are components that poison our body. The substances that cause all the troubles in the composition are designated as sodium lauryl / laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG, DEA, MEA.

      For children from 3 years old and older, you can already try to make a book out of paper. Here, too, there are different options.

      Book made of leaves stitched with rope

      paper transformation

    13. colored square leaves;
    14. 12 min.
    15. The whole craft consists of the following simple steps:

    16. Bend and cut the leaf exactly in half.
    17. Bend in half again, pulling the long sides to each other.
    18. Now we bend the short ones.
    19. We repeat the same with other leaves.

    Firmware in the style of a real book

    We put several leaves together (up to 5 pieces) and bend in half. We make 4 holes on the fold. We sew the module so that the tip of the thread remains outside. Usually several modules are made - they are flashed with one thread, it is not difficult to find the book's firmware scheme and it is quite simple. The spine of the finished block can be glued with transparent silicone glue. From above, of course, glue the cover.

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