What shadows are suitable for blonde green eyes. Makeup for blondes: basic rules. We select according to the color of the face

your green eyes.
Turquoise will not replace them,
And will not replace the emerald;
Earth stones fade here.

The green color of the eye is perhaps the most memorable, the brightest and most catchy color, which has a downright magnetic effect. It can range from light green with a blue iris border to deep dark green with a black border. It is extremely important for owners of green eyes to observe the measure and harmoniously combine shades when applying makeup and choosing a color palette, since not all tones are suitable for green, unlike black or gray. So, what colors should prevail in the makeup bag of a green-eyed young lady and how to do makeup for green eyes?

Makeup for a green-eyed brunette

If you are a green-eyed brunette with white skin, you should pay attention to silver and golden shadows. cold shade the skin will also look harmonious with shades of lilac or purple. Green shadows are better to choose a swampy, dirty brown-green hue, otherwise the color of the eyes themselves will simply be lost against the background of a bright green eyelid.

Apply pink blush, and give your lips caramel, beige or pink color ov. In evening make-up, you can safely use red lipstick of various shades.

Do not use blue and blue shades in eye makeup. When choosing blush, avoid dark bronze colors.

If the skin is swarthy, it is better to use peach-colored blush and choose shades of warmer tones: beige, brown, sand. Give your lips a beige or light pink tint.

Makeup for blondes with green eyes

For a blonde with green eyes, the eyebrows should be highlighted with a light gray pencil if the hair is platinum and a little brown if the hair has a warm shade. As for the shadows, we recommend using the color of milk chocolate and a darker tone if the hair is wheaten, as well as golden, olive, dark green, gray-brown.

If you really want variety, you can also use plum color. Evening makeup for green eyes will look very impressive if you apply a short arrow on the upper eyelid with a dark brown pencil on bronze shiny shadows and blend it.

Blush will go naturally beige or unobtrusive pink and more brown if you have tanned skin. Highlight your lips with a delicate pink, and in the evening you can afford red.
Pink shadows will give the blonde's eyes a puffy look, so they should not be used in any shade. Avoid black arrows, for their application it is better to use bronze, brown pencils and liners.

Makeup for a green-eyed brown-haired woman

Brown-haired eyebrows should be the same shade as the hair, otherwise you risk making the makeup unnatural. Shadows for green eyes are suitable for brown and amber shades, and for evening makeup, use a richer brown, deep ruby ​​or cherry, as well as bright turquoise.

Green should not be used in the shadows, but a deep green outline made with a pencil is very suitable. You can also use the liner, starting to lead the arrow from the inner corner of the eye and smoothly going beyond the outer one, without lowering the line down.

Pink and blue shades should be avoided - they will give the image a vulgarity. It will look very impressive in the make-up of a brown-haired woman brown mascara. But if the hair is dark brown, black mascara should be used, otherwise the eyelashes will look faded.

Your blush should be light brown or beige. Make sure they're really light, because dark ones can make your makeup look edgy, especially if you're doing everyday makeup for green eyes. Brown-haired women can experiment with the color of lipstick, but the best choice usually there are pink or hot pink colors, as well as violet.

Makeup for a green-eyed red beast

Red-haired green-eyes can boast a choice of green shades of all shades: from salad to dark emerald. Daytime makeup for green eyes allows the use of a lilac and light brown palette: caramel, apricot, sand shades, and for evening makeup - plum, brown, copper, bronze.

Eyebrows should be highlighted with a pencil slightly lighter than the color of the hair. You can experiment with mascara by choosing brown, dark brown or black. Proper makeup for green eyes involves the choice of not flashy blush, that is, dark beige, light brown. They should be slightly lighter than your hair.

As for lipstick, if you are planning an evening out, use lipstick darker than hair, and for day makeup a lighter shade will do.

Beautiful make-up for green eyes it is not very difficult to do if you choose the right color scheme. You can experiment with different colors and shades. The one that will make your eyes glow and your skin look healthy is the perfect option for you.

Makeup for brown-green and gray-green eyes

Special attention should be paid to the eyes, which combine two colors. For example, makeup for brown-green eyes allows you to use all shades of purple in the shadows, swamp green and lavender for brunettes and green and golden, which are more suitable for blondes. You can take any mascara and even apply it in 3-4 layers for evening makeup, and it is better to make the arrows very thin.

As for makeup for gray-green eyes, there is a little secret here: if you want to focus on gray color, highlight it with cold gray or gray-black in the evening. If you want to give the color of the eyes a brighter green, use green shades accordingly, and light ones. For gray-green eyes, shades of copper, plums, lavender, olive, peach, lilac and cold pink are also suitable.

But all types of blue should be avoided in such makeup, otherwise the natural color of the eyes is leveled.

To make the makeup look natural and not vulgar, you should listen to some recommendations and tips:

  1. For daytime makeup, choose matte shades shadows and blush. Sequins will give a tired look, and if the weather is very hot, they can crumble.

  2. To apply any makeup, you should have at least three shades of shadows. The transition between them should be imperceptible and very smooth, so you need to have a large palette for combining.

  3. So that the shape of the eyebrows does not dissonate with the shape of the face, before eyebrow correction, stand in front of the mirror and, looking straight ahead, draw a conditional strip from the tip of the nose through the pupil up to the eyebrow. The point where the line passes above the eye is the highest point of the eyebrow bend.

  4. To make your look more open and radiant, apply a little white shadow under the eyebrow as a final make-up chord, but in no case do not touch the eyebrow hairs with white. In the evening, such a strip can be applied with pearlescent white or beige shadows.

The above recommendations are not categorical, because any make-up is an individual process, and the highest measure of individuality is incomparability. Therefore, be original and beautiful, experiment and always remain yourself.

Women's makeup is definitely a weapon. Properly applied cosmetics will not only help eliminate minor flaws, but also give expressiveness to the advantages that every woman's face has.

To give the appearance expressiveness, you need to choose the right makeup. “Correctness” in this case means the selection of suitable shades. Blondes with green eyes are like sorceresses, and a fabulous appearance needs an equally fabulous make-up.

Image selection rules

To emphasize the image of a charming girl, fair-haired young ladies need to select makeup, carefully following the rules:


Applying makeup should start with selection of foundation. Right choice The corrector will hide minor imperfections in the form of pimples, redness and wrinkles. As mentioned above, tone cream should not be darker than the color of your skin, otherwise you will not only “cut off” your head from your neck, but also turn your face into a mask.

Moderation is also relevant for the tonal foundation. Do not layer it too much, because the effect will not increase from an excess of cream. The maximum that you will achieve is clogged pores and a “plastic” facial expression.

Peach and pink tones work best for fair skin. Owners of dark skin, makeup artists are advised to resort to this technique: highlight the cheekbones with blush with brown shades.

The sequence of actions when applying the tone:

Eye makeup

Makeup for the green eyes of blondes is a trump card that should always be with you. To emphasize the beauty and color of the eyes, choose warm shades, forever saying goodbye to bluish cosmetics, because blue shadows do not suit you.

Best of all, in alliance with a blond, green eyes framed in shades of brown look best: ocher, gold and peach to help you. The pink color of the shadows should not be used. Such an image not only ages, but also makes the face exhausted and painful.


An example of a light evening makeup for a blonde with green eyes. The photo shows how effective the image with a similar make-up is.

Evening option

Evening makeup for green-eyed blondes should not be too defiant. A light haze of warm shades will sufficiently emphasize spectacular combination blond hair and green eyes:

Lip makeup

As mentioned earlier, in the competition for attention in green-eyed blondes, the eyes never lose to the lips. However, when applying makeup, attention should be paid to all areas of the face.

To unobtrusively and beautifully transform lips, arm yourself with lipsticks of natural shades. Best will look coral, peach, beige options. For daytime makeup, gloss without color or the same shades as for “evening” lipstick is more suitable.

Blondes with emerald eyes should not outline the lips with a pencil. To limit lips with clear lines means to deprive both volume and mystery. Let's leave the rough outline to the past century.

Makeup artists advise applying makeup, following some rules. The list of secrets is based on many years of experience of make-up masters:

Proper makeup

Makeup for blondes with green eyes involves a combination of light, delicate and warm shades of cosmetics. Many blonde girls, creating their image at home, do not apply makeup correctly enough, choosing forbidden colors. Thus, they spoil with their own hands appearance pushing away prying eyes.

Step-by-step instructions for applying makeup to green-eyed blondes

There are several rules on how to do makeup for a green-eyed blonde:

  • Blonde girls should not be neglected by the dark base and tonal means. Such a face will look dirty and untidy.
  • You can not use heavy black and gloomy shades. They are acceptable when creating an evening look, but only in a minimal amount.
  • You can not strongly highlight the lips with a contour pencil. If possible, you should avoid it altogether.
  • Try to avoid blue and blue flowers, as well as colors eye.
  • When applying makeup yourself, be harmonious, restrained and neat. Follow step by step.

Applying foundation

Like any other, makeup for blondes with green eyes always begins with a face treatment.

  1. On thoroughly cleansed skin, apply foundation in the color of the face or a tone lighter than it.
  2. , redness and other external defects.
  3. Cover the skin with translucent powder over the foundation.
  4. Blush should be chosen in discreet shades so as not to seem vulgar. Light-skinned blondes should give preference to soft pink and peach shades. If you are the owner of dark skin, light brown and beige tones will suit you.

Make-up green eyes

In creating a make-up, you should pay maximum attention to your eyes, especially if they are green. In order to apply cosmetics correctly and emphasize the advantages as much as possible, follow the step-by-step procedure as required by the scheme.

Evening look "Silver mother-of-pearl"

Makeup for a green-eyed blonde in an evening solemn and festive style involves the use of shades of purple, brown, gold, plum and peach. To create the “Silver Pearl” look, you will need two shades of silver color - matte and pearlescent, as well as a black pencil and mascara. Evening makeup can be complemented by bright red or peach lipstick.

  1. Apply matte silver to the moving eyelid, slightly lifting the lines at the outer corner of the eyes.
  2. With a black pencil, create a small arrow by circling the eyeball along the upper eyelid at the fold.
  3. From the line of separation of the mobile and fixed eyelids and up, apply silver mother-of-pearl.
  4. Underline the lower eyelid with a pencil along the lash line.
  5. Lastly, use mascara.

Pink Eyes Daily Look

Makeup for a green-eyed blonde office style involves the use of discreet colors of the shadows. Lips are better to make a delicate shade of pink. A similar day makeup "Pink Eyes" can be used daily. It will always look refreshing and give you a certain mystique. To create it, you will need shades of calm pink tones, a brown pencil and ink.

  1. Apply brown eyeliner on the upper eyelid as close to the lash line as possible.
  2. Put pink shadows on top of the pencil, trying to slightly lift the lines to the outer corner of the eyes.
  3. Blend the color towards the brows.
  4. Underline the lower eyelid with a pencil from the middle.
  5. Cover your lashes with brown mascara.
  6. This makeup can be perfectly complemented by a lipstick of a bright berry shade.

As you can see, the instructions for creating an image for a blonde with green eyes are not difficult. It is only important to choose the right colors that suit you, which will be in perfect harmony with your eyes, hair, skin tone and clothes.

Video: cute makeup for a green-eyed blonde

The ultimate dream of every man. But not every woman succeeds in presenting herself correctly. It's no secret that professional makeup works wonders, but in this case we will be interested in working on our appearance at home.

What makeup mistakes do blondes most often make? What features does the everyday and evening make-up of a blond beauty with emerald eyes have.

Makeup mistakes

Owners of blond hair try to give the skin of their face a tanned look and often use a foundation that is very different from the natural skin tone of the face. A tanned face against the background of a pale neck and hands will look at least ridiculous and ridiculous.

Of course, it is possible and even necessary to emphasize the eyes using black mascara, however, without creating lumps on the eyelashes.

There shouldn't be much difference between lip liner and lipstick (more than 2 tones) as the lips will look drawn and pouted.

Many look at blondes who try to highlight the color of their eyes with green shadows simply with indignation. The eyes, in this case, lose their natural beauty, and an excess of green is distracting rather than emphasizing.

Many women choose shadows to match the color of a new dress or other item of clothing, forgetting about the color of their eyes and hair. Blue and blue shadows will not add mystery green eyes, since these shades are simply not compatible.

Women who have recently dyed their hair and entered the ranks of blondes should take care of new shadows, lipstick and eyeliner. You can safely give an old cosmetic bag to a friend. Hair and eye color - dictates new rules to you.

Many well-known makeup artists believe that neither silver nor pink shades, and you should also abandon the black eyeliner and black pencil. We dare not agree with their statement, since the soft pink color is perfect for green eyes, if the shadows are applied with a second layer on thin line drawn with a white pencil and slightly shade.

Trying to stand out from the crowd with a bright make-up, do not forget that any make-up, both everyday and evening, does not tolerate excesses. There must be a sense of proportion in everything. Do not combine the incompatible!

Cold tones - give extra years. Very light shadows make the eyes smudged. Give preference to warm shades. You need to experiment with the palette of shadows carefully, not forgetting that cosmetics should emphasize your individuality and youth, and not create an unrecognizable mask on your face.

Day makeup

  • Moisturize your face with cream
  • Apply foundation, then loose powder (fix)
  • For eyebrows, choose a brown pencil or brown eyeliner (black eyebrow color is not considered)

For the eyes, you should not take colorful shadows, but it is better to opt for gray, light brown or peach tones. The combination of these colors with darker shades is the most winning option. Shadows with a metallic sheen are also able to best emphasize green color eyes during the day.

The contour of the lips with everyday makeup can not be let down. An excellent option would be peach (orange) or light pink lipstick. Blondes are perfect for lip gloss, as green eyes and blonde hair it is not necessary to complement bright lipstick.

evening make-up

  • choose saturated colors, but do not overdo it with the choice.
  • Purple shadows (dark) can give green eyes a special magical power. In the evening, you can also treat yourself to golden and copper shades of shadows.
  • Bronzer will make the blonde more mysterious
  • Eyeliner golden or white color will help visually increase the size of the eyes.
  • When creating an emphasis on the lips - choose a bright lipstick, and if on the eyes, then choose a more nondescript one.

There are a lot of secrets for applying evening and everyday makeup, however, if you take into account a few simple rules and "taboos", you can cope with the task at home.

Each girl has her own virtues, which she, of course, wants to emphasize. perhaps, if you are not afraid to try in their application and combination.

General rules for blonde daytime makeup

    In everyday makeup, you can safely abandon the shadows. Or give preference to light beige tones.

    In daytime makeup, the main thing is to make it as natural as possible. That is why it is best to use brown ink instead of black. Eyebrows should not be brought in with a pencil, but with shadows using an eyebrow brush with a hard bristle.

    A charcoal black eyeliner or pencil is not the best the best option for a blonde girl. This color will visually weight the look. Choose calmer and softer colors such as gray or brown. The lighter your hair, the lighter the shade should be.

    The right choice of lipstick or gloss is the most important task in absolutely any make-up. For a daytime make-up, nude lipstick is suitable for blondes. You can read about how to choose such a lipstick.

    Don't be afraid to experiment with lip glosses. Peach or pink translucent shades are perfect.

How to make a day makeup for a blonde?

For daytime makeup, blondes are suitable for light, delicate shades of shadows, for example, pearl, champagne, peach, beige, light brown, golden.

Follow our step-by-step guide to create beautiful blonde daytime makeup.

Apply a light, shimmery eyeshadow all over your lid (we used Giorgio Armani liquid eyeshadow in shade 8).

Blend matte light brown or light pink shadows along the orbital line with a fluffy brush.

Lightly coat your lashes with mascara.

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Add a dusty rose blush on your cheeks, emphasize your lips with a light tint or balm.

This fresh natural nude make-up is a great solution for any occasion: repeat it if you are going to school, work, a business meeting or a walk with friends.

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Examples of other successful daytime makeup options for blondes:

evening make-up

Any girl, going to a party or a celebration, tries to create such an evening look that will definitely not go unnoticed. Hair, makeup and evening dress should be in harmony with each other.

General rules for evening makeup for a blonde

    Do not be afraid to experiment with color, creating an evening make-up. Bright colors in makeup look beautiful and harmonious, if handled correctly.

    Keep a balance. Focus on evening makeup either on the lips or on the eyes.

Evening makeup for blondes - what shades to choose?

In order to choose the right shades for makeup, pay attention to your skin.

Bright skin

Blondes with fair skin will suit cosmetics of both warm and cold shades. And in eye makeup, you should stick to cold tones: metallic, blue, blue, gray, pink, purple.

It will look great on blondes with fair skin lipstick in light lilac, light raspberry and red-brown shades. Also fair-skinned blondes can afford to wear red lipstick of any tone. How to choose the right red lipstick, we have already described in the article.

dark skin

If you are a blonde with a golden skin tone, then in the evening make-up it is best for you to use cold tones: blue, pale pink, lilac.

An excellent evening make-up option for swarthy blondes is a golden shade of shadows plus brown mascara.

Ideally with golden or tanned skin, beige lipstick is also combined. If you want to emphasize the lips with red lipstick, then “drive in” a thin layer of pigment with your fingertips. Also, blondes with dark skin can use red-brown shades of lipstick. Don't be afraid to experiment!

How to do evening makeup for a blonde?

Classic makeup with arrows and red lips is better to beat a little in your own way. So, instead of black eyeliner, you can try using dark brown.

Look for an example of a beautiful evening makeup for a blonde in our video.

Evening makeup for a blonde: photo instruction

First, prep the eyelid with eye shadow, creating a pattern that emphasizes the natural relief of the eye. Then makeup with arrows will not make the eyes narrower, but, on the contrary, will visually increase their size.

With a flat natural brush, apply golden shadows to the entire moving eyelid, then emphasize the outer corner of the eye and the orbital line with matte brown shadows.

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Draw arrows, paint over the space between the eyelashes with a black or dark brown eyeliner, thickly paint the eyelashes with mascara.

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Line your lips with a berry-colored lipstick. For a softer effect, blend the border of the lipstick. The easiest way to do this is with a regular cotton swab.

Add a lipstick-like shade of blush to the apples of your cheeks and blend to your cheekbones. With a dry brown corrector, emphasize the cheekbone space.

Examples of other successful evening makeup options for blondes:

smokey ice

General rules for smokey eye makeup for blondes

    Perform all steps carefully. Unfortunately, this will take some practice. Makeup beginners can read all about smokey eyes.

    Pick the right shades. Our recommendations below will help you with this.

Makeup for blondes - how to choose a shade for smokey ice?

Blue eyes

For smokey ice makeup, blue-eyed blondes can choose any shades of blue shadows. Except for those that perfectly match the color of the eyes.

Also with blue eyes warm, sunny shades will be combined - sand, golden, peach.

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Green eyes

Blondes with green eyes can use green shadows as bases in smokey ice makeup. Remember that the shade of the shadows should be different from the shade of the iris. Only in this case, the shadows will give the look a mysterious depth.

Also, green eyes can be emphasized with brown or golden shades of shadows.

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Brown eyes

For smokey ice makeup, brown-eyed blondes are ideal dark shades shades: olive, dark gray or brown. If you have Brown eyes and light skin, then you can use lilac or purple shadows.