Reasoning is your way to truth and goodness. Composition on the topic "Vasya's path to goodness and truth." Some interesting essays

Literature lesson in grade 5 is focused on work on the upcoming home essay. The main technique that the teacher introduces is the technique of "thick" and "thin" questions, which allows you to remember the content of the work, which is necessary for writing an essay. Also, this technique is interesting in that children learn not only to answer questions, but also to ask them themselves, differentiating into "thick" and "thin".



Vasya's path to truth and goodness. Essay writing training.

Lesson objectives as planned learning outcomes:

Type of planned learning activities

Learning activities


Understand and define the concepts of "artistic text", "composition of a work", "story", "thin and thick questions"

Make an essay plan

Independently write an essay on the proposed topics


together with the teacher, they set new learning tasks by asking questions about the unknown;

Control their actions

remember and demonstrate their knowledge, control their actions and make appropriate adjustments


Making assumptions (hypotheses)

Analyze information and formulate independent conclusions

Structure information in the form of answers to questions

Consciously build a statement in writing


Collaborate effectively and promote productive collaboration

Learn to build and ask questions by working in pairs


Show a strong interest in finding a solution to a problem

They work in pairs, listen and hear each other, treat their partner with respect and kindness;

Evaluate their actions and the actions of a partner

Tolerant towards others

Equipment : exhibition of drawings for the story "In bad society».

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment. "Chain of Wishes"

It is proposed to apply in a chain with wishes to yourself and others about the upcoming work. (The symbol "chain" is transmitted).

II. Goal setting.

Introduction by the teacher.

Guys, look at the board, how is it designed? What interesting, maybe incomprehensible things do you see on it? Guess, based on the design of the board, what we will do today in the lesson.

What do we learn, what do we learn?

And before you start writing an essay, you need to prepare for it, what do you need to know well in order to write an essay well? (text of the work)

III. Actualization (reception "thick and thin questions")

Good. Today we will get acquainted with the questions, find out which questions are called “thin” and which are “thick”.

I stage. Children learn to formulate "thin" questions, then "thick".

II stage. At this stage, students write down the wording.

III stage. In the process of working with the text, the children enter questions into the table, and then ask them to each other. The teacher is required to make semantic pauses if the material is presented orally

The task of the teacher is to show the difference between "thin" (unambiguous) questions and "thick" questions that have several aspects of consideration.To do this, when introducing technology into work, the teacher first formulates questions himself, then with the help of students.

- "A smart question is already a good half of the job," wrote F. Bacon. The table of "thick" and "thin" questions will help you compose questions correctly, tell you how, with what words you can start them ...

"Subtle" questions

"Thick" questions

Questions requiring a one-word answer, questions of a reproductive plan.



What's your name...?

Was it...?

Questions that require reflection, attracting additional knowledge, the ability to analyze.

Give three explanations why...?

Explain why...?

Why do you think...?

Why do you think...?

What is the difference...?

Guess what would happen if...?

What if...?


Will be...?


Do you agree...?

Is it true...?

Let me ask questions, and you determine what type they can be classified as “thick” or “thin”.

Who wrote the story "In Bad Society"? (thin)

The first chapter of the story is called "Ruins"? (thin)

Explain why Vasya begins to wander? (thick)

Vasya's mother died when the boy was 6 years old? (thin)

Do you agree that Valek and Marusya have become for Vasya best friends? Why? (thick)

The student can continue to work with "subtle" questions at a creative level, compiling crossword puzzles or game scenarios.

“Thick” questions invented by students can later become the topic of an essay or independent work.

Now try to compose thin and thick questions yourself and write them down in a table. We work in pairs.

We discuss the contents of the table (only one answer is possible for thin questions, and several answers are possible for thick questions)

We make a table of answers to questions. You will use it when writing an essay.

IV. Preparation for writing

So, the theme of the essay sounds like"Vasya's path to truth and goodness" or"Vasina's road to truth and goodness"

How do you understand the words "to goodness and truth"?

To truth and goodness “The changes that happened to Vasya turned him towards people, turned him from a tramp into a kind and compassionate person.”

“When thinking about a topic, we discuss every word.
Vasina - it means that we will be interested in the fate of this particular hero. What is interesting about this character? It is he who is shown in movement - internal movement.
Road - it is necessary to trace the stages of this movement, its direction.
To truth and goodness - the changes that happened to Vasya turned him towards people, turned him from a tramp into a kind and compassionate person.
This quote well shows the importance of working with the formulation of the topic of the essay, but even for the sake of a clearer designation of the topic, one cannot say that Vasya turned from a vagabond into good man, thereby asserting that, being a vagabond, he was neither kind nor compassionate. It would be correct if we say that during his friendship with disadvantaged children, Vasya was able to realize that vague “something” he was striving for and show the best human qualities. Already at the very beginning of the story, we see in Vasya a desire to understand his father, love for his younger sister, compassion for people who are driven out of the castle, attention and love for nature (“I liked meeting the awakening of nature”), courage (the first climbed into the chapel), nobility (did not fight with Valek when he saw Marusya), loyalty to his word.
The authors of the cited manual highlight the idea of ​​the essay in this way: "... friendship with disadvantaged children helped Vasya's best inclinations, kindness, returned good relations with his father." To say “returned good relations with his father” means to assert that these relations used to be, then, through Vasya’s fault, they changed and only friendship with the children of the dungeon returned him good relations with his father. We read the text of the story: “He loved her too much when she was alive, not noticing me because of his happiness. Now I was shielded from him by heavy grief. It would be correct to say that the story of Tyburtsy changed the father's attitude towards his own son.
essay idea so: Vasya's friendship with Valek and Marusya helped Vasya's best qualities to manifest, played a major role in choosing a life position.

Essay plan

  1. Introduction (a little about the author)
  2. Main part

What do we learn about Vasya at the beginning of the story? Who is he, what does he look like, where does he live?
- What actions does he perform, what qualities does he show:
1) at the time of meeting Valek and Marusya;
2) during friendship with children;
3) during a critical conversation with the father?
- What role did Vasya's friendship with disadvantaged children play in the fate of the boy?

  1. Conclusion (my attitude to the work).

Let's make a list of human qualities that Vasya shows:love for relatives, desire to understand people, attention and love for nature, courage, nobility, loyalty to one’s word, honesty, compassion, kindness, mercy.
Lesson Summary:

"Three Ms".

Students are asked to name three things they did well during the lesson and suggest one action that will improve their performance in the next lesson.

write an essay on the plan of the house.

Vasya's path to truth and goodness.

Purpose: work on the development of students' speech; improvement of communication skills; fostering a tolerant attitude towards others.

Equipment: exhibition of drawings for the story "In Bad Society".

During the classes.

1.Organization of the workplace.

Checking the d / z "Exhibition of drawings".

2. Preparation for writing an essay.

Theme "Vasya's path to goodness and truth"


How do you understand the words "to goodness and truth"?

To truth and goodness “The changes that happened to Vasya turned him towards people, turned him from a tramp into a kind and compassionate person.”

This quote well shows the importance of working with the formulation of the topic of the essay, but even for the sake of a clearer designation of the topic, one cannot say that Vasya turned from a vagabond into a kind person, thereby arguing that, being a vagabond, he was neither kind nor compassionate. It would be correct if we say that during his friendship with disadvantaged children, Vasya was able to realize that vague “something” he was striving for and show the best human qualities. Already at the very beginning of the story, we see in Vasya a desire to understand his father, love for his younger sister, compassion for people who are driven out of the castle, attention and love for nature (“I liked meeting the awakening of nature”), courage (the first climbed into the chapel), nobility (did not fight with Valek when he saw Marusya), loyalty to his word.

The authors of the cited manual single out the idea of ​​the essay in this way: “... friendship with disadvantaged children helped Vasya's best inclinations, kindness, returned good relations with his father.” To say “returned good relations with his father” means to assert that these relations used to be, then, through Vasya’s fault, they changed, and only friendship with the children of the dungeon returned him good relations with his father. We read the text of the story: “He loved her too much when she was alive, not noticing me because of his happiness. Now I was shielded from him by heavy grief.” It would be correct to say that the story of Tyburtsy changed the father's attitude towards his own son.

3. The idea of ​​the composition.

Denote essay idea so: Vasya's friendship with Valek and Marusya helped Vasya's best qualities to manifest, played a major role in choosing a life position.

Essay plan

Depending on the level of the class, the students will independently or collectively draw up and discuss an essay plan. The teacher may suggest questions to guide the development of the plan:

- What do we learn about Vasya at the beginning of the story? Who is he, what does he look like, where does he live?

- What actions does he perform, what qualities does he show at the moment of meeting Valek and Marusya; during friendship with children; during a critical conversation with his father?

- What role did Vasya's friendship with disadvantaged children play in his life?

Let's make a list of human qualities that Vasya shows: love for relatives, desire to understand people, attention and love for nature, courage, nobility, loyalty to one’s word, honesty, compassion, kindness, mercy.


1. Vasya is the hero of the story in "In Bad Society."

2. Vasya's path to goodness and truth.

3. Friendship with disadvantaged children in Vasya's life.

Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

D / Z write an essay.

According to the story by V.G. Korolenko "In Bad Society"

In the life of every person there are many different events. They bring us both positive and negative emotions. But is it possible to draw a true moral lesson from what you meet on your life path? Let's try to find the answer to this question on the pages of Korolenko's book In Bad Society.

Boy Vasya, main character story, during my life in the city of Knyazhye-Veno I saw
a lot of scary stuff. After all, he faced the life of the so-called "Bad Society", which was not at all easy.

Bad company was called in his city people who did not have their own house and lived in a dungeon near the chapel. All of them barely survived on stolen food and, on the whole, eked out a rather miserable existence.

The protagonist meets Marusya and Valek, the children of the head of the Bad Society, who live with people from the underground. In them, the boy finds new friends that he needed so much. Communicating with the children of Tyburtsy, Vasya understands that the life of these people is difficult and often bleak. But they are not bad at all and even in many ways more decent than other townspeople. The fact that Valek steals food to feed himself and his sister makes a particularly strong impression on the boy.

Seeing how difficult it is for new friends, Vasya helps them in every way he can: he brings apples, often plays with them on the mountain, morally supports the guys. He firmly believes that good people did not deserve the trials that fate sends them. At the same time, the hero sees that in this world of the destitute there is a place for love and care. He realizes that the father of these children is interested in their life and well-being, loves them and tries to give them at least a little joy. When the boy sees this, he becomes sad from the realization that his own dad does not give him half the attention.

In autumn, Vasya, seeing that Marusya is seriously ill and is fading, one might say, right before her eyes, tries to help her. And in order to cheer up the girl a little, he asks his sister beautiful doll and brings Marusa. When a girl plays with a doll, she gets better.

When Vasya is not allowed out of the house because he communicated with members of the Bad Society, he does not stop worrying about his friends and hopes that everything will be fine with them. And one day he still runs away from home to see them.

But neither the doll nor the care of Tyburtsy helped Marusa to avoid her bitter fate. The tragic events of those years left an indelible mark on the soul of the protagonist.

The boy's father was amazed when he found out why his son needed a doll and what terrible things happened to his son's friends. He realized how much he was wrong, paying little attention to Vasya, and began to communicate with him more.

It's safe to say that life experience, which the hero received during the events described in Korolenko's story, became one of the steps on the path to truth and goodness. Everything that happened at that time taught Vasya to be more courageous, kinder and nobler. Made him a real man and let him build a good relationship with his father. This proves that a difficult life experience helps a person build his own destiny with dignity.

The path to good Vasya was not easy. He has had a big problem in his life. He lost his mother. Only dad and younger sister. But the problem is that dad suffered so much ... Because of this, he began to have difficulties with his son. The daughter was just like her mother. Dad spoiled the girl. Of course, Vasya felt a little offended. He began to leave the house often for a long time. He was scolded for this, and out of spite he began to walk even more. And got involved with a bad company. There were beggars and robbers in their town. Everyone said that Vasya, therefore, would definitely become a bandit too. His father could not talk to him normally, but immediately began to swear, which is why Vasya was indignant, continued to disappear somewhere.

Vasya met the children of one almost bandit (everyone was afraid of this man). But he had a little one that reminded Vasya of his sister. Her nannies almost did not allow him to communicate with her. Again - they thought that he could influence her badly! And he missed her.

Now, that poor girl was quite weak and sick. And she had no toys at all. Vasya decided to do something for the poor thing. And he had to take his sister's doll. Well, steal temporarily. The sick girl was delighted with such a beautiful toy and smiled. She even got a little better. But this did not save her ... At least it brightened up the last minutes.

And Vasya was accused of theft. His father was ready to punish him severely. And then the same "bandit" came to visit them. I returned the doll, thanked Vasya. That is, all the talk was in vain. Vasya was actually a very kind and fair boy. I think that his father at that moment was ashamed of his behavior. Their relationship should improve!

Everything can lead to good things. So I saw on TV how one boy played computer games, everyone scolded him for it. And he grew up and won the cup in these very games. Won a lot of money. And he also developed in himself quick wit and attentiveness. And my mother scolds me for the computer, but I'll become a champion!

The main thing is that Vasya strove to do good. He wanted to help, not be bad. And everyone can also strive to become good. Like me.

Composition reasoning Vasya's path to truth and goodness

The story of VG Korolenko "In Bad Society" shows the life of the lower strata of society at the end of the 19th century. The author managed to convey the atmosphere of that time; he opened for us the world of poverty and hopelessness of homeless people who do not have a roof over their heads, food and drink, but nevertheless, despite all the difficulties and hardships, continue to fight for life.

The protagonist of the story, Vasya, was left without a mother at the age of six, and his relationship with his father was very difficult: the parent was harsh and indifferent towards his son, thinking that the boy did not understand him, did not share his mother's grief. Vasya, looking at his constantly gloomy father, could not “feel his own soul in him,” he was frightened and timid. Therefore, the boy began to often run away from home, walk the streets, they began to call him a “tramp, a worthless boy”, reproach him for “various bad inclinations”, so that both Vasya and his father believed in this.

During one of these walks, Vasya met people who were called "bad society" in Knyazhye-Veno, in this small provincial town, the described events took place. They were thieves, vagabonds, the homeless, begging on the streets. But they opened Vasya's eyes to things that he had not noticed before. All these people, despite their dubious past and present, poverty, not the most correct way of life, were able to change his view of the world They showed real life for what it is. The boy learned how people live below the poverty line, for the first time he thought about "adult" problems. He saw "features of heavy tragedy, deep grief and need", realized how cruel and complex the world is, learned patience, felt needed.

New friends Valek and Marusya awakened kindness and compassion in Vasya's soul. With them he experienced both joys and sorrows, learned mutual help and support. Comparing his sister Sonya with Marusya, the boy began to understand how happily and carelessly his sister lives and how hopeless the life of his little girlfriend is. Vasya felt what an abyss lay between the circle to which he himself belongs and “bad society”, and most importantly, the injustice of what is happening in the world.

In the new circumstances, Vasya discovered the truth, he looked at his father from the other side and understood him. The boy learned that, as Tyburtius said, his father is “the best of all judges, starting from King Solomon,” because he is incorruptible, fair and honest with everyone. The story with the doll helped the father and son sort out their feelings. The father realized his guilt before his son, and Vasya understood and forgave him.

Perhaps the influence of "bad company" could be detrimental to the boy, but communication with these people helped shape and temper Vasya's character, change his outlook on life. No wonder Tyburtsy said to the main character: “... it’s good that your path ran through ours. It’s good for you, because to have a piece of a human heart in your chest, instead of a cold stone, - you understand? ..». And together with the hero, we understand that this road is the path to goodness and truth.

Some interesting essays

  • Composition Cruelty. What is Cruelty Grade 11 USE

    The world we live in is very cruel. Everything around us testifies to this. It's worth just looking at people. Why are people so angry? Why so cruel?

  • My friend Vasya on behalf of Valek (composition by Korolenko Children of the Underground)

    My name is Valik. I've been living in the city dungeon ever since early childhood because of poverty. My parents are dead, but I have a younger sister whom many affectionately call Marusya. Our life is very hard, but we, to be honest, are used to it.

  • What the heroes of the comedy dream of The Inspector Composition Grade 8

    Dreams, dreams, what is your joy? And everyone has their own. Gogol, with his inherent accuracy and accuracy, describes dreams different people written comedy.

  • Analysis of the novel The Resurrection of Leo Tolstoy essay

    The work is one of the late artistic creations of the writer, in which the author reveals the political and social problems modern society at that time, showing examples of the impoverished peasantry

  • The history of the creation of the poem Dead Souls of Gogol

    Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol created extraordinary works that caused a lot of controversy, disputes, and reasons for reflection. A particularly clear reflection of the Russian reality of the 19th century is shown in the novel "Dead Souls"

Recently we got acquainted with the story of V.G. Korolenko "In Bad Society". This work is about sincere childhood friendship, about how she was able to change the fate of the main character, the boy Vasya. It is from acquaintance with the "bad society" that the path to truth and goodness begins for him.

Vasya is the son of a city judge. He has his own house and a large garden. However, the child's childhood cannot be called happy.

His mother is dead. Father, due to his grief, did not spend enough time with him, he only occasionally played with Vasya's sister Sonya, because she looked like her late wife. Therefore, Vasya was brought up "... like a wild tree in the field", spent a lot of time on the street, was left to himself, no one was particularly worried about him.

During an excursion to the old chapel, Vasya meets Valek and Marusya, who were beggars. But in their family, Vasya found what he lacked so much in home- love. He was struck by how Valek cared about his sister, how carefully he treated her. The children of the underground did not have the most necessary, but their father, Tyburtsy, loved them very much. Vasya, on the other hand, spoke of his father with resentment. But suddenly I learned from Valek what a fair and honest person he is.

Vasya felt sorry for Marusya, whom he considered a tiny creature, "... a flower that grew without the rays of the sun."

He "... became very sad and tears came to his eyes."

Later, after the death of Marusya, whom Vasya took care of together with Valek, Tyburtsy told the boy's father about their friendship. This conversation struck the judge, and he looked at his son with completely different eyes, realized that Vasya was very kind, sensitive and really capable of sympathy.

The friendship of the three children was of great importance. It was she who helped the protagonist regain his father and learn to better understand people, being merciful.

Updated: 2017-12-01

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