Reminders for parents on the rules of the road. Memo for parents on traffic rules consultation on the topic Memos for parents on traffic rules

Memo for parents on traffic rules No. 1

1. While outside with a preschooler, hold his hand tightly.

2. Teach your child to be observant. If there are vehicles at the entrance or trees, bushes grow, stop, teach the child to look around and determine if there is a danger of approaching transport.

3. If there is traffic at the entrance of the house, pay attention to it.

4. Look with him to see if a vehicle is approaching.

5. When driving on the sidewalk, stay away from the road. An adult must be on the side of the roadway.

6. Teach your child, walking along the sidewalk, to carefully observe the exit of cars from the arches of the yards and the turns of vehicles at intersections.

7. When crossing the carriageway, stop and look around. Show your child the following actions for inspecting the road: turning the head to the left, to the right, to the left again. When you reach the dividing line, turn your head to the right with him. If there is no traffic, continue the crossing without stopping, and if there is, stop on the line and let the traffic pass, holding the child's hand.

8. Teach your child to peer into the distance, to skip approaching vehicles.

Follow the rules traffic!
Take care of your children!

Memo for parents on traffic rules No. 2


"Teaching children to be observant on the street"

When outside with a child, hold his hand firmly.

Teach your child to be observant. If there are vehicles at the entrance or trees, bushes grow, stop, teach the child to look around and determine if there is a danger of approaching transport. If there is traffic at the entrance of the house, pay attention to it. Look with him to see if the transport is approaching.

When driving on the sidewalk, keep the side away from the road. An adult must be on the side of the roadway.

Teach your child, walking along the sidewalk, to carefully observe the exit of cars from the arches of the yards and the turns of vehicles at intersections.

When crossing the road, stop and look around. Show your child the following actions for inspecting the road: turning the head to the left, to the right, to the left again. When you reach the dividing line, turn your head to the right with him. If there is no traffic, continue the crossing without stopping, and if there is, stop on the line and let the traffic pass, holding the child's hand.

Teach your child to look into the distance, skip the approaching transport.

Watching approaching vehicles, draw the child's attention to the fact that behind large vehicles (bus, trolley bus) there may be a danger - a car or a motorcycle moving at high speed. Therefore, it is better to wait for a large car to pass and make sure there is no hidden danger.

Do not go out with your child on the roadway because of any obstacles: standing cars, bushes that block the view of the roadway.

Cross the roadway not obliquely, but straight, strictly perpendicular. The child must understand that this is done to better monitor traffic.

Cross the carriageway only at the green traffic light. Explain to the child that it is impossible to cross the road on a green flashing signal. It burns for only three seconds, you can get into an accident.

Remember that a child learns to move down the street primarily by your example, gaining his own experience!

Reminder for parents-drivers

"Rules for transporting children in a car"

Always fasten your seat belts and explain to your child why you need to do this. If this rule is automatically followed by you, then it will contribute to the formation of the child's habit of wearing a seat belt. The seat belt for the child must have an adapter for his height (so that the belt is not at neck level).

Children under 12 years of age must sit in a special child restraint (seat) or occupy the safest places in the car: the middle and right side of the rear seat.

Teach the child right exit from the car through the right door, which is located on the side of the sidewalk.

Reminder for parents

"Causes of children's road traffic injuries"

Crossing the road in the wrong place, in front of nearby traffic.

Games on the roadway and near it.

Riding a bicycle, rollerblading, other scooters on the carriageway.

Disregard for traffic lights. Crossing the carriageway on red or yellow traffic lights.

Exit to the roadway due to standing cars, structures, green spaces and other obstacles.

Incorrect choice of the road crossing point when disembarking from the route transport. Bypass transport in front or behind.

Ignorance of the rules for crossing the intersection.

Walking on the road with a sidewalk.

Escape from danger in a stream of moving traffic.

Driving on a country road in the direction of traffic.

Obey the rules of the road! Take care of your children!

Reminder for parents

"Rules of conduct at the bus stop"

Do not speed up your pace and do not run with your child to the stop of the necessary route transport. Teach your child that it is dangerous, it is better to wait for the next bus (trolleybus), etc.

At bus stops, hold your child tightly by the hand. It is not uncommon for a child to break free and run out onto the roadway.

Cross the carriageway only at pedestrian crossings. Do not bypass the route transport in front or behind. If there is no pedestrian crossing nearby, wait for the vehicle to move further away and cross the road in a place where it is clearly visible in both directions.

When disembarking from a bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi, get off first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

Dear dads and moms!

teach children safe behavior on the road by example! The traffic situation is tense and dangerous. It must be remembered that your behavior on the road, conversations, just mentions of safe behavior on the road should not be occasional, but constant.

It is important to teach them to observe, navigate the situation on the road, assess and anticipate danger. The formation of the skill of observation and orientation in traffic situations depends on adults. When on the road with your children, there are a few things you can do to help you and your child develop safe behavior habits.

1. Never rush on the roadway, cross the road only with a measured step.

2. Do not talk when crossing the road, no matter how interesting the topic of the conversation is, then the child will understand that it is impossible to be distracted during the transition maneuver.

3.Never cross the road obliquely, let alone crossroads. Show that the correct and, accordingly, safe crossing is only strictly across the road.

4. Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light, no matter how fast you are. This is not only a one-time danger. He will do the same without you.

5. Get used to it yourself and teach your children to cross the road not where you need to, but where there are crossings.

6. When exiting the bus, tram, taxi, remember that you must do it first in order to control the further movement of your children.

7. Constantly discuss with your child emerging situations on the roads, pointing out the obvious or hidden danger.

8. Pay special attention to the motor memory of children: stop before crossing, turn your head to the left, right to assess the situation on the road; everything should be recorded by the child so that he, if necessary, can copy your behavior. Form a sure solid habit - take the first step onto the roadway, turn your head and look at the road in both directions.

9. Never enter the road from the cover of a car or a bush, thereby showing a bad habit of unexpectedly appearing on the roadway.

10. Learn to look into the distance and estimate the speed of approaching modes of transport in order to be able to calculate the time for which a car or motorcycle can reach you.

11. Pay attention to the deceptiveness of deserted roads, they are no less dangerous than busy ones. Not expecting to meet danger on it, a person exposes his life to even greater danger.

12. Particular attention should be paid to children with vision problems. Peripheral vision, which plays a huge role when crossing the street, is less developed in children with impaired vision. Teach them to turn their head more often to assess the situation on the road.

Remember that the life and safety of children on the roads depends primarily on us adults.


The child learns the laws of the street, taking an example from YOU- parents! Keep your child safe on the road adult debt.
Practical training of children in observing the traffic situation should be carried out by parents from the first joint walks on the street. Repeated observation of situations and movement training will help to instill in children the necessary skills for safe behavior on the street. It is very convenient for these purposes to use the path to kindergarten, school and back.


  • Know where their children spend their free time;
  • Constantly monitor the behavior of children while playing in the yard, residential area, movement on the sidewalk;
  • Hold children firmly by the hand when crossing roads with heavy traffic and explain to them the rules of safe behavior in the road network;
  • Ensure the presence of reflective elements on children's clothing and accessories;
  • Remember to take personal responsibility for the behavior of your children.

Collaboration educational institution and families are successful in conditions of active participation of parents in preventive measures for safe life.

Memo to parents on teaching children safe behavior on the road

Causes of child road traffic injuries.

Failure to observe.


Lack of adult supervision of children's behavior

When leaving home

If traffic is possible at the entrance of the house, immediately pay attention to the child if there is any approaching transport. If there are vehicles or trees growing at the entrance, stop your movement and look around for danger.

When driving on the sidewalk

  • Stick to the right side.
  • An adult must be on the side of the roadway.
  • If the sidewalk is next to the road, parents should hold the child's hand.
  • Teach your child, walking along the sidewalk, to carefully observe the departure of cars from the yard.
  • Do not teach children to go out onto the roadway, carry strollers and sleds only along the sidewalk.

Getting ready to cross the road

  • Stop, look around the road.
  • Develop your child's observation of the road.
  • Emphasize your movements: turn your head to look at the road. Stop for inspection of the road, stop for passing cars.
  • Teach your child to peer into the distance, to distinguish between approaching cars.
  • Don't stand with your child on the edge of the sidewalk.
  • Draw the attention of the child to the vehicle preparing to turn, talk about the signals of the direction indicators for cars.
  • Show how the vehicle stops at the crossing, how it moves by inertia.

When crossing the road

  • Cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing or at an intersection.
  • Go only to the green traffic light, even if there are no cars.
  • Stop talking when you get out on the road.
  • Do not rush, do not run, cross the road measuredly.
  • Do not cross the street at an angle, explain to the child that the way to see the road is worse.
  • Do not go out onto the roadway with a child because of traffic or bushes without first inspecting the street.
  • Do not rush to cross the road, if on the other side you see friends, the right bus, teach your child that it is dangerous.
  • When crossing an unregulated intersection, teach your child to carefully monitor the start of traffic.
  • Explain to the child that even on the road where there are few cars, one must cross carefully, as the car can leave the yard, from the alley.

When boarding and disembarking from a vehicle

  • Get out first, ahead of the child, otherwise the child may fall, run out onto the roadway.
  • Approach for landing to a door only after a full stop.
  • Do not get into the transport at the last moment (it can slam the doors).
  • Teach your child to be careful in the stop zone - this is a dangerous place (poor visibility of the road, passengers can push the child onto the road).

While waiting for transport

  • Stand only on landing pads, on the sidewalk, or on the side of the road.
  • Street Switching Skill: When approaching a road, stop, look around the street in both directions.
  • The skill of calm, confident behavior on the street: when leaving home, do not be late, leave early so that you have a margin of time when walking calmly.
  • The skill of switching to self-control: the ability to monitor one's behavior is formed daily under the guidance of parents.
  • Danger anticipation skill: the child must see with his own eyes that danger is often hidden behind various objects on the street .

It is important that parents be an example for children in observing the rules of the road.

  • Do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace.
  • When you go out onto the roadway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.
  • Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light.
  • Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign "Pedestrian crossing".
  • Get out of the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.
  • Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road: show him the cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.
  • Do not go out with a child from behind a car, bushes, without first examining the road - this typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it.
  • Do not allow children to play near roads and on the roadway.

Accident in public transport.

Your actions:

  1. 1. Keep calm.
  2. 2. If you feel a push or a blow, try to immediately group yourself by covering your head with your hands. Grab onto something to avoid falling and bruising as much as possible and to avoid being thrown around the cabin.
  3. 3. Open the emergency exit, which is usually located in the window. To do this, pull the cord from the rubber window seal and squeeze out the glass or break it with a hammer located in the cabin.
  4. 4. If a fire starts in the cabin, try to extinguish it with a fire extinguisher.
  5. 5. In the event of a short circuit, it is only necessary to leave the tram or trolleybus when the driver stops it and disconnects the electrical circuits.

Remember: it is unacceptable to lean against the doors, as they can spontaneously open; hold on to the handrail above your head, otherwise, holding on to the low one, you will not be able to hold on to hard braking and fall.

Dear Parents!

Aren't your children stomping on the carriageway at a red traffic light? How would you rate yourself for the safety of your children on the road? The task of every parent is to learn the alphabet of pedestrian movement on the road with their child.

The road does not tolerate pranks - punishes without pity!


Safe steps towards road safety

I. What should parents know about their child?

At 3-4 years old, a child can distinguish a moving car from a standing one, but he is sure that the car stops instantly.

At 6 years old - with peripheral vision, he sees about 2/3 of what adults see; cannot determine what is moving faster: a bicycle or a sports car; does not know how to properly distribute attention and separate the essential from the insignificant.

At the age of 7, he more confidently distinguishes the right side of the road from the left.

At 8 years old - can instantly respond to a call, etc.; has experience of walking on the road; actively masters the basic skills of cycling (the ability to go around obstacles, make sharp turns); is able to determine the source of noise; establish a relationship between the size of the object, its remoteness and time (the closer the car, the larger it is); may refuse the initiated action (stepping onto the roadway, returning to the sidewalk again).

II. What should and should not parents do themselves while driving?

Do not rush, always cross the road with a measured step.

When you go out onto the road, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

Do not cross the road on a red or yellow traffic light, you only need to cross on a green light.

Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign "Pedestrian crossing".

Get off the bus, taxi (trolleybus, tram) first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

Do not allow children to play near roads and on the road.

Involve your child in your observations of the traffic situation: show him the cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.

Do not go out with a child from behind a car, bushes, without first examining the road - this is a typical mistake, and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

In the car, be sure to fasten your seat belts; put the child in the safest place: in a special Baby chair, in the middle or on the right side of the rear seat; stop more often on long trips: the child needs to move.

Do not be aggressive towards other road users. Instead, explain to the child specifically what their mistake is. Use different situations to learn the rules of the road, calmly admit your own mistakes.

I wish you success! After all, excellent knowledge and compliance with the rules of the road is a guarantee of the safety of the young conqueror of life's roads.


Road safety largely depends on you!

Together we will teach the child to live safely in this world!

    When leaving home:

Immediately draw the attention of the child to the movement of vehicles at the entrance and together see if a car, motorcycle, moped, bicycle is approaching you;

If there are vehicles at the entrance or trees grow that block the view, stop your movement and look around to see if there is danger behind the obstacle.

2. When driving on the sidewalk:

Keep to the right side of the sidewalk; do not lead the child along the edge of the sidewalk: an adult should be on the side of the roadway; hold the baby firmly by the hand;

Teach your child, walking along the sidewalk, to carefully observe the exit from the yard, etc.;

Explain to the child that throwing stones, glass, etc. on the roadway, damaging road signs can lead to an accident;

Do not teach your child to go out on the roadway; carry strollers and sleds with children only on the sidewalk;

When moving a group of children, teach them to walk in pairs, following all your instructions or other adults accompanying the children.

3. Getting ready to cross the road:

Stop or slow down, inspect the roadway;

Involve your child in observing the situation on the road;

Emphasize your movements: turn your head to look at the street, stop to look at the road, stop to let cars pass;

Teach your child to recognize approaching vehicles;

Do not stand with the child on the edge of the sidewalk, as when driving, the vehicle can hook, knock down, run over the wheels behind them;

Draw the child's attention to the vehicle preparing to turn, talk about the direction indicators of the car and the gestures of the motorcyclist and cyclist;

Repeatedly show the child how the vehicle stops at the crossing, how it moves by inertia.

4. When crossing the carriageway:

Cross the road only at pedestrian crossings or at intersections along a marked line - a zebra, otherwise the child will get used to crossing where necessary; do not rush and do not run; always cross the road with a measured step;

Do not cross the road obliquely; emphasize, show and tell the child every time that you are going strictly across the street, that this is done for better observation of auto and motor vehicles; do not rush to cross the road if you see friends, relatives, acquaintances, the right bus or trolleybus on the other side. Do not rush and do not run to them, inspire the child that it is dangerous;

Don't start crossing a street where traffic rarely passes without looking around;

Explain to the child that cars can suddenly drive from the alley, from the courtyard of the house;

When crossing the roadway at an unregulated crossing in a group of people, teach your child to carefully monitor the beginning of traffic, otherwise he may get used to imitating the behavior of satellites who are not watching the movement of traffic when crossing.


Parents need to know that...

Most often, injuries occur through the fault of adults. Very often, parents themselves violate the rules of the road.

Statistics report that every 16th child injured on the street escaped from the hands of adults accompanying him. When crossing the road with a child, hold it firmly.

Teaching children the rules of the road should not be limited to calls to obey them. Due to the concreteness and figurativeness children's thinking learning should be visual and take place in a natural setting. Any suitable moment should be used to intelligibly and unobtrusively teach the child the rules of behavior on the street, in transport, etc.

A preschool child should not walk without parents if vehicles pass through the yard.

Parents are required to bring their children to kindergarten and hand them over to caregivers.

On the street, adults should not remain indifferent to the behavior of children who went out for a walk unaccompanied by adults, elders.

AT public transport

When boarding and disembarking from public transport (bus, trolleybus, tram and taxi):

Get out in front of the child, as the baby may fall, and an older child may run out from behind a standing vehicle onto the roadway;

Approach the door of the vehicle only after it has come to a complete stop: a child, like an adult, can stumble and fall under the wheels; do not get into public transport (trolleybus, bus) at the last moment when it departs (you may be pressed by the doors); the front door is of particular danger, as it is possible to get under the wheels of the vehicle;

Teach your child to be careful in the stop zone - a particularly dangerous place for him: a standing bus reduces the view of the road in this zone, pedestrians are often in a hurry here and can accidentally push the child onto the roadway, etc.

While waiting for public transport:

Stay with your children only on landing sites, and if there are none, on the sidewalk or shoulder.

When driving a car:

Teach children to sit in the car only in the back seat; do not allow to sit next to the driver if front seat not equipped with a special child seat; explain to them that during a sudden stop or collision, the force of inertia “throws” the person sitting forward and he hits the glass of the front panel; this is enough for the passenger to die or be badly injured;

Do not allow a young child to stand in the rear seat while driving: in a collision or sudden stop, it may fly over the seatback and hit the front glass or panel; do not allow children to be in the car without supervision.

When traveling by public transport:

Teach your child to hold on tightly to the handrails so that when braking, he will not be injured from the impact;

Explain to the child that you can enter and leave any type of transport only when it has completely stopped.

Parent-driver, remember!!!

Toddlers preschool and younger school age do not perceive the dangers of transport. They do not yet know what pain and death are. Toys and balls are much more important for them than life and health. Hence the rule: if a ball rolls out onto the road, a child is sure to appear. Know this and slow down.

If a child looks at a car, it does not mean that he sees it. Carried away by his thoughts, he often does not notice the approaching car. An adult hit by a car gets a "bumper fracture" - a fracture of the lower leg. Children are hit in the stomach, chest and head. As a result, the child dies or receives severe skull injuries, ruptures of internal organs and fractures.

The higher the speed of the car, the stronger the impact and serious consequences!

Tatyana Myasichenko
Memo on traffic rules for parents

Memo for parents on traffic rules

Nobody can replace parents on the issue of the formation of disciplined behavior on the street in the child, compliance with safety rules. In junior preschool age child should assimilate:

You can’t go out on the road without adults, when you walk hand in hand with adults, then don’t break out, don’t go off the sidewalk alone;

Walking along the street should be a calm step, adhering to the right side of the sidewalk;

You can only cross the road at the crossing (ground and underground);

Before you cross the street, look at traffic light: “If the green light is on, it means that the path is open to you”;

The road is for cars only and the sidewalk is for pedestrians;

The movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the street is regulated by traffic lights or by a policeman - a traffic controller;

In public transport, do not lean out of the window, do not expose your hands or any objects.

The child will learn all these concepts more firmly if he is introduced to the rules of the road systematically, unobtrusively. Use appropriate situations for this on the street, in the yard, on the road. Being with the baby on the street, it is useful to explain to him everything that happens on the road with transport, pedestrians. For example, why in this moment you can’t cross the street, what are the rules for pedestrians and cars in this case, point out violators, noting that, breaking the rules, they run the risk of being hit by vehicles.

To develop a child's visual memory, to consolidate visual impressions, offer the baby, returning with him from kindergarten, to find his own way home or, conversely, "lead" you in the morning to kindergarten.

Do not intimidate the child with the street - a panic fear of transport is no less harmful than carelessness and inattention!

REMEMBER! The child learns the laws of the street, taking an example from you, parents, other adults. Let your example teach disciplined behavior on the street not only to your child, but also to other children. Cross the street in strict accordance with the rules. Try to do everything possible to protect children from accidents on the roads!

MBDOU « Kindergarten No. 1" IGOSK

caregiver: Ponomar T. A.

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